The Shepherd - October 17, 2017

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CONTENTS PAGE 2 Music/General


3-6:30pm | Fair Grounds (275 Pine Rd.) SCHEDULE:

2:45 – Sign-in & Setup for Stop Hunger Now 3:00 – Stop Hunger Now Packing Event 3:30-5:00 – Activities for ALL ages (Pick-up games of corn hole, spyder/dodge ball, hayride, deep fried oreos, sno-cones, photo booth, BINGO, inflatables, and special music by Just Friends) 5:15-6:00 – Worship inside the barn 6:00-6:30 – Dinner (Sprayberry’s BBQ)


Chairs for worship, if you have them. New & packaged socks and/ or underwear (your sizes so we'll have a variety) to be donated to Bridging the Gap. Also needed: Diapers of all sizes!

PAGE 3 General PAGE 4 General/UTH/ Children PAGE 5 Photos PAGE 6 Reporting PAGE 7 2-week Calendar PAGE 8 Preschool News FIND US ON:

DON'T MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR FUN, FOOD, FELLOWSHIP, MISSIONS, AND WORSHIP WITH YOUR CHURCH FAMILY! | P 770.253.7400 | F 770.253.7404 | 33 Greenville St. | Newnan, GA 30263 Worship: 8:30AM & 10:55AM Traditional | 11AM Contemporary | Office Hours: M-F 9am - 5pm



OCTOBER 17, 2017


You are ringing for BOTH Traditional services this Sunday, October 22. Please meet in the Sanctuary at 7:45am.


You are singing for the 10:55 Traditional service this Sunday, October 22. Please meet in the Chapel at 10:30am.


You are singing for the 8:30 Traditional service next Sunday, October 29. Please meet in the Sanctuary at 8:30am.


You are singing for the 10:55 Traditional service next Sunday, October 29. Please meet in the Sanctuary at 10:20am. -David


WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER & ACTIVITIES Dinner is from 5:15-6:15pm | $6 adults, $3 kids (10 & under), $20 families | Please RSVP by Monday @ noon for the following Wednesday, or sign up permanently! Sign up on Connection Cards, online, or app!

NOW THRU NOVEMBER 12 Please support our Youth Choir as they raise funds for their 2018 Choir Tour! More details coming soon!

UPCOMING: 10/18: Penne pasta bake, garlic bread, salad; 10/25: Preschool potato/chili dinner; 11/1: Swiss chicken, rice, green beans; 11/8: Tacos/nachos w/ fixins



Drinks and snacks will be provided. Come down for a hayride, fellowship, pumpkins, and much more!

Prepare for the Advent season $7/person; $25/family max; 2 & under: FREE by studying Adam Hamilton's new book Faithful: Christmas WOMEN'S GALA Through the Eyes of Joseph. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 | 5:30pm Facilitators Rev. David & HarriParish Hall | Tickets: $25 ette Haygood will host 4 sessions, beginning on Tuesday, The speaker this year is Barbara Dooley, wife of Vince November 7 at 10:30am. Dooley (UGA football coach for 25 years)! Tickets on Please call or email the church office or register sale NOW from the church office during the week or on Sunday mornings. online. How you can participate: 1) Decorate a table for 8 (Decoration suggestions: Christmas! These do not have to be formal dinner settings. Whimsical, casual and fun settings are encouraged! You MAY pay an extra $10 to submit your table for judging. This is NOT mandatory. It’s just for fun. 2) Buy a Table: This means purchasing 8 tickets ($200) and inviting 7 friends to join you for dinner! With buying a table, you are also responsible for decorating the table. 3) Buy individual Tickets: Come and join others for this night of great food, entertainment, and fellowship. Tickets: $25 (available from the church office). Contact the church office or Karen Oothoudt if you want to decorate a table. Donations: Bring with you to the dinner – Diapers, Pull-ups or Baby Wipes | Proceeds: United Methodist Children’s Home will receive profits. BTG will receive diapers and wipes.



OCTOBER 17, 2017


ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLET The Worship Ministry Team would like to publish an Advent Booklet again this year. This Booklet will contain short devotions written by our own Newnan First members & staff, and will provide our members the opportunity for spiritual focus and renewal during the Advent Season. The devotion is based on faith and the preparation and waiting for Christ’s birth. It needs to be no more than 300 words. This devotion can be based on your own reflections and/or can include favorite scripture, poems, words to songs... You may conclude with a short prayer that encourages your readers to respond to what you have written by lifting their hearts to God. We ask that the devotion be typed and be submitted in an email. If you are not able to do it electronically, that is OK. Just drop it off at the church office. In order for us to finish this project on time, we ask that you make your submissions by Tuesday, October 31.

Around the world, more than 792.5 million people lack adequate food. 1 in 9 people in the world go to bed hungry each night. Stop Hunger Now, an international hunger relief organization, founded in 1998 and based in Raleigh, N.C., works to implement immediate and long-term solutions to hunger worldwide. Our missions partnership with Stop Hunger Now gives us the opportunity to make a hands-on difference in helping to end world hunger, to meet immediate nutritional needs today, and empower the ability to build strong, communities tomorrow. With program locations in 20 U.S. cities and 5 international offices, volunteers have packaged more than 333 million nutrient rich meals since its inception, in addition to offering aid in the form of medical supplies, clothing, and more in distribution to 74 countries around the globe.

These should go to Brent (britter@newnanfumc. org). If you have any questions for this booklet, please contact Karen Oothoudt (koothoudt@ Thank you!

At ULTIMATE, we will be packaging more than 18,100 meals! This is an exciting, fun, well-coordinated, and streamlined event in which we will package highly nutritious dehydrated meals! These meals cost 29 cents each and are comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, and 23 essential vitamins and minerals. Stop Hunger Now will provide all of the food and packing materials to reach our goal. We simply engage in a labor of love and delight in the fellowship, service, and mission to STOP HUNGER NOW! Please gather in the main building of the Coweta County Fairgrounds this Sunday, October 22nd, a five to ten minutes early if possible for check-in and table/ task assignments! Each person will need to sign in, complete a form for SHN, and put on gloves and a head-covering. Packing these meals will take approximately one hour, depending on the number of volunteers participating. Yes, we will package 18,100+ meals in less than an hour - but only with your help!! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate.

STEWARDSHIP BOOKLETS AVAILABLE NOW! These booklets, corresponding to our current Stewardship Campaign, are available around the campus now! • One book per family (unless one spouse travels and needs to take an additional copy) • $5 donation suggested, but not required! • Consider following through the devotional booklet as an entire family! Kids need to learn about stewardship also! • Start the book anytime, but if you want to follow along with your church family (and be in sync with the sermon series), start Day 9 today!

If you would like to participate by packaging or sponsoring meals for this ULTIMATE event, or would like more information, please contact Maria Bowers at or 770.253.7400 (x208).

Thank you! And please pray for our church as we work through this time of remembering our stewardship vows!



OCTOBER 17, 2017


| 9am-4pm | $11 | Sign up by November 1 | Experience the dramatic history of railroads and the War Between the States at this Museum! The Museum provides visitors with a unique perspective into the strategic and economic use of railroads during and after the Civil War. The museum is home to the General locomotive (made famous during the Great locomotive Chase of 1862), an impressive Civil War collection, and the Glover Machine Works, a restored early 20th Century belt-driven locomotive assembly line. After the museum, there will be a walkabout around the beautiful Marietta Square. Lunch and shopping will be on your own.

CANCER CARE TEAM NEEDS YOU! Our Journey of Hope Cancer Team needs you! Please contact Rev. JoAn Kinrade if you'd like to become a team member. Team Member Bette Epps writes: My daughter Cissy was one of the first members of the Cancer Care Team in our church. Cissy was an active member as long as her condition allowed. This group was Cissy's and my support and comfort throughout her journey, and they continue to be my support as I grieve her loss. Most of our members have dealt with cancer themselves or have been a caregiver. They are the most dedicated, faithful group that I have ever been a part of, and have become dear friends of mine. I believe this is a much needed ministry in our church. Please join us!

UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10/22: Not meeting (ULTIMATE) 10/29-11/12: Meeting at our usual time.


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 4-8pm | Parish Hall

THANK YOU to the youth who came out for JAM training on Sunday! At this time, only youth who have been trained will be allowed to serve in JAM on Sunday mornings. Stay tuned for the next training date!

$15/first child; $10/second child; $5/third child; $30/family max Sign up on Connection Cards, online, or app! Please see Brooke or Jamie for payment.


As a reminder, JAM is offered to children ages 4 years old thru 2nd grade. Children 3rd grade and older are encouraged to worship with their families. Thank you for your understanding!

Volunteers are needed to help with our church float in the downtown Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 9, AND with Birthday Party for Jesus on Wednesday, December 13. If you are interested, please email Brooke (bbarksdale@ ASAP!



OCTOBER 17, 2017

Science experiments in Preschool, the Cherub Choir, ROOT 345, Fun 'n Frolic in St. Simons, Mt. Olive's choir performing at the Charge Conference, Blessing of the Animals, Preschool Grandparents' Day, and Preschool trip to the library!



OCTOBER 17, 2017



Attendance Worship Services Total (8:30 - 112; 10:55 - 363; Connect - 116) Church Membership


Libby Caroline Robinson, daughter of Will & Stephanie Robinson, granddaughter of Charles & Mickey Robinson, was born last week. Congrats!

Year-to-Date Financial Report Week Ending: 9/30/2017



TRADITIONAL Head Ushers: Kim Duncan (8:30) Matt Rossey & Phil Harris (10:55) Acolytes: Lily Fox, TBD (8:30) Kate Sears, Ellie Behm (10:55) Crucifer: Daphne Thomas (10:55) Sunday School Greeters: Martha Fuller Sunday School Class Sound Techs: Jeff Williams, Jim Leake CONNECT Head Ushers: Kevin Daniell, David Camp Sound Techs: Annie Workman, Logan Patton Video Techs: Moses Lopez, Ashton Wallace

615914 2272 Week #41

Total Tithes & Income: $ 1,157,505 Total Expenses: $ 1,285,921 Over/(Under): $ (128,416) -----------------------------------------------------------------CHURCH BUDGET $ 1,681,950

MISSIONARIES TO CUBA: October 18-25 "I felt led to go to Cuba in March of this year, but there were a million reason/excuses of why I couldn't make the trip fit into my schedule. I was asked to give my testimony in the Life in the Spirit Sunday School class on June 11. The very next day, I received a call from Raymond, the Cuba trip Manager for Rick Bonfim Ministries. Someone from my class told him I would be a good match for the trip. I met with Raymond that week and the rest is history! I'm so thankful for the Christian community of encouragers we have at Newnan First! Without that nudge from my classmate I might never have stepped out in faith. I am so expectant about what God has in store for us. The Lord has been so good to me and I can't wait to share His love in Cuba. Please, be in prayer for our group as we are 'the hands and feet of Christ' in Cuba." -Leigh Reynolds


TRADITIONAL Head Ushers: Kim Duncan (8:30) Matt Rossey & Phil Harris (10:55) Acolytes: Ann Marie Harlan, TBD (8:30) Corinne Terrell, Sanders Welden (10:55) Crucifer: Henry Smith (10:55) Sunday School Greeters: Martha Fuller Sunday School Class Sound Techs: Jeff Williams, Jim Leake CONNECT Head Ushers: Kevin Daniell, David Camp Sound Techs: Annie Workman, Logan Patton Video Techs: Moses Lopez, Ashton Wallace

"God has called us to serve our very poor broth-

ers and sisters in Cuba this week. This was not something I had a personal desire to do, but God made it clear to me that I am to go. As I grow as a servant leader, God continues to ask me to act when He says to, even when it doesn't make sense, and especially when I don't want to! I had no personal desire to go to Cuba, but God called me there. I am stepping forth in faith, as I surrender to God and move in obedience. I have no doubt that God will reveal Himself to me in a myriad of ways." -JoAn Kinrade



8:30am 9:45am 10:55am 11:00am 3:00pm

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22 Traditional Worship Service (S) Sunday School Traditional Worship Service (S) Connect Worship Service (PH) ULTIMATE 2017

1 0:00am 4:30pm 5:45pm 6:45pm 7:00pm

MONDAY, OCTOBER 23 Martha's Circle (200) Joybells Rehearsal (BR) Inspirations Rehearsal (CR) Masterworks Chorale (CR) Scouts Court of Honor (PH)

7:00am 9:30am 6:30pm 7:00pm

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24 UTH Breakfast (Chick-fil-A) Swingin' Singin' Seniors (CR) United Methodist Men (Sprayberry's) Safe Place (YL) Men's Study: Heart of God (A212) Women's Study: Armor of God (A205)

4:15pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:45pm 6:30pm 6:45pm

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 GROW (211) Cherub Choir (203) Wesley Choir (CR) The Grove Meeting (200) Fall Festival & Potato/Chili Dinner (PH) Mid-Week Communion (C) Wednesday Night Supper (PH) Carol Choir (CR) Parish Choir (BR) Let's Talk Group (203) UTH Bible Study (YL) Chancel Choir (CR)

OCTOBER 17, 2017

8:30am 9:45am 10:55am 11:00am 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 Traditional Worship Service (S) Sunday School Traditional Worship Service (S) Connect Worship Service (PH) Youth Choir Ensemble (CR) Youth Choir Rehearsal (CR) ROOT 345 (211) Confirmation Class (A212) UTH Worship & Small Groups (YL)

MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 4:30pm Joybells Rehearsal (BR) 5:45pm Inspirations Rehearsal (CR) 6:45pm Masterworks Chorale (CR) 7:00am 9:30am 6:30pm 7:00pm

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 UTH Breakfast (Chick-fil-A) Swingin' Singin' Seniors (CR) Safe Place (YL) Men's Study: Heart of God (A212)

9:00am 4:15pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:45pm 6:30pm 6:45pm

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Women's Study (A212) GROW (211) Cherub Choir (203) Wesley Choir (CR) Mid-Week Communion (C) Wednesday Night Supper (PH) Carol Choir (CR) Parish Choir (BR) Let's Talk Group (203) UTH Bible Study (YL) Chancel Choir (CR)

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 6:30pm Cancer Care Team Meeting (GR) 7:00pm Connect Band Rehearsal (PH)

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26 7:00pm Connect Band Rehearsal (PH) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27 9:00am FnF: Christmas Craft Show


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 8:00am Quilts of Valor (PH) 4:00pm Parents' Night Out (pickup by 8pm)

CALENDAR ABBREVIATIONS: S - Sanctuary | PH - Parish Hall | GR - Gathering Room | C - Chapel | PS - Preschool (lower floor of Parish Hall) | CR - Choir Room | BR - Bell Room | VN - Veatch Nixon Classroom (between Gathering Room & Chapel) | YL - Youth Lounge | 200, 201, 203, 207/209, etc. - 2nd floor of Education Building | AC (Annex Conference), A - 2nd floor of Annex Building (old Bank of America Building)



OCTOBER 17, 2017

PRESCHOOL NEWS PRESCHOOL SPIRIT NIGHT @ UNCLE MADDIO'S TONIGHT!!! Tuesday, October 17 | 5-8pm | A portion of ALL PURCHASES will go to NFUMC Preschool! FALL FESTIVAL & POTATO/CHILI DINNER Wednesday, October 25 | 4:45-6:15pm | Parish Hall | Mark your calendars now! Blessings,

Nancy Martin

TO: NEWNAN FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 33 Greenville St. | Newnan, GA 30263 770.253.7400 |

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