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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015




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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015




DID THE RETURN OF THE DON PROMPT THE RETURN OF BLOOM COUNTY 2015? Did you catch it last week? It’s back, or rather, he’s back... with them! Berkeley Breathed is back with Bloom County 2015! It’s proving the idiom that the more things change the more things stay the same. What prompted Breathed’s return? I will put forward an educated guess. Donald Trump is what brought Breathed back. That’s right; the Don prompted the return of Bloom County 2015. But why would I deduce that? As many of the highly educated Public News readers remember, the Bloom County strip of the 80’s and 90’s were the comeKen Petty dic ripping tool of Breathed’s toward government buffoonery anywhere it can be found. There wasn’t a personality sacred to be lampooned in his strip. George H W Bush, Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson and Oliver North were all lampooned in Breathed’s Bloom County. The most lampooned of all personalities was the Donald; Donald Trump. Now the Donald is back; and not by coincidence so is Bloom County. I, for one, feel pretty giddy at the notion that Bloom County is going to pick up where the original strip left off back in the 90’s. In the same breath (pun intended), I’m pretty stoked with the Donald coming back from the politically numb, as if there were any other kind. The Donald is running for president. That should give fodder to Bloom County 2015 for at least two years. I’ve taken time away from having the mainstream media (MSM) tell me what the Donald is saying to hear what the man is saying for himself.

Granted, the Donald does not use Teleprompters but rather speaks from his heart. Trump is bringing to the surface issues that have been kicked down the road so long that we are well past the edge of the cliff much like Wiley E. Coyote in Road Runner cartoons. The illusion that all is well is finally having the curtain pulled away to expose what reality truly is for us. As Congress and the POTUS scream “Don’t pay any attention to that man behind the curtain,” the Donald is saying “The man behind the curtain is a stupid man.” Love him or loathe him, you have to respect that Trump is speaking up. He is not bought by George Soros, Trump is his own man. Everyone else that Soros has in his pocket is very scared at Trump’s rise in the polls (as well as Hillary’s freefall in the Democrat love fest). Soros backed MSM as well as Soros funded candidates do not have truth as a principal. Control is their primary objective. Trump’s message is pretty much spot-on. Listen to a full speech of Trump’s. The Establishment Republicans (aka RINOS) want Trump to go away quietly. If not, the RINO’S will keep Trump from the GOP debates. All of them. America is in a world of hurt. If one part of the United States falters (looking at you California) then the rest of the country is going to suffer just by being linked together through Washington DC. It’s very much how Greece, Portugal and Spain are bringing the EU to its knees. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The United States’ weakest links are the people “serving” as officials in the three branches of the Federal government. Get rid of them and the money that fund their selfish controlling wanton desires. Give the excess tax bounty back to hard working Americans, and let them invest in wherever each one determines. This is what will make America great again! Whoa… I just sounded like Trump! Maybe he’s right after all.



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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015



ENDICOTT & CO ENJOIN WITH NEW HOUSTON RESTAURANT THIRTEEN PIES Austin’s Endicott & Company is proud to announce its new client relationship with two of Houston’s new restaurants, Thirteen Pies and a farm to table concept yet to be named. Endicott is very pleased to be working with Raised Palate’s Executive Officer, Christine Magrann and Brand Manager Amanda McFarland. There are currently 5 Raised Palate restaurants in Texas, and 2 in Georgia. Thirteen Pies is an inti-

mate neighborhood restaurant dedicated to serving outstanding artisan pizzas made in hot wood-fired ovens, as well as items that naturally compliment pizza. These include hand-cut pasta, market fresh salads, craveable appetizers, house-made desserts and, of course, a thoughtful selection of fine wines, craft beers and scratch cocktails. Thirteen Pies evokes the soul of heartfelt rustic cooking, genuine hospitality and the joyous spirit of a great gathering place.

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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015



TOMBALL STATION AGENT MEMORIAL ART PIECE CONTINUES ON SCHEDULE by Mike Baxter The life-sized sculpture honoring longtime Tomball Depot Station Agent Ken Walden is running on schedule according to Cy-Fair based artist Shirley Scarpetta . Walden, who passed away at the desk inside Tomball’s historic downtown Depot on May 3rd, was the face of the Depot and a volunteer honored by both the City and the Tomball Rotary Club in recent years. The sculpture will depict Walden leaning on the “talking rail” along the Depot’s south side overlooking the caboose and the future site of the Texas Railroading Heritage Museum

scheduled for late 2017. Though the project has been underwritten by the City through the Tomball Legacy Fund, public contributions are still being raised to off-set the estimated $30,000 cost. More than $13,000 has been collected to date. Donations may still be made in-person at the Tomball City Hall, or on-line through a Go Fund Me account at Pictured is artist Shirley Scarpetta working on the clay sculpture that is the basis for the finished bronze piece.


The Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber of Commerce recently had a ribbon cutting for Montgomery Summit Business Park June 12, 2015, at its location in Montgomery, Texas. The business is a master planned and


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015

deed restricted business park with more than 500,000 square feet of retail, office and office/ warehouse flex space. Pictured are the owners and employees of the business park as well as Conroe Chamber diplomats.



A Burmese python exhibit at Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center is helping spread awareness about responsible pet ownership. The exhibit now features information about how Lucky the python went from an abandoned pet to a main attraction. After being found near death in June 2003 in the wild, Lucky was turned over to Mike Howlett, a Precinct 4 Parks employee and past president of East Texas Herpetological Society. At the time, Howlett had been running Houston Herpetological Supply and had experience as a veterinarian technician. After meeting Lucky for the first time, Howlett could tell she had been someone’s pet. Though her neck had been slit to the bone, Lucky was so tame, she never struck her rescuer, even during a two- to three-hour surgery. “It’s extremely rare to come across an injury like that out in nature,” he said. “When a snake is attacked by a person, the injury is usually to the top of the body. This snake’s throat was slit from underneath, and it was left to die.” Although inflamed, Lucky’s windpipe and esophagus were still intact. When she was able to eat and complete a shed cycle, Howlett knew she’d recover. After living in a temporary home for a number of years, Lucky moved to Jones Park permanently three years ago, where she has thrived. Now 10 feet long and about 15 years old, Lucky is on regular display at the Nature Center with a new sign educating others about responsible pet ownership. Lucky also appears in regular Jones Park programs including Reptile Open House on Aug. 1, Frogs and Fangs in the spring, Tricks & Treats during Halloween weekend, and NatureFest in March as well as during weekend programs, school tours, and summer programs at Jones Park and Big Stone Lodge. “We hope when people hear Lucky’s story,

they will do their research before adopting a pet they possibly can’t care for in a year or two. Exotic animals, especially reptiles, are the hardest to place,” said Jones Park Director Darlene Conley. “Lucky was an exception. Most people who find a snake in the woods would not report it or try to find a snake rescue.” Howlett agreed. When an owner decides to give up a snake, finding it a new home can be difficult, he said. City and county animal control won’t take unwanted snakes and many rescue organizations aren’t equipped to handle them. Some snake owners abandon their pets in the wild, thinking they’ll be able to survive. “Pythons are tropical animals. Even without her extensive injuries, Lucky would not have been able to survive a colder Houston winter,” said Howlett. In other cases, abandoned animals can become an invasive species, killing natives and overbreeding with no natural predators to control the population. For example, Burmese Pythons are considered an invasive species in Florida, where they can shelter in the Everglades to survive the winter. “Owning a snake is a long-term commitment. Pythons can live over 40 years” said Howlett. “You don’t buy an 18 inch baby Burmese Python and expect it to stay small forever. They are the fourth largest snake in the world and average 13 feet. Some have even reached 20 feet.” Before adopting any pet, potential owners should research the costs associated with that animal, along with its size and activity levels. While snakes aren’t for everyone, they can make wonderful pets without the daily maintenance of other common household pets, said Howlett.


CONROE 360 GRADUATES! by Amber Blevins

Each year the City of Conroe accepts applications from city employees for its cross training learning initiative class known as Conroe 360. The Conroe 360 course is designed to give city staff full exposure to the variety of city functions and services provided to the citizens of Conroe through their public service municipal work. They participate in monthly class meetings to enhance their knowledge of what every city department does. They gain a better prospective of what their colleagues do on a daily basis and also learn how they can assist the community better. Each class is challenged to come together to establish a service project that benefits the City of Conroe. Now in its second year and with a class of 20 city employees, the class chose as the Conroe 360 Class of 2015 project to be, 360 Trees from Conroe 360. The City of Conroe residents have recently expressed their love for trees within the community and City Council has worked hard towards enacting tree clearing ordinances to

protect them. The 2015 Conroe 360 Class has identified the loss of trees within the City as a local concern and proposed to make a significant difference in the community by replacing 360 trees that have been lost. They planned to plant a total of 260 trees combined the four medians at S Loop 336 & I-45. There are two on the west side of I-45 and two on the east side. They will have an extra 100 trees on hand. In the event that some of the trees they planted die, they will be able to replace them. The remanding trees will be planted within the City of Conroe. This project is taking place in front of the former Camp Strake now owned by Johnson Development and called Grand Central Park. The trees will also be beautifying the area in front of Fidelis Realty Partners Entertainment Hub development, 336 Marketplace, within Grand Central Park. The landscaping and irrigation plans for the project were donated to the class from Burditt Consultants. There will be rows of 15 gallon

Loblolly Pine trees and then in front of them will be 15 gallon Shumard Oak trees. Hunter Industries has donated a great portion of the irrigation materials to the class. The class has contracted Sergio’s Lawn Service & Landscaping to do the installation of the drip irrigation system. Owner, Sergio Martinez, is the Vice President of the Gulf Coast Houston Irrigation Association. Stages of project: All four medians had water taps installed through the cities underground water lines for the irrigation system. All were being hooked up to meters that will track the water output. This work was completed by the City of Conroe Public Works Department. All 260 spots on all four medians where the 260 trees are going to be planted were marked with flags by Classmate Eric Pelley and Glenn Jefferson with the City of Conroe’s Engineering Department. This was in preparation for the laying of the drip irrigation system.


Conroe 360 classmate Joel Pickering and the City of Conroe’s Public Works Department would be digging each hole for the class to plant the trees. All four medians had the irrigation system installed underground. Backflow preventions, 1” lateral lines, and distribution tubing to every spot where a tree will be planted for the drip irrigation system were all installed. This work was completed by Sergio’s Landscaping. On Friday, June 5th classmate Joel Pickering and the City of Conroe’s Public Works Department dug 186 holes on the west side of I-45 on the two largest medians. These are the ones in front of Incredible Pizza and Waffle House. On Saturday, June 6th the class was on the project site and planted 59 Shumard Oak trees on the largest median. They also placed two 6’ wooden stakes beside each tree and connected the stakes to the trees with Arbor Ties to help hold the trees in place. They had plans to do both of the medians on the west side on this day but the Texas heat was in full force. It was still a very productive day for Conroe 360! Following the planting of the trees, Sergio’s Landscaping went out and installed drip rings around each of the 59 Shumard Oak trees that the class planted. The drip ring is connected to the distribution tube that comes out of the ground off of the lateral line underground. There are small holes in the drip ring that will distribute water to the root ball of each tree. There will be controllers at each zone on the medians that will allow the city to control the amount of water being distributed. To be ecofriendly, the controllers were run off of solar panels that were donated by Hunter Industries. The weekend of June 27th, Sergio’s Landscaping planted the remaining 201 trees for the class. He also placed all of the drip rings around every tree as well as finish the installation of the irrigation system.

JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015




EVENT CALENDAR Send us your events for inclusion in our Events Calendar


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outside the mainstream of theater, music, film and dance performed in the Houston area. In other words: the weirder, the better. For more information visit About Houston Fringe The Houston Fringe Festival is an annual performing arts festival presented by FrenetiCore in Houston’s East End. The festival, now in its sixth year, takes place over five days and offers the best independent theatre, film, dance and music from Houston area artists and beyond. For more information visit www.

THIS WEEK & BEYOND FESTIVALS 2015 Houston International Jazz Festival Kickoff Party Friday, July 31, 2015 5pm Music World Entertainment 1505 Hadley St., Houston, TX 77002 The kickoff party for the 2015 Houston International Jazz Festival will span the entire Music World complex, featuring non-stop music entertainment, complimentary margaritas from Teqava, art exhibits, a burlesque host, period impersonators, a second line band and more. Tickets start at $20.

Every Day’s A New Day 4880 Louetta Rd. Spring, TX OPEN Daily 5:30am to 8 pm

Messina Hof Winery & Resort presents Moonlit Harvest Festival Friday, July 31, 2015 6:30pm Messina Hof Winery & Resort 4545 Old Reliance Road, Bryan, TX 77808 Messina Hof will present the official kickoff of the 38th Annual Harvest Festival. This event will feature the Blessing of the Vines,



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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015



grape-picking in the estate vineyard followed by a traditional grape stomping. Afterwards, guests will dine in The Gallery featuring a fabulous Vineyard Cuisine buffet from The Vintage House Restaurant. Tickets are $69.50. For more information call 979-778-9463 or visit them on the web at Houston Fringe Festival September 23 -27, 2015 The Houston Fringe Festival is a five-day event in which performers and companies from any city or country present original artistic work at participating venues in Houston’s East End. The annual festival features over 100 companies and individual artists each year, showcasing talent from Houston and beyond. The Houston Fringe supports both emerging and established performing and visual arts. The Fringe exists to present daring and conceptually challenging performances that fit

Cypress Triathlon Festival Saturday-Sunday July 25 - 26, 2015 Bridgeland Community In Cypress USA Triathlon’s largest South Midwest Region stand along sprint triathlon is back for its 7th year!” The Cypress Triathlon is a mid season, short, fast, has a ton of compeition, a beautiful venue, supportive community, is very beginner friendly and is well marked with one of the safest courses you will ever come across. There is also a kids triathlon (pool swim with about 350 kids) and a Doggie Splash’N Dash the day before, on Saturday, with the main event taking place on Sunday. This is our longest running triathlon and the fastest by far. Courses are the same again this year. Run Houston! Sunday, September 27, 2015 Universisty of Houston Run Houston! University of Houston is a running event that includes race distances for athletes of all skill levels. As with all events in the Run Houston! Race Series, this is a family-friendly event that includes 5k and 10k races as well as a kids 1k race. The course weaves through the scenic and iconic University of Houston main campus with an over-the-top start and one of the best post

EVENT CALENDAR races in town. Join us for the inaugural event on September, 27 2015 and take part in what’s sure to become a Houston classic!

STAGES Main Street Theater presents Fancy Nancy: The Musical Saturdays ongoing through August 1, 2015, 10:30am, 1pm and 4pm Talento Bilingüe de Houston 333 S. Jensen Dr., Houston, TX 77003 Main Street Theater will present Fancy Nancy: The Musical?. Meet Nancy: From the top of her tiara down to her sparkly studded shoes, Nancy believes that more is ALWAYS better when it comes to being fancy. But can Nancy bring fancy flair to her recital when she doesn’t get the role she wanted? This whimsical musical based on the bestselling books has been a smash hit in theaters all over the country. Recommended for Pre-Kindergarten and up. Children under the age of 3 (including sleeping babies) are not allowed in the theater. Tickets start at $18. For more information call 713-222-1213 or visit them on the web at

The Music Box Theater presents Feelin’ Groovy Fridays and Saturdays ongoing through August 1, 2015 7:30pm Music Box Theater 2623 Colquitt St., Houston, TX 77098 From 1965 through 1975, popular music provided the soundtrack to events what would redefine the nation’s attitudes and identity. Great artists like Jim Croce, Bob Dylan, The Mamas and The Papas, The Byrds, Jimi Hendrix and Linda Ronstadt came of age during this decade of upheaval in America and the world. In “Feelin’ Groovy,” The Music Boxers will sing a selection of songs from this period and attempt to capture the spirit of a transforma-

tional era. Tickets start at $27. For more information call 713-522-7722 or visit their website at www. Alley Theatre presents The Foreigner Running through Sunday August 9, 2015 Lyndall Finley Wortham Theatre - University of Houston 4149 Elgin, Houston, TX 77204 The Foreigner is one of the most popular comedies in the Alley Theatre’s history. In the marvelously funny comedy, Alley Resident Company member Jeffrey Bean leads the cast of this comic gem, set in a remote fishing lodge, where socially awkward Charlie discovers intriguing and dangerous secrets under the guise of a foreigner who speaks no English. Suitable for general audiences. Tickets start at $26. For more information call 713-220-5700 or visit them on the web at

Assassins the Musical Ongoing through Saturday July 25, 2015 Obsidian Theater 3522 White Oak Drive, Houston, TX 77007 Standing Room Only Productions will present Assassins, Stephen Sondheim’s musical masterpiece. Assassins shares the stories of the men and women who attempted or succeeded to assassinate American Presidents. While every nation has its assassins and would-be assassins, only in America, the authors suggest, do disturbed and disturbing individuals act because they hope to influence national politics, and because they are wrapped up in a malignant sense of entitlement. Feeling betrayed by the failed promise of American democracy and the American Dream, they strike out at the

symbol for America: the American President. Assassins spans several musical styles and many decades in a dizzying series of musical and theatrical inventions that culminate in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Tickets start at $20. For more information call 713-300-2358 or visit them on the web at Shrek, The Musical July 10 - 26, 2015 Crighton Theatre Join our unlikely hero and his loyal steed Donkey as they embark on a quest to rescue the beautiful (if slightly temperamental) Princess Fiona from a fire breathing, love-sick dragon. Add the diminutive Lord Farquaad, a gang of fairytale misfits, and a biscuit with attitude, and you’ve got the biggest, brightest musical comedy around! Featuring all new songs as well as cult Shrek anthem I’m a Believer, SHREK THE MUSICAL brings all the muchloved DreamWorks characters to life, live on stage, in an all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza. Join the adventure! Performances for Shrek the Musical are July 10-26, 2015! Note that an additional matinee has been added the last weekend on Saturday at 2pm.

14 Pews presents The Fever Mondays through August 3, 2015 7:30pm 14 Pews 800 Aurora St., Houston, TX 14 Pews will present their first theatrical production, The Fever, by the Obie-winning playwright Wallace Shawn. The one-man play explores what is going on through the mind of a man as he writhes in pain and disgust, shivering through what remains of the hot night on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor in his electricity-bereft hotel room. He muses on his

own privileged life and tries to put into words the feelings that explode when an inwardlooking aesthete meets the brutal world and sees it for what it is, and sees himself as a collaborator against the poor. Most of the performances of The Fever will be held a luxury suite at the elegant La Colombe D’Or Hotel, honoring how the playwright originally wanted the play to be performed - in front of no more than 20 people. However, Monday nights will be Industry Night, where people can Pay-What-They-Can and will be performed at 14 Pews. Admission is on a pay-what-you-can basis with a suggested donation of $20. For more information call 281-888-9677 or visit them on the web at A.D. Players presents Joshua and the Ta-Ra, Ta-Raa, Ta-Raa Running through Sunday August 16, 2015 A.D. Players Grace Theater 2710 W. Alabama St., Houston, TX 77098 A.D. Players will present Joshua and the Ta-Ra, Ta-Raa, Ta-Raa, a wildly entertaining musical comedy for children of all ages about Joshua being chosen to succeed Moses and lead the Israelites to claim the Promised Land - and of course, about those falling walls. Along the way a young boy discovers that fear can be overcome with the help of God and a grandmother. Tickets are $14. For more information visit them on the web at Catastrophic Theatre presents The University of Tamarie Running through Saturday August 29, 2015 Catastrophic Theatre 1119 East Freeway, Houston, TX 77002 As a mother of a child entering kindergarten, Tamarie’s got education on her mind. This summer, school’s in session at the University of Tamarie. Tamarie takes on the Texas State Board of Education, drama departments, high school memories, schoolyard bullies, hot teachers, Greek life, John Hughes movies, standardized testing, her own academic shortcomings (she’s a three-time college drop out) and much more. The University of Tamarie is the 18th installment of the Tamarie Cooper juggernaut. Since 1996, Cooper has wowed Houston audiences almost every summer with an entirely original, full-scale, musical comedy extravaganza filled to the brim with songs and gags and hi-jinx from some of Houston’s funniest theater artcontinued on page 10


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015





Dear Jody, I was wondering if I should drag my boss into a situation. I have a coworker who keeps making rude comments to me and seems to be undermining everything I do. I have tried to downplay it and not let it bother me, but all I can think of is how much better it would be if I had another job, even though I really love what I do at my current job. It obviously is getting to me, and I don’t know what Jody Reed to do. Should I risk sounding like a whiny kid and go to my boss about it? Fed Up Dear Fed Up, Ignoring the situation hasn’t worked for you, so I’d say it’s about time to initiate Plan B. Workplace bullying is not okay. First of all, be confident and let this coworker know that his/her behavior is unacceptable to you and ask that it stop. If that doesn’t do the trick, then you should go to your boss and explain what is going on. Perhaps your boss will provide a solution that will end the bullying. It will likely include a meeting with you and the coworker. I hope it works out for you. Just know that if you change jobs, there may be someone else that is antagonistic towards you. Unfortunately, conflicts can arise anywhere...there are so very many different personalities in this world. At least life is not boring! Dear Jody, Could you please suggest some things to do with the kids over the summer? I have a limited budget and four active children, ages 3 to

10. We need to get out and have some fun... going stir crazy over here! Frazzled Dear Frazzled, Summertime in Texas can be draining in the intense heat, but being cooped up inside with little ones can be equally as draining! The public library has a lot of children’s programs during the summer, and being in the library checking out new books is a great way to encourage blooming readers. Another option is to join the YMCA for a month or two and hang out at the swimming pools they offer. Being in the water is a great way to spend time outdoors while staying cool. Many local churches offer VBS programs for school aged children, and most of them are at no cost to you. And of course, scheduling play dates for your children is a fabulous way to keep them connected to their peers. When all else fails, create a fun treasure hunt for them at your home. Who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt? Hopefully some of these ideas will help you and your kiddos beat the heat without getting frazzled! Jody Dear Jody, I have a BIG problem that I hope you can help me solve. Are you ready for something this big? Okay, here it is. Find the slope and concavity of the graph of x to the 2nd power times y + y to the 4th power = 4 + 2x at the point (2, 2). The Mathematician Dear Mathematician, Ha! I’m getting a headache just looking at that problem. My best advice for you is to track down a college professor in the field of higher mathematics. You would not want me to even attempt solving that kind of problem... Jody

continued from page 9 ists. Her original plays have been among the most wildly popular summer offerings. Tickets are on a pay-what-you-can basis with a suggested ticket price of $25. For more information call 713-522-2723 or visit them on the web at Stages Repertory Theatre presents The Honky Tonk Angels Running through Sunday September 6, 2015 Stages Repertory Theatre 3201 Allen Pkwy., Houston, TX 77019 In this country music extravaganza, three wide-eyed dreamers meet on a bus bound for Nashville and sing their way along the bumpy road to stardom. With romance, husband trouble and a little gospel thrown in for good measure, this torchin’ and twangin’ songfest features favorite hits including “9 to 5,” “Delta Dawn,” “Coal Miner’s Daughter” and “Stand by Your Man,” and celebrates women’s voices in country music throughout the years. Tickets start at $21. For more information call 713-527-0123 or visit them on the web at

Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Company presents The Drowning Girls Running through Saturday August 1, 2015 Studio 101 at Spring Street Studios 1824 Spring St., Houston, TX 77007 Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Company presents the regional premiere of The Drowning Girls by Beth Graham, Charlie Tomlinson and Daniela Vlaskalic. A modern interpretation and poetic retelling of the “Brides in the Bath” slayings in 20th century England, the play also examines the lengthy history of misogyny and domestic abuse in modern civilization. Originally produced in Canada for the Edmonton Fringe Festival, the work will make its Houston debut. In line with MU’s mission to promote and support the work of women, the play, written by three female playwrights, illustrates how far women have come in the fight for equality in the past 100 years. Tickets start at $15. For more information call 832-463-0409 or visit them on the web at Broadway at the Hobby Center presents Motown The Musical Running through July 26, 2015 Hobby Center for the Performing Arts


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


800 Bagby St., Houston, TX 77002 Motown The Musical is the true American dream story of Motown founder Berry Gordy’s journey from featherweight boxer to the heavyweight music mogul who launched the careers of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Smokey Robinson and many more. Tickets start at $25.50. For more information call 713-622-7469 or visit them on the web at Trav’lin: The 1930’s Harlem Musical Running through July 26, 2015 The Ensemble Theatre 3535 Main St., Houston, TX 77002 Trav’lin: The 1930’s Harlem Musical is a humorous, heart-warming story of three couples playing the game of love in 1930’s Harlem. The jazz-inflected score celebrates the music of Harlem Renaissance composer J. C. Johnson and is reminiscent of many well-known, bluesy Broadway shows. For tickets and information, call them at 713520-0055 or visit them on the web at www.

2015 Houston Shakespeare Festival: Macbeth Starting Friday, July 31 through Saturday August 8, 2015 8:30pm Miller Outdoor Theatre 6000 Hermann Park Drive, Houston, TX 77030 The University of Houston will present Macbeth as part of the annual Houston Shakespeare Festival. Three mysterious witches promise a great future to a worthy soldier, firing his ambition. His power-hungry wife urges him to shape his fate, no matter the cost. But what price must a man of conscience pay to pursue his hungriest ambitions? This is a ticketed event for the covered seating area. Free tickets are available (4 per person over age 16 while they last) at the Miller Outdoor Theatre box office the day of the performance between the hours of 10:30 am-1 pm. If tickets remain at 1 pm, the box office will re-open one hour before show time to distribute the remaining tickets. As always, open seating on the hill. Admission is free. For more information call 281-373-3386 or visit them on the web at 2015 Houston Shakespeare Festival: The Merchant of Venice Starting Saturday August 1 through Sunday August 9, 2015 Miller Outdoor Theatre 6000 Hermann Park Drive, Houston, TX 77030 The University of Houston will present The Merchant of Venice as part of the annual Houston Shakespeare Festival. In the City of Commerce, Antonio’s business thrives, yet he finds himself strapped for cash. In the City of Glamour, Portia’s romantic suitors must submit to a lottery for a chance at winning her hand. At the crossroads of these two plots stands Shylock, whose novel way of securing interest sets them all on a path that

EVENT CALENDAR continued will force choices between justice and mercy. This is a ticketed event for the covered seating area. Free tickets are available (4 per person over age 16 while they last) at the Miller Outdoor Theatre box office the day of the performance between the hours of 10:30 am-1 pm. If tickets remain at 1 pm, the box office will re-open one hour before show time to distribute the remaining tickets. As always, open seating on the hill. Admission is free. For more information call 281-373-3386 or visit them on the web at

Integration August 20 and 21, 2015 8 p.m. Frenetic Theater 5102 Navigation Boulevard Integration is a multimedia dance project that explores the idea of social conformity and what happens to humanity when Earth as we know it no longer exists. The evening will present a visually stimulating environment that promises to capture the audience’s imagination through a world where humans no longer identify with individuality and conform to the larger social mass. Integration opens with a glimpse into humanity’s potential future in a disavowed world depleted of all resources, and survival is not taken for granted. Laborers, religious fanatics, and beggars fill the stage as the remnants of a once thriving society, desperate and struggling to push on. The dancers move independently, yet, synchronously as a single breathing being each different and unique. Video projections depict an environment filled with dust and nothingness. Until one day when everything changes. Part two of Integration begins with a devastated earth where individuality has countermanded. The choreography is militaristic and sharp depicts a drone-like atmosphere. Video projections transport Integration to another world, and the introduction of a mutating box is the vehement symbol of conformity. Despite the overpowering of the individual, one character has preserved her sense of self. Will she escape, or be forced to conform? Integration features choreography by Jaime Frugé, costume design by Marissa Marsh, and lighting design by Mitchell Cronin. Video Projection, also by Frugé, will trigger the creation and destruction of a forsaken earth and the emergence of Integration’s dystopia. Integration promises to challenge the audience’s idea of choreography through the engineering and construction of a morphing confined space. Integration is native Houstonian Jaime Fruge’s choreographic debut in Houston. Jaime is a 2015 Frenetic Theater Artist Board Member and is excited to premiere her first full-length work as a part of the Artist Board Program on August 20th and 21st at 8 pm at Frenetic

Theater. Cast includes Michelle Cantua, Anthony Davis, Kayla Hyde, Margaret Leary, Brianna, McCray, Michelle McKay, Katherine Turner, and Victoria Woods. Tickets: $15 For tickets and more information please visit Actor’s Gem Productions presents Celebrity Mystery Theater Second Saturday of the month 6:45pm The Spaghetti Warehouse 901 Commerce St., Houston, TX 77002 Imagine yourself enjoying dinner, socializing with friends, having a few drinks . . . when suddenly a murder is committed. Let the wacky antics of two famous detectives, never seen together before anywhere, amuse you as they solve the crime. Who did it? Was it Fran Drescher, Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, Rocky Balboa, Bill Clinton, Joan Crawford or was it you? Admission is $55 and includes a three-course meal, dinner show, soft drinks and gratuity. Reservations are required. For more information call 713-305-8117 or visit them on the web at


FotoFest presents I Am a Camera Exhibit runs through August 29, 2015 FotoFest 2000 Edwards Street Building C, Suite 2, Houston, TX 77007 FotoFest will present I Am a Camera, an exhibition featuring nine international artists exhibiting work focused on communities; specifically lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer (LGBTQ) and questioning communities. I Am A Camera is about representation, sexual orientation, gender identity expression and society. The members of the communities pictured self-identify across a broad spectrum of sexuality, gender roles, race, class, culture and politics. A varied and diverse population, it resists generalization and traditional, normative expectations. As such, LGBTQ communities have defined themselves on their own terms. I Am A Camera is an exhibition that also performs as a conduit for sexual orientation and gender identity expression. The artists in I Am A Camera explore a number of humanist themes, including relationships, self-realization and determination, class struggle, and community and space building. Their works encompass traditional black & white photography, contemporary staged photography, film, video and installation work. They represent a wide spectrum of sexual identification – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and queer-allied. The artists include Zackary Drucker &

ONGOING EVENTS ARTS Conroe Art League Every Monday 9:30am-12:30pm Every Wednesday 6pm-9pm The Wonders of Watercolor Classes with Carrie Allbritton! Carrie discounts that old saying that watercolor is the hardest media and unforgiving, believing instead that when you understand the paints and what they do on paper, you will find it fun, rewarding and very forgiving. Ongoing watercolor classes every Monday from 9:30am - 12:30pm AND every Wednesday from 6:00pm - 9:00pm at the Conroe Art League Gallery. Contact Carrie directly at: carrieallbritton@ or 936-444-7303 Cost: $25.00 per class (payable a month in advance) Conroe Art League Every Tuesday 1pm-3:30pm Oil Painting Classes w/Gary Hernandez Each student works at his/her own pace in a creative and pleasant atmosphere. The students will learn the tools and materials of oil painting. New students will be painting a new painting at the first session. You will copy master paintings as a pathway to creating your own style of painting. You will learn.... -How to use a grid to quickly layout the painting. -How to select the right palette. -How to select and mix colors. -How to select the right paint brushes -How to apply color theory and use the color wheel. -How to pick the right canvas and how to coat a canvas. -How to varnish a painting. -How to paint in Grisaille These are only a few of the tips I will teach you to create successful paintings and more importantly have an enjoyable painting experience. Ongoing classes every Tuesday from 1:00pm - 3:30pm at the Conroe Art League Gallery127 Simonton St. - Conroe, TX 77301 Contact Gary Hernandez directly to sign up: 713-569-9209 or garyhernandezstudio@ Cost: $35.00/per class paid in advance monthly. Conroe Art League Second Tuesday of the month 2:30pm-6pm Photography Learning Center w/Ed Gorman The Photography Learning Center is back at the Conroe Art Gallery!! If you have questions about photography or how to use your camera, whether it’s a DSLR, SLR, film, cell phone, iPad, etc., then come to the Conroe Art Gallery on the second Tuesday of each month from 2:30pm - 6:00pm. The Conroe Art Gallery is at 127 Simonton St., Conroe, TX 77301. Ed will show you how to work your camera and take better photographs. Contact Ed Gorman: edgorman1973@gmail. com or call 936-443-3487 for more information.

continued on page 12


Conroe Art League First and Third Thursday 1pm-3:30pm Figure Drawing Group Classes are at the Conroe Art League Gallery 127 Simonton St. Conroe, TX 77301 Live Model, All Skill Levels Welcome! For more information contact: Darby Kachmar 936-2285126 or Marilyn Lowry mlowry3@comcast. net or 936-447-1579 Fee is $10 per session, no reservation necessary Conroe Art League Every Thursday 2pm-4:30pm Painting with Pastels This is an ongoing weekly course, beginning February 5, 2015. The class meets every Thursday from 2:00pm - 4:30pm in the upstairs classroom at the Conroe Art League Gallery - 127 Simonton St. - Conroe, TX 77301. Painting in pastels is quick, easy, colorful, beautiful, very portable - and FUN! Handled correctly, pastels will last many lifetimes and their pure colors never fade, crack, or peel. No stress and no pressure here to paint a masterpiece. You’ll learn how to turn “happy accidents” into a part of your painting, or erase it - pastels are very forgiving. Everyone will hjave a chance to experiment with different techniques and materials, and you’ll develop your own unique style over time. For those who are new to art, you’ll learn the basics of drawing and painting. For more experienced artists who are new to pastels, you’ll learn the characteristics and techniques that are unique to pastels. At the end of each class, you’ll have a finished or nearly-finished painting to take home, ready for framing. Each student is encouraged to learn at their own pace. You are welcomed to do a class-based painting from reference photos provided by the instructor, or bring in your own reference materials to use. We may also paint from life, or go outdoors to paint as the weather permits. During this ongoing course, you will: -Improve your drawing skills, including proportions and perspective. -Learn how to see and paint values, types of underpaintings, both wet and dry. -Create different effects using hard vs. soft pastels. -Layer and blend pastels to get exactly the color you want. -Develop and use a portable pastel kit for outdoor painting and travel. -Know how to paint trees, clouds and water. -Learn how to paint and draw from life and en plein air (outdoors). There’s no pressure to develop a masterpiece or “do it right”. This class is all about having fun and discovering the artist in you. You’ll have lots of individual attention from the instructor with helpful feedback so your paintings keep getting better. Your supply list has options to fit a budget, and everyone is welcomed to register and join us any time. Please contact the instructor, Kathy Fediw, at or call her business number at 281-687-6966, if you have any questions and for a list of materials. Cost: $30.00 per class, payable at the first of each month or at the beginning of each session. Instructor: Kathy Fediw, LEED AP ID+C, continued on page 15

JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015





Was an innocent man locked up while his prosecutor became a TV star?

by Matt DeLuca If you’ve paid any attention to the Texas criminal justice system in the last few years, you may have heard the stories of Michael Morton and Anthony Graves – two innocent men who spent years in prison for crimes they did not commit, both due in part to egregious prosecutorial misconduct. The shameful prosecutors in those cases have since been disbarred. But will that same fate be suffered by star of TNT’s “Cold Justice” and former Harris County prosecutor Kelly Siegler? In 2007, a Harris County jury convicted Matt DeLuca David Temple of the horrific murder of his pregnant wife, Belinda. Over the next eight years, Temple sat behind bars, perceived by the public as a monster. Meanwhile, Kelly Siegler, the (in) famous prosecutor who helped convict Temple gained national attention as the star of her own TV show, TNT’s “Cold Justice.” After trial, Temple’s attorney, Dick DeGuerin, famously said that Siegler had finally “convicted an innocent man.” And in the years that followed, Temple and his attorneys continued to claim his innocence. But were these just typical sound bites from a convicted murderer still exercising his appeals – or was there more to it? Temple’s team specifically claimed that a new witness had come forward after trial about a suspect who had bragged about burglarizing the Temple home on the day of the murder and firing his shotgun inside the residence. On July 8, 2015, following a two and a half month hearing in which Siegler and more than 30 other witnesses testified, Judge Larry Gist filed a scathing 19-page ruling that recommended Temple’s murder conviction be vacated and he be given a new trial. In his ruling, Judge Gist listed 36 specific instances where Siegler

withheld evidence or information that would have been favorable to Temple’s defense. The findings included: Siegler had a sheriff’s deputy contact the new witness who had come forward after the trial, and after the deputy did so, the witness’s story changed significantly, Siegler withheld certain investigators reports from the defense, Siegler withheld the statement of a woman who called the police stating her husband may have killed the victim, and Siegler even helped get an attorney for the alternate suspect the defense believed may have been the actual killer. But why would a prosecutor withhold this information? Siegler stated that evidence favorable to Temple’s defense did not need to be disclosed if the State did not believe it was true. She really said that. And this exposes a greater problem. Prosecutors and law enforcement can develop tunnel vision while investigating a case. They latch on to a suspect and make that version of the story work. It often becomes more about winning than seeking actual justice. Ego plays a large role. Siegler’s bio on the “Cold Justice “TNT website boasts the following: - Kelly has tried 68 murder cases – and has never lost. - Kelly secured the death penalty in 19 out of 20 capital murder cases – earning her the nickname “giant killer.” Judge Gist finished his ruling by concluding that if Siegler had disclosed the favorable evidence, the results of Temple’s trial would have been different. Imagine that. Eight years of Temple’s life inconceivably changed because a prosecutor chose to seek fame, not justice. If you have any legal questions, give me a call at (713) 429-4400 or email me at matt@ You can also access my website at

Aggressive Criminal Defense The Law Office of Matt DeLuca

Houston Office 712 Main St. #2450 Houston, TX 77002

7th Annual Juried Exhibition Exhibit runs through July 30, 2015 Archway Gallery 2305-A Dunlavy St., Houston, TX 77019 Archway Gallery will hold its Seventh Annual Juried Exhibition, benefiting Young Audiences of Houston. The open-themed show welcomes all artists in south and central Texas, 18 years or older, to submit works completed within the last three years independently and not previously exhibited by Archway Gallery. Artists whose work is accepted will be notified by telephone on July 10. Selected juror Gus Kopriva will award all prizes at Archway’s opening reception. First prize winner will receive a $500 cash award with guest artist privileges for one month at Archway Gallery. Cash awards will also be presented to second and third prize-winning artists, with honorable mentions awarded at

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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015

Cultured Cocktails Every Thursday, 5-7 p.m. Boheme Cafe and Wine Bar, Please join us for drinks and conversation at Boheme Cafe & Wine Bar on Thursday, July 16th, when a portion of the proceeds from all drink sales during the 5:00PM -7:00PM happy hour will go to support Flamenco Poets Society. So enjoy a drink or two, meet the Flamenco Poets Society team, and take-in Boheme’s bohemian atmosphere! Additionally, the Flamenco Poets Society will be presenting the poetry of Pablo Neruda - a bilingual reading. The proceeds from the evening will support the organization so don’t be shy, raise a glass (or three) while raising funds for Flamenco Poets Society! The Flamenco Poets Society is a non-profit organization based in Houston that is dedicated to promoting an appreciation and understanding of Latin American & Spanish poets and the Flamenco Arts. The Flamenco Poets Society will present the poetry of Pablo Neruda - a bilingual reading. We will be celebrating Neruda’s annual birthday celebration.

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Rhys Ernst (USA); Sunil Gupta (India/UK); Lindsay Morris (USA); Frédéric Nauczyciel (France); Irina Popova (Russia); Anna Charlotte Schmid (Germany); Paul Mpagi Sepuya (USA) and Charan Singh (India). Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through August 29. Admission is free. For more information call 713-223-5522 or visit them on the web at

the juror’s discretion. The mission of Young Audiences of Houston is to educate and inspire children through the arts, to make the arts an integral part of the school curriculum, and to advance the field of arts in education through professional teacher development training and community partnerships. Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 30. Admission is free. For more information call 713-522-2409 or visit them on the web at www.archwaygallery. com

Discovery!: Three One-Woman Exhibitions Exhibit runs through August 8, 2015 William Reaves Fine Art 2143 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77098 William Reaves Fine Art will present Discovery!, an exhibition series offering intriguing new visual opportunities which may just pose the perfect antidote for the “dog days” of Houston’s summer. In a series of one-woman shows, Discovery! introduces Houstonians (or reintroduces them, as the case may be) to a cache of compelling work by three accomplished Texas women, all of whom channeled considerable energies and talents into the creation of innovative art, and warrant renewed attention and broader recognition within the state’s collector community. Discovery! shines long over-due light on the works of Constance Forsyth (1903-1987), Rita Blasser (1826-2014) and Karen Lastre. The

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EVENT CALENDAR continued exhibition celebrates these women and their work, and returns their material to the gallery scene after prolonged hiatuses, positioning the work for fresh examination. Making for some of the city’s most interesting summer viewing, Discovery!’s three-in-one format is certain to include works which will appeal to all, and qualifies as “required summer viewing” for all avid Texas art patrons. Following the opening reception, the exhibits will be on display through August 8. Admission is free. For more information call 713-521-7500 or visit them on the web at Ultimate Justice Through August 28, 2015 Fresh Arts, Winter Street Studios B11, 2101 Winter Street, Houston, TX 77007 Fresh Arts presents “Ultimate Justice” a multimedia exhibition by Houston-based artist Stephen Wilson. “Ultimate Justice” showcases a series of photographs, drawings, notes, documents and videos based on the artist’s experience working on the feature length documentary Killing Time. The film delves deeply into the experience of a family whose loved one, Elroy Chester, was executed by the State of Texas the summer of 2013. Chester was diagnosed with a general learning disability by all scientific measures. In 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court barred the execution of mentally impaired persons, considering the punishment to be cruel and unusual. However, the State of Texas ruled that because Chester’s crimes demonstrated forethought, strategy, and criminal intent, execution was fair punishment. The public is invited to a free opening reception beginning at 6 p.m., on Friday, July 17, 2015 at Fresh Arts, 2101 Winter Street, Studio B11, Houston, TX, 77007. Free parking is available. Panisch Unlimited presents Panisch: A Vivid Life Saturday, July 25, 2015 6pm Heights Art Studios 214 E. 27th St. Houston, TX 77008 Heights Art Studios & Gallery, in conjunction with Panisch Unlimited, presents A Vivid Life by Panisch. A native Texas artist from the Houston/Heights area, Panisch is making claim to his spot in the art world and has caused some buzz with his vibrant paintings, cleaver sculpture, and gallery installations. Free parking will be available. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free. For more information call 713-894-4480.




2015 Space City Comic Con Fri July 24 through Sun July 26, 2015 starts noon on Fri, 10am Sat & Sun NRG Center 1 Reliant Park, Houston, TX 77054 Space City Comic Con is the Gulf Coast’s fanculture convention and family entertainment, pop-culture expo for all ages, with a bit of everything for fans of comics, sci-fi, fantasy, gaming, literature and art. Special guests in 2015 will include William Shatner, Robert Picardo, Naomi Grossman and more. For more information check out their website at Or call them at 713-629-3700 Tickets start at just $20 for a single-day pass; and $40 for a three-day pass.

FILM Story To Screen August 12, 2015 8pm Houston Central Library 500 McKinney St., Houston, TX 77002 Houston Public Library presents Story to Screen The Houston Public Library will join together with Alamo Drafthouse’s Rolling Roadshow to celebrate a summer of reading and fun with the first “Story to Screen” event. Events will include music from the Allen Oldies Band. There will also be food and beverage vendors on hand and free activities presented by Pop Shop Houston. Admission is free. August 12 - Stand By Me Revel in the lore of friendship, adventure and pie-eating in Rob Reiner’s classic film based on a short story by Stephen King.

The swimming pool isn’t just kid’s play. For many people, one of the best options for them to improve their overall health, reduce pain, rehab an injury, improve their cardiovascular condition, lose weight and increase flexibility is to exercise in water. Specifically who can benefit from aquatic exercise? Almost everyone! Many athletes and avid exercisers who suffer from acute or overuse injuries are often prescribed aquatic exercise as a form of rehabilitation. Individuals who are overweight/ obese can benefit from Shanna Layne using the pool to exercise because the buoyancy of the water takes the stress off of their bones & joints while they exercise. People who suffer from inflammatory disease or suffer from chronic pain benefit from aquatic exercise because the hydrostatic pressure aids aching joints and allows them to exercise with minimal irritation. Another group that can most certainly benefit from aquatic exercise is women who are pregnant. Not only does it allow them to exercise without any impact on their joints, it has a positive effect on their mental health as well. Other benefits include improved cardio fitness, improved muscular strength, improved balance & coordination and improved flexibility. So you don’t have a swimming pool in your back yard? Most areas have a local YMCA, local health club, a city pool or even a neighborhood/ community pool and they offer specific times available only for “adult swim.” Many even offer aquatic workouts for adults designed for those who prefer to exercise in a group environment. I am a firm believer in the benefits of aquatic exercise and I swim and perform water work-


outs several times a week. When I begin touting the benefits of aquatic exercise, I am often met with opposition and resistance. Actually, let’s call it what it is – EXCUSES. Interestingly enough, the #1 excuse isn’t what you would think it would be; most people do not say “I don’t have access to a pool.” The #1 excuse I hear is “I don’t know how to swim;” followed by common excuse #2 (it’s a close 2nd), “I am NOT putting on a bathing suit!” Let’s address Excuse #1: Look, I am not exactly what you would refer to as a “strong swimmer” myself. However, it’s an easy obstacle to overcome. Using a kick board, you can still get a very effective workout and enjoy many of the benefits of swimming without having to have the skills of an Olympic swimmer. Once you are in the pool, place your hands on the kick board, extend your arms & kick your legs behind you as if you were swimming. You can repeat this movement laying on your back, holding the kick board across your chest and kicking your legs again as if you were swimming. If you want to learn to swim, hire a professional to teach you proper form and technique. Or, as previously mentioned find a YMCA or community pool that offers aquatic workouts/ water aerobics classes. Now, for Excuse #2: I’m not suggesting you enter a bikini contest nor am I suggesting that you lounge around the public pool in your bathing suit. Stop looking at yourself in the mirror in your swimsuit and go get in the pool! I have been to many different area pools lately and I can attest to the fact that NONE are surrounded by outdoor mirrors. Have you ever been to an outdoor water park? Generally they are not surrounded by outdoor mirrors… and there is a reason. Now stop thinking about it, get over your excuses, get in the water & get to work!


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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015



A FOOL AND HIS MONEY commentary by Bart Pearston They say politics makes strange “bed fellows”. As we enter the campaign starting gates, some very strange things have already developed. With a crowded field of 15 candidates for the GOP nomination already, the first debate in Cleveland next month will only invite the front runners. This will be established by poll numbers of course. Each candidate was required to submit a financial disclosure to the Federal Elections Commission last Wednesday. Some of the more remarkable, and yet little publicized findings were:

Bart Pearston

1.) Those who doubted Trump’s interest in these debates expected him to not submit a disclosure to be included. He not only did, but he is currently polling at the top.

Maybe it’s time for Century 21 to just put the “For Sale” sign up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Even the “Citizens United” objectors have conceded the fight when Obama’s promise to not take a single dime from any PAC’s or include a single lobbyist in his administration if elected were obliterated in 2012. The majority of his money was from PAC’s and his administration is now filled with K-Street lobbyists. His and their excuse is “The other side does it too.” Maybe the two parties aren’t different after all. Clinton’s $47.5 Million is far ahead of Sanders $13M or O’Malley’s $3M. In spite of the energizing issues and populist rhetoric coming from either of them, big money is not.

Similarly, Bush’s SUPER PAC is already over $103 Million compared to Cruz’s and Rubio’s $38M and $32M in distant 2nd or 3rd places. Yippee! it looks like 1992 all over money are again since Trump has already spent 3/4ths of his campaign funds in -Will Rogers mid-July of 2015. Before the campaign season even starts, it appears that the Billionaires have already bought and sold their candidates (from both parties) to the extent that they fund both Clinton and Bush at the same time. AP reported one Billionaire who did this, John Catsimatidis, a Manhattan grocery chain owner, was quoted as saying, “They both love America, and I’d be happy if either of them won.” Whatever happened to ISSUES? SUBSCRIBERS ARE VOTERS IN THE READERS CHOICE AWARDS SUBSCRIBE TODAY DON’T MISS OUT ON BEING HEARD 14

JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


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4.) The much railed against PAC’s (Political Action Committees) and Super PACS are expected to contribute 10 times that amount before November 2016.

2.) Over 60 Billionaires (out of the 492 in the entire country) have “donated” the max amount of $2,700 to the “A fool and his Clinton and Bush campaigns. What soon elected” does that tell you? 3.) An estimated $400 Million dollars has already been “donated” to an election season that hasn’t started yet. Most experts expect the winner to spend over $2.5 Billion to win. They will likely only need 60 million votes due to voter apathy, which comes down to over $40 a vote. How many people would sell their vote for a pair of twenties?





continued from page 11


EDUCATION Barbara Bush Branch Library Ongoing [call for class dates & times] Ongoing Computer Classes Dave Smith, computer instructor, will be teaching seven different computer classes at the Barbara Bush Branch Library in March 2015. The classes are Computer Basics, Introduction to the Internet, Email, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Publisher. He also teaches additional classes which are offered at various times throughout the year, including Digital Photography and Smartphone Tips. Please call for the dates and times of the classes and to register. Each class meets for a single 2-hour session. As class size is limited to 12 people, pre-registration is required for each class. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration opens 30 days prior to the class. Please visit the website ( or call the library at 281-376-4610 for more information and to register for these classes. The classes are held in the Barbara Bush Library Friends Computer Lab at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring. Baldwin Boettcher Library Ongoing English As A Second Language The Baldwin Boettcher Library Staff provides ESL classes for folks who want to learn to speak English or improve their English speaking skills. Our beginning classes are scheduled on Mondays, 6-7:30 pm; Fridays 1-3 pm; Our intermediate ESL classes are on Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm and Thursdays, 1-3 pm; Our conversational English class is on Tuesdays 10-12 pm; Our advanced English class is on Tuesdays 4-5 pm. Call the library at 281-821-1320 for more information about the ESL classes. Barbara Bush Branch Library Every Thursday noon-1pm Yoga For Stress Relief Certified yoga instructor, Linda Popinksi, offers this free class every Thursday from 12:00-1:00 in the Earl Elliott Room at the Barbara Bush Branch Library, 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring. Both men and women are welcome. Bring your own yoga mat and a beach towel. Barbara Bush Branch Library Every Friday noon-2pm French Classes with Marie Come and learn French with Marie on Fridays from 12:00-2:00. The class is intermediate level and so some knowledge of French is required. No registration is necessary. The class will meet in the Robin Bush Room at the Barbara Bush Branch Library, 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring.

AREA TOURS Big Thicket Distilling Every Saturday noon, 2pm, 4pm Big Thicket Distilling Tours We offer tours at 12, 2 and 4pm on Saturdays. $10 per person. Includes a distillery tour and tasting of our products. Make your reservation online at BigThicket- Big Thicket Distillery’s telephone number is 936-666-1341

GAMING Beginner HeroClix Sundays at 4:30pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 2928444 HeroClix is a fun game that allows players to pit their favorite Heroes and Villains against each other in combat! Battle characters from multiple series, from Lord of the Rings to the Justice League! Who will reign victorious on the fields of battle? For beginners or casual players HeroClix Tournament Night Mondays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 HeroClix is a fun game that allows players to pit their favorite Heroes and Villains against each other in combat! Battle characters from multiple series, from Lord of the Rings to the Justice League! Who will reign victorious on the fields of battle? For more experienced players, and competitive players Netrunner Meetup Night Mondays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 2928444 Netrunner is an amazing living card game, with an amazing story and amazing game mechanics. Players compete using one of two decks they construct, either the Corporation or the Runner. In a Matrix style world, Runners jack into the computer system in order to hack into the Corporation’s systems in order to discover their secret agendas. Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels X-Wing Meetup Night Tuesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Star Wars X-Wing is a fun and innovative dogfighting game, in which you must defeat your opponents in space combat! Use ships from the Star Wars universe as you construct your custom squadrons, and fight for either the Empire or the Rebel Alliance! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Pokemon League Wednesdays 5pm - 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, Free and open to all. Learn to play, trade cards, have fun with friends and make new friends. Earn free League only Pokemon foil cards by playing 7 games (DS or card). On any given week we have 25-40 players aged from 6-40+ (yes we have moms and dads that play also :) World War Wednesday Wednesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 2928444

This is a meet up for all our Historical themed miniatures games. Bolt Action, Flames of War, and Saga players rejoice! We have tables as well as beautiful terrain for players to use. It’s a great event for both beginners and veterans alike, and a great way to spend a Wednesday! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Magic Commander Night Wednesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 2928444 Test your mettle in one of Magic the Gathering’s most popular multiplayer format! As one of the most fun and casual formats for Magic, Commander night is a blast! Players Construct a 100 card deck with no duplicates allowed, and play in a multi-man game leading to some crazy shenanigans. See you on the battlefield! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Warmachine and Hordes Meetup Night Thursdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Warmachine and Hordes (commonly known as Warma/Hordes) is an awesome Miniatures game where players assume the role of a general leading their warriors into combat. Control amazing machines called Jacks or harness the wild power of powerful beasts and monsters to destroy your adversaries. Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels My Little Pony Collectable Card Game Thursdays All Day Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North Come learn how to play the My Little Pony collectible card game. Free event each week. Magic Draft Night Thursdays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Players purchase 3 booster packs from standard (depending on what the group votes to draft), and an additional 2 booster packs of any available expansion to add to the prize pool! Players then construct a 40 card deck from the contents of their draft to compete with, battling for prizes and glory! Fun event for players of all experience levels, and perfect for players to expand their collection For more Details go to: events/340064569532538/ Friday Night Magic Fridays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Experience one of the most intense and fun Standard Magic tournaments in the area every Friday at Fat Ogre! Players bring a 60 card Standard legal deck to compete in a massive tournament! A fun night for players of all ages and experience levels, Friday Night Magic is your premier Magic event. Fun event for players of all experience levels For more Details go to: events/510118335795397/ Warhammer Meetup Night


Fridays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 2928444 A fun meetup night for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k players, Fat Ogre has an amazing community for Warhammer. A great night for players of all experience levels, new players can feel free to stop by and learn! Fun event for players of all experience levels Hero Clix Saturdays 3pm – 5pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Come on out and learn how to play Hero Clix. We are an official HeroClix tournament site , so come and enjoy the fun. We have added a full line of Hero Clix items. Marval Dice Masters League Saturdays 5pm – 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Learn how to play this exciting new game, which sold out all over the nation as soon as it was released. It is an inexpensive game to start , at around $15 for a starter and $1.00 for boosters. If you have ever played the dace game Quarriors, this will seem familiar to you, as it is created by the same company. Join us! Board Game Night Saturdays 5pm – 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Bring your favorite board or card game. Meet up with friends or make new ones while you are here! Please only bring all ages appropriate games. Monopoly anyone? We want everybody to be able to participate. Magic Modern Tournament Saturdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 2928444 A fun tournament for Magic the Gathering players to test their competitive skill with access to older and more powerful cards. Players bring a Modern legal deck comprised of 60 cards, and compete for prizes and glory! Players may use any Magic the Gathering card printed after 8th edition, with a few specific exceptions. Fun event for players of all experience levels For more Details go to: events/1376049572715159/

SUPPORT GROUPS Free 2B Support Group Tuesdays, 6:45-8:30pm Faith Bible Church, The Woodlands FREE 2B is a faith-based codependency support group, where those facing relational difficulties can share their struggles and begin the process of restoring healthy balance in their lives. Free 2B is open to the public for individuals and couples 18 and older and is free to attend. For an information packet, email Scott at

JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015



CREATIVITY IN FLOWERS story and photos by Rosanne Friedman


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


An alternative to believing in yourself Of course, self-belief is more than just common advice. It’s at the heart of selling, of creating, of shipping, of leadership... Telling someone, “believe in yourself,” is often worthless, though, because it’s easier said than done. Perhaps the alternative is: “Do work you can believe in.” Not trust, verification. Not believing that one day you’ll do worthwhile work. Instead, do worthwhile work, look at it, then believe that you can do it again. Step by step, small to large, easy to difficult. Do work you can believe in. --Seth Godin The philosopher king of flowers was flown in from Delft to engage, encourage, and amaze the audience of the Texas Florist Expo as a guest of the Texas State Floral Association held at the Marriot in Sugarland this summer. Pim Van den Akker led Socratic questions to his point that the most important thing about flowers is YOU. With the wisdom of belief in the individual’s creative center he encouraged all to make mistakes, declaring mistakes to be his proudest moment because that is where learning is. Proposing that there is no right or wrong, only ways to do it differently. His philosophy is: everything I think of I can create. Of course, he admits, it can be difficult with organizing time, money and knowledge but all of those things can be worked around. The real problem is fear of making mistakes—and mistakes that you need to make it order to learn more, be more creative and clear and purposeful. For me, he says, making mistakes is growing. He has built his life on this philosophy. He loves and encourages all to find the feeling that brings us to the power of ourselves in working from one’s creative center. “You have it in you to amaze yourself—that’s growing” Being a great storyteller he drove home the truth of his experience by sharing a story that

rings in every florist’s heart. He was creating to please someone else and he ended up making an arrangement that he himself not only didn’t believe in, he hated. The guy he made it for loved it and took it to his girlfriend and she loved it and then came back for another. It meant that he as the artist was stuck in a cycle of doing work he hated and it left him feeling bad, very bad. To make the powerful choice to please yourself means that you trust that you know more about what you are doing than anyone, you’ve done it longer and better than those who are coming to you and your responsibility to yourself and to life itself is to elevate others to your level of knowledge and creativity, not be brought down to their level of ignorance. He admits that being dyslexic has given him challenges but he appreciates how being both visually and auditory dyslexic and by the way --a bit color blind, he says with a chuckle, he has to look at things differently. He believes that whatever you do-- politics, poetry, or science the most important is to create and do it with passion. Enjoy it- if you’re not enjoying it you’re doing it wrong, if you’re not enjoying it there is no growth. He works with a great sense of openness and playfulness, he dances with materials


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


spontaneously. Each material that he comes in touch with offers up information. It’s up to us to find that and use it, as he notices that a loofa cut in half has natural openings that can be used for flowers. He begins his works with a structure that he might find or build. Within the structure he builds or utilizes ready water sources of various kinds, sometimes a vessel, sometimes tubes of water attached. His attachments sometimes become visual elements of the piece like those zip ties. With a structure in place, mixed elements are fair games, fruits, vegetable, sometimes cinnamon quills, here the world opens to him with choices. Greenery and flowers are dropped or woven into the sculpture. Playfulness is key. He looks around and what he sees becomes a possible component-from junk to treasure. Among the twenty one books that he has written one is, “Royal Delftmasterpieces” the antique and revered blue pottery from Delft provides the starting point and inspiration for this body of work- the old with the new. Thinking outside of the box, his arrangements could be inside or outside of the container, placing a structure in the container and attaching more sticks and greenery to it, then placing the flowers on the outside using the water source inside. Pim van den Akker offers this tidbit of


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


advise that, like all of his advise, it could be useful for all artists making all kinds of artwork: Look at your piece, close your eyes for five seconds and then open them, write down the first three things you see and ask yourself are they the things you want to see. Play, make mistakes and analyze. When you make a choice it’s the right choice for that moment, another moment, with more or different information there will be another choice. As a florist/philosopher he is giving life lessons with his florestry. He talks about making one work and then making ten more of that kind because after that many a kind of innate rhythm will reveal itself. It will become elegant in a way that is impossible to plan. His compositions are well proportioned, in a classical sense. He may be colorblind but his work is visually organized in a value scale of lightness and darkness, organized by scale in large to small elements. Nature, he writes, is his friend. He uses natural materials to create a complicated visual texture. The viewer must look and then look again to take it all in. That being said, he is unafraid of transparency in arrangements. Ideas flow from Pim van den Akker, he is the quintessential creative spirit. Find him at where he shares his tips and tricks and invites others to share theirs. He is not interested in having anyone make work like his, he is interested in YOU amazing yourself—that’s growing.


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015



Fri Sept 25 9pm The Atomic Punks Sat Sept 26 9pm The Atomic Punks

Backwoods Saloon 230 Lexington Ct., Conroe 936-273-0203 no website Open Mic every Thursday 8pm with Dan Scott & Friends Fri July 24 7pm Overload Sat July 25 7pm The Unthinkables Sun July 26 4pm Open Mic Jam Fri July 31 7pm Snit Dog & Pony Show


Bernhardt Winery 9043 County Road 204, Plantersville All Shows start one hour prior to sunset Shows are $10 - ages 18 and up The Corner Pub 302 N. Main St., Conroe 936-788-2390 Tuesday Open Mic with Jeremy Bankhead Wednesday Hippie Night with The Lankfords Brothers Thurday FarLand jams with Adam McFarland Dosey Doe Music Cafe 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-321-2171 Thur July 23 Stu Hamm Fri July 24 Seth Walker Sat July 25 Mark Jones Sun July 26 Real Life Real Music Songwriters Camp Showcase Mon July 27 Open Mic Night Tue July 28 Open Mic Night Wed July 29 Pat Ryan - Singer Songwriter Hump Day Thur July 30 Adam Fears Fri July 31 Seth James Sat Aug 1 Cody Jinks Sun Aug 2 Real Life Real Music Songwriters Camp Showcase Game On Sports Bar 1717 N. Fraiser Conroe 936-788-6209 Open Mic Every Wednesday at 8pm No Music Reported Kat Daddy Bar 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-273-9342 Every Sunday 4pm Corey Micheal, Caleb & Friends Papa’s On The Lake 9400 Hwy 105 W., Lake Conroe 936-447-2500 No Music Reported Red Brick Tavern 119 Simonton, Conroe 936-539-2000 Every Sunday Gospel Sunday Brunch

CYPRESS CREEK Acadia 3939 FM 1960 W., Houston 281-893-2860 Fri July 24 9pm J.F.K. Sat July 25 9pm Castles Of Colossas, Epic Death, Carrion Sun, Chaotic Justice, Aegis. Sun July 26 9pm Angels Birthday Bash Against Domestic Violence Fri July 31 9pm Carranza (CD Release Party) With Red Tiger, Allison Red, Late Friday Sat Aug 1 9pm Houston Underground Punk Festival #3 Fri Aug 7 9pm Aska,Matrekis,Torrid Complex,Wolfeblitzer Sun Aug 9 9pm Washed Up, Polly Suede, Para Bellum, Dreams Of Reality, The Sellins Fri Aug 21 9pm Lotus Effect, Gatsby’s Green Light Band, Black Market Tragedy, Rise From Slumber The Concert Pub North 2470 Cypress Creek Pkwy., Houston 281-583-8111 Sat August 8 9pm Michael Sweet of Stryper


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


Genuwine Tasting Room 6503 FM 1488 #401 Magnolia 832-934-2675 [no cover unless stated *] Thurs July 23 7:30pm Morgan Taylor Wilson Fri July 24 7:30pm Sean Harrold Sat July 25 7:30pm Mike Allen & Stephan Sullivan Wed. July 29 6pm Daniel Ennis Thurs. July 30 7:30pm Grant Harrison Fri. July 31 7:30pm The Silvertones Sat. Aug. 1 7:30pm Lyssa Warren Wed. Aug. 5 6pm Josh Galvan Thurs. Aug. 6 7:30pm Michael Player Fri. Aug 7 7:30pm Aaron McDonnell Sat. Aug 8 7:30pm Abrie Lynn Wed. Aug. 12 6pm Live Music Thurs. Aug 13 7:30pm Keith Rea Fri. Aug. 14 7:30pm Girl Friday* Sat. Aug. 15 7:30pm Scott Haskins Wed. Aug. 19 6pm Bobby Martin Thurs. Aug. 20 7:30pm Corey Michael Fri. Aug. 21 7:30pm Sam Jenkins Sat. Aug. 22 7:30pm Chase Gassaway Wed. Aug. 26 6pm Duane Dulane Thurs. Aug. 27 7:30pm Live Music Fri. Aug. 28 7:30pm Keeton Coffman* Sat. Aug. 29 7:30pm Grant Harrison

MONTROSE Rudyards 2010 Waugh Dr Houston 713-521-0521 Weekday shows & Sunday, doors open at 8pm Friday and Saturday, doors open at 9pm [unless otherwise mentioned] First band listed is headliner/or plays last. Music starts at 10. Thur. July 23 Svetlanas/Avenue Rockers/The Guillotines/Zeroheros w/ DJ Debacuchery spinning between sets Fri. July 24 Wheel Workers/Octahedron/Ex-Optimistes Sat. July 25 Byron and Jana’s after Wedding Blowout! w/ The Hickoids/Te Beaumonts/Hard Luck Revival Mon. July 27 Open Mic Comedy Night ***Doors@7:30 Show@8pm:FREE! Tues. July 28 Pegstar presents: Electric Citizen*Mono Drag*Slow Season* Wed. July 29 Western Swing Wednesdays/7-11pm FREE! Thur. July 30 Rudyard’s Beer Dinner featuring SanTan Brewing Company Fri. July 31 Supremacy*Khobretti*Mindkill*$8 Cover Sat. Aug 1 Houston Hot Fusion: Poets and Musicians in the P.M. benefiting MS and Public Poetry

NORTH SPRING 19th Hole Grill & Bar 202 Sawdust Rd #118, Spring 281-363-2574 [$10 cover on all shows] Thu Jul 23 8pm Texas Soul Fri Jul 24 8pm Unknown Brothers, Farewell to Solace Sat Jul 25 8pm Ghoultown, Rockett Queen, Reverend Ellington Thu Jul 30 8pm Great Antler Teeth Fri Jul 31 8pm Black Kennedy, Tracing Over Evil, Radio Cartel Sat Aug 01 8pm Metacrisis, The Apollo Crows, Raven Outlaw Sat Aug 22 8pm Troublemaker Fri Nov 06 8pm madSons Crabby Daddy 25186 I-45, The Woodlands 281-296-2722 Fri July 24 7pm Reveron Johnny & the Band of Gizmos Sat July 25 7pm Bristol Fashion Fri July 31 7pm Fyzical Address Crescent Moon Wine Bar 440 Rayford Rd., #115, Spring 281-364-WINE (9463) Every Thursday is Salsa Music Night Fri July 24 8:30pm Key of Soul Band

Sat July 25 8:30pm Breakfast At Tiffanys Fri July 31 8:30pm Cool Breeze Band Sat Aug 1 8:30pm Next Level Band Fri Aug 7 8:30pm Bristol Fashion Sat Aug 8 8:30pm Johnny & the Spinsations Fri Aug 14 8:30pm Orion Sat Aug 15 8:30pm Fab 5 Fri Aug 21 8:30pm Culver House Sat Aug 22 8:30pm Checkered Past Dosey Doe Big Barn 25911 I-45 N., The Woodlands 281-367-3774 Thur July 23 8:30pm Lee DeWyze Fri July 24 8:30pm Jason Cassidy Sat July 25 8:30pm Euge Groove and Peter White - White Hot Summer Groove Fri July 31 8:30pm Crystal Bowersox Sat Aug 1 8:30pm Marcia Ball Sun Aug 2 8:30pm Phil Vassar Thur Aug 6 8:30pm Spyro Gyra Fri Aug 7 8:30pm Lisa Fischer and Grand Baton Sat Aug 8 8:30pm Joe Ely Wed 8/12 8:30pm Tracy Byrd and Kyle Hutton - Real Life Real Music Thur 8/13 8:30pm Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights Fri 8/14 8:30pm Jason Boland Sat 8/15 8:30pm Ana Popovic Papa’s Ice House 314 Pruitt Rd, Spring 713-364-8140 No music announced

OLD TOWN SPRING Jailhouse Saloon 310 Preston, Spring 281-288-0255 Sundays 3pm Open Mic Sat July 25 9pm TBA Sat Aug 1 9pm TBA Puffabellys 100 Main St, Spring 281-350-3376 Wednesdays 8pm Davin James’ Songwriter Showcase Thursdays 6pm Open Mic

SPRING Bombshells 21005 I-45 North, Spring 281-288-2769 Fri July 31 9pm Not The Rachels Chicago Joe’s 18433 Kuykendahl Rd Spring 281-533-3000 Thurs, Fri & Sat Dueling Pianos Mak’s Place Sports Bar & Grill 5200 Louetta Rd., Houston 832-698-1611 Fri July 24 TBA Sat July 25 Space Monkey Fri July 31 J Mitchel Band That One Bar 4660 Louetta #100, Spring 832-562-3942 Fri July 24 9pm The Irrationals Fri July 31 9pm Mad Sons w/ Vanilla Whale Fri Aug 7 9pm Beggars Union Fri Aug 14 9pm .07 Blues Band Two Mules Tavern 100 Cypresswood Dr., Spring 281-528-0600 Fri July 10 9pm TBA Sat July 11 9pm TBA Fri July 17 9pm TBA Sat July 18 9pm TBA


MUSIC NOTES & NEWS Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion 2005 Lake Robbins Dr, The Woodlands, 281-210-1105 Fri July 24 7pm Fall Out Boy and Wiz Khalifa with Hoodie Allen Sat July 25 7:30pm Chicago and Earth, Wind and Fire Thu July 30 8pm “Old Time Rock ‘n’ Roll” with the Houston Symphony Fri July 31 8pm Idina Menzel Sat Aug. 1 1pm Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival with Slayer, King Diamond, Hellyeah, The Devil Wears Prada, White Chapel, Thy Art Is Murder, Sworn In, Jungle Rot, Sister Sin, Code Orange, Feed Her to the Sharks & Kissing Candice Sat Aug. 8 7:30pm 5 Seconds of Summer with Hey Violet Sat Aug. 15 8pm Grease Sing-A-Long Wed Aug. 19 6:15pm Incubus & Deftones with Death From Above 1979 and The Bots Fri, Aug. 21 6:30pm J. Cole with Big Sean, YG, Jeremih and Dreamville Artists Bas, Cozz and Omen Sat, Aug. 22 8pm Def Leppard with Styx & Tesla Tue, Aug. 25 Yes with Toto Sat, Aug. 29 8pm Australian Pink Floyd with Led Zeppelin 2 Tue, Sept. 1 7pm Kelly Clarkson with Pentatonix and Eric Hutchinson Fri, Sept. 4 6:30pm Slipknot with Lamb of God, Bullet for My Valentine & Motionless in White Thu, Sept. 10 8pm Music of the Americas with the Houston Symphony Thu, Sept. 17 7:30pm Lenny Kravitz Tue, Sept. 22 7pm Rick Springfield with Loverboy and The Romantics Fri, Sept. 25 7:30 p.m. Van Halen with Kenny Wayne Shepherd Sat, Sept. 26 7:30pm Daryl Hall & John Oates

TOMBALL Brautigams Bar & Grill 106 Market St, Tomball 832-698-4461 Thurs July 23 9pm Jim Salter Fri July 24 9pm Willow Creek Junction Sat July 25 9pm Tin Umbrella Sun July 26 10am Scott Morrison Fri July 31 9pm Aubrie Lynn Cheers 916 West Main St., Tomball 281-351-2599 no website Sat July 25 Corey Michael Band Main Street Crossing 111 West Main St., Tomball 281-290-0431 Thurs July 23 8pm Shawn Pander Fri July 24 8pm Owen Temple and Adam Carroll Sat July 25 8pm Abbey Rode (Beatles Tribute) and Already Gone(Eagles Tribute) Weds July 29 8pm Johnny Lee Thurs July 30 8pm Kyle Park Fri July 31 8pm James McMurtry Sat Aug 1 8pm Slaid Cleaves Mon Aug 3 8pm Jesse Keith Whitley Weds Aug 5 8pm Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis Thurs Aug 6 8pm Walt Wilkins Sat Aug 8 8pm Shay Domann Weds Aug 12 8pm Gary P Nunn Thurs Aug 13 8pm Kevin Black and Colton Black Fri Aug 14 8pm Cool Freddie E and the Crew The Empty Glass 104 Market Street, Tomball 832-698-4722 Sat July 25 9pm

WEST HOUSTON Shakespeare Pub 14129 Memorial Dr, Houston 281-497-4625 Thurs July 23 9:30pm TBA Fri July 24 9:30pm TBA Sat July 25 9:30pm TBA


NEW YORK, NY - California rock mavens Burn Halo have debuted an all new single titled “Dying Without You” exclusively via Alternative Press Magazine today. “’Dying Without You’ is a song about trying to cope and rebuild after a tragedy,” says front man James Hart. “We wanted the song to be musically fierce yet melodic, seamlessly blending metal and rock. I believe we accomplished that.” CLICK TO HEAR “BURNING WITHOUT YOU” VIA ALTPRESS The chorus-first “Dying Without You” is thrilling, venturing into dark, brooding lyrical territory, a persistent vibe maintained throughout the record. Burn Halo will release Wolves Of War on Friday September 4, 2015 via eOne Music. It will be the highly anticipated follow up to Up From The Ashes released in 2011 and was produced, engineered and mixed by Fred Archambault (Avenged Sevenfold).

their throwback power. Burn Halo has built a sizable and strongly devoted following, touring the world with Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach, Buckcherry, Escape The Fate, Static-X, Saliva, Puddle Of Mudd, Tantric, Adema and many more trailblazers and rock n’ roll hitmakers. 1. Wolves of War 2. Don’t Think You Know 3. Fuck You 4. Out of Faith 5. Dying Without You 6. Home 7. Novocaine 8. Enemy Inside 9. Will to Live 10. Until the End 11. You are the Damned POP EVIL DEBUT ALL NEW TRACK, “IN DISARRAY” EXCLUSIVELY VIA BILLBOARD.COM ALL NEW LP UP DUE OUT 8/21/15 NEW YORK, NY - Pop Evil have debuted an all new track from their fourth studio album titled “In Disarray” exclusively via Billboard Magazine today. “It definitely has a different musical texture than anything we have previously released,” says front man Leigh Kakaty. “In Disarray” comes on the heels of their highly successful first single “Footsteps,” which was debuted last month and has already cracked the top ten on the Rock Radio Charts. “Footsteps” was officially the band’s fastest charting single to date.

Wolves Of War, the first Burn Halo album through the California band’s new deal with eOne Music, burns with a fire akin to the brutal-but-melodic juxtaposition of New Wave Of American Heavy Metal standardbearers Killswitch Engage, the neo-Guns N’ Roses attack of Avenged Sevenfold, and the dark ambience of HIM. Fans who adored Burn Halo singles like “Save Me” and “Tear it Down” will be fall in love with Burn Halo all over again, even as longtime Eighteen Visions acolytes will delight in

Leigh continues, “There’s something about this song that didn’t make us second guess releasing it as our next instant gratification track. We are humbled by the success so far, and can’t wait to spread the word with these songs with our live show.” After delivering a performance of a lifetime at Pinkpop and Download Festival, Pop Evil revealed episode #4 of their behind the scenes studio documentary. The band spent time with producer Adam Kasper (Foo Fighters, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam) in Seattle and captured the experience on camera, giving fans an insight into the creation of their all new LP titled Up,


which is becoming their most anticipated release to date. Frontman Leigh Kakaty recently told Loudwire that Up, is “what we believe our best effort yet.” Pop Evil will release Up on August 21st via eOne Music. Digital pre-orders are available here and physical pre-orders are now available via the band’s official website. Purposefully assembled at Studio Litho, Robert Lang Studios and London Bridge Studios with producer Adam Kasper, UP is the sound of a rock band cementing a powerful identity that’s steadily materialized over the course of three prior fulllength slabs. The inspirational soon to be live (June 1st) staple “Footsteps,” – Pop Evil prove their burgeoning success is no accident. “Now it’s time to step up our game and let people know we can back it all up,” adds Kakaty. “We want to prove we aren’t a one hit wonder. We didn’t just get lucky.” Up is a bold reintroduction and step forward, with guitarists Nick Fuelling And Davey Grahs, bassist Matt Dirito, drummer Chachi Riot and Leigh Kakaty at the top of their game. It’s always a bit cliché, not to mention questionable, when a band says their new album is the best one yet. But in the case of Pop Evil, it’s an absolute fact. Pop Evil smashes through the odds like a battering ram, weathering the trials and tribulations of paying dues with a steadfast resilience owing much to their blue collar and middle class backgrounds, and building a worldwide audience one fan at a time. As the moniker promises when emblazoned on a CD or radio dial, Pop Evil conjures aggressive riffs and hard charging sing-a-longs with emotional heft and melodic power in equal measure. It’s music by the people, for the people. “Footsteps” is the first single from the all new Pop Evil LP titled Up due out 8/21. Click the icon to see the video

JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


In 1966 the Vietnam War wasn’t a war - yet - to many Americans – in fact, the conflict was still relatively unreported and unremarked by the American press. But in March of that year “The Ballad of the Green Berets”, sung by U.S. Army Special Forces SSG Barry Sadler, inspired by his fellow-soldiers in Vietnam (and co-written by author Robin Moore), hit the American airwaves, and brought the war to the consciousness of America. The song reached Number 1 on the Hot 100 for five weeks and Cashbox for four weeks, number 1 crossover hit on Billboard’s Easy Listening and number 2 crossover on Billboard’s Country, I remember when the song came out, and how popular it was – for such a short time. Barry Sadler was originally from New Mexico, and dropped out of High School as a Sophomore, a year later enlisting in the Air Force and serving a hitch in Japan. Sadler then enlisted in the Army, where he passed the selection process and was trained as a Green Beret Combat Medic. In May 1965 he was on patrol in the Vietnam Central Highlands when he stepped into a punji-pit and was stabbed in the knee. (You con look up Punji stakes on your own, if you don’t know what they are – they have no other reference to this article.) Sadler self-treated the injury and finished the patrol, by which time the wound was severely infected and he had to be airlifted to Japan for surgical treatment. All during his time in the service, Sadler had written songs – songs about he other soldiers, the nurses, the officers he knew. While

recovering in the hospital, Sadler met author Robin Moore, who helped him finish “The Ballad of the Green Berets”. (Moore deserves an article of his own, but it’s not musical. Look his story up!) When “The Ballad of the Green Berets” became popular, Sadler appeared on many TV shows, always in dress uniform. Many of these appearances are available on YouTube. No other songs on this album ever received airplay, although some of them are also quite good! Unfortunately, they are written entirely from and for the perspective of soldiers, so the songs are sometimes not completely comprehensible to civilians! My personal favorite is “Garet Trooper” any former soldier will recognize this figure - the soldier who is parade perfect, spit and polish – in garrison – but totally useless in the field! Of course, not long after this song was released, the VietNam war became unpopular, and the song died a sudden air-play death. But it is still played today! “The Ballad of the Green Berets” has appeared in several movie soundtracks – who can forget Bill Murray singing it as he sets explosives to kill the gopher in “Caddshack”? The Special Forces of several countries use versions of this song (changed to reflect their home country) as graduation and theme songs. And any Aggie will recognize this as one of the standard marching songs of the Aggie Band!




NOT YOUR ORDINARY BREAKFAST/LUNCH SPOT story by Nick Rama photos by Nick Rama & Michael Kusuma Looking for an alternative to chain breakfast place in and around Spring, TX? Well look no further, because Sunny Side of the Street has a great well-rounded menu. Sunnyside of the Street, located on FM 2920 near Rhodes Rd, is clean and bright and one of the only places I will get a breakfast appetizer. Yes, a breakfast appetizer called a grilled muffin (more explanation on that later). The grilled muffin is one of the many original menu items Sunny Side has to offer. “Future Classics” like a Blueberry Custard Baked French Toast Custard-baked Italian bread, filled with cream cheese, served with blueberry compote & crème Anglaise, or a Smoked Salmon Benedict. This amazing dish consists of poached eggs served on toasted butter croissant with smoked salmon, grilled tomato & Hollandaise sauce. If breakfast is not your thing, how about a Korean BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich, which is pork shoulder, spicy Korean BBQ Sauce, Korean cabbage slaw, pickled pepper on toasted brioche bun. Or you might prefer a Cheddar-crusted Croque Monsieur, made with Canadian bacon & Gruyere on Texas toasts with a Mornay sauce, covered with melted cheddar cheese. If you’d like, you can live on

the wild side and opt for a sunny side egg on top; aka the Croque Madame. One look at this menu and I knew this was not your average breakfast/lunch place. Family owned and run by Chef Michael Kusuma and his brother Sebastian and started by them along with their uncle Tony Kusuma, who was the chef at a bed and breakfast in Maine. These three came together and created a great menu with something for just about everyone. Even my little one loves their pancakes, French toast and bacon. My personal favorite is their Eggs Benedict, which is served on a toasted croissant instead of the traditional English muffin. The nice thick piece of ham is grilled, the poached eggs and hollandaise sauce are absolute perfection every time. I always have to add a side of the home fried potatoes, which are so good. My other favorite is the house made corned beef hash, which just has a fantastic texture and is on point when the over easy eggs mix in to the potato hash and tender grilled corned beef. Some white toast to scoop it up is all you need! The differences between chain breakfast places and Sunny Side of the Street, besides

the wonderful food, is that you don’t feel rushed there. The restaurant is not as noisy as other places, so I feel relaxed and can enjoy my meal at my own pace. Sunny Side is a far cry from “cookie cutter” and once you have your first bite you will be able to tell the difference in the good quality ingredients and especially the taste. I caught up with Chef Michael for a Q & A about him and the restaurant. How long have you been open now and what are your hours of operation? We are in our third year now. We opened the doors on April 9th, 2013. We are currently are open from 7am to 2pm When designing our menu, we knew that we would like to have the traditional comfort breakfast dishes that people are familiar with, and would also like to include some items for those who are more adventurous and like to try new things. So now we have a set of our beloved breakfast items paired with several items that we change on a seasonal basis. It works because people can always expect certain things when they come in and dine with


us, and there are also two or three dishes that are changing to keep it interesting. What are your hours and do you serve breakfast and lunch all day? We serve breakfast all day and we start serving lunch at 11. Do you make many of your menu items in house? What are some of those items? Absolutely. When possible, we always like to make things in house, that way we know exactly what goes in it. We make all the pancake, waffle, and French toast batters, buttermilk biscuits, sausage gravy, corned beef hash. We also make all of the sauces: hollandaise, mornay, basil pesto, crème anglaise, fruit sauces, mango salsa, etc. On your menu you have “Future Classics”, what is that? We like to try new stuff and experiment with foods. I think all chefs are like that. So in our menu, we have all the traditional breakfast items that people love, from pancakes, waf-

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ganache. This is our play in turning favorite dessert items into breakfast foods.

fles, and French toast to omelets, biscuits and gravy, and steak and eggs, in the “classics” section. “Future classics” is where we get to do something different and introduce people to new breakfast items. This is where we get to “play” around and be creative. We think it is good for the customers and chefs alike.

What menu item(s) would your customers riot over if you took them off the menu? That’s a tough question. We have many regular customers who come in three, four or seven times a week, and they order the same thing every time. However, they all have their own favorites. I don’t necessarily think that they would riot over it, but if I had to choose, I’d say the benedicts, the biscuit and gravy, and the corned beef hash.

You have something called Grilled Muffins, why grill a muffin? Have you ever seen that Seinfeld episode about the muffin tops? How people are only interested in eating the tops and tossing away the stumps. It’s all about the texture. Muffin tops have that nice crust that is crispy and sweet. That’s why we grilled our muffins, to create as much crispy surface area as possible. I noticed that you have added some new menu items over the years, what are some of your new debuts? The newest items on our menu are Carrot Cake Waffles and the S’mores French Toast. We make our waffle batter with fresh grated carrot and carrot cake spices and top it with cream cheese crème and spiced walnuts. For the S’mores French toast, we take two slices of Texas toast, dip them in batter, coat them with honey graham crumbs and filled them with toasted marshmallows and dark chocolate

What is your culinary background, Chef Michael? I’ve been working in restaurants ever since I was in college. When I was little, my grandpa owned a restaurant and I always hung out there after school. Once I graduated, I decided to go to a culinary school in Southern Maine, under the guidance of Chef Wilfred Beriau. He was definitely one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. I also worked in a bed and breakfast and several restaurants in Portland and Kennebunkport, Maine before decided to come to Spring to open up Sunny Side of the Street. What are your favorite dishes that you make? My brother and I have a soft spot for the Blueberry Custard Baked French Toast. We came across a similar dish in a quaint breakfast spot


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


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in Maine and thought that it was one of the greatest things ever. After that we just experimented and made our own version of it, and that is what you see in our menu now. This dish is my little homage to Maine. What separate’s you from the usual chain breakfast place? It’s the care and quality that we put into our dishes. We cook everything to order, so you won’t get something that’s been sitting in the steam table for a long time. It’s a family-run operation. Most of the time either my brother or I will be in the kitchen, cooking and making sure that the foods that come out are consistent and to our standard. What makes your house burger so interesting? It’s the combination of meat we use. We have an 80-20 mixture of chuck and short rib, so you get that great flavor without the burger being too fatty. I personally am not a big fan of a greasy burger, so our burger is pretty lean. And we also have the pork belly burger, which is our newest addition to the lunch menu. Pork belly is a hot item right now, and for a good reason. If you have never had pork belly in your burger before, you’ve got to come in and order one. Sometimes you have special menus. When do you feature them?

We do special menus on major holidays and we like to do items that are associated with the Holidays or the season. For example, recently we did Lemon-Poppy Seeds Ricotta Pancakes on the Memorial Day weekend. We did more chocolate inspired items on Valentine’s weekend. We also use these special occasions to test how the customers respond to these new menu items. We decided to put the S’mores French toast in the menu this summer because a lot people seemed to like it when we introduced it on the Memorial Day weekend.


Any plans for the future growth of Sunny Side Of The Street? We have several ideas in the works. Stay tuned by following our page on Facebook. com/BreakfastAtSunnySide. Five words to describe Sunny Side of the Street? Family ▪ Breakfast ▪ Quality ▪ House-made ▪ Consistent Sunny Side Of The Street is located at 4915 Fm 2920 Road, Spring, TX 77388. They are open daily 7am to 2pm. Visit their website by touching or clicking the globe icon.

You’ve been picked! Foodie Pic of the Week

Hung Nguyen at Torchy’s Tacos in Vintage Park “Brushfire & American Tacos Of The Month” Tomball/Vintage Park area, TX Foodie Tasting & Deals FB page


La Chef ARGENTINE 5200 FM 2920 #180, Spring, TX 77388 (832) 585-1840 Hours: Open daily at 11am, closed Tuesdays Argentine cuisine at its best served in a side cafe style restaurant. They offer over 15 styles of handmade empanadas, a few destined to become your absolute favorite. Probably the best kept secret in Spring, until now. We cater!


Taco Crave MEXICAN

Le Pam’s House Of Creole CAJUN

The Lasagna House III ITALIAN

Jackpot Pizza PIZZA/PASTA

5200 Farm to Market Road 2920 #120, Spring, TX 77388 (281) 288-0940 Hours: Open at 11am every day, closed Sundays The best Mexican street tacos this side of the border. Also offers Quesadilla and huge Burritos. Tasty flavors like beef or chicken fajita, beef brisket, chicken chipotle and a handful more. A must have dining experience. Flavor for the month of June: Venison & Potato.

217 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX 77090 (281) 580-7797 Hours: Open daily at 11am till 9pm; 10pm Thurs; 11pm Fri & Sat Authentic Italian Cuisine. Everything from pizza, pasta, salad and of course several kinds of mouth watering lasagna. Great staff, delicious food, great atmosphere, plus a great selection of wines and local craft beer. Check them out today!


27326 Robinson Road 115, Conroe, TX 77385 (832) 785-8906 Hours: Open every day at 11am, closed on Sundays A Counter Cafe providing the best designer sandwiches and other comfort food inside Space Cadets store. Featured photo: The Ron Swanson Sandwich

1644 FM 1960 West, Houston, TX 77073 (281) 444-1464 Hours: Opens at 11am to 7pm, except Fri (8pm), Sat (6pm) and Sun (4pm) Le Pam’s brings the taste of New Orleans to Houston

6450 Louetta Rd #225, Spring, TX 77379 (281) 257-0762 Visit us online at Hours: Mon-Thurs 4pm to 8:30; Fri 4pm to 9:30pm; Sat & Sun 1pm to 9:30pm Jackpot Pizza is a proud, independent pizza shoppe in Spring, TX. We are family owned and operated, and offer a variety of gourmet pizzas, salads, pastas, appetizers and desserts to please your pallet. Give us a try tonight! We bet you’ll love us!

JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015





JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


As we recover from the horrifying realization that summer is more than halfway over, I’m here to tell my fellow moviegoers to fret none. We still have plenty of time and ways to celebrate this summer. Several summer hits await theaters across the country, but for those unable to afford steep ticket prices every weekend, the summer movie fun doesn’t have to end. Like watching horror films in October, or Christmas films in December, movie lovers can utilize the summer to watch “summer movies.” Now, there are two perks to being in the summer movie mood: 1) Three months of viewing time as opposed to one, and 2) a variety of film-selection patterns. The latter perk is the greatest part about it though. A “summer movie” can basically be whatever floats your boat. The type of movie one puts in their “summer movie” category is simply whatever evokes the summer mood, or what might remind one of summertime. For me personGlen Ryan Tadych ally, the type of movies I typically associate with summer are water adventures, or to broaden the parameters for the purpose of this article: movies set in or around water. Swimming at the pool or the beach, taking a cruise, visiting water parks and going out on a boat with friends are some of the many water-related activities one often exploits in the summer. Not only that, but when we think of summer, we often picture the beach of some tropical paradise by default, and it’s in this association from which my love of water-themed adventures in the summer spawns. For this issue, I’ve gone through some of my favorite water adventures to provide 10 excellent choices for at-home, summer cinematic entertainment. And to make the order a tad more interesting, I’ve decided to list the films in reverse-release order. Fool’s Gold (2008) Before Matthew McConaughey became known for the dark and gritty detective Rustin Cohle, he endured nearly a decade’s worth of romantic comedy typecasting. And while he was a pretty face of Hollywood, I say he still brought class to his roles. McConaughey has always had a knack for humor, and despite the film’s negative reviews and poor commercial

performance, I always found Fool’s Gold to be one of his funniest movies. I’ll also say as far as romantic comedies go, this is one I actually like, and like a lot. Reuniting with Kate Hudson five years after How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003), McConaughey plays an enthusiastic treasure seeker named Finn, taking the viewer on a search across The Bahamas for a Spanish treasure called the Queen’s Dowry. Like any fun-filled treasure hunt, Finn, his ex-wife Tess (Hudson) and their comical crew face off against rival treasure seekers, led by Moe Fitch (Ray Winstone), and local gangster Bigg Bunny Deenz (Kevin Hart) to whom Finn owes money. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Finn must prevent the treasure from falling into Bigg Bunny’s hands, all while attempting to fulfill his life’s greatest ambition and rebuild his marriage. Also starring Donald Sutherland, Ewen Bremner and Alexis Dziena, Fool’s Gold gives the audience two hours of hilarious comedy, waterborne action and more exotic location shots than one needs to book a tropical vacation. It’s simply one of those fun movies one just needs to sit back and enjoy, and a perfect option for summer viewing. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Speaking of treasure hunts, we mustn’t forget Disney’s first installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, a summer smash which made pirates popular in cinema once again. In terms of pure enjoyment, Curse of the Black Pearl is probably the quintessential pirate and/or treasure hunt movie nowadays. We normally think of pirates when it comes to lost treasure, and Curse of the Black Pearl gives the viewer everything they could ever want in such a film. When a band of undead pirates, captained by the mutinous Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), kidnaps a governor’s daughter, Elizabeth Swan (Kiera Knightley), to break a curse brought on by an ancient Aztec treasure, blacksmith Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) must recruit the help of notorious pirate Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) to rescue Swan and defeat Barbossa, with whom Sparrow has his own score to settle. Even with Disney now being on their fifth Pirates film—Dead Men Tell No Tales, due for release in 2017—the original is still universally regarded as the best and favorite entry, and I feel that’s because it’s THE classic pirate adventure. Everything from the costumes, scenery and props to Hans Zimmer’s musical score screams swashbuckling. So how could one not want to watch it in the summer?

Finding Nemo (2003) Pixar has certainly produced a collection of hits over the years, and this one is definitely in their top five. In fact, looking at Pixar’s entire collection of works, Finding Nemo is probably the most cherished next to the original Toy Story (1995) and Up (2009), and in my list of Pixar favorites, it’s #3, behind Toy Story and The Incredibles (2004) respectively. Out on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, an anxietyridden clownfish named Marlin ventures across the ocean in search of “P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney” in order to reunite with his kidnapped son Nemo. Along the way, Marlin seeks the help of an amnesic regal blue tang named Dory and encounters more than a clownfish could ever bargain for; including a great white shark, jellyfish, sea turtles, a whale, seagulls and Pelicans. Finding Nemo is one of those Pixar films that can be watched again and again, and being just as enjoyable as the first time. You get excited, laugh and even cry because of the emotional deliverance of the animated characters; a pinnacle characteristic of Pixar’s films. Audiences not only get sucked in by the quality of animation, but also by the human elements of the characters, whether they’re fish, toys, bugs or monsters. But with Finding Nemo, we also get a fun-filled sea adventure that makes one want to take to the seas.

Honestly, as far as my generation’s concerned, I still don’t think there’s ever been a pop-cultural phenomenon as significant as the release of Titanic in the late 1990s. It was the first film to surpass the billion dollar mark, and this was at a time when ticket prices were not only considerably cheaper, but the cinema industry was without 3D features and frequent IMAX screenings. So to me, Titanic’s box office performance means more than that of Avatar (2009), Marvel’s The Avengers (2012) and even Jurassic World. During the maiden voyage of the R.M.S, Titanic, a third-class passenger, Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio), falls in love with a first-class passenger, Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet). As Rose’s fiancé Cal (Billy Zane) and mother Ruth (Frances Fisher) do everything in their power to keep her and Jack apart, they soon have to choose between Rose’s choice and their own lives as the ill-fated ocean liner begins her descent beneath the North Atlantic Ocean. This movie was everywhere and it was all anyone talked about for nearly a year, if not longer. The damn thing even had a song—Celine Deon’s “My Heart Will Go On”—that became the world’s best-selling single in 1998. And thinking about it, the movie was just Romeo & Juliet on the Titanic, which is exactly how director James Cameron pitched it. If you ask me, what drove general audiences to see the film was the depiction of the sinking. Love story or not, I don’t care what anyone says about Titanic. I think it’s a great film with excellent build-up and one of hell of an enthralling climax. It’s a memorable film and will most certainly reach classic status in a few short years, if it hasn’t already. And while it doesn’t exactly fall along the lines of a sunny, tropical paradise-water adventure, like the previous films on this list so far, it’s sure as hell a fitting contender for the overall category. Waterworld (1995) This is one you should have definitely seen coming. Hell, how could it not be included on this list? Waterworld has got to be one of my favorite films that enters borderline guilty pleasure territory. I’m not quite sure what it is, but there’s just something about it I love. Set in a world where the ice caps have melted, covering nearly the entire planet Earth in water (impossible, I know), a sailor known only as The Mariner (Kevin Costner) gets caught up in a war over the search for “Dryland,” facing off against a group of oil-loving hounds called Smokers, led by The Deacon (Dennis Hopper). The Mariner must protect Enola (Tina Majorino), a little girl pos-

Titanic (1997)


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


sessing the only clue to the location of “Dryland,” from The Deacon, and hope he can save the rest of humanity from a global, water-like desert. Waterworld was a flop that didn’t even earn twice its budget—an outlandish $172 million, the most expensive film produced up until Titanic—in worldwide grosses. Domestically, it didn’t even reach $100 million. And the film’s critical reception didn’t exactly consist of universal praise, but I must say I enjoy every bit of Waterworld. It’s just another one of those films that’s fun to watch. The film is somewhat regarded as a cult classic today, and eventually led to the addition of Waterworldthemed attractions at Universal Studios parks in California and Florida.

Point Break (1991) I couldn’t hesitate including this one given the atrocious remake set to release in December. I realize it may not be as much the water adventure type as the other films listed, but any Point Break fan has to admit the film evokes a heavy summer vibe. And it’s in that vibe where I find the film appropriate for this list. In California, FBI agent Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) assists agent Pappas (Gary Busey) in hunting a group of bank robbers known as the Ex-Presidents. Operating on the theory the robbers are local surfers, Utah goes undercover within the surfing community, eventually befriending a group of surfers led by Bodhi (Patrick Swayze). However, Utah soon realizes his new friends may be the very criminals he’s pursuing, and from that point, the chase is on in a high-adrenaline thrill ride that makes audiences want to take to the beaches. I’ll say this has become one of my favorite Keanu Reeves films in the last couple years—my ultimate favorite being Speed (1994)—and the dynamic between him and Swayze is just spectacular despite some of the film’s cheese. Point Break is simply one of those classic ‘90s action films which set the bar for ‘90s action cinema overall. And though I’ve never been surfing, I can’t help but get that yearning for the sandy, salt-water sensation that goes hand in hand with the beach, making it impossible


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015

for me to exclude Point Break from this list. The Hunt for Red October (1990) This one might just be my favorite espionage thriller, and as it so happens, it’s also primarily set in the depths of the Atlantic. Cinema hasn’t given us too many films based around submarine warfare, and to be honest, a Tom Clancy Cold War thriller starring Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, James Earl Jones, Scott Glenn and Sam Neill made by the director of Die Hard (1988) pretty much tops any others out there. When a Soviet submarine captain, Marko Ramius (Connery), dives on the maiden voyage of nuclear submarine Red October with the intent to defect to the United States, C.I.A. analyst Jack Ryan (Baldwin) must convince the U.S. National Security Advisor (Richard Jordan), naval officers and Commander Mancuso (Glenn) of the USS Dallas to meet and assist Ramius before the Soviet naval fleet can locate and sink the Red October, and all while avoiding World War III with the Soviet Union. With deception at every corner, The Hunt for Red October leads the audience on a naval thrill ride that puts most modern spy thrillers to shame. Connery and Baldwin’s performances are certainly the most memorable elements of the film, and combined with the film’s amazing submarine set pieces, locations, underwater battle sequences and Basil Poledouris’ musical score, The Hunt for Red October became a huge critical and commercial success, as well as a popular movie which lasts the test of time. And although the film takes place in the icy waters of the North Atlantic (like Titanic), it still makes for a fun water adventure to watch after a day in the summer sun. Dead Calm (1989) Before Sam Neill took to the depths in The Hunt for Red October (1990) and Billy Zane boarded the titular, ill-fated ocean liner in Titanic (1997), they starred in this Australian thriller set in the horrifying, but beautiful isolation of the Pacific Ocean. Following the tragic loss of their son, Capt. John Ingram of the R.A.N. (Neill) and his wife Rae (Nicole Kidman) venture out to the Pacific in an effort to deal with their grief. After weeks at sea, the couple encounter a sinking vessel bearing a lone, distraught man named Hughie (Zane), who claims his fellow passengers all succumbed to food poisoning days earlier. But John’s discovery of mutilated corpses and disturbing video aboard Hughie’s boat reveals the loner to be a psychopathic murderer, who leaves John stranded as he steals


the Ingram’s yacht with Rae still aboard. With nothing between them but ocean, Rae must do whatever she can to subdue her deranged captor, while John uses his naval instincts to salvage Hughie’s vessel and reunite with his wife. As far as underrated films go, this one sits at the top of my list, not to mention it’s one of my favorite thrillers. It’s one of those shorter films (running at 96 minutes) that doesn’t take long to get one’s blood pumping, but what’s best Dead Calm is its simplicity. The film features only three main actors (the rest only featured via videotape), two authentic boats and is entirely shot in the Whitsunday Islands near Australia. When it comes down to it, Dead Calm is as practical as it gets in filmmaking, and furthermore, it turns the idea of a peaceful, relaxing cruise into a rather horrifying scenario. Like with Alien (1979), you’re all alone in a vast, foreign environment, yet confined, and if anything happens, no one else would know, and no one can help you. So imagine coming across another person, whose true personality and motives are unknown. What would you really do? Would you really pick the person up, or just keep sailing? Think about it. Jaws (1975) This one is my personal favorite, and in my opinion, the greatest and most classic water adventure ever made. In the 40 years since Jaws’ release, few films have had as significant a social impact, and while it’s unfortunate the film’s popularity came hand in hand with a paranoid fear of sharks carrying on for generations, one still can’t deny the brilliance and beauty of Jaws as they watch. Set in the beach resort community of Amity Island, a great white shark puts a damper on summer festivities when a young girl’s remains wash ashore. Fearing for the safety of the island’s citizens, Police Chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) fights the town’s mayor (Murray Hamilton) to close the beaches. The mayor’s stubbornness prevails, resulting in several more deaths, one on the Fourth of July. Teamed with marine biologist Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) and shark hunter Quint (Robert Shaw), the three venture out to sea to take on the predator and put an end to the summer terror, but little do they know this shark will give them more than they bargained for. Set during the time of the summer beach craze on and around the Fourth of July, it’s almost impossible not to have a Jaws urge once summer hits. The film’s classic status, thrilling action scenes, music and phenomenal performances by Scheider, Shaw and Dreyfuss make it one of the most fun films one can watch not just in the summer, but

period. Its historical significance regarding the explosive popularity of summer blockbusters also makes it the ultimate predecessor for most of the previously mentioned titles on this list. However, we’re not done yet. Thunderball (1965) This is a title I had the pleasure of discovering only three years ago, and I have to say I don’t know why in the hell it took me so long to watch this one. Sean Connery’s fourth film as James Bond, as well as the overall fourth entry in the Eon Productions series, is most certainly one of the better of the early Bond films. When Emilio Largo (Adolfo Celi) of the criminal syndicate S.P.E.C.T.R.E. hijacks two nuclear weapons, British agent James Bond (Connery) is sent to Nassau in The Bahamas to investigate, locate the bombs and stop Largo before he can destroy Miami. Connery’s fourth adventure as Bond sees him in a two-hour adventure loaded with underwater scenery and stunts, which did nothing short of dazzle viewers in 1965. It was the biggest and boldest Bond film of its time, and remains one of Connery’s best entries. In all my recent exploration of the Bond series, I find what I call the Terence Young trilogy—Dr. No (1962), From Russia with Love (1963) and Thunderball—to be the best examples of the classic Bond era. And yes, I know Goldfinger (1964) is not among these three titles, but I feel Young’s films bear more kinship to one another due to the involvement of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and Blofeld, Bond’s nemesis. Now, in my opinion, From Russia from Love is the best of Young’s films, but Thunderball is the movie to watch on a hot summer afternoon after a trip to the pool ,not to mention it features my favorite closing sequence of any Bond film ever. There’s enough diving featured to make anyone take a trip to the Caribbean, and one of the most ridiculous sequences featuring spearguns I have ever seen in a movie. It’s hilarious to be honest, and while Thunderball carries a certain level of ‘60s campiness which tends to date movies significantly, it’s the awesomeness of Connery’s Bond that keeps the viewer interested and wanting to watch Thunderball again and again. So how should movie lovers spend the rest of their summer? I’ve contributed some worthy suggestions, but as I previously stated, summer’s about having fun in one’s own way, and given the subjection of film, it’s fair to say the possibilities are endless. So make the most of it, and watch whatever kicks up your mood for summer fun.


PIXELS Pixels PG-13 105 min Action | Comedy | Sci-Fi When aliens intercept video feeds of classic arcade games and misinterpret them as a declaration of war, they attack Earth, using the games as models. Knowing that he must employ a similar strategy, President Will Cooper (Kevin James) recruits his childhood pal, former video-game champ and home-theater installer Sam Brenner (Adam Sandler), to lead a team of old-school arcade players (Peter Dinklage, Josh Gad) and a military specialist (Michelle Monaghan) to save the planet. Director: Chris Columbus Stars: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan, Peter Dinklage jobs. Alice is a senior executive who has Paper Towns PG-13 109 min Drama | Mystery recently undergone a burn-out. Both struggle to get out of their dead-end lives. | Romance Samba’s willing to do whatever it takes to Young and shy Quentin (Nat Wolff) is in get working papers, while Alice tries to get for the night of his life when Margo (Cara her life back on track until fate draws them Delevingne), the most popular student in together. high school, recruits him to help her play Directors: Olivier Nakache | Eric Toledano mischievous pranks on the friends who Stars: Omar Sy, Charlotte Gainsbourg, betrayed her. The next day, however, the mysterious Margo is nowhere to be found. Tahar Rahim, Izïa Higelin With help from a few buddies and some Unexpected cryptic clues that she left behind, Quentin R 90 min Comedy | Drama embarks on an obsessive mission to find When Samantha Abbott begins the girl who stole his heart and made him her final semester teaching science at feel truly alive. a Chicago high school, she faces some Director: Jake Schreier Stars: Nat Wolff, Cara Delevingne, Austin unexpected news: She’s pregnant. Soon after, Samantha learns that one of her faAbrams, Justice Smith vorite students, Jasmine, has landed in a similar situation. “Unexpected” follows the Southpaw two women as they embark on an unlikely R 123 min Action | Drama | friendship. Sport | Thriller Billy “The Great” Hope (Jake Gyllenhaal), Director: Kris Swanberg Stars: Cobie Smulders, Anders Holm, Gail the reigning junior middleweight boxing Bean, Elizabeth McGovern champion, has an impressive career, a loving wife and daughter, and a lavish Big Significant Things lifestyle. However, when tragedy strikes, 85 min Comedy | Drama Billy hits rock bottom, losing his family, his Craig and his girlfriend have a house and his manager. He soon finds week before they move across the counan unlikely savior in Tick Willis (Forest try, and he decides to go on his first road Whitaker), a former fighter who trains the trip to the South alone. city’s toughest amateur boxers. With his Director: Bryan Reisberg future on the line, Hope fights to reclaim Stars: Harry Lloyd, Krista Kosonen, Sylvia the trust of those he loves the most. Grace Crim, James Ricker II Director: Antoine Fuqua Stars: Rachel McAdams, Jake GyllenPhoenix haal, 50 Cent, Forest Whitaker PG-13 98 min Drama | History A disfigured concentration-camp The Vatican Tapes survivor (Nina Hoss), unrecognizable after PG-13 91 min Horror | Thriller facial reconstruction surgery, searches The fate of the world hangs in the ravaged postwar Berlin for the husband balance when a cleric (Michael Peña) (Ronald Zehrfeld) who might have bebattles an ancient satanic force for a trayed her to the Nazis. woman’s (Olivia Taylor Dudley) soul. Director: Christian Petzold Director: Mark Neveldine Stars: Kathleen Robertson, Michael Peña, Stars: Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, Nina Kunzendorf, Michael Maertens Djimon Hounsou, Dougray Scott Samba R 118 min Comedy | Drama Samba migrated to France ten years ago from Senegal, and has since been plugging away at various lowly


MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation PG-13 Action | Adventure | Thriller With the IMF now disbanded and Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) out in the cold, a new threat -- called the Syndicate -- soon emerges. The Syndicate is a network of highly skilled operatives who are dedicated to establishing a new world order via an escalating series of terrorist attacks. Faced with what may be the most impossible mission yet, Ethan gathers his team and joins forces with Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson), a disavowed British agent who may or may not be a member of this deadly rogue nation. Director: Christopher McQuarrie Stars: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson


Vacation R 99 min Adventure | Comedy Remembering fond, childhood memories of his trip to Walley World, Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) surprises his wife (Christina Applegate) and two sons with a cross-country excursion to America’s favorite fun park. Following in his father’s (Chevy Chase) footsteps, Rusty and the gang pack up the car and hit the road for some much-needed family bonding. Soon, the promise of fun turns into one misadventure after another for the next generation of Griswolds and anyone who encounters them. Directors: John Francis Daley | Jonathan M. Goldstein Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Elizabeth Gillies, Leslie Mann, Christina Applegate Best of Enemies The End of the Tour R 87 min Documentary | History | R 106 min Drama News The story of the five-day interview ‘Best of Enemies’ is a documentary about between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky the legendary series of nationally televised and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, debates in 1968 between two great public which took place right after the 1996 publicaintellectuals, the liberal Gore Vidal and the tion of Wallace’s groundbreaking epic novel, conservative William F. Buckley Jr. Intended ‘Infinite Jest.’ as commentary on the issues of their day, Director: James Ponsoldt these vitriolic and explosive encounters came Stars: Mamie Gummer, Jesse Eisenberg, Anna to define the modern era of public discourse Chlumsky, Jason Segel in the media, marking the big bang moment of our contemporary media landscape when spectacle trumped content and argument replaced substance. Best of Enemies delves into the entangled biographies of these two great thinkers and luxuriates in the language and the theater of their debates, begging the question, ‘What has television done to the way WHEN YOU CLICK ON we discuss politics in our democracy today?’ THIS ICON, IT WILL PLAY Directors: Robert Gordon | Morgan Neville RELATED VIDEO CONTENT Stars: Kelsey Grammer, John Lithgow, Dick Cavett, Gore Vidal


JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


FILMS CURRENTLY PLAYING IN THEATERS A Little Chaos R 117 min Comedy | Drama | Romance Two talented landscape artists become romantically entangled while building a garden in King Louis XIV’s palace at Versailles. Director: Alan Rickman Stars: Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman, Stanley Tucci Ant-Man PG-13 117 min Action | Sci-Fi Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world. Director: Peyton Reed Stars: Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Corey Stoll, Evangeline Lilly Avengers: Age of Ultron PG-13 141 min Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller When Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) jump-starts a dormant peacekeeping program, things go terribly awry, forcing him, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and the rest of the Avengers to reassemble. As the fate of Earth hangs in the balance, the team is put to the ultimate test as they battle Ultron, a technological terror hell-bent on human extinction. Along the way, they encounter two mysterious and powerful newcomers, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Director: Joss Whedon Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth Dope R 115 min Comedy | Drama Life changes for Malcolm, a geek who’s surviving life in a tough neighborhood, after a chance invitation to an underground party leads him and his friends into a Los Angeles adventure. Director: Rick Famuyiwa Stars: Shameik Moore, Tony Revolori, Kiersey Clemons, Kimberly Elise Inside Out PG 94 min Animation | Comedy | Drama | Family Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) is a happy, hockey-loving 11-year-old Midwestern girl, but her world turns upside-down when she and her parents move to San Francisco. Riley’s emotions -led by Joy (Amy Poehler) -- try to guide her through this difficult, life-changing event. However, the stress of the move brings Sadness (Phyllis Smith) to the forefront. When Joy and Sadness are inadvertently swept into the far reaches

of Riley’s mind, the only emotions left in Headquarters are Anger, Fear and Disgust. Directors: Pete Docter | Ronaldo Del Carmen Stars: Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling Insidious: Chapter 3 Certificate PG-13 97 min Horror A prequel set before the haunting of the Lambert family that reveals how gifted psychic Elise Rainier reluctantly agrees to use her ability to contact the dead in order to help a teenage girl who has been targeted by a dangerous supernatural entity. Director: Leigh Whannell Stars: Dermot Mulroney, Stefanie Scott, Angus Sampson, Leigh Whannell

end World War II so he can bring his father home. The story reveals the indescribable love a father has for his little boy and the love a son has for his father. Director: Alejandro Monteverde Stars: Jakob Salvati, Emily Watson, David Henrie, Michael Rapaport

Love & Mercy PG-13 120 min Biography | Drama | Music In the 1960s, Beach Boys leader Brian Wilson struggles with emerging psychosis as he attempts to craft his avant-garde pop masterpiece. In the 1980s, he is a broken, confused man under the 24-hour watch of shady therapist WAS IS Dr. Eugene Landy. Director: Bill Pohlad PIC 1 Ant-Man Stars: Elizabeth Banks, PIC 2 Minions John Cusack, Paul Dano, Paul Giamatti - 3 Trainwreck

Top Dozen Movies July 20, 2015

Irrational Man R 96 min Drama | Mystery A tormented philosophy professor finds a will to live when he commits an existential act. Director: Woody Allen Stars: Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone, Parker Posey, Joe Stapleton

2 4 Inside Out 1 5 Jurasic World - 6 Terminator Genisys - 7 Magic Mike XXL - 8 The Gallows - 9 Bejranji Bhaijaan 3 10 Ted 2 - 11 Mr. Holms - 12 Self/less

Jurassic World PG-13 124 min Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor’s interest, which backfires horribly. Director: Colin Trevorrow Stars: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, Judy Greer Little Boy PG-13 100 min Comedy | Drama | War An eight-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to

Mad Max: Fury Road R 120 min Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller In a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, two rebels just might be able to restore order: Max, a man of action and of few words, and Furiosa, a woman of action who is looking to make it back to her childhood homeland. Director: George Miller Stars: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Zoë Kravitz

Magic Mike XXL R 115 min Comedy | Drama | Music It’s been three years since Mike Lane’s (Channing Tatum) retirement from stripping, but the former dancer misses the excitement and feeling of being on stage. Most of all, though, he misses the best friends that he ever had, the crew known as the Kings of Tampa. Opportunity comes knocking when the guys look him up as they travel to Myrtle Beach, S.C., for a stripper convention. With the promise of outrageous fun, a reinvigorated Mike can’t resist the chance


to join in and take it off again. Director: Gregory Jacobs Stars: Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriguez Manglehorn PG-13 97 min Drama A.J. Manglehorn is a reclusive Texas key-maker who spends his days caring for his cat, finding comfort in his work and lamenting a long lost love. Enter kind-hearted bank teller Dawn whose interest in the eccentric Manglehorn may just be able to draw him out of his shell. Director: David Gordon Green Stars: Al Pacino, Holly Hunter, Harmony Korine Max PG 111 min Adventure | Family A dog that helped US Marines in Afghanistan returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his handler’s family after suffering a traumatic experience. Director: Boaz Yakin Stars: Thomas Haden Church, Josh Wiggins, Luke Kleintank, Lauren Graham Me and Earl and the Dying Girl PG-13 105 min Drama High schooler Greg, who spends most of his time making parodies of classic movies with his co-worker Earl, finds his outlook forever altered after befriending a classmate who has just been diagnosed with cancer. Director: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Stars: Thomas Mann, RJ Cyler, Olivia Cooke, Nick Offerman Minions PG 91 min Animation | Comedy | Family Evolving from single-celled yellow organisms at the dawn of time, Minions live to serve, but find themselves working for a continual series of unsuccessful masters, from T. Rex to Napoleon. Without a master to grovel for, the Minions fall into a deep depression. But one minion, Kevin, has a plan; accompanied by his pals Stuart and Bob, Kevin sets forth to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. Their search leads them to Scarlet Overkill, the world’s first-ever super-villainess. Directors: Kyle Balda | Pierre Coffin Stars: Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Pierre Coffin Mr. Holmes PG 104 min Crime | Drama | Mystery Long-retired and near the end of his life, Sherlock Holmes




JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015


FILMS CURRENTLY PLAYING IN THEATERS (Ian McKellen) grapples with an unreliable memory and must rely on his housekeeper’s son as he revisits the stillunsolved case that led to his retirement. Director: Bill Condon Stars: Ian McKellen, Laura Linney, Hiroyuki Sanada San Andreas PG-13 114 min Action | Drama | Thriller In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey across the state in order to rescue his estranged daughter. Director: Brad Peyton Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Alexandra Daddario, Carla Gugino, Colton Haynes Self/less PG-13 116 min Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller An extremely wealthy man, dying from cancer, undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness into the body of a healthy young man. But all is not as it seems when he starts to uncover the mystery of the body’s origin and the organization that will kill to protect its cause. Director: Tarsem Singh Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Natalie Martinez, Matthew Goode, Ben Kingsley Set Fire to the Stars 97 min Biography | Drama An aspiring poet in 1950s New York has his ordered world shaken when he embarks on a week-long retreat to save his hell raising hero, Dylan Thomas. Director: Andy Goddard Stars: Elijah Wood, Celyn Jones, Kelly Reilly, Steven Mackintosh Spy R 120 min Action | Comedy Despite having solid field training, CIA analyst Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) has spent her entire career as a desk jockey, working hand-in-hand with dashing agent Bradley Fine (Jude Law). Using high-tech equipment and a hidden earpiece, Susan is the guardian angel who helps Bradley avoid danger. However, when Bradley is assassinated by Bulgarian arms dealer Rayna Boyanov (Rose Byrne), Susan wrangles her way into her first undercover assignment to help capture Boyanov and avenge Bradley. Director: Paul Feig Stars: Jude Law, Raad Rawi, Melissa McCarthy, Jessica Chaffin Tangerine

R 88 min Comedy | Drama After hearing that her boyfriend/pimp cheated on her while she was in jail, a hooker and her best friend set out to find him and teach him and his new lover a lesson. Director: Sean Baker Stars: Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, Mya Taylor Ted 2 R 115 min Comedy Life has changed drastically for thunder buddies John (Mark Wahlberg), now a bachelor, and best pal Ted (Seth MacFarlane), now married to the woman (Jessica Barth) of his dreams. Problems arise when the couple decide to adopt a child, but the law declares Ted to be property and not a person. Angry and dejected, the lovably foulmouthed teddy bear must now seek legal help from a young lawyer (Amanda Seyfried) and a legendary, civil-rights attorney (Morgan Freeman) to get the justice he deserves. Director: Seth MacFarlane Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Seth MacFarlane, Amanda Seyfried, Jessica Barth Terminator Genisys PG-13 125 min Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller When John Connor (Jason Clarke), leader of the human resistance against Skynet, sends Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984 to protect his mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator assassin, an unexpected turn of events creates an altered timeline. Instead of a scared waitress, Sarah is a skilled fighter and has a Terminator guardian (Arnold Schwarzenegger) by her side. Faced with unlikely allies and dangerous new enemies, Reese sets out on an unexpected new mission: reset the future. Director: Alan Taylor Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, Jason Clarke The Gallows R 81 min Horror | Thriller Twenty years after a horrific accident during a small town school play, students at the school resurrect the failed show in a misguided attempt to honor the anniversary of the tragedy - but soon discover that some things are better left alone. Directors: Travis Cluff | Chris Lofing Stars: Reese Mishler, Pfeifer Brown, Ryan Shoos, Cassidy Gifford The Gunman R 115 min Action | Crime | Drama | Mystery | Thriller A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, kills the

minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier’s successful kill shot forces him into hiding. Returning to the Congo years later, he becomes the target of a hit squad himself. A former Special Forces soldier (Sean Penn) who has PTSD tries to reconnect with his longtime lover, but must first go on the run across Europe to clear his name. Director: Pierre Morel Stars: Sean Penn, Idris Elba, Jasmine Trinca, Javier Bardem The Last Five Years 94 min Comedy | Drama | Musical | RomanceThe Last 5 Years by Tony award winning composer and lyricist Jason Robert Brown is a musical deconstruction of a love affair and a marriage taking place over a five year period. Jamie Wellerstein is a young, talented up and coming Jewish novelist who falls in love with Cathy Hiatt, a Shiksa Goddess struggling actress. Their story is told almost entirely through songs using an intercutting time line device; all of Cathy’s songs begin at the end of their marriage and move backwards in time to the beginning of their love affair while Jamie’s songs start at the beginning of their affair and move forward to the end of their marriage. They meet in the center when Jamie proposes Director: Richard LaGravenese Stars: Anna Kendrick, Jeremy Jordan, Natalie Knepp, Meg Hudson The Stanford Prison Experiment R 122 min Drama | Thriller In 1971, Stanford’s Professor Philip Zimbardo (Billy Crudup) conducts a controversial psychology experiment in which college students pretend to be either prisoners or guards, but the proceedings soon get out of hand. Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez Stars: Ezra Miller, Tye Sheridan, Billy Crudup Tomorrowland PG 130 min - Action Bound by a shared destiny, a teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor embark on a mission to unearth the secrets of a place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory. Director: Brad Bird Stars: George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Hugh Laurie, Raffey Cassidy Trainwreck R 125 min Comedy Having thought that monogamy was never possible, a commitment-phobic career woman may have to face her


fears when she meets a good guy. Director: Judd Apatow Stars: Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson, Colin Quinn True Story R 100 min Drama | Mystery | Thriller Jonah Hill plays Michael Finkel, a recently terminated New York Times journalist who’s struggling for work after a story gone wrong. One day, he receives a phone call from a man regarding an FBI Most Wanted individual named Christian Longo, who’s been captured and claimed to be living as Finkel. Longo and Finkel meet and form a potentially marriage shattering bond while Longo is in prison awaiting his trial. Finkel exchanges journalism tips for the real events behind Longo’s alleged heinous acts of murdering his family. Through the twists and turns in the movie, only at the end will Finkel uncover the True Story. Director: Rupert Goold Stars: James Franco, Jonah Hill, Felicity Jones, Ethan Suplee Unfinished Business R 91 min Comedy A hard-working small business owner (Vince Vaughn) and his two associates (Tom Wilkinson, Dave Franco) travel to Europe to close the most important deal of their lives. But what began as a routine business trip goes off the rails in every imaginable - and unimaginable - way, including unplanned stops at a massive sex fetish event and a global economic summit. Director: Ken Scott Stars: Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco, Tom Wilkinson, James Marsden What We Do in the Shadows 86 min Comedy | Horror Follow the lives of Viago (Taika Waititi), Deacon (Jonathan Brugh), and Vladislav (Jemaine Clement) - three flatmates who are just trying to get by and overcome life’s obstacles-like being immortal vampires who must feast on human blood. Hundreds of years old, the vampires are finding that beyond sunlight catastrophes, hitting the main artery, and not being able to get a sense of their wardrobe without a reflection-modern society has them struggling with the mundane like paying rent, keeping up with the chore wheel, trying to get into nightclubs, and overcoming flatmate conflicts Directors: Jemaine Clement | Taika Waititi Stars: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonathan Brugh, Cori Gonzalez-Macuer

JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015




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JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2015

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