8 minute read


E.L. Winston and Mr. Amari L. Leach

Winston: We better recognize that it is happening all over the place One part of society having their rights removed is not just an isolated part; it is evidence of a much larger problem

Mr. Leach: The recent murder of Banko Brown is another example of how the system continues to fail us A black man killed for needing basic human necessities Living on the streets, barely able to find any help from a system who said his life wasn’t worth it But every American ‘life’ is to be protected right?

Both: Hey, what's going on, brother? Like always, let's have some real talk about what’s going on in the world Let us shed light like only we can!

Winston : Remember this time last year when I said the overturning of Roe vs Wade had far more implications than just women not being able to have abortions? Well, here we are It has become hunting season on our community We’re still playing checkers while everybody else is playing chess We still have not grasped the true way in which the government works so we're always playing catch up instead of being ahead of what's going on

Mr Leach: Oh yeah, brother, it is always an end game to their agenda It’s all in the power, control, and fear Gotta get the masses to agree with their attacks on innocent communities and then it’s easy from there They refuse to protect the children who are already here They wanna throw in religion as their biggest weapon What's crazy is everyone does not have the same beliefs, so how do they know what God doesn’t approve of? All I know is we were put here to live a free and blissful life There is no right or wrong way to do that as long as you don’t bring harm to anyone What they fear and don’t understand or can’t control, they do everything in their power to destroy SMH

Winston: You can say that again, brother I keep saying that hunting season is upon us When I look at what's going on in Florida, it is an all out assault on Trans youth and the LGBTQIA community as a whole How is it that a state with a broken child protective system has the audacity to take Trans children from their parents because they support them in their transformation? Let's look at Missouri and the state attorney general who tried to not only restrict care for Trans youth but Trans adults as well All the time knowing full well he didn't have the authority to do so Don't get it twisted though, the people in power in that state have passed bill SB49 which will limit gender affirming care for Trans youth and Bill SB39 that prohibits public and private schools including colleges in the state to allow students to participate in gendered athletic competitions that don't match their biological sex as listed on a birth certificate or government record, and/or competing against a team without such a policy. Now you tell me if our liberties are not being stripped at every turn? Where are we free? Where are we safe?

Mr. Leach:I did some research just to see the stat tracker of all of these anti-Trans bills. These bills are withholding Trans people from receiving basic healthcare, education, legal recognition and ultimately the right to publicly exist.

543 bills in 49 states where 70 passed with 372 active and only 101 failed & I don’t see them moving this fast for any bills to protect these children from school shootings, in abusive homes, being hungry or unhoused! It all ties together like you said The overturning of Roe vs Wade was the tip of the iceberg, a distraction for a bigger agenda. It’s why it’s important for us as Black people to understand your black peers may look different, think different, or believe different We need to stick together no matter what! We are stronger together

Trans folks have always existed Everyone deserves to exist! We have to continue the fight for liberation for us all & speak up for our youth. They are being used as pawns. Families having to make those difficult decisions about relocating to Trans friendly states or removing care for their children You have parents afraid that their children will commit suicide if they don’t support them, but scared they will be arrested or harmed for supporting their child It’s just a shame, brother We have to understand we are stronger together, which is why they keep us divided but once we know it; we will win!

Winston: Definitely agree We've touched on a lot that needs to be addressed in our community. Where as a people do we go next? What needs to happen to heal a community that's broken and discouraged in a country that doesn't want us?

Both: We hope that this conversation has enlightened AND enraged you We must move into action because action is truly what we need!! Action in the voting booth; action in your local government; action in the education of our communities. Action is now. Hope y'all will come chop it up with us again as we continue to discuss important things Brother 2 Brother

Looking for a little more guidance on what life might bring you this month? Tarot cards, read by an intuitive reader, can provide us that guidance. While your personal reading may vary slightly, the readings here are directed for all of those born in the same month for the current month For a more specific reading to your specific circumstance contact Doreen Scanlan on FB Messenger to set an appointment.

Tarot done specifically for you if you were born in :


You actually get a birthday bonus card The nine of earth This is the year for you to live your best life. Be open to good things coming your way this year Things may be off to a slow start but the energy picks up quickly There are new people that are coming into your life this month that are going to be a good addition to your life. You are not going to have to work hard to build these relationships because they will just flow. Take time to invest in creative pursuits this month. You may find that something you have been doing gets a new face. Use your intuition to know what to add to refresh of upgrade.


You also got a bonus card. The 4 of fire. This reminds you to think before you act. You may find that the way you used to approach things may not be as effective anymore. It is time to reap some of the rewards of the hard work you have put in This is a plentiful time for you. Then it is time to look at learning something new. May just be an upgrade but may also be something completely different. Make sure you find some time to be alone and recount your blessings The more you focus on the things you are grateful for, the less you will have time to focus on things that aren’t quite working out yet. Trusting that they too are possible is As much healthier way to live


It is time for you to win Focus your attention on things you know you can accomplish in the month of June. Perhaps you have been setting goals that require more than you are capable of completing Shorten the timeline and congratulate yourself along the way Your brain needs some rest Don’t take on things that will be intellectually taxing The brain power just isn’t there this month. Instead find things that bring you pure joy and allow you to smile


You will be caught in an internal struggle between the desire to nurture others or yourself. Don’t let negative self talk convince you that you aren’t worth it. You are in a much better place to help others if you do some self care first Be nice to yourself Build yourself up spiritually so that it is harder for others to pull you down. Put your best foot forward but only after you get that mani pedi. You will carry yourself like the royalty you are.


Get in alignment and then take on your stressors. That is the only way you won’t come out even more stressed than when you started. It may be time to redo your budget so that you regain control or at least you are aware of how it is glowing It is also time to become creative whether that is in the arts or just coming up with creative ways to make things work better for you. Expect some new inspiration to hit you towards the end of the month.


Your feminine wiles are going to be strong this month . Use this powerful energy to shine. Networking at this time could prove beneficial. Start projects that have more longevity to them than what you have been doing You may find that you getting passionately involved in them and won’t want to stop. Then decide what you want to continue.


June is the month to either take your current relationship to the next level or find one that you can. Your partner and you need to be in sync this month. If you are not, you might want to consider letting go. Couples who are atuned to one another will be overly obvious Love is definitely the key


You also get a bonus card this month It says that a lot of things that have been uncertain finally come to the light. It is time for you to break away from things that aren’t working for you. In the process of all this you are going to become much clearer on people or situations that overwhelm you and you are going to start refusing to put yourself in them. Stay true to yourself . Speak your truth and let that be all you need to stand on.


Time to make a decision about whether your income and expenses are realistic to the plans you have for yourself Whatever insecurities you have about facilitating a change there need to be overcome. Things may be difficult at first but if you have faith , you will find that whatever you have recently let go of was a good decision. Don’t second guess yourself This is the time to learn and use the things you have already learned to put some energy back into your dreams and make them your reality.


Spend some time envisioning your path. You are being asked to find ways to communicate how you are feeling. There may be either a new source of income coming for you or a new place to live This is not necessarily the time to act on it but start tapping into what you need to do to empower yourself to make moves when the time is right.


It may feel like things are not going your way in the beginning of June. Remember to find appreciation for the things that are Even if it is only the roof over your head From that place you can start looking forward to the blessings that haven’t arrived yet. Before the end of the month you can see a complete turn around. Just because you didn’t see it coming doesn’t mean the Universal laws aren’t working


Lots of firsts for you this month There is new inspiration coming your way Trust the messages that you are getting. There are also new people are you going to be drawn to. Make sure that they are ones that you feel comfortable being yourself around. It is time for you to shine so you don’t need anyone around you that dims your light