2015 Yearbook: Office, Logistic and Industrial Parks in Romania | CEE

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The new Romania by Ionuţ Oprea, Publisher

Helios Phoenix, VGP, Prologis, Universal Property, NGB, Sema Parc Logistics, Transilvania Constructii are a few examples of active players in Romania. Even though the new industrial parks will have to prove their potential, 8 titles have been issued by the Ministry of Regional Development in counties like Timis, Satu Mare, Cluj, Bihor, Alba, Prahova and Iasi. In the Office sector, everyone is expecting new institutional investors to enter the market, as Globalworth, Nepi and Immofinanz “need” a new competitor while their duel to become the top player, to have assets of more than 1 billion euro in Romania is exciting. At the same time, more and more projects are finalized or announced by other players in the new business districts for Bucharest. The potential of the regional market is also emphasized by a significant number of projects promoted or under development in Timisoara, Iasi, Cluj Napoca or Brasov. Even more, there is a new challenge launched by Iulius Group, which announced the new tallest building in Romania, an office tower integrated in a multifunctional urban regeneration project in Timisoara. Accepting that Romania may also have had a PR problem and the fact that investments in CEE can be just as attractive or even more attractive to global investors, even though they may be not so well known, we are proudly changing the perspective together with owners, developers, managers, consultants, investment funds and institutions. We invite you to discover the projects of a “new Romania”, and promise to present to you the ones that will be finalized this year and in 2016, in the next edition.



This is the third edition of our exclusive yearbook dedicated to investment opportunities in Romania, and we have been delighted to discover more and more projects, developers, investors and plans for new projects. The dynamism and potential of the Romanian real estate market are proved not only by the general economic indicators but also by the transactions and projects that are finalized or under development. The most important are presented in special chapters inside this yearbook. Moreover, we have asked owners, managers, experts to express their strategic arguments for investing in Romania, we have challenged them to explain the trends and perspectives of the market, so their answers should rally more interest in and business deals for Romania. After the record activity of 2014, in just half a year, in 2015, more acquisitions are made, more projects are delivered and more expansion plans are promoted by the main developers in the industrial or office sectors, and consultants also report a positive trend, especially in the regional market. In logistics, there is competition among the developers who own and are expanding parks of more than 200,000 sq m leasable area, who vie for the first position in the hierarchy within Romania, but all these projects are integrated in an international network directly connected to the clients’ adaptive model of business and they all offer state-of-the-art characteristics, in keeping with the new lists of demands. Also, the owners and developers of logistic parks exceeding 100,000 sq m leaseable area have been adding space and facilities almost every month, so the pulse of the market is interesting. P3, Alinso, CTP, Immofinanz, Portland, Valad, WDP,



Strategic opportunities for Romania and international events Avantaje strategice și promovare internațională

14 20

Best office centers and cities for business Investițiile reper și cele mai bune orașe pentru afaceri

17 32

New logistic and industrial parks Noi centre logistice și parcuri industriale


Market index - industrial Indexul pieței - industrial


Market index - office Indexul pieței - birouri




Repere | Key Figures • 78 de titluri sunt emise pentru parcuri industriale • 8 noi titluri au fost emise într-un an de MDRAP • Parc Industrial Miroslava, județul Iași cel mai recent titlu • Peste 50.000 angajați activează în parcurile industriale • 700 km de autostradă existenți influențează direct noi investiții • 1.800 km de autostrăzi ar trebui construiți până în 2020 • 4,3% este rata de creștere a PIB în primul trimestru •Peste 1.2 miliarde de euro - valoarea tranzacțiilor în 2014 • Un nou record al suprafețelor închiriate în 2014: 430.000 mp în parcuri industriale / logistice • Aprox. 247.000 mp vor fi livrați în parcuri logistice până la finalul anului • 220 mil. euro va investi Iulius Management Center pentru Openville Timișoara, inclusiv pentru o nouă cea mai înaltă clădire din România (Office) • Office: 39.000 mp au fost livrați în primul trimestru, încă 82.000 mp în 9 proiecte vor fi livrați ca spații noi în 2015. • 7,8 miliarde de euro - valoarea tuturor tranzacțiilor imobiliare în CEE, în 2014, 15% din total, în România


• 78 titles - “industrial parks” are issued in Romania • 8 new titles were officialy issued by Ministry of Development • Miroslava Industrial Park, Iasi county the lastest title received • More than 50.000 employees are active in industrial parks • 700 km of existing motorways, directly influencing new investments • 1.800 km of highways should be constructed in Romania until 2020 • 4.3% - GDP Growth Q1 2015 in Romania • More than 1.2 billion euro - transactions value recorded in 2014 in Romania • Industrial: Highest annual Total Leasing Activity achieved in 2014 - 430,000 sq m • Close to 247, 000 sq m in logistic parks are expected to be delivered in 2015 • 220 mil. euro will be invested by Iulius Management Center for Openville Timisoara, to build also the new tallest building in Romania (Office) • Office market: 39,000 sq m delivered in Q1 2015, another 82,000 sq m in 9 properties to be delivered as new stock • 7.8 billion euro - the value of all investment transactions in CEE in 2014, 15% in Romania.



România, a patra oară la Expo Real Camera de Comerţ și Industrie Româno - Germană (AHK România) organizează, pentru a patra oară, standul comun al României la ediţia a 18-a a târgului EXPO REAL München cea mai mare expoziţie europeană pentru proiecte imobiliare și investiţii la nivel internaţional, care va avea loc în perioada 5 - 7 octombrie 2015. Standul României a crescut de la an la an. Anul acesta se va întinde pe o suprafaţă totală de 78 mp şi va găzdui 11 companii și instituții din România. În cadrul târgului se vor desfășura aproximativ 80 de conferințe, simpozioane și mese rotunde în cadrul cărora 400 de experți vor dezbate tendințele actuale și inovațiile de pe piața imobiliară, a investițiilor și finanțării, vor discuta despre durabilitate și investiții, oportunități și direcții de urmat etc. EXPO REAL 2015 reprezintă o oportunitate excelentă de a promova România și climatul investițional al țării în vederea implementării unor proiecte investiționale de anvergură, în fața a 37.000 de vizitatori și potențiali investitori din 74 de țări. Expunerea și vizibilitatea extraordinară de care beneficiază expozanții în cadrul standului României le oferă acestora posibilitatea de a intra în contact direct cu potențiali investitori și dezvoltarea unor proiecte de succes. Expozanții din acest an, care sunt La fel ca la ediția precedentă, am alături de AHK România în staninclus România și în programul de dul comun: conferințe al târgului EXPO REAL 2015, tema propusă fiind „România 1. Primăria Municipiului București ca destinație investițională”. Prin 2. Eurobusiness Parc Oradea intermediul acestei conferințe 3. ICCO Parc Industrial Brașov dorim să trezim interesul investi4. Artemis Real Estate Timișoara torilor străini pentru piața ro5. Bardeau Imobiliare mânească, evidențiind oportunitățile 6. Consiliul Județean Satu Mare pe care aceasta le oferă. Pentru 7. AFI Europe Romania informații privind participarea în 8. Globalworth Real Estate Investcalitate de expozant sau vizitator la ment EXPO REAL 2015, contactați: 9. Departamentul pentru Investiții Rosemarie Negrea - Reprezentant Străine și PPP (Guvern) Expo Real München în România, 10. WDP Development Romania tel. 021 2079167 sau E-mail: ne11. Tetarom SA Cluj grea.rosemarie@ahkrumaenien.ro.


Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Româno-Germană (AHK România), înfiinţată în septembrie 2002, numără în prezent circa 530 de firme membre şi este cea mai mare cameră de comerţ bilaterală din România. Prin serviciile pe care le oferă și evenimentele pe care organizează, AHK România susţine firmele germane la intrarea lor pe piaţa românească şi, în egală măsură, este un partener competent pentru companiile româneşti interesate de piaţa germană.”



Invest in Romania - a strategic choice In the highly dynamic and interconnected world of global business still recovering from a dramatic economic downturn that generated paradigms of economic power being drawn and redrawn relentlessly, with international markets facing severe distress, retrenchment, as well as reduced appetence for risk exposure and propensity to invest, Romania has succeeded in maintaining its position as one of the leading foreign direct investment recipients in the CEE, proving that an unremitting desire to seek performance, improvements and productivity gains, doubled by a sound economic policy, is still the script for success and profitability. As part of the European Union, Romania stands for an incredible market opportunity in terms of size (the 9th in EU28) and population (the 7th in EU28), offering investors a strong market potential as the second largest country in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest in SEE. Following the country’s EU accession in 2007, investors here find themselves within a single market of 500 million consumers, as one of the largest in the world, providing enormous advantages for companies seeking new markets for development and growth. Moreover, EU membership makes it also eligible for EUR 43 bn. in EU funding. Besides its belonging to the great European family, Romania enjoys yet another significant international affiliation- NATO membership - standing as a pillar of strength in maintaining stability and security in the region. Over the years Romania has been able to cash-in on its geostrategic location, as positioned at the crossroads of three great markets: the European Union, the CIS states and the Middle East, being crossed by three important pan-European transportation corridors: no. 4 linking Europe from West to East, no. 9 from North to South, and no. 7, facilitating inland water transportation on the Danube. Romania owns 1/3 of the Danube River, also standing as the most significant gateway to the Black Sea through Constanta Port, the largest and deepest port at the Black Sea (with a 6 days time saving competitive advantage against the biggest European port, Rotterdam, as concerns Asian goods transportation by sea). Projecting itself more effectively on the world investment map throughout economical stability- thus predictability and maintaining its position as one of the most investmentconducive countries in the pool represents a mandatory achievement for Romania. erefore, we have maintained one of the lowest flat tax in the region and EU28, issued generous state aid schemes amounting 1.2 bn EURO for supporting investment and job creation, introduced the tax exemption on reinvested profit and reduced by 5% the employers' social security contributions. Furthermore, we have on public debate a visionary Fiscal Code that will reshape our domestic business climate through significant fiscal relaxation as a new powerful tool in enhancing our competitive advantages. Figures speak for themselves as in 2014, Romania enjoyed a sustainable economic growth of 2.9% placing us on among the top 5 countries in EU28, whilst EUR 2,426 bn, for inward FDI is solid ground for maintaining our position as one if the leading recipients in the region. Romania is an attractive destination for investment and business expansion, a status confirmed by the amounts of FDI that keep pouring since the beginning of the year. On the first 5 months of 2015 the country enjoyed EUR 1287 mil in foreign WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

investment as 18 % higher against the same period, last year. Romania is an attractive destination for investment and business expansion, a status confirmed by the billions of dollars and euros invested here by foreign companies. e GDP increased by 4.3% in the first quarter of 2015 compared to the same quarter of last year making us the best performing country in the EU! Another “pro” for taking upon the country resides in its extensively creative potential of highly skilled workforce at competitive prices (second lowest in EU) enjoying reduced cultural and language barriers. e entrepreneurs that decide to take upon Romania are having at their fingertips an enormous reservoir of educated talent, winning kudos in the international professional arena. Over the years, the country has nurtured outstanding performances in terms of global recognition, profiling itself as an international talent exporter, feeding some of the world’s most prestigious players in all fields of activity. Today, it is only through proactivity, performance seeking, productivity gains and focus on inward FDI, that we can truly generate a significant influx of capital, know-how and new technologies, as the only way for continuing to attract more wealth creators. Sectors like industrial manufacturing, automotive, IT&C, energy, R&D, are still in, for insuring good ROIs (return on investment) and shrewd investors will continue to take advantage of these costs - competitive growth drivers. As previously highlighted, Romania continues to stand as a land of opportunities for shrewd investors to take upon, putting to good use its competitive advantages, therefore the Department for Foreign Investment and Public - Private Partneship, currently representing the Executive’s leading body in major project implementation and “one-stop-shop” for foreign investors in Romania, invites you to benefit from its core expertise in serving the international community in empowering global business.

DEPARTMENT FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40 21 318.50.52 Fax: +40 21 316.31.58 Web: www.dpiis.gov.ro E-mail: investromania@dpiis.gov.ro

The best office centers and cities for business



Sorin Visoianu, Country Manager Office & Logistic Romania and Bulgaria IMMOFINANZ Group

“We recognize an increasing demand” “The real estate market, in general, with the office sector we are closely handling, in particular, certainly places itself on a steady growth path. The increasing number of interactions and advanced discussions we are having with our tenants for new leases or prolonging and extending the rented space confirm this trend” What are the main indicators showing that Romania has finally started to resurrect the real estate picture? It is more likely for the local market to moderately, yet constantly grow in the forthcoming period. Taking into consideration the crisis we faced, I would say it wouldn’t be healthy for the market to suddenly grow and, taking into account the evolution within the last 12 months, we can probably expect a temperate positive trend. We notice a clear improvement of the status on all commercial real estate sectors we are covering. Taking the office sector, for instance, during the last 12-18 months, important new developments commenced and the market shows obvious signs of animation with developers resuming WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

projects and important companies leasing notable surfaces. Considering this context, IMMOFINANZ also started the first phase of an innovative project for the local market – Metroffice, part of Iride City. With regard to logistics we also recognize an increasing demand – and therefore made the decision to start with new developments. What are the main aspects real estate developers seek in a country when they plan to start new office buildings investments? What are the requirements the country meets and what should Romania emphasize on further? Romania is one of the IMMOFINANZ core markets that we have designated as a focal point of our development activities in the coming years. is is consequent to economy being

office on a steady road to recovery and is growing faster than in other CEE countries, which also means a stepwise increasing demand for high-quality commercial properties. e volumes on the transaction market also show that Romania is now back on the radar screen of international investors and this is also an indicator we pay attention to. What are the most attractive areas to develop projects in and how demanding are the clients nowadays? In terms of so-called “urban destinations”, Bucharest and other large cities like Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca or Iasi enrol amongst targets. Reasons in this case connect directly to these cities being university cities, with great potential, having also the advantage of already welcoming large international companies that have opened local operations in Romania. I wouldn’t call clients demanding, but rather very well connected to their company’s and team’s needs. Location stands amongst the most important items to take into consideration when choosing your future headquarters and this is valid especially for Bucharest – an office building close to public transportation means (ideally subway station), easy to reach both from the city centre and from the airport. Clients also take into consideration the energy efficiency details because moving into a cost-effective building is an important aspect, besides opting for a surface that suits best the company’s demands in terms of space, partitions etc. Another trend that slowly influences the market is that of extra benefits and IMMOFINANZ counteracted this trend somehow anticipating it with the “more than office” concept that the company carried out in all its buildings, providing a complete service package that also includes exclusive concierge services available on the premises for all our tenants’ employees or private shuttle buses that operate daily to take employees from the headquarters to the city centre.

new tenants – from exclusive concierge services to a large palette of spaces and buildings the company can propose potential clients to as options for their future headquarters. We also intend to expand this “more than office” concept with more activations and actions especially targeting persons working on a daily basis within one of IMMOFINANZ’s buildings. What are the most important tenants you have so far and what are the main domains they are active in? Our clients’ portfolio include market leading companies involved in IT, pharma, banking, FMCG or BPO sectors, as well as the agro segment since 1 January 2014 marked the day when Romania was obliged to open up its land market to foreign investors and this gave entities to see an important investment target in the country’s agricultural heritage. In the past few months, after revealing plans to expand Iride Business Park into Iride City, we are very pleased to see long term partnerships continue. Our vision and long-term plans for Iride City sparked the interest and positive feedback partly from our current tenants so we have concluded new contracts with tenants coming from various sectors, such as tobacco, media or travelling. What are the main investments planned for the years to come, especially for 2015? Some of the latest strategic decisions with regard to the Romanian office and logistics segment of IMMOFINANZ involve reconversion works for Armonia Mall (Arad) into a logistic center, where first tenants have already been attracted. Additionally, we are getting off the starting blocks for new logistics developments. Within a short time we will start the first phase of our LOG.IQ Bucharest development with a rentable space of approx. 38,000 sq m.

IMMOFINANZ Group is the largest office space owner in Romania, having in its portfolio landmark office buildings like S-Park or Bucharest Business Centre, besides Iride Business Park, which is the biggest business park in Romania. To this, the company also includes in its portfolio well-known shopping centres like Maritimo Shopping Center in Constanta or Polus in Cluj-Napoca.

In the office segment IMMOFINANZ officially announced at the end of 2014 the start for the long-term transformation and expansion of the existing Iride Business Park – Romania’s largest business park - into a modern urban quarter under the name Iride City. is new daring approach and innovative extended development has started with the construction of Metroffice, the first development phase of the project - approx. 40,000 sq m of rentable space are planned for the Metroffice, with the first section covering nearly 20,000 sq m. Construction should be completed in Q1 2016 with an investment volume for the first building of approx. EUR 34 million. e long-term master plan of Iride City involves the redesign of the entire area within Iride Business Park into an innovative quarter with office, retail, leisure and residential space – in other words, a new, open and vitalized section for the city.

How are you planning to attract more clients? e main anchor in attracting more clients is to provide modern spaces, adapted to their business’s needs – and in this case we can mention IMMOFINANZ’s under construction project Metroffice which will become one of the area’s landmarks of quality and professionalism on completion. Additionally, we invest money in the quality of our standing investments. e motto now is “in shape as new“. at will not only attract new customers, but also help us remain an attractive partner for our current tenants. Besides this, the comprehensive service package we offer to all our tenants stands amongst our advantages for engaging

What kind of strategies do you apply nowadays to cope with the increasingly competitive environment? “Flexibility” is the name of the solution, as well as a broad know-how of the market. IMMOFINANZ Group is the leading office building owner in Bucharest with a total of 187,000 sqm rentable space. erefore, when it comes to providing office spaces, the company does not only provide a space for business, but a full package of amenities, comprehensively called “more than office” service package individual services directly from the owner – during the company’s search and long after it moves in its new office location.

What are the most important projects you developed so far and what is their value? In Romania, IMMOFINANZ Group is one of the leading real-estate developers and investors with a portfolio of 82 properties in mostly office and commercial space, estimated at 957 million EUR. Romanian ranks 3rd in the total Group portfolio holding a 14.0% share after Russia and Austria.





Metroffice Metroffice is realized as the first part of a long-term master plan which involves the redesign of the entire area within Romania’s largest business center - Iride Business Park, a property of IMMOFINANZ Group, into the future Iride City - a modern and comfortable living and working environment which will be created in the coming years.

The Metroffice office complex covers three buildings with rentable space totalling approx. 40,000 sqm. The first section, to which construction is in progress, will cover six stories with nearly 20,000 sqm. The rentable areas will range up to 3,500 sqm per floor, with a flexible design that allows for individual and open offices. Future tenants will benefit from a comfortable and optimal working environment, with ideal surfaces and space partitions. Functional areas are provided with maximum natural lighting, ensuring reduced energy consumption, in addition to plans also calling for LEED certification – including, among others, a green roof. From the architectural point of view, the future business park is designed to become a state-of-the-art location, with esthetic elements of the construction perfectly blending with technical and functional ones. One excellent feature of the building is its location: the project is situated in northern Bucharest, with direct access to the Pipera subway station and additional public transport by buses and trams. The location also benefits from prime access to city center main roads, ring roads and Henri Coanda International Airport. Romania is one of the IMMOFINANZ core markets that the company has designated as a focal point of development activities

in the coming years. The economy is on a steady road to recovery and is growing faster than in other CEE countries, which also means an increasing demand for high-quality commercial properties. The volumes on the transaction market also show that Romania is now back on the radar screen of international investors. As first development stage, Metroffice opens doors for an innovative quarter, a new, open and vitalized section for the city. Following clients’ needs and their varied profiles, Metroffice is a set off signal for a new concept in the area. When the final stage of construction is completed, Iride City will provide space for restaurants, a hotel and conference center and day-care center, as well as park and sports facilities. The entire project, which also includes the refurbishment of the Iride Business Park, will cover several phases and a time horizon of 10 to 20 years.


4 Excellent transport connection; 4 Prime amenities (retail, conference possibilities); 4 Flexible design and space arrangements; 4 Sustainable building (LEED Certification planned); 4 Bicycles parking; 4 Basement locker rooms; 4 Rainwater storage; 4 Modern technical facilities; 4 Leading developer – IMMOFINANZ Group; 4 4-pipe HVAC system; 4 Automatic fire alarm and smoke exhaust; 4 24-hour security service; 4 Raised floors; 4 Operable windows; 4 Ample parking.

Contact us to find out availability and for further information: Vlad Marin offices_ro@immofinanz.com +40 735 001 202 WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO



Affan Yildirim - General Manager Anchor Grup

“Romania, still one of the most attractive countries” “After 18 years on the Romanian market, I think it is safe to say that what best defines Anchor Grup is its stability, while constantly evolving. We’ve built the first modern shopping center in Romania – Bucuresti Mall, then the first A-class office building integrated to a shopping center – Anchor Plaza. Now we are the first to completely renovate not one, but both our commercial centers, at once, without closing them. We set ambitious goals for ourselves, then we always manage to reach them”, states Affan Yildirim, General Manager of Anchor Grup.

Which are the main accomplishments of the company in the last two years, your objectives for 2015/2016? Our main accomplishments in the last period have closely followed the objectives we’ve set 2 years ago. Apart from the complex renovation process that is currently ongoing in both Bucuresti Mall and Plaza Romania, which will change not only the aesthetics, but also the tenant mix – visible changes can be seen already, we have also resumed the constructions works and the leasing prospection for Anchor Plaza Metropol. e apartments from InCity Residences are almost sold-out and we are working on to increase the existing supply, both shopping centers in our portfolio have reached an occupancy rate of over 90% each - this aspect will be visible at the end of renovation works -, Bucuresti Mall is one of the top choices for customers when it comes to shopping and entertainment, for more than 15 years. Moreover, Debenhams re-entered on the Romanian market this year and chose us to be its trustful partners, Marks & Spencer brought their first food concept store to Plaza Romania, Mega Image opened the elitist Wine Gallery in Bucuresti Mall, all major brands agreed to implement their newest concepts and the list can go on. For the next years, we wish to consolidate our position on the market and to continue with the investments in residential and offices sector. We want to be able to offer to our partners and our customers an unforgettable experience, as a way of thanking them for supporting us during the challenging times. We know it is not easy and it hasn’t been easy, but this is what makes this even more worthwhile. We will continue to innovate in all areas – retail, offices and residential, because we strongly believe in the potential of the local market. As part of FIBA Holding, we take advantage of the vast experience of the real estate giant, and adapt its vision in order to fit the requirements of the Romanian market. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

How would you characterize the construction market in Romania, the current foreign investments rhythm and future perspectives for new investments in Romania? After the last period during which Romania has been focused on correcting the most significant inequities caused by the recession, it looks like 2015 will follow the sustainable positive trend set up in the previous year. e key contribution to the economy growth in the first quarter of 2015 is mainly coming from consumption and, at last, from construction sector. e transport infrastructure sector in Romania is getting more stable as well, although I believe Romania should still be focused especially in infrastructure investments. Moreover, the direct foreign investments registered a significant increase in the first three months and so, I would say that the signs are positive for the next coming period. Romania remains still one of the most attractive countries in the region; our actions and investment decisions are reflecting our beliefs and the trust in the local market potential. How do you see the evolution of the Office market in Bucharest and how about projects in other cities? Also, is the residential sector healthy enough for new developments in Bucharest? I know there are shared opinions when it comes to real estate market evolution, nevertheless we continue to see new quality developments in the city. At the same time, last year office take-up registered the highest level since 2008 and about half of it was represented by new demand. I believe this is the beginning, if not a continuation of a healthy, sustainable recovery. Of course, the entire sector development will be highly influenced by the economic situation, in general, as well as by the financing sector and by the Government policies in relation to foreign investors. is year we have resumed the constructions works for our second A-class office building in West-Center area of Bucharest – Anchor Plaza Metropol, which will deliver on


the market a total leasable area of 37,000 sq. m. At the same time we are ready to convert 10,000 sq. m of Plaza Romania into office accommodation, this being actually one of the first office buildings in Bucharest incorporated within a shopping center and, thus, providing to its future tenants a full package of shopping and leisure opportunities. We are optimistic as well when it comes to residential market, as 2014 has proved to be a very good year for us, in terms of sales. InCity Residences has reached over 95% occupancy rate and now we are also planning to supply the 4th building in the near future, having in view the requests from our clients, interested for an upgrade or investment opportunities. In relation to financial indicators, what do you forecast for 2015 / 2016 for the company in Romania? Taking into consideration the company’s stability and dynamics and the fact that we always reach our goals and objectives, we are very positive in what concerns the years to come. Our ongoing main focus is to better our tenants’ performances, thus impacting also our

sustainable development. Adding into the equation the complex renovation process that will trigger consistent positive effects, the forecast may only be an encouraging one. What kind of strategies do you apply nowadays to cope with the increasingly competitive environment? Year by year we are facing a more mature market, a more educated consumer, sharper competition. It’s competition actually, as well as our customers’ constant increasing demands and needs that set our view for the next period. The renovation and reconfiguration process of our shopping centers is a response to the continuous changes and market evolution. Our target has been to identify differentiating elements which can be successfully implemented into our existing shopping centers, in terms of both tenant mix and design solutions. Of course we will not provide with completely new retails schemes in the end, nevertheless we will generate unique shopping experience for our customers, within a familiar and comforting environment. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




ANCHOR GRUP, the steady anchor of the real estate industry An essential part of FIBA Holding, Anchor Grup has been active since 1997 in real estate development in Eastern Europe and became one of the strongest market-players through its extensive portfolio of retail projects, residential and office buildings. In Romania, Anchor Grup holds Bucuresti Mall, the first modern shopping center in Bucharest, opened in 1999, Plaza Romania, one of the most popular destinations for shopping in Bucharest, Movieplex Cinema, the 11 screen movie theater in Plaza Romania, Anchor Plaza, the first A-class office building integrated into a retail scheme and InCity Residences, a 500 apartments residential complex located in downtown Bucharest. e company actively continues to develop large projects, currently running the completion of Anchor Plaza Metropol office building, located in the Center-West area of Bucharest. At the same time, one of Anchor Grup most ambitious goal is to finalize the complex renovation projects of the two shopping centers in its portfolio, which have started in 2014 and are currently running according to the schedule. e completion of such process will reposition Bucuresti Mall and Plaza Romania on the shopping map - from pioneers to leaders. Today, with an experience encompassing more than 15 years on the Romanian market, Anchor Grup has extensive know-how and expertise in retail, residential and office developments.

ANCHOR PLAZA, a first step in outlining the office map of Center-West Bucharest Endowed with a gross leasable area of 25,000 square meters (Ground Floor + 12 upper levels) Anchor Plaza has been the first A class office building in Bucharest located next to a retail scheme and a pioneer of the western office market as well. This office building is characterized by an elegant steel structure and maximum space utilization, as well as by a contemporary and high quality architectural look and finishing. Some of the main features of Anchor Plaza are: BMS controlled heating and cooling system with VRV units, 24 hours access and security system, addressable fire alarm and fire-fighting system and CCTV system for common areas and outside of the building. Adobe Systems Romania, Agroalim, Polisano, Credit Europe Bank, Credit Europe Asigurări, Marks& Spencer, Caroli Foods, LC Waikiki are several of the key tenants of Anchor Plaza. e available area in Anchor Plaza comes together with a full package of shopping and leisure opportunities, due to its proximity to Plaza Romania shopping center. Moreover, the employees of the building will greatly benefit from an WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

exclusive discount and voucher system to food & beverage operators in Plaza Romania.

PLAZA ROMANIA OFFICES - when business meets leisure e new Plaza Romania Offices will represent an innovation for the Bucharest commercial segment, being one of the first office building incorporated within a shopping center. Plaza Romania Offices will provide ~10,000 sq. m of office accomodation, with maximum efficiency in space utilization and easy access to a wide range of services that your employees will greatly benefit from: over 100 shops, 1,800 parking places, a large variety of restaurants and coffee shops, Movieplex cinema – with 11 screens, World Class fitness center, beauty saloon and many more. e office area represents a conversion of the former extension of Plaza Romania and will be provided with a separate access, a well-designed entrance lobby and large floor plates (~5,000 sq. m per floor), thus ensuring maximum efficiency in space utilization. is conversion embodies one of the main change brought within Plaza Romania refurbishment and reconfiguration process, currently in progress, telling the story of an urban transformation and of the community evolution. e glazed facade will offer plenty of natural light for the employees, ensuring a comfortable working environment, together with the high quality technical specifications.



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Regional cities - new rhythm Bucharest is the main focus of developers and investors as this is the biggest and most developed market. Several buildings are currently under due dilligence process to be transacted by the end of the year, Mihai Paduroiu - Head of Office Agency CBRE Romania.

The cost, the scarcity of the labour force and the competition for employees in Bucharest, the level of state subsidies for regional businesses and the quality of the graduates in major university centers have shifted the attention of occupiers from Bucharest to regional cities, mainly Cluj Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov and Sibiu. We expect these markets to grow significantly and to account for at least 25% of the total leasing market in 2015. What determines new investments in the Office sector? There are the macro-economic arguments, meaning the size of the market (the second largest country by population in the region), the GDP growth, general political and social stability. These are coupled with sectorial reasons: the growing demand from international occupiers, the availability and quality of the labour force, the relative risk-favourable market. The IT&C sector continues to be the most active on the market, with a share of 37% of TLA (over 20,000 sq m) only in Q1 2015. In general, over a third of the leasing activity represents the demand from IT&C tenants, clearly the main driver of the office market. Only in the last 18 months they have signed over 218,000 sq m. How have recent developments improved the quality of the market? Which are the effects on vacancy rates and rents? In general, in the last 2-3 years the new stock, over 70%, has been represented by class A office buildings – meaning buildings with technical specifications (modern 4-pipe HVAC system, raised floors and suspended ceilings, slab-to-slab height of 3.6 meters or better, advanced building management and security system, excellent utility capacity, international standard property management, a professional, experienced landlord. These specifications, coupled with location attributes transform the experience of the employees at the work place, enriching and allowing for better efficiency. The general vacancy rate for Bucharest registered an important decrease from 15% in Q1 2014 to 13.3% in Q1 2015 (a slight increase from 13% in Q4 2014). Compared to the previous quarter, the most significant changes in vacancy have occurred in Class B office buildings due to the delivery of large volumes of office space, specifically in the southern sub-market, leading to a substantial increase in vacancy rate in this area. With a continuing rise in the size of new demand and with new deliveries remaining constant, we expect a decrease in the vacancy WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

rate by end of the year, to around 12.4%. In Q1 2015 the prime headline rent has slightly increased to 18.5 €/sq m/month (CBD sub-market). The increase is motivated by two factors: the start of development for several new office schemes located in CBD, with triple class A technical and design features, which push up the development cost. The second factor is correlated with the substantial number of deals signed at prime rent headline level in the past quarters. Submarkets with the highest potential for future development continue to be North area and West area, especially around Basarab Bridge. Is there potential for new developments? This year, in addition to the 39,000 sq m delivered in Q1 2015, we expect another 82,000 sq m in 9 properties to be delivered as new stock, 70% on a speculative base. 76% of the total new supply is Class A office buildings (62,000 sq m), the rest is Class B. Major infrastructure projects like Basarab Bridge, Pipera Bridge, the new metro line in Drumul Taberei, The Presei Libere passage continue to project a positive over the development of the office market. Romania’s real-estate market offers the potential for highest return on investment – yields are still in the 8% range, whereas prime properties in Warsaw and Prague are around 6.5% or even lower. As core CEE markets have proved stability over the course of the past years, they have attracted numerous developers and investors and can become overheated. Bucharest has seen uninterrupted leasing activity growth in the past couple of years, with new leases, pre-leases, expansions now dominating the transactional market.


We are the designers of YOUR dream office. We, at OMIFA, have made it our goal to always bring our clients high-tech and high-touch solutions. Almost 13 years of experience in a competitive market strongly support our ambition of becoming the go-to office designer when it comes to high-quality solutions. Along the time, we have developed and completed intricate interior design projects, completely satisfying the increasingly high demands of the local office fit-out market. We directly import from an impressive number of suppliers based in Italy, Spain, Belgium, France and Germany. ese suppliers allow us to start each and every project with a clear goal: “We will always surpass our clients’ expectations when it comes to interior design, through our ingenuity, dedication and experience.” Established names that include WILKHAHN, IVM Spa, Anaunia, Frezza and ASA Plastici are but a few of the international brands that have chosen to be our partners on the Romanian market. We work with clients ranging from leading mobile telecom operators to world-renowned law firms and have enjoyed a long-lasting and fruitful partnership throughout the years. We look forward to further welcoming the challenges of meeting diverse requests from clients that are looking at either furnishing their brand new offices or starting from the ground up and putting their fit-out dreams into our hands. roughout our existence, we have developed and implemented a complex interactive system of approaching projects. Our design studio, tech support, concept furniture, fitting crew, customer service, project management departments and sales team allow us to offer complex architectural services, such as: CAD space planning, concept design development, shape and color studies, logo design and corporate identity integration into office fit-outs, lighting systems concepts, tridimensional project presentations, renderings and even short movies with our fit-out proposal. To better support the imagination of our dedicated architects, the tech support and concept furniture departments create, develop and implement constructive systems in a very efficient manner, both cost-wise and time-wise. Our customer support and project management departments always ensure a close and permanent communication between OMIFA and the end-client, so that the final product will always be tailor-made for the beneficiary. On a market that remains quite active - as new office buildings appear with the expansion of businesses locally our mission statement will always be related to quality and creativity. We made it our goal to always bring our clients high-tech and high-touch solutions. us, our entire philosophy can be restricted to just one phrase: We are the designers of YOUR dream office.

www.omifa.ro office@omifa.ro +40 314 257 494 WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




CA IMMO. Urban Benchmarks. During the last years, Bucharest has gained more and more attention from the prospective tenants, looking to secure local/regional office hubs, taking advantage of the skilled labor force, especially on IT&C and services (SSC). Based on it, we could consider that Bucharest is representing a viable alternative to the other Capitals, from business perspective. Last year has proven a more healthy investment climate in Bucharest, with important transactions performed by reputable investors. In 2015, the trend will witness a comparable level - a forecast of Marian Roman, Managing Director CA IMMO, Romania. Short and medium term strategy of CA IMMO is to clearly focus on the office market in Bucharest, but we follow with interest and satisfaction the successful endeavors from other cities with raised potential to attract business such as: Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi - states mr. Marian Roman. Which were the strategic arguments for investing/developing projects in Romania? Which are now the key advantages of taking that decision at the time? Early entry on a significant market as volume and potential, the borders of the European Union, a country with the target, at the time and subsequently confirmed, to join the EU. is decision enabled us selecting suitable projects to our portfolio and clotting of a local office to benefit from the accumulation of relevant professional experience subsequent to development plans. How is the development of your company’s portfolio progressing? e actual portfolio is stable, with over 100,000 sq m office space distributed in four projects (Opera Center, Europe House, Bucharest Business Park and Riverplace). As new development, we are focusing on Orhideea Towers’ project to be built on Orhideelor Road, close to Basarab Bridge. We have obtained the Building Permit for this project, currently we are organizing the preliminary activities dedicated to the underground works excavation. Our aim is to secure the prelease for this Project, in order to start construction works till end of 2015. e buildings in our property are well appreciated by tenants looking to lease premises on an optimal ratio between quality of the office space and the level of rent, with high accessibility and visibility, benefiting of a dedicated asset management on site. In terms of added value, how did your developments improved the quality of work & life for tenants? As well on the other activity sectors, Romanian real estate market has targeted the established models in the CEE, corroborated also with the specific requirements locally imposed by customers and law. Orhideea Towers will become part of Central-west submarket – an emerging office district with high potential, as developers with excellent track record announce to deliver in this area interesting office/residential projects, in the next few years. Office developments should meet the clients’ general “check-list”, in terms of technical features such as, but not limited to: fresh air, ventilation ratio, electricity & cabling, respectively offering friendly work environment (natural light, green areas outdoor), flexible work WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

spaces, ancillary services etc. Nevertheless, the architectural concept of the new projects aim to add value to the areas in which are developed. Reliable partnership established with our tenants, based on trust and respect, illustrated by the successful and long term commitment, are the aspects of our portfolio that please me the most. Could you explain the situation regarding vacancy levels and rents in Bucharest? Which areas in the city could attract new office developments? e latest reports are showing a higher level of real estate activities, with overall vacancy rate slowly decreasing and the prime rents keeping stable. However, the office vacancy rate is ranging from 30.0 % (Pipera North) to 4.5% (Central-West). New office projects are expected to be developed in the Western submarket, with focus on the adjacent area to the City Center, taking into consideration its excellent infrastructure and accessibility. Having in mind the announced deliveries during 2015-2016, we might see an increased stock with ca 400,000 sq m, if all projects shall be completed in due time. In terms of pre-lease activities, in the last months tenants show more interest and motivation to commit into agreements offering modern suitable space solutions and attractive financial packages. Still, Municipality has to implement feasible solutions against the traffic problems generated into the dense office areas (Central and North).



Sema New Project Sema Parc is a successful combination of a city logistic platform and Business Park. With two buildings already delivered and other two under development, a total of around 90,000 sq. m of office will be available. The details are presented by Oana Nicolae, Development Director - Sema New Project. Romania is one of the biggest economies in Europe with high development potential. Being a significant market in the area, the interest in investing in Romania was raising since 1995. As the general economical development level was low at that time, there were quite many areas where investing was both necessary and worth. Nowadays, the quality of human resources, a still low cost of work force and a repositioning of global interests are, in my opinion, the drivers of deciding to invest in Romania. How is the development of your company’s portfolio progressing? Sema Parc is a successful combination of a city logistic platform and Business Park. Shaping the master plan of this platform is a long term development project. e progress of completing the master plan is connected both with the market needs and financial situation. Because of it’s size and location, the project was designed to have a mix use – office, shopping and residential. In order to create the critical mass of people using the platform, the first step was to develop the office part. With two buildings already delivered and other two under development, a total of around 90,000 sq. m of office will be available. Considering the neighborhood of the Bucharest Polytechnic University and its campus as well as the benefits of a very good transport infrastructure, the most suitable tenants are the IT companies, BPOs, Shared Service Centers and Call Centers. Along with this, we structure our products that way to fit with this segment of the market. Where did the inspiration for new office developments come from? How did your developments improved the quality of work & life for tenants? WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

e main driver of deciding the new office developments is the market increasing need, mostly in the niche of IT and Corporate Service Providers. A plus for the project is the suitability of the location with the infrastructure support. Along with the office developments, we consider implementing an interesting mix of commercial and residential area, in order to diversify the product and bring added value for all people working and living in the area. With the already stated will of creating a complementary shopping scheme, we intend to create the first new “shopping village” in Bucharest together with a complementary leisure area. is will create a point of interest wider than local. e most interesting part of this development is the idea of combining classical office with street shopping and leisure in a small „city in city” project. Could you explain the situation regarding vacancy levels and rents in Bucharest? Vacancy levels are still at a reasonable level with grounds in new business developments. ough, I am expecting slightly higher vacancy levels as new projects will be delivered (mostly in the North and Vest part of the city) and older buildings will be vacated with the need of refurbishment. In my opinion, the most attractive areas for new developments are the North and Vest part of the city. Because of infrastructure usage level and work force vicinity, the Vest part of the city has an advantage for medium term developments. e „office rush” will push new projects in the market but, I believe that not all of this projects will be successful. e main criteria which will decide the level of success are: rent level, quality of the product (mostly the interior facilities, such as HVAC and lightning) and access / infrastructure availability.



oregon park oregon park has been designed to provide a combination of high specification, efficient office space with particular focus on low energy consumption in a pleasant, attractively landscaped plot of 3,9 hectares. The developer’s intention at oregon park is to provide a low-rise, open environment in a well located commercial area with good road and public transportation infrastructure. oregon park is located on Soseaua Pipera, which has recently been widened and upgraded to provide much improved vehicular access. oregon park is one of the few locations in Bucharest that offers excellent road links to the city centre, the main housing area and the airports. It also has a metro station and both tram and bus networks. ere are no immediate neighbors so all spaces have good natural light. e floor plates are regularly shaped, large and flexible. In addition to accessibility and the commercial microenvironment the office space is designed to be energy efficient. ere are many ways to be environmentally conscious but the focus at oregon park is on the reduction of energy consumption via practical and sustainable means. e buildings are designed in accordance with BREEAM recommendations which will ultimately assess oregon park based upon attention to: health and well being of workers, energy efficiency, transport, use of water, waste treatment,

use and sourcing of construction materials and ecological use of the land. oregon park is located just north of Bucharest city centre. e area around Pipera/Vacarescu has become one of the most popular office zones in the city. It has a pleasant environment near the lakes, parks and sports facilities and has excellent transport connections. ere are now many multinational companies located around Calea Floreasca, Barbu Vacarescu and Dimitrie Pompeiu, especially in the business support, IT and high tech sectors which continue to grow. ere are retail facilities and restaurants available at the Promenada Shopping Center opened in 2014. e project is envisaged to provide three independent office buildings, all built over two basement car parking levels, ground and six upper floors. e site cover is only 40% with the remainder being for communication and greenery which allows for high levels of natural light to all buildings.

Developer - Portland Trust Portland Trust was established in 1997 to develop high quality, institutional, commercial real estate assets throughout Central Europe. Robert Neale is the owner and managing director of Portland Trust and has been based in Prague and operating in Central Europe since the early 1990’s. In 1999 part of Portland Trust, including its subsidiary companies, was purchased by Apollo Real Estate Advisors, now ARES Management, in order to expand the business and undertake larger projects. AREA has actively invested over €1.2 billion of equity in over 100 transactions in the European real estate market since 1995. Portland Trust has offices in Prague, Czech Republic and Bucharest, Romania and has focussed on commercial projects. In Romania there has been a specific focus on the development of prime quality office buildings and also one large, light industrial estate. Portland has completed over 450,000 sqm of net leasable space of new buildings. e combination of Portland Trust’s experienced professional team and the financial strength of AREA enables Portland Trust to successfully develop high quality, well designed projects in its two core markets and to sell those projects to international institutional investors. Portland Trust is dedicated to a clear and simple environmental policy of using local, natural materials where possible, designing buildings in a fundamentally efficient manner, using modern, efficient plant and technology and adhering to both local and international guidelines for energy efficiency. e aim is to procure designs of buildings that integrate into the local surroundings and which minimize enviromental impact. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO



Skanska - the first success in Bucharest Setting our business in Romania was a decision taken after a long term analysis of the market. We are convinced that we took the right decision and that the Romanian market was a good choice amongst the CEE/SEE countries - Marcin Łapiński, President Skanska Property Romania.

We are working on a very competitive market, where we can find hardworking and innovative people. All these local factors, combined with our long term expertise, lead to a smooth development of the project and make us very optimistic about the future. How is the development of your company’s portfolio progressing? Green Court Bucharest is a business park comprised of three A class office buildings, with a total rentable area of 52,000 square meters. e first two phases are already delivered and the third one is under construction and will be completed in Q2 2016. Following the standard of other buildings developed by Skanska in Central and Eastern Europe, the project will be LEED Gold Certified (the first building has already received the certification, while the other two are pre-certified). Green Court Bucharest was very well received by the market. is is confirmed by the numerous reputable tenants who decided to move in our buildings: Orange, Carrefour, Schneider Electric, Sanofi, Adecco, Colgate-Palmolive. We are very proud to announce that right now, Phase 1 is 100% leased and Phase 2 has 72% occupancy with clear target to be fully occupied by year end. How did your developments improved the quality of work & life for tenants? Whenever we start developing a project, we take into consideration the people who are going to work there. All our projects are focused around people, their needs and requirements and this is why we have implemented a concept called Workplaces by Skanska, which is now being applied to all our projects in the world, including Green Court Bucharest.

addition, they will have lockers, showers and biker facilities. Green Court Bucharest is built on Gara Herastrau Street, in the Floreasca – Barbu Vacarescu area, one of the office locations in Bucharest with the highest potential. Easy access to the city centre and airport and proximity to public transportation are some of the advantages of this location. Reliability, savings and productivity are the key features of the new workplaces in Green Court Bucharest. Tenants will benefit from personalized working spaces, easily adaptable for future needs, in which their employees will be healthier and happier. Last but not least, Green Court Bucharest is a resource efficient, comfortable project, built following the principles of sustainable development which translates into innovative solutions for reducing the building’s impact on the environment and also for lowering the operational costs of the building.

How competitive would you say the Bucharest office market “In Romania we are focused on office projects, they are at the core of our is? business. For the moment we have only one development - Green Court I have extensive experience on the Polish market, which is one Bucharest. I am especially proud of it as it has been developed, rented and of the most competitive in the region, and I am glad to say that sold in less than two years, proving again the quality of the project, and I am latest projects in Bucharest have similar quality. is proves a growing degree of maturity of the market. What is quite unique proud that we have started so well on the Romanian market.” for this market is the fact that some big players are acting both e concept is based on four sustainable development principles: work environment, location and placemaking, tenant profitability and green. First of all, a healthy and inspiring work environment stimulates creativity and collaboration, reflects the values of companies and helps attract the best employees. is is why everybody working in Green Court Bucharest will be able to enjoy an interior courtyard with numerous green spaces, networking areas and free Wi-Fi connection suitable for breaks or creative working sessions. In WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

as investors and developers, resulting in actively seeking to purchase fully leased buildings and at the same time actively looking for development opportunities. I think this fact will help the market become even more mature and create more proper investment products with fully secured cashflow. As for Bucharest, I think the interest will remain high, as it currently is the main business hub in Romania. ere are many companies setting business here and growing in the near future, especially those from the outsourcing industry which represent today the big power on the market, creating a lot of demand.


From vision to reality The construction market in Romania is on an increasing path. There are many projects on the market and seems enough for every player to have a part. We consider that the investments will continue to increase in our country. If the infrastructure will be improved it will help maintaining on the market the current investors and attracting new ones - Bernd Nicodemus, company administrator of Heberger Constructii SRL. Heberger Constructii SRL can be defined as a general contractor for civil works. In the last period of time we were more active and focused in the refurbishment and industrial projects field. The main differentiators are the deep involvement in each project supporting the client to find the best solution for his project regarding cost, time and quality of works execution. Which are the main projects / contracts fulfilled by the company in the last two years, your objectives for 2015/2016? In the last two years, we did mostly refurbishment works in existing buildings and malls. We can mention Iris Mall Titan, Construdava Office Building, but as well we had projects in the industrial field for automotive production facilities and wood industry. For 2015-2016, we look towards industrial (new factories and extensions to existing ones), agriculture (silos), office buildings, specific work packages (like façade, MEP, finishing, structure), refurbishment works and medium residential projects. How do you see the evolution of the Office market in Bucharest and how about projects in other cities? What about industrial / logistic? There are big location focus points for the office market as example in the north part of Bucharest (Baneasa, Pipera), but there should be a balanced distribution of them within the city. For industrial we see a continuation of the extensions for the existing production facilities. Might be as well in new areas as they need the work force. The logistic field is connected to the production one so it will develop as well. In relation to financial indicators how does the subsidiary in Romania performed, how do the other subsidiaries stand, and what do you forecast for 2015 / 2016 for the company in Romania? In relation to financial indicators our subsidiary in Romania performed better than forecasted for last year. We reached a turnover of ~8,0 mio EUR. A very good performance of the Heberger Group is realized in Germany and United Arab Emirates. We forecast a turnover of 8 mio EUR for the current year. At the moment we have works for 3 mio EUR and a pending contract, Millenium Business Center, for 20 mio EUR.

Activities • General Contractor • General Design • Cost, Time and Quality Management • Value Engineering • Maintenance

HEBERGER CONSTRUCTII S.R.L. Bucharest Business Park, Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti, nr. 1A, entrance C, 1st floor, Sector 1, 013681 Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 31 405 9761 Fax: +40 31 405 9767 Email: info@heberger.ro Web: www.heberger.com WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




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CEE cities, rising stars Central and eastern Europe is an increasingly attractive region for investors. Its office products offer both profitable yields over the long-term and low investment risks - informs the ‘Rising Stars 2015’ report by Skanska, JLL, Colliers International and ABSL (the Association of Business Service Leaders). ere is a huge investment gap and therefore a great opportunity in CEE as it attracts only a few percent of the total value of investment transactions in Europe, even though the region is one of the biggest engines of growth on the continent with an average 4.6% GDP increase forecasted by McKinsey. CEE cities have a lot of the required fundamentals in place to drive continuous investment and development activity, according to Colliers International. is situation can change quickly with funds becoming more open to pursuing ‘non-core’ strategies. e total volume of investment transactions on the global market is expected to rise by 5% to 10% in 2015, JLL informs. “ere is a lot of money to be spent on the market mainly due to the recovery of the global economy. e number of available, attractive investment products in the countries that are at the top of investors’ lists is limited. is is why investors are increasingly attracted to safe products in CEE which offer good yields and long-term profits,” says Adrian Karczewicz, Transaction Director at Skanska Commercial Development Europe.

A safe land of opportunities Most of the countries in the region are members of the European Union, which provides stability and a secure environment for conducting business. A total CEE population, of more than 100 million, creates a strong internal market of people who share Western values. 24% of employees in the region have university degrees. ese are some of the reasons why CEE attracts many companies that decide to locate their service centres or factories there. International companies – considering their long term development plans in CEE – are key, reliable tenants of office buildings across the region. e biggest engine of the office market growth is the business services industry, which will continue to develop in CEE countries for many years to come, according to ABSL. Poland is a good example of this trend. “e business service sector continues to constitute the largest proportion of foreign direct investment projects in Poland. Over 356 investors from all over the world now operate in the country. anks to this sector, Poland is fast becoming an internationally recognised brand,” says Jacek Levernes, President of ABSL, Vice President of HP Europe. Central and Eastern Europe provides investors with modern, green buildings with high technical standards, in excellent location and with easy access to public transport. e overwhelming majority of the office buildings have 90%+ occupancy. “e core CEE markets increasingly provide high-quality product to fit investor needs, on a par with product availability in the more mature EMEA markets. Although CEE may not compete at the highest level on lease WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

length, it can certainly compete on risk adjusted pricing”, comments Damian Harrington, Regional Director of Research for Colliers International, Eastern Europe.

Sparkling cities Prime office yields in CEE are recognizably higher than in western countries. In 2014 they averaged 6-7.5% depending on the city, with 6% in Warsaw and Prague, 7.25% in Budapest and 7.75% in Bucharest, according to JLL. “Although it is naturally Warsaw that leads Poland's office investment market with the most spectacular deals, we have observed growing interest in regional cities. So far, the clear front runners in terms of investment volumes have been Cracow, Wroclaw and Tricity. At the same time, other regional cities – like Poznan, Lodz and Katowice - where tenant’s demand continues to grow, are expected to catch up very quickly with investors trying to benefit from more relaxed yield profiles” says Tomasz Puch, Head of Office and Industrial Investment, JLL. Growing maturity of the CEE market is leading to yield compression. As Skanska states, prime yields in 2015 in CEE capitals can reach, on average, 5.75-6% in Warsaw, 7.5% in Bucharest, 5.75-6% in Prague and 7% in Poznan – a regional city in Poland. Investors already present in CEE are the best ambassadors for the region. German and Austrian funds are the most active. e biggest global players are being attracted by the region, for example, Skanska sold the Riverview office building in Prague to Invesco Real Estate, and the Dominikanski in Wroclaw to Union Investment. Also investors from the Middle East and Asia are allocating their capital in CEE with increasing frequency.



Warsaw Spire - a symbol of modern and economically powerful city Warsaw Spire is one of Warsaw’s key investments and Poland’s second tallest building, trailing only the Palace of Culture and Science. It provides more office space than any other project in the country. Owing to an innovative design that entails creating urban space between individual buildings of the complex, it is also one of the most eagerly anticipated projects in Poland. Warsaw Spire is emerging in Warsaw, next to Rondo Daszyńskiego metro station (part of the capital’s second underground line). It consists of three buildings with a total of 100,000 sqm modern office space – the 49-storey “A” tower building that reaches a height of 220 meters, and two adjacent 55-meter buildings (“B” and “C”).

developed public transport network. It is also quick and simple to reach the airport and Warsaw’s main railway stations.

Poland’s largest office investment

e design was conceived by a team of great architects from a Belgian company, M. & J-M. Jaspers – J. Eyers & Partners, in cooperation with Polsko-Belgijska Pracownia Architektury – Projekt. Warsaw Spire is a flagship example of the sustainability policy which Ghelamco has been implementing for years now. e investment offers top standards and maximum user comfort, at the same time beneficially influencing the urban fabric. anks to a series of innovative solutions, Warsaw Spire will be eco-friendly. Another advantage of the project is its large number of pioneering technological solutions which have never been adopted for any office investment in Poland before, for example double-deck elevators. ose going to work by car can use an underground parking lot with spaces for 1,300 vehicles. Cyclists will also have their own parking spots, as well as locker-rooms and showers. e project has been conferred with the prestigious BREEAM certificate and rated “Excellent.”

e total area offered by Warsaw Spire equals that of three or four typical office buildings. e 49-level tower building offers 60,000 sqm of commercial office space, while the two 15-storey buildings deliver 20,000 sqm each. Most floors have an area ranging from 1,300 to 1,700 sqm. Since the number of structural elements has been minimized, interior arrangement possibilities are virtually unlimited, even when it comes to merging floors. Warsaw Spire’s location is a perfect example of an area undergoing spectacular development. anks to a metro line and numerous residential and commercial investments, Wola district is turning into the capital’s new business center. Warsaw Spire will be situated at Plac Europejski, between Grzybowska, Towarowa, Łucka and Wronia Streets. Getting there is very easy due to a wellWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

Cooperation of Belgian and Polish architects



is is Ghelamco’s eighth investment to have a BREEAM certificate. Warsaw Spire also obtained a certificate of renewable energy granted by STX Services. Warsaw Spire received an unparalleled level of bank financing on the Polish real property market. In August 2013, four leading banks – Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski S.A. and BRE Bank S.A. – provided the developer with funds amounting to nearly PLN 904m. Before that, the investment had been financed solely from Ghelamco’s own funds. e investment value is estimated at approx. PLN 1bn.

company BNP Paribas Securities Services will expand its existing office. e developer itself is about to move from Mokotów Nova building (located at Wołoska Street) to Warsaw Spire next year, taking almost 2,000 sqm. 9 months before the investment completion date, the occupancy rate is above 60%.

Prestigious tenants

Warsaw Spire stands out not only through its size, architecture, location and technology. From the very start Ghelamco approached the project in a holistic manner, treating it as much more than just office space. e investment is an example of the developer’s innovative attitude to the concept of shaping public space around commercial projects. Ghelamco decided to Construction works at Warsaw create Plac Europejski – the first Spire investment site started in midgeneral-access urban square in 2011. e amount of materials and Warsaw’s post-WW2 history. It resources is impressive and even features an unparalleled scale and record-breaking at times. hands the zone located between • e volume of excavation (230,000 Grzybowska, Łucka, Wronia and cubic meters) is comparable to the Towarowa Streets back to the city’ total volume of Malbork Castle residents. e original land (250,000 cubic meters). development solutions applied • Poland’s deepest diaphragm wall between the complex’s buildings (55 meters) corresponds to 20 levels will perfectly complement the office of an apartment building. functions, entirely reshaping the • Over 140,000 cubic meters of urban fabric at Rondo Daszyńskiego. concrete which was used for is new urban zone will seamlessly construction purposes would fill combine commercial and public two Warsaw Chopin Airports. roles. Ghelamco decided to • 9,500 tons of rebar is comparable cooperate with Wirtz International to the weight of 50 Boeings 747. Landscape Architects, a renowned • 1,100 tons of prestressing steel Belgian company whose portfolio equals the weight of six blue whales includes the gradens of the Élysée – the globe’s biggest animals. Palace, Jardin du Carrousel in the • 1,400 tons of structural steel Tuileries Garden in Paris, and corresponds to the weight of 6 Jubilee Park in London. With over Warsaw metro trains (Metropolis) 4,000 sqm, Plac Europejski will be a filled with passengers at rush hour. car-free zone offering a lot of space for pedestrians. is urban square is about to be filled with street furniture, greenery and fountains. It will be surrounded by restaurants, cafés and art galleries. e ground floor of the whole complex and level 3 of the tower building are earmarked for retail/service units only. ere will also be a free-standing restaurant building, while former warehouses at Wronia Street are going to turn into an original restaurant. Additional features include an art passage along Grzybowska Street, which will be used for temporary exhibitions. ere will be numerous types of ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as water elements – a lake, a cascade stream and various sorts of fountains, contributing to the unique atmosphere of the place. Street furniture elements, summer cafés and bike stations will effortlessly match the green background. e square is bound to become a new meeting spot and a venue for various events. It will be teeming with life long past working hours.

e large number of renowned tenants serves as the best testimony to the project’s unrivalled quality. e European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (“Frontex”) became the first tenant, renting 14,600 sqm in “B” building. Its employees have been working in their new office since January 2015. In the beginning of 2015 lease agreements were signed by BNP Paribas Securities Services and Benefit Systems SA. e new tenants are planning to relocate to their new premises in June and November, respectively. Bilfinger HSG Facility Management also decided to move to Plac Europejski, renting 1,700 sqm. In April 2015 Ghelamco Poland signed a record-breaking deal on the Polish real estate market with Samsung. e company, in its new seat, will consolidate its R&D functions from three different locations around the city of Warsaw. Samsung will occupy nearly 22,000 sqm in the “A” building, which accounts for over 20% of Warsaw Spire’s total leasable area. In May the developer also acquired a second institutional tenant after the Frontex agency, namely e Centre for EU Transport Projects (CEUTP). e institution’s headquarters will be located in the “C” building on an area of 6,200 sqm. Moreover, Ghelamco signed the first lease agreement for the space available within the European Square. e former warehouse on Wronia Street will house the Stixx Bar & Grill Restaurant. In July Warsaw Spire was chosen for the headquarters of Adecco Poland. e company will occupy 1,600 sq m in building C, while the

About Ghelamco Poland: Ghelamco Poland is the commercial property market leader in Poland, with a pioneering approach to the shaping of public space. Over the past 24 years, Ghelamco Poland has built its position as an investor, developer and general contractor by delivering over 600,000 sqm of office and warehouse space. e sales volume has exceeded EUR 1.2 bn. e company has entered the retail property market as well. Operating under the name of Ghelamco Residential, the developer is also active in the residential sector. Ghelamco’s flagship office project, Warsaw Spire, is now underway. Ghelamco Poland continues to come up with pioneering concepts of buildings which set new market trends. Its reputation as the leader in sustainable building on the Polish market is evidenced by eight BREEAM certificates granted to Ghelamco projects with a total area of 290,000 sqm. Business goals go hand in hand with involvement in cultural and art events. Last year Ghelamco established Fundacja Sztuka w Mieście [Art in the City Foundation]. Ghelamco has won a lot of distinctions, including seven “Developer of the Year” awards in Poland.

Space for Warsaw

Warsaw spire in figures




Redefining Iași, Cluj and Timișoara 58,500 sqm of operating office spaces and other 149,000 sqm pending construction, head offices accommodating over 5,500 employees, certified Green Buildings located in downtown areas, and over 45 strategic partners in the largest Romanian cities. These are the main features of United Business Center (UBC), the national network of class A office buildings created by the Iulius company group.

Palas Iaşi Ensemble With over 20 years of experience in retail, Iulius Group is also an important name in terms of business destinations by means of the class A office buildings it developed. In addition to the innovative architecture and top notch facilities, one of the main characteristics that distinguish the buildings is their integration in mixed use projects. e best example is the Palas Iaşi ensemble, where the shopping mall, office, park and leisure options’ synergy transformed the project into a regional standard. „Due to its blend of indoor and outdoor attractions, the employees in the buildings benefit from a broad variety of facilities, services and promotions that are designed exclusively for them”, said Ionuţ Pavel, Leasing Manager of the Iulius group. ere are 3,000 people working in the four UBC buildings, most of them being employees of multinational companies that created here a genuine pole of the IT & Outsourcing industry. Ionuţ Pavel also emphasized that „among the tenants located in the over 38,000 sqm office spaces are names such as Amazon, whose Palas-based office is the only one in Romania, and

Openville Timişoara


UBC Tower Cluj Endava, a strategic partner that chose the UBC office spaces in Iaşi and Cluj-Napoca for the purpose of expanding its operations outside the capital”. e office market in Iaşi continues to be effervescent, as the largest transaction outside the capital this year was recorded here. UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions leased 7,000 sqm of the 15,000 sqm available in the new building that the company is developing in the ensemble and that is set to be completed by the end of 2015. e two office buildings in Cluj-Napoca were also integrated in a mixed use concept. In addition to being located in the vicinity of Iulius Mall Cluj and Iulius Park, UBC offers multiple facilities for the 2,000 people that work here.

UBC Timişoara - 131,000 sqm for 13,500 employees „e company’s experience in mixed use projects will also be channeled in Timişoara, where the Iulius group will set new standards for the office development market in Romania, by means of the 131,000 sqm of class A office spaces that it will build in the Openville multifunctional urban ensemble. e project will comprise seven buildings, which will create a regional business pole”, said the Leasing Manager of the Iulius group. e approximately 13,500 people working in the office buildings will benefit from a broad variety of facilities and services all in the same location. „e construction works will begin this autumn, and the first development stage will include opening 33,000 sqm of office spaces by the end of 2016, distributed in two office buildings. e ensemble will be completed during the last quarter of 2017”, said Ionuţ Pavel. e project will include the tallest building in Romania, which will be 155 m high and will span on 27 floors, designed to accomodate office spaces.



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New developments for Brasov Coresi Business Park started construction on the second phase of the project. AFI Europe purchased 40,000 sqm plot in the City Center of Brasov to develop a Shopping Mall and offices project, and the City Hall is developing a Business Center and Incubator. In April this year, Ascenta Management began construction works on the second phase of Coresi Business Park Brasov, one of the most important business parks outside Bucharest and one of the major urban regeneration projects in Romania. e new phase of the project consists of two new modern, A class, low-rise office buildings (GF+3F/4F) totalling 18,000 sq m. e investment value for 2015/16 is estimated at up to Euro 10 million. “e business campus philosophy of our project is one of the main assets in attracting new tenants and strengthening our relation with the existing ones”, declared Silviu Savin, Partner, Ascenta Management. Coresi Business Park is developed on the former Tractorul industrial platform from Brasov. e scheme is one of the major urban regeneration projects in Romania, transforming 12 hectares of the old manufacturing plant into a contemporary business environment. e initial phase of Coresi Business Park consists of approximately 25,000 sq m GLA of unconventional office areas with industrial architectural elements. Coresi Business Park master plan features a well-balanced mix of industrial halls to office conversions and new built offices, envisioning 100,000 sq m of office GBA within 10 years.

AFI Europe, active in Transilvania At the anniversary of 10 years in Romania, AFI Europe Romania has signed an agreement for the acquisition of a 40,000 sq m plot in the City Center of Brasov, where it plans to develop a shopping mall and an office project, targeted to be opened in October 2017. “Brasov is attracting approx. 1.5 million tourists a year, and the City has a large number of inhabitants with above average spending power. is, together with perfect location in the city center, convinced us to enter the Brasov retail market and develop this mix use project. e plot of land is situated on the previous Hidromecanica platform. Visibility is exceptional, as the site is part of the main square of Brasov, being located on the

Coresi Business Park - phase II

main boulevard leading from the Old City to all parts of the city and the exit towards Bucharest”, said David Hay, CEO AFI Europe Romania. AFI Europe plans to develop in Brasov a shopping mall with a gross leasable area (GLA) of 45,000 sqm and a class A office project with a leasable area of approximately 11,000 sqm. is is the third shopping mall to be developed by AFI Europe in Romania, after AFI Palace Cotroceni and AFI Palace Ploiesti. On the office segment, the company develops AFI Park - 5 Class A office buildings, with a total gross leasable area of over 70,000 sqm. e first three office buildings which were delivered registered a great success, being 100% leased mainly to IT&C and BPO companies. AFI Park 4&5 are currently under construction and will be delivered at the beginning of 2016. In addition, AFI Europe Romania has two mix use projects to be developed in the near future on the company’s 80,000 sqm land plot in Arad and 148,000 sqm land plot in Bucurestii Noi District 1 of Bucharest. Also, AFI will develop AFI Business Park Bucharest, a 50,000 sqm of GLA class A business park to be located in close proximity to the J.W. Marriott Hotel and the Romanian Parliament in Bucharest’s District 5. Brasov City Hall is investing more than 11 milion euros for a Business Center and Incubator which should be finalized this year. e project includes a building with a gross build area of 18,242 sqm, and additional 36,300 sqm of green areas. e building will offer a conference hall, an area for events, information center, exhibition hall, a restaurant and meeting halls. Also, the project will offer a multifunctional outside park. e construction works are done by the company Integral Buzau.




IDEO. Accelarating business. Not just an office building. IDEO is the newest Support and Develop small and medium businesses Center. A business community.

Ideo is the most modern Business Development Support Center in Iasi. e Center has a total area of about 11,000 sqm and includes office spaces Class A +, training halls and conference rooms, kindergarden & school, restaurant and a generous parking lot with 300 parking places. In the same time, offers a rental office sharing system, a novelty in Iasi, that covers the space, the furniture and the internet connection. e project also offers the opportunity to rent offices for just a day. Designers have decided to contradict sobriety main function specific, ubiquitous in office buildings, aiming to avoid an overlap between this and pessimism difficult economic period that crosses all fields. As such, the indoor environment specific nuances have gone gray, gray-green, green, black, gray oil, imposing spectacular as accent that personalizes levels, shades of lilac, pink, carmine red, chocolate brown, golden yellow, bronze, expressed both through classic finishes dedicated office functions - laminated glass, lime, stainless steel - and of special finishes, less common in the common spaces such functions - wallpaper, leather and wood.

exigent tenant and ensures a very friendly environment for some of the most prestigious companies in the market: XEROX, ECOLAB, Falcon Trading, GEBERIT, KPMG or DAAS. In 2016 Ideo will turn into a multifunctional office complex by the emergence of two other buildings with 14,000 sqm built area and with access to all the functions of the existing Ideo building. Due to the successful development of many startups in the project Ideo, one of two buildings that will be built will be a modern business incubator, allowing accelerated development of the newly established companies.

Ideo addresses both, mature companies and startups. Our partners benefit from all conditions and services necessary for the proper performance of the business, in order to focus on essential details of their business. With us you are not just in an office building, but have available all the services and facilities that you wish you could. us, the building successfully fulfills all the needs of an WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

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Success outside Bucharest In a mix of business arguments and emotions, Ovidiu Sandor, developer and investor, argues for Timisoara and Cluj Napoca.

It was first of all a business decision based on the market needs at that time (in 2007 when we started our office project in Timisoara, there were no appropriate facilities as real A class office buildings developed, yet the city was interesting for many multinational companies; it was the same case for Cluj). Secondary, the decision was based on what had already happened in Western European countries (we had good knowledge of the Swedish and Polish office markets). Our key advantage now is that we have two major dominant projects in Romania's most dynamic and attractive secondary cities, Cluj and Timisoara, a strong concept offering true A class facilities (premium location, large flexible floors, green certified buildings). We have a 98% occupancy rate in Timisoara and we will deliver the fifth building this summer and our Cluj based building, e Office is also about 90% occupied. Tenants in both cases are mostly IT companies, or multinationals delivering engineering, financial or BPO services. We pay much attention to our tenants' business needs, that is why we developed fully equipped business centres, comprising all facilities from high standard conference halls to flexible possibilities for our tenants to expand their businesses in our premises. We developed our projects both in Timisoara and in Cluj in ex-industrial yet central areas and we managed to transform them in dynamic, modern and useful areas for the city. We also care about the added value for the cities theirselves and that is why we actively involve in the development of the locations where our projects are. e high occupancy level reflects the quality of our projects. Personally, I am very pleased with the design of both projects and also with the fact that we managed to revitalise such urban areas, which is especially the case in Cluj where several years ago this location had a deserted aspect. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




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The challenge of competition The developers who took the opportunity of investing on the Romanian real estate market on time gained direct, but also indirect beneďŹ ts. The most important is the high return on investment. The interest of the main global players in investing in Romania either to develop or to relocate their activities was obvious in the past ten years, Andrei Botis - Managing Partner NAI Romania. Romania and, especially, Bucharest present two key advantages for potential developers of real estate projects: increasing demand from foreign direct investors and the relatively low building costs compared to Western Europe. Romania provided for a long period, and it still does, cheap well-trained human resources for highlyspecialized activities such as IT&C industries, financial services, technical support, but also a wide range of industrial sectors. Oracle, Microsoft, Renault, Honeywell are only a few examples of companies that chose Romania for their development. Another important advantage was that of the cheap working force in constructions, which allowed developers to obtain the same output with significantly lower costs than in other areas for a long period. Last but not least, the competition on the Romanian industrial, logistic and office real estate market was not as high as on other markets including Western European economies, but also Central European ones like Polish market, in the last few years. Those developers who took the opportunity of investing on the Romanian real estate market on time gained direct, but also indirect benefits. The most important is the high return on investment. Remember that Romanian real estate market provided high returns long before the financial crisis occurrence, with annual returns between 20 and 30% in 2004-2006 for example. Even at present, the Romanian real estate market has good perspectives compared to other Central and Eastern European countries like Poland or Czech Republic. Other connected benefits are a strong position on a market that is becoming more and more competitive, consolidated by a good image created in time, strong connections with suppliers and clients and good knowledge of Romanian economic environment that help them develop further projects more easily. How have recent developments improved the quality of work & life for tenants and how would you characterize the areas also useful for the public / city’s inhabitants? In many areas, especially the regional ones, the development of office, industrial and logistic real estate projects was the main driving force for employment creation. The easy access for foreign direct investors to locate in industrial parks or high quality office facilities in Romania surely represented an important argument for choosing to expand here. A recent trend in the office market is represented by the relocation of some companies in order to consolidate their activities in a single basis in Romania, which leads to important cost WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

savings. Here again, the developers played an important role, by providing them with the adequate facilities. Moreover, in most of the cases, the construction of a major real estate project goes hand in hand with the development of the necessary infrastructure in and towards that area, which clearly generate important positive external effects for other operators in that zone. And finally, office spaces usually contribute to improving the landscape of the areas where they are built. What is situation regarding vacancy levels and rents in Bucharest? Which areas in the city could attract new office developments? The office market in Bucharest has developed rapidly over the past few years, reaching a total stock of office space of more than 2,500,000 sq m. Besides its upward trend, it is clearly noticeable tendency of increasing competition, which keeps the occupancy rates at relatively low values in Bucharest. The vacancy rates are expected to remain stable for the next two years, with values around 10%, while the rental prices, although important – between 12 and 19 euro/sq m/ month are at about the same levels as

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those in regional markets like Timisoara or Cluj-Napoca. Two reasons seem to be the basis for developing new office projects in Bucharest: the demand of important companies for compact big spaces where to consolidate their operations, as Vodafone, Orange and Telekom did in 2014, locating 16,000 sq m in Bucharest One, 13,700 sq m in Green Court Bucharest and 25,000 sq m in Globalworth Campus respectively, the development of office space projects in the centre of the town targeting companies that need the proximity of public authorities or of certain categories of clients to operate, such as “Center Square� project under construction on Vasile Alecsandri Street developed by Proiect Bucuresti. The northern part of the capital remains the most developed in terms of office spaces, followed by the Western zone and this trend is expected to continue. How competitive would you say the Bucharest office market is compared to others in the region, like Warsaw, Prague or Budapest? The competition on the Bucharest office market is high, but it has not reached the levels in other Central European markets. If we compare the 2,500,000 sq m stock of office spaces in Bucharest, a city with a population of little over 2 million inhabitants to the 4.4 million sq m of office spaces in Warsaw for a total population of around 2.7 million inhabitants, it will be easy to understand that the competition in Bucharest, although important, has not reached the levels in other Central European capitals such as Warsaw, Prague or Budapest. The conclusion is also supported by the vacancy rates which are, for similar levels of rental prices in all four capitals analysed (14-18 Euro/sq m/month), significantly lower for Bucharest (around 10%) compared to Warsaw (15%), Budapest (15.7%) or Prague (17.06%). The return on investment in office spaces, estimated at 8% for Bucharest, is also significantly higher than the 6% forecasted for Warsaw or 6.25% for Prague and approximately equal to that expected for Budapest. We would say that the Bucharest office market still has the potential of offering better opportunities for investors than the other three capitals in a short run, but the major tendency of all Central European office markets is towards maturity and a correspondent slow reduction of the rates of return expected to be obtained by the investors during the following years. What is the potential for new projects in the regional market? There are some regional markets in Romania with a huge expansion potential, such as Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Brasov or even Iasi, although the growth rhythm of the latter was not remarkable in the last years. The main reason behind this trend is that they have become attractive for important foreign investors who prefer to locate their activities in regional markets. Hence, they benefit from important working force cost savings and a lower migration of the employees. It is also worth mentioning that some of the regional markets have seen a rapid growth in the past few years that requires for prudency forecasting their trend in the future. Timisoara, for example, has had an astonishing growth rhythm and there are also a lot of office projects under construction. In spite of the high rental prices on the Timisoara office market, the growth rate is expected to put pressure on the occupancy rate in the future.





Cluj Innovation Park Cluj Innovation Park is the company created by the City Council of Cluj-Napoca which coordinates and develops the Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries (CREIC) and the Center for Technology, Evolution, Entrepreneurship and Microenterprises (TEAM). Both centers located in Lomb area manage to create an innovative and attractive initiative, working together with the business environment and academia of Transylvania. Cluj Innovation Park offers logistic services and integrated solutions for businesses. e logistic services available for the company’s clients are: reception services, mail distribution, security, monitoring, fire protection systems, broadband Internet access, voice and data IP, cleaning services and maintenance of buildings, air conditioning system, maintenance of equipment, parking spaces. e integrated solutions for businesses include support services for SpinRomania, 400021, Cluj-Napoca off and Start-up, advertising for 2/16 F.D. Roosevelt Street companies located in the business Tel/Fax: +40 264 450 320 centers on a specialized website, IT www.clujinnovationpark.ro tools, help-desk type assistance office@clujinnovationpark.ro services in the fields of information, technology, finance, law, and also management investment and sales consultancy. e main focus of Cluj Innovation Park is to become the regional leader among the business centers which encourage the innovative, creative and entrepreneurial potential, lobbying for the transfer of technology and knowledge.


amphitheatre for outdoor events, as well as parking spaces. Furthermore, CREIC is the only creative center in Transylvania to host media production offices, workshops, and most importantly a film studio (film production hall), and the only business center in Romania to integrate such a facility.

CREIC Surface: 74,000 sq m Useful area: 13,500 sq m Offices: 2,300 sq m Workshops: 970 sq m Film studio: 600 sq m Multifunctional spaces: 1,100 sq m

The Center for Transfer, Evolution, Entrepreneurship and Microenterprises (TEAM)

The Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries (CREIC) CREIC is a regional business center dedicated to companies active in the creative industries. It offers a complex and diverse range of services and facilities, in the same time aiming to become a cluster, promoting the exchange of information and business partnership. e business center hosts office spaces, conference and event rooms, spaces designed for exhibitions, artistic performances etc., a green

e project includes the necessary infrastructure to support the business environment in the fields of information, technology, electronics and electro technics, identified as areas in full growth at the present time. e center is designed to integrate offices, meeting halls, administrative and modular offices, as well as halls for micro production and areas of land. More than a space dedicated to innovation, the TEAM Center provides support services in many different domains, such as financial, legal and IT consultancy, marketing services and partnerships.

TEAM Surface: 107,000 sq m Useful surface: 4,900 sq m Built area: 3,800 sq m Surface of platforms: 4,200 sq m Office buildings and support spaces (underground, ground floor, three levels): 3,300 sq m Five microproduction halls: 1,500 sq m Parking spaces: 86 WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO



"Bența Office Building", a landmark in the architectural scenery of Tîrgu Mureș "Bența Office Building" is a first-class office building, considering its location, access, specific design and building management. The execution works for the office building located on Pandurilor Boulevard in Tirgu Mures commenced at the beginning of April 2014, and will be finalized in October this year. Once the works finished, the entire area will become an important quality landmark in the city’s architectural scenery. e developer and owner of the office building is RCB Development Office SA, owned by entrepreneur Remus Aurel Bența, while the value of the investment is approximately 29 million Euro. e project is located in Tîrgu Mureș, on Pandurilor Boulevard, on one of the city’s main thoroughfares, easily accessible from within the city or from its outskirts. ere are commercial, services, cultural and residential areas right next to this location, as well as green areas. “Developing such a project implies, first of all, a very careful consideration of time and budget limitations. is requires skilled people. Consequently, we gathered together the best professionals in

each field, and put together a consolidated team. We also benefited from the know-how and experience of teams of architects in Bucharest and Tirgu Mures, who, using the latest technologies and a very efficient management, guaranteed a professional completion of the project, within deadlines. We were also supported by Erste Group Immorent’s project management team. e experience of all these companies can be found in our project” - Remus Aurel Bența, owner of RCB Development Office SA.

Bența Office Building, “A” class offices e design of "Bența Office Building" consists of a new office building, structured on underground floors, ground floor, eight floors and one technical floor, adding up to a gross building area of approximately 23,240 sqm, out of which 15,312 sqm overground area for offices and annexes and 7,928 sqm underground area intended for parking space and technical rooms. e office building has a rentable area (offices and annexed areas) of approximately 14,803 sqm. It is built on a plot of land with a total area of 4,963 sqm area, of which another 1,761 sqm intended for parking space are added. Parking is ensured on two levels (two underground



floors), and consists of two access routes, with 160 parking places that belong exclusively to the new office building. An additional 10 parking places are above ground, in the square located in front of the building and are intended for visitors. e ground floor is immediately visible from the main entrance, while it is also visible from the reception office and controlled with the help of safety turnstiles. A sumptuous reception area, visible from all points, will present an impressive image towards the main boulevard.

Additional facilities e building’s structural properties are given by the efficiency and flexibility of typical office floors. e facade is thermally insulated, consisting of two layers of laminated glass, also thermally treated. e ventilated facade system is supported by an aluminum frame, for fixed and mobile windows, in order to ensure proper thermal insulation. e entire building is protected with sprinklers and smoke sensors, including the underground parking area. e access to the building’s different floors is ensured by four main elevators, one service elevator, one elevator for access from the Car Parking to the Main Lobby and back; two main egress stairs, and one exterior stair ensuring the evacuation of the 1st and 3rd floors, both of which have extended floor plates. e office area is designed upon a modular concept, and is partitioned in rooms of different sizes, having the width equal to a multiple of the façade module (1,25 m). As “fixed” equipment, serving each

e value of the investment: estimated at 29 million Euro. Developer and owner of the Benţa Office Building: RCB Development Office SA, owned by businessman Remus Aurel Bența. General contractor: Bog’art SRL, Bucharest Architect: Westfourth Architecture SRL, Bucharest Project Manager/Financier Monitor: Erste Group Immorent Executive Project Manager: Cristian Cirjan Financing: Banca Comercială Română (Romanian Commercial Bank) - ERSTE Group

floor, there are: main elevators and service elevator, the two egress stairs and the exterior stair from the street level to 3rd floor, the restrooms, the kitchenette, the floor electrical panel, the IT Room, the copy rooms and the janitor room. e 3rd floor houses a cafeteria for the personnel, with all annexes necessary for a smooth functioning (kitchen, warehouses, locker rooms, office etc.), intended exclusively for the office building. e cafeteria can serve 160 people per shift during winter, and approximately 240 people per shift during summer, when the outer terrace stays opened.

“We are proud that we managed to complete this project. Finalizing this investment will mean the urban completion of Pandurilor Boulevard in Tîrgu Mureș, as this building will add value to the area, through its architecture. Looking beyond the aspect of modern architecture, the project will also generate benefits on a local scale - the municipality will benefit from additional taxes paid, new workplaces, while the biggest satisfaction is related to creating the atmosphere of a developing city”, says Remus Aurel Benţa.





BinderBubi Resort - great place for enhancing your team Nestled in a picturesque residential area in Medias, a special city in the heart of Transylvania, BinderBubi Resort is the perfect place for team buildings and corporate events. Best ingredients for a special corporate event: 45 cosy rooms with 4 star facilities, fancy restaurant saloon, semi-Olympic pool, SPA and wellness centre, farm with pond and gazebo, bar and playground and above all these delicious food and high quality services. Following the architectural beauty of Medias and its noble history, BinderBubi Hotel blends naturally in the shapes of the urban landscape. Situated in the close vecinity of the forest, away from the noise and pollution of the town, it offers in exchange the happy twittering of birds and fresh air. And since it is situated on an altitude higher than Medias, if offers you a wonderful perspective of the town and surroundings, regardless from where you might look: from the room, the restaurant, the edge of the pool, the fitness gym, the yard or even from the parking lot. BinderBubi Restaurant, with its two lounges, furnished in an elegant and refined style, can accommodate up to 230 persons. When organizing a corporate dinner, BinderBubi Perfect place for team buildings restaurant will pleasantly surprise you 30, Plopului Str., Medias, with the flavours of the cooked dishes Sibiu County – traditional or international cuisine +40269-843-089, +40730-099-302 – through its warm and pleasant www.binderbubimedias.ro atmosphere, with its small details that make the difference: the glittering of candles combined with the warm lamps light, background wellchosen music…the only thing that won´t surprise you the second time you enter the restaurant is the excellent quality of the services, that you will notice from your first visit. e Business Center has three modern conference rooms

BinderBubi Resort


equipped with all is needed for a perfect conference, seminar or course. Sara Spa & Wellness Center is a perfect place to start the day, relax between meetings or enjoy the end of the day, individually or with the team. e first thing you will notice is the semiOlympic pool, covered with glass, through which one can see the fluffy clouds moving slowly towards the clear blue sky, with its glass walls through which one can admire the beauty of the landscape, displayed around the pool that is made up of a section for the adults and another for children. e pool is maintained at a constant temperature of 29 degrees Celsius, regardless of the season, so that it offers each time the same pleasant feeling. You can also choose between wet, dry or Bio sauna, Jacuzzi and special beauty procedures. Spread on a surface of 12 hectares and situated at only 1 km away from the BinderBubi Hotel, the “ree Oaks” Farm is the perfect place for outdoor team-building activities and games but in the same time a journey through the architecture and popular traditions from different areas in Romania, because here you can explore complete households from various regions of the country in the “little village museum” and you can enjoy the presence of domestic animals or organize rustic parties. e pond, the gardens and vineyards are other attraction points, which you will be pleased to discover. e surroundings offer you a lot of opportunities for biking, hiking, horse riding, off road trips, fishing, archery, zorbing and many more.

New logistic and industrial parks



Sevil Shhaideh:

“Este o perioadă de interes investițional” “Cea mai mare nevoie, cunoscută de toți factorii implicați este crearea de locuri de muncă. Pe termen scurt și mediu, soluția cea mai economică, mai rapidă și sustenabilă s-a dovedit înființarea de parcuri industriale care urmărește stimularea investițiilor directe, autohtone și străine, în domenii precum industrie, servicii, cercetare științifică, dezvoltare tehnologică”, susține ministrul Dezvoltării Regionale și Administrației Publice.

Care este prognoza în privința României pentru a păstra un interes crescut pentru investiții străine? Pe măsură ce hub-urile logistice europene se extind spre est și centrele locale ce produc tehnologie de înaltă performanță continuă să se dezvolte, ne așteptăm ca România să aibă un rol tot mai activ în lanțurile de distribuție europene. De asemenea, creșterea consumului privat va stimula distribuția și cererea de spații noi din partea furnizorilor de servicii logistice, în Titluri acordate de MDRAP, timp ce producția, în special de auiunie 2014 - iunie 2015 tomobile, va continua să se concentreze pe spații la comandă în zone Parcul Industrial Sînandrei, Timiș care oferă condiții competitive. (10,5 ha), greenfield, Artemis Real Estate – S.R.L. Cât de competitivă credeți că este Parcul Industrial Petrești, Satu Mare România în comparație cu piețe (11,8 ha), greenfield, Schwaben din țări precum Polonia, Cehia, Business Park Petrești - S.R.L. Ungaria / în spațiul CEE? Parcul Industrial Câmpia Turzii, Chiar dacă nu ne putem compara Cluj (5,49 ha), în curs de amenajare, cu țări care au deja tradiție în astfel Parc Industrial Câmpia Turzii de infrastructuri, precum Ungaria S.R.L. cu 220 de parcuri industriale, PoloParcul Industrial Oradea III, Bihor nia – 210, Cehia – 200, Slovacia cu (17,89 ha), greenfield, Eurobusiness 85 de unități, suntem extrem de Parc Oradea – S.A. competitivi în ceea ce privește Parcul Industrial Craiova, Dolj cadrul favorabil de atragere a in(24,13 ha), greenfield, High-Tech vestițiilor străine ce se caracteriIndustry Park Craiova – S.A. zează prin: tratament național egal Parcul Industrial Ocna Mureș, pentru investitorii străini; invesAlba (25,67 ha), greenfield, Parc Intițiile străine sunt permise în toate dustrial Ocna Mureș – S.A. sectoarele economice; posibilitatea Parcul Industrial Brazi, Prahova de a gestiona în mod liber socie(17,04 ha), funcțional, DIBO – S.A. tatea cu drepturi depline de proParcul Industrial Miroslava, Iași prietate; repatrierea completă a (46,44 ha), greenfield, Miroslava Incapitalului și a profiturilor; produstrial Parc – S.R.L. tecție totală împotriva expatrierilor și naționalizărilor; acces la stimulente și fonduri acordate de UE și de legislația românească. Dacă ar fi să mă refer la un aspect ce ne dezavantajează și care ar merita discutat, m-aș opri la necesitatea elaborării unui Master Plan unic de dezvoltare economică. Care sunt avantajele dezvoltatorilor/investitorilor în sectorul industrial/logistic din România? Principalul argument al investitorilor din sectorul industrial și cel logistic, îl constituie profitabilitatea investiției, deWWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

terminată de scutirea de la plata taxelor percepute pentru modificarea destinației sau scoaterea din circuitul agricol a terenurilor aferente parcului industrial sau deducerea din profitul impozabil a unei cote de 20% din valoarea investițiilor realizate în parcul industrial, pentru agenții economici care realizează astfel de investiții în 5 construcții pentru transportul și distribuția energiei electrice, a energiei termice, a gazelor naturale și a apei, așa cum sunt acestea definite în HG nr. 964/1998 privind aprobarea clasificării și a duratelor normale de funcționare a mijloacelor fixe, precum și amânarea pe perioada de realizare a investiției respective, până la punerea în funcțiune a parcului industrial, a plății taxei pe valoarea adăugată pentru materialele și echipamentele necesare realizării sistemului de utilități din interiorul parcului, precum și a conexiunilor parcului la magistralele sau rețelele existente de utilități, la furnizorii acestora și amânarea dreptului de deducere a taxei pe valoarea adăugată, respectiv până la aceeași dată la agenții economici care realizează investiția.



Lindab: Construcții la cheie. Furnizor unic. Antreprenor General Lindab dezvoltă, produce și promovează soluții și sisteme eficiente pentru simplificarea construcțiilor și îmbunătățirea climatului interior. Lindab este prezentă în 32 de țări din Europa. Sediul central al Grupului este la Båstad, în sudul Suediei. Filiala Lindab România a fost înființată în 1994. În toți acești ani de activitate pe piața românească, ne-am impus ca furnizori de produse și servicii de calitate superioară și parteneri de încredere atât pentru antreprize de construcții și investitori instituționali, cât și pentru clienți particulari. De ce suntem furnizorul perfect? Pentru că 93.42% dintre clienții noștri ne-ar recomanda mai departe și pentru că 94,73% dintre clienți sunt multumiți de raportul calitatepreț pentru soluțiile Lindab.

Spații largi

Îți oferim construcții la cheie, fără efort, cu siguranța aplicării unor soluții ce se îmbină perfect. Un pachet complet cu cel mai mic efort din partea ta. Îți garantăm siguranță oferindu-ți garanții de bună execuție.

Clădiri verzi

Posibilitățile de proiectare și execuție a deschiderilor mari oferă lejeritate în alegerea soluției ideale pentru depozitare, operațiuni logistice sau producție. Clădirile pot fi utilate cu cele mai diverse accesorii de tranzit, acces, iluminare naturală, climatizare și ventilare.


Sursă minimă de poluare, dar și costuri de întreținere ulterioară diminuate. Ne bazăm pe cele mai avansate tehnologii, certificări conform legislației și materiale verzi, prietenoase cu mediul înconjurător. Unul dintre focusurile noastre este hidroizolarea și termoizolarea corectă a clădirilor și asigurarea calității aerului prin sisteme de ventilație eficiente energetic pentru reducerea costurilor ulterioare de întreținere. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

Soluții arhitecturale deosebite pentru spații de birouri sau showroom. Accesoriile care echipează clădirile Lindab vin


să optimizeze procesele funcționale dând, în același timp, un aspect plăcut și elegant întregului proiect.

Versatilitate. Clădiri pentru toate domeniile de activitate:

Depozite și spații de producție: - deschideri libere mari, fără stâlpi care să obstrucționeze spațiul; - maximă hidroizolare și etanșeitate a acoperișului sunt marca Lindab - investim permanent pentru dezvoltarea de noi soluții și securizarea soluțiilor deja probate; - soluții diverse pentru anveloparea clădirii, alese pentru crearea optimului de termoizolație; - soluții și echipamente de ventilație industrială și pentru aplicații cu flux tehnologic pentru crearea unui spațiu de lucru conform cu cerințele specifice domeniului de activitate; - sisteme pentru evacuare fum și gaze fierbinți cu certificare CE, fără torcret sau izolație suplimentară; - posibilitatea de proiectare și execuție ținând cont de vi-

itoare extensii. Clădiri de birouri, showroom-uri auto, magazine: - utilizarea optimă a spațiului prin deschideri libere; - soluții și combinații de materiale pe placul tuturor; - finisaje propice acestor tipuri de cladiri; - soluții de climatizare și ventilație cu eficiență energetică ridicată pentru asigurarea parametrilor de confort termic și calitate a aerului interior; - protecție la foc sigură, în conformitate cu legislația națională și europeană. - proiectare 3D cu simularea condițiilor de confort termic și determinarea curenților de aer în zonele monitorizate. Agro-zootehnie: - soluții simple și eficiente, cu respectarea întocmai a bugetului alocat; Stadioane, săli de sport și spectacole: - clădiri impresionante, în implementarea cărora versatilitatea materialului și a brandului se îmbină armonios. Reabilitarea clădirilor vechi, mansardări: - structuri din beton sau metal, toate pot fi reabilitate – diverse soluții de anvelopare, proiectate, testate și garantate; - sisteme de ventilație flexibile, cu recuperare de căldură, pentru asigurarea aportului de aer proaspăt; - expertizarea clădirilor existente și aplicarea de soluții uşoare.

Experiență Lindab România înseamnă astăzi două unități de producție, o rețea puternică de distribuție formată din parteneri strategici în toată țara, dar și din agenți proprii Lindab, un portofoliu de 20.000 de articole, aflat în continuă dezvoltare și, nu în ultimul rând, un brand respectat, prima alegere a beneficiarilor care își doresc calitate și siguranța lucrului bine făcut. În cei 20 de ani s-au facut investiții totale de 95,4 milioane de lei în tehnologie, instruire și pregătire, rețeaua de parteneri, promovare și proiecte de implicare socială. Idealul în construcții are un singur nume: Lindab.

Contactați-ne la: Email: office@lindab.ro Telefon: +4021.209.41.00 Web: www.lindab.ro





WDP Romania, 1 Baia de Arama Street, 022204, District 2, Bucharest Tel: +40 312 257 116; Fax: +40 312 257 116 Valentin Stanciulescu: +40 730 092 701 info-romania@wdp.eu www.wdp.eu

industrial parks & warehouses with brains In 2015, WDP was able to double its future portfolio in Romania. The increasing stabilization of the real estate market in Romania has continued, facilitated by growing exports. Demand within the sector is driven by new orders for both new locations and expansions of existing sites. The optimism of the industrial market has meant increasing interest on the part of investors, particularly for tailor-made projects.

WDP doesn’t rest on its laurels and is always on the lookout for new opportunities to expand its existing portfolio. To offer yet more creative solutions. To meet requirements even quicker. To be better than the best. Among our clients in Romania, you can find top worldwide brands (automotive, manufacturing, distribution, logistics, transport etc.) such as: Roechling Automotive, HP Pelzer Pimsa Automotive, Yazaki, Roquet, Federal Mogul, ILS Inter Cars, Siemens, Faurecia, DPD etc. WDP Industrial Park Ploiesti (Aricestii Rahtivani)


A market leader, expansion in Romania WDP (Warehouses De Pauw) is the market leader in Benelux and a major global player through its efficient customized services of development, letting and management of logistical and industrial properties, with a portfolio of approx. 3 millions sqm of warehouses, distribution centers and industrial spaces in Europe. Our home market is the logistics axis of Rotterdam Antwerp - Brussels - Lille - Paris, but we look beyond these borders. More and more of our Western European customers are active in Eastern and Central Europe, another logistical heart of Europe. That’s why WDP is also building up a strategic portfolio now in Romania, another gateway to Europe, besides the region Le Havre - Hamburg. And, as always, WDP selects the top locations all over the country where our integrated team delivers projects that are tailored to the needs of the user. In Romania, on an overall area of more than 200 hectares, WDP is developing logistic and industrial parks (that grant land and building tax payment exemptions for tenants), with direct access or close to the highways and main roads. The company secured also a financing line for future developments in



WDP Industrial Park Brasov (Codlea) Romania from the European Investment Bank and, depending on the size of the project, can follow the client in areas in which it is not yet active.

Dynamic spaces Are you looking for a warehouse, distribution centre or suitable production space? Or does your company want to outsource its real estate to focus on core activities? Whether you need a traditional warehouse or crossdocking, pharmaceutical or cold storage facilities, a GDP or TAPA certified warehouse, a data warehouse or any other type of storage facility, a built-to suit production hall etc., each space delivered by WDP is unique. We make sure we understand your operational needs. But we offer much more than creativity and permanent solutions: sale and rent back operations; direct acquisitions; renovations; redevelopments; developments; assets with development potential over medium-long term; refurbishing existing buildings; innovative use of the available space. In such a competitive market environment, WDP is driven by the one stop shop principle: built-to-suit, financing, development, construction, facility and property management. In short, everything about WDP is added value. WDP is a transparent stock exchange company with great financial clout. Joining forces with WDP means choosing a long term relationship. We are industrial real estate specialists. We combine a strong indepth knowledge of the market with years of experience. We think before we act. Expect nothing less than flexible and tailor-made answers to your problems, every time. Our activities, our values and the family character of our company are the hallmarks of our commitment.

WDP Industrial Park Pitesti (Oarja)

Energy As a long-term investor in industrial property, WDP is aware of the important role it plays with regard to the environment and community life, and accordingly feels it is critical to enlarge its portfolio in a responsible way. WDP continuously provides well-insulated buildings that, in conjunction with well-considered energy use, leads to greener warehouses, distribution centres and production spaces. Our involvement in renewable energy (pv panels on top of the buildings, pv ground parks etc.) and BREEAM certified projects has two main root causes: on one side, WDP as an organization is interested in contributing to sustainable regional development in Romania and on the other side to offer our clients lower maintenance costs and a very attractive price for the produced green energy, which under the current market conditions is an important asset in front of our competitors.

Who is WDP? • Established in 1971 • Own, develop and manage logistics and semi-industrial property • Market leader in the Benelux region • Countries of operations: Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Romania • 3.000.000 sqm of A class space in portfolio • WDP has been listed on the NYSE Euronext Stock Exchange since 1999 • WDP major benefits: cross-border solutions; built-tosuit projects; a one-stop-shop aproach; professional facility & asset management; higher technical quality; smart chain of logistic facilities.

Green Energy - PV Panels on top of buildings




Ivan Lokere, CEO ALINSO Group

“The advantages of Romania are very strong” ALINSO Group has it’s expertise in product development and strategic portfolio management. This includes major real estate development with a special focus on business parks and projects in alternative energy. Alinso Group CEO sees a continued growth of investments in Ploiesti West Park. Alinso Group manages mostly complex projects. eir execution level is second-to-none and follows very specific guidelines. Investors choose Alinso Group for its reputation of going to extraordinary lengths to achieve extraordinary results. e success of Alinso Group is largely due to its team recruited from top-of-the-notch talent in engineering, law and economy with a diverse and international professional background. What motivated the decision to invest in Romania, which were the main challenges, how did you feel during the development years? e advantages of Romania are, in my opinion, very strong: public debt and fees at a low level, a strong domestic market, availability of raw materials, excellent geographical localization, high level educated people and a strong industrial background. I believe that all these strong points should be better communicated to improve the external perception of Romania, unfortunately quite unfavorable, as the country is, at the moment, one of the key points on Europe logistic map. e key challenge of Romania is to achieve steady economic growth and improve living standards while meeting fiscal targets, and to continue structural reforms and the modernization of the public administration. Which are the main accomplishments of the company in the last two years, your objectives for 2015/2016? In March 2014, Alinso Group designed and built a “built-tosuit“ project in Ploiesti West Park, a production facility and warehouse for Tessutica Romania (Tessutica is the name of one of group divisions at international level), Belgian producer of carpets and curtains of Beaulieu International Group. In July 2014, the official opening of Pas Technologies Romania SRL took place, this new investment consisting of an ultramodern line of metals tungsten coating, a new production line for the oil industry. As objectives we hope to continue our development in the same rapid way, there are many prospects in our pipeline and several projects ongoing. How dou you see the future perspectives for new investments in Romania? In the context of EU integration, Romania had benefited from a large amount of foreign direct investments coming especially from the major European economies. Given the know-how and permanent focus on technological progress, such WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

investments have an enormous potential to enhance productivity growth in terms of quality and quantity in Romania. Consequently, they will generate an increase of employment rate and also an improvement of local business enterprises competitiveness, boosting, thus, the entire economy. How do you see the evolution of the logistic / industrial market in Romania, what kind of strategies do you apply nowadays in a more competitive environment ? e logistic and industrial market in Romania started to grow particularly after the accession to the European Union. We are very interested in applying our know-how in other cities in Romania this being one of our ‘under study’ projects and, of course, we will not limit ourselves at PWP. Our forecast is a positive one but, in the same time, in order to continue in the same rhythm we are considering about refinancing our projects. Alinso Group has implemented within Ploiesti West Park a series of innovative strategies such as eco-friendly and cost effective buildings, highly efficient utilities and infrastructure networks for all clients, solar panel rooftop installations, class A and BREEAM compliant warehouses.



Artemis Real Estate:

Strategic investments in Timis “Romania was and is a country for developments in different industrial areas (e.g. automotive, medical, logistics) but also has a great deal of catching up in residential buildings - single and also appartment houses. Therefore our decision in the past was totally right to invest in Real Estate in Timis County and to develop agricultural land for industrial and residential purposes. With this strategy we could be part of the industrial developments and help Timis County to attract foreign industrial companies, where their employees will create demand for nice residential areas”, states Dr. Michael Soormann, President/CEO Artemis Asset Management Group. Our whole Real Estate portfolio is well located in areas where the demand for land with infrastructure is growing and will grow in the future. e access to the highway for example will be very important in the future and all our land is very near by. We just finalized the infrastructure and received the title „Industrial Parc”. We are today in negotiations with many foreign companies who want to invest in Timis County. How will your developments improve the quality of services provided, change the production cycle or the performance of the supply chain for the clients? Our developments will offer our clients the possibility, to buy a piece of land with total infrastructure available from the beginning and easy to achieve building approvals. Time and cost calculations are clear, transparent and without uncertainty. Combined with tax and fee reduction over many years due to the title “Industrial Parc” the investing company can really focus on their business needs and requirements. We are convinced that the finalisation of the highway to Bucharest and the Hungarian border will attract more logistic companies in the future. Already today in Timis County you find many companies with large warehouses and others will follow 1 Splaiul Nistrului Boulevard, in the coming years. room 7 Timisoara, Timis County, Romania How have recent developments in +40 732 402 257 the country’s infrastructure laura.szime@artemisrealestate.ro affected growth in the industrial www.artemisrealestate.ro /logistic sector of late? A good infrastructure is the key to a successful development of an industrial area. In the past many companies choose other locations or countries because of a very bad infrastructure in Romania. is changed already and has to improve further in the future. For example as I mentioned above the new highway to Hungarian border and Bucharest is the key for developments in Timis County. With the improving infrastructure, low labor costs, lower costs for construction and a more and more stable government Romania’s competitiveness is growing in the coming years.

Artemis Real Estate


Which are in your opinion the key strengths of Artemis Real Estate due to the fact that is part of Artemis Holding AG in relation to future clients and partners? How about the strengths of Timis area? We as Artemis Real Estate can offer our clients land for sale or rent, we can offer the financing of a building (logistics, production) combined with a long term rent or rent & buy contracts. Our flexibility and our financial strength are our advantages, where our clients or partners can rely on. Timis County has today a strong industrial base with many well-known European companies. We are convinced that strong economical growth will be seen in the coming years because many foreign companies will start to invest in the area. Further developments in e.g. infrastructure will support this – Laura Szime, Office Manager, Artemis Real Estate - Romania What is your outlook regarding the potential of Romania to maintain increased foreign investments in the industrial / logistic sectors in the coming months? Foreign investment will increase steadily in the next months and we are convinced that Romania will be very attractive in the future. Government programs would help to make it more attractive. Industrial Parcs (with official titles given by the government) could contribute to that and make investments more interesting for foreign companies.



Zacaria Group Warehousing. Your partners in business. Zacaria Group provides and rents custom finished warehousing for spaces measuring from 500 sqm to 25,000 sqm for business activities such as: storage and distribution, logistics, cross docking and manufacturing. As confidence in Zacaria Groups ability to meet the needs of all its clients, and as international companies developing and expanding their businesses in Romania continues to grow, demand for the services of Zacaria Group in Sibiu, as well as other major cities of Romania, has, since 2009, resulted in Zacaria Group acquiring a number of warehouses across the country and several more acquisitions are in progress. Alf Mizzi & Sons is a family run business which began its activity in Malta in 1915. e company's business activities are wide ranging and include: the importation of FMCG to Malta, telecommunications, electronics, and real estate development. Today, the company operates on an international level with investments in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Romania, Croatia, Libya and Egypt. In Romania Alf Mizzi & Sons is successfully represented by Zacaria Group of Companies. www.zacaria-industrial-parks.ro Sibiu, 193 Stefan cel Mare Street, 3rd floor +40 722-221407

10 years of business in Romania...

Zacaria Group began its activity in Sibiu in 2005, and has over the last 10 years gradually expanded its investments across Romania. Today the group has real estate investments in Sibiu,


Bucharest, Oradea, Alba Iulia, Arad and the Black Sea coast. From its inception the main focus of the company has been the development of high quality residential projects, and since 2009 has also supplied customized warehousing for a wide variety of clients. In the last 10 years Zacaria Group has grown from strength to strength by being able to quickly adapt to market changes and constantly fulfilling customer demands. e group's headquarters are located at Zacaria Business Center, Stefan cel Mare Street, No. 193, Sibiu.

logistics-industrial General Logistics - sIBIU

Year of Acquisition - 2014 Total Land surface area including warehouse 45,000 sqm Size of warehouse & offices – 12,000 sqm Occupancy – 55%

Western Logistics - Oradea

Spread over a land area of 100,000 sqm, this Industrial Park offers 41,500sqm of prime warehousing and manufacturing space in 3 separate warehouses. Located in the Eastern industrial zone of Sibiu, and less than 500 meters away from the A1 highway, on Stefan cel Mare street, the parks location ensures ultimate time efficiency for the most discerning client. e modernization of all the warehouses within the park, and the parks management ensures that each of the companies clients can manage and operate various types of businesses successfully. Year of Acquisition - 2009 Total land surface area including warehouse - 33,000 sqm Size of warehouse and offices - 20,000 sqm Occupancy – 100%

United Logistics - sibiu

Located in the Western industrial zone of Oradea, this warehouse is directly on Calea Borsului which leads directly to the Hungarian border only 5 km away. Year of Acquisition - 2013 Total Land surface area including building – 50,000 sqm Size of Building – 16,800 sqm Occupancy – 95%

Vantage Logistics - Alba Iulia

is warehouse is ideally located directly on the main road leading into Alba Iulia, and 200 meters away from the city’s ring road and the A10 highway which is currently under construction. Year of Acquisition – June 2015 Total Land surface area including building – 55,000 sqm Size of Building – 27,000 sqm Occupancy – 9%

Border Logistics - Arad Year of Acquisition - 2011 Total land surface area including warehouse – 23,000 sqm Size of warehouse & offices – 9,500 sqm Occupancy – 100%

Central Logistics - sibiu Located in the Western industrial zone of Arad, this warehouse is directly on the ring road of Arad and 30 minutes from the Hungarian border. Year of Acquisition - 2015 Total Land surface area including building – 30,000 sqm Size of Building – 10,000 sqm Occupancy – 100% Arad, Ovidiu Street, Arad County WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




Hirschmann România, center of competence in automotive industry Hirschmann Automotive GmbH is a reliable partner which offers innovative solutions for automotive industry, in connector technology area and connecting systems. Group activity starts in Austrian city Rankweil found in the area where Austria meets Germany and Switzerland, Vorarlberg. Since 2007 Hirschmann Automotive is also present in Romania through the opening of the production location SC Hirschmann România SRL from Industrial Park Mureș. Since the beginning of the activity, the Austrian company made long term plans, such that in 8 years since the opening of the production location from Romania it increased its surface almost 3 times, from 2,500 square meters to 6,500 square meters, until 2013. In November, of the same year, production area increased with 10.000 square meters through acquisition and modernization of an existing hall in Sânpaul Village from Mureș County. Concurrent with the development of production capacity, the product range from Romania’s factory it was also diversified. If at the beginning were made wirings for parking sensors, products based exclusively on wire processing now, after all these years, it was reached a variety of more than 20 product families. In addition to processing wires and cables multicore, it is realized sensor integration in automotive wirings, various adapters are manufactured using hybrid application, products used in the construction of motorcycles and snowmobiles. All this led to an increase of the complexity level of products and processes. Today, Hirschmann Automotive Group goes through a repositioning of competence centers program among all its four factories, so Hirschmann Romania will become the competence center for manufacturing of products based on processing multicore cables (mostly used in automotive ABS systems, braking systems), products integrating electronic components and sensors (multiple applications for opening the tailgate, electronic assisted acceleration, position sensors etc.) and also for special applications (SCR module connector for harm reduction, connectors for audio system, applications for hybrid and electrical cars). Since 2010, Hirschmann Automotive decided to meet new requirements on renewable energy market by opening Renewable Energy Division, which develops connecting systems for equipment manufacturing industry used in “green” energy generation. Sânpaul Factory represents the production platform for connecting systems offered by Austrian group for photovoltaic panels. Being a business partner for leading car manufactures in Europe and America, Hirschmann Group has significant contributions to his activity field. e quality of offered products, the creativity of suggested solutions and the staff expertness, positions the company at the peak in connectors and cables for the automotive industry. All the company’s activity is marked by the responsibility for the clients and social involvement. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

At the present, within the company are working more than 2.000 people, from which 1.268 direct productive employees, future projects generating about 150 jobs. Financial situation has also seen a constant development, so that in the first six months of the year 2015, the company recorded a turnover similar to the full year of 2010. The forecast for the full year of 2015 is around 80 mil. EUR. In 8 years of activity, besides investments including production facilities according to specific automotive industry standards and a workshop for making the necessary tools for injection processes, a laboratory for raw materials and manufactures which includes among others two X-Ray equipment’s, cleanliness analysis equipment and two equipment’s for micro section analysis. Hirschmann Romania is actively involved in education programs through summer programs and practice for students and pupils, part of social responsibility activities. Also since 2014, the company is part of a group of companies wishing to set up a dual vocational school in Targu Mures.



CTP eyes Romanian growth CTP is a Dutch-based commercial property developer focused on the expanding markets of Central Europe. CTP exploded onto the Romanian market in early 2015, securing a number of high-profile acquisitions which means that it is now one of the market leaders in terms of gross lettable area. CTP eyes Romania as an important next step, and is leveraging market opportunities for growth. Hear from CTP CEO, Remon Vos, on his vision and plans for the market. CTP is an award-winning, full-service commercial property developer and manager. Since the company’s inception in 1998, its strategy has been to develop premium industrial and office facilities for long-term operational lease for local and international clients in underserved regional markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). For companies looking to leverage he lower costs and highly skilled labour found in regional CEE centres, that strategy has proved a success. CTP is the long-term leader in the development of fullservice business parks in core market, the Czech Republic, and more recently in markets like Romania. “CTP is a full-service property developer specializing in the design, construction and management of custombuilt, premium-class business properties for lease throughout Central Europe.” CTP’s balanced portfolio of industrial, office, mixed- use and retail properties comprises over 2.5 million sqm of premium space for lease throughout Central Europe. Our strategy focuses on key CEE regions with a large, educated workforce to support investments 1st Czech market position in high-tech and added value 160+ employees activities. e primary source of 2.5 million sqm total rentable area CTP’s operating revenue generated 319 total hectares in landbank from the portfolio is derived from 7.8 average age of building the CTPark network, Central 6.5 % vacancy rate Europe’s largest network of A-class 450+ customers industrial properties. e majority EUR 134 million gross rental income of the portfolio is located in the 28 building awards in 12 years Czech Republic, our core market, though recently we started to www.ctpark.eu expand heavily into new markets www.ctp.eu such as Romania and Slovakia. CTP’s industrial portfolio is centered on our core business— e CTPark Network— the largest integrated network of premium business parks in Central Europe, with over 2.5 million sqm of leasable properties. e CTPark Network offers five unique, branded building types ranging in size and functionality to support a wide range of business activities, including high-tech manufacturing, supply chain and distribution centres, advanced R&D and backoffice operations. CTP specializes in the financing, design and construction of custom-built industrial properties and interior fit-outs, including sophisticated production lines, clean rooms and laboratories, and complex building management systems. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

CTP in Romania CTP has been present in Romania since 2008, but only recently have we started to invest into, and develop, A-Class properties for local and international clients. Our strategy in Romania is to grow through developments and acquisitions. Earlier in 2015, we acquired the 45,000 sqm CTPark Arad property in western Romania. More recently, we finalised the purchase of the 35,000 sqm CTPark Bucharest West (formely Mercury Business Centre) on the outskirts of Bucharest. In July, we handed over the first wholly-developed CTP property in Romania to long-term CTP client, Frankische, in CTPark Turda. e latest addition to the CTPark Network is CTPark Deva (formerly known as Deva Logistics Park). e park covers a total of 43,000 sqm, with an additional 17,000 sqm available for development, prominently located nearby the A1 motorway near Deva. In the coming years, CTP plans to continue expanding our operations outside of the Czech Republic, in order to satisfy demand from existing business partners who see value in extending their activities throughout the region. “Romania is an important growth market for CTP, and we believe that the time is right to expand the CTPark network into the region. More than 37,000 people are employed in our parks in the Czech Republic alone, so CTP’s Romanian entry can be seen as a key driver for lowering unemployment rate in the cities and regions in which we locate our parks. 400 international companies call the CTPark network home and I know that many of these companies are actively looking for opportunities in Romania.”



Parcul Industrial Mureș, 10 ani de activitate Parcul Industrial Mureș funcționează cu succes de 10 ani. În cadrul companiilor care activează aici muncesc aproximativ 1.700 de oameni, existând premise pentru o creștere a numărului investitorilor în perioada următoare, pe platforma industrială de lângă Aeroportul Transilvania. Parcul Industrial Mureș și-a început activitatea în 18 noiembrie 2005. Întreaga infrastructură realizată atunci a trecut în proprietatea publică a Consiliului Judeţean Mureş, administrarea fiind făcută prin intermediul societăţii comerciale "Parc Industrial Mureş" S.A. Numărul contractelor de concesiune a crescut treptat, astfel că acum în Parcul Industrial Mureș lucrează 1.700 de angajați, sunt 18 contracte de concesiune semnate, iar 9 companii au activitate. În Parc activează firme din diverse domenii de la prelucrare lemn la componente auto, de la vopsitorie industrială până la imprimerie pe textile, firme cu diferite servicii pentru industrie. Compania cu cea mai mare activitate și cu cei mai mulți angajați este Hirschmann România. În momentul de față mai sunt disponibile pentru companii care doresc să vină în Parcul Industrial Mureș 7.5 ha. Legat de proveniența unor eventuali investitori, directorul Parcului, Nagy Istvan, precizează: “În Parcul Industrial Mureș poate veni oricine, fie că este vorba dePlatforma Vidrasău - Ungheni spre producție sau servicii, dar acJudețul Mureş tivitatea trebuie să nu fie poluantă. Telefon: 0265-433620 Am stabilit ca suprafaţa care se Fax: 0265- 433632 valorifică să fie minim 1.500 mp. În E-mail: office@industrial-park.ro principiu, investitorul ar trebui să Pagina web: decidă din momentul zero dacă www.industrial-park.ro doreşte sau nu să cumpere terenul. Dacă nu doreşte, avem un tabel cu criterii de evaluare, privind mărimea investiţiei, numărul de locuri de muncă create, nivelul tehnologic cu care se vine în parc, cam acestea sunt punctele cu pondere mai mare, şi în funcţie de acestea se stabileşte redevenţa care e între 0,25 şi 1.8 euro/mp/an. Cei care doresc să cumpere terenul încheie un contract de concesiune pe cinci ani. Prețul este negociat în funcţie de mărimea investiţiei, valoarea investiţiei, tehnologia adusă şi numărul de locuri de muncă create. Indiferent de forma de

Parc Industrial Mureș


proprietate pe care o au, taxa de administrare este de 1 euro/mp/an, care include o serie de servicii, de la curăţenie, iluminat, pază perimetrală etc”. Cele două noi posibilităţi de concesiune, şi anume concesiunea cu sumă diminuată / redusă şi concesiunea urmată de vânzarea terenului, fac ca Parcul Industrial Mureş să fie printre cele mai atractive parcuri industriale din România. Parcul Industrial deţine infrastructura de utilități necesară (energie electrică, gaz, apă potabilă, staţie de epurare a apelor menajere, canalizare, reţea de telecomunicaţii cu fibră optică, acces către E60 şi către viitoarea autostradă). Din anul anul 2008, în Parcul Industrial Mureş funcționează și un incubator de afaceri, proiect al Consiliului Judeţean Mureş în colaborare cu PNUD, unde mai multe firme au beneficiat de un sprijin consistent pentru un start bun în afaceri.

Cele mai semnificative facilităţi şi stimulente Subvenţionarea salariilor în cazul angajării şomerilor, tinerilor absolvenţi şi a persoanelor cu handicap. Facilităţi acordate pentru formarea şi recalificarea forţei de muncă. Fonduri nerambursabile autohtone şi cele oferite de Uniunea Europeană (de exemplu pentru investiţii infrastructurale, pentru dezvoltări inovative). Oportunitatea de ocupare imediată a parcelelor, dimensiunea acestora putând varia în funcţie de nevoile investitorilor. Furnizarea suportului complet de infrastructură pentru activităţile industriale (drumuri de acces, alimentare cu apă, alimentare cu curent electric, alimentare cu gaze naturale, canalizare şi telecomunicaţii) în perimetrul zonei industriale. Stimulente fiscale: scutirea de impozite prevăzută pentru parcurile industriale conform legii: fără taxe pentru teren şi fără taxe pentru clădiri, pe toată perioada în care investitorul se află pe teritoriul Parcului Industrial.



Arcese Transport, garanția unui lider european în logistică Unul dintre liderii europeni în servicii logistice, Arcese Group a luat cu asalt piața românească în urmă cu patru ani și deja a intrat în Top 10 transportatori, cu o cifră de afaceri de aproape 34 mil. euro, în 2014. Marius Buturoagă, artizanul afacerii Arcese din România, vorbește despre ce a realizat până acum și despre planurile sale de expansiune. Care a fost momentul in care Arcese Group a intrat pe piața din România? Care au fost rațiunile pentru această decizie? Marius Buturoagă, director general Arcese Transport: Grupul Arcese a intrat în România în 2011, înființând Arcese Transport SRL în județul Cluj, din dorința de a-și continua expansiunea pan-europeană. Prin filiala din țara noastră, acționarii Arcese și-au dorit un cap de pod care să le asigure accesul spre țările din Europa de Est, în special Rusia și Turcia. Iar acest obiectiv a fost îndeplinit. Compania a crescut exponențial în acești aproape patru ani, ajungând să conteze tot mai mult în cadrul grupului. Care este infrastructura pe care se bazează astăzi filiala Arcese din România? Avem în momentul de față o flotă de 255 de camioane cu care facem transport intracomunitar și domestic, gestionate de către o echipă operațională bine pregătită. Depozitul din Cluj are o suprafață utilă de 1500 de paleți și este utilizat pentru organizarea mărfurilor. Care a fost nivelul afacerilor Arcese Transport în 2014 și ce estimări aveți pentru 2015? În 2014 am avut o cifră de afaceri de 33,7 milioane €, iar pentru 2015 estimăm o creștere de cca. 19%, adică să atingem cifra de 40 milioane €. Ce gamă de servicii & soluții oferă Arcese Transport? Noi operăm transport în regim de FTL (Full Truck Load) și LTL (Less an Truck Load) cu plecări zilnice spre Europa, dar și transport domestic și distribuție de servicii logistice. Unde se situează astăzi Arcese, în clasamentul transportatorilor din România?


Conform unui top realizat recent de RisCo.ro, evaluând datele financiare din 2014, Arcese ocupă locul 9 între transportatorii înregistrați în România. Am intrat, deci, în top 10, în nici patru ani de activitate, dar nu ne mulțumim cu puțin. Vizăm primele locuri în următorii ani. Ce proiecte de dezvoltare are grupul pentru România, în perioada următoare? Având în vedere creșterea explozivă a afacerilor noastre în România, de la zero la 40 milioane €, am decis ca în viitorul apropiat să construim un depozit propriu, pentru care am identificat deja posibile locații. Vrem, de asemenea, să mărim flota pe care o avem și să dezvoltăm pentru clienții noștri și soluții multimodale. Care sunt principalele argumente ale Arcese în raport cu competiția? Ne bucurăm de apartenența la un grup multinațional, cu tradiție, cu renume, care a reușit să dezvolte soluții personalizate pentru diverse categorii de clienți. Valorile grupului Arcese, unul dintre liderii europeni în materie de logistică, sunt principalul nostru bun, cartea noastră de vizită. Sigur, aceste valori, principii de lucru le respectăm cu strictețe și în România.



Parcul Industrial Galați, atractiv pentru investitori Parcul Industrial din Galați este una dintre cele mai atractive destinații din România pentru noi investiții. Pe lângă poziția strategică, cu ieșire la Dunăre și lângă granița cu Republica Moldova și seria de facilități fiscale, Parcul Industrial Galați are avantajul parteneriatului cu Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” și existența celor trei clustere din domeniile naval - “Romanian River Transport”, sănătate - “Pentru Sănătate Dunărea de Jos”, energie regenerabilă și mediu- ”Green Solutions Low Danube”. Parcul Industrial din Galați, Asociația Clusterelor din România-Clustero, împreună cu cele două Universități din Galați, ”Danubius” și “Dunărea de Jos”, au facilitat constituirea Primului Consorțiu al Clusterelor din Regiunea de Sud-Est Consorțiul ”Dunărea de Jos”, în toamna anului trecut. Consorțiul a fost constituit din cele 5 clustere din Regiunea de Sud-Est și anume: ”Pentru Sănătate Dunărea de Jos”, reprezentat prin Asociația ”SMURD” Galați, ”Green Solutions Low Danube”, reprezentat prin Asociația Regională pentru Energie și Mediu “Dunărea de Jos” (R.A.E.E. - Low Danube) din Galați, “Medgreen”, reprezentat prin Clusterul Pentru Promovarea Afacerilor Specializate în Ecotehnologii şi Surse Alternative de Energie - (regiunea sud-est şi regiunea Bucureşti-Ilfov)” din Medgidia, ”Tradiții Manufactură Viitor”, reprezentat prin Asociaţia „Tradiţii Manufactură Viitor” (TMV) din Focșani, ”Romanian River Transport”, reprezentat prin Uniunea Porturilor Interioare Românești (UPIR), din Galați și Asociația Clusterelor din România - Clustero. Printre personalitățile care au susținut și participat la constituirea Consorțiului ”Dunărea de Jos” s-au numărat Florin Nicolae Jianu, Ministru pentru Întreprinderi Mici și Mijlocii, Mediu de Afaceri și Turism, Daniel Coșniță, președintele Asociației Clusterelor din România, și Traian Bărbat, secretar general al Asociației Parcurilor Industriale, Tehnologice, Științifice și a Incubatoarelor de Afaceri din România. Printre obiectivele consorţiului „Dunărea de Jos” se numără: reprezentarea intereselor clusterelor în fața instituţiilor şi a factorilor de decizie regionali şi naţionali, crearea unui brand regional, crearea de oportunităţi pentru start-upuri, pregătirea pentru atragerea de fonduri europene, facilitarea schimburilor de experienţă, transfer de know-how etc. Parcul Industrial din Galați a avut un rol aparte în constituirea consorțiului, întrucât reprezintă elementul cataLocație parc: Calea Prutului nr. lizator în crearea unei structuri 304, Galați, România solide de afaceri, ce urmărește dezSediu administrativ: Str. voltarea comunității prin creșterea Domnească nr. 38, Galați, România exporturilor, creșterea producTel +40 721 845 487 tivității, creșterea valorii adăugate office@parculindustrialgalati.ro brute, crearea de noi companii, dar www.parculindustrialgalati.ro și extinderea companiilor prezente WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

prin atragerea de investiții străine directe. Referitor la avantajele pe care le au companiile care doresc să facă investiții în Parcul Industrial Galați, dr. ing. Costică Voicu, directorul parcului a precizat: “Scutirea de la plata impozitului pe teren și clădire, clusterele existente, din domeniile naval, sănătate și energie regenerabilă-mediu, cercetare-dezvoltare, vin în sprijinul investitorilor ce își doresc inovare, dar și a celor care vor să dezvolte și alte activități în incinta Parcului Industrial. Prin prisma parteneriatului cu Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos”, Parcul Industrial facilitează transferul tehnologic dintre mediul academic și piața muncii, oferind, astfel, forță de muncă înalt calificată. Și dezvoltarea activităților din domeniul logisticii, ținând cont de existența ieșirii la Dunăre, reprezintă pentru noi o prioritate. Împreună cu cei din conducerea a APDM Galați am semnat în luna mai a anului 2014 un Acord de Cooperare în ceea ce privește construirea unui ”Terminal Intermodal”. Pentru o dezvoltare durabilă și sustenabilă se are în vederea desfășurarea de proiecte comune atât cu APDM Galați, cât și cu Verracon Austria, companie specializată în dezvoltarea și implementarea de metode cantitative și calitative a sistemelor spațiale și de transport în vederea îmbunătățirii mobilității. Aș mai adăuga că incubatoarele de afaceri sunt structuri care permit dezvoltarea afacerilor aflate la început de drum, care dispun de idei, dar nu şi de suportul necesar pentru dezvoltare. Având în vedere acest lucru, în primăvara anului curent am depus la Direcția de Implementare a Programelor pentru IMM, o solicitare privind admiterea în Programul Național Multianual de Înființare și Dezvoltare de Incubatoare Tehnologice și de Afaceri.”

How to fully utilize the advantages of an industrial park

Business Park Bistrita Sud Unfold on a total area of 30 hectares, Business Park Bistrita Sud is located just 12 kilometers from downtown Bistrița, in Sărata District. is integrated platform for industrial development available to residents provide excellent working conditions and support – financial and logistic – in terms of business growth. Main features of Business Park Bistrita Sud are: 1) Modern infrastructure, high quality, turnkey – especially created for 21st Century businesses, such as: - Access Road from DN 17 Suceava-Cluj (1112 km). - Internal Roadways, sidewalks, bike trails (1616 km). - Roundabouts (4). - Public and private parking lots (1783 lots). - Specific land plots, surface between 400 and 10,000 sqm. (53 land plots). - Land plots dedicated to various industries (small, medium, large, logistics, offices). - Electricity provided by power supply connection. - Natural gas pipeline. - Water supply line. - Sewage system, including water treatment facility. - Communication facilities (internet, mobile phone coverage, telephone, fax, wireless). - Landfill. 2) Benefits/Facilities offered to investors by Bistrița Local Council: - Exemption from land and building taxes. - Additional incentives and facilities to promote foreign direct investments (FDI): accelerated depreciation, carryforward tax losses over the next five years from the gross profit. - Land plots have urban planning certificate and all the required legal approvals for environment, topographical, geological available for investors. 3) Basic Services offered to investors by management company: - Reception and Info-point for customers / visitors to residents. - Security and permanent monitoring of the industrial park, including car traffic control register. - Maintenance / Repair / Maintenance common infrastructure of the industrial park. - Street lighting and pedestrian lighting. - Cleaning and lawn maintenance. - Security and firefighting. 4) Additional Services offered to investors: - Management Company will assist investors in obtaining financing, such as non-reimbursable state aids, non-reimbursable European subsidies, bank loans and private equity for further developments. - Management Company will assist investors in relation to local authorities, including taxation authorities, meaning that will make every effort to put these relations normal. - Assistance for selecting, training and hiring personnel. - Related services: cleaning and security, consulting, accounting, banking, custom duty management, catering, booking, ticketing, postage, insurance etc. 5) Further information: - Railway: Along industrial park, 500 m. far. - Roads: E58 Vienna-Rostov on Don, E60 Brest-Irkestham, DN 17 Suceava-Cluj; - Airports: Cluj International Airport, 120 km far, Târgu-Mureș International Airport, 100 km far; - Maritime Port of Constanța, 650 km far; 6) Contact: SC BUSINESS PARK BISTRIȚA SUD SRL 6, Nicolae Titulescu Street, Bistrița, Bistrița-Năsăud County, ROMANIA E-mail: office@bizpark.ro, www.bizpark.ro Mobile: 0040-744-772139 Tel/Fax: 0040-263-237920 Call or visit www.bizpark.ro to download our free booklet and to learn more about Business Park Bistrita Sud.



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Why and where to invest in Romania? Marian Orzu - head of industrial agency - CBRE Romania, Costin Bănică - senior associate, industrial agency at Colliers International Romania, Cristina Pop - head of industrial agency Jones Lang La Salle Romania and Mihaela Galațanu - Head of Research DTZ Echinox, are answering with arguments and details, an in-depth analysis of the potential for the Romanian market.

“Most part of A class industrial parks in Bucharest and regional cities were developed a short time before Romania`s joining the European Union in 2007 or after this period. e majority of Bucharest logistics properties – around 1 million sq m – were developed as an answer to the need of large retailers for logistics services. e demand kept increasing, thus they appeared as a natural effect, even though they were built on a speculative basis as opposed to the built-to-suit processes. In regional cities, especially in the western part of the country, the demand came mainly from production companies (mostly automotive suppliers) due to the qualified and affordable labour force, infrastructure and position that allowed the companies to ship their merchandise to foreign markets in an efficient and fast manner. ose developers that decided to build form scratch new industrial parks are now in a more competitive and privileged position as they had the chance to choose the right location, attract some of the large global tenants that entered the market at that point in time (tenants are still in those premises) and most important they came with their international expertise and adapted to the local market enquiries”, Marian Orzu, head of industrial business development - CBRE Romania, explains. „e developers who have already secured projects and land plots have the first-mover advantage; the ones who have developed new projects first, have greater chances to win new projects in the industrial market. 2014 was definitely the year of industrial market in Romania, when more than 171 million Euro worth investments have been channelled towards such properties. But Romania still has opportunities to reveal when it comes to industrial and logistics sector. ere is a series of drivers, such as increase in consumption, competitive labour costs that still catch the attention of both investors and developers”, Costin Bănică, senior associate – industrial agency at Colliers International Romania, also says. Other strategic arguments are mentioned by Cristina Pop – head of industrial agency Jones Lang La Salle Romania and Mihaela Galațanu, Head of Research DTZ Echinox. “e lack of modern developments prior to 2006, the increasing demand at that time for modern space from 3PL/Logistic companies and big retailers who secured solid footholds across Romania and the strong growing economy made developers to consider Romania as a worthy destination for developing modern logistic projects. Most of initial developers have already sold or are in process of selling the assets built at that time”, Cristina Pop, also points out. “Romania has a strategic location in Europe, having three Pan European Corridors passing through its territory. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

Marian Orzu - head of industrial business development - CBRE Romania

In retrospect, developers that have decided to construct logistics & industrial projects before the crisis are now having an excellent occupancy rate, most of them have bought large plots of land in key locations such as the Western part of Romania and most have potential for further developments”, Mihaela Galațanu, predicts.

Vacancy rates and rents “Since the beginning of the year we offered strategic consultancy to global manufacturing companies in automotive suppliers sector, to oil & gas providers, to international retailers and also to logistics operators. The majority of those tenants, having very strict specific

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technical requirements, chose to consider built-to-suit, mainly those companies which perform production activities”, Marian Orzu, CBRE, adds on. “The engines of demand were the logistic companies – a good sign for consumption rate, together with production sector. We are witnessing strong expansion of both existing production companies and new companies that are entering the market. Increasing development of modern industrial projects generates more and more efficient and streamlined supply chains. Sometimes, different operators and suppliers perform their activities in unsuitable locations that do not comply with their expectations in respect with logistic locations. So, moving into a new location, providing appropriate equipment and facilities, such as a location with dock doors or optimized crossdocking potential is increasing both the productivity and the speed of the services they provide”, Costin Bănică, underlines more trends in the market. According to the manager from Colliers, the vacancy level for the Bucharest industrial market has decreased below 10% for the first time after many years. Also, the vacancy in the countryside is forcing the developers to start speculative developments; for example, Timisoara was the first city to witness such speculative development. The same statistics are offered by CBRE: “The vacancy rate in Bucharest has decreased under 8% in H1 2015, this trend is estimated to maintain for the next two quarters thus creating a slight pressure on increasing the prime rent stable now at 3,8 Euro/sq m. In the other Pan Romania sub-markets, considering that majority of new developments were constructed on a built-to-suit demand basis, the vacancy level has lowered beyond 5% the demand for existing spaces being clear only in a few areas” – Marian Orzu (CBRE). “Having no major deliveries recorded last year, the general vacancy rate has been on a downward trend. At the end of 2014, the vacancy rate for industrial and logistics spaces in Romania was of 7%. In Bucharest, the vacancy rate has followed the same trend and stands below 8%, while outside Bucharest the vacancy rate is of 5%. This situation reflects that currently there is an urgent need for new developments. In terms of rental levels, there were no major changes during 2014, with prime headline rents for modern logistics warehouses being situated between € 3.6 –3.9 /sq. m/ month. The net effective rental level continues to be lower by 10 –20%” – Mihaela Galațanu (DTZ). “The limited recent development and the strong demand in the last 2 years have made the vacancy rate to reach the lowest level since the beginning of the crisis in Bucharest – below 7%. At a country level, average vacancy rate is in range of 10%. Prime industrial headline rents are at the same level since 2012, at around 4 Euro/sqm/month. However, the amount of incentives offered by the landlords are decreasing and there is pressure for rental increase. After a record 2014, when the total take-up was of approximately 310,000 sq m, we expect that 2015 will witness a similar level. The first half of the year, when the total demand increased with over 15%, already confirmed the ascendant trend. The industrial production is forecasted to further grow, especially in the western part of the country, where companies already present consolidated their operations and new names are expected to enter. The market was dominated in the first half of the year by 3PLs/logistic companies which accounted for close to 28% of the total leasing activity but also production companies, around 27% mostly outside Bucharest” – Cristina Pop (JLL).





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What about new developments? “We are already witnessing a strong increase in new developments, mainly of production facilities for companies looking to enlarge their activities in Romania, attracted by the labour cost and availability. e majority of the locations are contracted as prelease projects, only few of them consisting of speculative developments. New industrial premises totalling more than 100,000 sqm are expected to be delivered in the next two years and the largest concentration of developments will be in Bucharest, Timisoara, Arad and Brasov”, Costin Bănică declares. Mihaela Galațanu is estimating that in Bucharest new supply of modern logistics warehouses will be around 100,000 – 130,000 sqm, while outside Bucharest the level of new supply will exceed 150,000 sqm - targeted cities: Timisoara, Ploiesti, Cluj, Sibiu and Brasov. “Concerning Bucharest market, the more and more increasing demand for new warehousing premises has slowly led to new developments: an area of 15,000 sq m is under-construction phase in northern Bucharest with estimated delivery time in Q4 2015 and another 35,000 sqm with delivery in early 2016. However this is not enough for accomadating the expected demand in the next couple of months that the reason why there are other major developers that made plans for new facilities. In regional cities, we are facing mostly build-to-suit projects requirements coming mainly from automotive suppliers relying on trained, qualified and experienced labour force they could find at a national level. ere is a considerable increase in design and build projects compared to the past few years, this for sure would lead to an increase of industrial stock”, Marian Orzu explains. „We

expect the stock to increase in the next 12 months, due to a combination of factors among which we mention the increasing new demand, tenants’ expansion plans and the very low vacancy in quality projects. ere are already a number of developers, such as Immofinanz, who saw the opportunity and already started the construction works speculatively, with delivery planned for either the end of the year or the first quarter of 2016”, according to Cristina Pop.

The need for infrastructure “e lack of fast track highways infrastructure is an important obstacle in attracting new global investors to enter the Romanian market. is is also an impediment for the existing tenants especially in Central & Western Romania to extend their production capabilities due to the continuously lowering of unemployment rate. ere would be a large interest in North-Eastern Romania considering the high rate of unemployment, but this will not be shown on a medium term period due to the poor transportation infrastructure routes. However, there are also positive signs and small steps that are taking on this topic in different important cities like: Bucharest’s ring road is being widened, Brasov’s ring road is under construction, we will also have an airport build there, the new border crossing point from Nadlac and the other segments of the highway that is expected to link Bucharest to Western countries” – Marian Orzu considers. e positive trend is described also by the managers from Colliers, JLL and DTZ. “e general opinion is that the infrastructure development is advancing in a positive way. Although investors and developers feel the development should happen at faster pace, we have witnessed some constructions that were expected for a long time and were finally delivered. Companies and developers are currently focusing more on the western part of Romania, but the search for labour cost and availability is driving them to broaden their options and look at other secondary cities as locations for their new projects”, Costin Bănică – says. “Most of the industrial and logistics assets are built along the infrastructure corridors. us, cities such as Bucharest, Ploiesti, Cluj, Timisoara or Arad due to the existing highways leading to the west and subsequently the rest of the CEE have witnessed the majority of new, modern development, while the rest of the country and the east especially is suffering” Cristina Pop underlines. „We have witnessed an increased interest coming from international companies to set up operations in Romania - especially Western part of the country - with some segments of A1 & A3 highways being finalized - Timisoara – Arad; Sibiu – Deva; respectively Bucharest – Ploiesti & Cluj - Turda”, Mihaela Galațanu points out.

Is Romania competitive in CEE, will it attract more investments?

Costin Bănică - senior associate industrial agency at Colliers International Romania


“Romania has become increasingly attractive from an invesment point of view taking into account all the investment transactions registered in the last couple of months. The investment yield has now reached 8.75% with signs of further decrease until the end of the year. Besides the intern news we have new developers and investors that are looking to Romania as a possible market for good investments. Obviously for maintaing the current tempo we should continue to have the same high level of demand which will eventually lead to more and more developers being interested to construct. We are currently dealing

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Cristina Pop – head of industrial agency Jones Lang La Salle Romania

with situations where clients don’t have the possibility of expanding in their current premises and there is a clear need of new spaces”, according to Marian Orzu – CBRE. “We believe our country offers the best perspective for new development as our national stock is still underdeveloped (max. 2 mil sq. m overall Romania). Furthermore Romania has a stable macroeconomic and political environment and offers qualified labour force at competitive salaries”, Mihaela Galațanu says. “Romania, when compared to the other countries in CEE, offers the second largest consumer market after Poland and the size of Hungary and Czech Republic combined and a qualified but more affordable labour force. Moreover, the last 4 consecutive years with economic growth and the state offered incentives are attracting developers. The main chapters on which Romania still suffers when compared regionally are the road and rail infrastructure (which lately is showing signs of improvement) and the bureaucracy“, Cristina Pop – JLL. “Romania’s position in the industrial market is strengthening with time. The economic stability and labour cost attractiveness, together with the geographical position of Romania are attracting more and more the interest of investors and companies. In the past period, Romania is on positive trend in investors’ perspective. The upward evolution of industrial developments will attract more institutional developers in the market. We are already noticing an increase in the interest of investors and developers who not present in the market, but who are looking for good development opportunities. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO




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Mihaela Galaţanu, Head of Research DTZ Echinox e production sector will continue attracting companies looking for competitive wages, no matter the skills’ level of workforce, while the increase in consumption will be the main driver in the expansion of logistics providers throughout the country”, Costin Bănică concludes.

Potential for investments throughout Romania “We are currently working on a project in Sibiu alongside with a developer that will eventualy lead to a new industrial park being developed there. ese are good news for those companies which at some point were interested or are being interested in locating here. ere are also other sub markets where is hard to come up with vialable solutions for our clients as vancy rates are gradually decreasing, but there are signs that developers would carry up speculative projects”, Marian Orzu, head of industrial business development CBRE Romania. „Economic growth and the improvement in infrastructure could keep the developers interest for Romania at the highest level after the crisis. e recent entry and consolidation of important developers/landlords is a solid proof that the industrial market is once again drawing the attention of large regional players. Development in the regional markets was driven mostly by industrial production (especially automotive companies) and less by logistic. However, large population centres could generate the need for additional logistic parks. us, logistic hubs could be developed in the west of the country (Cluj/Turda or Deva) and/or in the east (Bacau or Constanta). Recently, modern schemes were built or are under construction in cities which were previously ignored such as Braila and Turda”, Cristina Pop, head of industrial agency Jones Lang La Salle Romania. “In the last two years industrial production had a significant contribution to Romania’s economic growth, representing approximately 30% of country’s GDP. Industrial production has been mainly driven by new investments that were targeting the automotive industry. Private investments in production facilities targeting the automotive industry will continue going forward, companies such as Continental, Leoni, Dräxlmaier, Kimball Electronics or Michelin announcing their plans either to open new production units, either to expand in current locations“, Mihaela Galațanu, Head of Research DTZ Echinox. WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

Cum folosim din plin avantajele unui parc industrial

Parcul Industrial Bistrița Sud Desfășurat pe o suprafață totală de 30 de hectare, Parcul Industrial Bistrița Sud se află la doar 12 kilometri de centrul municipiului Bistrița, în localitatea componentă Sărata. Această platformă integrată de dezvoltare industrială pune la dispoziția rezidenților condiții excelente de lucru, precum și sprijin - logistic și financiar – în ceea ce privește creșterea afacerilor. Caracteristicile principale ale parcului industrial Bistrița Sud sunt: 1) Infrastructură modernă, de calitate, livrată la cheie - platformă industrială de secolul 21, pentru afaceri ale secolului 21: - Drum de acces din DN 17 Suceava-Cluj (1112 km) - Carosabil, trotuare, pistă de biciclete (1616 km) - Sensuri giratorii (4) - Locuri de parcare publice și private (1783 locuri) - Parcele de teren delimitate, cuprinse între 400 și 10.000 metri pătrați. - Loturi de teren dedicate diferitelor industrii (mică, medie, mare, logistică, birouri) - Stație electrică și posturi de transformare - Stație măsurare și control gaz metan - Apă curentă și industrială - Canalizare menajeră și pluvială, inclusiv stație de epurare proprie - Telefonie mobilă și fixă, internet prin cablu optic 2) Avantaje pentru rezidenți oferite de Consiliul Local al municipiului Bistrița: - Scutire de la plata impozitului pe clădiri și pe clădirile speciale - Scutire de la plata impozitului pe teren - Scutire de la plata taxei privind scoaterea terenului din circuitul agricol 3) Serviciile oferite de firma - administrator a parcului industrial Bistrița Sud – pachet de bază: - Recepție și info-point pentru clienții/vizitatorii rezidenților. - Pază și monitorizare permanentă a parcului industrial, inclusiv control registru trafic auto - Întreținerea/Repararea/Mentenanța infrastructurii comune a parcului industrial - Iluminat public stradal și pietonal - Curățenie și întreținere spații verzi - Paza și stingerea incendiilor 4) Alte servicii și facilități disponibile pentru rezidenții parcului industrial: - Finanțare pentru construcția halelor de producție, conform proiectului rezidentului - Asistență în obținerea de credite bancare pentru echipamente și capital circulant - Asistență în obținerea de finanțări nerambursabile și ajutoare de stat - Certificat de urbanism, acord de mediu, studii topo și geo pentru terenul concesionat - Asistență în obținerea autorizației de construcție - Asistență medicală pentru personalul din incinta parcului industrial. - Servicii de catering, booking, ticketing 5) Alte informații utile - Acces la stație de cale ferată cu platformă de încărcare - Acces la drumul european E 58, care leagă Viena (Austria) de Rostov pe Don (Rusia) - Pe o rază de 100 km se află aeroporturile din Cluj și Târgu Mureș 6) Date de contact SC BUSINESS PARK BISTRIȚA SUD SRL Strada Nicolae Titulescu nr. 6, Bistrița, județul Bistrița-Năsăud E-mail: office@bizpark.ro, www.bizpark.ro Mobil: 0040-744-772139 Tel/Fax: 0040-263-237920 Sunați sau vizitați www.bizpark.ro pentru a descărca broșura gratuită, precum și pentru a afla informații suplimentare despre parcul industrial Bistrița Sud.



PIP, pregătit pentru investiții și parteneri Parcul Industrial Plopeni este situat în orașul prahovean Plopeni, la circa 15 de km de municipiul Ploiești. PIP a fost înființat în baza HG nr 1473/12.12.2002, începând activitatea din februarie 2003, prin preluarea în administrare a unei părți importante din patrimoniul C.N. ROMARM S.A., filiala U.M. PLOPENI S.A în urma reorganizării activității acesteia. În momentul de fața SC Plopeni Industrial Parc SA își desfășoară activitatea pe o suprafață de teren de 767.173 mp, din care 390.162 mp aparțin rezidenților privați, iar 377.011 mp aparțin Parcului Industrial, acționar unic fiind Consiliul Județean Prahova. Obiectivul principal al PIP este valorificarea resurselor umane și materiale existente în zonă. Parcul Industrial este situat în incinta Fabricii NR.2 (Șantierul II), preluând o parte din halele și clădirile acestuia și fosta Cazarmă Militară din Ciuperceasca, din comuna Bănești. În prezent, datorită facilităților oferite, PIP are un grad de ocupare semnificativ, în jur de 90%. Printre firmele și companiile ce își desfășoară activitatea în cadrul Parcului se regăsesc atât DATE TEHNICE: societăți comerciale din România Suprafață: 767.173 mp; dar și companii străine. Aceste Capital social: 6.498.650 lei; societăți comerciale desfășoară Nr. de firme active: 72; activități în diferite domenii, unde Cifra de afaceri: 2.460.543 RON vom regăsi activități de prelucrare a lemnului, prelucrări mecanice, INVESTITII: turnare a fontei, acoperiri metalice, Reparație Autogara Plopeni telecomunicații, comerț cu amăRețea gaze naturale Șantierul II nuntul, activități de consultanță în Amenajare drum Șantierul II afaceri și multe altele. Conducerea Reparații acoperiș - hala Parcului face demersuri în perValoarea totală a investițiilor: manență, pentru a îmbunătăți infra763.335 RON fără TVA. structura de utilități puse la dispoziția chiriașilor, oferindu-le CARACTERISTICI: acestora suport tehnic și/sau logistic Cel mai apropiat D.J. la 1,5 km; pentru realizarea cerințelor de Cea mai apropiată cale ferată producţie, aici menționăm druoperațională la 2,1 km; muri interioare, construcții, parCel mai apropiat aeroport la 70 km; cele de pământ, depozite, etc.. Distanța față de municipiul Ploiești - 15 km. “Parcul Industrial Plopeni, constituie un argument convingător penTel: 0244/221431 tru posibili colaboratori și parteneri email: de afaceri. Prin potențialul său plopeniindustrialparc@yahoo.com oferit de patrimoniul din adminiswww.plopeniparc.ro trare, prin utilitățile oferite, necesare desfășurării unei game vaste de activități (gaze, apă, canalizare, electricitate, telefonie, internet, drumuri de acces cu utilaje agabaritice, acces la calea ferată, tensiune de mare putere etc.), P.I.P. reprezintă un WWW.TRANSILVANIABUSINESS.RO

partener viabil și de încredere pentru partenerii săi de afaceri. De asemenea, prin înființarea Parcului Industrial Plopeni, a fost asigurat accesul rapid al agenților economici români și străini la o infrastructură deja existentă, la costuri reduse, într-un mediu cât mai natural corespunzător, cea mai mare parte a patrimoniului fiind situat în pădure. În aceeași măsură, având acționar principal Consiliul Județean Prahova, Parcul Industrial Plopeni reprezintă un element reper pentru colaborarea dintre administrația publică locală și agenții economici. Un beneficiu important, pentru eventualii colaboratori ai PIP, este că în urma reorganizării mai multor firme și societăți comerciale, de stat sau private, din orașul Plopeni, această zonă beneficiază de un potențial ridicat de resurse umane calificate în diferite activități de producție sau servicii”, a explicat Marin Grigore, directorul general al PIP.



Nakita - performanțe în protecția muncii De peste 20 de ani compania mureșeană Nakita produce și distribuie echipamente și oferă consultanță pentru securitatea și sănătatea în muncă. Prin resurse proprii și dezvoltarea de proiecte europene, Nakita ajunge cu produse și servicii de calitate în toate județele țării. Nakita este un important jucător pe piața produselor de electrosecuritate, destinate sistemului energetic național, dar și în domeniul echipamentelor de protecția muncii. Activitatea firmei condusă de Lucian Cueșdeanu, alături de Alin și Lygia Cueșdeanu, a început în anul 1992, cu vânzarea de echipamente de lucru la înălțime, iar în anii următori Nakita a devenit un important furnizor de echipamente și instrumente de electrosecuritate, pentru sistemul energetic național. În paralel, firma din Târgu Mureș și-a dezvoltat activitatea de import și producție de echipamente de protecția muncii. A ajuns treptat să acopere întreaga țară. Lucian Cueșdeanu consideră că performanțele bune se bazează pe calitatea produselor și a oamenilor: “O parte dintre produsele noastre vin de la furnizori de marcă, iar celelalte sunt fabricate aici, la Târgu Mureș. Am investit mult în utilajele necesare procesului de fabricație și de testare a echipamentelor și produselor. Fie că vorbim despre electrosecuritate sau protecția muncii în general, siguranța utilizatorilor este prioritară. Din acest motiv, oferim produse sigure și fiabile.” Alin Cueșdeanu susține că serviciile și produsele de calitate nu înseamnă neapărat costuri ridicate pentru beneficiar. “Avem produse de top, dar și produse din categoria economic, cu un preț mai accesibil. Și acestea din urmă sunt produse de calitate, testate și certificate după normele europene în vigoare și cu perioadă mare de garanție”. Managerii firmei mureșene consideră că valoarea echipei pe care o conduc este, de asemenea, importantă, deoarece oamenii pot construi relații bune cu furnizorii și clienții, bazate pe încredere și onestitate. Produsele Nakita ajung acum în întreaga țară, printre companiile mari care beneficiază de produse sau servicii ale firmei mureșene numărându-se Electrica, Nuclearelectrica, Hidroelectrica, E.ON, Enel, CEZ, Arcelor Mittal, Apa Nova București, Petrom, Rompetrol. Anul trecut, Nakita a pus în funcțiune o nouă hală de producție, la sediul din Târgu Mureș, dotată cu utilaje moderne și performante în domeniul prelucrărilor pentru zona electrosecuritate. Valoarea investiției se ridică la peste 1 milion de lei, o parte din sumă provenind din fonduri europene. Nakita deține un laborator de încercări electrice și dielectrice acreditat RENAR, unde pot fi făcute diverse măsurători necesare. Compania mureșeană mai are în lucru un proiect unic în România, care vizează ridicarea unui laborator complex de testare a echipamentelor de protecția muncii.

farmaceutică etc.), de la protecția uzuală împotriva riscurilor mecanice artificiale, riscuri termice, riscuri electrice, până la protecția chimică complexă.

Lucru la înălțime Nakita are soluții optime la echipamente individuale și sisteme complexe de protecție pentru lucru la înălțime. Echipamentele acoperă toate domeniile de activitate care necesită asigurare împotriva căderilor accidentale în timpul urcării/coborârii sau a lucrului la înălţime. Firma mureșeană pune la dispoziție soluții pentru orice condiții de lucru, începând de la situații simple de asigurare, până la sisteme complete, echipamente pentru acces în spații greu accesibile și dispozitive speciale de ancorare. Firma oferă și servicii de verificare periodică a echipamentelor.

Produse de top


Nakita oferă o gamă largă de de produse de protecția muncii precum: mănuși, îmbrăcăminte, încălțăminte, ochelari și viziere, antifoane, căști de protecție, echipamente de sudură, semimăști și măști etc. Echipamentele au specific în funcție de natura activității (sudură, industria chimică, industria

Nakita furnizează echipamente de electrosecuritate pentru sistemul energetic național, necesare pentru lucrul în instalații și linii electrice. Nakita pune la dispoziție echipamente din baza proprie de producție, dar și din colaborarea cu firme consacrate.




Cum îţi investeşti banii pe piaţa de capital? Certificatele cu capital protejat sunt unele dintre cele mai noi instrumente financiare care au început să fie tranzacționate pe piața de capital românească. În 2014, SSIF Broker SA a lansat, în premieră pentru Bursa de Valori Bucureşti (BVB), o emisiune de certificate cu capital protejat, printre cele mai simple instrumente financiare din categoria produselor structurate, adresată investitorilor cu toleranţă redusă şi moderată la risc. Certificatele cu capital protejat sunt emise în baza unui Prospect de Bază avizat de Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară, sunt înregistrate la Depozitarul Central şi sunt listate la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti, iar SSIF Broker SA, în calitate de emitent, asigură furnizarea de lichiditate pentru toate certificatele emise. Certificatele cu capital protejat oferă caracteristici personalizate pentru profilul investitorului şi creează transparenţă, siguranţă şi stabilitate pentru portofoliu. Pot fi utilizate ca şi o componentă a unui portofoliu diversificat şi profitând de riscul scăzut pot substitui obligaţiunile. Un alt avantaj îl reprezintă faptul că parametrii certificatelor (participarea la creşterea activului suport şi proporţia de capital protejat) sunt cunoscuţi încă de la emitere şi astfel aceste certificate sunt transparente, calculaţia preţului bazându-se pe un model static. Certificatele cu capital protejat sunt instrumente financiare care oferă atât protecția capitalului la maturitate (într-un grad ridicat, de peste 90%), cât și posibilitatea de a câștiga de pe urma aprecierii prețului unui anumit activ suport. În prezent, SSIF Broker SA tranzacționează, la Bursa de la București, certificate cu capital protejat cu activ suport: Adidas, McDonalds, Shell, Nestle, Allianz, Novartis, Verizon, Procter& Gamble.

Investiţii cu risc ridicat sau cu risc minim O altă categorie de produse în care se poate investi sunt unităţile de fond. Acestea, fiind emise de către Fondurile

de Investiţii administrate de către SAI Broker SA, sunt distribuite către investitori prin intermediul SSIF Broker SA. Fiind înfiinţată în anul 2012, SAI Broker SA este societatea de administrare a investiţiilor ce are ca principal acţionar pe SSIF Broker SA. Fondurile de investiții, ce pot fi închise sau deschise, se pretează unei game largi de investitori, în funcţie de nivelul de risc pe care fiecare doreşte să şi-l asume. Celor ce apreciază evoluţia societăţilor de investiţii financiare tranzacţionate la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti li se oferă posibilitatea de a investi în Fondul Închis de Investiţii BET-FI Index Invest, fond ce urmăreşte replicarea performanţei indicelui BET-FI. Un element important al Fondului Închis de Investiţii BET-FI Index Invest este acela că dă posibilitatea investitorilor de a investi/dezinvesti atât în mod direct, prin intermediul emisiunilor şi răscumpărărilor periodice derulate de către Fond, cât şi prin intermediul bursei, odată cu intrarea la tranzacţionare a unităţilor de fond pe piaţa reglementată administrată de Bursa de Valori Bucureşti. Tranzacţionarea unităţilor de fond emise de FII BET FI Index Invest a început în data de 31 martie 2015, acestea având simbolul BTF. De menţionat şi faptul că SSIF Broker SA este furnizor de lichiditate pentru acest simbol. Prin această opţiune pusă la dispoziţia investitorilor se minimizează un eventual discount între valoarea unitară a activului net şi cotaţia bursieră a unităţii de fond. Investitorilor cu aversiune crescută faţă de risc le propunem unităţile emise de Fondul Deschis de Investiţii FIX Invest. În cazul acestui fond, investiţiile vizează instrumente sigure şi cu venit fix, cum ar fi: obligațiuni municipale, titluri de stat, obligațiuni corporative, depozite bancare, arbitraje, acțiuni în oferte publice, acțiuni cu randament ridicat din dividende. Acest fond se adresează și investitorilor ce au un plan de economisire, datorită faptului că nu există comisioane de subscriere respectiv răscumpărare pentru plasamentele mai mari de 30 de

Certificatele cu capital protejat emise de SSIF Broker SA au următoarele caracteristici: • Câştigul potenţial la maturitate al acestor instrumente este corelat cu evoluţia activului suport şi depinde, totodată, de nivelul prestabilit al participaţiei în performanţa activului suport (între 50% şi 100%). • O particularitate a acestor produse este protecţia capitalului, într-o proporţie cuprinsă între 95% şi 100 %. Această protecţie se referă la valoarea nominală a certificatelor şi este valabilă la maturitatea produsului. • Sunt listate la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti, având lichiditatea asigurată de emitent, iar, în condiţii normale de piaţă, cotaţia de cumpărare nu va fi mai mică de 90% din valoarea nominală a certificatelor.



Grigore Chiş - director general al SSIF Broker SA

zile. Având în vedere obiectivul de randament pentru acest fond, anume de 1,5 ori dobânda medie bancară netă oferită la depozitele în lei, investiţiile în aceste unităţi de fond pot reprezenta o alternativă de luat în seamă. Trebuie spus că investiţiile în unităţi de fond comportă nu numai avantaje, dar şi riscul nerealizării obiectivelor propuse, inclusiv al unor pierderi pentru investitori. De asemenea, performanţele obţinute anterior nu reprezintă o garanţie a performanţelor viitoare, fapt pentru care sfătuim orice investitor să consulte, înainte de orice operaţiune, prospectele de emisiune a fondurilor. În cazul fondurilor administrate de SAI Broker SA, acestea pot fi obţinute în mod gratuit de la sediul SAI Broker SA sau de la oricare alt punct de lucru al SSIF Broker SA.

Despre SSIF Broker Societatea de servicii de investiții financiare Broker SA are o experiența de peste 20 de ani pe piața de capital, fiind prima și, până în prezent, singura societate de servicii de investiții financiare listată la categoria I a Bursei de Valori București. Compania are mai mult de 12.000 de acționari persoane fizice și juridice și s-a implicat în listarea la Bursa de Valori București a unora dintre cele mai prestigioase societăți din România, cotând 11 dintre cele 12 societăți listate inițial la BVB, pregătind și introducând la tranzacționare un număr de peste 45 de companii. SSIF BROKER SA are sediul central în Cluj Napoca, strada Moţilor, nr. 119, judetul Cluj, înregistrată la ORC sub nr. J12/3038/1994, CUI: 6738423, tel: 0364-401709; Fax: 0364-401710, e-mail: secretariat@ssifbroker.ro. Date complete de identificare ale societăţii precum şi informaţii despre serviciile furnizate regăsiţi pe site-ul www.ssifbroker.ro. Investiția în instrumente financiare presupune riscuri specifice incluzând, fără ca enumerarea să fie limitativă, fluctuația prețurilor pieței, incertitudinea dividendelor, a randamentelor și/sau a profiturilor, fluctuația cursului de schimb. Performanțele trecute nu reprezintă garanții ale performanţelor viitoare ale instrumentelor financiare.





Hirschmann România, centru de competență în industria auto Firma Hirschmann Automotive GmbH este un partener de încredere care oferă soluții inovative pentru industria automotive, în domeniul tehnologiei conectorilor și sistemelor de conectică. Activitatea grupului începe în orașul austriac Rankweil, aflat în zona în care Austria se întâlnește cu Germania și Elveția, Vorarlberg. Din 2007, Hirschmann Automotive este prezentă și în România prin deschiderea locației de producție din Parcul Industrial Mureș, SC Hirschmann România SRL. O dată cu începerea activității, compania austriacă și-a făcut planuri pe termen lung, astfel încât în cei 8 ani de la deschiderea unității de producție din România și-a mărit suprafața centrului de producție de aproape trei ori, de la 2.500 de metri pătrați la 6.500 de metri pătrați, până în anul 2013. Din luna noiembrie a aceluiași an, suprafața de producție a fost mărită cu încă 10.000 de metri pătraţi, prin achiziția și modernizarea unei hale deja existente pe raza comunei Sânpaul din județul Mureș. Concomitent cu această dezvoltare a capacităților de producție, a fost diversificată și gama produselor realizate în cadrul fabricii din România. Dacă la început erau realizate doar cablaje pentru senzorii de parcare, produse bazate exclusiv pe procesarea firelor, acum, dupa toți acești ani, s-a ajuns la o diversitate de mai mult de 20 de familii de produse. Pe lângă procesarea firelor și procesarea cablurilor multifilare, este realizată integrarea senzorilor în cablajele auto, sunt fabricați diverși adaptori utilizați în aplicații hibrid, produse utilizate în construcţia motocicletelor și a snowmobilelor. Toate acestea au dus la o creștere a gradului de complexitate a produselor și proceselor. În prezent, grupul Hirschmann Automotive trece printr-un program de repoziționare a centrelor de competență între cele patru fabrici ale sale, astfel încât, Hirschmann România va deveni centru de competență pentru realizarea produselor bazate pe procesarea de cabluri multifilare (aplicaţii utilizate, în special, pentru sistemele ABS ale automobilelor, a sistemelor de frânare), a produselor care integrează componente electronice și senzori (diverse aplicaţii pentru deschiderea haionului, accelerația asistată electronic, senzori de poziție etc.), precum și aplicații speciale (conector pentru modulul SCR de reducere a noxelor, conectică pentru sistemul audio, aplicații pentru automobile hibrid și electrice). Începând cu 2010 Hirschmann Automotive decide să vină în întâmpinarea noilor cerințe de pe piața de energie reutilizabilă, prin deschiderea diviziei Renewable Energy, prin care se dezvoltă sisteme de conectică pentru industria producătoare de echipamente utilizate în generarea de energie «verde». Fabrica din Sânpaul reprezintă platforma de producție pentru sistemele de conectică oferite de grupul austriac pentru panouri fotovoltaice. Fiind un partener de afaceri pentru cei mai importanți producători de autoturisme din Europa și America, grupul Hirschmann are contribuții importante în domeniul său de activitate. Calitatea produselor oferite, creativitatea soluțiilor pro-

puse și competența personalului poziționează compania la vârf în domeniul conectorilor și cablajelor pentru industria auto. Toată activitatea companiei este marcată de responsabilitatea pentru clienți și de implicare socială.

În momentul de față, în cadrul companiei își desfășoară activitatea peste 2.000 de angajaţi, din care 1.268 angajați direct productivi, proiectele viitoare generând aproximativ 150 de locuri de muncă. Situația financiară a cunoscut, de asemenea, o dezvoltare continuă, astfel că, în primele șase luni ale anului 2015 compania a înregistrat o cifră de afaceri similară cu cea din întreg anul 2010. Prognoza pentru întreg anul se situează în jurul valorii de 80 mil. euro. În cei 8 ani de activitate, investițiile făcute au cuprins, pe lângă spații de producție conforme cu standardele specifice industriei auto, și un atelier de realizare a sculelor necesare proceselor de injecție, un laborator de analize a materiei prime și a produselor realizate, ce cuprinde, pe lângă altele, două echipamente de analiază cu raze X, un echipament de analiză a contaminării (cleanliness) și două echipamente de analiză a microsecțiunii. Hirschmann România se implică activ în educație prin programele de vară și practică pentru studenți și elevi, parte a activităților de responsabilitate socială. De asemenea, începând cu anul 2014, compania este parte a unui grup de firme care dorește să pună bazele unei școli duale de meserii în Târgu Mureș.



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Parc Industrial Cugir 8A Victoriei St., 1st floor Cugir, Alba Tel: +40 258 750 626 +40 258 750 626 parcindustrialcugir@yahoo.com www.parculindustrialcugir.ro

Eurobusiness Park Oradea 1-3 P-ța Unirii, room 134, Oradea, Bihor Tel: +40 359 889 389 +40 259 408 82 contact@eurobusinessparc.ro www.eurobusinessparc.ro

Electrocontact Industrial Group Calea Nationala no. 6 710010 Botoșani, Botoșani Tel.: +40 231 513 710 Fax: +40 231 517 172 mihaela.muraru@electrocontact.ro www.electrocontact.ro

INDUSTRIAL PARK BRAȘOV 6 Aeroportului St. Ghimbav, Brașov Tel.: +40 268 402 949 Fax: +40 268 401 216 parc@parc-industrial.ro www.parc-industrial.ro

SC NITROPARC 3 Republicii St., Făgăraş, Braşov Tel: +40 721 375 444, +40 723 140 277 Fax: +40 368 814 283 nitroparc_fagaras@yahoo.com www.primaria-fagaras.ro


Parc Industrial Cugir was established in 2002. It has 63,000 square meters and an occupancy rate of 90%. Here operate 36 businesses that have created 430 jobs, after 362,000 euro investments. e owner is Alba County. PCI is a founding member of the innovative national cluster, the Competitiveness Pole Metalworking Transylvania, Metallcluster Siebenburgen, Cluster Metal Manufacturing Transylvania (PRELMET Transylvania)

Eurobusiness Industrial Park is located at the entrance to Oradea from Vama Borș, having a street frontage of 1.2 km on E60. e Industrial Park is divided into lots, which in turn are divided into plots with different surfaces (the smallest plot measuring 3,575 square meters). Both the plots and the lots are modular and can be resized, according to needs and the intended investments. S.C. EUROBUSINESS PARC ORADEA S.R.L. is formed with the City Council of Oradea as its sole shareholder. Botoșani Industrial Park is managed by SC Electromining SA Botoșani, an associated legal person of Electrocontact Industrial Group SA. e park is located in the northern part of Botoșani city, on DN 29B. It was created under a public-private partnership and has a total area 129,500 square meters. Electrocontact Industrial Group is the leading provider of solutions in the field of electrical distribution and control appliances, for both the domestic and industrial use.

Industrial Park Brașov offers Greenfieldtype spaces for long-term rent, destined for production activities, storage and offices. e halls are executed in accordance with the specific requirements of each customer. Construction started in 2007. e total area is 39 hectares. ere are complete networks of road and utilities infrastructure. Today there are 72,000 built square meters, at 100% occupancy degree, and a platform with 2,500 employees.

Nitroparc was established in 2006 as a management society for Făgăraş Industrial Park. e hardened security infrastructure of most of its administered buildings is one of the “strengths” of the location. Făgăraş Industrial Park is located in the south-west of the chemical platform from Făgăraş, on an area of 10 ha, being connected through DJ 104 C to the transport infrastructure of the town. Its closeness to the future Transylvania Motorway (about 5 km) is another advantage.

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Trasilvania Logistic Park Transilvania Constructii S.A 10 Orastiei Street, Cluj-Napoca Romania Bolog Alexandru Property Manager T: +40 722 757 144 bolog.alexandru@transilvaniaconstructii.ro www.transilvaniaconstructii.ro

GRAELLS & LLONCH INDUSTRIAL PARK Tel: +40 268 362 658 Fax: +40 268 362 788 laura@graellsllonchromania.ro w w w. g r a e l l s l l o n c h a d m i n i s trareparque.com/romana

Carfil Industrial Park 119 Zizinului St. Braşov, Braşov Tel: +40 268 333 674 Fax: +40 268 321 244 cipbrasov@gmail.com www.cipbrasov.ro

Metrom Industrial Park 60 Carpaților St., Brașov, Brașov Tel: +40 368 101 012 Fax: +40 368 101 013 office@mipbrasov.ro www.mipbrasov.ro

Arc Industrial Park 3 /103 Horea St., Cluj Napoca, Cluj Tel: +40 264 406 817 +40 264 433 303 office@arcparc.ro www.arcparc.ro

index - industrial Located in a strategic location, right next to Cluj-Napoca International Airport, and only 10 minutes from the city centre, Trasilvania Logistic Park is the ideal place for your business. e unique location offers access to skilled labour force, public transport, making it attractive both for distribution and logistics as well as for production. 21h of land. Aprox. 90.000 sqm of lettable area(including office). Business hub with over 80 tenants. 4h of land available for build-to-suit. Graells & Llonch Administrare Parc Industrial SA operates an industrial park at Prejmer with an area of 839,000 square meters, being one of the largest parks in the country. e park offers a wide range of investment options, because there are areas for industrial operations, logistics and retail, with surfaces between 1,000 and 21,000 square meters. Graells & Llonch Industrial Park is managed by a company run jointly by members of state institutions and private shareholders, to ensure cooperation with the local authorities.

An industrial park located in Braşov city, at the junction of the main national and international communication routes that transit Romania. e first functional industrial park in Brasov, Carfil Industrial Park comprises over 44 companies of industrial production and various services. e park area is 18,700 square meters, of which 11,000 square meters represent production and office spaces.

Metrom Industrial Park is the second functional industrial park in Brașov and includes over 14 companies of industrial production and various services. e industrial park area is 63,700 square meters, and the built area is 27,000 square meters. is is of particular interest to investors, given both its geographical location and its direct access to the technical and utilities infrastructure necessary conducting economic activities.

Arc Park is located in the town of Dej, 50 km NE of the city of Cluj-Napoca, on DN1C, and has an area of 40,185 square meters, being a private investment. Also, the park is located 37 km from Cluj Napoca International Airport. e administrator company also holds a license as an energy supplier. ere are two companies that are now active in the park.




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Hunedoara Industrial Park 2 DJ 687 St. Hunedoara, Hunedoara Tel: +40 354 416 553 office@pihd.ro www.pihd.ro

Călan Industrial Park 401 Decembrie St. Călan, Hunedoara Tel: +40 254 730 223 primariacalan@yahoo.com www.primariacalan.ro

SC. TETAROM S.A. 47 Tăietura Turcului St., 400221 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Tel: +40 264 407 900/901/902, Fax: +40 264 432 750 tetarom@tetarom.ro www.tetarom.ro

Bucharest Industrial Park Universal Property Srl 8, Dr. Nanu Muscel Ioan Street District 5, Zip Code 050521, Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 313 44 45 Fax: +40 (0)21 313 44 46 Email: info@bucharestindustrialpark.com

Pro Faur Invest 255 Basarabia St. București, Ilfov Tel: +40 212 552 989 profaur@bega.ro www.inchirierispatiiindustriale.ro


It is a project with an area of 20.23 ha, located on the 687 Hunedoara-Deva County Road, at the entrance to the town of Hunedoara. Being in the suborder of Hunedoara City Council, the park offers investors a range of facilities and partners the best prices. ere are 20 companies here. Investors are granted the opportunity to lease or purchase the land plots. Spaces for offices can be rented in the administrative headquarters.

Călan Industrial Park is in the execution phase, being achieved through the Axa 4.2. Regional Operational Program and is positioned between the Simeria-Petroșani Fourth Railway Corridor and DN 66, 10 km away from the A1 Deva-OrăștieSibiu Motorway. e total area of the park is 41,643 ha. e park also has a head office / business center. e park will be operational by the end of 2015.

Tetarom I Industrial Park is the first industrial park in Cluj County and was inaugurated in 2005. It has an occupancy rate of 100%, with over 50 companies, 2,000 employees and more than 60 million euros invested by its customers. Tetarom II has operated since 2006 and all the 120,000 square meters are occupied by Emerson SRL, a company that has 1,200 employees and has invested more than 120 million euros. Tetarom III has 1.54 million square meters and an occupancy rate of 75%; over 1,500 people work here, after investments of 200 million euros. Tetarom IV is developing across 850,000 square meters in Feleacu and will be completed in 2015.

BIP project was launched in 2000 and now consists of a plot of 102 hectares of land located in the Bolintin Deal commune, Giurgiu county, on the edge of Bucharest – Pitesti motorway (A1), situated exactly at km 23 on the motorway, just 10 km away from the actual Bucharest ring-road. A direct exit with over-passing bridge is located at the site ensuring perfect accessibility to/from both ways of the motorway. Actual clients: KLG Europe, Prologis Logistic Park, Magnetti Prefabricate, H.Essers GOKBORA.

S.C. Pro Faur Invest S.A. - located in one of the most developed industrial areas in Bucharest manages Faur Industrial Park, offering consultancy to investors on the rental of industrial, production, storage spaces and logistics centers. e entire range of utilities is ensured for the leasable spaces, in accordance with the standards in force - water supply, industrial and storm sewage, electricity, gas, access roads, telecommunications, industrial equipment without operators.

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METAV BUSINESS PARK 67-77 Biharia Street, District 1, Bucharest Tel.: +40 (21) 599 77 65 office@metav.ro www.metav.ro

Sema Parc Logistics 319 Splaiul Independentei, OB 5, Ground floor, District 6, Bucharest Tel/Fax: +4021.316.91.78 +4021.318.91.77 M: +40752.440.002 www.semalogistics.ro

MUREȘ INDUSTRIAL PARK 1/G Vidrasău Ungheni Platform, Ungheni, Mureș Tel: +40 265 433 620 +40 265 433 632 office@industrial-park.ro www.industrial-park.ro

S.C. Brazi Industrial Park S.A. 13 Piatra Craiului St. Brazi, Prahova Tel: +40 244 547 499 +40 244 545 549 www.parcbrazi.ro

Plopeni Industrial Park 7 Armoniei St., ground floor Plopeni, Prahova Tel: +40 244 221 431 office@plopeniparc.ro www.plopeniparc.ro

index - industrial Metav Industrial Park supports business people in Romania and abroad, being designed as an opportunity for companies that need large storage and production facilities, as well as small and medium companies. e location is extremely favorable for the development of economic activities. It lies in the north of Bucharest, Baneasa neighborhood, with easy access from downtown (Piata Victoriei, University, Charles de Gaulle) and from the Henri Coanda Airport. Administrative offices occupy 26,767 sq m and spaces for storage and production 49,216 sq m.

Sema Parc is one of the most representative industrial parks in Bucharest, located in the west side of Bucharest, on Dambovita riverside, at less than 10 minutes away from the city center. Sema Parc offers inner access roads, with a total length of 2500 m and an area of 2 ha, exterior lighting, green spaces with ornamental trees that create a pleasant atmosphere, utility networks, the possibility for tenants to choose from a multitude of phone companies and internet providers, rehabilitated buildings, consolidated and renovated, sometimes by changing the destination, according to customers desires, parking spaces, additional services (security, cleaning, fire prevention, snow removal etc).

After winning a Phare project of almost 6 million euros, Mureș County Council managed to start the largest industrial project in the area. At present, MIP employed more than 1,700 people. e Industrial Park is administered by S.C. MUREȘ INDUSTRIAL PARK S.A., where the majority shareholder is the Mureș County Council. ere are 7.5 ha available from a total of 45 ha, divided into plots with an area between 2,900 to 35,000 square meters.

S.C. Brazi Industrial Park S.A. is situated in the village of Brazi, Prahova County, in the northern part of the Brazi industrial platform, close to the DN 1A national road (the city belt of Ploieşti) and its intersection with the DN 1B national road. It is located on the Brazi industrial platform, which also hosts one of the most important petrochemical plants. e area pertaining to the company is about 46 ha, 14 ha of which include built areas (halls, warehouses etc.).

Plopeni Industrial Park is located in Prahova County, on the Ploiesti-Slanic county road, at a distance of about 15 km from Ploiesti, and has a total area of 36.47 ha, of which 4.02 ha built area. At present, a total of 30 companies are operative in Plopeni Industrial Park, both individuals and companies, which have created a total of 407 jobs.



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Ploiești Industrial Parc Ploieşti, OP. 1, CP. 147 Tel: +40 244 434 028 office@industrial-parc.ro www.industrialparc.ro

PLOIESTI WEST PARK Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova SC ALLIANSO BUSINESS PARK SRL Soseaua Ploiesti-Targoviste Km 8, East Zone, Trup II, 1st floor, room 5 Prahova, Romania Tel: +40 344 228 200 contact@alinso.eu www.alinso.eu www.ploiestiwestpark.eu

Parc Industrial Jibou 4 1 Decembrie 1918 St. Jibou, Sãlaj Tel: + 40 260 640 558 primaria_jibou@yahoo.com www.primariajibou.ro

Automecanica Industrial Park 41 Aurel Vlaicu St. Mediaș, Sibiu Tel: +40 269 803 646 +40 269 803 606 info@autm.ro www.autm.ro

Parcul Industrial Sibiu SA (PaIS) 1 Telefoanelor St. Șelimbăr, Sibiu Tel: +40 269 210 503 Fax: +40 269 211 831 eugeniordanescu@yahoo.com

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Ploieşti Industrial Parc was developed in 2002. Now it has a total surface of 162,600 sqm, and it is one of the largest industrial parks in Romania. Due to the 100% occupancy rate in Ploiești, additional parks are created in Urlați, Mizil and Ciorani, the only surfaces available now are located in Mizil and Ciorani.

PLOIESTI WEST PARK, the largest industrial and business park in SE Europe, mainly focuses on light production, logistics and industrial activities (surface > 285 ha; 110ha already developed in less than 4 years). e park is developed by ALINSO GROUP, an international real-estate and green energy projects Belgian developer. PLOIESTI WEST PARK has direct access to DN 72 Ploiesti-Targoviste road, A3 Bucharest-Budapest highway (currently completed until 20 km away from the park) and is located 45 km away from Henri Coanda International Airport. e park has access to the services of ALLIANSO TERMINAL, the first open and independent railway intermodal terminal in Prahova County.

It will be developed on the industrial platform Ciglentir, in the city of Jibou, Sălaj county. Investors can negociate for 100 lots part of a surface of 22 ha, which is the total surface of the industrial park. e municipality estimates 1.000 jobs will be created by the investors in the park.

Automecanica Industrial Park is geographically positioned in the center of the country, being located in the town of Mediaș, Sibiu County, at a distance of 39 km from Sighişoara and 55 km from Sibiu. It has direct access to the European road and railway network. It is situated at a distance of 60 km from Sibiu International Airport. ere are 700 employees in the industrial park.

Parcul Industrial Sibiu has an area of approximately 100 hectares. It is located in Şelimbăr – Sibiu, at 7 km from Sibiu International Airport. In the Industrial Park operate leading companies in fields such as: metal processing, metal structures, chip removal machining. It has an area of 98.4 hectares. e companies that have so far chosen PaIS to develop their businesses are: Caucho Metal Productos, Caucho Metal Productos Total, Euromanagement, S.A.G. CNC Technik, Ejes. Many other companies have also submitted applications to operate in this location, which offers foreign or domestic investors an European economic climate and numerous amenities.




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S.C. Parcuri Industriale Sibiu-Şura Mică S.A. 10 Parc Industrial St. Șura Mică, Sibiu Tel: +40 269 577 440 +40 269 577 441 ipssm@rdslink.ro www.primaria-suramica.ro

PITT Calea Torontalului St., Km 6 Timişoara, Timiș Tel: +40 256 220 801 +40 256 220 984 office@pitt.adetim.ro www.pitt.ro

Business Park Bistrita Sud SC BUSINESS PARK BISTRIȚA SUD SRL 6, Nicolae Titulescu Street, Bistrița M: +40-744-772139 T: +40-263-237920 E-mail: office@bizpark.ro, www.bizpark.ro

Zacaria Group Sibiu, 193 Stefan cel Mare Street, 3rd floor +40 722-221407 www.zacaria-industrial-parks.ro

WDP Romania 1 Baia de Arama Street, 022204, Sector 2, Bucharest Tel: +40 730 092 701 Valentin Stanciulescu info-romania@wdp.eu www.wdp.eu


e Sibiu-Şura Mică Industrial Park is located on the territory of Şura Mică, west of Sibiu. e land is owned by the Local Council of Şura Mică, with a total area of 98.61 ha, to which are added the necessarily integrated local roads, i.e. 0.56 ha. e Industrial Park area includes industrial plots with surfaces between 0.2 and 17.00 ha, an administrative area, household utilities, green areas and network protection areas, an internal trafficking system.

Timișoara Technological and Industrial Park (PITT) is located at a distance of 6 km from the city’s center, on the DN6 national road, being a project undertaken by the Timiş County Council and the Timiş Economic Development Agency, to support the development of SMEs in fields such as IT, communications, electronics and electrical engineering, automotive and other industries that use advanced and non-polluting technologies, cleaner production technology, design, research and logistics. It provides the option of leasing 25 plots which range in size from 950 to 8.420 square.

Unfold on a total area of 30 hectares, Business Park Bistrita Sud is located just 12 kilometers from downtown Bistrița, in Sărata District. is integrated platform for industrial development available to residents provide excellent working conditions and support – financial and logistic – in terms of business growth. Management Company will assist investors in obtaining financing, such as non-reimbursable state aids, non-reimbursable European subsidies, bank loans and private equity for further developments.

Zacaria Group provides and rents custom finished warehousing for spaces measuring from 500 sqm to 25,000 sqm for business activities such as: storage and distribution, logistics, cross docking and manufacturing. As confidence in Zacaria Groups ability to meet the needs of all its clients, and as international companies developing and expanding their businesses in Romania continues to grow, demand for the services of Zacaria Group in Sibiu, as well as other major cities of Romania, has, since 2009, resulted in Zacaria Group acquiring a number of warehouses across the country and several more acquisitions are in progress.

WDP is the market leader in Benelux and a major player through its efficient customized services of development, letting and management of logistical and industrial property, with a portfolio of approx. 2 million square meters of warehouses, distribution centers and industrial spaces in Europe. In Romania, WDP is developing a portfolio of 10 logistic and industrial parks in strategic locations (including but not limited to Ploiesti, Pitesti, Constanta, Brasov, Bucharest area etc.). e project in Oarja – Pitești (Argeș) and Codlea (Brașov) are fully operational.

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Bucharest West Portland Trust Marius Istudora +40 (74) 534 0551 +40 (21) 317 6060 - Bucuresti +420 (222) 333 666 – Praga www.bucharestwest.ro

CTPark Network CTP Invest, spol. s.r.o. CTPark Humpolec 396 01 Humpolec, Czech Republic

Imotrust Arad Anca Bejan Sales Manager Tel: +40 727 300 000 Email: anca.bejan@imotrustarad.ro www.imotrustarad.ro

NGB Distribution Center N.G.B. Construction & Management +4021 316 67 82 / b3 office@ngb.ro www.ngb.ro

P3 Bucharest Sfântul Elefterie Street, No. 18, 3th Floor, District 5, Bucharest Tel.: +40 372 705 655 Fax: +40 372 870 676 E-mail: info@p3parks.com

index - industrial Bucharest West takes the standard to a new level in Romania by bringing a new concept for logistic and light industry hubs. In an established location on the A1 Bucuresti - Pitesti motorway and just 2 km away from the city, Bucharest West offers class A units for warehouse and light industry. With superb infrastructure and links to industry Europewide, Bucharest West makes connections with 200 millions customers within 1,000 km. Bucharest West is a multi-phased development. As at 2010, over 130,000 sqm has been constructed, with plans to develop a further 20,000 sqm on land with infrastructure and permits in place. Plots of land are available for sale with all infrastructure built at the edge of the plot as well as turnkey requests.

CTP is a full-service commercial real estate developer and manager based in the Czech Republic. anks to strategic investments expanding - our portfolio of premium business and logistics parks, we are now the fourth-largest industrial developer in Europe and the eighth-largest overall developer in Europe. e CTPark Network includes over 2.5 milllion sqm of A-class properties in over 40 strategic locations, including in Romania, in Arad, Cluj, Bucharest.

Imotrust is a developer in western Romania with portfolio properties selected based on information accumulated over 20 years of monitoring the local markets. e industrial warehouses are located in key locations and are modern structures with all facilities and easy access in view of transporting raw materials and finished products, and office buildings offer modern workstations at high standards. e lands for industrial buildings comply with all the coordinates and requirements of running a successful business and propose alternative build to suit projects, on the land requested by the client. NGB Distribution Center is ideally situated 9 km South West from Bucharest center, in the municipality of Bragadiru, on the Bucharest ring road. e complex offers 12 ha on site with planning up 50,000 sqm of industrial and logistic buildings, both ready to occupy space as well as built-to-suit solutions, and already has international and national leading tenants occupying + 10,000 sqm of warehouse space. Warehouse and industrial units are available from 600 sqm. Customized logistic solutions can be implemented upon request. e site is one the few in Bucharest to benefit with private railway access.

P3 is a pan-European specialist owner, developer and asset manager of logistics properties. Active throughout Europe, P3’s asset base comprises 143 warehouses, totaling 3,0 million sqm of space across 9 countries and a land bank with zoning for more than 1.3 million sqm of potential development. P3 is a service oriented company providing a first class service to logistics, retail, automotive and electronics manufacturing companies. P3’s mission is to provide warehouse customers with a first rate occupancy experience in high quality assets in key logistics locations.




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RA-RA LOGISTIC PARC DE 301- DE 305 GHIMBAV, BRASOV Tel.: 0368 450 127 Mob. 0733 500 550 Mob. 0726 751 157 office@halebrasov.ro asistent@halebrasov.ro

Olympian Parks e Grand Complex 7th floor, Room 7.14 No. 90, Calea 13 Septembrie District 5, Bucharest + 40 (21) 403 32 00 www.olympianparks.ro

SOLO Industrial Park SC SOLO SRL No.1113 Letcani, 707280 Iasi County, Romania Tel : +4 0232 250699 E-mail: office@soloiasi.ro Web : www.soloiasi.ro

RAMS Industrial Park M : +40 720 212 000 P: + 40 212 553 645 office@ramsbusinesspark.ro www.ramsbusinesspark.ro

Parc Industrial Valcea 13 Queen Mary St., 2nd Floor, Ramnicu Valcea, T: +40 250 731 800 E: contact@parcindustrialvalcea.ro www.parcindustrialvalcea.ro


RA-RA LOGISTIC PARC is the optimal solution for develop/relocate your business, is situated in an easily accessible location, in an area with a strong industrial development. We have willingness to invest in long-term partnerships according demands and expectations of our future partners. Total built surface is 10,000 sqm and is divided in 3 sections with scalable surfaces. For future projects, by request, we have available a total surface of 65,000 sqm.

e Olympian Parks Network comprises regional distribution & light industrial centers which can accommodate small, medium and large-size firms operating in local and international distribution, dry or cold warehousing and light industry, helping investors avoid costly title disputes and reduce risks and delays associated with land-acquisition zoning and permitting. Locations include: Bucharest Chiajna, Timisoara & Brasov.

e first European Logistic Park developed in the North-East Region of Romania, SOLO is a modern facility, placed on the main road to Iasi, where 90% of the auto traffic takes place, close to the ring road. Solo Logistic Park has a land bank of 50,000 sqm, with 4 industrial halls build today 10,000 sqm GLA, the main client is Lear Corporation. Also, the Park has a P+3 office building with important clients such as TMS Global Logistics, Renania or GermanAgrar. Upon requests from companies, Solo can be extended in 2016 with more 20,000 sqm modern halls, where companies can conduct logistics, production and storage activities.

RAMS Industrial Park is located in the immediate vicinity of the hypermarket Cora in Pantelimon. e tenants can benefit from an exceptional location, which assures car access for heavy goods vehicles free of charge and easy pedestrian access due to the variety of means of transportation covering that area RAMS Industrial Park is just 5 minutes from the highway Bucharest - Constanta and Bucharest ring road. Total park size: 58,650 sqm. Total leasable area: 30,000 sqm.

SC PARC IND VALCEA S.A is proposing the development of Industrial Parks of Bălceşti Drăgăşani. e company aims to represent the development of partnerships between business and local governments, provide logistical support and institutional framework for obtaining facilities for residents who invest in industrial parks, establishing partnerships with similar institutions at regional, national and international levels and to efficiently use the material resources Valcea County and area (industrial raw materials, agricultural products, leather, textiles etc.). CAPITAL STRUCTURE: Valcea, by - 50% Valcea County Council, 25% Balcesti City by City Council Balcesti, 25% Dragasani by City Council Dragasani.

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LOG.IQ NELP Pantelimon, Romania, 17275 sqm A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

LOG.IQ Ploiesti Ploiesti, Romania, 15100 sqm A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

LOG.IQ Timisoara Timisoara. Romania, 19969 sqm A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

VGP Park Timisoara VGP Romania S.R.L. 145 B Calea Plevnei, Building 1, Floor 0 P101, room 1 District 6, Bucharest, 010099 phone/fax: 0040 (0)21 212 52 52 e-mail: darius.scheible@vgpparks.eu www.vgp.cz

A1 Business Park A1 Business Park N Building, Ground floor, N01 office 13.5 km Bucuresti - Pitesti Highway (A1) Dragomiresti Deal, Ilfov County 77096 Romania T +40 (0) 21 211 00 33 F +40 (0) 31 710 70 10 M +40 (0) 731 732 929 E office@valad.ro

index - industrial LOG.IQ NELP is a three-phase logistic facility development project on an 110,000 sqm plot. e first phase (Nord Est Logistic Park I) was delivered in 2008, while the second and third phases (Nord Est Logistic Park II and III) are vacant plots. ese phases offer great opportunities for 'built-to-suit' developments. e main construction offers a gross leasable warehouse area of 17,275 sqm, split into five modules and adjacent offices. Overall, the building has the technical features of an A-class warehouse facility.

LOG.IQ Ploiesti is located on DN 72 PloiestiTargoviste road, approximately eight kilometers west of Ploiesti city center in Prahova County. It is Romania's second most densely populated region and has a strong industrial and logistic profile. LOG.IQ Ploiesti I, II and III make up a three-phase logistic development, extending to a total area of 336,500 sqm. e first phase of the project was delivered in 2008, comprising one building with an approximate lettable area of 15,000 sqm. e remainder of the land offers excellent opportunities for 'built-to-suit' developments. Overall, the building has the technical features of an A-class warehouse.

LOG.IQ Timisoara is a large-scale industrial development in two phases. LOG.IQ Timisoara I, comprised of a 43,000 sqm plot and an industrial building with an approximate footprint of 18,500 m² and a gross lettable area of 20,000 sqm, was delivered in 2008. LOG.IQ Timisoara II, currently a vacant plot of 70,000 sqm, is available for future development. e main construction offers warehouse facility with eight modules plus adjacent offices. Overall, the building has the technical features of an A-class warehouse facility.

VGP Group designs, constructs and leases out logistics complexes and semi-industrial parks in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. A strong regional position gained through its operations on the markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia and Romania helps the company reinforce projects prepared for Germany and Poland. VGP Park Timisoara is located in Timisoara, in the north-eastern part of the city, not far from the international airport. e VGP Park is located on an intersection of the city ring road and will also serve as a very important connection between the city and the airport.

Valad Europe is a leading independent diversified real estate investment manager with a network of local offices throughout Europe, managing €5.3 billion of real estate assets and investment capacity across 24 funds and mandates. Valad Europe has, in addition, circa €1 billion of development projects. Valad manages in excess of 400 assets comprising approximately 4.2 million square metres. Its core business is value-adding real estate investment management with local asset management teams taking care of approximately 3,700 tenant customers. Valad has 180 people in 22 offices in 13 countries across Europe.




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S.C. DIBO S.A. 7 Piatra Craiului Street, Negoiesti, Village Brazi, Prahova Phone: +40 244 434 251; office@dibo.ro www.dibo.ro

Artemis Real Estate 1 Splaiul Nistrului street, Mezanin, ap. 7 Timișoara, Timiș Phone: +4 0732 - 402257 office@artemisrealestate.ro www.artemisrealestate.ro

Romglob Invest Turdas / Pricaz, Hunedoara Phone: +40 21 210 31 13 office@romglobinvest.com www.romglobinvest.com

TAP Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116, 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

ROFMA Europe House 47-53 Lascar Catargiu, 2nd floor Bucharest, Ilfov Phone: +40 733 732 358 cristian.vasiliu@rofma.ro www.rofma.ro


DIBO Industrial Park was settled in 1998, as a Dutch investition which offers for rental industrial halls and offices of high quality standard and whose success is proved by the large number of investors who have come here so far. With an area now of 9 ha and 16 industrial halls, DIBO Industrial Park is convenient situated in Negoiesti-Brazi, Prahova county, in the beltway of city Ploiesti, and at the crossing point of main roads which link the principal geographical regions of the country.

Within the Sânandrei Comnune, with opening to DN 69 Timisoara-Arad, company owns an industrial park with a total surface of 10,5 ha and includes a total number of 9 plots with different surfaces starting with 3.663 square meters to 29.649 square meters. Artemis Real Estate is the Romanian subsidiary of the Swiss group Artemis Holding AG, group that also contains the brand FRANKE. e development of residential, industrial, commercial and office real estate projects represent the largest part of the group's activity.

ROMGLOB INVEST SRL, operates RGI Industrial Park located in Turda’s Village, Pricaz, Hunedoara County, at 1.5 km away from Orastie. e Industrial Park has a very good geographical position, having directly access at the European road E68, both from the east side and from the west side. It is almost in the middle of the country, the distance until the nearest airport being about 85 km (Sibiu airport). RGI Industrial Park has 120,000 sqm total surface, 18,000 sqm build surface, 7,000 sqm green house surface, 7 buldings (production-halls, warehouse, office, service space). Timisoara Airport Park ("TAP") is a built to suit light industrial facility located in the north east part of Timisoara near the Traian Vuia International Airport. e TAP complex is partially developed, with Valeo, Continental, and Elster Rometrics, having let c.91,773 sqm of light industrial space, while all companies have the option to develop additional facilities in the property. Assuming the exercise of these options, TAP will offer a total GLA of c.124,235 sqm making it one of the largest industrial parks in the country. Valeo currently occupies c.27,474 sqm of light industrial space in the property which was completed in 2011, with an additional c.54,500 sqm leased to Continental and Elster Rometrics currently being under construction expected to be delivered in H1-2015.

ROFMA (Romanian Facility Management Association) is a voluntary not-for-profit professional and educational organization wich aims to reunite all professionals from Romania in the fields of property and facility management, to create a single and aligned vision to european level and to offer educational, informational and legal support to its members. ROFMA is a member of the european network, EuroFM.


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Metroffice Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Vlad Marin offices_ro@immofinanz.com +40 735 001 202

Metroffice, the first development phase of Iride City, is located in northern Bucharest, with direct connection to the subway and additional public transport by buses and trams. e location also benefits from prime access to city center main roads, ring roads and Henri Coanda International Airport. e office complex comprises three buildings with flexible design rentable space totaling approx. 40,000 sqm.

Iride Business Park Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

Iride Business Park is located in northern Bucharest, in a newly developed administrative and business district. Minibuses, trams and the underground provide excellent public transport access. e location also benefits from its prime location near major trunk and ring roads and it is a mere 15 minute-drive to the airport. e park provides 92,855 sqm of rentable area. Buildings range from single to eight storeys.

S-Park Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

S-Park is located in northern Bucharest, close to Presei Libere Square. Shuttle buses and bus routes provide good public transport and the location is well served by main roads with access to the city center and ring road system. e airport is a ten-minute drive away. e building provides 34,186 sqm of rentable area and is organized over eight levels: two basement levels, the ground floor and five upper storeys.

Pipera I Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

Victoria Park Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702


Pipera I is located in the northern outskirts of Bucharest which border the Ilfov District. e area is easily accessible by car and it is a mere 15minute drive to the airport. Shuttle buses operate from underground stations, including Pipera and Aurel Vlaicu. e building provides 19,743 sqm of rentable area and is organized over eight levels: basement, ground floor and six upper floors.

Victoria Park is located in northern Bucharest, close to Baneasa Airport and the Baneasa Shopping Center, Bucharest's main commercial center. Shuttle buses and bus routes provide good public transport access and the site benefits hugely from its location on a major trunk road with access to Bucharest's ring road system. Baneasa Airport and Henri Coanda International Airport in Otopeni are at two and five-minute drive away, respectively. e buildings provide 20,991 sqm of rentable area, organized over six levels: basement, ground floor and four upper floors.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

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Bucharest Corporate Center Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

Global Business Center Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

index - office Bucharest Corporate Center is located in Bucharest's central business district close to Victoriei Square. Buses, trams and the underground run nearby providing first-class public transport access. Road connections are also excellent and it is a mere 30 minute-drive to the airport. e building provides 11,672 sqm of rentable area and is organized over 19 levels: three underground storeys, the ground floor, a mezzanine, 13 upper floors and one technical floor.

Global Business Center is located in western Bucharest, close to Cotroceni Palace and e Polytechnic Institute. Public transport and road connections are excellent, with a choice of bus and tram lines and an underground station in the immediate vicinity. e site allows easy access to the city center, Bucharest's ring roads, and the two airports. e building provides 10,340 sqm of rentable space and is arranged into three underground and eight upper levels.

North Center Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

Baneasa Airport Tower Bucharest, Romania A property of IMMOFINANZ Group Contact us for further information: Sebastian Dragomir sebastian.dragomir@immofinanz.com Emilia Bocan emilia.bocan@immofinanz.com +40 31 405 1702

Amera Tower 400 230, No 2-4, Calea Baciului St, AMERA TOWER Building Tel: +40 364 08 10 03 office@ameratower.ro Cluj-Napoca, Romania

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

North Center is located on the northern outskirts of Bucharest which border the Ilfov district. e area is easily accessible by car and it is a mere 15-minute drive to the airport. Shuttle buses operate from Pipera underground station. e building provides 9,628 sqm of rentable area and is organized over eight levels: basement, ground floor and six upper floors.

Baneasa Airport Tower is located on Bucharest's northern outskirts, close to Baneasa Airport. Buses and trams provide easy public transport access. e site is also very well connected by road and it is a short seven-minute drive to the Henri Coanda International Airport in Otopeni. e building provides 6,931 sqm of rentable area and is organized over nine levels: two underground storeys, a ground floor and six upper floors.

Amera Tower is a real business oasis, by its strategically outstanding out of the urban crowdedness, but close to the town centre, easily reachable even with common conveyances, a surrounding gifted with all the elements to sustain the business flux: a generous parking place, spacious offices, a large restaurant and a coffeeshop. Amera Tower office building has successfully achieved the GOLD level of certification established by the US. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL in the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) system and verified by Green Building Certification Institute.




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PLAZA ROMANIA OFFICES 26 Timisoara Blvd., District 6, Bucharest Tel.: +40 (21) 407 84 00 leasing@anchorgrup.ro

ANCHOR METROPOL PLAZA 16 Timisoara Blvd., District 6, Bucharest Tel.: +40 (21) 407 84 00 leasing@anchorgrup.ro www.metropolplaza.ro

ANCHOR PLAZA 26Z Timisoara Blvd., District 6, Bucharest Tel.: +40 (21) 407 84 00 leasing@anchorgrup.ro www.anchorplaza.ro

AFI Park 4 Vasile Milea Blvd., District 6, Bucharest Tel.: +40 (21) 412 0220 Email: reception@afipark.ro Web site: www.afieurope.ro

Hermes Business Campus Atenor Group Avenue Reine Astrid 92 B 1310 La Hulpe tel: +32-2-387 22 99 fax: +32-2-387 23 16 office@atenor.be


Plaza Romania Offices will represent an innovation for the Bucharest commercial segment, being one of the first office buildings incorporated within a shopping centre. is converted extension comes along with a special offer: 10 000 sq. m of leasable area, with maximum efficiency in space utilization and easy access to a wide range of services that your employees will greatly benefit from: over 100 shops, 1.800 parking places, a large variety of restaurants and coffee shops, a Movieplex cinema – with 11 screens, a World Class fitness center, a beauty saloon and many more. Situated within walking distance of one of the most well-known shopping centers in Bucharest – Plaza Romania, Anchor Plaza Metropol will benefit from a large variety of facilities offered by the shopping center. is A class office building will deliver on the market a total leasable area of 37 000 sqm of high quality offices, having a large floor plate of 3450 sqm, which will allow for maximum space utilization. Some of the technical specifications will consist in glazed curtain walls on each facade, high speed elevators and flexible partitioning options, 475 indoor and outdoor parking places and 24/7 security, monitoring and cleaning services, included in the rental package.

Anchor Plaza is the first A class office building in Bucharest integrated within a retail scheme. It is provided with functional and architectural features such as an attractive entrance and flexible partitioning options. ANCHOR PLAZA is offering 25 000 sqm of leasable area on 13 floors, 255 indoor and outdoor parking spaces – in accordance with international standards and a 24/7 access control and security monitoring system. e building has a contemporary architecture and finishings, high speed elevators, as well as many other state-of-the-art options.

AFI Park is the award winning “Class A” office project developed by AFI Europe in Romania. AFI Park is Bucharest’s newest and most advanced business center, consisting of 5 Class A office buildings totaling 70,000 sqm GLA which are linked to the AFI Palace Cotroceni Shopping Mall (81,000 sqm GLA). e complex enables the most comfortable business and personal lifestyles, offering a work environment which meets modern needs; an all in one (Offices, Mall, Entertainment) efficient, location within immediate reach. AFI Park is served by the Politechnica Metro/Subway station, in addition to 12 different bus and tram lines that serve the mall and the business park. AFI Park has been established as the new IT&C hub for multinational companies. AFI Park is LEED GOLD certified!

HBC will be certified BREEAM "Excellent" (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment), which is the best rating a building can obtain regarding its sustainability. e first building (18,000 sqm) was delivered in 2014 and is fully let. e second building (24,000 sqm) will be completed in February 2016. e third and last building, with a total floor area of 30,000 sqm will be completed in December 2016.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.


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Green Court Skanska Romania Green Court Bucharest, Building A, 4 Gara Herastrau st., 3rd floor, RO-020334, Bucharest

BANEASA BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY PARK 42-44 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, District 1, Bucharest Tel.: +40 (21) 305 71 94 office_bbtp@baneasa.ro www.baneasa.ro

DOROBANTI 239 239 Dorobanti Road, District 1, Bucharest Tel.: +40 (21) 305 71 94 office_d239@baneasa.ro www.dorobanti239.ro

oregon park Portland Trust Romania Floreasca Park | 43 Pipera Road | Entrance A, Ground Floor 014254 | Bucharest 2 www.oregonpark.ro

Willbrook Platinum Business and Convention Center 172 -176 Bucuresti Ploiesti Street + 40 212 317 430 office@willbrook.ro www.willbrook.ro


Green Court Bucharest, the first office project developed by Skanska in Romania, is an A class office complex offering a total of 52,000 sq m of office space in 3 buildings with 12 above-ground floors and 3 underground parking levels. Located in the Floreasca-Barbu Vacarescu area, the most dynamic part of Bucharest, the project has excellent accessibility by all means of transport. e project is precertified LEED Gold (Building A is already LEED Gold certified) and features numerous sustainable solutions in order to minimize the building’s environmental footprint and significantly reduce its operating costs. Baneasa Business & Technology Park is a business park, consisting of two office buildings, completed in Q4 of 2007, placed on Underground+Ground Floor+4th Floor+Technical Floor, with a total leasable area (including terraces) 28,614 sqm, developed on a plot of 24,419 s qm, providing a work environment up to the modern standards of Romania. It represents the gateway to the city from Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport, DN1, located in northern Bucharest, in the Baneasa neighborhood. Easy access to an international airport, generous parking lots and the proximity to the city center are just some of the advantages of the new office buildings inside Baneasa Business & Technology Park.

Dorobanti 239 is a Class A office building, which benefits from perfect visibility on one of the most aglomerate arteries of Bucharest, Dorobanti, near the Romanian Television and Primaverii Quarter. Dorobanti 239, opened in 2005, has a lettable area of 6,500 sqm. The existing building has a ground floor and 6 floors, with an average floor area of about 950 sqm. Parking is on 2 levels and includes 95 underground parking spaces.

oregon park has been designed to provide a combination of high specification, efficient office space with a particular focus on low energy consumption in a pleasant, attractively landscaped plot of 3.9 hectares, and to offer excellent road links to the city center, the main housing area and the airports. Located on Soseaua Pipera will comprise threee buildings: A - 20,264 sqm, B24,514 sqm and C - 27,181 sqm. Developer: Portland Trust, a company established in 1997 to develop high quality, institutional, commercial real estate assets throughout Central Europe. Willbrook Platinum Business and Convention Center is the new premium destination in Bucharest, built in compliance with green development guidelines. Platinum Business and Convention Center is at the heart of an area rapidly becoming the leading office location in Bucharest. e site is surrounded by Baneasa Forest, with direct access to the Bucharest – Ploiesti highway (DN1) leading from the city center to the airport. Comprising two state-of-the-art buildings, connected by a pedestrian bridge, Willbrook Platinum Business and Convention Center provides 40.000 sqm of class A office spaces and convention facilities.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.


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Opera Center CA Immo Real Estate Management Romania S.R.L. 47-53 Lascar Catargiu Blvd., Europe House, 5th floor Bucharest, Romania Tel: 0040 21 300 17 00 E-mail: office@caimmo.ro

Europe House CA Immo Real Estate Management Romania S.R.L. 47-53 Lascar Catargiu Blvd., Europe House, 5th floor Bucharest, Romania Tel: 0040 21 300 17 00 E-mail: office@caimmo.ro

Riverplace CA Immo Real Estate Management Romania S.R.L. 47-53 Lascar Catargiu Blvd., Europe House, 5th floor Bucharest, Romania Tel: 0040 21 300 17 00 E-mail: office@caimmo.ro

Bucharest Business Park CA Immo Real Estate Management Romania S.R.L. 47-53 Lascar Catargiu Blvd., Europe House, 5th floor Bucharest, Romania Tel: 0040 21 300 17 00 E-mail: office@caimmo.ro

Sun Offices S IMMO Romania 391 Calea Vacaresti Bucharest 040069 (Sun Offices - Entrance B) Tel.: +40 (0)21 780 71-67 Fax: +40 (0)21 780 71-69 office@simmoag.ro


Being the first modern office development in Bucharest, the project comprisestwo buildings (Opera Center One and Opera Center Two) and it has a total lettable area of ca 15,500 sq m 2U+GF+7F. It is located in front of Opera House and along Dambovita River. It therefore offers an excellent panorama over the area benefitting from natural light and easy access to all means of transportation. e architecture complies perfectly with its location, barrowing from each corner an element of surroundings. Opera Center accommodates the headquarters of reputable companies, such as: NN Lease (ING Group), Glaxo Smith Kline, Stoica & Asociatii, PayU, Serban & Asociatii, DHL Logistics, Borza & Asociatii, KING Games, Qualitance, Vastint, Nobel Oil Downstream. Uniquely positioned across Victoria Palace, the place where the Romanian Government Headquarter, the building successfully fulfills the needs of any exigent tenant.e Project is considered to be a landmark on the CBD market due especially to its strategic location and its outstanding architecture concept. e language of transparency and opacity, solid walls and large windows, recalls the modernist tradition of the city. It has a total lettable area of 16,430 sqm and it hosts some of the most prestigious tenants in the market: Orange Romania, METLIFE, Bristol Myers-Squibb, Arnia Software, Qatar Airways, CBRE, BSS. e project has a high-quality approach in architecture and a modern urban design able to provide a healthy live-and-work environment having full access to natural light and sophisticated technical specifications. Formed by two splendid office buildings - River View House and Atrium House - with a lettable area of 47,600 sqm, the Project is accommodating important companies such as: British American Shared Services Europe, Misys, Computer Generated Solutions, ales Romania, Ipsos Interactive Services, UPC Romania, PTC Eastern Europe, Temenos, SKF Romania. Making its role as an edge along the riverside, the Project contributed to the urban definition of the area converting it from an industrial plot into a modern office area. Being placed on one of the most exquisite boulevards on Bucharest, in close vicinity to the Press House, the Project, set in landscaped surroundings , if formed by four buildings, each having five floors and provides over 26,000 sqm of office space. e Project takes advantage of a landscape surrounding delivering a pleasant commercial architecture and a relaxing working place environment. Bucharest Business Park is hosting the headquarters for reputable companies, such as: British American Tobacco (RO), IBM Romania, CocaCola, Sony, Astra Zeneca, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, Carpatcement, 3M Romania.

Located right on top of Sun Plaza, one of the newest and largest state-of-the-art shopping centers in Bucharest, the office premises benefit from excellent location and accessibility. At the crossroads of 4 major circulation paths, the building is situated very close to one of the most populated neighbourhoods in Bucharest, while also being linked with the city center. SUN OFFICES is placed directly above “Piata Sudului” metro station. SUN OFFICES provide 9,764 sqm of high class office space on 3 levels, with high technical specifications.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

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Olympia Tower Olympia Dezvoltare SRL WTC, 10 Montreal Square, entrance E, 3rd floor District 1, Bucharest T: +4 021 311 03 53 office@bluehousecapital.com.ro

“PC CENTER” PC MANAGEMENT&CONSULTING SRL 9-13 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Avenue, district 1, Bucharest T: +4 021 233.20.15/16 e-mail : office@pcmanagement.ro

“PC CENTER Business Center “ PC MANAGEMENT&CONSULTING SRL 9-13 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Avenue, district 1, Bucharest T: +4 021 233.20.15/16 office@pc-management.ro

West Gate Business District 24 Preciziei Boulevard District 6, Bucharest Phone: +40 213 020 809 Leasing Manager- Stefan Tudos stefan.tudos@idgrup.ro www.westgatepark.ro

Novo Park Genesis Development 24 Preciziei Boulevard District 6, Bucharest Phone: +40 213 020 809 Leasing Manager- Stefan Tudos stefan.tudos@idgrup.ro www.novo-park.ro

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

index - office Olympia Tower is positioned in the central fast – expanding financial area of Bucharest, on Decebal Boulevard at the junction of the three main boulevards, Mihai Bravu, Decebal and Calea Calarasi. e building is very visible and easily accessed from all parts of the city, with connections to all means of urban transportation. e Muncii subway station is across the street, 50 m away. Total office area: 9.555 sqm. e most important properties owned by Bluehouse in Romania include 41 pct shares of City Gate, the office building Victoria Center on Calea Victoriei, the office building Olympia Tower in Piaţa Muncii.

e first of the two “PC Center“ office building was developed on a plot of land situated in the Northern part of Bucharest, on Bucuresti-Ploiesti Avenue. Stretching on a surface of over 1.836 sq.m., this plot provides a direct access to downtown, as well as to Henry Coanda International Airport (approx. 10 minutes of drive). e project is unique by its location, dimensions, facilities and concept. e technical data are: footprint area: 918,00 sqm ; Project total gross area: 8.459 sqm. e building functions: 1 underground parking levels comprising also the technical rooms, 1 semibasement for parking ground floor, 8 offices levels. Located as a continuation of the street opening, second of the two “PC Center” office buildings, is unique, also, by it’s location. e building architecture complies with the first “PC Center” office building, being a continuation of it, in terms of appearance and functionality. Technical data: footprint area: 900,00 sqm; total gross area: 10.380,00 sqm. e building functions are distributed as follows: 2 underground parking levels comprising also the technical rooms, ground floor, 9 above ground office levels. is building amazes with its view on Grivita Lake and Herastrau Park and through its glazed walls that allow a special natural lighting

West Gate Business District is one of the largest business parks in Bucharest, developed by Genesis Development. West Gate Business District extends 75.000sqm of leasing area, comprising an elite group of tenants made up exclusively of prestigious multinationals. e office park provides exceptional venues for international or local tenants requiring integrated office spaces. West Gate Offices has five buildings with 15.000 sqm rentable area per building of high quality Class A offices and ancillary accommodation.

Novo Park is one of the first and the largest business parks in Bucharest. e complex consists of seven buildings with a gross leasable area of 75,000 square meters of class A office spaces, and is located in the North of Bucharest, next to Pipera subway station. e first building was inaugurated in 2005 and the complex has currently reached 99% occupancy rate. Novo Park is located in the North of Bucharest, in Pipera district. e office complex is 15 minutes away from downtown, it is very close to Henry Coanda International Airport and to the main National Roads (A1, A2 and A3 Highway, DN1). Also, the tenants have easy access to public transportation.




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BOB Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

BOC Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

City Offices Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

Green Court A Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

Nusco Tower Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com


BOB is a modern Class "A" multi-tenanted office building located in the northern part of Bucharest on Dimitrie Pompeiu Boulevard in one of the largest office hubs of the city. e property received both BREEAM In-use / Excellent and LEED Platinum certifications (for part of the property) in 2014. It has very good visibility due to its large frontage to the main road and is conveniently situated near the subway, tram and bus stations. BOB is part of a wider building complex developed between 2006 and 2011, which consists of three office buildings (including BOB), two residential towers (Upground Towers), retail space and other amenities. Year of completion: 2008. Layout:GF+6F. GBA: 23,631 sq m. BOC is a Class "A" multi-tenanted office building located in the northern part of Bucharest on George Constantinescu Street in one of the largest office hubs of the city. Is one of the largest office buildings in Bucharest and has an office plate of more than 7,500 sqm per floor. BOC received BREEAM In-use / Excellent green certification in 2014 and is situated near the subway, tram and bus stations. BOC is part of a wider building complex developed between 2006 and 2011, which consists of three office buildings (including BOC), two residential towers (Upground Towers), retail space and other amenities. Year of completion: 2009. Layout: 3UG+GF+7F. GBA: 58.581 sq m.

City Offices is a mixed use property located in the semi-central part of Bucharest at the junction between two roads, Oltenitei and Giurgiului. It benefits from excellent public transport and is situated at only two metro stations aqay from Unirii Square. e property consists of two connected buildings, a Commercial Building “CB” offering retail and office space and a Multilevel Parking “MP” which consists of retail areas and 882 parking units. Year of completion: 2013. Layout: CB - 3UG+GF+5F | MP - UG+GF+12F. GBA: 56.038 sq m.

Green Court-Building “A” is a Class “A” multitenanted office building located in the northern part of Bucharest on Gara Herastrau Street. e property, which was developed by Skanska, was completed in 2014 and has received LEED Gold certification. It is situated in the New CBD area, which is one of Romania’s most dynamic office sub-markets. e property is part of the wider Green Court Building complex developed by Skanska, which upon completion will comprise 3 office towers. Year of completion: 2014. Layout: 3 UG+GF+11F+Tech F. GBA: 21.790 sqm.

“Nusco Tower” is a Class “A” multi-tenanted office building located in the northern part of Bucharest at the junction of Pipera Road and Gara Herastrau Street. e property is situated at the entrance of the Calea Floreasca / Barbu Vacarescu area, which is one of Romania’s most dynamic office sub-markets. Nusco Tower has excellent visibility and faces Globaloworth’s landmark “Bucharest One” development project. e property was completed in 2010 and was partially refurbished during 2014/15. Year of completion: 2010. Layout: 3UG+GF+19F+Tech F. GBA: 24.382 sqm.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

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Tower Center International Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

Unicredit HQ Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

Bucharest One Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

index - office Tower Center International ("TCI") is a landmark class "A" multi-tenanted office building located at the heart of the CBD, in the prestigious Victoriei Square very close to Kiseleff and Herastrau Parks. It is the second highest building in Romania and the highest building in downtown Bucharest. TCI comprises two interconnected buildings and benefits from underground parking and excellent public transport. Victoriei Square is an important transport hub, being the meeting point of two subway lines and several tram and bus routes which provide easy access to any point in Bucharest. Year of completion: 2012. Layout: 4UG+GF+25F. GBA: 24.711 sqm.

"Unicredit HQ" is a landmark Class "A" singletenanted office building located in the northern part of Bucharest, on Expozitiei Boulevard off Presei Libere Square. e property was delivered in 2012 and has received BREEAM In-Use / Very Good green certification. Unicredit HQ, is leased to UniCredit Tiriac Bank and is used as the headquarter of their operations in Romania. e property was ranked 17th on the list of the 30th most architecturally impressive bank buildings in the world in 2013. Year of completion: 2012. Layout: 2UG+GF+15F. GBA: 17.320 sqm. Bucharest One is a landmark "class A" development in Bucharest located in the northern part of the city in the Calea Floreasca / Barbu Vacarescu area. e location is one of the country’s most dynamic within the office segment and the property is situated at the heart of it. e property has excellent visibility and is situated at the junction of 3 main streets, Barbu Vacarescu Street, Pipera Road and Calea Froreasca. On completion, the office tower will be the second tallest building in Romania and the development will benefit from a retail component at ground level. e property is under construction, expected to be completed in Q4-2015, and has been pre-certified with LEED Platinum green certification. Year of completion: 2015E. Layout: 3UG+GF+23F. GBA: c. 53.920 sqm.

Gara Herastrau Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

e "Gara Herastrau" is a Class "A" office development located in the Northern part of Bucharest on Gara Herastrau street. It is adjacent to Green Court Building “A” and is c. 200 meters away from Bucharest One. e property is expected to have very good visibility from Barbu Vacarescu street and is conveniently situated near the subway, tram and bus stations. e Gara Herastrau development is expected to offer c. 12,000 sqm of GBA upon estimated completion in 2016.

Globalworth Campus

Globalworth Campus is a Class "A" multi-tenanted office development located in the northern part of Bucharest in Dimitrie Pompeiu area at the corner of Dimitrie Pompeiu Boulevard and George Constantinescu Street and will sit on top of the Pipera Metro Station (the last stop on the metro line). Upon completion, the development will comprise of three main office towers offering c. 87,800 sqm of GLA and 760 parking spaces. Globalworth Compus benefits from excellent access, and can be reached by subway, tram and bus stations. Year of completion: 2016E.

Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.




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Herastrau 1 Globalworth Asset Managers Srl Office 116 3 George Constantinescu Street 2nd District, Zip Code 020339 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 (0) 21 319 35 66 / 67 Fax: +40 (0)21 319 35 63 Email: enquiries@globalworth.com

Aviators Park 1-3, Gheorghe Magheru Bd., 2nd floor, right side 1st District, Bucharest 0040 21 230 60 40 0040 747 225 500 bucuresti@sb-gruppe.at

Magheru One 1-3, Gheorghe Magheru Bd., 2nd floor, right side 1st District, Bucharest 0040 21 230 60 40 0040 747 225 500 bucuresti@sb-gruppe.at

Pipera Business Tower 1-3, Gheorghe Magheru Bd., 2nd floor, right side 1st District, Bucharest 0040 21 230 60 40 0040 747 225 500 bucuresti@sb-gruppe.at

Jean Texier 3 1-3, Gheorghe Magheru Bd., 2nd floor, right side 1st District, Bucharest 0040 21 230 60 40 0040 747 225 500 bucuresti@sb-gruppe.at


Herastrau 1 is an office development to be constructed in the northern part of Bucharest on Nordului Road, across the street from Herastrau Park. e property is located in an area characterised by high demand for office and residential space. e development site has a wide opening to the road and is one of the few remaining with a view of the park. Upon completion, the building is expected to comprise 11,100 sq m of above ground space spread over seven floors. e development is currently at conceptual phase. Year of completion: -

One minute walk from the International Airport of Bucharest, ca. 10 km from the heart of Bucharest, Aviators Park is easily accessible by plane, by car both from Bucharest, Otopeni and Ploiesti, by means of public transportation (express busses 780 and 783, Express Train and the future Metro line 6). Aviators Park will host a 4 star international hotel with approximately 200 rooms and ca. 18.700 sq.m. office space in four distinct buildings, with floor plates varying from 800-4.500 sq.m. and with office spaces from 120 sq.m. Delivery: 2017

Magheru One, a seven-storied building with high-class equipment, a modern proportion of rentable units, a great roof terrace and having the best location in the city hosts offices and shops. e building has a total rentable area of ca. 4.000 sqm, and for offices, each floor of ca. 477 sqm can be split in ca. 170 sqm and 306sqm. You can find here well-known local and international tenants as Digi, Libra Bank, Epstein, Hochland, etc.

Pipera Business Tower is a landmark building of Dimitrie Pompeiu Bd. e floor plans have been conceived in such way as to permit a partition into bigger or smaller renting units. Rentable spaces are available starting with 250 sqm. e building has about 13.300 rentable square meters and 13 floors. Our tenants here are: Unicredit Bank, PHD Delivery, Wu Xing, Lidl, Mazars, Coconet, I-Forex, Star Storage, Agility, Union Otel, Wabag, Porr, Voith, Rinf.

e building, having ca. 750sqm is placed in a quiet residential area in northern Bucharest, close to downtown. ere is a big network of public transportation in Charles de Gaulle Square (metro station, bus stations, express line for airport, taxis). Otopeni Aiport can be reached by car in only 20-25 minutes and is close to downtown (Romana, Victoriei, Universitatii and Unirii Squares) by car in about 5 to 10 min, depending on the traffic. As tenants we have GTC, AMB Wine Company and Nichifor Consulting.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.


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Global City Business Park 10 Bucharest North Road, Building O21, 10th floor, Voluntari, Ilfov – Romania Tel: +40 21 310 11 00 www.globalcity.ro

Green Gate S Holding Group 22 Tudor Vladimirescu Blvd. 050883 - Bucharest giafer@green-gate.info novakova@green-gate.info www.green-gate.info

Sema Parc New Project 319 Splaiul Independentei , OB 5 District. 6, Bucharest Tel/Fax:+40-021-313 20 94/ +40-021-313 20 99 M: +40752.440.002 www.semanewproject.ro

SkyTower Skytower Building SRL Bucharest, 246C Calea Floreasca, 1st Floor, District 1 Tel.: +40 317 114 030 Letting Manager Bogdan Deju T: +40 317 114 040 M: 0784 222 888 bogdan.deju@rphinternational.com

City Gate GTC Romania 3 Jean Texier St. District 1 Bucharest +40 21 231 65 52 www.gtcromania.ro


56.000 sqm built area and 51.000 sqm gross leasable area of Class A offices spread over two buildings situated in a park like landscaped setting with emphasis on a high quality, functional and pleasant work environment. e two office buildings are designed to afford flexible floor plates ranging from 1.400 sqm to 3.400 sqm in size. Global City Business Park aims to be: a Positive Energetic Center for efficient business; a meeting place for tenants with global recognition and global impact; a complete mix of resources and services; a business center with distinctively designed office spaces.

Green Gate was built by incorporating the latest specifications and high-end interior design into one flexible space. Tenants requirements can be met to accommodate an open floor environments well as individual office units. A typical floor is approximately 2,400 square metres, and as it is organized around a single core, it can also be easily and very efficiently divided into up to 6 separate tenancies. Due to it’s shape and depth, all office spaces benefit from natural light. Total office space: 27.000 sqm.

Sema New Project is the biggest urban conversion of the former industrial area, type of mixed-use project involving the development of the following and directions: the business park comprising Class A office buildings, the commercial area of "shopping village", the residential assembly, buildings for social services (school, hospital, city hall, etc.).

Rising 37 floors high, the SkyTower redefines the skyline of the City of Bucharest. is powerful new landmark introduces a completely new business perspective and is designed to attract corporate tenants looking for premium quality, maximum space flexibility, innovative architecture, excellent location and perfect visibility for their offices. e SkyTower provides state of the art office spaces (41,200 sqm – rentable area) with unique panoramic views over Bucharest, a first class restaurant with a skybar, a conference area on the top floors and a prime location in the north of Bucharest.

City Gate is one of the best performing office projects in the Romanian capital. e building, a joint development by GTC (59%) and Bluehouse Capital (41%), has a total rental space of 44,000 sqm and is located in the most prestigious business district of Bucharest. e complex includes retail space on the ground floor, two eighteenstorey towers, and a three-level underground garage providing nearly 1,000 parking spaces. City Gate Towers are located in downtown Bucharest, at Piata Montreal.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.


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Floreasca Cube Calea Floreasca, nr. 169 corp X, sector 1, Bucureşti Information: +40 720 990 975 office@floreascacube.com mihaela.matei@yahoo.com www.floreascacube.com

Ethos House Ethos House 240B Calea Floreasca St. Bucharest, Romania +40 21 233 9366 office@ethoshouse.ro

The Grand Offices Societatea Companiilor Hoteliere Grand SRL 90 Calea 13 Septembrie St. District 5 RO – 050726 Bucharest Ms. Oana Mocanu Sales and Marketing Manager Tel: +40 (21) 403 40 98 oana.mocanu@grandhotel.ro

CBC-Office 3 Nerva Traian St, M101 building, District 3, Bucharest Tel. +40 21 31.03.011 Fax +40 21 31.03.035 office@cbc-office.ro www.cbc-office.ro

International Business Center B-dul Carol I nr. 34-36, District 2, Bucharest Tel. +4021 317 30 61 Fax +4021 317 30 63 www.ibc-modern.ro


Floreasca Cube offers alternative workplace solutions to professionals and companies, seeking risk-free ways of investing and operating in today’s ever-changing business climate. Situated in Floreasca, the heart of the new business area of Bucharest, in a prestigious building overlooking Promenada Mall, our aim is to provide a highly professional and flexible working environment, tailored to our clients’ individual needs. From short term serviced offices, stylish and fully equipped meeting rooms, secretarial & administration services to new corporate trends such as our hotdesking, and virtual office services, the advantage of Floreasca Cube is that it allows you to operate efficiently however and whenever you choose.

Ethos House is the new iconic landmark in the new Bucharest business district, adjacent to Floreasca Lake, located adjacent to Floreasca Lake in the new Bucharest business district, Calea Floreasca street no. 240B - 200 meters to Promenada Mall. e design is influenced by the Florentine Renaissance. 8,000 sqm Office Space Groundfloor + 7 Floors; 2 Underground Parkings; 2 Elevators x 17 persons each; 100 m lakefront with park.

The Grand Offices represent the ideal combination of comfort, flexibility and style, wide space and ergonomy in a unique setting. The office levels are ideal for both large and small space users and are prepared for immediate occupancy. 11.000 sqm office space distri buted on 10 floors; Floor plates from 24 sqm up to 1.200 sqm; Room heights ranging from 2,70 – 3,80 m; Complete range of in-house services as meeting rooms for rent, hotel catering, shopping gallery, restaurants etc.; 499 secured parking lots inside the building and outside; 24 hours office reception.

CBC is a A class office building located in the heart of Bucharest on Str. Nerva Traian. Overlooking the upcoming Esplanade commercial area it is one of Bucharest’s most eminent viewpoints. Built on 15,600 sqm and with a net leasable area amounts to 13.900 sqm expanded on G+11F. Located on the intersection of Str. Nerva Traian with busy Blvd. Unirii, CBC lies at the crossroads of two magistrales crossing Bucharest’s city. e newly built Pasaj Marasesti due to open late 2007 will bring additional visibility the building and easiness in accessing the location.

International Business Center Modern, a modern fourteen storey building with a distinctive facade is located in the heart of the city and allows both small and large companies to create a professional business image. International Business Center Modern offers 7,500 sqm open office spaces with flexible layout to suit every requirement. Unit size can vary from 60 to 800 sqm / floor. An off site parking area just behind the building accommodates about 120 vehicles.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

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Stefan cel Mare Building FORTE Partners Elena Tecuta +40 744 66 23 49 elena.tecuta@fortepartners.ro www.fortepartners.ro

Floreasca Business Park NEPI Investment Management SA 301-311 Barbu Vacarescu, 3rd floor, Bucharest 2, 020276 Phone: +40 21 232 13 98 Email: officero@nepinvest.com

index - office FORTE Partners brings together a holistic and wellrounded blend of talents, capabilities and competencies to the forefront of real estate investment, development and successful exit in Romania, all under one roof. Current projects include Stefan cel Mare Building: availability Q2 2016, levels 2BS + GF + 9 Floors, rentable area: 7854 sqm, typical floor 849 sqm, retail 257 sqm, 88 indoor parking units 88 and 70 outdoor parking units, but also – e Bridge (up to 34.000 sqm rentable) and Orhideelor 46, Fabrica de Bere (onstruction of a 37,000 sqm complementary mixed development project primarily focused on contemporary design office space, high street retail, commercial outlets blended with reconverted historical buildings).

Ownership: 100% ; Lettable area: 36,240 mp; Valuation: €101.1 million; Passing rent: €7.4 million; Major tenants: ABB, Abbott, Berlin Chemie, Colliers, Daikin, DHL, Exxon Mobil, Federal Mogul, General Electric, Holcim, L’Oreal, Lenovo, Mars, Regus, Royal Canin, Sandoz, Wipro; Contact: Lori Collin, +40 744 333 083; Bucharest, Romania. Website: floreascabusinesspark.ro

The Lakeview NEPI Investment Management SA 301-311 Barbu Vacarescu, 3rd floor, Bucharest 2, 020276 Phone: +40 21 232 13 98 Email: officero@nepinvest.com

City Business Centre NEPI Investment Management SA 301-311 Barbu Vacarescu, 3rd floor, Bucharest 2, 020276 Phone: +40 21 232 13 98 Email: officero@nepinvest.com

The Office NEPI Investment Management SA 301-311 Barbu Vacarescu, 3rd floor, Bucharest 2, 020276 Phone: +40 21 232 13 98 Email: officero@nepinvest.com

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

Ownership: 100% ; Lettable area: 25,564 mp; Valuation: €67.5 million; Passing rent: €5.2 million; Major tenants: Abbvie, Alcon, Colgate-Palmolive, Huawei, Philips, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Contact: Lori Collin, +40 744 333 083; Bucharest, Romania.Website: thelakeview.ro

Ownership: 100% ; Lettable area: 27,151mp; Valuation: €57.1 million; Passing rent: €4.7million; Major tenants: 3Pillar Global, Accenture, Alcatel, Deloitte, Generali, IBM, OMV Petrom, Raiffeisen Bank, Toluna, UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Visma, Wipro; Contact: Lori Collin, +40 744 333 083; Timis, Romania. Website: businesscentre.ro

Ownership: 50% ; Lettable area: 21,273mp; Valuation: €39.8 million; Passing rent: €3.2 million; Major tenants: 3Pillar Global, Betfair, Bombardier, Bosch, Corporate Office Solutions (COS), Deloitte, National Instruments, TUI, Wolters Kluwer, Yardi, Yonder; Cluj, Romania. Website: business-centre.ro




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Dem Dobrescu Primavera Development 22-26 Siriului Street, 6th floor, District 1 Bucharest Tel: +40 21 300 88 02 Fax: +40 21 300 88 03 info@primavera-development.ro www.primavera-development.ro

Frumoasa 30 Primavera Development 22-26 Siriului Street, 6th floor, District 1 Bucharest Tel: +40 21 300 88 02 Fax: +40 21 300 88 03 info@primavera-development.ro www.primavera-development.ro

CSDA Siriului Primavera Development 22-26 Siriului Street, 6th floor, District 1 Bucharest Tel: +40 21 300 88 02 Fax: +40 21 300 88 03 info@primavera-development.ro www.primavera-development.ro

Business Forum Pitesti Cristina Dumitru, Administrator: +40 734 459 008 receptie.caf@gic.ro www.businessforumpitesti.ro

CSDA Bornemisza Primavera Development 22-26 Siriului Street, 6th floor, District 1 Bucharest Tel: +40 21 300 88 02 Fax: +40 21 300 88 03 info@primavera-development.ro www.primavera-development.ro


Located in the heart of Bucharest, this unique office building stands out through its architecture, being at the same time a symbol of the 1989 Revolution and an icon of urban renewal. e unicity of the actual design of the office building resulted from the historical heritage of the location. e transparency and color of the building is impressively outlined by the ruin facade which remained after the fire and the shootings during the Revolution and which was carefully restored according to original plans.

Frumoasa 30 represents a new, modern office building, strategically located in the heart of Bucharest, close to Victoriei Square, with easy access directly from Victoriei Boulevard. e building combines an attractive architectural design with high quality specifications, efficient design and optimal flexibility. Frumoasa 30 offers to its tenants 44 underground parking places and 3,200 sq m rentable area of "A" class office accommodation and associated services.

e purpose of the CSDA Siriului is to create a dynamic and productive environment wherein the tenants can focus on operations, production and marketing, by allowing the center to handle administrative details and overhead problems. CSDA Siriului comprises of 3,500 sqm rentable area of "A" class office accommodation over 6 levels. It makes intelligent use of space with over 650 sq m floor plates carefully designed to maximize efficiency and work flexibility.

Business Forum Pitesti is an A+ office center located in the central area of Pitesti, at the intersection between I.C. Bratianu Blvd. and Calea Bucuresti. Advantages: easily accessible from town or from the A2 highway, modern concept and design oriented towards business efficiency and customers’ needs, supporting business services located within the building on nearby (e.g. notary, admin, IT, etc.), extended flexibility in defining the layout in accordance to customer’s needs, detailed and accurate metering of the energy and utilities consumption for each of the office or business space, energy efficient building, secure parking- 220 cars Coffee shop and Restaurant – SPA& Wellness, fitness, squash, indoor swimming pool.

CSDA Bornemisza is located near the main square of the city and only 2 minutes away from the Citadel, in the heart of the touristic centre of Targu Mures with high exposure especially to the pedestrian touristic flow. CSDA Bornemisza is one of the most prestigious buildings in the city with a rich historical heritage. e house was built in the late baroque style in the 1800’s by the Bornemisza Family. e building has 3,200 sq m structured on BS + GF + 2 FL.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

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Bența Office Building RCB Development Office 44-46 Pandurilor Boulevard Targu Mures office@bentaimobiliare.ro

Nicolina Business Center COMPLEX HOTELIER UNIREA 5 Unirii Square 700056, Iasi T: +40-232 205 020 M: +40-720 575 000 gabriela.ferent@hotelunirea.ro

RA-RA BUSINESS CENTER 8 HERMANN OBERTH BRASOV Tel.: 0368 450 127 Mob. 0733 500 550 Mob. 0726 751 157 office@halebrasov.ro asistent@halebrasov.ro

Moldova Center 1 Palat street,700019 Iasi T: +40 232 262 208 office@moldovacenter.ro www.moldovacenter.ro

Multinvest Business Center 67 Gh. Doja nr. 67 RO – Târgu Mures – 540354 E-mail: office@multinvest.ro +40 265 250 432 www.multinvest.ro

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

index - office Bența Office Building is a first-class office building, considering its location, access, specific design and building administration. e execution works for the office building located on Pandurilor Boulevard in Tirgu Mures will be finalized in October 2015, adding up to a gross building area of approximately 23,240 sqm. e developer and owner of the office building is RCB Development Office SA, owned by entrepreneur Remus Aurel Bența.

Located next to “Socola Boulevard” and 5 minutes away from e Palace of Culture Iasi is the ideal place to develop a successful business. Nicolina Business Center is one of the first office buildings in Iasi and has 3700 sqm distributed evenly over 9 levels of height. e location offers a healty environment with fully natural light, conference room, dining area, 80 parking places and technical features that meet the needs of each exigent tenant. In the last 8 years the building has housed Unicredit Business Integrated Solutions.

RA-RA BUSINESS CENTER BRASOV is a modern concept for office spaces, built according to the highest quality standards which addresses for companies from all domains of activity. We also offer HUBusiness services, which provide you with all you need to start your activity immediately and offers an efficient alternative to traditional office spaces. The building has offices with a total surface of 1,690 sqm, and has the structure S+P+3E .

MOLDOVA CENTER is an A Class office building with a retail component, located in Iasi City Center. Combining tradition and modernity, the project is a true landmark of the area and the first office center in Iasi to adopt most up-to date green technologies. It has an impressive total gross leasable area of 14,500 sqm, with 11,600 sqm of high specification office area (five floors). e retail component can easily be transformed into office spaces upon request. e building will be completed this year with standard utilities for a Class A+ building.

Multinvest Business Center has a privileged location in the historical town center of Targu Mures, being an ideal option for companies that want to have their activities in a maximum interest zone of the town. It is the first "green building " of class A offices in Targu Mures, a Green Projects incubator in pre-certification by the British BREEAM system. Total area: aprox. 2,400 sqm.




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Cluj Business Center 400616 Cluj-Napoca, 44-46 Henri Barbusse 44-46 +40 (264) 437 379 office@clujbusinesscenter.eu

Maestro Business Center SC Omniconstruct SA Blvd. 21 Decembrie 1989, no. 104, entrance 3, 4th floor T: +40 264 441255 office@omniconstruct.ro

SILVER Business Center SC REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST SRL Cluj-Napoca 48 Dorobantilor Street 6th Floor T: +40 364 435 0267 www.silver-business-center.ro

Tudor Office Center 126-128 Ciurchi, Iasi T: +40 232 252 512 M: +40 722 613 527 E: office@tent-co.ro www.tudor-center.ro

IDEO SC TESTER GRUP SRL No. 138 Sos. Pacurari, 700525 Iasi County, Romania T: +4 0232 254 336 E: liliana.stroia@ideo.com.ro www.ideo.com.ro


Cluj Business Center offers A class offices, open space, surfaces between 1.000 sqm on 1-5th floor , and 500 sqm at ground floor and 6-7 floors. Each area benefits from natural light. Gross build area of the project is 51.678 sqm. Cluj Business Center also offers parking spaces, restaurant, fitness, kindergarten, retail space, private school, etc. e project is now under a new phase of extension / development.

Maestro Business Center has become a reference point on the office-space market in 2006, in ClujNapoca, offering for the first time Class A standards and facilities. e building is a vertical unfoldment on the ground floor + 9 floors with offices and an underground level where the parking garage of the building is located. e average area per level is 993 sq m for the lower floors, decreasing to 750 sq m – 500 sq m on the upper floors, and the unfolded area exceeds 10,000 sq m.

SILVER Business Center located in an area considered “the pole of business and office spaces” in Cluj-Napoca, due to the fact that all the most important class A office buildings are located here – is a modern class A office building developed in accordance with the high standards for office buildings (BOMA - Building Owner and Managers Association) and specifically designed to provide its tenants complete quality services. Total office area: 3.567 sqm.

Tudor Office Center: A class office building located in Iasi, finished in 2009, with a total of 6,358 sqm GLA 8 levels, available on 126- 128 Ciurchi street, only 10 minutes walk from the Iulius Mall and the campus "Tudor Vladimirescu". Developed by Tent -Co.

Ideo is the most modern Business Development Support Center from Iasi. e Center has a total area of about 11,000 sqm and includes office spaces Class A +, training halls and conference rooms, a kindergarten & a school, restaurant and a generous parking lot with 300 parking places. At the same time, it offers a rental office sharing system, a novelty in Iasi, that covers the space, the furniture and the internet connection. e project also offers the opportunity to rent offices for just a day.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

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Brasov Business Park Ravensdale Investments S.R.L. Str. Ionescu Crum nr 1, Brasov Business Park Brasov, Romania Tel: 0040 368 003 388 E-Mail: office@brasovbusinesspark.com

Central Business Park Arta Grafica +40 21 306 61 00 marcel.dan@artagrafica.ro www.artagrafica.ro

Coresi Business Park Ascenta Management 2 Aleea Alexandru, 011823, Bucharest, ROMANIA T: + 40-212-104-089 5 Turnului Street, 500152, Brasov, ROMANIA M: + 40-730-077-007 T: + 40-268-548-175 lettings@coresibusinesspark.ro www.coresibusinesspark.ro

America House AEW Europe 4-8 Nicolae Titulescu Boulevard, America House, West Wing 7th Floor | 011141 Bucharest Nicoleta Toma - Asset Manager T: +40 314 251 494 M: +40 766 478 129 nicoleta.toma@aeweurope.com www.america-house.ro

RAMS Business Center Mobil : +4 0720.212.000 Tel: +4 office@ramsbusinesspark.ro www.ramsbusinesspark.ro

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

index - office Brasov Business Park is the only full service class A office building in Brasov and the top location for events, conferences and meetings, with outstanding facilities and catering in a superb setting. Located along the Calea Bucuresti and the Saturn Boulevard with very easy access, Phase 1 offers 26,000 sqm of office space, retail area and a business center. With tenants like Arvato (Bertelsmann Group), Atos IT Solutions and Services, Europharm Holding, Exelia (Intesa SanPaolo), Heineken, Weidmueller, Brasov Business Park has created a working platform for more than 1,100 people. As planned, Phase 2 will consist of additional 20,000 square meters of office space and retail area with supporting services for offices.

Located at 133 Calea Serban Voda, in the central area of the Capital, Central Business Park has access to the municipal improvements made in the area. It lies close to the intersection of the boulevards Dimitrie Cantemir, Gheorghe Sincai and Tineretului and a few steps away from the Tineretului Park and the Carol Park. e business center provides office spaces for rent in Bucharest downtown, aprox. 13.600 mp.

Coresi Business Park is at the core of Brasov’s new district, CORESI, one of the major urban regeneration projects in Romania, transforming the former Tractorul industrial platform. e master plan features a well-balanced mix of industrial halls, office conversions and new built offices, envisioning 100,000 sq m of office GLA within 10 years, on the 12 ha of the business park. e initial phase of Coresi Business Park consists of almost 25,000 sq m GLA. e office area is enhanced by complementary functions such as a modern canteen, a clinic and a gym, as well as the largest park in the city and extensive public sport facilities, adjacent to the development.

One of the largest multifunctional business centers, a true landmark, America House is located in the center of most prestigious business district of Bucharest - Victoriei Square. e building has a total office rentable area of 27,000 sqm, 37 parking spaces behind the building and 360 cars can be parked underground. 2014 BREEAM* appreciation: "Very Good". America House has 9 elevators, restaurants and coffee shops and a World Class fitness center. 2014 BREEAM* appreciation: "Very Good".

RAMS Business Center is an A class office building located in the proximity of Cora Pantelimon Hypermarket, offering an important advantage to those used to late working hours. e modern architecture, the exquisite design, the quality of the materials and finishings, all being designed and built for an A class building, contribute to the RAMS CENTER tenants’ comfort and image, ensuring a pleasant and civilized environment for the persons working or visiting this building. Total office area: aprox. 11,800 sqm.




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United Business Center IAŞI Iaşi, postal code 700051 Palas Street, no. 7A, A1 building, 2nd floor T: +40 232 209 870 F: +40 232 209 869 www.unitedbusinesscenter.ro

Iulius Business Center cluj No. 53 B Al. Vaida Voievod Street, Cluj-Napoca T: +40 264 206 400 F: +40 264 206 444 www.unitedbusinesscenter.ro

part of Iulius Group Romania

United Business Center Tower cluj No. 51 Al. Vaida Voievod Street, Cluj-Napoca T: +40 264 206 453 F: +40 264 206 453 www.unitedbusinesscenter.ro

United Business Center Timişoara Openville Timişoara No. 1 Demetriade Street, Timişoara T: +40 256 401 604 F: +40 256 401 630 office@openville.ro www.openville.ro

Crystal Tower 48 Iancu de Hunedoara Blvd District 1, 011745 Bucharest, ROMANIA Phone: +4 021 316 4018; office @ crystaltower.ro www.crystaltower.ro


Opened in 2010, United Business Center Iași includes four fully operational class A office buildings, being an integral part of the Palas multifunctional urban ensemble, the first lifestyle complex in Romania that was developed by the Iulius company group. Located in the ultracentral area of Iaşi, United Business Center is the regional business pole for the IT and Outsourcing industry, comprising over 45 national and multinational companies with 3,000 employees in its leasable area of approximately 38,000 sqm. A fifth office building, with a 15,000 sqm leasable area, is currently pending construction and the construction works are set to be completed by the end of 2015.

Iulius Business Center, located in the immediate vicinity of Iulius Mall Cluj, in the Gheorgheni neighborhood, is the first class A office building in the Iulius company group portfolio and was opened in 2008. Iulius Business Center has a leasable area of 7,400 sqm and currently accommodates 900 employees. Iulius Business Center is a part of the Iulius Development project, alongside Iulius Mall Cluj, Iulius Park and United Business Center Tower.

United Business Center Tower, opened in the autumn of 2014, is located in the immediate vicinity of the Gheorgheni Lake, close to Iulius Mall Cluj and the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration of Babeş-Bolyai University. With a distinctive architecture and elegant interior finishes, the building fulfills all the class A particularities, providing an environment that is perfectly adapted to the tenants’ needs. United Business Center Tower has a leasable area of 10,000 sqm, accommodating 1,100 employees. United Business Center Tower is a part of the Iulius Development project alongside Iulius Mall Cluj, Iulius Park and Iulius Business Center.

In Timişoara, United Business Center is an integral part of the mixed use Openville project, which will connect the historical center of the city to the largest regional shopping mall, Iulius Mall Timişoara. e office component will include a leasable area of 131,000 sqm distributed in seven class A office buildings and will accommodate approximately 13,500 people. e construction works are set to begin this autumn. e first development stage for this project will encompass 33,000 sqm of office spaces by the end of 2016. e ensemble will be fully completed during the last quarter of 2017.

Romania, Bucharest Real Estate Offices To Let 16,200 sqm rentable surface, office building located close to Victoriei Square, 4BS+GF+14 floors+ technical floor, great visibility, eminently suitable as corporate headquarters building, open space, modern and spacious reception area, a highly attractive entrance & lobby, double height entrances, visitors entrance adds to the prestige and quality of the development due to the choice of high quality and durable materials, heliport on the top floor.

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

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Centrul de afaceri Sibiu SC Transcar International SRL 112 Alba Iulia Road, Sibiu office@centruldeafacerisibiu.ro www.centruldeafacerisibiu.ro

Optica Business Park Bega Group 1-3 Marasesti, Timisoara bega@begagrup.ro www.bega.ro

Tradecenter Oradea TRADECENTER SRL Nufarului Street, nr 28 E Oradea Bihor County, 410583, Romania Tel: +40 359 422 200 Fax: +40 359 423 333 E-mail: receptie@tradecenteroradea.ro

Liberty Technology Park Cluj 21 Garii Street., Cluj Napoca Tel.: +40 (264) 435 362 office@libertytechpark.ro www.libertytechpark.ro

Cluj Innovation Park Romania, 400021, Cluj-Napoca 2/16 F.D. Roosevelt Street Tel/Fax: +40 264 450 320 office@clujinnovationpark.ro www.clujinnovationpark.ro

These index pages include details from developers who responded to the invitation of the publishing house or descriptions compiled based on information available on updated project websites (if the selection was possible). These index pages do not contain descriptions of all office centers in Romania, the publishing house cannot be held responsible for the details made public by the developers. For 2016 edition, please send your description to: realestate@transilvaniabusiness.ro.

index - office Sibiu Business Center is providing Class A offices in a building with eight high speed elevators with functional and architectural specification and flexibility in terms of partitioning capabilities. e investment is located at the junction of Calea Dumbravii and Nicolae Olachus Blvd., two of the main access routes from downtown to the southern area of Sibiu, and also from the western area of the city to downtown. It is also easily accessible by means of public transportation, such as buses from all areas of the city, and it has 12,500 sqm leasable area.

OPTICA Business Park is located in the immediate vicinity of Timisoara’s industrial area, on 11 A Calea Buziasului and offers very good quality office space. Due to the location of the building with direct frontage to Calea Buziasului, OPTICA Business Park ensures high visibility and excellent accessibility. e business park occupies a land plot of 45,300 sq m, and will have a total built area of 50,000 sq m. e buildings are designed to provide a flexible office environment.

Tradecenter has a total lettable area of ca 9.486 sq m, high class office space, U +GF+ 5F, in formed by five floors, therefore it offers an excellent panorama over the area, having a green spaces of ca. 3.768 sqm, benefitting from natural light and easy access to all means of transportation. Tradecenter Oradea comes in support of local and regional business environment through a new office building, modern, with all the equipment and facilities required: reception, 3 conference rooms, with a capacity of 400 seats, movable and flexible walls. The exhibition area has a total of 2,250.90 sqm.

Liberty Technology Park Cluj, the first technological park in Romania, a park for creative ideas built in a revolutionary place designed to offer exceptional growth and quality environment for companies in the IT&C and R&D domains, all in one unique area both conceptually and architecturally. e first two phases of the project imply the redevelopment of the existing buildings in a space destined for the flexible arrangement of your offices but also for offering premium facilities for companies in the IT&C and R&D domains. e park has nearly 46 880 sq m, offering the ideal tech habitat.

Cluj Innovation Park is the company created by the City Council of Cluj-Napoca which coordinates and develops the Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries (CREIC) and the Center for Technology, Evolution, Entrepreneurship and Microenterprises (TEAM). Both centers located in the Lomb area of Cluj offer logistic services and integrated solutions for businesses, in the same time creating an innovative and attractive environment. Besides the large variety of facilities, Cluj Innovation Park also hosts the only film studio in Transylvania.



144 2015 YEARBOOK: office, logistic AND INDUSTRIAL PARKS PUBLISHER IonuČ› Oprea ionut.oprea@transilvaniabunsiness.ro +40 721 197 559


Sales Manager Alin Bolbos alin.bolbos@transilvaniabusiness.ro Nicolae Pop nicolae.pop@transilvaniabusiness.ro Marius Morar marius.morar@transilvaniabusiness.ro Florin Marcel florin.marcel@transilvaniabusiness.ro

Editor: Department Ligia Voro, Alex Toth

Distribution Manager Atilla Szanto +40 755 044 851

Accounting: Lia Pamfilie, Emo Veres +40 265 215 613

Address Transilvania Grup Business SRL 1st Primariei st. Chamber of Commerce , 2nd floor, room 206. P.C. 540026 Targu Mures, Mures County Published by Transilvania Group Business, editor of monthly magazine Transilvania Business. Circulation: 9.000 copies All rights reserved by www.transilvaniabusiness.ro For purchasing additional copies, please send an e-mail to ionut.oprea@transilvaniabusiness.ro Printed at: SC Nova Print SRL www.novaprint.ro

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Răzvan Matei razvan@iq-design.ro +40 745 354 666


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