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A complete guide to coee production

A cup of coee begins its journey as a seed. The beans, the seeds of the coee tree, are planted in the ground and grow for 3-4 years before bearing fruit.

Traditionally, coffee trees are grown under the shade of other plants, maintaining biodiversity; however, newer “Sun Cultivation” techniques grow coffee in plantations leading to deforestation.

Once the coffee tree bears fruit, called coffee cherries, the cherries are harvested.

Coffee production has a history of using inhumane labor to harvest Coffee Beans. Workers are often underpaid and work through inhumane conditions.

This creates waste that is often dumped into streams, damaging local ecosystems.

The cherries are then processed, removing the coee beans which are then dried.

The processed coee beans are then packaged and exported to locations all around the world.

Most of the world’s coffee is produced in South America and Africa- Brazil leads the world in coffee production.

When the coee arrives in its ďŹ nal destination the beans are tasted for quality control.

How the coffee beans are processed determines how long the coffee should brew for.

Approved coffee beans are then roasted, ground, and packaged quickly to maintain freshness.

The coee is then taken to grocery stores where you buy it.

You can use your power as a consumer to help improve coffee production practices. Buy Fair Trade Coffee, which is produced with ethical labor practices, and Sun Grown Coffee which is grown naturally preventing deforestation.

You prepare your coffee how ever you like!

I like my coffee strong, always hot, and with just a touch of cream!

The coffee production process may not always use ethical practices, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy coffee. Recognize the negative aspects of coffee production and use your power as a conscious consumer to fund coffee that is sourced and processed ethically.

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