Blaque/OUT Magazine March 2021 Issue #006

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by my demeanor, I’m stamped by my criminal history, I’m.... It's a battle to be seen. To be seen

through your own eyes and through society's

I'M RICH!!!!! … I AM, for real. I

eyes. For who you are and where you come

AM RICH!!! And DAMN proud of it. Not knowing

from. When i say “where you come from?” I

sooner doesn't in any way compare to the final

don't mean birthplace or where you currently

realization or anything that comes afterward.

call home. I mean where you come from in

According to Google, one of the many definitions of

your way of thinking. Your logic. Your

rich is “interesting because it is full of diversity and

perception. Your feelings. Your likes. No

complexity.” The point at which something is the


most powerful or successful… ZENITH …RICH! My


own puzzle ... learning the pieces and putting them

you hear me? I can't be seen because others

together everyday. I went from finally feeling FREE

dont understand it. And they don't want to

in myself to knowing I’M RICH. I said feeling free IN

because they've learned that it's bad. They’re

my self …not WITH my self. Big difference. I also

shamed now because of those who walk in

said KNOWING I'm rich, not feeling I'm rich. Make

their truth and how they’re NOTICED. They

sure you understand what I'm saying because I

don't even know what SELF is. Can't look their

know I'm not the understood type. Except for in MY

true self in the mirror if they feel it won’t


amount to nothing in SOCIETY aka real life.

As I know, I will continue to say for the rest of

People need to know that REAL LIFE is

my life ... I AM ME. Zenith Imhere. Who and/or how

BEING WHO YOU ARE. Other than that…

I am seen as and/or for will be different with some

You’re living in everyone's shadows, including

similarities by each individual. Yall like the way I

your own. How does that sound? In on

twisted that? I had to say it again myself. Who and/

everyone else's life while hiding from ya own

or how I am seen as and/or for will be different

or putting it on someone else.

with some similarities by each individual. I'm underestimated, I’m overestimated, I’m judged

Do I want to be seen? I'm used to being the quiet one, laid back, on guard. I've

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