1 minute read

table talk

why can we trust the bible?

we can trust the bible because the bible is gods’ word and therefore has no errors.


Why can we trust the Bible? The Bible is inspired by God. This means The Spirit inspired many human authors through many ages to write the message of God in such a way that it was their words and showed their unique personality and at the same time it is the very words of God. Because it is the very words of God the Bible is without error.


Have you ever had questions about how trustworthy the Scripture is? What where those questions?

Here we see that all of Scripture has been “breathed out” by God. Paul then goes on to write how we should treat Scripture knowing that it has been inspired by God. When has the Bible been useful in “teaching” you? “Correcting” you? “Rebuking” you? “Training you in righteousness”?

hands feet heart

2 Timothy 3:17 tells us that the Bible equips us for “every” good work. Has there ever been times where you did not feel equipped to do some work of ministry?

Is your response in those moments to go to Scripture so that you can become equipped? Why/why not?

How can you find some answers to your questions that you talked about in the “head” section. One resource to help you see the evidence for the trustworthiness of the Bible is a website called michaeljkruger.com Go to that website this week and look in his “article index” to see if he has some answers to your questions this week.

One of the most common words used to describe the work of the Church until Jesus returns is “witness”. This word means that our job is to tell people what we have seen and heard about Jesus. Last week we also learned that we know Jesus because all of Scripture points to Him. How can knowing this help you in the work of witnessing to Jesus?