HEIMAT abroad - Fall 2019

Page 34

HEIMATCorner EXPAT abroad Rubrik

Why your business needs a presence in the United States and how to set up a U.S. office

►► REASONS TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS TO THE U.S. The United States is the world’s largest economy in terms of GDP and continues to be a beacon of individual freedom, liberty and the rule of law. Foreign investors are even in this day and age at no disadvantage versus local investors as the U.S. does not force them to share their intellectual property and knowhow with local partners and potential future competitors. Inventions and property are protected by the rule of law and studies show that customers generally show no preference for local brands versus foreign brands. The U.S .is an important breeding ground for a significant portion of the world’s most important scientific discoveries, startups and large enterprises. Five of the 10 best colleges worldwide are located here and the vast majority of Nobel prizes go to U.S. institutions and people affiliated with them. From the Swiss fashion startup to the recently launched Austrian mobile app business, countless companies strive to have a presence in the U.S. Business owners understand the myriad of opportunities they will leverage by having an office within one of the most robust economies in the world. Having a base in the U.S gives companies access to a pool of world-renowned specialists in many industries, allows them to strengthen collaboration with global business partners, and, of course, enables businesses to address an audience of about 340 million prospective clients. You cannot be a worldwide leader in your industry without a significant presence in the U.S. ►► STARTING A BUSINESS Starting a business in the U.S .may seem overwhelming at first. However, it is generally much simpler than in many other countries. Registering a company in the U.S. can take as little as 30 minutes with no initial capital contribution needed. Often, new companies launch their operations with a team of independent contractors, who can be hired with a one-page contract on an as-needed basis. Of course, 34 | HEIMAT abroad | FALL 2019

companies in specific industries may have to obtain specific licenses prior to producing or selling their products. Depending on the scope of a business, obtaining a license to operate, buy or sell in the U.S. can be a relatively easy task with the right support team in place. Most small and medium-sized companies are able to launch operations in the U.S. with a budget of $40,000 or less. In order to ensure an efficient knowledge transfer from headquarters abroad to an affiliated company, businesses like to send executives and employees with specialized knowledge to the U.S. Non-U.S.-citizens will, of course, need a U.S. work visa. Foreign national entrepreneurs and corporations most commonly apply for one of the following visas: L Visa: Intracompany Transferee The L visa classification is a non-immigrant visa, which allows companies operating both in the U.S. and abroad to transfer certain classes of employees from their foreign operations to the U.S. operations for a defined period of time. The L visa type is designed to allow employees to work at a branch, parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of the current employer in a managerial or executive capacity, or in a position requiring specialized knowledge. To qualify, the foreign national must have been employed by the same employer abroad continuously for one year within the three preceding years. H-1B Visa: Person in Specialty Occupation The H-1B visa classification is a non-immigrant visa for employees who wish to work for a U.S. employer in a specialty occupation. Generally, a specialty occupation is defined as a position that requires a higher educational degree (at least a bachelor’s degree) or its equivalent for entry to the field. An approved petition filed by the United States employer is a prerequisite to visa issuance. Government authorities generally look for a high salary as proof of the value of the position.

Articles inside

News / Germany

page 9

News Germany

page 8

HEIMAT abroad Lesereise with AmaWaterways

pages 17, 41

Hausgemachte Brezeln

page 44

Lifestyle events

pages 42-43

Schools & Education

page 37

Schools & Education

page 36

Expat Corner

pages 34-35

New Hyperloop World Record

page 21

German Currents Film Festival

page 13


page 7

HEIMAT abroad Editor's Note

page 3

Wo in den USA noch Deutsch gesprochen wird

pages 28-29

Where German is still Spoken in the U.S.

pages 28-29

Niki Wente - Wente Vineyards

pages 22-23, 25

Off to New Horizons

pages 26-27

Celebrating The Fall of The Berlin Wall in California

page 10

Hitschies - German Chewy Candy since 1929

page 20

2019: The Year of AI in Germany

pages 18-19


page 21

DW -TV Programm for Amerika

pages 24-25

Lifestyle Culinary

page 23

Lifestyle - Events

page 22

Schools & Education

pages 19-20

Expat Corner

page 18

Expat Corner

pages 16-17

People / Leute - Niki Wente

pages 12-13

News - Business

page 10

News - Europe

page 9

30 years after the Fall - events in the U.S.

page 8


page 7

30th Anniversary of a Peaceful Revolution

page 5

From the Desk of the Publisher

pages 3, 5
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