Oulun ylioppilaslehti 4/2020

Page 24

In English

TEXT Iida Putkonen PHOTO Anna-Sofia Tastula

Remote studies continue in spring 2021 The University of Oulu is continuing remote studying for the rest of the academic year. The spring semester 2021 will be held remotely according to the same principles that are currently in place. There is also a mask recommendation on campus until the 12th of November.

REMOTE STUDYING will continue until the 31st of May 2021 at The University of Oulu. The decision to hold the spring semester remotely was made by the University due to the current corona virus situation and the predictions for its progression. On top of working remotely, the University recommends wearing a mask in all public spaces until the 12th of November. The recommendation is based on the local recommendation in Oulu, which was given on the 27th of October. The University’s take on the local recommendation is that you don’t need to wear a mask if you can keep a safe distance to other people or work alone. The University also recommends no events with more than 20 attendees be held between 29.10.–12.11. Jarmo Okkonen, Human Resources Director of the University of Oulu says that the decision was made because the current virus situation doesn’t


look like it’s going to get any better. ”When you look at the progression of the virus in North Ostrobothnia, there are no grounds to think that the pandemic would ease up or disappear at the end of this year”, Okkonen says. The decision regarding the spring semester was made early on purpose. ”In order to guarantee arranging studies and arranging living for students, we didn’t want to make this decision too late. Students are commited to a place and city and now they will get this information early.” Currently the University isn’t planning on further action like closing campuses. Okkonen says that the laptop vendors, libraries, examinarium and independent work spaces will be open in spring as well. ”We haven’t talked about closing the University doors again. Currently the situation for the university looks like

NRO 4 | 2020

we can continue as we have so far.” Okkonen thinks that hoping to switch to contanct teaching is in vain. Instead, we should get used to this as the new normal. ”In a way this is a new situation that’s continuing. The feeling of this being temporary is no longer there. That means we won’t be going back to normal. This is the new normal”, he says. Remote studying during the spring semester will most likely affect university entrance exams. Okkonen doesn’t know much about the exams yet. ”I’m glad we have time to think about it, and especially more time than we did last time around. We have learned what can and can’t be done for the exams from last spring.” The University of Oulu isn’t alone with new restrictions. Similar decisions about the spring semester have been made in universities all across Finland. Multiple universities

also have a mask recommendation in place. In Oulu the mask recommendation is for two weeks at a time. The University has handed out fabric masks to staff members and first-year students during the autumn semester. On top of the practical things, continuing with remote studies will affect student and staff wellbeing. The HR Director Okkonen hopes that despite the restrictions, student won’t be alone. ”The situation doesn’t mean you can’t visit the University or meet people. I would hope that the situation doesn’t lead to isolation, but that taking social distancing into account, people would also meet others.” The new restrictions are in place until the 12th of November. After that the University’s COVID19 preparation group will decide on new guidelines based on the progression of the virus. •

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