The Perpetual You_Wealth through Reflection

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Living intentionally means checking-in with your values, often and honestly.


n January, the natural response to colder temperatures

the word, I am living my Ideal Life. That is to say, I’m living

combines with the soul’s ancient urge to take stock and

intentionally. And I want for you to know that you can do

recharge, making this a time of peace, ripe for Reflecting.

the same.

Soul-searching means sitting with my values—the feelings I desire. Reflecting means asking the intense questions because we need to know the answers to determine our next move. As I reflect on my third year at the helm of The Perpetual You, I’m more curious than ever to assess whether I’m living my ideal life, one of Ease, Wealth, Fun, and Joy. I decided to “test” whether I was living with those feelings by coming up with three concrete ways I’m curating each one in my daily life. I share this process, and its results, for two main reasons. First, I believe all women desire these feelings; indeed, that is why we adopted them as brand values. If you find yourself wanting more ease, wealth, fun, or joy, then I hope my reflections will provide you with concrete ways to curate them. Secondly, I share this reflection with you because I value honesty and transparency above all else. I want to be seen as the type of leader who is experiencing the life she claims others can have. While my life isn’t perfect by any stretch of


CHOOSE EASE I interpret EASE as “acknowledgement and curation of my particular ideal conditions.” Note the lack of permanence in that definition; as we know, what brings us ease on any given day can fluctuate. Still, without a doubt, a constant aspect of choosing ease for myself is a mindful work/life blend. Though the specifics might shift, I need to know that, overall, I have the flexibility to focus on what is most pressing in that moment—work, “life,” or my own self-care. Key to this curation is an absence of judgement or expectations FOR MYSELF. These are not behaviors that bring me Ease! Expectations and self-criticism bring anxiety, overwhelm, and—ultimately—disappointment. Instead, I choose to believe that I know, in each moment, where my focus needs to be. I trust my experience and intuition to guide me. In fact, my word of the year for 2017 was Wisdom for

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