SHEAzine issue Sept. 2018

Page 1


zine 2018.09

新 RF, 你知多少? New Resident Fellow, Dr. Chan Wai Kong

回到八月/ Back to August


Feature Event: Freshman Orientation

落 Club? 落 Club! / Club? Club!

目錄 Content 一期一會 One Encounter, One Talk /關於新 RF,你又知多少? New Resident Fellow, Dr. Chan Wai Kong

編 者 的

回到八月 Back to August 話 /迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation 為第一期 SHEAzine,我 你已成功完成你的 check in You Have Successfully Checked in 懷著對此期的敬 全方位解密 HA The Secret Inside HA 意和期望,寫下這 段編者的話。 你還記得你的「爸媽」嗎? Who Are Your " Mum & Pa "? 將冰山劈開 Break the Ice 雖然這不是一本故事書, 定向還是迷路 Orienteering 但這裡訴說了你的故事;雖 然這不是一份報紙,但這裡 黑沙尋到寶 Treasure in Hac Sa 記錄了你的過去。本期從零開 /書中黃金 薪火相傳 Old Books Resale 始的背後,望 SHEAzine 的文字能 與你同在。 /射箭初體驗 Archery Experience Class 落 Club? 落 Club! Club? Club! / Badminton Club

最後,無論你在書院的生活如何,希望 這期的一字一句,可以幫你的書院生活添 上一筆色彩。 總編輯 侯彥雯

澳門大學何鴻燊東亞書院通訊工作組 Communication Working Group, Stanley Ho East Asia College House Association 總編輯/ Editor-in-Chief 侯彥雯 Hou Yanwen, Zoe / Communication, Year 2 編輯/ Editors 陳泳欣 Chen Yongxin, Cathy / Portuguese Studies, Year 2 陳艷莉 Chan Im Lei, Lily / Biomedical Sciences, Year 1 梁芷晴 Leong Chi Cheng, Lily / Government and Public Administration, Year 1 劉瀚璁 Liu Hancong, Hans / Communication, Year 1 鄧慧敏 Tang Wai Man, Jess / Communication, Year 1 黃菁兒 Wong Cheng I, Angie / Communication, Year 1 胡美玉 Wu Mei Iok, Miko / Primary Education, Year 2 趙美靜 Zhao Mei Cheng, Natalie / Chinese Education, Year 1



一期一會 關於新 RF 你又知多少?

One Encounter One Talk

New Resident Fellow, Dr. Chan Wai Kong 問 : 作 為 我 們 新 的 書 院 導 師 (Resident Fellow),請你簡單地向大家介紹一下自己 答:我是陳偉江,六月一日開始正式加入了何 鴻燊東亞書院。在之前的兩年 , 我是在霍英東 珍禧書院當書院導師的。在我 17、18 歲的時候, 為了追尋人生的志向和瞭解人生的意義,我選 擇了在香港中文大學修讀哲學學士學位。後來 去了香港科技大學繼續修讀哲學碩士及博士學 位,最後選了中國佛教哲學作為哲學博士學位 的研究題目。閒時我會做不同類型的運動,目 的是為了有一個健康的身體和清醒的頭腦。

問:根據您以往讀書的生活、學習方面 的經驗,有甚麼經驗可以和我們的院生 分享一下? 答:我就我所見,不少同學都有着普遍的問題,


這基本上都是剛開始大學生活的時候會面對 的——中學的時候,老師們已經為大家安排好 温習時間該如何分配,這樣造成學生沒有機會 開發時間管理的能力 ; 然而進入大學之後 , 則 要同學自己分配時間,因此有不少同學在學期 初時會覺得很空閒,但到了學期中的時候就開 始發現沒有足夠時間讀書 . 所以我建議 , 大家

Q: As our new Resident Fellow, may you please introduce yourself to us? A: I am Chan Wai Kong, I was internal transferred to in Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) on the first of June. Before working in SHEAC, I had been a Resident Fellow of Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College for two years. When I was around 18 years ago, I chose to pursue a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in order to understand the meanings of life. Afterwards, I entered into the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to continue my Master Degree and PhD Degree in Philosophy. In my spare time, I like to do different kinds of sports, because I want to live a healthy life and to maintain a focused and clear mind.

Q: According to your experience of school life, what experience could you share with us? A: According to my observations, most of the students share the same problem at the beginning of their university life. In Middle school, teachers help managing students’ daily life, in this way students do not have much chances to develop their time management skills. However, the university life is totally different, you have to be the one to manage your own daily life. And many students would feel that they have a lot of spare time at the


在學期開始時 , 便應該要覺察到時間管理的重 要性,要好好安排時間。譬如 , 每天安排一至 一個半小時複習那星期內剛剛學到的知識 , 發 現疑問便在下一節課向老師請教,這樣到了學 期中測驗來臨時 , 你們的温習便會事半功倍了。 我認為這四年的大學生活 , 是一個開發自理能 力的好機會,而自理能力的一個重要組成部份 便是時間管理的能力 . 除此以外 , 注意飲食均 衡和作息、運動定時,也是不容忽視的自理能 力。

問:你對書院學生會 (HA) 和他們近期舉 辦的活動有什麼看法? 答:學生會是書院裏最繁忙、最難發揮得好、

同時又是最多學習機會的一個學生組織。我並 不認識從前的東亞院生會 , 未能評價 . 至於今 屆的院生會 , 我認為有一點是很明顯的 , 就是 他們十分有熱誠 , 望能出自己的一分力去協助 書院的發展 , 舉辦有意義、有價值的活動給院 生。對此,我十分欣賞 , 亦很感動。就我所知 , 他們一直有點擔心活動的效果不好,然而我認 為 , 活動的效果好不好 , 要看天時地利人和 , 根 本不能全由他們控制 , 而活動效果的好壞 , 從 來都不是重點 . 重點是 , 同學們有沒有在舉辦 或參與活動的過程中 , 學習到一些有價值的東 西 , 在某方面有所成長、有所提昇 . 另外 , 就我 看來 , 院生會的第一個大活動「迎新活動」的 效果是十分不錯的。雖然有些地方仍有改善空 間,但是他們明顯能從經驗中學習、改進,我 相信以後的活動是會做得越來越好的。

問:你覺得書院導師能夠怎樣在生活或 學習上協助到院生 ? 答: 我想先借用儒家代表人物孔子和佛教代


表人物釋迦牟尼這兩位偉大的教育家為例 , 以 作闡釋 . 他們的教學方式不僅僅是平常上課那 樣,老師在講學生在聽,而是有一群學生跟著 他們周遊列國 , 一起生活 , 讓學生在生活之中 向他們學習 . 這樣的教學方式 , 不是傳統的「言 教」,而是「身教」, 不是用嘴巴告訴你們 , 怎 樣做一個有貢獻、有品德的好人,而是做一個 有貢獻、有品德的好人給你們看 , 如此 , 「貢 獻」、「品德」、「好人」便不僅僅是一些冷 冰冰的概念 , 而是活生生的實例 , 在同學面前 展示出來。再以姚院長為例,他當澳大校長的 十年之間日理萬機,仍堅持教學。我問姚院長 :

beginning of the semester. But when Mid-terms arrive, they would feel that they do not have enough time to study. My suggestion is to be more aware of the time management at the very beginning of the semester. For example, spending one hour on every day to review what you've learned within that week, when you discover questions, you can seek for advices in the coming lectures. In this way the preparations for the mid-terms and finals will be more efficient and less pressurized. Besides, having a balanced diet and a regular exercise schedule are equally important.

Q: What do think of the House Association and our recent activities? A: According to my observations, I think the HA team is strongly motivated to contribute. They are trying their best to help developing our college, to provide meaningful activities for the SHEACers, and I really appreciate this. I know they are a bit concern about the outcome of the activities, but in my perspective, the outcome is not the focus, but the process is. What is important is whether the students can learn something meaningful from organizing or joining the activities.

Q: Would you explain how Resident Fellows will help our students in college life? A:First, let’s take a look at the two great educators, Confucius and Gautama Buddha, as a reference. The way they taught their students is called “teaching by examples”. They did not just tell the students what is morality, how to be a good person in the lectures. They live with the students, and being a moral, good person in their daily life. In this way, “morality”, “good person” are not just concepts in the students’ mind, but are real life demonstrations for the students. I think good Resident Fellows should also emphasize on teaching by examples, to be a contributive, morally good person, so that we can be a good model for the students. I believe that if we are good enough, the influences on students can be very deep.


「為何把自己弄得如此辛苦忙碌 ?」他的回答 是 :「當了校長之後仍繼續教學 , 可讓我深入一 點的了解學生 . 若不了解學生,我怎樣為他們 服務 ?」又如舉辦 Master’s Dinner,書院其 實可以選擇舉辦一次大規模的 , 讓所有新生參 與 , 為何院長決定要在三星期內舉辦九次細規 模的 ? 就是因為細規模的才可讓大家有深入一 點的交流,讓同學有更深入的得著 . 依我看來 , 院長的這些決定 , 正是他把教育理念活出來的 一些實例 , 這便是身教 . 我認為 , 當一個好的書 院導師,除了言教之外 , 也應該重視身教,做 一個有教育理念、有貢獻、有品德的好人 , 作 為同學的好榜樣。書院導師若做得好的話 , 是 可以很有說服力的,我相信對學生的影響可以 是很深遠的。

Q: Finally, what are your expectations for college students? A: The value of the existence of colleges is to provide opportunities and a good breeding ground for students to grow, to learn to contribute and love the others. That’s why we are trying our utmost to provide chances for students to organize and join different kinds of activities, and hope that students can learn and grow from these experiences. I hope SHEACers can make good use of the resources and the opportunities provided by the college in these four years, and learn to be a better person.

問:最後,你對東亞書院的院生有什麼 期望? 答:書院的存在價值 , 就是提供機會和良好的

環境讓學生成長,讓學生學習如何做一個活得 有價值的人,當一個有貢獻、懂愛他人的好人 . 為此 , 書院極力提供機會讓同學舉辦及參與活 動, 讓同學在各種學生活動的經驗中學習與 成長 . 我希望院生們能好好把握這四年的時間 , 去珍惜書院提供的這些資源和機會,積極參加 書院活動 , 好好學習 , 提昇自己。

文 Text / 梁芷晴 Leong Chi Cheng 陳艷莉 Chan Im Lei 鄧慧敏 Tang Wai Man 圖 Photography / 侯彥雯 Hou Yanwen 鳴謝 Courtesy / 陳偉江博士 Dr. Chan Wai Kong



Dr. Chan Wai Kong


迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation


你已成功完成你的 Check in 又是一年開學時,新生們滿懷著對大學 的憧憬及期望來到了何鴻燊東亞書院, 而學長學姐們早已為迎接新同學的到來 做好了充足的準備,讓我們一起來回顧 一下新生們來報到時的場景吧! 學長學姐們為新同學介紹書院中的游泳 隊,咖啡社,籃球隊等等各種社團,新 同學們聽了介紹都躍躍欲試,立刻拿出 手機掃碼進群。隨後,學長學姐們又為 新生們送上小杯子,束口袋等等精美的 小禮物。

雖然只是簡單的辦理簽到,但學長學姐 們的熱情迅速拉近了新生與書院的距離。 而他們明確分工,更是給隨新生一同前 往的家長們留下了深刻的印象。正是因 為有著他們,東亞書院才變得越來越好。

▼ HA 的同學在為新生介紹書院的活動 Students in HA are introducing the clubs to freshmen.


▲東亞的同學歡迎新生的到來 Helpers is welcoming the coming of freshmen

You Have Successfully Checked in The new semester arrived. The freshmen came to Stanley Ho East Asia College with expectations. The seniors has already prepared well for the arrival of the freshmen. Let’s review this sceney. The seniors introduced the swimming club, the coffee club, the basketball club and so on. Then the freshmen used their mobile phones to scan the QR codes. After that, the seniors gave some welcome souvenirs to the freshmen such as small cups and bags. Because of the seniors’ enthusiasm, the freshmen got close to the college well. What’s more, the seniors made a good impression on parents who accompanyed the freshmen. Their hard work made Stanley Ho East Asia College become better and better.


迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation

Feature Event: Freshman Orientation 文 Text / 劉瀚璁 Liu Hancong 黃菁兒 Wong Cheng I 圖 Photography / House Association

全方位解密 HA 剛加入東亞大家庭的各位新生,在剛 來的幾 天不斷聽到 House Association 這個詞或是在升降機裏看到多張相片, 相 片 上 面 寫 著 陌 生 的 簡 稱, 大 家 腦 中 一 定 浮 現 了 無 數 個 問 題, 到 底 House Association 是甚麼來的呢?他們在書院 負責做甚麼呢?他們的成員又有哪些人 呢?

為 了 滿 足 各 位 新 生 的 好 奇 心,House Association 成員們親自為大家解答問題, 並 一 一 介 紹 自 己 的 職 務。 首 先 是 主 席 團 The One,由本屆 House Association 的 主 席 Decaf 和 兩 位 可 愛 的 副 主 席 Chialing 和 Lily 為 大 家 介 紹 一 下 House Association 的 內 部 結 構。 再 來 有 六 位 部長的自我介紹,除了自我介紹之外, 當然少不了招新的環節,部長們為自己 的部門瘋狂打 call,新生們亦以熱情來 回報他們,現場氣氛熱烈,很快報名的 單子就疊滿了箱子,快樂的時光總是過 得特別快,介紹會在一遍歡笑聲與吵鬧 聲中結束了。通過這次活動讓新生們對 House Association 有更深的印象,所以 今年的 House Association 要繼續熱血下 去!


The Secret Inside HA When the freshmen moved into Stanley Ho East Asia College, they might have many questions about the House Association. What is the House Association? What do they have to do in college ? In order to settle all the questions about the House Association, first of all, the President of The One, Decaf, Vice Presidents Chialing and Lily intrduced themselves and the House Association. Then the Chairs of the Working Groups introduced and tried to recruit new members for their Working Groups. After the activity, the freshmen knew more about the House Association.

▼新生們在認真聆聽 HA 的介紹 Freshmen are listening to the introduction carefully


迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation

你還記得你的「爸媽」嗎? 作為一個大一新生不少的會對大學的生活充滿好奇,同時 對大學的環境事物感到陌生 。在這個活動中,學長學姐們 作為「組爸組媽」把 新生們分組,每兩個學長學姐帶一組。 經過分組後,「組爸組媽」就讓新生們自我介紹,新生們 開始時有點膽怯,但在學長學姐的鼓勵下,大家漸漸放開 自己,互相交談,成為朋友。有了組爸組媽後,無論在生 活上還是學習上有不明白的都可以問他們,平時也可以找 組員聯絡下,增進感情,大學生活也不需要那麼擔心了。

▲其中一組的合照 Group photo of one of the groups

文 Text / 趙美靜 Zhao Mei Cheng 圖 Photography / House Association

Who Are Your " Mum & Pa "? As a freshman, obviously, we will feel curious and confused about everything of the university life. And in this activity, the seniors, as 'Mum and Pa' in each group, divided the freshmen into different groups. Two of the seniors led one group. The ‘Mum and Pa’ let the freshmen whoever in their groups get along well with each other. At the beginning, everyone was nervous. But with the encouragement of the ‘Mum and Pa’ , everyone started to talk with each other and became friends. When the freshmen had questions in studies or in daily life, they could ask their group ‘Mum and Pa’ for help. Also, they can find their group members when they are lonely. So they don’t have to worry about their future university life anymore.




迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation

文 Text / 陳艷莉 Chan Im Lei 圖 Photography / House Association

一如既往,每一年都有不少的新生加入澳 門大學這個大家庭。為了讓新生們盡快適應 和融入,我們 HA 舉辦了一系列的活動,如 書院生活介紹會、破冰活動、定向活動等等。 接下來將由筆者我為大家介紹破冰活動。 破冰活動,顧名思義是打破大家之間的隔 閡,首先是踩氣球遊戲,每組同學都會有相 對應的氣球數量。活動以 1 vs 1 進行,限時 結束後計算剩餘氣球數量,數量多者為勝。 緊接著的環節是 - 「最想跟誰做朋友」 ,為 了讓大家認識更多的人,每次介紹僅限 30 秒, 一輪介紹過後需把腦中浮現的名字寫出來, 由大會負責人進行點算,看看大家最想跟誰 做朋友。 精彩的活動一個接一個,我們將迎來考驗 團體合作的遊戲 - 「報紙塔」 ,顧名思義是 要用報紙疊成塔,最高者為勝。這是一項考 驗團體合作的項目,大家都知道(包括筆者 在內),想要把報紙疊成高高的塔,根基必 須很穩固,越高的紙必須很輕;於是大家需 要分工合作,從準備材料到疊成高高在上的 塔,大會限時 30 分鐘,結束後由大會工作 人員進行量度高度。整個活動最高潮的時候 就在這一刻,在等待的過程中,有組別的塔 可能營養不足,導致塔頂向地面發展。


相信大家都有 shopping 的經驗,這個活動 叫「一塊五毛」。女生為一塊而男生則為 5 毛, 大家需在限時內組隊完成定量的數額,無法 組隊的同學最後將品嘗美味的飲料。玩了這 麼多的動態遊戲,相信部分同學已經累了, 因此,大會準備了一個靜態活動 - 「A4 紙成 圈」,大家需在大會提供的材料下,完成任 務並且組內每一個人都必須穿過圈圈裏。若 所有組都完成,即以最大的圈圈為勝,這個 活動也難倒不少的組別,最後只剩部分組別

▲在進行踩氣球對決的其中兩隊 Participants are stepping on the Balloons

▲同學們在努力完成報紙塔 Students are making tower using newspapers

▲接受下懲罰的同學們 Students are drinking balsam pear juice


迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation

▲享受在遊戲中的同學們 Students are enjoying the games

能完成任務。 迎新活動多姿多彩,讓每位同學都收穫滿滿的回憶。 筆者亦是大一的新同學,在這次的迎新活動,收穫滿 滿的美好回憶。而且筆者的腳不是很利索,大會也能 夠適當地作出一些安排,筆者在這裡謝謝各位工作人 員對筆者的照顧。同時,特別感謝筆者組的組爸組媽 和各位組女組仔,因為有你們,才能讓筆者我更好地 參與是次活動。最後,鳴謝何鴻燊東亞書院學生會全 體人員,因為有你們的事前事後的工作,2018 年的 迎新活動才得以完滿結束。 Break the Ice

A lot of new students join our UM’s family every year. We want to let all the new students assimilate into it, so our HA devised a lot of activities, such as College life briefing, ice-breaking, orienteering. First of all, we had ‘Step on the Balloons’. All the groups had balloons in the beginning, they needed to step on other groups' balloons within the specific time. After they finished it, our helpers would check and write down the result on the white board. Moreover, we had an activity called ‘Who You Want to Make a Friend’. They needed to introduce themself in 30 seconds. After they finished, they had to write down one name on paper. Next, we needed to use newspapers to build a tower, which was a challenge to test team spirit. We must to have a good foundation so that we could build a all tower. After the specific time, our helpers would come to measure the height. The group with the allest tower would be the winner. After all the activities, all the new students had a lot of good memories. I’m a freshman too. Although my knee is not good, the helpers made a special arrangement for me. Thank you the House Association, that made this activity successfully held.


▶ 文 Text / 鄧慧敏 Tang Wai Man 圖 Photography / House Association



迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation

由於下雨天的緣故 , 我們由 plan A 的計 劃 -- 校園定向 , 改了 plan B 的計劃 -- 威 尼斯人定向。

遊戲的規則是每組在限定的時間內 , 按 照紙上所列出的每項任務內容 , 有在書院 內和威尼斯人內 , 拍照或拍視頻的任務 , 完成後可獲得該項任務相對的分數 , 最後 在威尼斯人集合 , 得分最多的組就能獲得 勝利。 在遊戲開始前 , 首先給各組幾分鐘商量 任務的分配 , 先在書院或是去威尼斯人完 成任務。 遊戲開始時 , 每組都選擇先完成書院內 的任務 , 再完成威尼斯人的任務。當完成 了書院內的任務後 , 同學們都趕去搭巴士 前往威尼斯人酒店 , 一架巴士裡差不多全 是我們書院的人。

Before the game started, several minutes were given for each group to discuss whether Stanley Ho East Asia College or Venetian Macao would be the first venue to start the missions.

最後還剩下的時間裡 , 我們組加快步伐 , 到指定的集合地點報到 , 并記錄完成的時 間。

At the beginning of the game, each group chose to finish the missions the college first, and then to finish the missions in Venetian Macao. When they finished the missions in the college, they rushed to catch the buses.

當到達了威尼斯人的時候 , 每組都捉緊 時間 , 尋找相對應的地點 , 人物和建築物 拍照。

所有組到達後 , 我們都累得坐在地上休 息 , 工作人員便開始計所得的分數。最後 以公佈獲勝的隊伍結束了這一個活動。 Orienteering As a result of the rainy day, we changed from plan A to plan B, w h i c h wa s o r i e n te e r i n g i n t h e Venetian Macao.


▲其中一組的合照 Group photo of one of the groups

The rule of the game was that each group could get scores for each mission listed on papers by the HA, including photos and videos. In the end, the group with the highest points would be the winner.

By the time arriving at the Venetians, each group seized time, looking for locations, people and buildings to take photos. In the remaining time, our group h a d to h u r r y u p a s fa st a s we could to the gathering place, and recorded the finish time. Wh en all th e grou ps a rri ved , the participants were so tired. Hardly did we sit down for a rest, the groups began to count the scores for the other groups. This meaningful activity ended with


迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation


來到迷之東亞寶藏的最後一站—黑沙燒烤,新生於 8 月 19 日下午四點在書院膳堂集合,一起乘搭旅遊巴士前往 黑沙海灘。每位參加者在活動前需繳交 50 元澳門幣以 作按金,不需購買任何燒烤用具和食材,只需帶備水杯、 手環和穿方便運動的衣服便能出行。到達目的地後,我 們分組玩尋寶遊戲,每組都會拿到一份數獨題目。解開 數獨後可以直接派尋寶人員出發,每個尋寶區域一共有 6 個坑,將拿到的線索拼成一句指定的話即可獲勝,勝 出的三組每人均獲得一份禮物。 到了晚餐時間,各組都紛紛圍著燒烤爐坐,開始用炭起 火。院生會開始派發食物和飲品,大家都很開心地烤肉、 塗蜜糖和分食物,其樂融融。吃到一半的時候,大家開 始拿起水槍和水球玩耍起來,有些人用飲料瓶裝水,打 起水戰來。最後拍完大合照後,院生會拿出已準備好的 生日蛋糕為我們何鴻燊東亞書院院長姚偉彬教授慶祝生 日,大家齊唱生日歌并結束了這樣有意義的一天。


▲解開東亞寶藏的秘密後的喜悅 They are sharing the happinese

文 Text / 梁芷晴 Leong Chi Cheng 圖 Photography / House Association


迎新特輯 Feature Event: Freshman Orientation Treasure in Hac Sa It comes to the last stop of ‘Treasure of SHEAC—SHEAC Orientation BBQ Gathering’, all the freshmen gathered at the lobby at 4 pm and took tour buses to the Hac Sa Beach together. All participants had to pay 50MOP as deposit and bring water bottles, the bracelets of Stanley Ho East Asia College and wear sporty clothes. After we arrived, we played games according to groups. Each group received one sudoku and sent group members to find the treasure in the sand holes they dug. There were six holes and participants won if they could make a sentence using the words found. The three winners would gain a gift. All groups sat around the BBQ fire pits when it came to dinner time. They started to grill. The House Association distributed the food, beverage and cooking materials. We roasted the meat and applied the honey. After that, they took out water balls and water guns to play around. Some people even used the water bottles. Finally it came to the end, we took group photos and celebrated the birthday of the Master of Stanley Ho East Asia College--Professor Iu Vai Pan together and finally ended this meaningful day.



書中黃金 薪火相傳 Old Books Resale

隨著開學的鐘聲響起,同學們都踏 進了新的學期。新的學年想必各位同 學都在敲鑼打鼓地準備需要購買的書 本,而正在這個時刻何鴻燊東亞書 院 Social Activity Working Group 在 飯堂開展了舊書買賣活動。此活動以 便同學們選購書籍之餘,還意在可將 舊書重新利用起來也響應了環保的理 念。舊書的循環利用是一種知識的傳 遞,令書本有了重生的機會,對於 買賣雙方而言都是獲益良多的。書院 SA 的成員收集了大量學長學姐的舊 書,舊書的類型琳瑯滿目,而且還以 實惠的價格售出。舊書買賣一共開辦 了兩期,書籍的擺設清晰明瞭讓同學 們一眼就能看得出來書籍的種類,活 動井井有條地進行著吸引很多同學前 來參觀,挑選,購買書籍。同學們都 非常踴躍參與此次的舊書買賣活動, 整個飯堂都人山人海,舊書買賣活動 的氣氛都熱鬧起來。

▲同學在挑選心儀的書本 Student is looking for books

文 Text / Communication Working Group 圖 Photography / Communication Working Group


參與此次舊書買賣活動的其中一位 同學 --Iris 覺得這次的活動舉辦得非 常有意義,無論對於賣書者或者買書 者而言都是互利的。賣書者可以將自 己不再使用的書籍賣出去,買書者則 以低價買到本身價格比較昂貴的書, 在購買書本上節省了不少金錢。她還 提及到,明年她也會再次參與舊書買


賣活動,以賣書者的身份把自己的書 籍售出。

轉賣二手書籍,不僅可以讓新生以 低價買到心儀的書本,讓舊生清理空 間位置,更重要的是從某種意義上也 節省了資源。而這次的活動也讓眾多 新生更加瞭解書院,更好地融入了東 亞這個大家庭中。相信在舊書買賣活 動中不少同學都有滿滿的收穫,此次 的舊書買賣活動也完滿結束。 Th e n ew s e m e ste r h a s b e g u n , many students started classes and also needed to buy textbooks. In order to help students to buy their textbooks at a lower price and in a more convenient way, the Social Activity Working Group (SA) has o rg a n i z e d t h e a c t i v i t y n a m e d Flea Market--Old Book Resale for students who were oncerned about the high prices of textbooks they needed. This activity aimed to reuse the old books to respond to environmental protection, the sale of old books gives books a chance to reborn,and the recycling of old books can also achieve ‘Knowledge Sharing’, which is benefit for the buyers and sellers. Th i s a c t i v i t y we re h e l d a t t h e refectory of SHEAC. There were various types of textbooks, which attracted lots of students to look around for textbooks that they needed.

this activity. Iris thought this activity was very meaningful no mattter for the buyers or the sellers. Because sellers could sell their textbooks. The buyers could buy textbooks at a lower price, that helped can save them a lot of money. As she mentioned, she would continue to join this kind of activity, as a ‘seller’. What’s more, reselling old books is a way to save the resources. Through this event, freshmen assimilated into our college much better.

▲同學在挑選心儀的書本 Student is looking for books

We interviewed one of the ‘buyers’ --Iris, to talk about her thoughts of




Archery Experience Class

文 Text / 梁芷晴 Leong Chi Cheng 圖 Photography / 梁芷晴 Leong Chi Cheng

何鴻燊東亞書院學生會外聯部於 9 月 5 日開設了射箭體驗班,為三十名零基 礎院生免費提供了一次體驗射箭樂趣的機會。從下午四點至七點,課程共分 設三個時段 , 每段各一小時。當日體驗的學員到達 W33 旁的射箭場地時,已 有提前備好的弓箭及與之配套的腰包擺放於場地上。腰包内含護臂、護指和 箭六支。射箭時,射箭手需佩戴護臂以保護手臂內側、佩戴護指以保護扣弦 的手指。體驗課全程有兩名射箭學會學姐在場教授射箭方法及注意事項,以 保證學員在體驗射箭樂趣的同時不因錯誤操作而受傷。 An Archery Experience Class was organized by the SHEAC House Association External Affairs Office on 5th September. For students who were interested in archery but had no former experience, this class, free of charge, undoubtedly provided thirty of them a chance to really stand on the field and lift bows. From 16:00 and ended at 19:00, the class was divided into three sessions, which for students to choose before registration. On the day of the class, students arrived at the archery range beside W33 for class, by the time 10 bows and bags were already lying in neat lines on the ground. A bracer, a finger tab and six arrows were included in each bag. Archers should wear a bracer to protect the inside of the bow arm and a finger tab to protect fingers. During the class, two seniors from the Archery Club were the teachers and helped students enjoy the fun of shooting arrows without getting hurt.



! b u l C 落 ? b 落 Clu Club? Club!

大家好!筆者今天跟大家分享一下 有關書院隊的練習活動。不知道大家 有沒有做運動的習慣,今天筆者為大 家介紹一下咱們的羽毛球隊,何鴻燊 東亞書院的羽毛球隊每逢週一晚上九 點至十一點都會現身在體育館的羽毛 球場,進行一系列的練習。每位同學 在練習的時候都用盡全力,希望能在 技術上有所進步。同時,筆者採訪了 幾位同學,他們紛紛表示大家的水平 都相當高,並且即將參與澳門大學 Sports Day 舉行的羽毛球比賽 , 他們 亦建議每週應增設多次練習時間,但 即使沒有增設,他們也會在私底下加 強對自身的訓練。

文 Text / 陳艷莉 Chan Im Lei 圖 Photography / 陳艷莉 Chan Im Lei

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to s h a re a S t a n l ey H o E a st Asia College's club with you. Before we get straight to the topic, I have one question for you. Do you have a great habit of doing sports? If that is the case, you don't want to miss the introduction of our badminton club. SHEAC’s badminton club offers practices sessions every Monday from 9pm to 11pm at the badminton courts in the Sports Complex. Every club member spares no efforts to practice, hoping to reach a higher level. I also interviewed a student. One of them said they were all excellent badminton players who were heading to the competitions on the UM Sports Day. Additionally, some players suggested that the times of practice should be increased accordingly, but even without this adjustment, their self-

▲積極訓練的成員們 They are practicing energetically



徵集投稿 Contributions are Welcome


那一刹那。行走於校園之中,一連串的事件構成了我們每個人 的每一天,不論是朋友間的迎來送往,還是課程與活動的新舊 交迭,不論是某年某月的一場旭日東昇,還是偶遇的一朵在角

落裡靜靜開放的小花,或歡喜、或感動、或惆悵、或沉思,燈 泡既已亮起,靈感既已泉湧,那就該斑斕地球的每個角落。

Believe it or not, there’s a light bulb in everyone’s brain. Usually we call it ‘the inspiration’. You’d take part in a few brand new activities and put an end to the ones that have reached their closures. You may see a flush coming into the sky in a quiet morning, a flower growing softly in one unnoticeable corner.

投稿類型: 文字 & 圖片 投稿須知: 1. 具備原創性,不得侵犯他人版權 2. 文字需以「可再次編輯」的格式提交 投稿地址 Forms of your submission could be: Article & Pictures Attention and tips: 1.Make sure your submissions are original. No plagiarism is accepted. 2.Send your text in a way that can be re-edited. Contributions are Welcome:





















Stanley Ho East Asia College House Association Communication Working Group

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