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Wave the Flags!

For decades we have united in solidarity to celebrate and bask in the authentic love of Us. Fly your rainbow flags high as we entree into pride month!

With the world in constant change, what does the community look like today?

LGBTQIA people and supporters fight the good fight to civically maintain just basic human rights to live in peace, but the lawmakers seem to keep constantly focusing on and diverting attention from real issues to shine negative light on drag shows; to push for discriminatory rights for trans people in schools and in medical fields, instead of the numerous mass shootings that continue to happen across this nation.

They’d rather preach about what they consider is indoctrinating children in a negative light but not how children are getting PTSD by going into school buildings; because in addition to their Tornado drills, they now have an active shooter drill.

“Give the teachers guns to protect their students, but “how dare you tell them about my grandparents, I mean CRT!”

Anxiety, stress, and depression are at an all time high amongst youths under 19; and our lawmakers think, a little boy who wants to wear a dress instead of a suit, or a girl who would rather die than to put on a pair of heels, or a drag Queen reading a book, is what’s bringing about the demise of this nation.

You have got to be stopped.

Let’s focus on the real problems at hand. How many LGBTQIA people go missing yearly, and or are attacked? Why have suicide among LGBTQIA teens spiked because they become targets in school when teachers turn a blind eye because, “they don’t agree with their lifestyle”. How often is discrimination covered by, “well what about my right to freedom of speech?” While we have to stand and allow them the right to deny us our freedom to live without the threat of harassment? Maybe let’s question why a document that was written in 1787 still used to govern lands that have grown technologically, and that has continued to evolve? Why are the old lawmakers who aren’t open to new concepts and ideas, still allowed to govern a land that they want to keep in the same condition; as long as their children don’t experience the horrors of what my history contains?

The fact is, we refuse to go back into anyone’s closet. We are human and we have the right to love, and to be loved. Our children, and our families deserve to be protected. I stand proud to be a masculine of centered Lesbian! I’m proud to be a black woman. I’m proud to show pride! So, make sure that all of June, wave your flags high in pride! Love is worth it!