4 minute read

In My Own Words

I'M RICH!!!!! … I AM, for real. I AM RICH!!! And DAMN proud of it. Not knowing sooner doesn't in any way compare to the final realization or anything that comes afterward. According to Google, one of the many definitions of rich is “interesting because it is full of diversity and complexity.” The point at which something is the most powerful or successful… ZENITH …RICH! My own puzzle ... learning the pieces and putting them together everyday. I went from finally feeling FREE in myself to knowing I’M RICH. I said feeling free IN my self …not WITH my self. Big difference. I also said KNOWING I'm rich, not feeling I'm rich. Make sure you understand what I'm saying because I know I'm not the understood type. Except for in MY OWN WORDS! As I know, I will continue to say for the rest of my life ... I AM ME. Zenith Imhere. Who and/or how I am seen as and/or for will be different with some similarities by each individual. Yall like the way I twisted that? I had to say it again myself. Who and/ or how I am seen as and/or for will be different with some similarities by each individual. I'm underestimated, I’m overestimated, I’m judged

by my demeanor, I’m stamped by my criminal history, I’m.... It's a battle to be seen. To be seen through your own eyes and through society's eyes. For who you are and where you come from. When i say “where you come from?” I don't mean birthplace or where you currently call home. I mean where you come from in your way of thinking. Your logic. Your perception. Your feelings. Your likes. No shame. SHAME RULES THE WORLD!!! Do you hear me? I can't be seen because others dont understand it. And they don't want to because they've learned that it's bad. They’re shamed now because of those who walk in their truth and how they’re NOTICED. They don't even know what SELF is. Can't look their true self in the mirror if they feel it won’t amount to nothing in SOCIETY aka real life. People need to know that REAL LIFE is BEING WHO YOU ARE. Other than that… You’re living in everyone's shadows, including your own. How does that sound? In on everyone else's life while hiding from ya own or putting it on someone else.

Do I want to be seen? I'm used to being the quiet one, laid back, on guard. I've never wanted to be seen however I'm always advocating in some form. I LOVE a good debate. I get on plenty of nerves. I love to learn from books but more from people. I have a voice… I know how to use it. I have a purpose… and a 10 toed stance. I am a model. Not publicized but acknowledged even if by myself. I AM SEEN! I grew up fighting to be seen … fighting to be who I am. My actions, My looks, My walk, My talk. All me but all talked about negatively. Why?... Why is it ok to talk about any body let alone able bodied people while it's “morally” wrong to talk about the disabled. Why do I have to have some qualification for it to be wrong to be talked about? Even though the disabled are talked about as well. Here I go getting off track. I grew up fighting to be seen … fighting to be who I am. My actions, My looks, My walk, My talk. All me but all talked about negatively. WHY??? For some reason I was conversing with friends about Cardi B and I expressed how she's a model. Cardi B is a CERTIFIED MODEL. The popularity of Love & HipHop had viewers … eyes on the tv but, were they really paying attention? Cardi B constantly heard that her aggressive demeanor and past would keep her from succeeding in the rap game. LOOK AT HER NOW!!! Through all the LIVE reality of Cardi B, she is still HER TRUE SELF … AND where she wanted to be and more. She overcame a system put in place to deter … A MODEL. With her background and history, she still fought. In a male dominated world, she still fought. In a grimy world full of naysayers, Cardi B never gave up. I felt her strength through the screen. How she didn’t bow out doors when rejected. With her head held, she looked them all in the eye and told them what she would be with or without them. I watched this while in prison. Fighting for my freedom now became one of two of the most important things in my life. Watching Cardi B made me realize I would have additional problems once released. Wisdom can be a blessing and a curse. Just as being humble is. Life is hilarious. So make sure you get a lot of laughing in. I don't have a care in the world for people's perceptions of me which aren't accurate anyways. If the shoe doesn't fit, I don’t wear it. My transitioning has brought to light a lot about the LGBT community that needs to be addressed and corrected. I'm quiet but don't get me to talking about injustices. I have my own personal injustices however societal injustices concerning the LGBT community that I can give a lending hand or mouth or mug to, IMHERE! I do not conform to any societal norms that I don't deem logical. And I believe myself to have a rational mind. However i feel just like those streetwalkers that just ramble up and down streets about any and everything that listeners take no heed to. I just have a home to go to. We all come in different shapes, forms, and fashions … right???