Zaman International School Magazine Issue 88

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H i g h


S c h o o l

Magazine Volume 9 Issue 88 June 2012

Water Rocket Car Race

Contents 3 on 3 Streetball Completed with huge Success 03

af f r s and st e h c a e t o all ir thday t B y p p a H

Shymuhammet Ashyr Sapargeldiyewich Gokhan Ramazan Coklu Muhammed Turkoglu

06-18 06-22 06-23 06-26

Water Rocket Car Race


Water Rocket Car Race Photo Gallery


Water Rocket Car Race of Phyiscs Club


10-A Class had Trip to Malaysia and Singapore 12 Siem Reap Trip of 12-F


Female BBQ Party


The Class Day of 10-A 2012


The Winner of Biology Photo Contest in High... 18 The Winner of Biology Photo Contest in Middle... 19 Graduation Ceremony 2012



The 1 8-E’s Class Day


Physics T-Shirt Design Contest


Physics Mug Design Contest


10-F Trip to Malaysia and Singapore


Seeds and Bees


Reunion Party


Watching Angkor Wat From a Ballon


The Role of Math in My Future Career






High School Magazine Editor at Large: Gurkan Cil Editors: Muhtor Adashev, Gokhan Ramazan Coklu, Jason Matthew Beasley, English Department Layout Designer: Chhay Leang Zaman International School Magazine dedicated to training young journalists. Published in Zaman International School. Copyright 2012 by the Zaman International School. All right reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced in print or electronically without the consent of the Zaman International School. Mailing Address: No 2843, St 3, Sangkat Tonle Basak, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: +855 (23) 21 40 40, Fax: +855 (23) 21 00 36, Mobile: +855 (12) 44 77 44 PO Box: 2508 E-mail: Website:






































01 Children Day 17 Graduation Ceremony 18 Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk’s Birthday 19-22 Second Term Final Exams

02 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Group1 Champion is Team “General” Congratulations to players

1-Sophea sok 2-Kang sour lim 3-Proseuratanak thin

completed with huge success

Group 2 Champion is Team C “Legend” Congratulations to players

1-Sodarath seng 2-Por kruy taing 3-Pros pich mao

03 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

First Place Enis Gokgoz

Lisa Piseth Monika Sovanpor Math Ouch Hun

8-F Class

Second Place

Chan Vicheka Arman Rumnea Rachana Mey Tynybekova Sok Te

8-F Class

Water Rocket Car Race By Viriya Keo 11-F As you all know, on the 26th of May, the Physics department hosted a competition known as the Water Rocket Car Race. It’s a combination of the two highly enjoyable competitions from last year, Mousetrap Car and Water Rocket. $ ERWWOH ÀOOHG ZLWK ZDWHU VWUDSSHG RQ D car, pumped with air; then released will propel the car forward according to a law revealed by Newton in his third law of motion (Action-Reaction). Whether it goes fast or slow, straight or curved, it all depends on slight technical differences that determines the winner. The entire school had been gearing up for the competition for a few days now. Everywhere you looked you could see students holding wheels, spray bottles, and pumps. Everybody was trying their best to make their car go straight and far.

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)LQDOO\ WKH ELJ GD\ DUULYHG 7KH ÀUVW WKLQJ WKDW struck everyone as they arrived at school was the heart-pounding music and the nice shades. It seemed like it was going to be a fun day. We had to wait a while until Mr. Merkin called all of us to line up to take photos of our cars and us. And then it was time to race. He called participants class by class, each group releasing their cars and travelling perpendicular to the starting line. He called participants class by class, each group releasing their cars and travelling perpendicular to the starting line. While waiting for their turns, students gathered under the tent and enjoyed the delicious Turkish Doner.

Third Place Mustafa ChhayKim Iem Vouch Marisa Ozgur Heng Lay Dara

7-G Class

Best Design Pichsovannthyda Gurkan Puthyneath Kimchhun Linda Lim Lim Sov An Cil

11-F Class

By Soung Sothira Toch, 11-E $W DURXQG Ă€UVW VHFWLRQ JURXSV KDG DOO been called and it was time for a break before the second section competition started. 7KH UHVXOWV KDYHQ¡W EHHQ RIĂ€FLDOO\ DQQRXQFHG but I’m sure some of you have some ideas about who the winners are. Even if you didn’t win, I urge you to still join other competitions in the future for this isn’t just about winning; it’s about enjoying the learning process as well. I would like to thanks our school and physics teachers, Mr. Gurkan Cil, Mr. Davut Aslan, Mr. Enis Gokgoz and Mr. Mustafa Ozgur for organizing this unforgettable competition.

:KHQ , Ă€UVW KHDUG WKHUH ZDV JRLQJ WR EH D ZDWHU URFNHW FDU FRPSHWLWLRQ WKH Ă€UVW WKLQJ WKDW FDPH WR P\ PLQG ZDV “Not Againâ€?. I was reluctant to join the event as I thought the process of making a rocket-car was too time-consuming and was just a rehash of past year water rocket and mouse trap competitions. However, my team and I managed to make a car in time for the competition. The comSHWLWLRQ Ă€QDOO\ FDXJKW XS WR XV On that day, it was hot, wet, very tiring but most importantly it was so fun! Seeing so many other students from all grades test their cars and glance to their sides to secretly check if their cars went further than the car next to WKHP DQG Ă€JKWLQJ P\ IULHQGV RYHU ZKR JRW WR SXOO WKH break to release the car, made the competition even quite exciting. I was so impressed by all the various designs and types of cars in the competition. It really showed of the creativity and hard-work of all the students. I might have VDLG ´1RW $JDLQÂľ ZKHQ , Ă€UVW KHDUG WKH :DWHU 5RFNHW &DU Race but now I can’t wait to compete in the next competition AGAIN!

05 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

First Place Mustafa Ercan

Bunrong Serey Both Ung Bunto

Second Place Vitha Vat Vonn

11-B Class

Bunlong Khom

Leary Hok

Bun Sothy Srey

Davut Aslan

Kea Khim Chan Daro Bun Sambath Mey Sok Pich

10-A Class

By Vann Lydeth Chen, 11B It was a challenging day on 26 May, 2012, 20 012 the th water t rocket k t car race. All All boy b side id d students t d t gathered th h d tot JHWKHU DW DP DQG VRPH FDPH DW DURXQG SP 7KH ÀUVW WKLQJ , UHDOL]HG ZKHQ , VWHSSHG RII RI my bike is that it was an extremely hot sunny day. Teachers announced that the contest would be starting DW SP DQG UHPLQGHG XV WR JHW UHDG\ 6RPH FRPSHWLWRUV ZHUH FRQÀGHQW DQG UHDG\ IRU WKH UDFH ZKLOH some weren’t ready yet and continued working with their car as fast as possible.

06 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Third Place


Gurkan Cil

12-A Class

Sokly Ny

Best Design You Heang Seng

Virak Vuth Luck

Halil Basoglu

10-A Class

Raksa Rath

Visal Born

The race started at 1:00 pm as expected and the competition started with the 12th grades. Mr. Gurkan was instructing the competitors, class by class how to set up and start their car. During the race, we could predict the winner of the competition already because we could see a few of the cars went extremely far compared to the others. Finally, the competition ended and all competitors went back home with tired but happy faces after enjoying this fun contest. I would like to extend my thanks to all 654 students, assistant teachers and teachers who joined the Water Rocket Car Race 2012 for making this competition the most participated in activity of any science activity in school history. M. Gurkan CIL.

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Water Rocket Car

7-E C




7-F Cla


10-F C




lass 11-E

7-A C




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7-B Cl


10-B Cla

7-C C





11-B C


Race Photo Gallery

8-F Cla


11-F C

8-B Cla

11-C C



12-E Cl







9-F C


9-A C

12-A C





9-B C

12-B Cl




Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Water Rocket Car

Sunly Lim Chanrithysith 7-B Yeap 7-A

Byy Mony B Mony Vuth Vuth Ly Ly 7-B Thee water water rocket rockett car car competition is about abo out team team work. work Each Eacch member memb of the team must give ideas and work together. In my opinion this is a very good event for increasing cooperation with each other. By Oussa Chea 7-B On the 26 May 2012 we had a water car race. Every car looked nice and some went XGT[ HCT 1WT ECT YCU C IKCPV YCVGT TQEMGV ECT 9G VGUVGF KV YJGP KV YCU ſNNGF YKVJ YCter and gas, but then one of the tanks didnt work and we had to re-adjust some parts. When we decided to show it in the competition one of the tanks still didnt work, so we had to release it by hand. Because of the low water capacity it only went 17m instead of 35m. Even though we didn’t win, I am still proud of my group and hope to make a better water rocket car for the competition next year. By Sunly Lim 7-B The water rocket car competition was very cool. I was very happy and nervous on the day. I liked our water rocket car because it was so big. The most exciting thing is we worked and painted it together. I enjoyed it because I got to drive our car.

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Sokheang Dieng 7-B


of Physics Club

Annavyn Pok Vingou Norak Vanhak Sok Mustafa 7-B Ozgur 7-B Phal 7-B

Somethea Dunnorith 7-B

Mony Vuth Ly Sonty Sun Oussa Chea Livinu Sman Chanbilly Keo 7-B 7-B 7-B 7-C 7-B

By Vanhak Sok 7-B I remember the water rocket car race day because it was fun. me and my friends made a big water rocket car but it didnt travel very far because of a small problem. But we still enjoyed it. I knew before that we wouldn’t win but it didn’t matter. To me it was important that everyone enjoyed it. I had never seen this before so I was very excited and I would like to thank our physics club teacher Mr. Mustafa Ozgur for letting us work on an interesting project. By Vingou Norak Phal 7-B It was an awesome activity. I really enjoyed the water rocket car race. We went to the dormitory together with our teacher to make our car and paint it. Our car was not very fast but it had a sterring mechanism like a real car! It looked good on race day and went a long distance. We really enjoyed this activity. We have lots of great memories of this day together with our teacher.

11 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

$ &ODVV KDG 7ULS WR Mal By Zonghong Sok 10-A 10-A tool a class trip to Malaysia and Singapore. On the morning of 12 May, we met up at Phnom Penh International Airport and went to Kuala Lumpur which is the capital city of Malaysia. We arrived at 11.20am and took a bus to Citin Hotel. After our exhausting journey, we had lunch and went to the KLCC tower. The next day we went to Genting Mountain. We enjoyed many new things and experienced a lot. The day after, we went to Sunway Lagoon. The same day at 11:45pm we took a bus to Singapore. We arrived there at 5:00 am and we took a taxi to the hotel. At 10:00am we went to Sentosa Island. It was big and we were very happy. After that, we went to Marina Bay Sands and went to the cinema. We watched “Avenger�. After the cinema, we went to the bus station to have dinner and came back to Kuala Lumpur. We slept in at the hotel till 11:00am because we were tired and we came back Phnom Penh at 3:00pm. Thank you so much to our homeroom teacher and our assistant teacher for taking care of all of us.

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laysia DQG Singapore

13 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Siem Reap Trip of 12-F by Sonita and Vy 12-F 122-F F Being in the 12th grade is tough. We will soon have to face the real world as adults. At the same time, we feel pressure caused by various factors like always waiting nervously for exams. 12th graders have to go through seven examinations. However, it was time for 12-F to put all those concerns behind us and rejoice with a three-day, two-night trip to Siem Reap following the first term national examination. Around 6:30am everyone arrived and felt ready to welcome the upcoming freedom, laughter and happiness. Of course, this was our first time in six years to be together as one with nearly all the members of the original 12-F attending. It ended up being the most hilarious and wonderful trip of our high school lives! At 7:00, our adventure started. We killed time by watching a movie on the bus, listening to music and taking funny photos and videos. Even inside the bus,

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we we enjoyed enj njoyyed ed every ev y bit bit of of our o time tim aand ti ndd iit seemed that the journey j urrney jo ney went weent w n really eall llyy fast. ll fastt At A 2:30pm, 2:3 : 0p 0pm m we w arrived at our destination -- The ancient and prosperous city of Siem Reap. We first toured the historical museum of Siem Reap. A staff volunteered to guide us through the whole huge, well-designed and sophisticated building. We felt as if we were taking a great journey back in time and learning some surprising facts about our Kingdom of Wonders. After that, we went shopping at the night market where we enjoyed bargaining and feeling free to buy whatever we wanted. The next day, we went to the Greatest Temple of all, Angkor Wat, one of the true wonders of the world and the golden heart to all Cambodians. We enjoyed taking photos of the temple and viewing the reliefs on the walls of the temple. We were very proud of the work done by Khmers in the Angkor Era. The weather was cloudy and a little rainy at first but started to shower when we arrived at Angkor Thom and

Bayon. Only about ten of us viewed the temple while the others stayed in the bus to watch the temples through their foggy windows since it was raining so hard. The ones who explored the temples eagerly searched for the dinosaur carving on the temple’s wall, which they had heard from many recent visitors. But unfortunately they could not find it as some parts of the temple were seriously damaged. So we returned to the hotel and relaxed for a little while and then went to the night market again for our last day of shopping. The journey was by far the best experience 12-F has had

together. We were really pleased with every moment of our trip. A big thanks goes to our chaperones, who accompanied us and looked after us. Last but not least, to my dear classmates, this trip was the best not because we went to an amazing place although that was helpful, but more importantly because of all of you. Just so you know, time is always passing but my memories of you are never fading.

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Female BBQ Party By Ms. Somaline Sok On February 25, 2012 the Zaman, HGOCNG UVCHH EGNGDTCVGF QWT ſTUV $$3 party together. It took place at the girl’s side garden and was organized by Mrs. Kadriye Yildiz. The party included teachers, assistants, secretaries, receptionists, lab assistants, baby sitters, cleaners, and two small cute kids. #TQWPF RO YG UVCTVGF VJG ſTG to grill chicken. We enjoyed taking RJQVQU VQIGVJGT YJKNG ITKNNKPI $Gsides preparing food, we sat on the round table under the tree enjoying the cool wind. Some played basketball. During the meal, we talked to each other about general life which led to jokes. The noises, laughs and smiles showed how happy people were feeling. Afterwards we had to say good bye to each other because it was after 5:00 pm already. We wished the party could have lasted longer, yet this $$3 RCTV[ OGCPV C NQV VQ QWT JGCTVU because sharing, caring and loving are the meaning of happiness.

16 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

The Class Day of 10-A 2012 By Borey long 10-A On 9th of June, 10-A class had a class day show at 2pm which was organized by our homeroom teacher Mr. Halil, assistant teacher and our classmates. We had spent one month to practice for our class day. We hoped that it would be the best show ever. First, we showed greeting to the guests and showed respect with the national anthem. After that we started the first song which was the Turkish VRQJ¡¡ÝDIDN W UN V ¡¡ 7KH QH[W SURJUDP ZDV WKH (QJOLVK VRQJ ´6RPHERG\ WKDW , XVHG WR NQRZ¾ ZKLFK ZDV VXQJ E\ <XOLQ 6HFRQGO\ WKHUH ZDV D YHU\ VSHFLDO VKRZ ZLWK GDQFLQJ E\ 8QLTXH )UHDN ZKLFK LV D WHDP IURP RXU FODVV 7KH QH[W VKRZ ZDV .KPHU VRQJ ´7KDQN \RX DQG VRUU\¾ ZKLFK ZDV VXQJ E\ RQH RI RXU IULHQGV %RUH\ $IWHUZDUGV NKPHU VRQJ RQH RI RXU IULHQGV 6DPEDWK VDQJ DQ (QJOLVK VRQJ ´VR VLFN¾ DQG ´$OO ULVH¾ $W WKH HQG RI RXU FODVV GD\ VKRZ WKHUH ZDV D GUDPD VKRZ ´JRRG IULHQG¾ SHUIRUPHG E\ 6RYLWKRQ 9LWRX 'DUR 5RWKD 9XWK 3DQKDULWK &KDPURQJ DQG %RUH\

17 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

The Winners of Biology Photo Contest in High School By Phouma Muth 12-B I love taking pictures, and have my camera with me very often. I took a course to improve my technique and my style. It is also important to pay attention to the composition of the picture. One day, when I was walking around my house, I saw the leaf of a tree falling down. It fell down perfectly on a nice background and I immediately grabbed my camera. The best one of these pictures, I submitted for the photo contest together with another picture of a beautiful ÀRZHU 1DWXUH KDV VR PXFK EHDXW\ WKDW FDQ EH captured in photography. I was very happy that this picture gave me the ¿UVW SODFH DQG , ZDQW WR DGYLVH HYHU\ERG\ WR keep on practicing to take nice and beautiful pictures.

1st Place

2nd Place

By Kea Khim Sok 10-A The tree of life This picture represents life itself. I think the reason is because the tree continues growing and supports life on earth, sometimes for thousands of years. It continues to grow even LQ KDUVK FRQGLWLRQV (YHQ DIWHU D IRUHVW ÂżUH QHZ OHDYHV ZLOO grow from the old stump and begin a new one. In a way it shows the struggle of life.

3rd Place By David Bunna 11-B I like to take photos. That’s why I participated in this photo contest. The picture of mine demonstrates about a cactus living in the sand. A cactus is capable of living in a really harsh condition and with a very small amount of water. That’s the reason why I decided to submit this picture.

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The Winners of Biology Photo Contest in Middle School 1st Place By Catherosette Meas 8-E Generally, capturing photos is quiet enjoyable but when it comes to Biology photos it is even more interesting! Because we get to explore the environment around us not just people. Even though they might be simple you will see how it is related to Biology in some way. Thanks to the teachers who organized this interesting contest that everyone would love to join, because it helped to improve student’s photo shooting skills and learn some extra things while taking those pictures.

2nd Place By Muycheng Phorn 7-G This pink blossomed lotus picture was taken by me on my New Year trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It looks so peaceful in the water. Its color and its shadow on the water just look so wonderful and gorgeous. I like it very much. I just hope we all live in peace and have a beautiful life like this lovely piece of nature.

3rd Place By Rumnea Sok 8-F I visited the house of my brother’s friend with my brother. I saw something move on to a dead tree branch. It was a lizard. While my brother was talking with his friend, I took his camera and took some pictures of that lizard. They came out nice since my brother had adjusted the settings on the camera already… So a really big thanks to him.

19 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Graduation Cere

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By Rosa NhimKhemara 8-E

This was the day we’d all been waiting for: Class Day! We had been planning this day since when we were 7th graders but at that time we knew we weren’t old enough to take the responsibilities, so we all patiently waited for 8th grade. Months before Class Day, all of us were very excited even though we had a long period of time yet to go through. All of us had to put tremendous effort in making plans and helping out as much as possible. Starting from zero, all of us were assigned what to do and we started to practise eagerly.Some practised drama; others Apsara dancing and organ playing. We had our rough times though. The problem was that we couldn’t really get together. When some of us were free others weren’t available. So we came up with a schedule that everyone had to follow. But that wasn’t the only problem we had. Problems kept coming and time was getting short. But on the positive side we had each other. Teamwork played the greatest part of our success.

E’s Class 8 1 D e

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6R ¿QDOO\ LW ZDV WKH GD\ EHIRUH &ODVV 'D\ 6RPH RI XV VWD\HG XQWLO SP WKH HYHQLQJ EHIRUH MXVW WR prepare the stage and wait for the light operators to check. Then we woke early in the morning and came to school. While some of us rehearsed, others went to pick up food. By then everything was JRLQJ VPRRWKO\ MXVW DV SODQQHG Then the moment had arrived! It was right in front of us! It was our turn to go on stage and the curtains were going to open anytime soon … but then our light systems didn’t function properly. All of us were nervous and we didn’t know what to do. We called out for the technicians but then they FRXOGQ¶W ¿[ LW HLWKHU 6R ZH KDG WR PRYH RQ 7KH FXUWDLQV VWDUWHG WR SXOO RSHQ DQG WKHQ PLUDFXORXVO\ ZH ZHUH EDFN RQ WUDFN 7KH EDFN XS OLJKWV ZRUNHG 7KH 0 & ¶V VWDUWHG WR GR WKHLU MRE DQG WKH $SVDUD

23 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

dancer took the stage. While dancing, of course we had some mistakes but we got over them. The next activity was the slideshow. It was about our memories since 7th grade. English songs were next. We had our three super stars (ChhivHouy, Dalya, Socheata) up stage and they sang together happily. The song was called “Some Dayâ€?. After that Sinem and Roza went were up for organ playing. The song was called “Maiâ€? or in English,“Motherâ€?. 7KH IXQ KDG MXVW VWDUWHG 2XU OXFN\ GUDZ ZDV QH[W :H FKRVH WKUHH OXFN\ PHPEHUV RI WKH audience to come up for a prize. After the lucky draw, we cleared the stage. The curtain shut. It was time for hip-hop dancLQJ 2XU IHOORZ FODVVPDWHV 9DQQHDWK /\VD 6XQKRLQJ URFNHG WKH VWDJH ZLWK WKHLU DZHVRPH dance steps. With easy to hard, slow to fast, break dancing and moonwalking. The Audience was really impressed. All the cheering went on till the end of the dance. 7XUNLVK VLQJLQJ IROORZHG ZLWK D GXHW IURP 5RVHWWH DQG 6HYYDO :KHQ WKH VRQJ ÂżQLVKHG RXU

24 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

'UDPD WHDP ZHQW XS )RU WKH GUDPD VHFWLRQ ZH GLGQÂśW JHW WR SUDFWLFH PXFK VLQFH RXU ÂżUVW VFULSW ZDV FDQFHOOHG DQG ZH MXVW JRW DQRWKHU VFULSW WZR GD\V EHIRUH RXU HYHQW 6R HYHU\RQH ZDV up there, on stage, with their own words. It was actually an unscripted drama. Even though there were many problems, the drama still went well, in fact very well. After the Drama we had some games going so the people back stage could prepare. The game was called “Body /DQJXDJH´ $IWHU VHYHUDO JDPHV &ODVV 'D\ ZDV DOUHDG\ UHDFKLQJ LWV HQG 2XU ODVW SURJUDP was a group song. Every member of the class was up on stage singing their lungs out happily. Despite all the problems, we managed to work everything out. We did our best with teamZRUN &ODVV 'D\ LVQÂśW MXVW DERXW SUHVHQWLQJ RU VKRZLQJ WDOHQWV :H OHDUQHG WKDW PRUH LPSRUWDQWO\ LWÂśV DERXW WKH FODVV ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU RQH ODVW WLPH IRU WKH \HDU DQG MXVW KDYLQJ IXQ

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Physics T-Shirt

4th Place ce ce

2 Pl Plac Place ce ce

3 Pla Place Pl

nd d


5thh Place l

1st Place

By Uddam Pen 11-B “Physics T-shirt design contest was a competitive and fun game. It was all about creativity in designing a T-shirt picture. Having this kind of competition once in a while is rather refreshing for me. I take this competition as an opportunity to express your imagination and ideas, making them come to life. Not only do I make myself a T-shirt design, I get a chance to see other amazing designs. The main purpose of the design is “Physics” which seems quite general but it seems to be getting narrower as I think of it more. My design doesn’t really mean much because it is a doodle. I captured all the images from my mind and put them into one. The one thing I like about having this contest is that I have an opportunity to relearn old physics lessons that I had forgotten. By making competitions like this, students are encouraged to once again to learn subjects they’re working on and make them long lasting memories. Well, I think that is my opinion. Anyway, I hope you feel the same xD.”

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1 st


4 th

Pla ce


ce Pla

ce Pla



Pla ce

Design Contest

27 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

By Sophadeth Rithya 10-B As you know, the Physics Mug Design Contest is a type of contest that looks for a winner with intelligent and creative ideas to design a mug that captivates the judges and the audience. Coincidently, my team won the contest. My teammates and I were overwhelmed after we heard that we had won the contest. “What a relief!” one of my teammate said. Ƥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǫ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ force....etc. We worked together until we came up with ideas and concepts for our mug. The con ơ Ǥ Ƥ ǡ a sketch. Afterward, we made adjustments to our ǯ Ǥ ǡ ǡ

Ƥ Ǥ Ƥ had drawn for our mug was quite ordinary, childish, and ridiculous. However, we felt that the mug with a unique, yet sophisticated, design might win Ǥ ǡ could. Eventually, we scanned the picture and printed it on our mug and then, gave it to our physics teacher, Mr. Davut Aslan. As a matter of fact, we never thought that our mug would win this contest since we were up against other mugs that had great and amazing designs. Despite this, we were Ƥ was chosen as the winner. It was an honor to win this contest and we had fun, designing our mug Ǥ ǡ ǯ Ƥ Ǥ

2nd Place

4th Place

28 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Physics M Con

By Porhour Ly 11-E

ǡ Ƥ Ǥ Ƥ ǡ Ǥ Ǯ ǯ Ǥ passion, each student quickly planed their mug layouts. Whether they drew or used computer design, only the results mattered. As the due date arrived, all candidates presented their mugs with Ƥ Ǥ ǡ with students standing and chatting as they looked through the transparent window. Picking their fa ǡ Ǥ Ǥ

Ǥ together, it was hard not to stop and have a look Ǥ Ǥ and every mug demonstrated their individual ơ Ǥ students’ creativities and skillfulness while others showed their commitment and passion. Despite ơ ǡ derstanding of physics into the mugs. Ǣ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǯ ǯ Ǯ ǯ Ǥ surprise!

1st Place

Mug Design ntest

3rd Place

5th Place

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By Thyda Uy & Siek Huong


Recently,my teacher arranged a trip for my class during our holiday for the King’s birthday. It was such a short trip but it was very great and fantastic. We went to Singapore and Malaysia. 7KH ÂżUVW GD\ ZH Ă€HZ WR 0DOD\VLDÂśV DLUSRUW DQG ZH VSHQW D whole day taking photos, eating, and shopping. At 10PM, we visited our teacher’s friend’s house. We had some biscuits and tea. It was very wonderful. Until 12 o’clock (midnight) we went to the bus station to wait for the bus. We slept in the car for 6 hours then we arrived in Singapore. We checked in and we went straight to our hotel. We stayed in the hotel IRU D IHZ KRXUV WKHQ DW RÂśFORFN ZH ZHQW WR Âł81,9(56$/ 678',26´ ZKLFK is a fantastic place! The best part was when we went on the “Roller coasterâ€?, it was amazing, it was very high and we were all nervous when we started to ride it. We bought a lot of things for our friends and family. We visited a lot of places at Universal and we also met another class from our school. We spent the whole day there. We were exhausted so we went back to our hotel at 5PM. We left again at 10PM for the movie. The movie was called “Avengersâ€?. Some students slept during the movie because they were tired. The next morning, we visited the SINGA325( )/<(5 :H WRRN VRPH SKRWRV ZLWK IRUHLJQHUV $IWHU WKDW ZH went back to our hotel to pack our luggage to check out. At 5PM, we arrived at the bus station. We rode back to Malaysia and arULYHG WKHUH DW 30 2XU KRPHURRP WHDFKHU ERRNHG URRPV for us. We spent a night there. In the morning, at 9AM, we went shopping. At 1PM, we went to the airport. We Ă€HZ EDFN WR &DPERGLD 7KLV ZDV WKH PRVW HQMR\DEOH WULS HYHU 7KDQN <RX +RFDP DQG $EOD IRU arranging this wonderful trip for us.

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31 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Seeds and Bees Plants sustain the continuity of their species through generative reproduction either with seeds or through vegetative reproduction that uses suckers, bulbs, or tubers. We can observe these methods of reproduction in nature, but we tend to overlook how wonderfully these processes are carried out without any failure and, perhaps due to their small size, we underestimate the role that seeds play on the planet. Many important characteristics exist in seeds. Seeds are equipped with all the necessary information about the branches and leaves of the plant which they will become, as well as the number and shape of these leaves. Within the VHHG LV SURJUDPPHG WKH FRORU ÂżQHQHVV RU WKLFNness of the bark, the number and width of the tubes that carry food and water, whether the plant will bear fruit or not, and if it bears fruit,

Brown Flax Seeds

the taste, smell, shape and color of this fruit. Even information about how the plant will react to a negative condition in the environment during normal development is registered in this SURJUDP :KHQ WKH WLPH LV ULJKW ÀRZHUV IRUP LQ NHHSLQJ ZLWK WKH RUGHU 7KH ÀRZHUV WKDW ODWHU

32 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

m the fruit and seedss form for further ither bbrought rought together with their plants are either amy or self-pollenization) own pollen (cleistogamy other plant of the or with other pollen from another fectly orsame type (cross-pollination) in a perfectly h r ganized system. Self-pollenization occurs either EHIRUH WKH ÀRZHU RSHQV RU DIWHU WKH SROOHQ KDV developed. Because the pistil and stamens of some plants are hidden by some other parts of WKH SODQW LW LV GLI¿FXOW IRU WKH SROOHQ WR UHDFK here, so the plant obeys what is ordered and self-pollinates. In cross-pollination, plants use the pollen from another plant of their own species. Pollen transportation occurs with the help of the wind, rain RU LQVHFWV WKDW YLVLW ÀRZHUV 7KH ÀRZHUV RI PDQ\ SODQWV WKDW DUH SROOLQDWHG by the wind and rain are very modest in appearance, but they have been created in a way to produce pollen in abundance. Although most of the pollen that is carried away by the wind and rain are destroyed, this lost pollen organically enriches the soil and at least some of this pollen ZLOO ¿QG D ÀRZHU WR SROOLQDWH 'XULQJ SROOLQDWLRQ WKH SROOHQ RI ÀRZHUV WKDW KDYH OHVV SROOHQ WKDQ WKH VHOI SROOLQDWLQJ ÀRZHUV DUH FDUULHG E\ bees and other insects, whose legs, wings, and DQWHQQDH KDYH EHHQ IRUPHG VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU WKLV task. Nectar and pollen are the reward for these insects which provide pollination. Bees are the most important group among the insects that carry out the task of pollination. When bees are mentioned, most people think of the honeybee, but bumblebees also serve mankind. In addition to the products they offer to us, bees are indispensable for their contributions to plant reproduction.

Bees store the th nectar they have sucked IURP Ă€RZHUV LQ D IURP P WKH WKH Ă€RZ toma “honey st stomachâ€? and then empty this nnectar into a honeycomb as hon honey. The bees legs, allows them in their duty of collecting pol pollen. The back legs of the bee bees are different from that of all other insects. The hair long hairs that are aligned on these stocky legs act alm almost like a basket to collect the pollen.

Poppy Seeds


are pollinated by bees; without bees it would be impossible for these plants to produce

Marijuana Seeds

seed. Bees are absolutely necessary for the formation of seeds in plants that we eat, like apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, melons, watermelons or pumpkins, or indeed in those XVHG LQ LQGXVWU\ OLNH VXQĂ€RZHUV VDIĂ€RZHUV rapeseed, cotton, or sugar beets, or those used for feeding livestock, like clover, sainfoin, red clover, or vetch. This task carried out by bee pollination every year throughout the world is much more important than the production of honey. Moreover, bees make life possible for animals from thousands of species who use these plants as food or shelter. We should not forget the connection Einstein drew between the disappearance of the bees from the ecosystem and Doomsday. 7KH ZDUV DQG ÂżUHV VWDUWHG E\ PDQNLQG DQ\ venture that may cause the bees to disappear could lead to the destruction of mankind; if the bees become extinct, mankind will face many GLVDVWHUV OLNH HURVLRQ GHVHUWLÂżFDWLRQ DQG WKH extinction of plants which are food for us and for the animals we raise.

33 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

Reunion Party By Viranou Penn 12-F (2011) The reunion event was a great experience for me as well as for my former classmates. We had the chance to gather together after a quite long period of time after we graduated. I think it was a great event which was held on Sunday; which is usually the day where most of the university or college students have free time from their schoolwork. Almost all of my friends was able to join the event, however some of them who are currently studying abroad was not able be a part of this amazing experience. Personally, I would say that I was happy to be able to join the event; I had lots of fun with my friends; and it made me feel that the friendship I had with my friends will always be the same.

By Dadaly Duong 12-F(2011) It was an incredible Sunday I have had once again with my friends ever since we graduated and part ways last July, however the event did not turn out the way I expected to be. About 10 generations were invited, that was nearly 20 classes and there should have been at least more than 50 Zaman graduates would have joined, somehow only around 40 students showed up. However, we still put on a great and fun show along with great food and desserts which were served for all of us. We sang, we danced, we played hardcore games and we all acted like there was no tomorrow. I almost forgot the true meaning of happiness until I KDYH ÂżQDOO\ EHHQ ZLWK DOO P\ )UHDNV DJDLQ DQG , know that I have not laughed that hard ever since July 2011. It was truly a pleasure that Zaman had showed deep concerns on graduated students and created such an unforgetable moments for all of us. I hope there will be more in the future and more student will show up.

34 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

By Vannida Tep 12-E (2011) I felt very happy about the reunion day at Zaman High School because this was a chance to meet my entire high school friends, even though, all of them couldn’t attend, but I’ve met most of them. After high school, our life keeps going on, but when we have chance to meet our old friends who we have never seen for too long, the moment when we see their face, we feel like WKH WLPH KDYH VWRSSHG DQG ZH ÀDVK EDFN DOO RI WKH PHPRU\ ZH had together during the high school life. In short, I’m really grateful for Zaman High School that has provided us this opportunity, we have a lot of fun together. I’m looking forward for the second reunion day.

By Sorida Prak 12-F (2011) 27 th of May 2012 was a marvelous reunion of the girls side generations ever. Even though not all of the classes attended but at least there still some classes came. The event lasted from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Our teachers had arranged us our lunch as well as games. We were enjoying with pulling rope, dancing for chairs, singing and lucky draw. Most of us got prizes back home from the lucky draw. We all got sweat to head to toe and of course running out of energy. It was an exhausting day but we had so much fun anyway that’s why we said the reunion this year was a remarkable event ever. I’ d love to express my thanks to teachers, assistants and all stuffs of Zaman International School for everything they have done for us. At least we felt like we were in high school students once again

By Dany Huot 12-F (2011) Reunion, if I think about reunion day of Zaman International School, I feel happy and I really want to join this event. This is my ¿UVW UHXQLRQ ZKLFK WRRN SODFH again in Zaman International School, on May 27, 2012. I’ve met many different generations from the same school, which is Zaman International School. They were all happy while joining this event (Reunion Day); I also felt the same way as they did while playing with different generations. My friends and me played many different kinds of games. Therefore, this is my greatest reunion that I’ve ever seen.

35 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

By Cambo Keng & Vithyea Phat We had a wonderful trip to Siem Reap on the King’s birthday. There were 12 people who joined this trip, 9 students, our homeroom teacher Mr. Mustafa Akpinar with his wife and our assistance teacher. The holiday was so long, so we decided to stay there for 3 nights. The first day we met in front of our school and we departed around 7:00 am. We were supposed to go at 6:00 am but we were waiting for a late student. Mr. LATE‌ We were really excited. The journey took over 5 hours from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. We arrived there in the afternoon. Surely we were starving but we were tired more, so we had lunch quickly and everyone went to the rooms to rest in the hotel. We could not go out because of the weather. It was raining but the hotel was very comfortable with a large swimming pool. After resting for a while we found ourselves in the pool. And playing games in the room was a great challenge. The next morning, after having a good breakfast we went to one of the most popular and the biggest temple in the world, ANGKOR WAT. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was amazing, the view was so beautiful. We spent about 3 hours in Angkor Wat. After that we went sight seeing around the temple area and visited many temples including the Bayon Temple and the others. We took some pictures especially with

the elephants. We even wanted to ride them but it was very expensive so we had to give up that idea. Walking and taking so many photos made us very hungry so we went to KFC for lunch. After lunch we were so tired again so we wanted to go back to the hotel to have rest and we did. Every night we played various games together but to eat we had only noodles for dinner. However we did not worry about that because every night our homeroom teacher the one who always takes care of us, came and checked if we needed anything. If we were hungry he prepared noodles for us. Actually we had already been getting used to seeing him come and bring a bowl of noodles for us. It was absolutely so delicious. The third day we went to the cultural village. It was very beautiful and historical. We learned Khmer history starting from thousands years ago. We took some pictures and watched shows in there. The last day we decided to do something really exciting so we went to ride the balloon to watch Angkor Wat and Siem Reap and we did. It was amazing and very exciting to watch the beauty of Angkor Wat on a balloon. When we were watching Angkor Wat and around it we understood why it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Watching Angkor Wat from a balloon

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37 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

The Role of Math in My Future Career By Mathematics Teacher AbdulkasimAkmedov Mathematics Department Dear students!!! In the previous two issues, we gave some ideas about the various applications of math to daily life.In this issue, we would like to share the best four articles on “The Role of Math in My Future Careerâ€? written by some Grade 11 students. I hope these articles motivate and inspire all. 2Q EHKDOI RI RXU 0DWKHPDWLFV WHDFKHUV , ZRXOG OLNH WR H[SUHVV P\ KLJK DSSUHFLDWLRQ DQG JUDWLWXGH WR WKHVH VWXGHQWV IRU SURducing such quality work. We wish them and their peers the best of luck in their education and future careers! By AkchharaChharom 11-F )RU \HDUV P\ GUHDP MRE KDG DOZD\V EHHQ WR EH DQ DUFKLWHFW 7R PH WKH DUW RI DUFKLWHFWXUH LV MXVW DPD]LQJ $OWKRXJK LW UDQNV DV RQH RI WKH PRVW GLIÂżFXOW PDMRUV WKH UHVXOWV IURP DOO WKH KDUG ZRUN ZRXOG EH PRUH WKHQ VDWLVI\LQJ (YHU\ DUFKLWHFWÂśV GUHDP LV WR OHDYH KLV RU KHU PDUN VRPHZKHUH LQ WKLV ZRUOG DQG HYHQ WR EH DFNQRZOHGJHG E\ MXVW RQH SHUVRQ ZRXOG EH DEVRlutely gratifying. Physics and math play a very important role in Architecture. Everything about architecture is based on calculations, precisions and if possible, extraordinary designs. The marks left by ancient architects are scattered around the world. What’s fascinating about these “Wonders of the Worldâ€? are how structures that seemed hardly possible to create, may actually be right in front of your eyes standing strong and proud. %OXHSULQWV GHVLJQV DQG SODQV DUH PDGH IURP SUHFLVH FDOFXODWLRQV /HQJWK KHLJKW ZLGWK DQG DUHD DUH MXVW RQH VPDOO part of Architecture. It’s not only about the creative designs and imaginations that most architects possess. It is also about the tricky, complicated, mind-blowing formulas that are the keys of holding everything together. The shape and size of the building are also important factors in order to construct the building. Same goes forthe quantity of materials used like the amount of cement, sand, bricks, glasses for windows, etc. If all the calculations are wrong, the construction of the building will not be successful. Take Angkor Wat for example: Who would have thought that constructing VXFK D KXJH WHPSOH ZLWK MXVW VWRQHV ZRXOG EH SRVVLEOH DQG \HW LW LV VWLOO VWDQGLQJ IRU PDQ\ FHQWXULHV All in all, we depend on math everyday whether we’re aware of it or not. It ties us all together and opens up new ideas. For a career as an architect, “Numbers matterâ€?. That’s the phrase that every architect should remember always. Nothing would be right in this world if it weren’t for math. By ViriyaKeo 11-F Teaching is not a popular choice for Cambodian teenagers to choose because a lot of us have resented our teachers, at least a little bit. Even less popular is to become a math teacher. Because many students understand so little of math, they fear it. For me, choosing Math will be a risk because I do not know how good a teacher I may be. But I love to see the reaction on my IULHQGÂśV IDFHV ZKHQ WKH\ ÂżQDOO\ XQGHUVWDQG SUREOHPV 6R WKLV NLQG RI UHZDUG ZLOO KRSHIXOO\ EH ULJKW IRU PH Math would then of course, be used every day in my life. I would need to research math problems and most of all, fun, interactive ways to make my students understand math clearly and to not fear it. There are simply too many interesting math topics that I would like to teach, ranging from algebra to sine rules, to name a few. Although being a university professor would undoubtedly pay more, I would rather be a high school teacher. So I ZRXOG QRW EH GHDOLQJ ZLWK WRR PDQ\ FRPSOLFDWHG IRUPXODV ,W ZRXOG MXVW EH VLPSOH HOHPHQWDU\ WKLQJV OLNH FDOFXODWLQJ PRQWKO\ VSHQGLQJ <HW SHUKDSV EHVW RI DOO DERXW WHDFKLQJ KLJK VFKRRO , ZRXOG JHW WR VHH VR PDQ\ \RXQJ IDFHV DQG KHOS WKHP QRW RQO\ in math but if I could, with their personal lives as well. By SothiraSoungToch 11-E , FDQ KRQHVWO\ VD\ WKDW PDWK LV QRW RQH RI P\ IDYRULWH VXEMHFWV DW VFKRRO <HW HYHQ P\ GLVOLNH RI WKH VXEMHFW FDQQRW EOLQG PH RI LWV VLJQLÂżFDQFH LQ P\ IXWXUH 0\ IXWXUH SODQ LV WR EHFRPH DQ LQYHVWPHQW DQDO\VW ,Q RUGHU WR GR VR , PXVW XQGHUVWDQG WKH ÂżQDQFLDO LQGXVWU\ WKRURXJKO\ WDNLQJ HYHU\ VPDOO GHWDLO LQWR DFFRXQW EHFDXVH RQH ZURQJ GHFLVLRQ FRXOG VDERWDJH P\ FDUHHU )XUWKHUPRUH WKLV MRE LQFOXGHV PDLQWDLQLQJ D JUHDW OHYHO RI WUXVW IURP FOLHQWV ZKR H[SHFW QRWKLQJ EXW VXFFHVV ,ÂśP VXUH by now you are starting to see how important math is to my future. Many decisions need to be made; each based on many complex calculations. As complex as the calculations might be, they FRPSULVH RI VLPSOHU IXQFWLRQV VXFK DV DGGLWLRQ DQG VXEWUDFWLRQ , PXVW HQVXUH WKDW DOO FDOFXODWLRQV QR PDWWHU KRZ GLIÂżFXOW DUH

38 Zaman International School - High School Magazine

done accurately. Unlike school exams where you can get a question wrong but still get the full point from a bonus question, real life does not offer bonus questions. )RUWXQDWHO\ , KDYH WKH DLG RI FDOFXODWRUV DQG FRPSXWHUV WR JHW WKH QXPEHUV ULJKW <HW JHWWLQJ WKH ULJKW QXPEHU LV RQO\ D VPDOO SDUW RI WKH MRE 8VXDOO\ LQ WKH ÂżQDQFLDO LQGXVWU\ QXPEHUV DUH MXVW LQGLFDWLRQV RI SRVVLELOLWLHV ,W ZLOO DOVR EH P\ UHVSRQVLELOLW\ to turn those possibilities into positive realities. That requires accurate vision, probability and logic. Interpreting and conVWUXFWLQJ JUDSKV FKDUWV FDOFXODWLQJ SURÂżWV DQG ORVHVFROOHFWLYHO\ IRUP D SDUW RI VRFLHW\ WKDW PRVW SHRSOH ÂżQG WRR FRPSOLFDWHG to understand -- the Economy. $OO LQ DOO WKH PRVW HVVHQWLDO SDUW RI EHLQJ DQ LQYHVWPHQW DQDO\VW LV PDWK :LWKRXW PDWK PDUNHW SUHGLFWLRQV ZRXOG MXVW be based on assumptions with no clear evidence, simply like a human with no backbone. By Sokyou Ly 11-E From the time I knew what psychology is, I told myself I wanted to be a psychologist. From what I know, psycholoJLVWV DUH QDWXUDOO\ LQTXLVLWLYH DERXW KXPDQ SDWWHUQV RI EHKDYLRU DQG KRZ WKH PLQG ZRUNV 7KRVH LQWHUHVWV GHÂżQLWHO\ GHVFULEH myself. Maybe when you hear the word “Psychologyâ€?, you might say it does not need math. However, it turns out that Psychology relies on math heavily. When wanting to be an Experimental Psychologist, math plays an essential role – statistics. In particular, many psychological tests are interpreted as numbers such as percentiles, averages, median and means. Additionally, if you’ve ever heard a statement claiming results are accurate within plus or minus a certain number, that accuracy has been computed using probability and statistics. IQ is measured mathematically, as well as child development and learning in humans and animals. For instance, a famous Psychologist Pavlov, experimented with dogs. Another named B.F. Skinner relied on math to determine and explain how well rats were able to learn. Psychologists also use math to make an initial diagnosis according to the patient’s age, their GLVHDVH FRQGLWLRQV HWF $OVR PDWKHPDWLFDO FRJQLWLRQ LWVHOI LV D YHU\ LPSRUWDQW ÂżHOG LQ 3V\FKRORJ\ )URP EHQHÂżWLQJ VFLHQWLVWV DQG GRFWRUV VWXG\LQJ WKH EUDLQ WR WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI ÂłVPDUW´ FRPSXWHUV QHXUDO QHWZRUNV IX]]\ ORJLF URERWV DQG DUWLÂżFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH 0DWK LV OLNH RXU VKDGRZ WKDW IROORZV XV HYHU\ZKHUH 1R PDWWHU ELJ RU VPDOO LW MXVW FRPHV XS QDWXUDOO\ ,W LV D part of everything and can’t be lost. Ultimately, I study math not because I want to study psychology, but because it is my shadow. Math is fascinating because It is the very code to every living and non-living thing in the universe. By Viraboth Sok 11-E 0DWK 0DWK 0DWK <RX KHDU WKH ZRUG HYHU\ZKHUH IURP KRPH WR VFKRRO )URP PDUNHW WR VKRSSLQJ PDOO 7KH ZKROH ZRUOG LV full of math, but why do people need it? Why? Well, sometimes math helps people survive. For example in the market, sellers calculate the costs of products. In fact, math is highly important to my future. Honestly, I’ve always dreamed of becoming D PHGLFDO GRFWRU <RX PLJKW WKLQN PDWK DQG PHGLFLQH DUH WZR GLIIHUHQW WKLQJV EXW , DP KHUH WR WHOO \RX KRZ LPSRUWDQW PDWK really is! If you think carefully, you’ll see. When a patient is sick, the doctor needs to calculate the right amount of medicine or HOVH VRPHRQH PLJKW JHW .,//(' )RU LQVWDQFH WKH SUHVFULSWLRQ VDLG Âľ J IRU D ZHHN RQO\Âś EXW WKH GRFWRU PDGH D FDOFXODtion mistake and gave the patient 300g per day. It is very dangerous! In conclusion, math is important to medicine because only one mistake could be the difference between life and GHDWK 2QH VXJJHVWLRQ IURP PH LV GRQÂśW GLH 6WXG\ 0DWK LQVWHDG By PorhourLy 11-E %HFDXVH , DP DQ HOHYHQWK JUDGHU , DP QRZ VHWWLQJ P\ IXWXUH SODQV D \HDU EHIRUH JUDGXDWLRQ &KRRVLQJ D PDMRU LV WRXJK EXW VHOHFWLQJ D FDUHHU WR IROORZ IRU WKH UHVW RI P\ OLIH LV ZD\ WRXJKHU 5HJDUGOHVV KRZ GLIÂżFXOW LW LV , KDYH PDGH P\ GHFLVLRQ , ZDQW WR EHFRPH D GHQWLVW 'HQWLVWU\ RI FRXUVH UHTXLUHV D ORW RI NQRZOHGJH DERXW %LRORJ\ DQG &KHPLVWU\ <HW 0DWKHPDWLFV LV DOVR HVVHQWLDO )LUVW RI DOO DFFXUDWH ÂżQDQFLDO FDOFXODWLRQ LV YHU\ EHQHÂżFLDO WR GHQWLVWU\ 3URYLGLQJ JRRG VHUYLFHV with reasonable prices will help poorer patients get safe and comfortable treatment. Secondly, the number of teeth affects the way a person looks. Addition and subtraction of teeth may result in a breath-taking, new look. With amazing mathematical skills, the feeling of being able to help someone is indescribably awesome. $GGLWLRQDOO\ 0DWK LV QHHGHG IRU PHGLFDWLRQ (YHU\ VLQJOH SURSRUWLRQ RI PHGLFLQH FDQ KHOS VDYH D OLIH RU UXLQ LW 2QH H[WUD SLOO DQG D SHUVRQ PD\ GLH <RXU OLWWOH 0DWK HUURU FRXOG GHVWUR\ D OLIH FDXVLQJ VDGQHVV WR WKH IDPLO\ 2Q WKH RWKHU KDQG XVLQJ WKH ULJKW SURSRUWLRQ RI PHGLFLQH ZRXOG FXUH WKH SDWLHQW ,Q FRQFOXVLRQ 0DWKHPDWLFV UHDOO\ GRHV SOD\ D PDMRU UXOH LQ HYHU\ corner of our lives. From helping poor people to forming smiles and even saving lives, Math does it all. Therefore, I strongly EHOLHYH WKDW 0DWK LV YHU\ VLJQLÂżFDQW WR P\ IXWXUH FDUHHU DV D GHQWLVW 0RUHRYHU LW FUHDWHV D ZRUOG RI KDSSLQHVV DV HYHU\RQH LV FRQÂżGHQW DERXW VKRZLQJ RII KHDOWK\ WHHWK

39 Zaman International School - High School Magazine


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