Process Book for Reach Campaign Re-Design

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TABLING MATERIALS REDESIGN FOR CCHPR Kristen DeMondo, Katie Ehrlich, Sabrina Roberts, & Kevin Schneider

PROJECT SUMMARY CCHPR, the Center for Community Health Partnership and Research at Washington University Medical School asked us to find a way to better communicate the value of health research to the wider St. Louis community. Our goal was to design a system that improves their outreach methods. They are focused on having people understand and be aware of the importance of medical research to themselves and their community. Additionally, they want to encourage involvement with health research studies. CCHPR is trying to reach a broad audience throughout the St. Louis region. More specifically, they are trying to reach minority populations (specifically Black and Latinx patients), as they are underrepresented in health research.




LEVELS OF HIERARCHY The order of interaction with materials

1 1 Van seen by other drivers and by pedestrians when parked, usually for very short periods of time 2 Booth from a distance, what people walking by learn from a cursory look 3 Medium-size elements, interactive elements, what people who walk up to the booth learn 4 Verbal interaction with the Outreach Coordinator at the booth or near it 5 Small elements, what people learn when they pick up and read materials







FIRST LEVEL Kevin Schneider

The first level of interaction comes from the CCHPR outreach van and the interactions that community members have with it when they see the van. Currently CCHPR has only a small outdated decal on the side of the van and we felt like this was a waste of the valuable advertising space created as the van drives around Saint Louis. I wanted to create a large visually striking decal that would identify the Reach campaign and point viewers to resources to get involved.




The design for the van decal developed along with the visual language for the campaign My goal was to create a simple design that would leave an impression even if viewed for a very short amount of time. I spent a lot of time deciding between a full van-wrap and several smaller decals to try and find the format that would work best and be most cost effective. The van wrap design ended up using the central tagline of “What’s Your Reach?” and the people illustrations to tie it to the Reach campaign brand. I also incorporated resources like the CCHPR phone number and email address to give viewers a way to get involved.



FINAL DESIGN Kevin Schneider

The final design for the van wrap consists of two large decals applied to either side of the van and one applied to the back window- all of which advertise the “What’s your reach� tagline and illustrations. The design also includes the Reach email and phone number to connect viewers to the campaign. This design will help give the Reach campaign a presence in the community as the van drives around the city.



SECOND LEVEL Kristen DeMondo

The second level of interaction is the actual tabling set-up and what people see as they pass by the table in whatever space. For this level, I redesigned their tablecloth and large poster. Alongside this, I developed the overall messaging to be used throughout the materials. I wanted to establish messaging that was clear and inviting. As people have many misconceptions towards medical studies, I wanted to make sure the language being used was approachable. For the large banner, we decided to stick with the tagline “What’s your reach?”




The design for the tablecloth and banner went through various iterations, incorporating the different illustrations that Kevin was creating. Although maintaining the “What’s your reach?” tagline, I worked through the supporting text on the banner as well of what would be on the tablecloth. We wanted these two pieces to be able to work together, but also for the tablecloth to be able to stand alone in case they are in a smaller space and cannot set up the large standing banner.



FINAL DESIGN Kristen DeMondo

The final design for the tabling materials consisted of a large, retractable banner that stands at six feet tall as well as a sixfoot-long tablecloth. The purpose of these materials are to quickly grab people’s attention and allow them to easily understand just what the research coordinator is there for. The messaging and visual language is friendly and approachable in order to draw people in.

What’s your reach? You can impact your health and the health of your community through research studies.


Impact community health.


THIRD LEVEL Sabrina Roberts

The third level of interaction includes small & medium-size elements, interactive parts, and content that would be discovered by users who choose to approach the booth. The existing third level elements included a true/false poster with flaps. I took the existing content and created an interactive, hand-held wheel. The form of the product encourages people of all ages to engage with the booth in a fun way that is also educational. I cut the text down a bit in order to put emphasis on the most important aspects of the topics and allow it to be as digestable as possible.




As I began to synthesize the existing true/ false information, I started to research and prototype different physical forms that would best display the content while still serving as an engaging product. I settled on a wheel shape because I felt it would be most appealing to a wide age range and easy to use. I did some research on paper engineering and tested a few different prototypes before realizing that creating a sleeve for the wheel would solve user-experience problems. I worked with other group member to incorporate the icons and designed a white sleeve so that it would contrast against the navy blue table cloth.



FINAL DESIGN Sabrina Roberts

The final product consisted of a laser cut wheel inserted within a sleeve. The wheel’s true/false questions are continuous, so that the use can start from wherever the wheel is left off. The feedback I received was generally positive in reference to design and usability, with a few people concerned about the durability and how long the wheel would last before breaking due to the amount of people who would interact with it. My biggest goal with this project was to create something that could be informative and fun, and utilized by someone if the Outreach Coordinator was occupied with a different community member.



FOURTH LEVEL Katie Ehrlich

The fourth level of interaction is verbal communication with the Outreach Coordinator at the booth or near it. These pins will be worn by Kym, the Outreach Coordinator, and Hilary, the Project Administrator while at the booth. They currently do not have nametags or shirts to tie them to the booth, so I hope the bright color and large type will encourage visitors to engage with them. These can easily be changed to include more CCHPR members or be changed as new employees are added.



FIFTH LEVEL Katie Ehrlich

The biggest challenge at this level was figuring out the best way to reformat the current materials which spanned a pamphlet about CCHPR, a pamphlet on the rights of research participants, a card for the Coordinator to write down studies for interested visitors, and a set of laminated strips of images depicting the types of research studies offered. Both of the pamphlets were contained an overwhelming amount of information, and none of the materials shared visual consistency. So the first approach I took was making a set of two matching pamphlets with a research card in the same visual language. The typeface and color choices were intended to be friendly and approachable.




Going forward, I realized that the purpose of each pamphlet was not easily understandable. At a glance a passerby would not know which pamphlet to take or why they should care. So I “repackaged” them as “How We Are Helping Community Health & Wellness” and “How You Can Help Community Health & Wellness.” The research study cards also got a better headline, “Participation Matters.” The booklets had a lot more white space than the original pamphlet. I moved We created illustrations for each page to reinforce the content. But I still thought having three separate pieces was too much content for people. As for the types of medical research studies, Kevin created a set of icons that I formed into a spread in the booklet. The downside to this was that it was more difficult for the Outreach Coordinator to have to open the booklet and point rather than having a separate piece.



FINAL DESIGN Katie Ehrlich

Instead of having two separate booklets and an info card, I combined the forms. It became one booklet on what CCHPR does, and one card that summarized what you can do and where you can do it. I rewrote the clunky headlines into “What we do.” and “What you can do.” which is much more understandable at a glance. The blue card slips into the booklet easily so people can hold it or stick it in their bag as one simple package. Then I created a separate large print out with the research icons that is easy to read, will stand out against the blue tablecloth, and the Coordinator can point to as a non-threatening diagram.



ICONS PROCESS Kevin Schneider

As a part of their tabling supplies the Outreach Coordinator had a set of cards that showed different kinds of procedures that might be a part of a medical research study. When we talked with the Coordinator she stressed the importance of having the cards present to show community members what a study might entail; however, we found the stock photos used on the photos both alarming and failing to capture the diversity of the Reach campaigns audience. To change this, I wanted to create a set of icons to represent the studies in a way that was approachable and understandable. Developing the icons took several rounds of iterations and color studies. The visual language developed was designed to compliment the other illustrations by using the same shape-based simplified approach as the booklet illustrations but presenting those illustrations in line rather than shape. Once this visual language was developed extra icons were created to represent resources and the process of signing up for a research study.



ICONS FINAL Kevin Schneider

The final icons created for the Reach campaign represent the different kinds of research studies through the visual language of a blue outline with pink fill. These icons could be used on a poster or cards during tabling to inform community members about the different kinds of research studies in an approachable way. The set of icons also include icons for the process of signing up for a research study.




For the Reach campaign I wanted to create a visual language and system to incorporate illustrations within the campaign’s brand. The initial goal was to find a way to explain research studies in an engaging way. The design process began by experimenting with different illustration styles and working on a central illustration to represent the diverse community. This process was driven by lots of experimentation and ultimately resulted in hape-based illustrations of a diverse group of people standing in a line. Once the visual language was ironed out, custom illustrations where created for the informational booklet, van decal, tablecloth and banner. In each case the illustrations where created to enhance the content of each deliverable and were tied together through the Reach color scheme and established visual language.




The final illustrations are bright, colorful, fun, and help to make the informational material engaging and digestible. The illustrations are applied to almost ever part of the tabling deliverables which really makes the illustrations a central part of the Reach campaign brand.





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