The "Compania Nationala Posta Romana SA" user's logo

Compania Nationala Posta Romana SA

Bucuresti, Romania

The Romanian Postal Office performs its activity in the field of postal communications, the main object of activity being the management, development, exploitation of the mailing services and the cooperation with foreign similar organizations in order to internationally fulfil these services. Poşta Română îşi desfăşoară activitatea în domeniul comunicaţiilor poştale, obiectul principal de activitate fiind administrarea, dezvoltarea, exploatarea serviciilor de poştă şi colaborarea cu organizaţii similare străine în realizarea acestor servicii pe plan internaţional.


Ziua Mondiala a Mediului

September 21, 2011

Annual Report 2007 EN

March 14, 2011

Annual Report 2004

March 14, 2011

Annual Report 2007

March 13, 2011

Annual Report 2009

March 6, 2011