Public News #36

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#36 | NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015 | FREE





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NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


PUBLIC NEWS #36 November 12 - 25, 2015



PUBLIC NEWS ART EDITOR Rosanne Friedman introduces urban artist and painter David McGee and shares his story along with some pretty impressive pieces on popular culture that will be certain sure to connect with Public New readers.













Sacred Heart Catholic School and Helping a Hero Honors Veterans. ExxonMobile Presents the 20th Annual Childrens Festival A Christmas Carol coming, Tomball’s Haunts plus LSC Student Wins Crown, Scholarship

LSC-Montgomery’s Dancescape, Envy Wine’s Paint Your Own Glass, Richard Haas Art Exhibit in Huntsville, Tomball’s Bluegrass Festival as well as the Houston Whatever Fest top the list of events this issue

Art Editor Rosanne Friedman presents an expose on new artist Phenom David McGee. Of course you already knew that if you saw the cover of the Public News and read about it on the top of this page! Now, go to that section!

COLUMNISTS & STUFF Letter Rip / No Exit Anna Pinion Legal Ease To The Republic

5 10 12 14

Fake Astrology Crampton’s Music Circle Foodie Pic Of The Week Backpage Classifieds

15 16 27 32

Public News Music Contributing Editor Mark Crampton visits with the Celtic band Tuatha Dae while they were performing at the recent Sherwood Celtic Fest. CD Reviews, Live Music Guide and more!

Setting side the focus on a single restaurant for just this issue as Foodie Nick Rama and Sean Henry Jaehne pull together the first annual Montgomery County Food Trucks for Food Bank Festival. A photo essay

Film Editor Glen Ryan Tadych presents his take on the new James Bond film, Spectre. He touches all across the 007 dial as he measures up what may prove to be the final role as James Bond for Daniel Craig.

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” -- Moulin Rouge


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



#1 in 2015


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015




Don’t Care If It’s In The Playground, Wives Battering Husbands, or the POTUS EDITORIAL CHAIRMAN KEN PETTY MUSIC EDITOR JASON PALMER FILM EDITOR GLEN RYAN TADYCH ART EDITOR ROSANNE FRIEDMAN CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: MIKE BAXTER, MARK CRAMPTON, ROXANNE DAVIS, MATT DELUCA, PAUL VAN DEUSEN, SUSAN LOVE FITTS, CINDY GROOVER, SHANNA LAYNE, JEB KICKER, TOM DAREN LISKEY, BART PEARSTON, ANNA ‘PINION’ PENA, NICK RAMA, JODY REED, ANDY SINGER, PHOTOGRAPHY: KEN PETTY, TOM DAREN LISKEY, ROSANNE FRIEDMAN GRAPHICS/LAYOUT: KEN PETTY ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE: KEN PETTY DISTRIBUTION PARTNERS: ISSUU, PRESS READER FAKE CELEBRITY INTERN: JOHN LARROQUETTE Public News is an arts & entertainment fortnightly published on Thursday and distributed to metro Houston subscribers via email, distribution channel partners and to anyone else via our website. We welcome community news, press releases, and article ideas; sent by mail or email. Deadline for calendar items and advertising is the Friday prior to our Thursday publication date. Letters to the Editor and filtered Hate Mail are always encouraged. Subscriptions to the Public News are free and can be obtained by going to the subscribe link on our website: Subscriber benefits include special perks and voting in the Readers Choice Awards this summer. Contents of Public News are the sole property of Public News Co. and are protected under copyright. No portion may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher... he does check things out most times. You are encouraged to share as many copies of the Public News to as many friends as you’d like! Feel free to share on any and all social media outlets. #PublicNews

I have developed a keen sense of being able to smell bull crap miles away. I can smell it when I see news reports about BlackLivesMatter, Benghazi, Global Warming/Cooling (take your pick), Ferguson, as well as the recent race problems coming out of Missouri University (aka Mizzou). It all boils down to one thing. Bullying. We have an occupant in the Oval Office who continues to goad citizens to take up arms against police, for no reason other than perceived ‘white privilege.’ The crap going on at Mizzou is Ken Petty over this same delusion. What ‘white privilege’? I personally would love to see this thing called ‘white privilege’ because it sure as heck didn’t visit me all the years I’ve been white. What I have, I have worked my ass off to achieve. I wasn’t handed a college diploma, or gotten a hall pass because I was white. I had to work through college, taking out those now overdue student loans that, in the current economy, are hard to repay. But they will be repaid. I’m not going to call my Congressman and bemoan that I did not get my share of ‘white privilege’, so I shouldn’t have to pay what I owe. That is bull crap. I work hard to pay my due and then work even harder to be able to have something to leave to my kids as a legacy. It’s called integrity. It’s called character. And these hard times will make you do one of two things, man up or start pushing your weight

around and make people do things for you. Mike Brown, the young man from Ferguson, was not shot because he was black. He was shot because he assaulted an officer of the law and was hellbent on continuing that assault. Mike Brown lived in subsidized housing because that is the way his group lived. As harsh as it sounds, the Mike Brown saga could have ended peaceably had he just laid down his guard and let the natural path of respect for authority run its course. The occupant of the Oval Office has not done much for race relations in this country as he tends to turn his eyes away from anything that does not fulfill his narrative. Bully pulpit masters dictate things like, ‘Trayvon Martin could be my son.’ Really? After all the evidence came in showing that ‘your son’ beat the crap out of a civilian just trying to watch over his neighborhood after reports of residents being robbed? Please sir, your time is done, sit down. People, let love rule your hearts. No more women battering on men, because they know that they can. No more knockout games just because. No more police choke holds on folks you already have a handle on. No more marches and protests because of class envy. No more walking out on interstate freeways to block traffic. No more of this “No Justice, No Peace’ crap. Even if justice was handed down it was not what you wanted. You wanted revenge, not justice. Get a grip America. You are losing your national soul over this. Don’t let the domestic enemy tell you what to do. Love everyone and treat others as you would have them treat you. Do what is right, and you will live well. Trust me.


When you buy from a small business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom put food on the table, a dad pay a mortgage or a student pay for college

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“You can’t go forward if you’re looking backward - You run into walls that way.” ~ Unknown


is a free arts and entertainment fortnightly serving metro Houston, published on Thursday and distributed via email to subscribers

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NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015






NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


HELPING A HERO WELCOMES TEXAS MILITARY VETERAN HOME BANDERA, Texas – Local wounded warrior SSG Edward Matayka and his family now have a place to call home, thanks to the (501) (c)(3) nonprofit organization Helping A Hero. This morning, in a special ‘Welcome Home Ceremony,’ special guest, Major General Tony Cucolo, Vice Chancellor of Military Affairs for the University of Texas System and former Commandant for the US Army War College, joined together with over 100 community and military leaders to show their support as Helping A Hero handed over the keys to SSG Matayka and his family to their new residence. The house was custom-built with special adaptations to meet Matayka’s special needs as a double amputee with traumatic brain injury. Thanks to the generous two acre lot donation by the Bridlegate developer, Southerland Communities, and the hundreds of hours donated by Kenny Mantor and his team at HMC Construction coupled with a multitude of subs and suppliers who also donated labor and materials, SSG Matayka, his wife, Karen and their two 2 1/2 year old twins, Ryan and Alana, now have a house the whole family will enjoy -- complete with wider, wheelchairaccessible doors, a roll in shower, roll under sinks, adapted toilet areas, a caregiver suite, an exercise room and other safety features and adaptations to make Ed’s daily life easier. It was the Mataykas’ heartwarming story of love and triumph that drew the Houstonbased organization, Helping A Hero, to the Mataykas. Ed and Karen met during training to become Army Medics in 2004, and just six short years later, while on patrol duty of the Bagram security zone in Afghanistan, Ed was hit by an IED explosion that left him severely injured. Karen, also an Army Medic in the National Guard, immediately rushed to his


side to ensure he received the best possible care. After over 23 surgeries, he was left as a double amputee with traumatic brain injury and a multitude of other permanent injuries. During their rehabilitation, and while adjusting to the new normal of Ed being confined to a power wheelchair, Ed and Karen wanted to start their family. They struggled to conceive, and ultimately were the first couple approved to undergo InVitro Fertilization paid for by TriCare, the Army’s medical insurance. The Mataykas, now proud parents of twins, are passionate advocates of making sure InVitro is available to other wounded warriors who desperately want to have children of their own. “Ed and Karen are examples of patriotism and love in action,” said Meredith Iler, Chairman Emeritus and Founder of the Home Program at Helping A Hero. “They love this country, they love each other, they love their kids, and they make an impact in everything they do. When Ed was hit by the IED, Karen, an Army Medic in the National Guard rushed to his side. She was there, making sure he got the care he needed. Her commitment to his recovery, has helped Ed not just survive, but thrive,” Iler added. Building a handicap accessible home is expensive and attention to detail is critical. Helping A Hero’s model combines resources to stretch donor dollars in building these homes, and asks the builder to donate their services, working with them to secure in-kind donations and material. Many longtime supporters of Helping A Hero stepped up once again to donate to the Matayka’s build, like Keystone Concrete, Steve’s Doors, McCoy’s, ABC Supply, Daughters of The American Revolution (DAR), Moonlight Fund and many more.

Conroe, Texas – Sacred Heart Catholic School recently welcomed community veterans to the school’s third annual Veteran’s Day celebration featuring an honor guard presentation by Boy Scout troop and Cub Scout pack 1517 and a TAPS trumpet dedication by students Thomas Farrell and Troy Horn. “I truly look forward to our Veteran’s Day celebration each year because it gives the students a sense of pride and shares a part of our hearts with the community and our beloved veterans,” said Principal Deb Brown. “We are blessed and thrilled to share this day with friends, loved ones and colleagues that have dedicated a part of their lives to us and our country.” After pack 1517 escorted and posted the national colors, US Army Sergeant First Class and Retired Sacred Heart Librarian Stuart Ormsbee led the school in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas flag. Principal Brown then led the assembly in prayer and honored the local veterans with a special tribute and dedication from the Veteran’s Day Proclamation. Each grade level participated in the celebration. The PreK – 3rd grade students made posters and decorations that brought the Gymnasium and Auditorium to life honoring the veterans with vibrant works of art for the dedication event. The fourth through eighth grade students were assigned a Veteran’s Day essay contest. The three winners, fourth grader Marie Ashby, fifth grader Annie Johnston and seventh grader Lily Collora all stood and read their essays to the assembled ceremony attributing many words of honor and patriotism. After all veterans and active military were asked to come forward and introduce themselves, the Sacred Heart Choir performed a medley of patriotic songs and finished with the crowd joining them to sing “America the Beautiful.” Following the ceremony, everyone was welcomed to a brunch hosted by the Sacred Heart Parent Teacher Organization. Brown added, “It was such an honor to host our Veteran’s and active military men and women and see them interact with the students. We could not be more thrilled with the beautiful ceremony our PTO, faculty and students worked so hard on that honored our family and community members for Veteran’s Day.” Founded in 1958, Sacred Heart Catholic School is an Accredited School in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and is dedicated to educating the heart, mind and spirit. Serving Montgomery County, Sacred Heart is also accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and School Council and dedicated to promoting academic excellence and fostering life-long learning while providing a loving and supportive environment for Pre-K through 8th grade.


ExxonMobile Presents 20th Annual Childrens Festival The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion to Transform Into One of the World’s Largest Playgrounds for Festival The Woodlands, Texas – Families are invited to come out and play as The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion is transformed into a giant playground. The 20th Annual Children’s Festival presented by ExxonMobil takes place Nov. 14 - 15, 2015, and is expected to attract thousands of people from the Greater Houston area. The Children’s Festival will showcase dozens of children’s activities and entertainment from today’s top performers including musical artist Riff Rockit and animated character Bob the Builder. The Festival also includes school days prior to the weekend festivities dedicated to field trips and feature performers who entertain and incorporate important educational lessons into their shows. The Houston Children’s Museum, Houston Zoo, Houston Museum of Natural Science and ExxonMobil Science Ambassadors will provide educational opportunities for students at the Festival. Over the weekend on Nov. 14 and 15, the Festival will feature performers on multiple stages, meet and greets with popular characters and interactive activities. Performing on the Pepsi Main Stage is Riff Rockit, a live-action children’s entertainer who performs music the entire family can enjoy. Best described as part of the growing musical genre known as “kindie rock,” Riff Rockit’s songs are both inspirational and educational, set to rockin’ music. Also on the Pepsi Main Stage, grab your hardhat and tool belt! It’s time to go to the construction site with Bob the Builder. Both Riff Rockit and Bob the Builder perform on Saturday and Sunday with meet and greets available after

their performances. One of only six certified LEGO® Master Builders in the world, Brandon Griffith will be in the CB&I SEAD Zone on Saturday and Sunday with some of his elaborate creations. Griffith will be building two commissioned pieces while on site, including a replica of The Pavilion. He will also have an interactive area where kids can play with LEGO® bricks and learn how to become a master builder. In the meet and greet area, kids have the opportunity to meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Barbie multiple times per day. For meet and greet times, visit our website at Kids are encouraged to unleash their inner artist and create their own masterpieces in The Villager’s Arts Alley. They will learn about lines, colors, shapes, patterns, unity, balance and more by using these elements to make imaginative creations. Just around the corner from the Pepsi Main Stage, enjoy hands-on arts and crafts, games, costumed characters and more in the amusing creative zones all around The Pavilion. Experiment with science-related activities in the FMC Technologies STEAM Zone featuring the Houston Children’s Museum and Fidelity Investments, with free balloons, hat making, performances on the Community Stage and more. Take a walk through the Anadarko Adventure Zone for wild outdoor activities including a petting zoo and fun inflatables. Interact with professional sports teams like the Houston Texans, Houston Astros and Houston Dynamo and test your speed inside a human hamster ball with Bubble Runners. Stop by the

Aramark Healthy KidZone, where kids can learn about health and physical fitness in a fun, interactive way from a variety of local businesses and organizations. Explore an ambulance and enjoy games and activities like martial arts, gymnastics and more. The Activity Tent is the place to be for train rides, more hands-on activities and games organized by local businesses including brain teasers, a coloring contest, instrument petting zoo and more. At the top of The Pavilion hill, the iFly Zone is filled with excitement. Build and fly your own kite, dig for gold and participate in parachute races. For more information about Children’s Festival, please visit or call 281-364-3010. Admission is $8 per person in advance or $10 per person at the door. Children age 2 and under are free of charge. All activities and performances are included in the price of admission. Tickets can be purchased at The Pavilion Box Office Monday through Friday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., all Ticketmaster locations, online at, by calling 800-745-3000, or the day of the event. Children age 2 and under are free. Picnics are welcome, but beverages cannot be brought into the venue. Concessions will be open. Preferred parking is available in the onsite Town Center Garage, located along Six Pines Drive. Parking is $10 per vehicle and tickets for on-site parking can be purchased in advance at all Ticketmaster locations and The Pavilion Box Office. Guests also may park in any of the free parking lots southwest of The Pavilion.






A Christmas Carol - A Ghost Story of Christmas Returns Home For the Holidays

Holiday Tradition Continues in Newly Renovated Hubbard Theatre November 20 through December 28, 2015 HOUSTON – Alley Theatre Artistic Director Gregory Boyd announces the cast and creative team for the theatre’s 28th production of A Christmas Carol – A Ghost Story of Christmas, staged in the newly renovated Hubbard Theatre. Michael Wilson’s adaptation of A Christmas Carol returns this year with a re-telling of Charles Dickens’ classic story, which follows Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey with the three ghostly spirits that visit him on Christmas Eve. A Christmas Carol instills a powerful message about redemption and the spirit of the holiday season. Houston’s seasonal favorite has been seen by nearly one million adults and children. This year, Alley Associate Director James Black directs this colorful, comical, and music-filled production which runs November 20th – December 28th. Tickets are available now through the Alley Theatre Box Office at 713.220.5700 as well as online at www.




The cast of A Christmas Carol – A Ghost Story of Christmas includes Alley Theatre Resident Company members Jeffrey Bean as Ebenezer Scrooge, Elizabeth Bunch as Mrs. Fezziwig/Mrs. Cratchit, Paul Hope as Second Solicitor/ Mr. Fezziwig, Chris Hutchison as Bob Cratchit, Charles Krohn as Undertaker/ Old Joe, Melissa Pritchett as Mary Pidgeon/ Spirit Of Christmas Past, David Rainey as Bert/Spirit Of Christmas Present and Ebenezer Scrooge Alternate, Jay Sullivan as Fred/ Scrooge At Twenty-One and Emily Trask as Belle/Fred’s Wife.

A Christmas Carol features Tony Awardwinning scenic designer Tony Straiges (Alley’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) with costumes by Alejo Vietti (Alley’s Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club, A Few Good Men, Noises Off). Lighting is designed by Rui Rita (Alley’s The Old Friends, Freud’s Last Session, The Seafarer), and original music is composed by John Gromada (Alley’s The Elephant Man, Dividing the Estate, Ether Dome). In addition to the adult cast, 22 children from the Greater Houston Community will be participating in various roles in this production, and a future announcement of those casting details will follow. Tickets to A Christmas Carol are now on sale and start at $26. Discounted tickets are available for any student, regardless of age, with a valid student ID for $16 for designated performances in designated sections. Tickets can be ordered online ( or by phone (713.220.5700). Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more. Recommended for general audiences, children six and older.



“We are blessed to have such a beautiful production of A Christmas Carol and I still find something new and reinvigorating in the show every time I see it,” said Boyd. “Scrooge’s redemption is one of the greatest stories in our civilization and culture.”

Rounding out the cast are Michael Brusasco as First Solicitor/Fiddler, John Feltch as Mrs. Dilber/Jacob Marley, Dylan Godwin as Apparition/Dick Wilkins/Mr. Topper, Mitchell Greco as Apparition/Party Guest, Shawn Hamilton as Mr. Marvel and Bert/Spirit of Christmas Present Alternate, Mark Ivy as Apparition/Lamplighter/Travis, Julia Krohn as Apparition/Rich Lady/Patricia, Kelley Peters as Apparition/Wendy/Martha Cratchit, David Matranga as Understudy and Mr. Marvel Alternate and Brooke Wilson as Apparition/ Beggar Woman/Fred’s Sister-In-Law.


SMALL TOWN, BIG HAUNTS . . . TOMBALL, TEXAS HAS THEM a hurry and walked around a wall and nearly ran over her,” said Harvey. “Thinking it was a customer, I put my hand up to keep from bumping into her. That’s when Gertie just disappeared.” So surprised by the encounter, Harvey can only vaguely remember Gertie’s appearance, but describes the apparition as being about 5’ 3” tall with long hair. Thought there has been no more face time with the spirit, Gertie continues to remind everyone that she is there, even shadowing the shop owner away from the store. “I had a ghost expert tell me that Gertie is my protector and that she sometimes travels with me,” said Harvey. She believes that Gertie even hitched a ride home with her recently just to aggravate Harvey’s husband. “Last month unusual things started happening around my house . . . the channels on my husband’s radio would change for no reason, for example. He told me to take Gertie back to the shop, so I did.” Now everything has returned to normal at home and the mischief is back on at Granny’s Korner. From lights and ceiling fans turning on without a human’s touch, and merchandise that won’t stay put, to a hotel-style bell on the front desk that “dings” all by itself, Gertie is back and having some friendly fun with the living in Tomball. MYSTERY AT THE MUSEUM

The small Texas town of Tomball is known for its quaint shops along Main Street, tasty mom-and-pop eateries and fun-filled family festivals on any given weekend. But, it’s rumored that after sunset it’s a more “spirited” sort of activity that you just might find there; a paranormal activity. SPIRIT WITH A SWEET TOOTH Along the railroad tracks on North Elm Street is Tomball’s newest spot for all things chocolate and tasty; Tejas Chocolates. It also happens to be in what many old-timers say is the oldest house in town . . . so, what better place to find a resident spirit with a sweet tooth? We’ve had a few unexplained late night groans and the sound of footsteps in our attic

and on the staircase,” said owner Scott Moore, Jr. “That got my attention real fast!” Moore said that he had heard tales about a ghost named Travis who roams the alley behind his shop, too. “We were working late one night and our back alley gate slammed shut,” he said. “There was no one in the alley and no breeze whatsoever. It was unnerving.” Similar stories were told by the developer during the renovation of the old house. Remodelers regularly heard the sound of someone walking in the attic, tools left in one room would later turn up in another, and then there was the constant uneasy feeling of being watched when alone in the building. Moore has jokingly accepted his wayward guest as possibly an impatient railroad passenger who continues to miss the ghost train that rolls down the tracks each time the crossing

arms lower on Main Street for no apparent reason. GERTIE THE GHOST AT GRANNY’S KORNER “It’s well known that when the fall festivals start happening there at the old Depot, it disturbs Gertie and she shows her presence,” said Mary Harvey, longtime owner of Granny’s Korner antiques on Market Street in Tomball. “I’m sure that there’s a ghost here,” she said, “even the customers have commented on it.” According to Harvey, Gertie the ghost slams doors, causes things to fall, makes all sorts of noises and has even touched people as they browse through the shop. But, the day that she came face-to-face with her resident spirit is one that Harvey will never forget. “I was in


Tucked away on North Pine Street just off of Main is the popular Tomball Museum Center with its collection of historic homes, one-room school house, church, farm museum and more. One of those old homes is the Griffin House, constructed in the early 1860s by renown builder Eugene Pillot. The home is a beautifully restored example of Civil War era architecture complete with its own apparition in the attic. According to Museum Director, Charles Hall, stories of a female spirit in the Griffin House have circulated for years. As the story goes, the figure of a woman dressed in period clothing has been seen in the upper reaches of the home and more than once rocking quietly back and forth in her rocking chair in the parlor. The ghost is thought to be the 21-year-old daughter of the Faris family who once lived in the home. The mysterious cause of the young woman’s death has never been determined. From the reportedly haunted residence on Walnut Street near the old Depot, to a cemetery on the outskirts of town and more, Tomball is filled with spirited spots for those who want experience some spooktacular fun at Halloween.

NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



PHONELESS BRAT, THE PISSED OFF HOT CHICK & MR. SIMPLE by Anna Pinion Dear Readers, It brings me great joy to be able to share with you some of the letters I’ve been holding on to over the last 8 or 9 months. The Public News graciously asked me to contribute to this issue since it has been a whole year since they started this digital channel of publication. So my dears, here we go. Dear Anna: My son is in 3rd grade at a very expensive private school in the Woodlands. I recently discovered that he is the only one in the whole school without a smartAnna Pinion phone. I need to make sure that he doesn’t suffer needlessly for not having what the other kids, even those younger than he, have. My husband thinks I’m being an idiot over the whole matter. I need your help. -Materialist Mom in The Woodlands Dear Materialist Mom: Jesus woman get a grip. Do you know that there are kids in third world countries that don’t even own a flip phone yet they don’t have one inch of the feeling that they are missing out. Your husband is right, you are an idiot. Dear Anna, I am a confident educated and good-looking woman. My problem is with guys who cat call at me, tell me I’m sexy hot and other sexist labels. I’m very offended by this behavior and I have no way around it since these are the guys working in our office building. I’m tired of being treated like I’m every man’s sex fantasy. What do you suggest? Hot in Humble Dear Hot In Humble, Do what the gals in Iran do. Wear a black burka and shut the hell up.

Dear Anna, I’ve been raised in a small rural town in Texas where all the folks are like me, simple. My parents allowed me to do what ever I wanted, where ever I wanted as often as I pleased. Needless to say, I grew up without boundaries, at least this is what my girlfriend tells me. I’m about to go to the big city college in Houston and I need some advice on how to survive. I’ve never been outside of my little town. Houston is scary. I’ve heard and read that there are some interesting characters that I should be aware of. What pointers can you give me? Petrified in Pecos Dear Petrified in Pecos As long as you mind your manners, say ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and don’t throw your body fluids on others, you should do alright. Dear Anna, I am in a pickle. I’m married to a wonderful guy, great provider and a terrific father. My problem is with his looks. I used to think that he was all that, you know, handsome, charming and funny. All my other girlfriends used to flirt with him. So I made certain that none of my so-called friends were going to steal him away from me. So we eloped and were happily married for almost five years when I realized that I probably made a mistake. I’m just not that into him anymore. To make things worse, I met a guy at the grocery store that also lives on my street. He is a real hottie, if you know what I mean. So what do I do? Do I live life with an ugly guy or take the hottie on the side? Thanks, Hot Beauty in The Woodlands Dear Hot Beauty, You didn’t make any mistakes, Your husband did.


Food Trucks For Food Bank Success Benefit Nets Over $2400 In Local Effort Montgomery County Food Bank raised $2412 over last Saturday’s Benefit Festival organized by Nick Rama, who is well known in and among the local foodie circles, and Sean Jaehne of For The Love Of Food Truck Festival founder “I am so proud to announce the totals raised for the Montgomery County Food Bank, $2412, even though the rain affected us that day, we still managed to get so much money raised at the Food Trucks for the Food Bank - Food Truck Festival held at Bareback Bar and Icehouse,” Rama announced on Facebook earlier on Tuesday. In addition to the funds collected, the event also collected 79 unopened and unexpired jars of peanut butter. “Thank you to so many people, food trucks and local businesses that participated and gave their all in the rain,” Rama continued, “I would like to thank first and foremost Dan Grant and his crew for being wonderful hosts for our first annual event. Sean Henry Jaehne founder of For The Love of Food Trucks Festival’s (who) without your dedication and vision we could not have done this. Mellisa

Ray of Mellisa Ray Insurance Agency for believing in our cause and being one of our top sponsors, not only did she bring out a double bounce house with slides and a face painter for the kids to enjoy, she even gave us our grand prize for the raffles...Front row, Club Level Houston Texan tickets!” In all, over 10 sponsors and over 50 local businesses pulled together to make this, the first of hopefully many, Food Trucks for Food Bank benefit a success. Was this event a one-shot effort and what about the Harris County Food Bank? “No, this (Food Trucks for Food Bank) will definitely be an annual event,” Rama shared, “Dan Grant of Bareback Bar and Icehouse has already invited us back for the next one.” As for Harris County, Rama said that the Harris County Food Bank gets enough support within the community. Alex Lozano, a well known personality and writer for the Music News, was instrumental in securing the entertainment headliner for the evening in Zach Person and his band. Susan Hickman also performed earlier in the event.

Moore oore Tim Ti e $3 WATCH BATTERY WITH AD


281-528-5400 Mon-Sat 10-6


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



ONGOING EVENTS ARTS Conroe Art League Every Monday 9:30am-12:30pm Every Tuesday 6pm-9pm Every Wednesday 1pm The Wonders of Watercolor Classes with Carrie Allbritton! Carrie discounts that old saying that watercolor is the hardest media and unforgiving, believing instead that when you understand the paints and what they do on paper, you will find it fun, rewarding and very forgiving. Ongoing watercolor classes every Monday from 9:30am - 12:30pm AND every Tuesday from 6:00pm - 9:00pm at the Conroe Art League Gallery. Contact Carrie directly at: carrieallbritton@gmail. com or 936-444-7303 Cost: $25 per class (payable a month in advance)

DANCESCAPE Send us your events for inclusion in our Events Calendar

THIS WEEK & BEYOND STAGES Dancescape Tuesday November 24, 2015 7pm LSC-Montgomery Mainstage Theatre The Lone Star College-Montgomery dance department will present its fall dance concert, Dancescape, on Tuesday, November 24, at 7 p.m., in the Mainstage Theatre in the college’s Performing Arts Center (building D). Admission is $10 for general admission, $7 for seniors and $5 for students, faculty, and staff. Dancescape is the culmination of work done by students enrolled in the dance performance class. This class, in which students enroll for the opportunity to perform in a formal dance concert, teaches the students choreography, and then allows for rehearsing and refining it for the stage. Faculty, guest artists and students develop choreography, but students learn all of the other aspects of the creative and production process by helping with publicity, costuming, lighting design and more. “Dancescape is a wonderful opportunity to welcome the community to the campus to see what talent exists here,” said Nirider. “I feel the dance program is a hidden jewel that many aren’t aware of. There is so much talent at our college, waiting to be discovered.” Actor’s Gem Productions presents Celebrity Mystery Theater Second Saturday of the month 6:45pm The Spaghetti Warehouse 901 Commerce St., Houston, TX 77002 Imagine yourself enjoying dinner, socializing with friends, having a few drinks . . . when suddenly a murder is committed. Let the wacky antics of two famous detectives, never seen together before anywhere, amuse you as they solve the crime. Who did it? Was it Fran Drescher, Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, Rocky Balboa, Bill Clinton, Joan Crawford or was it you?

Admission is $55 and includes a three-course meal, dinner show, soft drinks and gratuity. Reservations are required. For more information call 713-305-8117 or visit them on the web at Theatre Under The Stars (TUTS) presents A Christmas Story The Musical December 8 - 20, 2015 The Hobby Center for Performing Arts Sarofim Hall (800 Bagby St., Houston, TX, 77002) Prepare yourself for a red-blooded, twofisted, all-American Christmas in the holiday show heralded by the Associated Press as “a charming triumph infused with utter joy.” In this clever musical adaptation of the 1983 film comedy, we follow the childhood dreams and schemes of little Ralphie, whose heart is set on getting one thing and one thing only for Christmas – the official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle. Along the way, we discover the stuff of pink nightmares (think bunny suit), the power of fishnet-clad lamps (careful, it’s fra-GEE-lay), and the wintry hazards of sticking a warm tongue to a cold metal pole. With its timeless scenes, quirky innocence and nostalgic warmth, this musical trip down memory lane will leave the whole family bright-eyed and buoyant. It’s far and away the most fun you’ll have this holiday season! TUTS’ production of A Christmas Story The Musical is made possible by the generosity of Ballard Exploration Company, Inc. TUTS’ 2015/16 season is generously sponsored by CHI St. Luke’s Health. For all shows, air transportation is provided by United Airlines, the official airline of TUTS. Media sponsors include ABC-13 and Houston Chronicle. Season support is funded in part by grants from the City of Houston through the Theater District Association, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Texas Commission on the Arts. continued on page 12

Conroe Art League Every Tuesday 1pm-3:30pm Oil Painting Classes w/Gary Hernandez Each student works at his/her own pace in a creative and pleasant atmosphere. The students will learn the tools and materials of oil painting. New students will be painting a new painting at the first session. You will copy master paintings as a pathway to creating your own style of painting. You will learn.... -How to use a grid to quickly layout the painting. -How to select the right palette. -How to select and mix colors. -How to select the right paint brushes -How to apply color theory and use the color wheel. -How to pick the right canvas and how to coat a canvas. -How to varnish a painting. -How to paint in Grisaille These are only a few of the tips I will teach you to create successful paintings and more importantly have an enjoyable painting experience. Ongoing classes every Tuesday from 1:00pm 3:30pm at the Conroe Art League Gallery- 127 Simonton St. - Conroe, TX 77301 Contact Gary Hernandez directly to sign up: 713569-9209 or Cost: $35/per class paid in advance monthly. Conroe Art League First Thursday of the month 11am-5pm Photography Learning Center w/Ed Gorman The Photography Learning Center is back at the Conroe Art Gallery!! If you have questions about photography or how to use your camera, whether it’s a DSLR, SLR, film, cell phone, iPad, etc., then come to the Conroe Art Gallery on the first Thursday of each month from 11am - 5pm. The Conroe Art Gallery is at 127 Simonton St., Conroe, TX 77301. Ed will show you how to work your camera and take better photographs. Contact Ed Gorman: or call 936-443-3487 for more information. Conroe Art League First and Third Thursday 1pm-3:30pm Figure Drawing Group Classes are at the Conroe Art League Gallery 127 Simonton St. Conroe, TX 77301 Live Model, All Skill Levels Welcome! For more information contact: Darby Kachmar 936-228-5126 or Marilyn Lowry or 936-447-1579 Fee is $10 per session, no reservation necessary Conroe Art League Every Thursday 2pm-4:30pm


Painting with Pastels This is an ongoing weekly course, beginning February 5, 2015. The class meets every Thursday from 2:00pm - 4:30pm in the upstairs classroom at the Conroe Art League Gallery - 127 Simonton St. - Conroe, TX 77301. Painting in pastels is quick, easy, colorful, beautiful, very portable - and FUN! Handled correctly, pastels will last many lifetimes and their pure colors never fade, crack, or peel. No stress and no pressure here to paint a masterpiece. You’ll learn how to turn “happy accidents” into a part of your painting, or erase it - pastels are very forgiving. Everyone will hjave a chance to experiment with different techniques and materials, and you’ll develop your own unique style over time. For those who are new to art, you’ll learn the basics of drawing and painting. For more experienced artists who are new to pastels, you’ll learn the characteristics and techniques that are unique to pastels. At the end of each class, you’ll have a finished or nearly-finished painting to take home, ready for framing. Each student is encouraged to learn at their own pace. You are welcomed to do a class-based painting from reference photos provided by the instructor, or bring in your own reference materials to use. We may also paint from life, or go outdoors to paint as the weather permits. During this ongoing course, you will: -Improve your drawing skills, including proportions and perspective. -Learn how to see and paint values, types of underpaintings, both wet and dry. -Create different effects using hard vs. soft pastels. -Layer and blend pastels to get exactly the color you want. -Develop and use a portable pastel kit for outdoor painting and travel. -Know how to paint trees, clouds and water. -Learn how to paint and draw from life and en plein air (outdoors). There’s no pressure to develop a masterpiece or “do it right”. This class is all about having fun and discovering the artist in you. You’ll have lots of individual attention from the instructor with helpful feedback so your paintings keep getting better. Your supply list has options to fit a budget, and everyone is welcomed to register and join us any time. Please contact the instructor, Kathy Fediw, at or call her business number at 281-687-6966, if you have any questions and for a list of materials. Cost: $30.00 per class, payable at the first of each month or at the beginning of each session. Instructor: Kathy Fediw, LEED AP ID+C, CLP, CLT

EDUCATION Barbara Bush Branch Library Ongoing [call for class dates & times] Ongoing Computer Classes Dave Smith, computer instructor, will be teaching seven different computer classes at the Barbara Bush Branch Library in March 2015. The classes are Computer Basics, Introduction to the Internet, Email, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Publisher. He also teaches additional classes which are offered at various times throughout the year, including Digital Photography and Smartphone Tips. Please call for the dates and times of the classes and to register. Each class meets for a single 2-hour session. As class size is limited to 12 people, pre-registration is required for each class. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration opens 30 days prior to the class. continued on page 13

NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



continued from page 10

HIGH TIME FOR A CHANGE The Decriminalization of Marijuana in Harris County by Matt DeLuca Over the last few years, we’ve seen a growing acceptance in the United States toward marijuana possession and use. And while only a few states have actually legalized marijuana, many others states have relaxed the enforcement of laws against possession. And now Houston is joining in with the trend toward decriminalization of marijuana. Last year, the Harris County District Attorney’s Office implemented a pilot program that focused on ticketing people who were caught with small amounts of marijuana, rather than jailing them. The program was said to have been successful, and last Thursday, Devon Anderson, the elected Republican Harris County District announced Matt DeLuca Attorney a broadening of the program, which she predicted would be a “huge cultural change for Harris County.” Starting on January 1, 2016, Anderson announced that it will become mandatory that any police officer in Harris County who catches a “first time offender” with less than two ounces of marijuana release the person rather than take them to jail. If the person agrees to perform a small amount of community service or attend a class, the criminal charges will never be filed and the person will never have to appear in court. The program is designed to solve two separate issues in Harris County. First, the program is designed to help the person arrested. In the past, someone who was arrested for possession of marijuana would have gone

to jail, hope that family or friends could bail them out of jail, hire a lawyer, and appear in court. And in Texas, if convicted of possession of marijuana, one is subject to a punishment of up to 180 days in jail, a $2,000 fine, additional court costs, and even a driver’s license suspension. And perhaps worst of all, the permanent criminal conviction on a person’s record could keep someone from many future opportunities. Second, the program is designed to save time, money, and resources for the county. It should free up jail space by not crowding it with nonviolent people. It should also allow police officers to concentrate on more serious crimes in Houston. Generally speaking, this seems to be a step in the right direction for the DA’s office. I don’t believe that a first time offender should be labeled a criminal for life for simply possessing something that is legal in other parts of the country. But I also see a potential problem with rushing someone into this program before that person has had an opportunity to speak to an attorney, and before a judge has actually seen the evidence. Did the officer have probable cause to legally stop your vehicle or search you? And since the agreement will have to be made before any crime lab tests the substance confiscated, was the substance even marijuana in the first place? Overall, the program should be a positive thing for Harris County. DA Anderson is also said to be considering allowing repeat marijuana offenders into the program, as well as a similar program for first time shoplifters. What do you think about this newly implemented program? Should police officers enforce the laws of Texas even as they relate to marijuana? Should marijuana be legalized completely? Please let me know your thoughts by e-mailing me at

Aggressive Criminal Defense The Law Office of Matt DeLuca

AUTHENTIC MEXICAN STREET TACOS 5200 FM 2920 #120, Spring, TX 77388

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NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



access to unique experiences, interactive shows and pop-up performances including: The Underwear Show, 7 Minutes in Purgatory, Air Sex Show and Punk Rock Circus, plus a variety of street performers and pop-up enterARTS tainment experiences taking place throughout the weekend—from brass bands to burlesque, Paint Your Own Wine Glass Class performance artists and more, there’s a show “Holiday Themed” around every corner! November 19th, 2015 6:30pm - 8:30pm For those looking for more than just music, Envy Wine Room comedy, art and food, we have the HWF 317 Gentry Street, D1 in Old Town Spring Come out for an evening of fun while learning Midway Games featuring a variety of carnival games and challenges along with a Giant how to paint your own wine glass! 65-foot Ferris Wheel—it’s the perfect location The class is $25 which includes all materials for that mile-high-in-the-sky selfie you know and instructions to paint your very own wine you want to take with the festival grounds all glass, a free glass of house wine and light around you! snacks to munch. Get ready for The Greatest Little Show on For reservations call 281-528-9868. Earth as the superstars from Hulk Hogan’s Micro Championship Wrestling, bring their Richard Haas Exhibit high powered, athletic show to downtown for Thursday, November 19 one weekend only! Don’t miss your chance Huntsville Public Library to see the #1 Midget Wrestling Company in The Huntsville Public Library and the Huntsville Arts Commission invite you to join them the country showcase their unique, energetic to meet muralist artist Richard Haas and view wrestling style with two performances each day. his works in the Library’s Community Room Sports fans will also have the opportunity to catch all of the weekend’s best college football and NFL games on the largest mobile HD teleFESTIVALS vision screen in North America. You won’t miss a minute of the action or the chance to Tomball Bluegrass Festival Sunday, November 15, 2015 11am-6pm keep up with your favorite teams and fantasy leagues in between all the great live entertainTomball’s Old Depot ment and festival fun. 201 South Elm Street in downtown Tomball HWF will also mark the debut of the HWF The old Depot in downtown Tomball, Texas Art Experience, showcasing over 150 local, will ring with the sounds of banjos, dobros emerging artists with original artworks on and fiddles as the City hosts the 4nd annual display, the 3D Blacklight Experience housing Tomball Bluegrass Festival on Sunday, Nointeractive artwork, dancers, murals and other vember 15th, 2015. performers, and the Canvas Combat live art Coming from deep in the hills of northern competition where artists take to the streets to Alabama, David David & the Warrior River Boys will headline the one-day musical event. create original art pieces before a live audience. To participate as an HWF Art ExperiDavid and the Boys return to Tomball after ence vendor or sign up for Canvas Combat their successful festival performance here in events, please email art@houstonwhatever2013. They take to the gazebo stage at 4:30 p.m. The fun kicks off on Friday, November 20 at The Lone Star Bluegrass Band makes its first ever appearance at the Tomball Bluegrass Warehouse Live with a stand up show from Doug Benson. This event is FREE to patrons Festival starting at 2:30. Performing together with Big Shot or Baller VIP tickets as part since 1982, the band is led by Chris Hirsch, a the #HWF2015 festival experience! Limited three time Texas banjo champion. tickets are available to the public, for more Bordertown Ramblers will return to the information, visit Tomball Bluegrass Festival with its own Check out the newest kHWF Radio Mixregional style of Bluegrass with a touch of Country, Blues and mountain traditional from Tape curated by Justin Nava, a veteran of the Houston music scene, who currently fronts 12:30 to 2 pm. one of #HWF2015’s most dynamic local The Tomball Bluegrass Festival is at the bands, thelastplaceyoulook. Nava’s musical historic railroad Depot, 201 South Elm Street influences scene span an array of genres and in downtown Tomball. Call 281-351-5484 or his impact on the local music scene is as just visit storied. From his solo acoustic folk shows Fun for more information. to the creative, dynamic productions and performances of thelastplaceyoulook, to his Houston Whatever Fest behind-the-scenes work producing other upFriday thru Sunday, Nov. 20-22, 2015 Warehouse District, East of Downtown Houston and-coming bands, Nava himself, is a diverse More Comedy, More Attractions & More FUN product of our diverse city. Coming This November! Houston Whatever General admission individual day passes are $35 in advance. Two-day general admission Fest, the City’s most eclectic two-day music, comedy and art street festival, has added even passes start at $55. VIP Prices increase at the gates. For more information details on permore unique programming to its diverse line up! In addition to the 90 + music and comedy formers, festival attractions and more, please acts performing on 5 stages in the heart of the visit East End of downtown on November 21 & 22, GALA the second annual festival will also feature a variety of attractions and shows. Pop The Cork Wine Tasting & Fundraiser Admission to the festival will also include Tickets start at $30. Check TUTS Online at, or phone them at 713.558.TUTS

Friday November 13, 2015 Conroe Art League

127 Simonton St. in Conroe, TX 77301 Montgomery County Performing Arts Society is hosting their annual Pop the Cork wine tasting fundraiser on Friday, November 13th, at the Conroe Art League. VIP’s will start the wine tasting at 6:00 p.m. with everyone else coming in at 6:30 p.m. VIP’s donation level will be $75 and they will be tasting premium wines and receive a commemorative wine glass to take home. The general donation level will be $50. A wine tasting for 20 people, led by local wine guru Ron Saikowski, will be raffled off at the event. Heavy appetizers and live music will enhance the evening as we taste wines from all around the world! Donations to reserve your spot can be made on our website: Any questions, call us at 936-760-2787.

CLASSES Essential Oils Classes Monday November 30, 2015 3-5pm Huntsville City Library 1219 13th Street Huntsville, TX 77340 Whether you have been attending the Essential Oils (EOS) classes these past few weeks, or have just heard about them, you will be excited to learn about the special holiday event being held on Monday, November 30 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Library’s Community Room.

Melissa Gonzalez, EOS instructor, will demonstrate several “recipes” for attendees who will then be able to create their individual essential oil beauty product, natural health remedy, or cleaning product. Essential Oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health-care practices. Refreshments will be served and everyone who attends will have an opportunity to win a grand door prize. Please register for this event online at www. or call Mary Kokot at (936)291-5471.

No Foolin’ String Band Saturday November 14, 2015 4pm & 7pm Wynne Home Arts Center 1428 11th Street Huntsville, TX 77340 No Foolin’ String Band will be performing at the Wynne Home, Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Artists from across East Texas get together to play traditional American music with fiddle, guitar, banjo and spoons, and pennywhistle. The public is invited - there is no admission fee! Dinner will be served from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; plates are $8.00 each. For more information, contact the Wynne Home Arts Center at www.thewynnehome. com or (936) 291-5424.

the Robin Bush Room at the Barbara Bush Branch Library, 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring.

Please visit the website ( or call the library at 281-376-4610 for more information and to register for these classes. The classes are held in the Barbara Bush Library Friends Computer Lab at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring.


Barbara Bush Branch Library Every Thursday noon-1pm Yoga For Stress Relief Certified yoga instructor, Linda Popinksi, offers this free class every Thursday from 12:00-1:00 in the Earl Elliott Room at the Barbara Bush Branch Library, 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring. Both men and women are welcome. Bring your own yoga mat and a beach towel. Barbara Bush Branch Library Every Friday noon-2pm French Classes with Marie Come and learn French with Marie on Fridays from 12:00-2:00. The class is intermediate level and so some knowledge of French is required. No registration is necessary. The class will meet in

CONROE – Danna Yussieth Ceron didn’t think she was pageant material. But the Lone Star CollegeMontgomery sophomore is equally surprised at her recent win as she is at her mom for entering her into the pageant. Ceron, a Colombia native who moved with her family to Texas when she was only four, was crowned the new Miss Independence of Colombia 2015 in Houston during the Building Education Culture and Achievement (BECA) organization’s 20th annual contest this summer. BECA is a non-profit organization that facilitates technical school scholarships for Colombian students who want to continue their education. In celebration of 20 years of cultural work, this year’s event, which helps the thousands of local immigrants retain their cultural roots, enlisted


continued from page 11

Baldwin Boettcher Library Ongoing English As A Second Language The Baldwin Boettcher Library Staff provides ESL classes for folks who want to learn to speak English or improve their English speaking skills. Our beginning classes are scheduled on Mondays, 6-7:30 pm; Fridays 1-3 pm; Our intermediate ESL classes are on Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm and Thursdays, 1-3 pm; Our conversational English class is on Tuesdays 10-12 pm; Our advanced English class is on Tuesdays 4-5 pm. Call the library at 281-821-1320 for more information about the ESL classes.

LSC-Montgomery Student Wins Crown, Scholarship

Big Thicket Distilling Every Saturday noon, 2pm, 4pm Big Thicket Distilling Tours Big Thicket Distilling offer tours at 12, 2 and 4pm on Saturdays. $10 per person. Includes a distillery tour and tasting of our products. Make your reservation online at Big Thicket Distillery’s telephone number is 936666-1341 Conroe Art League By Appointment Conroe Art League 127 Simonton, Conroe TX 77301 The Conroe Art League invites all Montgomery County residents and friends to come in and see their award-winning artists and their masterpieces. They are located at 127 Simonton, Conroe 77301. Their gallery exhibit includes paintings, prints, sculptures, pottery, jewelry and much, much more. If you are wondering what to do for fun this summer, contact Kerry Conkling at kerryart127@gmail. com to arrange a guided tour of the 103 year old historic gallery for groups of from 5 – 25 people. Your free tour includes refreshments (coffee, afternoon tea or happy hour) and an artist demonstration. This would be great fun for couples or for a group of friends. Southern Star Brewing Saturdays 2pm Southern Star Brewing Co. 1207 N. FM 3083 East Conroe, TX 77303 Southern Star Brewing Co invites everyone to come and enjoy a free tour of their brewery on

Saturdays starting at around 2pm. The tour includes one free beer and there is no reservation or sign up required. Oh My Darling! Hot Dogs will be there to serve up some of the best artisan hot dogs around! Children are allowed at the brewery provided they are with a legal guardian. Unruly children will be asked to leave Due to health code, Dogs are not allowed inside the actual tasting room, but are allowed outside Absolutely no outside alcohol is permitted on brewery property Southern Star Tasting Room Hours Fridays 5pm - 9pm Saturdays noon - 6pm For more information on the tours or anything else regarding Southern Star Brewing call 936441-2739 or visit them on the web at

GAMING Beginner HeroClix Sundays at 4:30pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 HeroClix is a fun game that allows players to pit their favorite Heroes and Villains against each other in combat! Battle characters from multiple series, from Lord of the Rings to the Justice League! Who will reign victorious on the fields of battle? For beginners or casual players HeroClix Tournament Night Mondays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 HeroClix is a fun game that allows players to pit their favorite Heroes and Villains against each other in combat! Battle characters from multiple series, from Lord of the Rings to the Justice League!


participation from Colombian actor Daniel Arenas. Never having experience in the pageant world before, Ceron, an international business major who also works at a local accounting firm, is soaking up the limelight that comes with her crown. “I like it so far and I would love to continue with my goal, which is to make an impact here and in Colombia. I want to start working with pageants, as they are looking for a director and I want to help the next person that takes over and with the girls that come in.” Ceron, who lives in the Woodlands, was also awarded with both an education and modeling school scholarship. She plans to use her scholarship at the University of Houston where she will complete her business studies and return to Colombia to manage an international marketing continued on page 27

Who will reign victorious on the fields of battle? For more experienced players, and competitive players Netrunner Meetup Night Mondays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Netrunner is an amazing living card game, with an amazing story and amazing game mechanics. Players compete using one of two decks they construct, either the Corporation or the Runner. In a Matrix style world, Runners jack into the computer system in order to hack into the Corporation’s systems in order to discover their secret agendas. Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels X-Wing Meetup Night Tuesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Star Wars X-Wing is a fun and innovative dogfighting game, in which you must defeat your opponents in space combat! Use ships from the Star Wars universe as you construct your custom squadrons, and fight for either the Empire or the Rebel Alliance! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Pokemon League Wednesdays 5pm - 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, Free and open to all. Learn to play, trade cards, have fun with friends and make new friends. Earn free League only Pokemon foil cards by playing 7 games (DS or card). On any given week we continued on page 14

NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



THE REAL WEALTH GAP by Bart Pearston

Unless you have been in a cave or under a rock lately, I am sure you have heard or read that the income gap between the wealthiest 7% and the other 93% stands at its largest percentage in the history of the U.S. In any crisis the primary concerns that should be addressed are

(in order), How did this happen and then what should we do about it? http://www. pewsocialtrends. org/2013/04/23/arise-in-wealth-forthe-wealthydeclinesfor-the-lower-93/ Excuse me if this is long, but here is the first question. If we go back to the 1980’s when large corporations changed from salary to stock based executive compensation models, we see that those making the decisions stood to profit from driving up profits and in turn, stock prices. Wall Street and investment banks profited from this change as well. “Lobbied” (I am being nice) politicians, further exacerbated this in the 1990’s by repealing Glass-Steagall which

prohibited savings institutions like banks and mortgage companies from investment banks. This balloon popped in 2008, prompting enormous bailouts at taxpayers’ expense when the market collapsed. Zero interest rate policies made huge amounts of capital available from the Fed to be reinvested in the market though the intention was for it to be invested into the economy. The market zoomed and those at the top profited heavily while the economy slugged along and will come in at an under 2% annual growth in 2015. Most profits companies have made have been “reinvested” into their companies in stock buybacks while pay increases have been nonexistent. What should be done is rather complicated as well. I have documented the shrinking; some say disappearing, middle class in past articles. The 50 year lows in home ownership, employee profit sharing, and GDP growth are indisputable. Adam Smith stated categorically 200 years ago when this country was born that national wealth comes from production: mining. manufacturing, or farming. Currently we have record levels in mining (especially oil) and farming. What we no longer lead in is manufacturing.

We have lost that edge due to higher costs of production. Estimates are that millions of pages of regulations cost our industries $3 trillion per year. Even the “Affordable Care Act” and the U.S. Tax codes are thousands of pages long. The other edge of the sword has been trade agreements with countries with much lower production costs. Both NAFTA and CAFTA, have taken huge hits from our industrial base as jobs get shipped abroad. To add insult to injury, wages have been suppressed by adding millions of legal and illegal low wage workers. On the horizon is the Trans Pacific Partnership the current administration has agreed to that is awaiting Congressional approval. If we are going to restore our manufacturing competitiveness we cannot afford to hand over intellectual property protections in a 5,000+ page agreement that NONE of our representatives have read like the ACA and won’t know the contents of for 5 years. Certainly, there will be some who will profit from this “agreement” if passed. Don’t count on it being the bottom 93% though.

of powerful beasts and monsters to destroy your adversaries. Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels

For more Details go to: events/510118335795397/

Saturdays 5pm – 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Bring your favorite board or card game. Meet up with friends or make new ones while you are here! Please only bring all ages appropriate games. Monopoly anyone? We want everybody to be able to participate.

continued from page 13 have 25-40 players aged from 6-40+ (yes we have moms and dads that play also :) World War Wednesday Wednesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 This is a meet up for all our Historical themed miniatures games. Bolt Action, Flames of War, and Saga players rejoice! We have tables as well as beautiful terrain for players to use. It’s a great event for both beginners and veterans alike, and a great way to spend a Wednesday! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Magic Commander Night Wednesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Test your mettle in one of Magic the Gathering’s most popular multiplayer format! As one of the most fun and casual formats for Magic, Commander night is a blast! Players Construct a 100 card deck with no duplicates allowed, and play in a multi-man game leading to some crazy shenanigans. See you on the battlefield! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Warmachine and Hordes Meetup Night Thursdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Warmachine and Hordes (commonly known as Warma/Hordes) is an awesome Miniatures game where players assume the role of a general leading their warriors into combat. Control amazing machines called Jacks or harness the wild power


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015

My Little Pony Collectable Card Game Thursdays All Day Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North Come learn how to play the My Little Pony collectible card game. Free event each week. Magic Draft Night Thursdays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Players purchase 3 booster packs from standard (depending on what the group votes to draft), and an additional 2 booster packs of any available expansion to add to the prize pool! Players then construct a 40 card deck from the contents of their draft to compete with, battling for prizes and glory! Fun event for players of all experience levels, and perfect for players to expand their collection For more Details go to: events/340064569532538/ Friday Night Magic Fridays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Experience one of the most intense and fun Standard Magic tournaments in the area every Friday at Fat Ogre! Players bring a 60 card Standard legal deck to compete in a massive tournament! A fun night for players of all ages and experience levels, Friday Night Magic is your premier Magic event. Fun event for players of all experience levels


Warhammer Meetup Night Fridays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 A fun meetup night for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k players, Fat Ogre has an amazing community for Warhammer. A great night for players of all experience levels, new players can feel free to stop by and learn! Fun event for players of all experience levels Hero Clix Saturdays 3pm – 5pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Come on out and learn how to play Hero Clix. We are an official HeroClix tournament site , so come and enjoy the fun. We have added a full line of Hero Clix items. Marval Dice Masters League Saturdays 5pm – 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Learn how to play this exciting new game, which sold out all over the nation as soon as it was released. It is an inexpensive game to start , at around $15 for a starter and $1.00 for boosters. If you have ever played the dace game Quarriors, this will seem familiar to you, as it is created by the same company. Join us! Board Game Night

Magic Modern Tournament Saturdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 A fun tournament for Magic the Gathering players to test their competitive skill with access to older and more powerful cards. Players bring a Modern legal deck comprised of 60 cards, and compete for prizes and glory! Players may use any Magic the Gathering card printed after 8th edition, with a few specific exceptions. Fun event for players of all experience levels For more Details go to: events/1376049572715159/

SUPPORT GROUPS Free 2B Support Group Tuesdays, 6:45-8:30pm Faith Bible Church, The Woodlands FREE 2B is a faith-based codependency support group, where those facing relational difficulties can share their struggles and begin the process of restoring healthy balance in their lives. Free 2B is open to the public for individuals and couples 18 and older and is free to attend. For an information packet, email Scott at


PLUTO IS STILL A DWARF PLANET AND HAS NO BEARING HERE by Chris Alvarez Aries Gemini Taurus 3/21 - 4/19 5/21 - 6/20 4/20 - 5/20 Be realistic about the goals Look out for the person Get ready for some you set and what you need who will come and suck ridiculous mud slingto do in order achieve up to you for no apparent ing between you and a them. That one goal you reason. Well, that is kind few close friends. Even set about making a million of not true. They want though you and your dollars by selling your to meet your sister and friends all know that kidneys this year might be think getting in your you were the only party one of them, And selling good graces will do the in the wrong. Were you three of your kidneys is stupid since you need at trick. Only thing is that you don’t have a sisignoring your part of the problem? Your pride ter, but your mom looks like she could be one. least one of them to live. Must I even remind you is now at stake and you’d rather look good that people only have two kidneys not three. If money is involved, let them suck up! than look guilty. Good luck with that.

Cancer 6/21 - 7/22 You are going to be approached by someone who is going through some serious drama in their life and they think that you are the sucker to dump it all on. You need to escape and fast. The best way is to start crying when you see them coming. That always works like reverse psychology or something like that.

Leo 7/23 - 8/22 You’ve noticed that a member of your family has been acting strange and immature lately. They keep showing up at your house and telling you to get out. And they should, after all it’s their house and you are starting to smell bad like the guy who hangs out under the I-45 underpass at Rayford. Hey wait, that guy is you!

Virgo 8/23 - 9/22 The stars and planets are lining up, which is damn near impossible. So, take this sign for what it is. Get your social life together, delete fake friends from your facebook, enroll that yoga class that you wanted and let everything else go to the wayside. Oops, one planet just got out of line. Forget everything I just wrote.

Scorpio 10/22 - 11/21 This week feels like it’s moving way too slow for you, but in reality you are just moving too quickly for it! You’ve gotten so much accomplished on so little sleep, you should be proud. It’s amazing what can get done when you mix Red Bull with an Expresso. All good things do come to an end, and for you expect that end to be a 24-hour snooze.

Sagitarius 11/22 - 12/21 Houston’s relaxed marijuana statutes have become your reason to celebrate. So, feel free to kick back and just have fun. Go ahead and let yourself get distracted by the silly, the inane, and the downright goofy. And disregard the ringing telephone. It’s just your boss wondering where in the hell are you.

Aquarius Capricorn 1/20 - 2/18 12/22 - 1/19 This week it would do You are not doing well you well to let down with handling the chalyour guard a little bit and lenges that you are facing let people into your life. at your job or at school. You will get a lot farther They are stressing everyif you connect with other one else, while you conpeople and work really tinue to stare blankly at hard to give them the the wall. While you are visiting a mental Bermuda, everyone is having input they need. But that weird flirt who keeps bugging you, keep that person the hell out! to carry your load. Snap the hell out of it.

Libra 9/23 - 10/21 You should have a little fun this week and brighten someone’s day by telling them a little white lie. Something like how pretty he is, or how strong she can be. As much as we all know how bullies operate, it’d be a refreshing change of pace for you to learn those backhand compliments you always wanted to learn how to do.

Pisces 2/19 - 3/20 Getting caught up with your pants down is not something you should be doing right now and you can’t afford to be distracted any longer by the things that create situations like this. Get dressed, grab your things and get out before your dad gets home. And don’t let the door smack ya where the good Lord cracked ya.


#AllLivesMatter period.

EL MOJITO CUBAN CUISINE 5210 FM 2920 StE 600 SprINg, TX 77388 (832) 823-5157


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015





There are many mythological, literary and historical referances to the Fair Folk (known variously as the Tuatha de Danaan, Fay, Fae, Faery, Faerie, Fairy, Elves, what have you) leaving their homelands and vanishing “into the West”. In Irish mythology the Tuatha de Danaan (“Children of the Goddess Danu”), went on Voyages, a group of stories about visits to the “Other World”, “westward across the sea”. (Historical fact: LONG before Columbus, the Irish and Breton Celts – like the Norse - knew about and were fishing the Newfoundland Banks and Grand Banks off Newfoundland and Greenland in the western sea.) Probably the most well-known Elves to moderns, writer J.R.R. Tolkien’s Elves figure magnificently in both ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015

Lord of the Rings’ books - and now movies. Tolkien’s Elves are extremely beautiful, magical, fearsome and deadly beings. Tolkien’s Elves departed Middle Earth on “white ships” for “the West across the seas”. Modern SciFi / Military / Action author Larry Correia also has Elves (and Orcs, much more prominently!) in his ‘Monster Hunter, Inc.’ book series. Of course, Correia’s modern Elves aren’t exactly the High Elves of Tolkien – HIS Elves live in junky, run-down trailer parks in the South, and hide themselves from mundanes by being the ULTIMATE definition of ‘trailer trash’, and have nothing do do with Humans. But they DO retain just a tiny little bit of their magical abilities, however, even if they can’t and don’t use them very much.


Modern Fantasy writer Alex Bledso takes more of a middle approach to modern elves. Bledsoe’s Elves – called “Tufa” (a corruption of “Tuatha de Danaan”) - were transplanted to a valley in Appalachia (even before the arrival of the Asian forerunners of the Native Americans, let alone Europeans), banished there by the Queen of the Elves. The Tufa hide their magic from all outsiders, and just appear to be a small tribe of somewhat “tooclosely-related” people to non-Tufa. Because of their magic, the Tufa normally CANNOT leave their valley, and do not usually act or react with humans, let alone marry or breed with them! OK, you ask, Elves (by whatever name) are indeed cool, but what do Elves have to do with a column about music?

Well, I think there really MAY be a group of modern Elves – or their descendants - living in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee – MUSICAL Elves! Of course, they don’t CONFESS to ACTUALLY being Elves – although they DO call themselves “Tuatha Dea” (“Children of the Gods”), which they do admit is for “Tuatha de Danaan”. At the Sherwood Forest Celtic Music Fest (McDade, Texas) last September, I spent a couple of days listening to and visiting with members of the family musical group Tuatha Dea. I admit, I did NOT actually SEE any pointed Elvish ears among the family - BUT, they all mostly have long hair and do wear hats a lot! I DID notice a lot of big smiles,



EMILY COLE - EMILY COLE Independent [Singer-Songwriter Pop] 11 TRACKS 35:50 7/10 sparkling eyes and uncanny musical abilities! And claims - or denials - of being Elves aside, this musical group Tuatha Dea is fantastic! Their music is way beyond lively, it reaches out and grabs you and MAKES you join in! You just cannot listen to them without wanting to seize a drum and start pounding away! My friends know that I am no longer as expressive (read active) as I used to be back in my younger days. (In fact, if you go to YouTube and look up the video of Al Gore dancing the Macarena, he and I pretty much have the same dancing style and ability, now!) At concerts, I often will actually lean back and close my eyes during a show, so I can experience the pure MUSIC deeper - without visual distractions. But, I admit, during one of Tuatha Dea’s audience participation numbers at Sherwood, even I actually did take a drum, get up and drum and dance! Tuatha Dea started from (and still maintains) the Tuatha Dea Drum Nation, a group that uses their drum circle for therapy and personal development and health. Their website says they use the energy of drumming to break down individual personal barriers, while promoting and developing self-expression and confidence, as well as fostering fellowship among circle members. As far as Tuatha Dea’s music style, their website officially describes their music as “CELTIC TRIBAL GYPSY ROCK” – what more can I say?! It does have a definite Celtic basis – many of the songs are traditional or modern Irish or Scottish, and some are sung in Irish Gaelic. ‘Whiskey In the Jar’ is one of my favorites. They even do an outstanding – considering they don’t have any bagpipes! – rendition of ‘Scotland The Brave’. Tuatha Dea furthermore have an astounding repertoire of covers of current and classic rock songs – done in their own special musical style: ‘Zombie (In Your Head)’ by The Cranberries’; ‘White Rabbit’ by Jefferson Airplane; ‘Sympathy For The Devil’ by The Rolling Stones; ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’; and ‘Tonight’, among others.

Tuatha Dea’s musicians are all members of the Mullikan clan or tribe (I think they’re too widespread to be just called a family), and band membership sometimes varies for any given show. At Sherwood, Danny (family Patriarch), Rebecca (his wife), Brandon (their son, married to), Nikki (daughter-in-law), Kathy (Rebecca’s sister, married to), Chris (brother-in-law), and Adam (like a son) were the band members on stage there. Modern band instruments include electric guitars, bass and mandolin, and band members bewilderingly switch among instruments without seeming rhyme or reason (they say it’s just to keep the audience confused!) However, tribal drums, the American Native Flute, and the didgeridoo also prominently shape their music. And given Tuatha Dea’s genesis in a drum circle, tribal drums and other percussion instruments are often given out to the crowd so they can participate! At Sherwood, they not only handed out drums, but even pulled audience members up on to the stage to dance and play with the band there! Tuatha Dea currently have four CDs available – of course I have all four! They are available from Amazon or from the band’s official web site: Oh, Alex Bledsoe actually wrote the band into his latest book about his Tufa, ‘Long Black Curl’, and the band’s latest album ‘Tufa Tales: Appalachian Fae’, celebrates this thru three songs and videos written and filmed for his books: The Hum and the Shiver: Wisp of a Thing: Long Black Curl:

Once I read the books, I discovered just how closely the music videos portrayed the books! And if Tuatha Dae are in a book, then it must be true, Tuatha Dea really might just be musical Elves! Go to one of their shows, listen to their CDs, make your OWN decision!

Local singer-songwriter Emily Cole has followed up a couple of loose singles with her first full length album of songs and it as refreshing a listen as you can get from a young artist breaking out her wings and letting her art fly. Cole’s influences: Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, Halsey are all evident here without the feeling that the record is a copycat or a tribute. Cole is in her own voice and in her own as a songwriter. She successfully stepped out of the shadows of those who influenced her art. Co-songwriter Chris Chimene offers up more of the maturity in the songwriting that Cole lacked, but the overall effort is a very enjoyable listen. Considering that this is Cole’s debut, what lies ahead should be something worth waiting for. Video: Hurts More (live) Video: Don’t Need Gravity To Fall (live)

RATS ON RAFTS - TAPE HISS Fire Records [Dutch Post-Punk] 8 TRACKS 37:38 3/10

There are bands looking to be the next big thing. In the 60’s we had the Beatles, 70’s gave us Led Zeppelin and Eagles. Every decade that followed offered up what it considered music’s next big thing. Tape Hiss, I believe, is trying to do the same thing. In some parts it does well, but for an overall recording, it fails. What I glean from several listens is Rats On Rafts attempt to create Progressive Punk as a genre. Not that deliberate attempts to change time signatures is present, but when the recording comes across as a band recording on bad dirty tape, hence the title of the album I suppose, I think that the production succeeds. I’ve heard that Rats On Rafts predecessor was a bit of a cleaner listen. I’ll have to check that one out as Tape Hiss leaves me scratching my head wondering what the heck was this that I was listening?


PEARLS - PRETEND YOU’RE MINE Dot Dash/Remote Control Records [Psychedelic New Wave] 9 TRACKS 32:14 7/10

On the heels of their lead alt-pop single Big Shot, Melbourne Australian trio Pearls released their debut long player Pretend You’re Mine. Pretend You’re Mine is an slinky foray into dream pop where all three band members trade off vocals without losing the listener. Other than the opening track Big Shot and the closer, the title track, everything else in between sounds like a slush machine producing stylishly melancholic pop and dreamy shoegaze. It’s a pretty easy and digestible listen with more than just a few choice tracks among the nine offered that demand repeated listens. If I had to make a comparison, I would say Pearls is what the Human League would have sounded like had they gone glam. Video: Big Shot Video: Pretend You’re Mine

WARM SODA - SYMBOLIC DREAM Castle Face Records [Lo-Fi Power Pop] 12 TRACKS 26:07 6/10

Symbolic Dream is an interesting and quickly paced long player. Warm Soda balances the aural textures of The Knack with the Beatlesque lyrical stylings of The Raspberries. Their latest offering, Symbolic Dream, comes across as a nicely packaged tribute to those early guitar bands without sounding dated. The record clocks in under a half-hour with hardly a break between tracks. There are no real ballads here except for the perfect album closer in Lemonade Lullaby, which comes across as a syrupy ‘blame it on the girl for my problems’ song with a 50’s talking bridge section that makes it hard not to like. Video: Can’t Erase This Feeling Video: Cryin’ For A Love

NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


LIVE MUSIC GUIDE - MONTGOMERY COUNTY Kat Daddy Bar 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-273-9342 Every Sunday 4pm Corey Micheal, Caleb & Friends


Papa’s On The Lake 9400 Hwy 105 W., Lake Conroe 936-447-2500 no more music until 2016



Red Brick Tavern 119 Simonton, Conroe 936-539-2000 Every Sunday Gospel Sunday Brunch Mondays - Blue Monday with Charlie Parker Thu. Nov. 12 7pm Justin van Sant / Jordan York w/ Dave Becker. Fri. Nov. 13 10pm Cody Wayne Sat. Nov. 14 10pm Mike Amabile and Run Over Twice Sun. Nov. 15 11pm Dave McMahon Mon. Nov. 16 7pm Charles Peters Thu. Nov. 19 7pm Pauline Reese / Tony Ramey Fri. Nov 20. 9pm Susan Gibson w/ Dawn Noelle. Sat. Nov 21. 9pm Doug Kent w/ Dave Becker. Sun. Nov 22. 10am Johnny Riley Mon. Nov 23. 8pm Charles Peters Wed. Nov 25. 8pm Candy Coburn Fri. Nov 27. 10pm Greg Schroeder Sat. Nov 28. 10pm John Evans Band Sun. Nov 29. 10am Johnny Riley Mon. Nov 30. 7pm Charles Peters Wed. Dec 2. 7:30pm Exit Glaciers Thu. Dec 3. 7pm Caroline Reese / Doug Kent w/ Emily Cole. Fri. Dec 4. 10pm Johnny Riley Sat. Dec 5. 10pm Houston Marchman


4 2 7




CONROE Backwoods Saloon 230 Lexington Ct., Conroe 936-273-0203 no website Open Mic every Thursday 8pm with Dan Scott & Friends


The Corner Pub 302 N. Main St., Conroe 936-788-2390 Tuesday Open Mic with Jeremy Bankhead Wednesday Hippie Night with The Lankfords Brothers Thurday FarLand jams with Adam McFarland Fri. Nov. 13 9pm The Matchsellers Sat. Nov. 14 9pm Little Outfit Fri. Nov. 20 9pm Doug Westcott Sat. Nov. 21 9pm The Powell Brothers Fri. Nov. 27 9pm Chase Holbrook Fri. Dec. 11 9pm Sarah Burton SAt. Dec. 12 9pm Justin Mason


Dosey Doe Music Cafe 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-321-2171 3 Thur Nov. 12 Guy Forsyth and the Hot Nut Riveters Fri. Nov. 13 Bonnie Bishop w/Dustin Prinz Sat. Nov. 14 Chuck Cannon w/Kyle Hutton Mon. Nov. 16 Sarah Kelly School of Music Tue. Nov. 17 Open Mic Night Wed. Nov. 18 Mason Ashley Thur. Nov. 19 Stone Foxes w/Vanilla Whale Fri. Nov. 20 Ramblin Jack Elliot Sat. Nov. 21 Max Stalling w/Ronnie Fauss Tue. Nov. 24 Jody Booth with Kyle Hutton - Real Life Real Music Wed. Nov. 25 Troy McConnell Fri. Nov. 27 The Chubby Knuckle Choir Sat. Nov. 28 8:30pm Mike & the Moonpies Fri. Dec. 4 8:30pm Hot Club of Cowtown Sat. Dec. 5 8:30pm Parker McCollum Sun. Dec. 6 7pm The Homestead w/World In Lights



MAGNOLIA Bernhardt Winery 9043 County Road 204, Plantersville All Shows start one hour prior to sunset Shows are $10 - ages 18 and up


Mon. Dec. 7 8pm Java Jazz Tues. Dec. 8 7pm Open Mic Weds. Dec. 9 7:30pm Caleb Lovely Sun. Dec. 13 8pm Devon Allman Band w/Danielle Nichole Game On Sports Bar 1717 N. Fraiser Conroe 936-788-6209 Open Mic Every Wednesday at 8pm Fri. Nov 13 9:30pm Satisfied Drive Sat. Nov 14 9:30pm Cody Wayne Fri. Nov 20 9:30pm Corey Michael Band Sat. Nov 21 9:30pm Patrick Murphy Fri. Nov 27 9:30pm Cadillac Blues Band Sat. Nov 28 9:30pm 80’s Bash with The Lost Boys Band Fri. Dec. 4 9:30pm Legacy Sat. Dec. 5 9:30pm Jason West Fri. Dec. 11 9:30pm Cadillac Blues Band Sat. Dec. 12 9:30pm Brian Sacco Fri. Dec. 18 9:30pm Nigal Edison Band Sat. Dec. 26 9:30pm Charlie Parker Band


Genuwine Tasting Room 6503 FM 1488 #401 Magnolia 832-934-2675 [no cover unless stated *] Thurs. Nov. 12 7:30pm Jeannine Higgins Fri. Nov. 13 7:30pm Sam Jenkins Sat. Nov. 14 7:30pm Louis Lamb Thurs. Nov. 19 7:30pm Keith Rea Fri. Nov. 20 7:30pm Alva Sim Sat. Nov. 21 7:30pm Russell Boyd the Piano Man Fri. Nov. 27 7:30pm Luke Novick Sat. Nov. 28 7:30pm Sheri Lavo & Ain’t Nobody’s Business Fri. Dec. 4 7:30pm Chase Gassaway Sat. Dec. 5 7:30pm Keeto Thurs. Dec. 10 7:30pm Bridjette Fri. Dec. 11 7:30pm JP Kendrick Sat. Dec. 12 7:30pm Jenn Harris Band **$5 cover/$8 couples Thurs. Dec. 17 7:30pm Hannah Elizabeth Smith Fri. Dec. 18 7:30pm Sam Jenkins Sat. Dec. 19 7:30pm Sheri Lavo & Ain’t Nobody’s Business Fri. Dec. 26 7:30pm Luke Novick Thurs. Dec. 31 New Year’s Celebrations Texxas Heat




NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



LIVE MUSIC GUIDE - SOUTHERN MONTGOMERY COUNTY & NORTH HARRIS COUNTY Fri. Nov. 20 9pm Texas Joe Bailey & the Sweet Leaf Junction Fri. Nov. 27 9pm Groove Bone Fri. Dec. 4 9pm Andrew Wade Band Fri Jan 1 9pm .07 Blues Band


Mules Tavern 24 Two

100 Cypresswood Dr., Spring 281-528-0600 no music events reported

13 10

11 12

14 25


26 27

18 19 20 24


NORTH SPRING 10 19th Hole Grill & Bar

202 Sawdust Rd #118, Spring 281-363-2574 [$10 cover on all shows] Fri. Nov. 13 8pm Hounds Of Jezebel, To Whom It May, North Til Dawn, Seldom Sat. Nov. 14 8pm Autopsy Room, Chucky The Killa, Recco Demize, Gravedog, Wicked Brothers, Hodge Boys, LBO Room, Louie G, Queen Lady Bishop, Lowcoe, Local Mindz Fri. Nov. 20 8pm AJ Santana Band Sat. Nov. 21 8pm Metacrisis, Lost Chapters Sat. Nov. 28 8pm Spinning Still Sat. Jan. 9 8pm Twelve Years Driven, MadSons, Para Bellum Daddy 11 Crabby 25186 I-45, The Woodlands 281-296-2722 Shows begin at 7pm no music reported

Crescent Moon Wine Bar 12 440 Rayford Rd., #115, Spring 281-364-WINE (9463) Every Thursday is Salsa Music Night Fri Nov 13 8pm Cool Breeze Band Sat Nov 14 8:30pm Elvis Is In The House Fri Nov 20 TBA Sat Nov 21 8:30pm Luther and the Healers Fri Nov 27 8:30pm Johnny & the Spinsters Sat Nov 28 8:30pm Yelba’s Variety Band Fri. Dec. 4 8pm Johnny and the Spinsations Sat. Dec. 5 8pm Cool Breeze Band Fri. Dec. 11 8pm Yelba’s Variety Band Fri. Dec. 18 8pm Electric Circus Band Dosey Doe Big Barn

13 25911 I-45 N., The Woodlands 281-367-3774 Thur Nov. 12 8:30pm Jimmy Fortune Fri Nov. 13 8:30pm Vince Gill - SOLD OUT Sat Nov. 14 8:30pm Carlene Carter Wed Nov. 18 8:30pm David Cook Thur Nov. 19 8:30pm Melanie Safka Fri. Nov. 20 8:30pm Ottmar Liebert Sat. Nov. 21 8:30pmDavid Allen Coe Sun. Nov. 22 8:30pm Little River Band Fri. Nov. 27 8:30pm Davin James and the Bullnettle Band Sat. Nov. 28 8:30pm Peter White Christmas feat. Mindi Abair and Rick Braun

Sun. Nov. 29 8:30pm Mercury - Christmas Magic Wed. Dec. 2 8:30pm David Benoit feat. Jane Monheit Thur. Dec. 3 8:30pm Little River Band

14 Papa’s Ice House

314 Pruitt Rd, Spring 713-364-8140 No music announced

CYPRESS CREEK 15 Acadia 3939 FM 1960 W., Houston 281-893-2860 Thurs. Nov. 12 “The Return Of Green Jello With Pukebox, Theory Of Thieves, Witness To The Fallen”. Fri Nov. 13 Lasien, Carmeci, Kronika, Xwansongs Sat. Nov. 14 Channing Sall, Oddiz,Soul Harvest, The Minds Eye Mon. Nov. 16 Treason, The Earth As We Know It, The Fine Constant, Sirens Thurs. Nov. 19 Machete Season, Giant Kitty, Punk Rock Project Fri Nov. 20 Klodine, Lost Cause, Underage Sat. Nov. 21 Millenial Reign, Echo Temple, Chaotic Justice Sun Nov 22 “Free Show Raven Douglas B-Day Bash With Smokin Aces, Shaving Suzie, Twisted Karma, Epic, Coming Up Zero”. Fri Nov. 27 Free Show With Hold On Hollywood, Rockett Queen, Pulse Rate Zero, When All Is Lost Sat. Nov. 28 Free Show With Erase The Virus, Farewell To Solace, Pattern Recognition Sun Nov 29 Talk In Theory, B BFE Rock Club 16 11528 Jones Rd. Houston (281) 894-1811 Every Thursday Open Mic & Artist Showcase Sun. Nov. 15 Fall Brawl w/Seek Irony Fri Nov 20 Autograph, Jim Finn, Dirtymind, 72 Down, Dark Energy, Washed Up Sat Nov 21 Marzi Montazeri & Tim “Ripper” Owens, Day of Reckoning, Epic, The Black 13, MadSons, and more! The Concert Pub North Fri. Nov. 13 Dirty Reckless, Theory Of Thieves Sat. Nov. 14 Jackyl, Smokin Aces Sat. Nov. 21 KISS Alike Fri. Nov. 27 The Chromatics Fri. Dec. 11 Scott Weiland & The Wildabouts SAt. Dec. 12 The Fab 5

2005 Lake Robbins, The Woodlands, 281-210-1105 Sat, Nov. 14 10am 20th Annual Children’s Festival Sun, Nov. 15 noon 20th Annual Children’s Festival Thu, Dec. 3 7:30pm Holly Jolly Jingle Sat, Dec. 5 7pm KSBJ Presents Christmas with Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith Sun, April 3, 2016 7:30pm Mumford & Sons Fri, April 8, 2016 8pm Bryan Adams Tue, July 5, 2016 7pm Twenty One Pilots Sun, Sept. 18, 2016 7:30pm 5 Seconds of Summer Sat, Dec. 5 7pm KSBJ Presents Christmas with Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith

Bar & Grill 24 Brautigams 106 Market St, Tomball 832-698-4461


17 2470 Cypress Creek Pkwy., Houston 281-583-8111

23 Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion






OLD TOWN SPRING Saloon 18 Jailhouse 310 Preston, Spring 281-288-0255 no music reported

19 Puffabellys 100 Main St, Spring 281-350-3376 Wednesdays 8pm Davin James’ Songwriter Showcase Thursdays 6pm Open Mic

SPRING 20 Bombshells

21005 I-45 North, Spring 281-288-2769 Place Sports Bar & Grill 22 Mak’s 5200 Louetta Rd., Houston 832-698-1611 Fri. Nov. 13 TBA Sat. Nov. 14 Brian Lofton Fri. Nov. 20 Jonathan Mitchell Sat. Nov. 21 Shinolah Fri. Nov. 27 The .07 Blues Band Sat. Nov. 28 Space Monkey Fri. Dec. 4 Nigel Edison SAt. Dec. 5 TBA That One Bar

23 4660 Louetta #100, Spring 832-562-3942 Fri. Nov. 13 9pm Turn Mics Fri. Nov 13 Presley Lewis Sat. Nov. 14 Willow Creek Junction Sun. Nov. 15 10am Kevin Weishaar Fri Nov 20 Josh Fuller Sat. Nov. 21 Hillary Moore Sun. Nov. 22 10am Kevin Weishaar Fri. Nov. 27 Mandi Powell Sat. Nov. 28 Sheila Marshall Sun. Nov. 29 10am Kevin Weishaar

25 Cheers 916 West Main St., Tomball 281-351-2599

no website no music reported

26 Main Street Crossing

111 West Main St., Tomball 281-290-0431 Thurs. Nov 12 Jack Ingram Fri. Nov 13 Doug Stone Thurs. Nov 19 Quebe Sisters Fri. Nov 20 Carolyn Wonderland Sat. Nov 21 Blue Water Highway Thurs. Nov 25 Ezra Charles Mon. Dec 1 Paul Thorn Tues. Dec 2 Paul Thorn Fri. Dec 4- Brandon Rhyder Thurs. Dec 10 Adam Hood and Jason Eady Fri. Dec 11 Monte Montgomery Weds Dec 16 Gary P Nunn Thurs Dec 17 Hal Ketchum Fri Dec 18 Cool Freddie E and the Crew Sun Dec 21 Annie Moses Band Christmas Show Tues Dec 23 Two Tons of Steel Thurs Dec 31 New Year’s Eve Party with Abbey Rode(Beatles Tribute) and Already Gone(Eagles Tribute) The Empty Glass

27 104 Market Street, Tomball Thursdays are Open Mic Nights no music reported



NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


LIVE MUSIC GUIDE - INNER WEST LOOP/ NORTHWEST HOUSTON Thurs. Nov. 12 9:30pm Sonny Boy Terry Fri. Nov. 13 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, James Henry Band Sat. Nov. 14 9:30pm Brent Johnson & The Call Up Sun. Nov. 15 9:30pm Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Nov. 17 9:30pm Tres Amigos Percussion Trio featuring the Mighty Orq Thurs. Nov. 19 9:30pm Leonard “Low Down” Brown Fri. Nov. 20 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, The Peterson Brothers Sat. Nov. 21 9:30pm Randy Pavlock Band Sun. Nov. 22 9:30pm Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Nov. 24 9:30pm The Paul Ramirez Band Fri. Nov. 27 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, Dave Nevling and The Blues Kats Sat. Nov. 28 9:30pm Converse & Co. Sun. Nov. 29 9:30pm Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Dec. 1 9:30pm Tres Amigos Percussion Trio featuring the Mighty Orq Thurs. Dec. 3 9:30pm Steve Gilbert Band Fri. Dec. 4 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, Tommy Dardar Sat. Dec. 5 9:30pm Steve Krase Band (Holiday Ball)

DOWNTOWN HOUSTON Concert Cafe 31 Last 1403 Nance St. Houston


30 28 29

MONTROSE 28 Rudyards 2010 Waugh Dr Houston

713-521-0521 Weekday shows & Sunday, doors open at 8pm Most Mondays are Open Mic/Comedy Shows, always free Friday and Saturday, doors open at 9pm [unless otherwise mentioned] First band listed is headliner/or plays last. Music starts at 10pm Thu. Nov. 12 530-7pm Houston 2040 Meeting/Adam Bricks-TBA Fri. Nov. 13 Poor Dumb Bastards, The Beaumonts, We are the Asteroid, Sat. Nov. 14 Pegstar presents: YOB, BlackCobra, KRVSHR, $15ADV/$17DOS Tue. Nov. 17 Bootown presents: Grown up Story Time 8pm & 10pm Wed. Nov. 18 Pegstar presents: Moving Units, Hope Riot, $12 Cover Thu. Nov. 19 Rudyard’s Beer Tasting featuring: Brash

Brewery Fri. Nov. 20 Pegstar presents: Midnight, Venomous Maximus, Peasant, $12ADV/$13DOS Sat. Nov. 21 London Girl-Reunion Show w/Jealous Creatures, Wed. Nov. 25 Meg’s Benefit w/ TBA Thur. Nov. 26 THANKSGIVING! Fri. Nov. 27 Generation Landslide!, Screech of Death, Deige’ Sat. Nov. 28 Broken Teeth, HogLeg, Aguila Black, Thur. Dec. 3 Women That Rock Fest featuring Gwen Doll, Libby Koch, Mystery Loves Company, Fear the Poet and Giant Kitty-630pm Fri. Dec. 4 Ex-Optimists(CD Release) Sat. Dec. 5 Doomsgiving 4-Project Armageddon, Linus Pauling Quartet, The Dirty Seeds, Mucky Duck 29 McGonigel’s 2425 Norfolk St Houston (713) 528-5999 Thurs. Nov. 12 7pm Guy Davis Fri. Nov. 13 7pm Steve Poltz Fri. Nov. 13 9:30pm Piper Jones

NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015

WEST HOUSTON Pub 30 Shakespeare 14129 Memorial Dr, Houston

281-497-4625 Every Sunday Sparetime Murray & the Honeymakers Blues Jam




Sat. Nov. 14 8pm Bruce Cockburn Thurs. Nov. 19 7pm Brant Croucher Thurs. Nov. 19 9:30pm The Roosevelts Fri. Nov. 20 7pm Sam Baker Fri. Nov. 20 9:30pm Josh Grider Sat. Nov. 21 7pm Wheatfield Sat. Nov. 21 9:30pm Shelley King Thurs. Nov. 26 7pm Thurs. Nov. 26 9:30pm Fri. Nov. 27 7pm Lisa Morales Fri. Nov. 27 8pm Bob Schneiders Moonlight OrchestraCullen Theater Fri. Nov. 27 9:30pm Carolyn Wonderland Sat. Nov. 28 7pm Slaid Cleaves Sat. Nov. 28 9:30pm Slaid Cleaves


(713) 226-8563 Every Thursday join with The Annie B! Band and the Hightailers Fri. Nov. 13 The Magic Beans Sat. Nov. 14 Flounders Without Eyes Fri. Nov. 20 Honey Island Swamp Band Sat. Nov. 21 Dr. Green Dreams Sun. Nov. 22 Kristal Cherelle Fri. Nov. 27 Hamilton Loomis Sat. Nov. 28 DJ Electrifyd Sun. Nov. 29 Kristal Cherelle Fri. Dec. 4 TBA Sat. Dec. 5 Kashmere Reunion Stage Band Sun. Dec. 6 TBA

THE HEIGHTS Dan Electros 1031 E 24th St Houston (832) 831-2553 Every Thursday enjoy Jazz Jam with Alisha Pattilla & Erin Wright at 8:30pm Fri. Nov. 13 9pm Jeff Jenson Fri. Dec. 4 9pm Joe Krown Trio w/Brad Absher Sat. Dec. 12 9pm Keith Harkin Band Fitzgeralds 2705 White Oak Dr., Houston Fri. Nov 13 Nathan Bonnes Taylor & The Wild Now, Chase Holbrook Sat. Nov 14 Mastema Mon. Nov 16 Fang Talk Sick Brats, Screech Of Death, Satanic Overlords Of Rock And Roll Weds. Nov 18 Machete Season Fri. Nov 20 Lindi Ortega Sat. Nov 21 A Silent Film Flagship Sat. Nov 21 Oceans Of Slumber Fri. Nov 27 The News Can Wait Sleeperdrone, Forced Fem, Closed Eyes Open Sat. Nov 28 Cheetah Chrome The Velostacks, The Swingin’ Dicks, Silver Blueberry Tues. Dec 1 Darwin Deez Charly Bliss Thurs. Dec 3 The Hates Fri. Dec 4 K-Rino Sat. Dec 5 Manhole Thurs. Dec 10 !!! (Chk Chk Chk) Fri. Dec 11 The Warplanes Sat. Dec 12 Riverboat Gamblers Broken Gold, Dead To The World Sat. Dec 12 Deicide Sat. Dec 19 Mezzanine Fear Control Comingsoon Fri. Dec 25 30Footfall Sat. Jan 16 Broken Valor Hindsight, To Whom It May, Twelve Years Driven Tues. Jan 26 Venom Inc.



David McGee Painting The Invisible by Rosanne Friedman

“My painting has a different kind of reflective nature. They work as social thought. There’s an idea behind the idea, there’s almost a tricksters nature that I’m thinking about…..there’s a certain kind of chaos: they are meant to make you think. The chaos has a sound, you can’t be settled.” David McGee

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NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


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At the Museum of Fine Art in the exhibit, Defining the Body; Contemporary Figuration on Paper, is David McGee’s painting called “Ezra Pound” . The painting is of a figure above and the name of the poet below. The impulse of the figure, one dressed in the garb of hip hop looking street smart opposite Ezra Pound poet and known Nazi, moves one to a subtle kind of unsettling cognitive dissonance. The quote defining the essence of surrealism by one considered the prophet of the Surrealists, Isadore Ducasse, was picked up by Andre Breton and used as an example of surrealist dislocation: “the chance meeting on a dissecting table of a sewing machine and an umbrella” the echo of the new when two dissimilar ideas are placed together to engage levels of conscious and subconscious is the



NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


idea of the surrealists and McGee puts his work in this flow. And then there is the next level: the rhythms that hip hop and Ezra Pound share, though the politics clash. And the next level: The gaze of the figure looking to confront the viewer as a participant, a guilty party or someone who deserves to be held in account. There is nothing soft in that gaze. Does reference to the poet refine the anger or add to it? The name of the author is an offer of anchoring to reject at first and then to accept for the unravelling of the mysterious in the voyage of understanding this work. Layers of information are given in a glance, and then counterpointed with more information and the lilt of innuendo of attitude that is always shifting to include more


information like the melodies and the countermelodies of music. The resonance is for the viewer. The depth was set up by the artist. This painting holds its own in a room full of the heavy hitters of contemporary art—Phillip Pearlstein, Eric Fischl, Alex Katz. To begin to understand the artist one tries to get to his influences and McGee’s influences are as large as continents as deep as history. As a music lover he counts as source work in Elvin Jones, Ginger Baker, Kenny Clark, Jazz and Hip Hop as well as Classical in Beethovan and Tchaikovsky. As an art lover there is the tribal art of Black Africa in the Dogon, New Zealand and the Maori and finding the flow of Western Art History at his fingertips he is equally comfortable with Michelangelo as Duchamp. His influences are like a color box, all possibilities for expression, no color is left untouched. The spare quality in the painting, the white space is credited first to Richard Avedon, and then the white space of modernism—the space between the notes, or perhaps it is a focusing devise and finally the white density of “no — thing”, as only God is not a body or a thing there is a spiritual ascent in it.



The decisions in making are deliberate, dense in many cases preceded by volumes of writing, and more recently trusting his intuition and settling up for cause later. In touch with the organic in life, muscle, bone, nerve the anatomy is clear in his figures. As a former baseball player, he knows the form of the athlete and communicates that form empathetically. His figures are sensual and spare and recorded in elegant meeting of paper and paint. All the things of art—lost lines and density to create beautifully drawn, well designed, fine figures of men. And as soon as one thinks of the natural its counterpoint -the cultural comes to play; Cosmopolitan and full of the Social Awareness of points of view with possibilities of perceptions changing the score. There is something of the ambiance of the French here, besides the mention of Sartre and Camus and the prizes given to the artist as the French have responded to him. The French are especially aware of beauty, even the ugly or difficult is somehow styled and made elegant. McGee has called himself an “exterior painter” rather than an “interior painter”. There is an audience in mind, even in the nascent like an embryo invaded by ultrasound, his paintings grow with an awareness of their audience, they grow to the rhythm and expectation of that resolution. They have that in common with cinema. Stanley Lumet pairs down his images for impact and power, graphic appeal and poignancy as does this artist. In sheer invention McGee’s work pushes continued on page 24




NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



continued from page 23 limits—all limits in embracing the narrative, even pushing the limits of words for the impact of image. McGee has the insight to put the business of literature and street smart together—two kinds of smart not often imagined on the same surface. For sheer creativity the limits between an artist and model are pushed, the inner view of the artist is in the gaze of the model. He was one that in watching his mother read learned to love to read. McGee issues a clear call to literacy as he pushes the viewers of his paintings to know more, think more deeply. He learned the connection of people is in the power of a story and

the power of the story lies in the power of the image, the heaviest of message done with the lightest of hand. See more of David McGee’s work at the Menil Collection,1533 Sul Ross Houston, 77006 from November 5th.







NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015









NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015






NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015





La Chef ARGENTINE 5200 FM 2920 #180, Spring, TX 77388 (832) 585-1840 Hours: Open daily at 11am, closed Tuesdays Argentine cuisine at its best served in a side cafe style restaurant. They offer over 15 styles of handmade empanadas, a few destined to become your absolute favorite. Probably the best kept secret in Spring, until now. We cater!


4880 Louetta Road, Spring, TX 77388 (281) 288-0940 Hours: 5:30am to 8pm daily Make Every Day A Good Day at DeNovo Coffee. Located near the northeast corner of Kuykendahl and Louetta, DeNovo is the perfect place to get your morning pickup whether it’s your favorite coffee, smoothie, karache, donut or something else sweet. Drive in, drive out, it’s DeNovo



5210 FM 2920 #600 Spring, TX 77388 (832) 823-5157 Hours: noon - 11pm Experience a little bit of Cuba in North Houston. One of the newest of all the themed restaurants in North Houston. Live music on weekends, karaoke on Tuesdays and the best Cuban cuisine, seven days a week. Try out the bongo seats as you check out the tasty drinks at the bar.

27326 Robinson Road 115, Conroe, TX 77385 (832) 785-8906 Hours: Open every day at 11am, closed on Sundays A Counter Cafe providing the best designer sandwiches and other comfort food inside Space Cadets store. Featured photo: The Ron Swanson Sandwich

Taco Crave MEXICAN

Where Do YOU Want To Eat?

5200 Farm to Market Road 2920 #120, Spring, TX 77388 (281) 288-0940 Hours: Open at 11am every day, closed Sundays The best Mexican street tacos this side of the border. Also offers Quesadilla and huge Burritos. Tasty flavors like beef or chicken fajita, beef brisket, chicken chipotle and more. Flavor for the month of September: Nopalitos Con Chorizo [Cactus w/Chorizo & Cheese)



continued from page 13 business. With every contestant choosing a platform, or an appeal to the public on a topic, Ceron petitions for her platform “Cali, Colombia Lives with Purpose” in the hopes to shine a positive light on the dampened reputation of what was a place she once called home. As a poor, sleepy, little town in southwestern Colombia, Cali has succumbed to the wrath of drug trafficking and cartels. Ceron hosts events locally to raise money and awareness to help an organization in Colombia called Vidas Con Proposito, which will provide poverty stricken children with a school and supplies. Ceron credits her school, her family, and her sponsors for her success, adding that it

was “my mom who kept me sane through the whole thing with a lot of guidance.” “My educational experience also helped me tremendously with my maturity,” Ceron said. “Classes like business speech prepared me for public speaking and how to greet and talk to people.” As Miss Colombia, Ceron feels one of the most important things she can take from this experience is what she is doing for her platform. “No matter rich or poor, everyone deserves the opportunity to study,” Ceron said. “I am planning charity events and raising money for the cause. Also, I appreciate the ability to go out in Houston and demonstrate what Colombians have to offer, from amazing artists to talent in sports.”


You’ve been picked! San Juana Erbstoesser Roasted Corn On The COb Benny’s Corn & Taqueria Tomball Area Foodies page


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015



“And finally, here we are” Spectre Reviewed by Glen Ryan Tadych (Note: The following contains spoilers) November, or the start of the holiday season in the U.S., is always the month of 007 for me. Every James Bond film for the last 20 years has debuted this time of year, and despite this fact, along with the countless advertisements for 007-themed products, I have never actually had a true Bond experience in a theater...until Spectre. I first became a fan of the 007 franchise in my early teens with GoldenEye (1995). Shortly after, I became familiar with the different Bonds of the franchise and began collecting the 20 original EON series films. After Pierce Brosnan’s retirement from Bond following Die Another Day (2002), everyone speculated as to who would take up the role next, and in all Glen Ryan Tadych honesty, I was not at all pleased when Daniel Craig got the part. Having played the weaselly mobster son of Paul Newman in Road to Perdition (2002), Craig simply couldn’t fill Bond’s shoes in my eyes. I didn’t come around until the release of Skyfall three years ago


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015

when there was something about the 007 atmosphere that sucked me in and got me excited. After finally getting to watch Skyfall the following spring, I accepted Craig as Bond and found myself actually enjoying something I always thought I’d hate. It wasn’t until after Skyfall that I discovered something intriguing about the Sean Connery films: the SPECTRE organization and Bond’s nemesis, Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Specifically, Dr. No (1962), From Russia with Love (1963) and Thunderball (1965) form an interesting narrative from film to film as Bond takes on the organization one plot at a time. My fondness of these three films later amplified my anticipation of Craig’s next 007 entry once the new film’s title surfaced.

much. The film contained both engaging action and dialogue, and while it seemed a tad long, I still never found myself bored. The train fight sequence between Bond and Hinx (Dave Bautista, Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)) was heavily reminiscent of From Russia with Love, which is probably my favorite Bond film next to GoldenEye. And the various moments where Bond emulates (not intentionally) Sterling Archer and his “tactleneck” only made the film all the more enjoyable. I even found Sam Smith’s “Writing’s on the Wall,” as the

I was already sold knowing Ralph Fiennes would be playing the new M, but Christolph Waltz playing the film’s antagonist was an added bonus I never expected. With the exception of Sean Bean in GoldenEye and Javier Bardem in Skyfall, none of the recent Bond villains ever made a lasting impression on me, but Christolph Waltz is Christolph Waltz, and an actor with his charismatic ability can make any film worth watching. So, a new Bond film featuring SPECTRE—an organization absent from the Bond franchise since Diamonds Are Forever (1971)—and Waltz as the antagonist could only fuel speculation for one thing: The return of Blofeld. I’ll start off by saying I enjoyed Spectre very


opening song, perfectly fitting for the film’s story and tone, despite my still holding Adele’s “Skyfall” in higher musical regard. Waltz’s character did it for me in the end though. The film could honestly have been about Bond desperately attempting to save a box of kittens, and I wouldn’t have cared one way or another due to Waltz’s performance. The one thing I wanted from this film was for Waltz—solely listed as Franz Oberhauser prior to Spectre’s release—to be


LOVE THE COOPERS Blofeld, and I’m ecstatic to say the odds were in my favor regarding that desire. It wasn’t a surprise though really. Anyone who knew Blofeld’s significance knew an actor like Waltz wouldn’t be wasted for any other role. Blofeld has been out of the films for more than 40 years, and I couldn’t think of a better choice for reintroducing him than Waltz. It’s true, however, some aren’t happy with the modern interpretation of Blofeld, as well as the SPECTRE organization. For one, the SPECTRE in this film—actually written as Spectre in the film—is not the Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion group from the Connery films. Though antagonistic, the organization is very much a different group with a different purpose. And all the legal issues regarding Ian Fleming’s novels aside, I still felt this was a decent and acceptable way to reference Fleming’s work in the modern era. The organization in Fleming’s novel was very much influenced by the Cold War, so to me, it’s only natural some kind of change would be made. Blofeld himself is different too. Though he still heads Spectre, he’s more than just a man heading an organization to bring destruction down upon the world. He shares a close, personal tie with Bond, a tie going back to childhood, which, in my opinion,

Love the Coopers PG-13 Comedy When four generations of the Cooper clan come together for their annual Christmas Eve celebration, a series of unexpected visitors and unlikely events turn the night upside down, leading them all toward a surprising rediscovery of family bonds and the spirit of the holiday. Director: Jessie Nelson Is it the Blofeld from the novels? Not exactly. But Stars: Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried, Marisa Tomei, Diane Keaton

helps deepen the subject matter and makes for a more interesting exchange between the two characters, but I won’t say anymore about that.

for one, I feel fans should be happy they’re finally getting him back after so many years. Secondly, none of that really matters to me because Waltz shined so damn bright in the film compared to everyone else. The film’s only drawback is not using Waltz more, and it’s because of this some feel Waltz’s talents were wasted, preferring Bardem and Skyfall over the new installment. Not me though. Yes, I wanted more of Waltz, but I was happy to get him at all, and what I got was great. The ending was certainly the film’s best element, nicely tying up everything from Craig’s films, not to mention it gives us a real classic Bond exit, which I appreciate more than anything else in these films. I’m not sure whether Craig will return for another entry. Whether he’s contracted to or not, I feel Spectre was the perfect wrap-up for his Bond, but who knows? We just might be surprised.

THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 PG-13 137 min Adventure | Sci-Fi Realizing the stakes are no longer just for survival, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) teams up with her closest friends, including Peeta (Josh Hutcherson), Gale (Liam Hemsworth) and Finnick for the ultimate mission. Together, they leave District 13 to liberate the citizens of war-torn Panem and assassinate President Snow, who’s obsessed with destroying Katniss. What lies ahead are mortal traps, dangerous enemies and moral choices that will ultimately determine the future of millions. Director: Francis Lawrence Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson



By the Sea R 132 min Drama | Romance Set in France during the mid-1970s, Vanessa, a former dancer, and her husband Roland, an American writer, travel the country together. They seem to be growing apart, but when they linger in one quiet, seaside town they begin to draw close to some of its more vibrant inhabitants, such as a local bar/café-keeper and a hotel owner. Director: Angelina Jolie Stars: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Mélanie Laurent, Melvil Poupaud The 33 PG-13 120 min Biography | Drama | History Disaster strikes on Aug. 5, 2010, as a copper and gold mine collapses in Chile, trapping 33 men underground. With more than 2,000 feet of rock in their way, members of a rescue team work tirelessly for 69 days to save the seemingly doomed crew. Beneath the rubble, the miners begin an epic quest to survive, contending with suffocating heat and the need for food and water. With family, friends and the rest of


the world watching, it becomes a race against time and a true test of the human spirit. Director: Patricia Riggen Stars: Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro, Juliette Binoche, James Brolin James White R 85 min Drama James White is a troubled twenty-something trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City. He retreats further into a self-destructive, hedonistic lifestyle, but as his mother battles a serious illness James is forced to take control of his life. As the pressure on him mounts, James must find new reserves of strength or risk imploding completely. Director: Josh Mond Stars: Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi, Ron Livingston Entertainment R 110 min Drama En route to meet his estranged daughter and attempting to revive his dwindling career, a broken, aging comedian plays continued on page 30

NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


FILMS COMING SOON TO THEATERS continued from page 29 a string of dead-end shows in the Mojave desert. Director: Rick Alverson Stars: Tye Sheridan, Michael Cera, Lotte Verbeek, John C. Reilly My All American PG 118 min Biography | Drama | Sport What Freddie Steinmark wants most in the world is to play football. Deemed too small by the usual athletic standards, his father trains him hard, and Freddie brings a fight to the game that ultimately gets him noticed - by none other than legendary University of Texas coach Darrell Royal. Awarded a scholarship and a chance to play for the Longhorns, Freddie sets off to Austin determined to make the team. Alongside his old teammate Bobby Mitchell and new pal James Street they rise to the occassion, giving the Longhorns a real chance to turn the team around. But just when they’re reveling in the success of the season, Freddie suffers an injury that leads him to a shocking diagnosis and the biggest challenge he will ever face. Director: Angelo Pizzo Stars: Finn Wittrock, Sarah Bolger, Robin Tunney, Aaron Eckhart Kilo Two Bravo R 108 min Adventure | Drama | Thriller | War Kajaki Dam 2006. A company of young British soldiers encounter an unexpected, terrifying enemy. A dried-out river bed, and under every step the possibility of an anti-personnel mine. A mine that could cost you your leg - or your life. Director: Paul Katis Stars: David Elliot, Mark Stanley, Scott Kyle, Benjamin O’Mahony


The Night Before R 101 min Comedy Ethan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Isaac (Seth Rogen) and Chris (Anthony Mackie) have been friends since childhood, and for a decade, their yearly Christmas Eve reunion has been an annual night of debauchery and hilarity. Now that they’re entering adulthood, the tradition is coming to an end, and to make it as memorable as possible, they set out to find the Nutcracka Ball - the Holy Grail of Christmas parties. Director: Jonathan Levine Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lizzy Caplan, Seth Rogen, Miley Cyrus Secret in Their Eyes PG-13 111 min Mystery | Thriller A tight-knit team of rising investigators, along with their supervisor, is suddenly torn apart when they discover that one of their own teenage daughters has been brutally murdered. Director: Billy Ray Stars: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Dean Norris Legend R 131 min Biography | Crime | Thriller The film tells the story of the identical twin gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray, two of the most notorious criminals in British history, and their organised crime empire in the East End of London during the 1960s. Director: Brian Helgeland Stars: Tom Hardy, Emily Browning, Taron Egerton, Paul Anderson Carol R 118 min Drama | Romance Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara) spots the beautiful, elegant Carol (Cate Blanchett) perusing the doll displays in a 1950s Manhattan department store. The two women develop a fast

bond that becomes a love with complicated consequences Director: Todd Haynes Stars: Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulson, Cate Blanchett, Cory Michael Smith #Horror 90 min Drama | Horror | Mystery | Thriller Inspired by actual events, a group of 12 year old girls face a night of horror when the compulsive addiction of an online social media game turns a moment of cyber bullying into a night of insanity. Director: Tara Subkoff Stars: Chloë Sevigny, Taryn Manning, Natasha Lyonne, Timothy Hutton


The Good Dinosaur PG Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family | Fantasy What if the asteroid that forever changed life on Earth missed the planet completely and giant dinosaurs never became extinct? In this epic journey into the world of dinosaurs, an Apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. While traveling through a harsh and mysterious landscape, Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of. Director: Peter Sohn Stars: Raymond Ochoa, Jeffrey Wright, Steve Zahn, A.J. Buckley Creed PG-13 132 min Drama | Sport Adonis Johnson (Michael B. Jordan) never knew his famous father, boxing champion Apollo Creed, who died before Adonis was born. However, boxing is in his blood, so he seeks out Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) and asks the retired champ to be his trainer. Rocky sees much of Apollo in Adonis, and agrees to mentor him, even as he battles an

opponent deadlier than any in the ring. With Rocky’s help, Adonis soon gets a title shot, but whether he has the true heart of a fighter remains to be seen. Director: Ryan Coogler Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Michael B. Jordan, Tessa Thompson, Graham McTavish Victor Frankenstein PG-13 109 min Drama | Horror | Sci-Fi Told from Igor’s perspective, we see the troubled young assistant’s dark origins, his redemptive friendship with the young medical student Viktor Von Frankenstein, and become eyewitnesses to the emergence of how Frankenstein became the man - and the legend - we know today. Director: Paul McGuigan Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, James McAvoy, Jessica Brown Findlay, Andrew Scott The Danish Girl R 120 min Biography | Drama The remarkable love story inspired by the lives of artists Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. Lili and Gerda’s marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili’s groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer. Director: Tom Hooper Stars: Alicia Vikander, Amber Heard, Eddie Redmayne, Ben Whishaw Killing Them Safely 100 min Documentary | Drama In the early 2000s, two brothers found tremendous success when their company began selling a device that has been called ‘the biggest revolution in law enforcement since the radio.’ But as their company grew, they made decisions that would have lasting impact on both the public and their increasingly skeptical customer base. Director: Nick Berardini

FILMS CURRENTLY PLAYING IN THEATERS Bridge of Spies PG-13 141 min Biography | Drama | History | Thriller During the Cold War, the Soviet Union captures U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers after shooting down his U-2 spy plane. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, Powers’ only hope is New York lawyer James Donovan (Tom Hanks), recruited by a CIA operative to negotiate his release. Donovan boards a plane to Berlin, hoping to win the young man’s freedom through a prisoner exchange. If all goes well, the Russians would get Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance), the convicted spy who Donovan defended in court. Director: Steven Spielberg Stars: Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Alan Alda, Amy Ryan Brooklyn PG-13 111 min Drama | Romance An Irish immigrant lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a new romance. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within. Director: John Crowley Stars: Saoirse Ronan, Domhnall Gleeson, Michael Zegen, Emory Cohen Burnt R 101 min Comedy | Drama Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) was once a top chef in Paris until drugs and alcohol led to a meltdown that put his career on hold. After moving from New Orleans to London, Adam gets a shot at redemption when his former maitre d’ (Daniel Brühl) reluctantly hires him as the head chef of his fine-dining restaurant. Demanding perfection from his newly formed staff (Sienna Miller, Omar Sy), the acerbic and temperamental Jones gets a second chance to fulfill his dream of earning a third Michelin star. Director: John Wells Stars: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Daniel Brühl, Riccardo


NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


Stars: Jack Black, Dylan Minnette, Odeya Rush

Crimson Peak R 119 min Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance | Thriller In the aftermath of a family tragedy, an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a house that breathes, bleeds...and remembers. Director: Guillermo del Toro Stars: Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, Tom Hiddleston

Hotel Transylvania 2 PG 89 min Animation | Comedy | Family | Fantasy Now that Dracula (Adam Sandler) has opened the Hotel Transylvania’s doors to humans, things are changing for the better; however, Drac is secretly worried that his half-human grandson, Dennis, isn’t showing his vampire side. So, while Mavis and Johnny are away, Drac enlists his friends to help him put the boy through a “monster-in-training” boot camp. But things really get batty when Drac’s cantankerous, old-school dad (Mel Brooks) pays an unexpected visit. Director: Genndy Tartakovsky Stars: Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James

Everest PG-13 121 min Adventure | Drama | Thriller On the morning of May 10, 1996, climbers (Jason Clarke, Josh Brolin) from two expeditions start their final ascent toward the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. With little warning, a violent storm strikes the mountain, engulfing the adventurers in one of the fiercest blizzards ever encountered by man. Challenged by the harshest conditions imaginable, the teams must endure blistering winds and freezing temperatures in an epic battle to survive against nearly impossible odds. Director: Baltasar Kormákur Stars: Jason Clarke, Ang Phula Sherpa, Thomas M. Wright, Martin Henderson Goosebumps PG 103 min Action | Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy Upset about moving from the big city to a small town, young Zach Cooper (Dylan Minnette) finds a silver lining when he meets his beautiful neighbor Hannah (Odeya Rush). The teen is surprised to learn that Hannah’s mysterious father is R.L. Stine (Jack Black), the famous author of the best-selling “Goosebumps” series. When Zach accidentally unleashes the monsters from the fantastic tales, it’s up to Stine, his daughter and Cooper to return the beasts back to the books where they belong. Director: Rob Letterman


Love 135 min Drama | Romance Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Unaware of the effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed. Director: Gaspar Noé Stars: Aomi Muyock, Karl Glusman, Klara Kristin, Juan Saavedra Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials PG-13 131 min Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller Transported to a remote fortified outpost, Thomas and his fellow teenage Gladers find themselves in trouble after uncovering a diabolical plot from the mysterious and powerful organization WCKD. With help from a new ally, the Gladers stage a daring escape into the Scorch, a desolate landscape filled with dangerous obstacles and crawling with the virus-infected Cranks. The Gladers only hope may be to find the Right Hand, a group of resistance fighters who can help them battle WCKD. Director: Wes Ball

Stars: Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Giancarlo Esposito Minions PG 91 min Animation | Comedy | Family Evolving from single-celled yellow organisms at the dawn of time, Minions live to serve, but find themselves working for a continual series of unsuccessful masters, from T. Rex to Napoleon. Without a master to grovel for, the Minions fall into a deep depression. But one minion, Kevin, has a plan; accompanied by his pals Stuart and Bob, Kevin sets forth to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. Their search leads them to Scarlet Overkill, the world’s first-ever super-villainess. Directors: Kyle Balda | Pierre Coffin Stars: Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Pierre Coffin Miss You Already PG-13 112 min Comedy | Drama | Romance Milly and Jess have been best friends forever. They’ve shared everything since they were kids - secrets, clothes, laughs, substances, boyfriends... now they are trying to be grown-ups. Milly has a high-flying job and lives in a beautiful townhouse with husband Kit and their two kids. Jess is a town planner and she and her boyfriend Jago live on a bohemian houseboat on a London canal. Their friendship is as rock solid as ever. That is until Jess struggles to have a much longed-for baby and Milly finds out she has breast cancer. How do you share that? Director: Catherine Hardwicke Stars: Drew Barrymore, Toni Collette, Dominic Cooper, Paddy Considine Our Brand Is Crisis R 107 min Comedy | Drama Failing badly in the polls, a Bolivian presidential candidate enlists the services of an American management team for help. The main star is “Calamity” Jane Bodine (Sandra Bullock), a

brilliant strategist who comes out of self-imposed retirement for a chance to beat her professional nemesis, the loathsome Pat Candy. With Candy working for the opposition, it becomes a down-and-dirty, all-out battle between political consultants, where nothing is sacred and winning is all that matters. Director: David Gordon Green Stars: Sandra Bullock, Billy Bob Thornton, Anthony Mackie, Joaquim de Almeida Pan PG 111 min Adventure | Family | Fantasy Living a bleak existence at a London orphanage, 12-year-old Peter (Levi Miller) finds himself whisked away to the fantastical world of Neverland. Adventure awaits as he meets new friend James Hook (Garrett Hedlund) and the warrior Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara). They must band together to save Neverland from the ruthless pirate Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman). Along the way, the rebellious and mischievous boy discovers his true destiny, becoming the hero forever known as Peter Pan. Director: Joe Wright Stars: Levi Miller, Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara Rock the Kasbah R Comedy | Music While visiting Kabul, Afghanistan, washed-up music manager Richie Lanz (Bill Murray) gets dumped by his last client. His luck changes when he meets Salima Khan (Leem Lubany), a Pashtun teenager with a beautiful voice who dreams of becoming the first female to compete on the television show “Afghan Star.” With help from a savvy hooker (Kate Hudson), two war profiteers and a trigger-happy mercenary (Bruce Willis), Richie embarks on a mission to make sure his new protégée gets discovered. Director: Barry Levinson Stars: Bill Murray, Zooey Deschanel, Bruce Willis Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse R 93 min Comedy | Horror What could possibly go wrong when three buddies (Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller, Joey Morgan) decide to join the Boy Scouts? When bloodthirsty, undead ghouls invade their once-peaceful town, it’s up to kindhearted Ben, quick-witted Carter and class clown Augie to save the day. With help from Denise (Sarah Dumont), a beautiful but tough cocktail waitress, the boys must put their scouting skills to the ultimate test to save mankind and earn their zombie-killing badges. Director: Christopher Landon Stars: Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller, Joey Morgan, Sarah Dumont Sicario R 121 min Action | Crime | Drama | Mystery | Thriller After rising through the ranks of her male-dominated profession, idealistic FBI agent Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) receives a top assignment. Recruited by mysterious government official Matt Graver (Josh Brolin), Kate joins a task force for the escalating war against drugs. Led by the intense and shadowy Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro), the team travels back-and-forth across the U.S.-Mexican border, using one cartel boss (Bernardo Saracino) to flush out a bigger one (Julio Cesar Cedillo). Director: Denis Villeneuve Stars: Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro, Jon Bernthal Spectre PG-13 148 min Action | Adventure | Thriller A cryptic message from the past leads James Bond (Daniel Craig) to Mexico City and Rome, where he meets the beautiful widow (Monica Bellucci) of an infamous criminal. After infiltrating a secret meeting, 007 uncovers the existence of the sinister organization SPECTRE. Needing the help of the daughter of an old nemesis, he embarks on a mission to find her. As Bond ventures toward the heart of SPECTRE, he discovers a chilling connection between himself and the enemy (Christoph Waltz) he seeks. Director: Sam Mendes Stars: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes, Léa Seydoux Spotlight R 128 min Biography | Drama | Thriller

In 2001, editor Marty Baron of The Boston Globe assigns a team of journalists to investigate allegations against John Geoghan, an unfrocked priest accused of molesting more than 80 boys. Led by editor Walter “Robby” Robinson, reporters Michael Rezendes (Mark Ruffalo), Matt Carroll and Sacha Pfeiffer interview victims and try to unseal sensitive documents. The reporters make it their mission to provide proof of a cover-up of sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church. Director: Tom McCarthy Stars: Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Liev Schreiber Suffragette PG-13 106 min Drama The foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State. Director: Sarah Gavron Stars: Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Meryl Streep The Intern PG-13 121 min Comedy Starting a new job can be a difficult challenge, especially if you’re already retired. Looking to get back into the game, 70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker (Robert De Niro) seizes the opportunity to become a senior intern at an online fashion site. Ben soon becomes popular with his younger co-workers, including Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway), the boss and founder of the company. Whittaker’s charm, wisdom and sense of humor help him develop a special bond and growing friendship with Jules. Director: Nancy Meyers Stars: Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro, Rene Russo, Nat Wolff The Last Witch Hunter PG-13 106 min - Action | Adventure | Fantasy The modern world holds many secrets, the most astounding being that witches still live among us. Centuries ago, Kaulder (Vin Diesel) managed to slay the all-powerful Witch Queen, decimating her followers in the process. Before her death, she cursed the valiant warrior with her own immortality, separating him from his beloved wife and daughter in the afterlife. Her resurrection now threatens the survival of the human race as Kaulder, the only one of his kind remaining, faces her vengeful wrath. Director: Breck Eisner Stars: Vin Diesel, Rose Leslie, Elijah Wood The Martian PG-13 141 min Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Director: Ridley Scott Stars: Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara The Peanuts Movie G 93 min Animation | Adventure | Comedy Life always seems complicated for good ol’ Charlie Brown, the boy who always tries his best against seemingly impossible odds. When the Little Red-Haired Girl moves into his neighborhood, Charlie Brown finds himself smitten with her. As he deals with his feelings, his best friend Snoopy embarks on his own adventure in a fantasy world. As a World War I flying ace, the lovable beagle pursues his nemesis, the Red Baron, while also trying to win the heart of a beautiful pilot named Fifi. Director: Steve Martino Stars: Kristin Chenoweth, Francesca Capaldi, Madisyn Shipman, Noah Schnapp The Perfect Guy PG-13 100 min Thriller With a fulfilling career and a loving relationship, lobbyist Leah Vaughn (Sanaa Lathan) seems to have it all. Things come crashing down when Dave, her long-term boyfriend, questions her future plans for marriage and a family. The resulting breakup leaves Leah heartbroken, until she meets the charming and handsome Carter Duncan (Michael Ealy). Soon, the budding romance turns dangerous as Carter reveals his volatile nature,


forcing Leah to turn the tables on the man she thought was Mr. Right. Director: David M. Rosenthal Stars: Sanaa Lathan, Michael Ealy, Morris Chestnut, Rutina Wesley The Visit PG-13 94 min Comedy | Horror Becca (Olivia DeJonge) and younger brother Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) say goodbye to their mother as they board a train and head deep into Pennsylvania farm country to meet their maternal grandparents for the first time. Welcomed by Nana (Deanna Dunagan) and Pop Pop (Peter McRobbie), all seems well until the siblings start to notice increasingly strange behavior from the seemingly charming couple. Once the children discover a shocking secret, they begin to wonder if they’ll ever make it home. Director: M. Night Shyamalan Stars: Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould, Deanna Dunagan, Peter McRobbie The Walk PG 123 min Adventure | Biography | Drama | Thriller As a boy, Philippe Petit dreams of performing daring feats for dazzled crowds. As an adult (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), his life’s ambition comes true when he becomes a high-wire artist who


stares death in the face with every step. Under the guidance of mentor Papa Rudy, the French daredevil devises a plan to walk on a tightrope attached to the north and south towers of the World Trade Center. With help from his team and against all odds, Petit attempts the seemingly impossible stunt on Aug. 7, 1974. Director: Robert Zemeckis Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Charlotte Le Bon, Guillaume Baillargeon, Émilie Leclerc Truth R 121 min Biography | Drama Newsroom drama detailing the 2004 CBS 60 Minutes report investigating then-President George W. Bush’s military service, and the subsequent firestorm of criticism that cost anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes their careers. Director: James Vanderbilt Stars: Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford, Dennis Quaid Woodlawn PG 123 min Drama A gifted high school football player must learn to embrace his talent and his faith as he battles racial tensions on and off the field. Directors: Andrew Erwin | Jon Erwin Stars: Sean Astin, Jon Voight, C. Thomas Howell

NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015




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DRUMMER WANTED Houston Doom band “Well Of Souls” Auditioning for a permanent drummer to perform live in concert as well as write and create new music for future releases. Must be a solid professional drummer who plays for the love of music.

Contact John Calvin at or Tim Wayne at ____________________ LOOKING FOR A DRUMMER Must own your own kit, have one year experience, have your own vehicle, live in North Houston and we prefer that you are 19 to 24 years old. Contact Bernardo at 832-655-5270 or Scott at 832-524-2206 ____________________ ROCKING ALONE AT HOME? SO AM I. New to Houston, looking for other musicians to jam with. Love heavy metal, especially power metal, progressive metal and classic stuff from the 70’s and 80’s. I play guitar and keyboards and play a little bass and drums. If interested contact Jacob Butcher at or call 410-562-4978 ____________________ I TRANSCRIBE I write down on sheet music, your own songs! Call Luis 713-392-5354 ____________________ DEDICATED DRUMMER WANTED Rock project starting up. I am a singer/guitarist and I have a dedicated bass player and singer. We have a lot of stage experience and are interested in gigging, recording, etc. No egos, no bullshit. Call Rob at 832-717-4129 ____________________ VOCALIST BASS PLAYER NEEDED Rock n’ Roll trio playing Elvis to Creedence. Spring area rehearsals. Pro Level only please. Call Paul 832-654-0860 ___________________ KEYBOARD PLAYER Looking for Jazz or Blues oriented group. Call me 713-305-6876 ____________________ NOW HIRING MUSIC TEACHERS Lessons taught in student’s home in The Wood-


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NOVEMBER 12 - 25, 2015


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