Blaque/OUT Magazine Nov. 2020 Issue 002

Page 6

could teach us how to navigate through life?

Malik: I do believe that it can be very difficult in our lives if we don’t have that faith that things are going to be alright. Everyone needs that peace that passes all understanding in their lives which includes a spiritual connection with their higher power so that they can have strength and courage to live another day.

Javannah: Do you feel the church could be a guiding force in the LGBTQ+ community if they were more inclusive of these individuals?

Malik: Yes, absolutely. The church could be a powerful guiding force in the LGBTQ+ community if they were to learn to be more inclusive and affirming in their ministries than they are now. Many great things can happen from that.

Javannah: Has the recent pandemic affected the way you attend church?

Malik: At the moment during COVID-19 I mostly worship at home during this time. Before I fellowshipped with more affirming and inclusive churches throughout my city on a frequent basis.

Javannah: Are there many local places of worship that are LGBTQ+ friendly?

Malik: There are many inclusive and affirming churches throughout the US in different cities and towns that are accepting of the LGBTQ+ community and who embrace their sexuality and/or gender.

Remember lovies, you don't have to make a choice between your religion and your sexuality or gender identity. It's always possible to find affirming and accepting spiritual communities that can provide validation, support, and a basis for good mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I have provided a few in this article that may help those looking for expression of their spirituality.Â

With love, this is your girl Javannah saying, be good to you!





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