1 minute read

table talk

how should we then live?

all christians are disciples of jesus and each day for the rest of our lives we are being trained to be more like jesus.


How should we then live? All Christians are disciples of Jesus and each day for the rest of our lives we are being trained to be more like Jesus. This means that Jesus, through other Christians is discipling us.

head heart hands feet

What are the things in this verse that we are all encouraged to do together as God “sanctifies you completely”?

God uses the whole body to help the whole body grow. Is there any person or type of person in God’s church who you have a hard time learning from? Why is that?

What people has God used in your life this year in His work of making you more like His son Jesus? Thank them this week and be specific in how they have helped you grow this year.

Knowing that it is ultimately God who sanctifies us and that He uses His people in that work, one of the most important works we can do for each other is prayer

(1 Thessalonians 5:17). Spend some time this week praying for each member in your group/family that God would sanctify them.

1 thessalonians 5:12-18

What are the things in this verse that we are all encouraged to do together as God “sanctifies you completely”?