Lifestyle Magazine January 2022

Page 18

At Home

At Home with the

Cumifords Story By Rachel Trigueiro | Photos by Lifestyle Staff

From young love in junior high to a custom

doors together. The tower doors lead into the

home on the lake, Visalia natives Chris and

tower porch area and were the first thing we

Chelsea Cumiford built a life they don’t need

bought for the home. We built the house around

an escape from.

these doors,” Chelsea says. The couple stored

With a striking, eclectically-styled home, the Cumifords squeezed every inch out of the

them for five years until the build was complete. Similar to their youthful love story, Chris and

interestingly-shaped 9,500 sq ft property.

Chelsea’s shared appreciation for design also

Tranquil views of water surround their

began at a young age in their childhood homes.

4,000 sq ft modern industrial home. Chelsea

“Home was always important to us,” Chris says.

says, “We built it with strategic window

“[It was] the most basic and central part of our

placement showing off its best views...the

family. My first home was one of Visalia’s oldest

pond in front...and the lake behind.”

houses, a large Victorian downtown, built in

The house is inspired by a mix of Chris and Chelsea’s life experiences plus historic time periods, and it shines with elements of modern industrial design. Throughout the home, beautiful, curated vintage pieces tell a rich story. “About a month after we bought the lot, we went to an antique store in Sacramento and saw these Oriental, historical doors. They are over 100 years old with square nails and a wood piece sliding the two

1899. My parents fixed it up and restored it to its Gilded Age glory.” Chris recalls his parents filling the home with antique furniture and playing old classical music on the Victrola. Although they moved when he was around age four, “[That house] was the beginning roots for my love of history, ambiance, and home,” he says. Chelsea says of her own childhood home, “My parents built and designed their own custom

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