Newsletter 21 19 august 2013 website version

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19 August 2013

From the Headmaster’s Desk SGB By-Election The SGB by-election was finalised on Monday 5 August 2013. Congratulations to Advocate Don Williams and Mrs Melanie Dorfan on being elected to the School Governing Body. We thank you for availing yourself in serving the WPS Governing Body in this way and wish you well during your term of office. They are filling the vacancies left by Mr Shaun Williams and Advocate Mvuyo Ndziba and we again thank them for their hard work on the SGB and their ongoing support to our school.

Parental support – time management Very little needs to be said about the pressure families are under re time management and spending time with each other. As mentioned before in newsletters, it is crucial to establish and maintain a routine at home for the children. Positive factors in establishing a routine at home. Creates a sense of security in knowing what to expect. Expose the child in following systems. Establishes discipline structures at home. Teaches the child self discipline.

Guidelines in establishing a routine at home. Children must have an allocated place where the must place their suitcase in their rooms. No where else in the house but their rooms. Allocated place in their room must be created where they can, immediately after arriving home, set out their clothing for the next day. After arriving home in the afternoon, they must change into casual wear. Establish a specific time period in which they must do homework, have lunch and when play. It is essential that they be given play-time. A good rule might be, as long as the sun is shining, they may not play inside the house. Please know your child’s friends and their parents well. Share contact details and liaise with them regarding sleeping times. Many children socialise via internet medius. (Mxit, BBM, Whatsapp, etc.) Please arrange with friends’ parents regarding allocation of specific hours in allowing them to communicate with one another this way. Too much time is spent on the phone and it can interrupt their sleep patterns. Please be aware that these mediums are addictive! Be aware that “Cyber Bullying” is a very real form of bullying. Control the programmes they may watch on television and be consistent in bed times during the week. Nothing allows better quality time for a family, than to eat at the table as a family. Set chores for the children to do and have check mechanisms is place as a follow-up. Set specific time allocations for the morning rush in dressing, break-fast and using the bathroom. I am sure much can still be said and added to these guidelines. Much will depend from family to family and the structures within.


Mrs J. Shee

The annual Inter House Quiz will take place in the school hall on Thursday 29 August 2013 at 18:30. Tickets are R10 per person. All welcome!


Mrs J. Shee

This year’s read-a-thon has a ‘Royal Theme’. It will take place in the week of 2 – 6 September 2013. The Travelling Bookshop will be selling books in the hall on 2 and 3 September and the week will end with a ‘Hooked on Books’ production and our yearly dress up, picnic and read-a-thon. See Read-a-thon letter.

Mothers Who Care Prayer Group

Mrs S. Cazalet

Don’t forget that there is a prayer group that meets weekly to pray for Waterkloof Primary. You are welcome to join us if you are able to. Venue: Mr. Moyo’s classroom (Additional English in the Gr 3 block) Day: Friday mornings 07:30-08:15 Contact: Sandy Cazalet on 072 329 0880 or Bridget Learmont on 82 480 2978.

Thought to ponder:

Quote from the actress Audrey Hepburn, “It would be terribly sad, wouldn’t it, to look back on your life in films and not know your children? For me there’s nothing more pleasant or exciting or lovely or rewarding than seeing my children grow up…and they only grow up once, remember.” Here is one of the best ways parents can support the school. Listen to your child/children. Give them the one-on-one attention they need. Children need to be secure in our love for them before we send them off to school. Have you hugged your child today?

Recommended Reading: 7 solutions for burned-out parents-Dr James Dobson Age of Opportunity-Paul David Tripp (Great book about bringing up teenagers) Dare to Discipline, Bringing up Boys, Bringing up Girls- Dr James Dobson Growing Grateful Kids-Susie Larson I Used to Have Answers, Now I Have Kids-Phil Callaway

Annual National Assessments

Mrs J. Shee

The Annual National Assessment papers which are set by the Department of Education and written countrywide will take place on the following dates. SUBJECT Language




GRADE 1 2 4 5 3 6 1 2 4 5 3 6

DATE Tuesday 10 September Wednesday 11 September Thursday 12 September Friday 13 September

TIME 09:00 – 10:00 09:00 – 10:00 09:00 – 10:30 09:00 – 10:30 09:00 – 10:00 09:00 – 10:30 09:00 – 10:00 09:00 – 10:00 09:00 – 10:30 09:00 – 10:30 09:00 – 10:00 09:00 – 10:30

No studying is required as these papers are based on prior knowledge and classwork. Please ensure that your child attends school on the above dates as all children need to participate in the ANAs.

Athletics – Congratulations to all the athletes on their superb performance against Rietondale

Primary and Springvale Primary on Tuesday. We won the meet by three points! Thank you to the children who attend practices regularly. The team going to the Inter Schools Athletics meeting will be chosen during the next two weeks. Athletes who have not attended practices, will not be considered for the team. Please make sure that your child has the official athletics vest if they are in the school team. They are available from the school shop and cost between R95 and R110, depending on size.

Fixtures for this week Monday

19 August

Girls Tennis League match vs Laerskool Elarduspark at WPS. Boys Tennis League match vs Doxa Deo at WPS.


20 August

Athletics Meeting for middle distance, sprints and relays at Rietondale Primary School.


22 August

Athletics Meeting for middle distance, high jump, long jump and shotput at WPS.

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