Blaque/OUT Magazine June 2023

Page 31


The Winstons Winston and the Mrs. (E. L. and Roni)

Love lives in us…the Winstons and we want to share a little of it with you! June is pride month and darlings, we want to shout it from the rooftops. It is time to let the LGBTQIA+ flags fly! The 1978 version of the Pride flag was created with eight stripes that each had a meaning: Hot pink: Sex Red: Life Orange: Healing Yellow: Sunlight Green: Nature Turquoise: Magic Indigo: Serenity Violet: Spirit Sometimes in our relationships we need a guide to keep us going. Let PRIDE lead the way.

The Mrs. Winston and I have shared how much communication means to us, but there are days when couples forget this crucial element. They talk, but they don’t communicate. Cover every bit of it; hold nothing back. Sex is an important time to connect and share. We discuss EVERY aspect of it…likes, dislikes, desires, changes, every bit of it. I used to be embarrassed to even say the word sex, but Winston has shown me that I shouldn’t be embarrassed about any part of me, so he gets it naked and stripped down, in and out of the bedroom. It is the life we have joined together, so we think of one another in everything that happens. We don’t focus on the traumas of our past, but the healing. As a matter of fact, in order to ensure our relationship would blossom, we had to put in some work to step out of the dark into the sunlight as individuals. It is what meant we could naturally blossom and find the magic in love. Our home is one of serenity and spiritual guidance. I am proud of the work Winston and I did before we met and the work we have put in as a couple. We find power in vulnerability. If you are still

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