South Devon Catchment Evidence Review

Page 15


Given that the contamination in a catchment can be caused by a wide array or different pollutants in different locations, and that these pollutants can each be derived from a number of different sources, it is vital to explore the contribution that different sources of contamination make to the pollution load in different sections of the catchment. There are a huge number of pollutants that can be derived from so-called point sources (outfalls, discharges, drains, mis-connections, etc..) and it is important to consider the location and contribution of these alongside examination of the different diffuse sources when making an assessment of the water quality problem in a catchment and designing a programme of interventions to correct it. 

The Source Apportionment GIS (SAGIS) tool (CaBA Data Package) indicates the scale and sector sources of phosphate pollution.


Pollution source apportionment The sources of different pollutants occurring in a catchment can be estimated a variety of data, water quality monitoring and modelling techniques. The Source Apportionment GIS (SAGIS) is one of these tools, which estimates the load, concentration and sources of nutrient pollution in waterbodies across an entire catchment area. 

Assessing the provision of the service

Road runoff risk sites identified where main roads cross main rivers.

Point sources of pollution

Water Quality

Septic Tanks identified as properties (AL2, VectorMap or MasterMap) with no EA Discharge Consent and not on the sewer network.

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