March 2016 Issue #8

Page 1

AmerIndo Connecting the Community

March 2016

President Jokowi Visits Three of America’s Largest Technology Companies! Stop Believing These


Career Myths!

The Main Cause of

High Cholesterol Gerhana Matahari Total Melintasi 11 Wilayah di Indonesia



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March 2016

AmerIndo Connecting the Community

March 2016


enyambut bulan ke-3 di tahun 2016 ini, AmerIndo telah menyiapkan sejumlah artikel yang berguna bagi kehidupan Anda sehari-hari. And yes, di edisi Maret ini kami akan mengulas tentang kedatangan Presiden Jokowi dan sang istri, Ibu Iriana ke Amerika saat mengunjungi perusahaan teknologi terbesar seperti, Facebook, Google dan Twitter di Silicon Valley, San Fransisco. Presiden Jokowi terlihat sangat excited kala bertatap muka dengan para petinggi perusahaan tersebut, terlebih lagi ketika bertemu dengan para pekerjanya yang berasal dari Tanah Air Indonesia. Ulasan lengkapnya bisa Anda lihat di halaman Cover Story.







this month’s cover Indonesian President Jokowi and U.S President Obama Photo by KBRI Washington, D.C.

For any informations for Advertising please call us at 626.741.7756 Address: 17360 Colima Road # 808, Rowland Height, CA 91748 Please like our facebook page AmerIndo Magazine Please visit our website Subscibe to our newsletter/digital magazine:

Di halaman lain, Anda akan menemukan beberapa tema unggulan seperti penyebab utama kolesterol, menebarnya virus Zika pada anak serta fenomena Gerhana Matahari Total yang akan terjadi di 11 wilayah di Indonesia pada 9 Maret 2016. Kami juga membuat tema artikel mengenai beberapa anak Bangsa dengan prestasi yang membanggakan serta beberapa kategori rekor dunia yang pernah dan hingga kini masih diraih Indonesia. Please, check it out! Bulan ini, AmerIndo juga akan menjadi sponsor untuk acara “Misa & Bazaar Paskah 2016” yang akan dilaksanakan pada 27 Maret 2016 dengan tema ‘Menjadi Sarana Kerahiman Bapa’. Kami selalu terbuka untuk saran dan kritik yang Anda berikan. Karena saran dan kritikan Anda akan sangat berarti sekaligus menjadi penyemangat kami untuk terus berkarya dan berkreasi dalam mencari informasi dan ulasan berita menarik untuk dituangkan dalam majalah tercinta ini. We will always be your best ‘fun to read’ partner Magazine. Peace & Love, AmerIndo Magazine ADVERTISEMENTS DISCLAIMER: The AmerIndo Magazine is owned by USAsia Connections, Inc. AmerIndo is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

editorial team: General Manager, Dessy Andriani || senior EDITOR, irina jusuf || Reporters (Indonesia), Andreas Willem || Reporters (USA), Zachary Tan, Jack Zhang, Billy Robles || Contributors jane wibowo, IRENE LIZA, JEFF KEASBERRY, DARMA SADONO, GEORGE XAVIER, Herry Utomo || graphic DESIGN, TRIDESIGN, Chak U Cheong, Stephen Yip, Illyana Flores || Photographer, STANLEY Bratawira || MARKETING, JEFFRY SANGARI, YOLA TAYLOR, LINDA TUMBOIMBELA || finance, paula kho || ACCOUNTING, Elmeera Nosrati || publisher, us asia CONNECTION llc

table of contents special report

good looking

06 Presiden Jokowi Dukung Pemasaran Digital dan Promosi

20 Temukan Make-up Terbaik untuk Warna Kulitmu

Produk Mamin Indonesia

08 Perayaan Hari Kemenangan Umat Hindu Di Los Angeles

life & style

22 Style Fashion Week Ignites New York City

Berbalut Damai Dan Toleransi

top 10 review

health info

10 Indonesia Top 10 Unique Records in the World

24 The Main Cause of High Cholesterol

cover story


12 Jokowi Visits Three of America’s Largest Technology Companies!

26 March 2016 Favorite Events for Los Angeles



16 Wawancara Ekslusif: Joey Alexander, Pianis Jazz Indonesia

28 Gerhana Matahari Total Melintasi 11 Wilayah di Indonesia

29 Sebentar Lagi, Pedagang Pasar Tradisional di Indonesia

dengan Dua Nominasi Grammy

19 Acara Oscar Berlangsung di Tengah Kontroversi Keanekaragaman



Gunakan Aplikasi Online



find facts


30 Indonesian Children with Worldwide Achievement

40 Dadar Gulung - Pandan Crepes Filled With Melted Palm Sugar


And Grated Coconut


32 Renter Insurance

42 Rep. Royce Announces CA-39 Congressional App Challenge Winners


Adalah Harapan Dunia

34 What is the Zika Virus and How Dangerous is it to Our Child?

44 Salute to Heroes Prayer Breakfast

35 Berat badan tidak stail

46 Religious Education Congress



36 What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Dating Style (Part 1)

48 Kebangkitan Yesus Kristus Adalah Harapan Dunia

MY CAREER 38 Stop Believing These 5 Career Myths! AmerIndo


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special report

Presiden Jokowi Dukung Pemasaran Digital dan Promosi Produk Mamin Indonesia


alam kunjungannya ke Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk menghadiri ASEAN-US Summit, Presiden Joko Widodo menyempatkan berkunjung ke Paviliun Promosi Produk Makanan dan Minuman (Mamin) Indonesia di Miramonte Hotel & Resort, Sunnylands, California, AS, Senin, 15 Februari 2016. Presiden berpesan mulai saat ini perlu dirancang strategi promosi dan pemasaran ekspor produk-produk Indonesia melalui internet dan teknologi telekomunikasi seperti cyber system, media digital dan sosial media. Menteri Perdagangan Thomas Trikasih Lembong, Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi, dan Konsulat Jenderal RI di Los Angeles Umar Hadi turut mendampingi kunjungan ini. Berdasarkan data dari US Department of Commerce ekspor Indonesia ke AS pada tahun 2015 mencapai USD 19,5 miliar. Jumlah ini meningkat sebesar 1,1% dari tahun sebelumnya. “Strategi promosi dan pemasaran dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan penggunaan teknologi seperti pemasaran digital dan media sosial. Inilah strategi promosi dan pemasaran era global yang diminta Presiden Jokowi,” tegas Mendag Thomas Lembong. Presiden Jokowi sangat mendukung usaha mempromosikan produk Mamin, terutama produk UKM Indonesia, di pameran-



pameran besar di AS. “Perwakilan Indonesia di AS, termasuk Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Los Angeles diminta untuk terus memfasilitasi produk Indonesia melalui berbagai pameran-pameran terbesar di AS,” ujar Mendag. Menurut Mendag Thomas Tembong, AS telah menjadi pasar utama ekspor Indonesia. Negeri Paman Sam itu telah melakukan percepatan dalam memperbaiki krisis ekonominya dibandingkan negara-negara Eropa. “Kita harus terus konsisten melakukan promosi untuk meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia,” imbuhnya. Sementara itu, Konjen RI di Los Angeles Umar Hadi berjanji akan memperkuat promosi termasuk memperluas tempat pameran seperti di hotel-hotel di Los Angeles. “Promosi produk Indonesia di tempat-tempat non-tradisional atau yang mempunyai akses langsung ke konsumen seperti hotel akan terus dilakukan untuk membuat viral branding Indonesia,” jelas Umar Hadi. Beberapa produk seperti Arum Tea bahkan telah mendapatkan sertifikasi organik dari U.S Dept. of Agriculture. Sementara produk Jans Mixed Roots, merek produk UKM Indonesia telah bebas GMO (Genetic Modified Organism) dan gluten yang merupakan produk natural. Produk kopi merek Blue Flame Coffee, yang sudah masuk ke toko retail TJ Maxx, juga mendapatkan respon yang baik. Khusus untuk produk kopi, promosi ini juga merupakan bagian dari promosi dalam rangka pameran Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) 2016. SCAA yang merupakan pameran kopi terbesar di Amerika Serikat dan tahun ini Indonesia akan menjadi Official Portrait Country.

Pameran Produk Indonesia Diminati Pengunjung Promosi Produk Mamin Indonesia ini berlangsung pada 14-15 Februari 2016 dan merupakan hasil kerja sama antara Konjen RI di Los Angeles dan ITPC LA. Pameran yang menampilkan aneka produk organik ini juga mendapat respons positif dari pengunjung asal Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Toronto, Pittsburg, Oregon dan sekitarnya. “Hal ini terbukti dengan keseriusan beberapa pengunjung untuk menjadi importir dan distributor untuk produk kopi dan chips,»ungkap Kepala ITPC Los Angeles, California, Amerika Serikat Arief Wibisono.

Selain promosi Mamin, ITPC LA juga mempromosikan pameranpameran di Indonesia seperti Trade Expo Indonesia, Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX), dan International Furniture & Craft Fair Indonesia (IFFINA). Banyak juga pengunjung yang tertarik untuk menghadiri pameran-pameran tersebut. (By: Irina/Dok. ITPC LA)

Produk Mamin yang ditampilkan pada promosi kali ini merupakan produk-produk organik, alami, dan sehat. Produk Mamin seperti kopi Sumatera, teh organik dari Jawa Barat, dan aneka makanan ringan dan minuman yang berasal dari berbagai UKM di Indonesia juga telah dikemas sesuai dengan selera pasar Amerika. 7


special report

Perayaan Hari Kemenangan Umat Hindu Di Los Angeles Berbalut Damai Dan Toleransi


bermasyarakat. “Pesan toleransi dan perdamaian ini disampaikan pula oleh Presiden Joko Widodo saat berkunjung ke California beberapa hari lalu,� cetus Umar.

mat Hindu Indonesia di Los Angeles merayakan Hari Raya Galungan dan Kuningan pada Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016. Acara perayaan ini diselenggarakan oleh komunitas Hindu Indonesia di Los Angeles, Krama Bali, yang bekerja sama dengan KJRI Los Angeles.

Rangkaian perayaan diawali dengan ritual sembahyang yang berlangsung secara khidmat. Ruang pertemuan lantai tiga gedung KJRI Los Angeles tampak berhiaskan dekorasi layaknya di Bali, sehingga cukup mengobati rasa rindu akan perayaan Galungan-Kuningan di kampung halaman. Hiasan penjor, payung Bali, dan pura, sesajen khas Bali, serta seperangkat alat musik gamelan tertata rapi di atas panggung. Sebuah altar kecil terletak di tengah-tengah panggung, lengkap dengan sesajenan untuk memanjatkan doa, puja, dan puji syukur kepada Sang Hyang Widhi. Semerbak wangi dupa yang memenuhi ruangan semakin menambah suasana sakral dan khusyuk.

Menurut Konsul Jenderal Republik Indonesia di Los Angeles, Umar Hadi, pihaknya menyambut gembira pelaksanaan perayaan Hari Raya Galungan dan Kuningan di KJRI Los Angeles. Dalam sambutannya, Umar menyampaikan himbauan agar seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk umat Hindu, terus berupaya untuk menata kehidupan dengan harmonis dan damai. Masyarakat Indonesia yang berada di perantauan, harus selalu ingat untuk mengutamakan persatuan, memupuk solidaritas sosial, dan menciptakan perdamaian dalam kehidupan AmerIndo

Purna proses sembahyang, acara dilanjutkan dengan pentas 8

sekitarnya. Kelompok-kelompok tersebut aktif dalam kegiatankegiatan kebudayaan bahkan sering tampil dalam berbagai acara, untuk membantu mempromosikan kebudayaan Indonesia, khususnya Bali, kepada masyarakat asing setempat.

kesenian yang menampilkan kelompok gamelan Sekeha Gong Bhuwana Kumala dan kelompok tari Burat Wangi dan Pandan Arum. Kelompok kesenian ini terdiri dari para pecinta dan pemerhati kebudayaan Indonesia, khususnya Bali, yang sebagian anggotanya terdiri dari masyarakat asing setempat. Mereka rutin melakukan latihan kesenian setiap akhir pekan di KJRI Los Angeles.

Segmen acara perayaan ini dihadiri pula oleh para pemuka agama dan tokoh masyarakat Indonesia di Los Angeles dan sekitarnya. Aneka hidangan dan santapan khas Indonesia semakin melengkapi kemeriahan perayaan Galungan-Kuningan yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 150 orang tersebut. (dok: KJRI LA)

Kelompok Krama Bali sendiri beranggotakan 125 orang masyarakat Bali yang tinggal di kawasan Los Angeles dan 9


top 10 review

Indonesia Top 10 Unique Records in the World


highest number of people filling out crossword puzzles simultaneously was achieved by Universitas Bina Nusantara (Binus) as part of the 6th British Olympic and Hari Cerdas (Smart Day) program in Jakarta on February 21, 2010. The number of participants reached 550 people.

ased on information reported by the famous Guinness World Records, Indonesia has been and still holds many records in many unique categories. In fact, many of the Indonesian people who do not know or maybe have never heard of this spectacular records can benefit and be proud of their fellow countrymen. Let’s take look at 10 unique records Indonesians hold. Bravo Indonesia!

4. The Biggest Bamboo Orchestra Playing a musical instrument made of Bamboo, such as Angklung is a common practice in Indonesia. Moreover, Bamboo can be found in all regions of Indonesia. On October 31, 2009, Mr. Benny J. Mamoto organized the event with 3,011 orchestra members all playing music using Bamboo as the main instrument in Tondano Maesa Stadium.

1. Highest Number of Students in a Math Class Indonesia still holds the record for the largest number of students in a Math Class. As many as 2,905 people attended the class. Amazing and surprising at the same time, because how can we learn math and concentrate in a classroom containing thousands of people? Wow! The class was held in the Super Bimbel GSC in the Sports and Convention Center, Palembang on May 23, 2015.

5. The Highest Number of Divers The record for the highest number of people diving at the same time took place on the beach Malalayang, Manado. The event was held by TNI AL (Navy) to celebrate 64th year of Indonesian Independence. Divers who jumped into the sea totaled 2,486 people and were divided into more than 50 groups.

2. Centipede Longest Parade The unique cultural festival named Sepasan had a creature resembling a dragon. The dragon was actually children wearing traditional clothes. Sepasan longest record was achieved on August 22, 2013 in Padang. Two hundred and twenty three children dressed in traditional Chinese and Indonesia sat together on a board resembling a centipede or a dragon, complete with head and tail. The total body length reached 216 meters and was carried by 1,500 volunteers.

6. The Biggest Torch Parade The larges Torch Parade reached 3,690 participants in the Annual Freedom Celebration named FFG Love Movement organized by Freedom FAITHNET Global located at Stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta on December 10, 2011. Each participant was required to bring the torch made from Bamboo and used candles as fuel.

3. The Highest Number of Crossword Participants The record for the AmerIndo

cover story


7. The Biggest Umbrella Mosaic The “Umbrella Mosaic” world record achieved by PT. Philips Indonesia on August 29, 2012 at Stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. A total of 2,170 people participated and joined to form a picture of the bulb and text that reads “Philips Led”.

the shell. Maybe you can break the record held by Mr. Benny J. Mamoto and institutions of Art and Culture of North Sulawesi. The event is sponsored by PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, followed by 339 participants who played a music ensemble of the shells with a melodious rhythm. The age of the participants varied, from the youngest age of 6 years old to the oldest person of 70 years.

8. Fingerprints Test with the Largest Participants A record was set doing fingerprint test. They had the greatest number of participants, as many as 3,108 children were involved. They come from a variety of different schools to participate in an event organized by the company of Frisian Flag, on February 26, 2011 at Mall of Indonesia, Jakarta. There was a fingerprint expert assigned to each table. The event lasted 8 hours.

10. The Largest Kolintang Concerts You have heard the name of Benny J. Mamoto mentioned several times in this record category list. Again, he holds the record for the largest Kolintang ensemble concert with the participants reaching 1,223 people. The concert was held as part of Art and Culture Festival of North Sulawesi, in Tondano Maesa Stadium on October 31, 2009.

9. The Largest Shells Ensemble If you love to eat mussels, we recommend not to throw away

Go Indonesia! (By: Irina Jusuf/Guinness World Records) 11


cover story

President Jokowi

Visits Three of America’s Largest Technology Companies! and his delegation left Jakarta on Sunday, with stops in Guam and Honolulu before landing on the mainland. The ASEAN-US Summit was held at Indian Wells for two days, Monday and Tuesday, February, 15 and 16. Prior to departure at Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, President Jokowi was to highlight its desire for the establishment of a stronger, more prosperous partnership between ASEAN and the US. After the summit, Jokowi and his entourage continued to San Francisco to deliver a keynote address at the US-ASEAN Business Council. It was scheduled to be held on February 17, 2016.

fter traveling for nearly 23 hours from Jakarta, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo arrived in America, landing in California at the Palm Springs International Airport on Sunday, February 14, 2016. He was accompanied by the First Lady Iriana. They attended the ASEAN-US Summit.


President Jokowi, in his remarks at the meeting with the Indonesian Diaspora at the Palace of Fine Art Auditorium in San Francisco, said on Tuesday evening, since the ASEAN Economic Community began in 2016, Indonesia has completely entered the era of regional and global competition. For the record, the meeting was well attended by nearly 1000 Indonesians.

Indonesian Ambassador to the US, Budi Bowoleksono and US assistant chief of protocol, Gladys Boluda welcomed President Jokowi and his entourage at the airport. Jokowi

President Jokowi himself was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, Chief of the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf,) Triawan Munaf and the Indonesian



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According to President Jokowi, Indonesia has prepared an action plan for the digital economy for mid and long term focus and is accelerating the provision of digital access for “Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah” (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises).

Ambassador to the United States, Budi Bowoleksono. Jokowi was dressed casually with his trademark white shirt at the Palace of Fine Arts. This was the second leg of his trip. The first being the three-day stay meeting with US President Barack Obama, who attended the conference at Indian Wells. President Jokowi, the First Lady, and his cabinet received a warm welcome and lots of applause from the audience. The President said “In a year, I’ve visited the US twice already and it’s so far,” the audience responded with laughter as he began the discussion. President Jokowi also called on Indonesians to return home, assuring them that the vibrant domestic economy of Indonesia offered immense potentials. Indonesia’s consul general in San Francisco, Ardi Hermawan said that among the many who attended many were students, researchers, religious leaders, artists and business people, all of whom make up the Indonesian Diaspora.

He said the Indonesian government has taken a number of policy steps to encourage the growth of technopreneurs and attract investment, including the IT field. “The government should also establish policies that encourage innovation, including creating 1,000 technopreneurs as well as provide protection for start-up entrepreneurs,” said President Jokowi. The President also asked Facebook to support the education of new IT developers in Indonesia. “I hope Facebook can also support Indonesia to empower the digital economy for Indonesia,” added the President. At the event, also present were the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi.

Meeting with Mark Zuckerberg, President Jokowi requested Facebook to help Support the Digital Economy in Indonesia The meeting with the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, along with the company executives, took place February 17, 2016. In his speech, President Jokowi gave high praise and appreciated the contributions Facebook has made so far in helping with the building up of the digital economy and the culture of Indonesia. “I hope Facebook can work together with us to help Indonesia achieve the vision of a digital economy in Southeast Asia, which has the potential to reach up to 130 billion US dollars by 2020,” President Jokowi said. AmerIndo

After visiting Facebook headquarters, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by First Lady Iriana and his entourage 14

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Googleplex to see some demos, including Youtube Panel Development and the Next Billion Users project. Furthermore, President Jokowi accompanied by several Ministers conducted a closed meeting with the CEO and executives of Google. President Jokowi Appreciates Twitter’s Role in Digital Democracy After visiting the offices of Facebook, Google, and several start-up companies, President Jokowi accompanied by First Lady Ibu Iriana visited the headquarters of Twitter, in San Fransisco, later that afternoon. Upon his arrival, the President and his entourage were directly welcomed by the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey.

visited Google’s headquarters, located in the Googleplex, at Mountain View, near San Francisco. President Jokowi was greeted by the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai and other executives of the company.

Shortly thereafter, the national anthem of Indonesia Raya (Great Indonesia) was reverberated from a piano. At Twitter headquarters, President Jokowi met several Indonesian Twitter employees, and conducted a meeting with Twitter’s CEO and executives. All in all it was a great trip and very promising for all Indonesians in the US and throughout the world. (By: Irina/ various sources)

The President Jokowi and First Lady Iriana asked to take photos, along with the Google employees from Indonesia and the executives of the company, before heading to a special room for lunch. After lunch, President Jokowi continued his visit in the 15



Wawancara Ekslusif:

Joey Alexander, Pianis Jazz Indonesia dengan Dua Nominasi Grammy Scofield. Sedangkan dalam kategori Best Jazz Instrumental Album, Joey bersaing dengan Terence Blanchard Featuring The E-Collective, Jimmy Greene, dan John Scofield. Joey yang saat ini bermukim di New York, memulai menulis komposisi musik “Ma Blues” pada saat usia 10 tahun. Lagu ini juga ada dalam album perdananya “My Favorite Things”. Bakat Joey yang berasal dari Bali ini, ditemukan oleh pemain terompet Jazz Wynton Marsalis. Joey telah tampil di berbagai festival dan konser musik Jazz di berbagai belahan Amerika Utara.


oey Alexander berhasil memukau para hadirin Grammy Awards 2016 di Los Angeles, California, Amerika Serikat (AS) pada Senin, 15 Februari 2016 waktu setempat. Tampil selama tak kurang dari 2 menit, pianis muda asal Indonesia itu mendapatkan standing applause, bahkan dari Taylor Swift dan Selena Gomez. Joey mendapatkan dua nominasi pada ajang Grammy tahun ini, yaitu untuk kategori Best Jazz Instrumental Album untuk album My Favorite Things yang diproduseri oleh Jason Olaine dan Best Improvised Jazz Solo untuk lagu Giant Steps dari album yang sama. Sayangnya, nominator Grammy berusia 12 tahun ini gagal memenangkan penghargaan.

Sebelumnya, Joey juga tampil di Grammy Awards Premiere Ceremony. Di ajang itu, dia menyanyikan Freedom Jazz Dance milik Eddie Harris. Penampilannya berhasil membuat para penonton bertepuk tangan riuh. Producer VOA, Ningrum Spicer bersama Yogi Leksono dan tim baru-baru ini berjumpa dan berkesempatan untuk berbincang-bincang dengan Joey Alexander. Berikut petikan wawancaranya: VOA: Bagaimana perasaan Joey ketika mendapatkan 2 nominasi untuk ajang penghargaan musik Grammy Award ini? Joey Alexander: “Saya merasa bersyukur sekali atas nominasi ini terutama kepada ajang musik Grammy yang telah mengakui musik saya dan mensejajarkan diri saya dengan musisi-musisi ternama lainnya.Saya juga bersyukur kepada kedua orang tua

Dalam kategori Best Improvised Jazz Solo, Joey bersaing dengan empat musisi soloist Jazz terkemuka Amerika seperti Christian McBride, Donny McCaslin, Joshua Redman, dan John AmerIndo


mengekspresikan kebebasan yang bisa membawa diri saya mempunyai perasaan swing dan blues. Ketika mendengarnya, kita akan merasakan perasaan itu. Dan tanpa blues, jazz itu tidak akan pernah ada. Bagi saya improvisasi adalah bermain dari hati, jadi ketika bermain di atas panggung semua tergantung dari hati dan bukan sesuatu yang direncanakan.” VOA: Joey dikenal sebagai “Child Prodigy”. Apa kegiatan sehari-hari dan kesukaan Joey? Joey Alexander: “Saya hanyalah seorang anak yang mempunyai aktivitas dan hobi sama seperti anak-anak pada umumnya. Saya suka mainan seperti Action figures super heroes dan juga suka nonton film. Seperti baru-baru ini saya nonton film Kungfu Panda di mana alur ceritanya menarik dan juga banyak actionnya.” saya terutama ayah saya yang telah membimbing saya dibidang musik. Saya juga sangat berterima kasih kepada produser album saya Jason Olaine dan juga musisi handal Wynton Marsalis yang telah sangat membantu diri saya.”

VOA: Bagaimana Joey membagi waktu dengan tour keliling, recording, latihan dan sekolah? Joey Alexander: “Saya menjalankan kegiatan saya secara natural, tidak susah banget karena saya mengambil sekolah secara online dengan waktu yang flexible. Musik adalah hidup saya, jadi saya selalu punya waktu untuk menjalaninya.”

VOA: Mengapa Joey memilih Jazz? Joey Alexander: “Dengan Jazz, diri saya merasa bisa 17


komposer musik favorit Joey? Joey Alexander: Billy Strayhorn, Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis, John Coltraine adalah beberapa komposer favorit saya, tetapi mungkin Thelonious Monk adalah modern jazz komposer pertama yang saya suka.

Tim VOA juga memberikan kesempatan kepada para pemirsa setia VOA untuk bertanya langsung kepada Joey Alexander. Berikut beberapa pertanyaan yang dipilih oleh tim VOA. Sanya Dririndra Putranti (Pemirsa VOA): Apa sih arti menjadi seorang pianis bagi Joey? Joey Alexander: “Piano adalah musik saya, karena itu menjadi seorang pianist bagi saya adalah seperti mengekspresikan sebuah cerita dari perasaan yang saya miliki.”

Ima Abdulrahim (Pemirsa VOA): Indonesia punya banyak festival terkemuka seperti Java Jazz dan JakJazz dan banyak musisi dunia bermain di situ. Bagaimana pendapat Joey terhadap festival-festival tersebut? Joey Alexander: Saya berharap semoga banyak orang Indonesia untuk bermain di festival-festival jazz tersebut.

Yayang Agnes Daniarsih Subarnas (Pemirsa VOA): Siapa yang mempengaruhi musik-musik Joey? Joey Alexander: “Sejak kecil saya selalu mendengar Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis, John Coltraine, Herbie Hancockdan tentu saja Wynton Marsalis. Saya menjadi seperti ini karena mereka yang merupakan inspirasi saya. Tidak hanya jazz, saya juga suka mendengar musik genre lainnya seperti gospel, pop maupun classic.”

VOA: Apa rencana Joey ke depan? termasuk bermain di Indonesia? Joey Alexander: Saya sedang menyelesaikan album kedua saya dan rencananya selesai tahun ini disamping I love performing dan rencananya akan main di Newport Jazz Festival lagi tahun ini. Dan saya juga berharap akan bisa main di Indonesia. (VOA Indonesia)

Wulan Danu Kusumo (Pemirsa VOA) : Siapa sih all time AmerIndo

18 18



Acara Oscar Berlangsung di Tengah Kontroversi Keanekaragaman


intang-bintang Hollywood berjalan di karpet merah terkenal di dunia pada hari Minggu, 28 Februari 2016 untuk menghadiri upacara penghargaan Academy Awards ke-88, penghargaan tertinggi dalam industri film. Acara tahun ini, dipandu oleh pelawak Chris Rock, ditandai dengan kontroversi mengenai kurangnya keragaman dalam daftar nominasi Oscars.

Berikut daftar para pemenang Piala Oscar 2016 dalam perhelatan Academy Awards ke-88 di Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat. Film Terbaik: Spotlight Aktor Terbaik: Leonardo DiCaprio Aktris Terbaik: Brie Larson Aktor Pendukung Terbaik: Mark Rylance Aktris Pendukung Terbaik: Alicia Vikander Sutradara Terbaik: Alejandro González Iñárritu (The Revenant) Skenario Asli Terbaik: Spotlight Skenario Adaptasi Terbaik: The Big Short Film Animasi Terbaik: Inside Out Film Animasi Pendek Terbaik: Bear Story Sinematografi Terbaik: The Revenant Film Dokumenter Terbaik: Amy Film Pendek Dokumenter Terbaik: A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness Film Live Action Pendek Terbaik: Stutterer Film Asing Terbaik: Son of Saul (Hungaria) Musik Orisinil Terbaik: The Hateful Eight Lagu Orisinal Terbaik: “Writing’s on the Wall,” “Spectre,” Musik dan Lirik oleh Jimmy Napes dan Sam Smith

Dalam dua tahun berturut-turut, hanya aktor dan aktris kulit putih yang terpilih merebut piala Oscars untuk empat kategori: actor-aktris terbaik dan aktor-aktris pendukung terbaik. Reaksi yang dihasilkan menyebabkan beberapa aktor dan aktris kulit hitam, seperti Spike Lee dan Jada Pinkett Smith yang mengatakan memboikot acara Oscars dan disusul munculnya tren pesan #OscarsSoWhite di media sosial. Chris Rock membuka acara dengan berbagai lelucon seputar kontroversi Oscars.”Jika mereka (Academy Awards) menominasikan pembawa acara, saya mungkin tidak akan mendapatkan pekerjaan ini,” katanya. “Kalian akan menonton Neil Patrick Harris sekarang.” Neil Patrick Harris adalah pembawa acara tahun lalu. Tapi Chris Rock juga bisa serius. “Kami ingin peluang,” katanya. “Kami ingin aktor aktris kulit hitam juga mendapat peluang yang sama, itu saja,” katanya disambut tepuk tangan meriah. Bintang-bintang Hollywood mulai tiba pukul lima sore waktu setempat, sementara acara dimulai pukul setengah delapan malam waktu setempat. Acara berlangsung kira-kira tiga jam dan disiarkan oleh stasiun TV - ABC. Lebih dari 40 juta orang di seluruh dunia diperkirakan akan menyaksikan penganugerahan Oscars. (VOA Indonesia) 19


good looking

Temukan Make-up Terbaik untuk Warna Kulitmu


pa yang sudah Anda persiapkan untuk mempersiapkan kencan pertama dengan pria idaman Anda? Gaun malam elegan, tatanan rambut romantis dan tentunya (tak ketinggalan) sapuan make-up paling cantik. Tapi, tahukah Anda bagaimana cara mudah menentukan warna make-up yang tepat? Cukup sesuaikan dengan warna kulit Anda!

Make Up For Fair Skin: • Sapukan make-up warna pastel tipis-tipis ke kulit wajah. Jika, warna kulit Anda cenderung pink dan kemerahmerahan akan sangat pas bila dipadukan dengan blush-on dan lipstik warna serupa. • Beri maskara hitam atau coklat untuk menonjolkan bagian mata Anda. Beri glossy lipstick sebagai sentuhan akhir.

Make Up For Medium Toned or Brown Skin: • Cobalah warna coral dan plum pada pipi Anda agar makin mempesona. • Sapukan bedak warna bronze keemasan pada wajah, hidung dan dahi agar kulit makin bersinar. • Untuk menegaskan bagian mata, pilih eyeliner atau eye shadow warna gelap atau warna tanah. Kalau ingin lebih aman, pilih warna hitam agar terlihat netral. • Khusus jenis kulit warna ini, gunakan pilihan lipstik warna dark red, maroon atau bronze untuk memberi kesan glamour. AmerIndo



Make Up For Dark Skin: • Apricot, bronze, plum and wine colour will do a good job on your cheeks! Warna bronze sempurna bila digunakan sebagai highlight di tulang pipi Anda. Sedangkan peach mampu memberi nuansa natural sebagai warna blush tone. Bagi yang menyukai warna rose, tidak salah untuk mencobanya. • Gunakan warna coklat dan abu sebagai eye shadow. Sedangkan warna-warna shimmering seperti gold, silver dan bronze cukup digunakan sebagai penghias mata. • Pertegas bagian mata dengan pilihan warna-warna maskara seperti navy blue, dark purple atau black. • Untuk lipstik, warna-warna apricot, blackberry, merah tua atau maroon sangat pas untuk menutupi warna bibir Anda yang cenderung hitam.

Kedutaan besar RI 2020 Massachusetts ave N.W Washington D.C 20036 202.775.5200 Konsulat Jenderal RI, Los Angeles 3457 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, Ca 90010 Ph. (213) 383-5126 Fax (213) 487-3971 Pelayanan Visa / Passport: (213)738-9803 Konsulat Jenderal RI, New York 5 East 68th St, New York, NY 10065 Ph. (212) 879-0600 Fax (212) 570-6206

Make Up For Darker Skin: • Beri pipi Anda sentuhan highlight warna dark plum, chestnut atau terracotta. Ingat, bagi Anda pemilik kulit cenderung gelap pekat, hindari shading make-up warna terang. • Pilih warna dark metallic sebagai eye shadow Anda. Kemudian serasikan dengan eyeliner warna hitam sebagai bingkai mata Anda. • Sebagai finishing touch, sapukan warna lipstik berry, plum, almond atau coklat kekuningan untuk menambah efek eksotik di bibir Anda. (By: Irina Jusuf/various sources)

Konsulat Jenderal RI, Chicago 211. West Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 Ph.(312) 920-1880 Fax (312) 920-1881 Konsulat Jenderal RI, Houston 10900 Richmond Ave Houston, TX 77042 Ph.(713) 785-1671 Fax (713) 780-9644 21

Konsulat Jenderal RI, San Fransisco 1111 Columbus Ave San Fransisco, CA 94133 Ph. (415) 474-9571 Fax (415) 441-4320 Kedutaan Besar RI Ottawa, Canada 55 Parkdale Ave Ottawa, Ontario Canada KIYIE5 Ph. (613) 724-1100 Fax (613) 724-1105 Konsulat Jenderal RI Vancouver, Canada 1630 Alberni St, Vancouver, BC Canada V6G1A6 Ph. (604)682-8855 Fax (604) 662-8396 Konsulat Jenderal RI, Toronto, Canada 129. Jarvis St, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5C2H6 Ph. (416) 360-4020 Fax (416) 360- 4295 Utusan tetap R.I di PBB 325 East 38th Street New York, NY 10016 Ph. (212) 972-8333/49 MARCH ’16


Style Fashion Week Ignites New York City


tyle Fashion Week has yet again created a Mecca for all things art, fashion and inspiration within the walls of Gotham Hall. The fall/winter shows electrified the audience with the creativity and innovation that translated through their collections. The illustrated not only strong direction, but artistic ability and inspiration as well. Opening night one was the first of six designers to show with a glamrock inspired collection was winner of FGI’s Rising Star Award, Malan Breton. Following were the utterly impressive collections of former Oscar de la Renta designer, Raul Penaranda, PopImpressKa, Ev Bessar, Nina Gleyzer and Project Runway designer, Amanda Perna with the House of Perna. Furthering the evening’s message of inspiration and positivity through creation, the members of The City Kids presented the famous and breathtaking Keith Haring banner, “City Kids Speak on Liberty” banner in an exciting reveal. After night one with six designers, 6,000 guests, 15+ sponsors and an incredible team, Style Fashion Week F/W 16 put on a night worth celebrating; a task made easy with the post-shows official press party held directly after shows! We offer many thanks to the designers, our many sponsors, our strong team and all of the wonderful guests. Thank to all of our gracious sponsors including The Eleanor Lambert Foundation, Seed Mobile, Purely Sedona Artisanal Water, International Chamber of Design, Madame Paulette, FlowerBox, Morgan Stanley, Bubblefish Media, Peroni, The City Kids Foundation, Slooh, Davines and Joseph DiMaggio creating modern hair trends for the designers and Cargo Cosmetics and Joey Sanchez for beauty. (Source: SFW Media LA)






The Main Cause of

High Cholesterol “Let food be the medicine” - Hippocrates.


very common in today‘s world to learn of young people in their 20s being diagnosed with diabetes or being obese. One of the main causes for the rise of high cholesterol is being lazy. Lack of physical activity may increase the LDL level, which in turn decreases the good cholesterol.

eople who consume more vegetables and proteins will have a better chance of living their life free of diabetes and high cholesterol. Recent studies have shown a dramatic increase in heart diseases. One of the main reasons people are suffering with the heart is their sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. What you eat and your lifestyle affect the amount of fat in our blood cells and the way it circulates throughout our body. Everyone of the above mentioned can increase your cholesterol level or affect the ratio of good to bad cholesterol in your body. If one suddenly finds themselves facing a high cholesterol problem here may be some of the major causes you may want to contemplate looking into:

Age & Gender Male, female, old or young these traits also have cause and affect on bad health. For example, in women, cholesterol levels stay fairly low until menopause, after menopause it has been noted that a woman‘s cholesterol may rise to about the same level as that found in men.

Wrong Diet A diet consisting of beef, pork, veal, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese can ruin your entire life. All of these foods are high in saturated fats. Fats that only lead to an increase in ones cholesterol level. Hence, reduce the intake of these high-caloric foods to be healthier.

Overall Health Pay attention to your overall health and get examined regularly. Ignoring small health problems will only lead to bigger problems at a later point in life. So visit your doctor at least once a year. A health problem one may have may appear as not so serious, but underneath it all it can be an indication of a new underlying condition.

Obese Being overweight is inviting many health problems, which in turn can lead to early heart disease, diabetes, and of course high cholesterol. By being obese, the triglycerides or LDL (bad cholesterol) in your body increases and the HDL (good cholesterol) decreases. It is in ones best interest to control your weight and make sure you lead an active lifestyle.

Family History Other main causes of high cholesterol is the family history. Just like diabetes, cholesterol too is hereditary in nature. So, if it runs in your family, make sure to keep a check on your weight and the quality of food consumed on a daily basis.

Activity, Activity Experts suggest that one needs to be active throughout the day, in order to minimize health problems that can develop. It is AmerIndo


Quit Smoking! Smoking can lower your good cholesterol level. If you are crazy about this bad habit it is time to quit, immediately at this point!

Top 6 Foods To Lower Cholesterol!

1. Soya Being naturally low in saturated fat, soya foods help lower cholesterol. The special proteins in soya also appear to influence how the body regulates cholesterol too. Studies show one can lower their cholesterol by approximately 6% by including as little as 15grams of soya protein per day. Choose from the many selections such as: soya alternatives to milk and yogurt, soya desserts, soya meat alternatives, soya nuts, edamame beans and tofu. 2. Beans Beans are high in fiber solution, no food is more fiber-rich than beans. And beans are especially high in cholesterollowering soluble fiber. Eating a cup of any type of beans a day, particularly kidney, navy, pinto, black, chickpea, or butter beans can lower cholesterol by as much as 10% in 6 weeks.

3. Walnuts, Cashews and Almonds (Go Mixed Nuts) Nuts are rich in vegetable protein, fiber, heart healthy unsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, natural plant sterols and a host of beneficial plant nutrients, 30 to 35 grams a day of nuts (a handful) has the potential to lower cholesterol by an average of 5%. 4. Salmon Omega-3 fatty acid are found in salmon and other cold-water fish. They in turn help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, raise “good” HDL cholesterol, and lower triglycerides. Salmon is an excellent source of protein because it is high in omega-3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA that are good for your heart while low in cholesterol and saturated fat. 5. Fruits & vegetables All fruits and vegetables are low in saturated fat so eating more helps to keep your saturated fat level low. Fruit and vegetables are also a valuable source of cholesterol lowering soluble 25

fibers. Try to include at least one pulse (beans, peas, lentils) everyday. Other rich sources of soluble fiber include sweet potato, spinach, broccoli, avocado, apples, strawberry and prunes. 6. Garlic For thousands of years, garlic has been used in nearly every culture in the world. Its nutritional value and flavor have made it a kitchen staple. Ancient Egyptians ate garlic for stamina. In modern times, garlic has been found to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure, and protect against infections. Now research has found that it helps stop artery-clogging plaque at its earliest stage Garlic keeps individual cholesterol particles from sticking to the artery walls. Be healthy, eat right, move your body and keep those positive changes for your life to be long! By: Irina/various source MARCH ’16


March 2016 Favorite Events for Los Angeles Plan your month with our March 2016 events calendar of the best activities, including free things to do, festivals and our favorite concerts. Trade Connect Regional Trade Forum: How to Grow Your Business Through Export This event will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 9.00am to 12.00pm. Registration at 8.30 A.M, San Bernardino International Airport, International Terminal 275 North Leland Way, San Bernardino, CA. No Cost Event. Free Parking. Refreshment will be served during the event. Please contact Jane Coronel at: jcoronel@portla. org or register at: IntroTC30216 Where: San Bernardino International Airport, International Terminal 275 North Leland Way, San Bernardino, CA When: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Spring Festival 2016 Please visit our park’s seventh annual Spring Festival event which will take place at Schabarum Regional Park, on Saturday March 5, 2016 from 11 am to 4 pm. You can enjoy the weekend by Multi-cultural music, dance & exercise performances by adult and youth groups throughout the day, opportunity Drawings for great prizes AmerIndo

all day including a BIG SCREEN TV, great food from: Casa Blanca Mexican Food, KFC & Kettle Korn and also Special kids’ area with face painting, bounce house, games & crafts just for kids! This event presented by: Los Angeles County Department of Parks & Recreation. FREE Admission! When: Saturday, March 5, 2016 Where: Schabarum Regional Park: 17250 E. Colima Road, Rowland Heights

The Improvised Shakespeare Company The actors (including Thomas Middleditch) speak in faux British accents, employ Elizabethan-era speech and play up any number of Shakespearean tropes, yet this hugely popular Chicago show is anything but gimmicky. Good improv rises above. Start 8.00pm. Price: $30. Where: Largo at the Coronet, 366 N La Cienega Blvd Los Angeles, West Hollywood When: Monday, March 7, 2016 26

Great Horror Movie Night presents Poltergeist screening Watch an outdoor screening of Poltergeist as a warm-up for this summer’s Great Horror Campout; keep an eye out for some familiar monsters roaming around the Old Zoo in Griffith Park. Opening hours: 6am-10pm. Price: $15 Where: Old Zoo, Griffith Park Dr, Los Angeles When: Friday, March 11, 2016

Dana Point Festival of Whales Each spring, thousands of gray whales and their calves begin the journey back north from the Baja, passing just off the SoCal coast in the process. To celebrate,

Dana Point hosts two weekends of festivities dedicated to the marine migration. Opening day festivities include a parade and street fair and the fest closes out with a whale-themed concert, with crafts, art shows and whale watching excursions scattered in between. The festival takes place all over the Dana Point Harbor; you’ll find free four-hour parking in the harbor lots, as well as all-day parking ($8) at Doheney State Beach, with a free shuttle servicing the festival area. Start from 12.00am ‘till done (FREE). Please visit: Where: Various locations in L.A. , Los Angeles When: Saturday, March 5 2016 – Sunday, March 13 2016 Art Night Pasadena Pasadena’s underrated collection of museums and performance spaces open up their doors for free at this biannual art celebration. Take advantage of the free shuttle buses or hoof it between site-specific installations and local institutions such as the Norton Simon Museum, Pacific Asia Museum and Pasadena Museum of California Art. And, of course, no arts fest would be complete without food trucks, often including local bricksand-mortar Pie ‘n Burger and Coolhaus. Opening hours: 6.00pm (FREE). Visit: Where: Various locations in L.A. , Los Angeles When: Friday March 11 2016 Cherry Blossom Festival Usher in the springtime bloom with

this celebration of Japanese culture at Descanso Gardens. There’ll be musical performances, origami classes, guided garden walks and Patina-catered food— and of course those beautiful flowering trees. Opening hours: 9am-5pm, for further information please visit: www. Where: Descanso Gardens, 1418 Descanso Dr Los Angeles When: Saturday March 12 2016 - Sunday March 13 2016 Miss Diamond Bar Pageant Please come to the 52nd Annual Miss Diamond Bar Scholarship Pageant on Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 2.00 P.M. Ticket donation of $30.00 per person. For more information please call Linda Headlee at (909) 861-8454 or Email: Where: Diamond Bar High School Performing Arts Theater 21400 Pathfinder Rd., Diamond Bar When: Sunday, March 13, 2016 Odd Nights at the Autry Adding to the throng of artisanal havens, Phillip Dane (curator of Dodger Stadium Flea, Downtown Flea, and Melrose Flea) launches the greatest one yet with a monthly night market called Odd Nights at the Autry. Think of it as dance party meets happy hour meets shopping extravaganza. With live local bands, beer gardens, cocktail lounges, a full bar, 20 gourmet food trucks, 200+ 27

vendors, Bouncy Zone Rides, kid’s face painting, and more, you might want to start reserving third Fridays in your calendar. Vendor fare includes handcrafted jewelry, fashionable garb, home goods, antiques, collectibles, artwork, and other Etsy-esque finds. Pull up via car, bike, or horse and you’ll get to park your wheels for free if you’re one of the first 2,000 attendees. Opening hours: 06.00pm. FREE Admission. Website: Where: Autry National Center, Griffith Park When: Friday, March 18, 2016 The Smashing Pumpkins + Liz Phair How can we not get excited that the Smashing Pumpkins and Liz Phair are touring together? The Pumpkins are launching another “In Plainsong” tour, which to those of us not named Billy Corgan simply means an acoustic set. Founding drummer Jimmy Chamberlin will once again be joining the band (though no James or D’arcy), who share the bill with opener Liz Phair, on her first stateside tour in 6 years. Start from: 08.00pm. Tickets: $60-$100. Where: The Theatre at Ace Hotel, 929 S Broadway Los Angeles When: Saturday, March 26, 2016 – Sunday, March 27, 2016 MARCH ’16


Gerhana Matahari Total Melintasi 11 Wilayah di Indonesia


bersama-sama mengunjungi Bangka Belitung. Selain melakukan penelitian, para ilmuwan juga akan mengikuti seminar internasional yang digelar sehari sebelumnya. Rencananya, ratusan kapal pesiar yang datang dari negara tetangga akan merapat di perairan Manggar dan Tanjung Pandang sehari sebelumnya.

enomena alam Gerhana Matahari Total (GMT) akan melintasi Indonesia pada 9 Maret 2016 mendatang. Peristiwa langka GMT diperkirakan akan melintas di 11 daerah di Indonesia dan membuat seluruh mata dunia tertuju ke Indonesia pada saat itu. Radius GMT sendiri mencapai 150 kilometer, jadi menurut perkiraan para ilmuwan, akan melewati daerah bagian barat dari mulai Bangka Belitung, Jambi, Bengkulu dan Palembang.

Adapun beberapa wilayah di Indonesia yang diperkirakan akan dilintasi GMT adalah, Bengkulu, Sumatera Selatan, Jambi, Bangka Belitung, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Maluku Utara. Sementara kota-kota besar di Indonesia yang juga akan dilewati GMT, yakni Muko-Muko, Palembang, Tanjung Pandan, Palangkaraya, Balikpapan, Palu, dan Ternate. (Irina/berbagai sumber)

Andi Eka Sakya, Kepala Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) menjelaskan, GMT ini merupakan fenomena alam di mana posisi atau kedudukan Matahari, Bulan, dan Bumi berada pada satu garis lurus. Efeknya, sebagian permukaan Bumi akan terkena bayangan gelap Bulan. Peristiwa GMT ini, akan dimulai pada saat Bulan perlahan menutupi piringan Matahari sehingga semakin lama area piringan matahari yang ditutupi bulan semakin besar. “Ini adalah peristiwa yang langka sekali, tempatnya hanya di Indonesia, bisa sekali seumur hidup,� sambungnya. Fase total akan terjadi jika seluruh permukaan matahari tertutupi oleh bulan.



Tak hanya itu saja, pemerintah juga akan mengundang akademisi, ilmuwan, mahasiswa dan para pelajar untuk AmerIndo



Sebentar Lagi, Pedagang Pasar Tradisional di Indonesia Gunakan Aplikasi Online

menyambungkan antara pedagang pasar dengan pembeli,” ujar Ketua Umum APPSI Sandiaga Uno di Jakarta. Saat ini APPSI juga sedang mengembangkan aplikasi untuk transportasi sembako. Menurutnya Sandiaga, penerapan teknologi di jaringan distribusi mulai tingkat hulu sampai hilir dapat memberikan salah satu upaya untuk efisiensi harga.


Melalui aplikasi teknologi tersebut pasar bisa menyesuaikan pergerakan harga dan anggaran sesuai tren. Selain itu, dengan adanya aplikasi ini dapat mensinergikan antara pasar tradisional dan pasar modern untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.

asar tradisional tampaknya tidak ingin ketinggalan zaman dan sebentar lagi siap memasuki era digital. Persepsi kebanyakan orang tentang pasar tradisional sangat identik dengan lokasi yang kumuh, harga fluktuatif dan tidak ada transparansi. Kesan itu sepertinya tidak lama lagi akan menghilang berkat inisiatif dari Asosiasi Pedagang Pasar Seluruh Indonesia (APPSI) yang akan memperkenalkan aplikasi teknologi online kepada para pedagang pasar tradisional. Sehingga pedagang dapat terhubung langsung dengan para konsumen. Pemanfaatan teknologi online ini ditujukan untuk efisiensi biaya dan transparansi harga dari hulu ke hilir.

Penerapan teknologi yang tepat juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas produksi pangan yang selama ini dipandang masih rendah. Hal tersebut diperparah dengan biaya logistik di Indonesia yang termasuk paling tinggi di ASEAN. Oleh karena itu harus ada inovasi drastis di seluruh jalur logistik. «Menurut saya, teknologi akan menjawab semua,» tutup Sandiaga di salah satu media televisi Indonesia. (By: irina/berbagai sumber)

“Kami mulai memperkenalkan aplikasi salah satunya Groceries, sebagai solusi permasalahan fluktuasi harga dan 29


find facts

Indonesian Children with Worldwide Achievement a result of his hard work Adryan has purchased 11 villas and 38 resorts operating in Garut. In addition, there are 55 cars in his showroom that is managed through page.

2. Reinardus Surya Pradhitya – IT Progammers in Facebook Indonesian intelligence younger generation seems to have been recognized up to overseas. Among the existing name, Reinardus Surya Pradhitya is one of them. The 22-year-old man became famous after successfully becoming employees of Facebook in the Silicon Valley, United States. He has become one of the 30 Indonesian citizens who worked in the company led by Mark Zuckerberg.

1. Adryan Fitra – Digital entrepreneurs Who would have thought that a man from Indonesia is one of the key figures behind the election of Barrack Obama becoming President. Most will not know who is this key figure. The man is Adryan Fitra, who was also successful for the team of JokowiJusuf Kalla (JK) in his 2014 election. He has more than 200 accounts he manages in social media. Adryan was one of Obama’s Successful Team members that was involved in the presidential election of 2008. At that time, he was selected after following a competition. Eventually, he was hired by Obama to join his digital team. Adryan was the first Indonesian to earn commissions totaling 1 Billion Rupiah from Google AdSense. After that, Adryan successfully was chosen as the only digital campaigner in the Jokowi-JK’s Success Team.

Reinardus loved programming since high school and had become a member of the Indonesian Computer Olympiad. His interest that eventually lead him to studied computer science at the University of Nanyang, Singapore. In order to encourage more young people of Indonesia to work in Silicon Valley, Reinardus and other citizens created the Indo2SV program. Through this program, six young talented Indonesian are chosen guided and mentored to follow in their footsteps.

The man who once worked at Google Singapore revealed his work in the role of digital campaigner for Jokowi. He started when he was in America helping the Campaign Team of President Barrack Obama. Due to the hard work and achievements, Adryan was offered work at the headquarters of the US Department of Defense at the Pentagon.

3. Gilbert Nadapdap and Gomos Parulian Manalu – Students for NASA research Two boys named Gilbert Nadapdap and Gomos Parulian Manalu coming from the Toba, Islands Samosir, North Sumatera,

Adryan who is trying to obtain an S3 scholarship from the University of Indonesia, is now working with the Student Entrepreneurial of Indonesia. The movement is an entrepreneurial training for students throughout Indonesia. As AmerIndo


Indonesia has become proud sons for successfully being involved with NASA to further develop their research.

Muh. Nurckhalik Djirimu, were awarded with the title of “Best Students in Sports and Art in 2014-2015”.

Gilbert and Gomos were called by NASA Research to help in creating an IT System for space. They were successful and they created an IT system to control the fermentation process in space. They were invited to NASA headquarters by the US space agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in San Jose, California, in the United States.

Marvilo is currently enrolled as a master student, majoring in Communication. Various achievements and awards have been achieved as a winner of the Mandarin singing contest-level foreign students, winners of four university singing contest in 2015, and won the Excellent Prize at the third Chinese Contest held by Jiangxi Province. Meanwhile, Arini is a master student majoring in Linguistics, he has several awards, including the “Outstanding Prize” in the level foreign students for Chinese Competition 2014, the first winner for “The First International Student‘s Art Contest Painting Group and the International Exchange College” in 2015.

The two boys were accompanied by two teachers, Elin Bawekes and Arini Desianti Parawi on January 24, 2016. At that time, NASA asked for help from these two young scientists to continue their research on micro-aerobic fermentation with micro gravity.

The next is, Siti Marwah who is a master student majoring in International Relations. She is the winner of numerous competitions in foreign languages and literature of China. Some other achievements are, becomes the third winner for “Mandarin Speech Contest” level foreign students in 2014, winner of two “Nanchang University 1st Confucius Institute Cup Original Literature and Art Work Contest” 2015 and a winner of three in “Chinese Speech Contest” master level students of Nanchang University, 2015.

Before being called by NASA, the Principal, Alfred H Silalahi had confirmed that two of his disciples were the best students in Unggul Del Toba Samosir High School, North Sumatera, Indonesia.

The last but not least is, Nurchalik who is currently active as a student majoring in Tourism. Some of the accomplishments he has achieved was, being runner-up for Mandarin Speech Contest of foreign students in 2014, runner-up for Mandarin singing competitions of foreign students in 2014, winner of three Photography Campus Level competition in 2015, and winner of the ICC Snapshot „Akulah Duta Kampong Halamanku“ 2015. The four students were graduates of the University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.

4. Marvilo, Arini, Marwah, Nurchalik – Four outstanding students in Nanchang University Starting the Lunar New Year, a new achievement of set targets certainly became commonplace. Related to these achievements, the encouraging news came from the Bamboo Curtain country. Four Indonesian students have just received the award in celebration of the Lunar New Year‘s Eve at Nanchang University, China.

The awards ceremony took place on the 1st floor Building of International Exchange College, Nanchang University, the event was attended by hundreds of participants consisting of lecturers and students. The event was opened by the director of International Exchange College, Prof. Bao Li Ming who congratulated the Chinese New Year to all foreign students and lecturers who attended the event. He also expressed his hope that everyone can find happiness in the years to come. (By: Irina Jusuf/various source)

The four outstanding Indonesian students are studying the S-2. They are: Marvilo Junelton Nathaniel Jacob, selected as the “Excellent Student” of the the years 2014-2015, while the other three are, Arini Junaeny, Sitti Marwah and 31



Renter Insurance Memproteksi harta/barang/biaya pribadi Anda dan kewajiban Anda terhadap kerugian orang lain


etika Anda membeli rumah, salah satu hal yang masuk dalam daftar utama adalah memproteksi rumah tersebut dengan asuransi (Homeowner Insurance). Anda sebagai pemilik rumah cenderung merasa kuatir akan kehilangan bangunan rumahnya sehingga aware untuk membeli asuransi rumah, terutama bila ada mortgage yang tentunya akan langsung mewajibkan Anda untuk membeli asuransi rumah. Bahkan sejumlah orang memproteksi rumahnya dengan asuransi banjir dan gempa bumi.

Renter Insurance memberikan proteksi dalam beberapa aspek, yaitu: PERSONAL PROPERTY, memproteksi harta/barang milik penyewa dalam batas-batas tertentu. Sejumlah orang tidak ingin memproteksi harta pribadinya karena merasa tidak memiliki harta yang bernilai. Sebenarnya harta pribadi tidak perlu berwujud sesuatu yang Text by: Jane Wibowo sangat mahal. Coba Anda menjawab pertanyaan (CEO of First Way ini: Ketika suatu kebakaran menghanguskan Insurance, Inc.) seluruh harta pribadi Anda, berapa biaya yang harus Anda keluarkan untuk membeli kembali barang-barang tersebut? Katakanlah harga perabotan, peralatan rumah tangga, komputer dan lain-lain memiliki Nah, bagaimana jika Anda menyewa sebuah tempat tinggal nilai pengganti sebesar $20,000. Apakah Anda sudah (misalkan apartement). Apakah perlu juga membeli asuransi? mencadangkan dana sejumlah itu untuk penggantinya? Ketika kita membeli asuransi untuk memproteksi tempat tinggal yang kita sewa, berarti kita membeli Renter Insurance. Anda membeli Renter Insurance bukan untuk memproteksi LOSS OF USE. Katakanlah, Anda siap untuk kehilangan seluruh bangunan tempat tinggal tersebut, namun untuk memproteksi harta/barang Anda bila terbakar habis oleh api. Namun, harta/barang/biaya pribadi Anda dan kewajiban Anda pernahkan terpikir bahwa Anda tentunya kehilangan tempat terhadap kerugian orang lain. Istilah Renter Insurance tidak tinggal pula? Tergantung isi kontrak sewa Anda, apakah begitu populer dibandingkan dengan Homeowner Insurance Landlord akan memberikan tempat tinggal sementara atau karena edukasi pentingnya Renter Insurance tidak begitu tidak pada saat terjadi kehilangan tempat tinggal karena tersampaikan. Renter Insurance boleh dikatakan cenderung kejadian di luar kontrol tersebut. Bila tidak, apakah Anda dibeli oleh seseorang karena diwajibkan oleh Landlord-nya, siap dengan biaya sewa hotel/motel/apartement baru yang sehingga jarang terdengar bahwa seseorang ingin membelinya biasanya cenderung lebih mahal? Secara umum, LOSS OF USE karena merasa membutuhkan. Benarkah kepentingan untuk memberikan proteksi atas selisih antara biaya yang Anda membeli Renter Insuranse sampai serendah itu? Mari kita keluarkan saat kehilangan tempat tinggal dengan biaya rutin telaah kebenarannya. saat Anda menyewa apartement yang terbakar.



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MEDICAL PAYMENTS. Proteksi ini bisa digunakan ketika ada pihak luar (tamu) yang terluka saat berada di area tempat tinggal Anda.

dalam kejadian seperti ini. Contoh yang lain misalnya, tanpa sengaja dinding partisi kamar apartement Anda berlubang karena terdorong oleh anak-anak saat bermain. Sejumlah Landlord mungkin tidak mempermasalahkannya. Namun apakah Anda siap bila ternyata Landlord Anda menahan Security Deposit Anda untuk mengganti kerusakan tersebut? Lebih extrim lagi, bagaimana kalau kerusakannya melebihi Security Deposit atau bahkan mencapai 5 digit? Daripada harus mengeluarkan dana dari saku, mengapa tidak Anda manfaatkan proteksi PERSONAL LIABILITY untuk menolong Anda melakukan settlement.

PERSONAL LIABILITY. Pernahkah Anda mendengar pepatah: Saat malang menimpa, badai dan petir bekerjasama? Kita tidak pernah tahu kapan dan dimana kita akan dituntut orang secara hukum. Angkanya juga tidak pernah kita duga. Bayangkan, tanpa sengaja Anda melukai seseorang yang membuatnya end-up di rumah sakit selama dua minggu. Selain biaya rumah sakit, orang itu juga kehilangan penghasilan hariannya. Berapa Dollar yang harus Anda keluarkan untuk membayar itu semua? Belum lagi kalau orang tersebut menuntut Anda karena telah menyebabkannya kehilangan kesempatan promosi di tempat kerja akibat hospitalisasi tersebut. Proteksi PERSONAL LIABILITY akan mengambil peran

Untung selalu diharap, namun malang tak pernah terduga. Sedia payung sebelum hujan. Harga Renter Insurance juga sangatlah murah. Dengan premi berkisar $150 per tahun ($12.5 / bulan), bisa jadi Anda sudah bisa mendapatkan renter insurance dengan pertanggungan yang memadai dan deductible yang affordable. Diskusikan hal ini dengan agent Anda dan dapatkan advice yang menyeluruh sebelum Anda melakukan binding. (Text by: Jane/Alfred) 33




What is the Zika Virus and How Dangerous is it to Our Child?

n 1947 the Zika virus was in discovered in Uganda, Africa. It then spread to the Americas, and parts of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Currently, the Zika virus is most present in Brazil and travel to this country should be approached with some caution.

According to the Center for Disease Control of the U.S., once bitten by these types of mosquitos you may experience a fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes). One reason people do not know they have been bitten by the mosquito is because of the mild symptoms. Once bitten, you may be carrying the Zika virus but it has not been determined how long it stays with you. It is not a deadly virus. Once infected a person cannot be infected again.

In our side of the world North America, the Americas (the islands in the Caribbean), and especially South America, the Aedes species mosquito carries the Zika virus. The area where the mosquito travels includes 29 countries. A bite from the Zika carrying mosquito is not deadly but the impact it has on pregnant woman is cause for alarm.

It can be spread through sexual contact with men who carry the Zika virus. For women, it is strongly advised to ask your partner if they have traveled or plan to travel to an infected area so that proper precaution can be taken, including not having sex with your partner until it can be determined if they were infected by the Zika virus. Woman who are pregnant and have the Zika virus have the risk of having microcephaly. In the website it states: “Some babies with microcephaly have been reported among mothers who were infected with Zika virus while pregnant. Researchers are studying the possible link between Zika virus infection and microcephaly.� Microcephaly is a condition where a baby is born with



Hair and

a small head and the brain does not fully develop. The child will not develop normally and have trouble walking, crawling, chewing, swallowing, speech and may be slow in overall development. In addition, the baby may have hearing and vision problems as well.

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In Indonesia there has been no report of Zika virus infection in infants and children like in the United States and Brazil, but you still need to be aware, especially in the rainy season. There is an old saying that says “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure�. Here are some preventions we can do for our children to be protected from Zika virus infection.

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Avoid children from mosquito bites by applying mosquito repellent cream and put on long sleeved shirt and trousers when children are outside the home.

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626-741-7756 mosquito netting wire on the vent to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house.


4. 5.


6. 7.

Change water in flower vases regularly.

Especially for infants under the three months of age, use mosquito nets in cribs or beds to avoid mosquito bites.

Use herbal mosquito repellent plants such as Lemongrass and Lavender. Put the leaves of lemongrass or lavender flowers at the corners of the room. Let your children drink enough water and get enough rest to maintain their endurance.

Complete the house with the air conditioner or

Immediately consult a doctor if your child shows signs of having the virus.



My career

Stop Believing These 5 Career Myths! 1. There are career paths that may lead to being stuck forever and never finding your way back. In today’s world, most experts agree that the idea of a “path” is outdated, and more importantly, can be harmful to career-seekers. “People make career moves every single day,” says Vicki Salemi, career expert for Monster. “I’ve seen lawyers become holistic health coaches, I’ve seen an engineer become a full-time juggler. Simply, if you’re unhappy you certainly deserve to find a better opportunity.” Remember this: Even if you feel “stuck” in a job or industry after switching careers, you can always become “unstuck” by taking classes, networking, and trying hard to present yourself as a strong candidate for your next move.

respected people in your industry or company wear and then interpreting that in a way that is authentic for you”. And yes, that means you can totally wear black all day and everyday if you want. 4. Lateral moves are a waste of time. Moving laterally to another position may mean your salary is stagnant, but you should think of your career as more like a lattice than a direct one-way ladder on the way to the top. Making a move into another group may position you better in the long-term and for an even better opportunity externally once you gain coveted skills and experience in that lateral role. 5. You achieve success by putting your career at the very top of your priority

2. One does not need to be in a manager role in order to be considered a “leader” in the workplace. The facts are: As many workplaces trend towards lateral positioning rather than hierarchical roles, the idea of what a “leader” is in the workplace is shifting. In fact, 83% of Millennials say they already feel like a leader, according to The Hartford’s 2014 Millennial Leadership Survey, and that number will hopefully only grow. “If you are someone who steps up to challenges, has integrity, and achieves your employer’s goals, you are a leader even if you don’t have an official management title yet,“ says Hartford expert Lindsey Pollak.

list. Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt terrible because a colleague or boss made it seem like all they do is work. And guess what, most of it is a trap. While working hard is a must for success, that doesn’t mean you have to be working all the time. In fact, most experts agree that taking “real” vacations and placing other things on your priority list (maybe even above work) makes for a better, happier and more productive employee.

3. Does dressing for the job mean blazers, trousers and neutrals? If that works for you and is your taste, absolutely. However, if it’s not? You shouldn’t feel confined to stick to an Office Uniform. As Lindsey Pollak told us, “What is most important is learning what AmerIndo


5 Career Fun Facts that will Affect your Career Choice‌


1. 2.

70% of all jobs require education or technical training beyond high school.


Manufacturing jobs will require different skill sets, while an equal number of service jobs will be obsolete.


Most new job opportunities come from small companies with fewer than 100 employees, yet small companies are the least able to provide on-the-job training.

4. 5.

Workers will change jobs six to seven times during their normal working lives.

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan pertemuan dengan seluruh DIASPORA di Hawaii 2016

Many technical and office occupations now require a post secondary degree as more employers prefer to hire trained personnel rather than provide training. (By: Irina/various source) 37



What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Dating Style (Part 1)






Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Dating style: Committed “Capricorns are all about financial and emotional stability. They usually PR IC OR have a list of life accomplishments; are hardworking, goal-oriented types who know what they want and how to get it. They want a lover with high-class taste to enjoy sensual pleasures,” says Fox. When it comes to dating, Capricorns are a serious group. Even after the first date, they don’t play around, they’re looking for someone who is serious about them and the relationship, and if there’s no spark or foundation for a relationship, that person is out. Does it mean you go out and have a one drink policy with the Capricorn? Does that also mean if sparks do not fly in 5 minutes you need to head for the exit? Not necessarily but do know if a Capricorn likes you, you will be pleasantly surprised with gifts for your enjoyment or the simple kind act of making soup when your feeling ill.


Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Dating style: Unconventional “Aquariuns are an open-minded, forward-thinking type who are up for Q UA RI U new experiences in life and love,” says Fox. “They are into anyone who follows up big ideas with focused action; plenty of autonomy and alone time; a lover who accepts and adores their many idiosyncrasies are a great match.” Aquariuns are complex individuals. When it comes to dating, they tend to start as friends first and will remain as friends even if the romantic relationship does not last. However, the funny thing is, they actually care deeply about people, especially romantic partners. In fact, many who admirer Aquarians will think they are playing hard to get, but once they get to know you, they will realize you are actually the love of their life.

ating, hanging out exclusively with a special friend or any relationship you may be in could be affected by your zodiac sign. Here is what astrologer Kelli Fox of reveals are keys to describing your dating style, as well as how you interact with others when it comes to romantic moments.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Dating style: Creative Fox says, “Pisces are true romantics, emotionally sensitive, they wear their P IS C E S heart on their sleeves. They have a wide-open heart and need emotional support from a reliable, nurturing and trustworthy stable lover 38

WE’LL HELP YOU GET THERE.® with honorable intentions.” Pisces have an enormous heart. They love to love and they don’t care who knows it. It’s often difficult for them to move on. Their dating style is often submissive at first, letting others take the lead, but later on, that can change. Because of their nurturing nature, they tend to respond well to what their partner’s needs are in any environment. A Pisces may be your perfect in-tune match and you may be happy in love for a long long time.

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Aries (March 21 - April 19) Dating style: Impulsive “Aries are hot blooded and love the thrill of the chase,” says Fox. “They A R I ES don’t deal well with overly clingy or emotional behavior.” As for romance, Aries love spontaneity. When it comes to dating “rules”, for you, there aren’t any. You kind of make it up as you go along, which is part of what makes you so attractive to others. As a real Aries, they tend to lead people on (as you move on quickly), but on the pro side, you’ll probably be one of the best loves of their life. They fall in love quite easily or at least, develop crushes quite easily, but settling into a routine is always the hard part for an Aries. Nonetheless, an Aries may argue but moves on fast, if you love this trait you know you have found the one.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Dating style: Flirty “There is never a dull moment with GE I a fun and flirty Gemini,” says Fox. MIN “Brainiacs are what really turns the Twins on. Clever conversation and witty tidbits are what it’s all about.” For Gemini, social settings are like “the bread and butter” for any date. You’d rather hang out at a bar then go to a movie or a museum. You love to engage in conversation. In fact, as a Gemini, you will most likely want to be friends first. You can move quickly and fast when you feel a spark. Once a Gemini can find a partner that can keep up at a public party and in private, you’ll have found someone you can be with for a long time. (By: Irina Jusuf)


Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Dating style: Cuddly “The Bull is pleasure seeking, sensual, and traditional,” says Fox. TA U RU “Exquisite taste, fine dining, and tapping all the senses is right on target with this sign. As for dating, Taurus live for love and are built for commitment, which can (and should) be balanced by an energetic partner who appreciates a Taurus romantic nature. In fact, Taurus is one of the signs that truly gets sexiness in an elemental way. Their natural enjoyment of life’s sensual pleasures translates into basic, sexual energy that others find alluring. 39



Dadar Gulung

Pandan Crepes Filled With Melted Palm Sugar And Grated Coconut

CHEff jeff easy & tasty recipes


merica wake up. A famous snack usually enjoyed around teatime. For me (and soon you as well) you can serve it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hack, this is the snack I can eat 24/7. Have a go it and share what is left.

DIRECTIONS Put the flower in a bowl and place a raw egg in the middle. While stirring the flower and egg, add the coconut mil very slowly to the mix. Then add the pandan flavoring paste. Stir until batter becomes smooth without lumps. Add a pinch of salt. Add some butter to a frying pan and bake enough batter for a thin green pancake.

Text Recipes Pictures - Copyright 2016 Jeffkeasberry - All Rights Reserved.

INGREDIENTSÂ 250 gr flower 1 egg 375 ml santen (coconut milk) 3 drops of pandan flavoring paste pinch of salt 2 tbs butter

For the filling: Mix the grated coconut, the palm sugar and pandan leaves (tie a not in it so it fits in the pan) with water and salt on medium-high heat. Stirring constantly until the mixture has dried. Remove the pandan leaves and then set aside. Place 1 tablespoon of filling on a green pancake, two centimeters off the side. Fold the edges inward and roll the crepes (like an eggroll) from bottom to the top. AmerIndo


Filling: 250 gr coconut, grated 150 gr gula jawa (Javanese palm sugar) 2 pandan leaves (optional) 125 ml water pinch of salt

Serbia Competition Jury – Winter 2016 Residency


ianist Aryo Wicaksono will be making a debut recital, masterclass and lecture residencies in four cities in Serbia from February 27 – March 6, 2016 (Belgrade – Novi Sad – Sremska Mitrovica – Sabac) that will culminate in joining the jury for the 20th International Piano Competition for Young Pianists. This Winter 2016 touring is made possible by generous support and collaborative efforts of various entities: US Embassy Serbia (The American Corner in Novi Sad), Multikultivator Belgrade, MUSIC ACADEMY OF BELGRADE, Sirmium Art Cultural Center, and American Airlines – British Airways – OneWorld Alliance. The artist is highly appreciative and thankful for their support. This upcoming journey will be a wonderful exchange of musical ideas through recital performance and master class sessions, sharing the US / North American Educational and Music Business Industry Model, as well as working with various musical industry personalities in the Balkans to learn about their music business (social media) strategy. It will also be the first time that Jaya Suprana’s Tembang Alit will be performed in this region. In line with the idea of global cultural diplomacy initiative, this visit will examine various similarities and differences between the cultures of United States – Serbia (Balkan countries) – and South East Asia (Indonesia). 41

For more information on the schedule and venue, please refer to the itinerary below:

SABAC, SERBIA Wednesday, March 2, 2016 20th International Piano Competition for Young Pianists 8.00 PM: Jury Opening Solo Piano Recital Bach, Scarlatti, Jaya Suprana, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Wagner, and Liszt Thursday, March 3 to Saturday, March 5, 2016 20th International Piano Competition for Young Pianists Serving on the Jury Panel for the Competition MARCH ’16


Rep. Royce Announces CA-39 Congressional App Challenge Winners


by high school students from California’s 39th Congressional District.

.S. Representative Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) announced the winners of this year’s Congressional App Challenge, Andrew Rojas, Santiago Torres, and Eric Liu of Los Altos High School, students that created Drop Saver, a mobile application created to help Smartphone users manage their water usage.

Rep. Royce announced their decision at the Competition’s Exhibit and Awards Ceremony tonight. Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Super intendent Cynthia Parulan-Colfer, Board President Penny Fraumeni, and Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Dr. Judy Fancher were in attendance. Los Altos High School Principal, Cheli McReynolds and Los Altos Academy of Engineering

A panel of independent judges determined the winning team of the competition that featured mobile applications created AmerIndo


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including sliding bars for users to input their own water use,” said judges Simon Evans of the Los Angeles District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Drop Saver is an app designed to help California, as well as the rest of the world’s people with access to a Smartphone, save water. Fresh water, especially in California, is at an all-time low and the app helps by allowing users to keep track of water usage, making it easier to cut waste.

Advisor Ed Richter were also present. Los Altos High School and the winning developers will have Drop Saver displayed in the United States Capitol. “I’m continually blown away by the talent of our community’s young people. The Congressional App Challenge encourages students to develop critical STEM skills, all while they have fun. Congratulations to Los Altos High School and all of the participating teams. I know all of the competitors have bright futures ahead of them,” said Rep. Royce.

Second place was awarded to ePoints, created by Aidan Crowley and Aliana Garcia of Rosary Academy. The app simplifies the process of teachers’ keeping track of points awarded to students in class. Thanasi Bakis, Matthew Kuykendall, and Daniel Shirley of Troy High School were awarded third place for their creation, My Chores. The simple and helpful Android application has two goals: keeping users to-do lists organized and rewarding users for every chore they complete. (doc by: ED ROYCE)

“The idea of a water-saving app is awesome! We definitely need it in California,” said judge Chi Ni, founder of Straight A, Inc., on competition winner Drop Saver. “The Drop Saver app addresses a critical issue that impacts everyone in California. The app has a user-friendly interface 43



Salute to Heroes Prayer Breakfast


he Regional Chamber of Commerce, San Gabriel Valley held the Annual “Salute to Heroes Prayer Breakfast” on Thursday, February 25, 2016 at the Diamond Bar Center. Every day ordinary people make extraordinary contributions to their communities by putting their needs aside to help others in the community. The Regional Chamber of Commerce-San Gabriel Valley is honored to salute these unsung heroes. The awards are presented by the Regional Chamber of Commerce-San Gabriel Valley with the generous support of American Medical Response (AMR) and the communities that we serve (Diamond Bar, Walnut, Rowland Heights, Hacienda Heights, Valinda, Bassett, and La Puente). Over the past several years AMR Los Angeles has proudly supported The Regional Chamber of Commerce’s annual Salute to Heroes Prayer Breakfast as the Title sponsor. AMR is proud to continue this relationship in taking a moment to thank those who give so much to their communities.


44 45

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American Medical Response is a national health care company that operates with a community based focus. They touch the lives of more than 3,400,000 patients every year as they provide emergency care, non-emergency medical transportation and mobile healthcare services in more than 2,100 communities in 40 states and the District of Columbia. AMR is also the primary emergency response contractor for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This year’s honorees were Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy Phil Cook, Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Chief of Police Anthony Argot, Los Angeles County Firefighter Paramedic Philip Olivas, Army Master Sergeant and former Diamond Bar Councilmember Jack Tanaka, Kaiser Registered Nurse Julia Aburto-Erazo and U.S. Marine Corps. Sergeant Elijah Kim. 45



Religious Education Congress


Tahun ini sementara tercatat sekitar 21.000 peserta dari beberbagai berbagai negara dan 14.000 yang hadir di hari Youth Day.

eligious Education Congress adalah salah satu ajang pertemuan terbesar dari umat Katholik Romawi yang di sponsosri oleh Office of Religious Education Keuskupan Los Angeles. Tahun 2016 Konggres dimulai dengan Youth Day pada hari Kamis tanggal 25 Februari 2016. Setiap tahun Kongres menarik pengunjung sekitar 40.000 orang yang datang dari berbagai negara antara lain dari United Kingdom dan Australia. AmerIndo

Sekitar 300 wokshop yang dibawakan oleh 200 pembicara tersedia untuk para peserta. Topik yang disampaikan beragam dari pertumbuhan pribadi; musik dan masalah spiritual. Semua 46


$25 / bulan / month for 3 lines Furnished Offices for lease in Rowland Heights area (Size from 300 - 400 sq feet). Also available office station for rent: Price start from $250/mo. Include wifi, Monitor, conference room, printer/ copy machine, utilities. Call 626-833-5263 for more information We're not only put your ads in the magazine but we will promote your business in the Community. If you need advertising please Call us at : 626-741-7756 LAS VEGAS Satu jalan $300, Pulang Pergi $500, 1-4 Penumpang $50 per extra penumpang. Call David 714-9368188 (Terima juga antar jemput penumpang ke airport) FREE 2 WEEKS unlimited movie theatres:

Dijual Tmobile wireless phone, Hacienda Heights $99k. Call Troy for info 909-322-6589 Dijual 2 Toko Indo Grocery store & Restaurant. Call Troy for info 909-322-6589 Di jual Toko Wireless Phone Loma Linda area $25K. Call Troy for info 909-322-6589 Bunda Maria, terima kasih ya Bunda atas terkabulnya doa Novena Tiga Salam Maria. NN

PC hardware repair (desktop and laptop, no tablet or iPad), windows installation, PC diagnose, malware and virus removal, home network installation, data backup not included (additional backup available with charges). Please call 626-

topik ini di sampaikan dalam bahasa Inggris, Spanyol dan Vietnam dari tanggal 26 Februari sampai tanggal 28 Februari.

325-4204, San Gabriel area only. Setiap tahun konggress juga menyediakan tempat pameran gratis untuk etnic ministries yang ada di Keuskupan Los Angeles; antara lain dari Samoa, Iran, Jepang, Pilipin, Lituania, China dan lainnya. Selain itu tidak kurang dari 500 stand ada di kongres yang menjual barang barang religious. Selesai misa bahasa Indonesia para romo yang mempersembahkan misa menyanyikan lagu Happy Birthday untuk Mgr. Roger Mahony yang kebetulan berulang tahun pada hari itu. Selamat Ulang Tahun, Pajang Umur dan Sehat Selalu, Semoga Tuhan Selalu memberikan semua yang terbaik untuk Monsinyur, Amin.

Dalam rangka mewakili latar belakang budaya yang berbeda tahun ini kongres mempersembahkan liturgy dari beragam latar belakang seperti dari komuniti kebudayaan Afrika; Spanyol; Vietnam dan Indonesia. Misa dalam Bahasa Indonesia diadakan pada tanggal 26 February di ruang 303 yang dipersembahkan oleh Mgr. Roger Mahony; Bishop Oscar Solis; Romo Budi Wardhana; Romo Adrianus Budhi dan bebrapa romo lainnya. Salah satu calon romo asal Indonesia yaitu frater Sam Nasada yang sekarang sedang belajar di Phoenix juga hadir padi saat itu. Semoga dua tahun mendatang frater Sam Nasada bisa di thabiskan menjadi romo dan bisa melayani warga katolik di Amerika.

(Oleh: Stefani Tuadi, Photo Credit: Ai Lie Hartono) 47




Kebangkitan Yesus Kristus Adalah Harapan Dunia Perang Dunia pertama dan kedua telah memakan banyak korban nyawa, harta, dan menimbulan banyak bencana lainnya. Albert Einstein mengatakan: “Aku tidak tahu dengan senjata apa mereka akan berperang di perang dunia ketiga, tetapi aku tahu jika ada perang dunia ke empat mereka akan berkelahi dengan tongkat dan batu.” Pada awal tahun 1940, dalam perang dunia kedua, presiden AS, Truman, mensahkan “Manhattan Project” yang benar-benar sangat dirahasiakan (Top Secret). Nazi Germany, USSR, Great Britain sebenarnya juga berlomba membuat bom atom. Untungnya (saya yakin, campur tangan Tuhan), AS berhasil lebih dahulu. Bayangkan jika Nazi-Germany atau USSR yang memiliki terlebih dahulu! Konon cerita Manhattan Project: Ratusan Scientist yang terkemuka, termasuk Von Brown, Bohr, Einstein dikumpulkan di Los Alamos, N.M. Begitu rahasianya sehingga anak, istri, keluarga mereka tidak tahu di mana mereka disembunyikan. Korespondensi disensor dan hanya pakai alamat P.O.Box. Tepatnya pada 21 Mei 1946 di laboratorium di Los Alamos seorang sarjana yang muda sedang menjalankan percobaan yang diperlukan sebagai persiapan peledakan bom atom di kepulauan Bikini di laut Pacific Selatan. Dia sudah sering melakukan percobaanpercobaan itu dengan berhasil. Dalam usahanya untuk menentukan jumlah U235 yang dibutuhkan untuk suatu reaksi berantai, yang disebut “critical mass”, dia akan mendorong 2 hemisphere (gumpalan) Uranium mendekat satu dengan yang lain dan pada waktu “mass” itu menjadi kritical, ia akan mendorong memisahkannya pula dengan obeng, supaya seketika itu juga reaksi berantai berhenti. Tetapi pada hari itu tatkala “mass” itu menjadi kritical, obengnya tergelincir dari tangannya. Gumpalan hemisphere U235 menjadi terlalu dekat dan seketika itu juga ruangan terisi dengan udara yang kebiru-biruan dan menyilaukan mata. Sarjana yang muda ini, Louis Slotin bukannya menghindar diri menyelamatkan dirinya, tetapi dengan kedua tangannya ia pisahkan 2 hemisphere itu, mematahkan reaksi berantai itu. Keberaniannya yang tidak mementingkan diri itu, telah menolong 7 karyawannya yang ada dalam ruangan itu. Dia sadar akan mati akibat radiasi itu.

um’at Agung, Jumat yang ajaib! Yang menakjubkan! Yang mencatat perubahan sejarah umat manusia! Lalu, diikuti dengan Minggu Paskah (Easter). Minggu kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus Kristus. KebangkitanNya menaklukkan kuasa dosa, kuasa maut, dan kuasa Iblis! Minggu ajaib! Minggu yang menakjubkan! Yang mengubah sejarah manusia! Yang memberikan harapan yang pasti! Harapan keselamatan yang abadi! Jurgen Moltmann (teolog Jerman) mengekspressikan dalam satu kalimat, jangka waktu dari Jum’at Agung sampai Minggu Paskah, sebagai fakta sebuah ringkasan sejarah manusia masa lalu, sekarang dan yang akan datang: “Allah menangis supaya kita pada suatu hari bisa ketawa bersama Dia.”

Penyaliban Kristus sudah sejak semula ditentukan Allah (Wah.13:8; 2Tim.1:9). Tangan-tangan durhaka hanya alat yang tidak dapat lepas dari dosa bersalah sebagai penyebabnya, termasuk Yudas Iskariot. Kemenangan Kristus di Kalvari mengalahkan dosa dan kematian itu disebut Jum’at Agung. Tiga hari kemudian, di Minggu Paskah, ketika Yesus bangkit (yang kemudian dikenal sebagai The Lord’s Day), itulah bukti keAllahan Kristus yang menjadi harapan bagi dunia ini. Apa yang dialami murid-murid dan pengikut Kristus adalah dalam skala kecil, kesedihan selama 3 hari karena kematian Kristus. Sekarang kita melewatkan sepanjang hidup kita dalam skala kosmik (skala yang bukan ukuran dunia). Dunia akan terus berjalan antara waktu yang dijanjikan dan waktu penggenapan. Pada hari Jum’at di bukit Golgota langit gelap, “Jumat Golgota” hanya bisa disebut Agung (Good), karena apa yang terjadi di hari Minggu Paskah, memberi “clue” dan “jawaban” dari tekateki “Universe” (alam semesta ini). Kebangkitan (Paskah, atau Easter) telah memeteraikan janji Allah bahwa pada suatu hari Allah akan memperbesar mujizat dari kebangkitan dalam skala kosmik. Paskah bagi orang Kristen adalah perayaan kemenangan kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus Kristus, dan hal ini tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan kematianNya di kayu salib di Kalvari. AmerIndo


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Apakah peristiwa kecelakaan di Los Alamos mendemonstrasikan bahwa sekarang sudah aman bermain dengan gumpalan hemisphere uranium 235? Ingat peristiwa Chernobil di Russia yang mengerikan itu? Dan bagaimana dengan Kalvari? Apakah yang terjadi di bukit Golgota mendemonstrasikan bahwa sekarang sudah aman bermainmain dengan dosa? Tidak bukan? Atau apakah fakta bahwa dosa mengambil jiwa “Anak Manusia” mendemonstrasikan sifat dosa yang tetap mematikan? Jawabannya, ya! Dosa masih mematikan dan membinasakan mereka yang terus bermain-main dengan dosa! Dosa dan hukumannya hanya bisa diselesaikan Kristus di atas salib, dan garansinya adalah kebangkitanNya pada hari Minggu Paskah. Itulah harapan sejati bagi dunia yang semakin bengkok, rusak, dan jahat. Manusia, harta kekayaan, politik, militer, senjata nuklir, obat bius, alkohol, seks, dan kenikmatan duniawi tidak memberikan jawaban. Justru semuanya sedang menuju kebinasaan. Hanya dengan beriman kepada Kristus yang bangkit, Anda akan diberikan kekuatan untuk mengalahkan nafsu dan dosa, juga diberikan jaminan hidup kekal selama-lamanya. Selamat Merayakan Jumat Agung, dan Selamat Paskah! [John R. Tan Hong Seng]

Cerita fakta ini adalah ‘jendela’ (istilah komputer) bagi kita untuk melihat apa yang terjadi di lereng gunung Golgota lebih 2000 tahun yang lalu. Di sanalah “Anak Allah” (Yesus Kristus) berjalan langsung masuk ke dalam “radiasi dosa” yang terpadat. Tumpukan dosa, kesalahan-kesalahan, kejahatankejahatan, kekejian-kekejian sepanjang sejarah manusia memencarkan, melepaskan kontaminasinya yang mematikan diatas bukit Golgota. Dan, Dia, Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah, Sang pencipta atom membiarkan diriNya dipaku di kayu salib, membiarkan orang-orang durhaka yang tidak berperasaan, mentrigger alat yang kita sebut Penderitaan Kalvari. Tetapi dengan peristiwa ini, Anak Allah mematahkan reaksi berantai dari kuasa dosa. Penonton mengejek “Orang lain Ia selamatkan, tetapi dirinya Ia tidak dapat selamatkan” (Matt.27:42). Kata-kata ini benar, tidak ada kata lain yang lebih tepat. Karena untuk mematahkan ‘reaksi berantai’ dari dosa, Anak Allah harus memberikan hidupNya. 49


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Marilah Beribadah dan Bertumbuh Bersama Keluarga Besar

INDONESIAN GOOD NEWS CHURCH 14900 Central Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706

Pastor: Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances. Ph: 909-524-1108 Sunday 11:00 AM & 06:00 PM Sunday 11:00 AM & 06:00 PM Friday 07:30 PM

Ibadah Umum/Sunday Worship (English Translation Provided) Sekolah Minggu Anak/ Children Sunday School Persekutuan Doa / Prayer & Bible Study

Datanglah Dan Ajaklah Keluarga Dan Teman-Teman Anda! Nikmatilah Santapan Rohani Yang Menyegarkan Hidup Anda! IBADAH TRADISIONIL (11:00 AM)


Minggu 06 Mar 2016: “Tahta Putih Yang Agung” “Mandul Bukan Kehendak Allah” Minggu 13 Mar 2016: “Allahku Ajaib Luar Biasa” “Senjata Melawan Isu & Persoalan” Minggu 20 Mar 2016: “Lain di Bibir Lain di Hati” “Bukan Aku Ya...?” Minggu 27 Mar 2016: “Kristus Hidup, Hidup Kristus” [Ibadah Gabungan Perayaan Paskah, 11:00 AM]

Hadirilah! Ibadah Jumat Agung, 25 Maret, 2016, 7:30 PM Topik: “Tidak Lebih Tidak Kurang” (Diawali dengan Buka Puasa Bersama, Pk.19:00 PM)


Ibadah Minggu Paskah, 27 Maret, 2016, 11:00 AM

Topik: “Kristus Hidup, Hidup Kristus” (Diawali dengan Easter Breakfast, Pk. 9:30 AM)

Kelas Pembinaan: “Komunikator Yang Kreatif ”,

3 Maret 2016, 7:30 PM (Diawali dengan makan malam). Info: kontak Harry Lee (909) 680-5426

“Dan keselamatan tidak ada di dalam siapa pun juga selain di dalam Kristus, sebab di bawah kolong langit ini tidak ada nama lain yang diberikan kepada manusia yang oleh-nya kita dapat diselamatkan.” (Kisah Para Rasul 4:12) 50

Indonesian Fellowship of the Assemblies of God USA and Indonesian Assemblies of God Churches in Southern California 1. International Living Word Church Pastor: Pdt Ati Tasrief Priyono Phone: 909.522.7481 Service: Sunday 3:00 PM 236 W. Orange Show Rd #108 San Bernardino, CA 92408

2. Indonesian Assembly of God Alhambra Pastor: Pdt. Yupither Mardechia Phone: 626.679.8744 Service: Sunday at 10:30 AM 25 North Olive street Alhambra, CA 91810

3. House of Glory Covina Pastor: Pdt Peter Sopacua DMin Phone: 562.968.7619 Service: Sunday at 4:00 PM 250 E San Bernardino Rd Covina, CA 91723

4. House of Glory Norwalk Pastor: Pdt Peter Sopacua DMin Phone: 562.968.7619 Service: Sunday at 7:00 AM 14626 Pioneer Blvd Norwalk, CA 90650

5. Christian Church of Indonesian Community Pastor: Pdt Gene Ho Phone: 949.2300734 Service: Sunday, 10:00 AM 2910 N Santiago Blvd Orange, CA 92867

6. Power of the Faithful Church Pastor: Pdt. Sammy Sapulete Phone: 424.270.5602 Service: Sunday at 4:00 PM 13971 Ramona Ave Chino, CA 91710

7. House of Victory Pastor: Pdm. Bobby Lumintang Service: Friday, 7:30 PM 1325 Richardson St. San Bernardino, CA 92408

8. Indonesia Living Stones Church Pastor: Pdt. Dr. Kornelius Midek 9828 Ramona Ave, Montclair, CA 91763.




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