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ED drugs NAY

Jorge Parada

Author Jorge Parada

Illustration Jorge Parada

Translator María Bach Rubio

ISBN: 978-84-941954-2-6

2ª Edition– 2014 1ª Editión – 1994 © Jorge Parada © Inlibris Editorial - 2014 All rights reserved

Inlibris Editorial Pintor Sorolla 22 46002 – Valencia – Spain inlibris.es

Ed-Drugs-Nay Jorge Parada

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Pr贸logue 7 Acknowledgement


Introduction 10 Getting to know what life is about


The villain


Deceit and pain


When darkness blocks our sight


When night is all you can see


A second chance


The end


Educational work


Letter to the educator


Work proposition


Educational suggestions



Proposals for community work


Final suggestions


Curriculum vitae



PRÓLOGUE —I need to free my soul from this overwhelming grief! I wish for everlasting happiness. —I can answer your plea. It will be quite simple!

Ed-Drugs-Nay flower



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To all those good persons that strive each day for the well-being of our children


INTRODUCTION Where did the flowers go? You can find this one. All others are dead. Ed was looking for happiness (such as immortality), but he found death. His Garden turned into a bush of black, ugly and badly smelling flowers. Why? On any other day, when pain knocked on his door, he dealt with it in love, the necessary force for continuing his growth process. The scene took place in a forest with delicate flowers that carried a marvelous perfume and made his days more pleasant and happy.


He felt protected, covered like a boy with a bright look, and he was himself. But when misfortune overthrew the fragile walls of this adolescent childhood, he went looking desperately, as before, for the flower to save him. And he found it... It came from a hand of an intruder who was only interested in the speculation, which prevented Ed’s internal strength (firmness before the enemy), to face him and he fell… And he fell again…and again, and in a circle without a way out, he discovered that this reality was the supposed happiness from which he won’t be able to get out; happiness which he will never again be able to get back. Because he was a human. Because he was mortal...


And he got lost; and he hid himself, he attacked and was attacked. He did not listen; he did not know how to listen. And he did not listen to anybody, except the shadow that changed his fear into a world without problems. Without






“without” sense of pain, the “without” sense of world. And he accepted it. And he played according to its rules, and he lost. He slept. And slept. And slept… The answer to this dream that always ties with the shadow of love snatched him and returned him a life different from the chosen one. He did not know the consequences and he bared them, knowing unconsciously, that they were part of the game rules. And how does the story of Ed end? He discovered the finite, the limits and


other possibilities that he did not know he could possess and he was liberated (almost paradoxically) of the temporary pain and in this way, he reached happiness. In the last moment of life, one neither loses nor wins. One lives. As readers, we lovingly maintain in our hearts the soul of a writer who projects universally, through his literary work, the interior evolution of the human being in peace and harmony globalized in truth above the narrow interests of people.

Lic. Liliana InĂŠs Pettinati



Chapter l

GETTING TO KNOW WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT A village by a thick green forest which lodges colorful birds and musical water springs is where Ed´s family -Mother, Father and six more children- has chosen to live in. Ed is the third child, the most rebellious and restless one. He is always picking a fight as a daily ritual. When he plays ball games he usually ends up beating fiercely one of his rivals. This violent personality has rendered him very few friends, and even his brothers are not keen on asking him to participate in their games. Ed´s father, a devoted and hardworking


railway employee, invests most of his time, strength and sweat in making a living. When he is at home he is always busy trying to repair the wrecked house. So many chores wear him out and keep him apart from his loving family. Ed´s mother spends her days peeling potatoes and hidden behind pots and washing soap, facts that go completely unnoticed by her children. There is nothing extraordinary about this family, maybe because it is very much alike any other family. The difference lies on the story I will now tell you. Ed, as most adolescents do, felt he did not belong to his family anymore. Growing up so fast, having to quit his careless and full-ofbenefits childhood and taking up so many new responsibilities were matters that upset him.


The effort that was required from him in order to help his family plus his parents constant and usually contradictory reproaches were more than enough to make him feel discouraged. He had the humiliating feeling that he was treated as a child but demanded to behave as an adult and that his parents were against him. In his idealistic mind, he could not find the answer that would make him understand why his parents treated him that way and this kind of thoughts drove him apart from their love and their home. Most of the time, he not only ran away from his home, but from school too. He headed for the busy streets in town or he hid in the woods. While he was in town, he wandered the streets among the crowd and went as far as where his legs led him. He watched the people going by and sought for a glimpse of happiness


on their faces, but all of them seemed sad and depressed in Ed´s eyes. When his getaway place was the woods, he looked for a hidden spot and spent the afternoon in complete isolation. Sometimes, he sat by the river bank and tossed stones at any object that went floating by just for the sake of releasing his anger. Loneliness was his friend, maybe because there was no one else who could understand him. On a spring afternoon, Ed, who was wandering through the woods, made a stop to smell the perfume given out from some flowers that grew among the shrubs. In amazement, he discovered that the wrapping smell provided him with comfort and shelter. The luring perfume brought invigorating spring winds into his soul


while his breath felt like aromatic music. He was in complete harmony. In this state of feelings he thought of his attitude towards people, he recognized his faults and determined to change in order to regain his friends and parents´love. He spent the entire afternoon kneeling on the grass embracing the flowered shrubs as if he were a parishioner worshipping the religious image that gives him comfort. Joyfully he went back home and told his parents about the beautiful flower he had found. He described its shape and color and explained about the feelings and good intentions it had awaken in him. His mother, who had been listening with great attention, exclaimed: — I´m so happy that you´ve found my favorite flower! It is a wild jasmine that only grows in our forest. I used to smell its sweet


perfume when I was pregnant as it gave me comfort. I remember quite clearly that on the day before you were born, I filled the house with bouquets of them. Ed´s father joined in and said: — When I smell its perfume I can picture myself fondling your mother´s round and restless womb. You´ve always been a restless boy, even before you were born! ” His parents´ words made Ed remember their love and care. Sometimes these feelings and memories, if we do not value them enough, fade away in the mist of our everyday problems. The perfume of the flower of wild jasmine awoke in Ed these sleeping feelings and he regained the integrity that strengthened his malleable soul. As time went by, Ed turned into a


remarkable boy. He learnt how to be more patient and a good friend to his brothers and sisters. Life was peaceful until a sad winter night. Ed´s father was getting off the bus after a long day at work, when he got ran over by a wrecking drunk who tithed his life in exchange for a few drinks. As a result, he was forced to quit his job which implied more problems. And, after a long painful year, he died leaving his family without his love, care and protection.


Chapter II

THE VILLAIN Ed´s mother had to get a job and part of the family had to help her in making a living. They all suffered greatly from this unexpected turn in their lives. But Ed, being the most sentimental one, could not find any comfort to help him understand their misfortune. Many bitter days went by and, on a sunny afternoon, he went back to the forest to find the wild flower that had once provided him with the peace he was seeking for. Lying down on the green pasture he smelled the sweet fragrance, but this time the peace and joy he had once experienced were not enough to calm down his deep grief. The


youngster, as a bee does, went over the woods smelling every flower, but none of them had the power to soothe his pain. He was not able to understand that only time, tears and memories of the good times were able to do this job. He persisted on being alone, and some other sunny afternoon while lying down on the grass and trying to smell the perfume of a new flower to his eyes, he was scared away by a black shadow. — What are you doing, young boy? — Nothing, sir. I´m just smelling the perfume of these flowers. They give me some comfort. — Ha, Ha! — Said the man who was without a doubt a villain as his intentions showed. — The only flower that can bring you


peace and joy is the Ed-Drugs-Nay flower. Puzzled, Ed replied: — I don´t know that flower. — It´s the most beautiful one. Its perfume leads you to heaven and you may even feel as you were a king. Ed exclaimed in excitement: — If I can be a king, I´ll be able to help my mom! — Of course! – Said the Villain. — What shall I do so that you show me the way to where this flower grows? — Nothing! What are friends for? Come on, follow me. They plodded through the shrubs for quite a while until they reached a huge and aged tree. — Wait here… The man went behind the tree and drew


out of his pocket a small bag containing a substance that he spread on his hands. He then told the boy: — Come closer, but cover your eyes. I´ll decide when it´s the right time for you to see it. With his hands covering his eyes, Ed stumbled until he ran against the body of the ominous man. — Don´t open your eyes until I say so. Just breathe deeply from its delicate petals. The man held his hands bearing the substance, as if they were petals and placed them under Ed´s nostrils. Ed took a deep breath and the substance went up his nose and filled his mouth and lungs. After some sneezes and faces of disgust, he opened up his eyes. — Its perfume is not very nice! Why can´t I see it?


— Not yet. You must earn that possibility. Next, Ed felt a deep pain in his stomach, his sight blurred and everything went black for an instant. After a short time, he was overwhelmed with a joyful strength and even the grief that had tormented him seemed to have vanished. — I haven´t lied to you, have I? — I feel so strange… Thank you, sir, for helping me! But, when shall I see the flower? — You´re not ready yet. First, you will have to pay me back: a favor for a favor… But, don´t worry. We´ll talk about this some other time. Go spend your strength in helping your family and come back tomorrow for more. The effect dies soon. Oh! And something else: don´t tell anyone in your family about it. They won´t understand. You must keep our secret well or I won´t be able to help you anymore. — Of course, sir. I won´t tell anyone. 26

— Good. Come back tomorrow at the same time. I´ll be waiting for you. Ed ran home carrying the renewed joy with him, but he could not share it as this happiness was not real, it was not the result of some good deed. The day went by: his brothers and sisters carried out their chores as they used to and by the time his mother got home from work, Ed was already asleep in his bed probably dreaming that the next day would come soon and with the dawn light he would be able to see the flower that had given him such a great comfort.


Chapter III

DECEIT AND PAIN The following day, Ed went back to the meeting spot in the woods. The Villain was already there, waiting for him. — Good afternoon, Ed. — Hello, sir. — How did you like the magical effect of my flower? — I ´m comforted, my worries have vanished and I´m very happy. It´s only that … it seems as if my sight had grown weaker. — It happens quite often, but only at first. You´ll see, it´ll soon wear off. — Will you show me the flower today?


— We´ll see. First you´ll have to pay back my favor. — I´ll do it with pleasure. – said Ed a little confused. — Your first task will be to go about the forest and pick the nicest bouquet. — Sure… Ed set off to complete his task. He went through the forest feeling happy, for it was a simple job, and picked a beautiful and colorful bouquet. “ Could any of these flowers be an Ed-Drugs-Nay flower?” – he asked himself and wondered what the flowers could be for. He returned to the meeting spot where the Villain was now waiting for him dressed in the most elegant and expensive outfit. — What a lovely bouquet! Congratulations! We´ll now go to the cemetery and put these


flowers on your father´s grave. Ed found it hard to believe that the man could be so kind and he felt he was already his friend. They visited the grave where his father was resting in eternal peace and Ed´s eyes filled with tears. He remembered when his father stroke his back with his loving hands and patted him to congratulate him on a good deed. He remembered too, that he used to arrive home loaded with groceries and sweets for everyone. The Villain too shed a few faked tears in a small handkerchief. — I´ve also lost my father and these scenes move my heart deeply. The boy felt the man close to him as they both shared the same feelings.


After a while, they went back to the forest where the aged tree was. Ed eagerly wished to see the flower, his instinct told him that its beauty was in concord to the comfort it rendered. — I´m sure it´s purple – he exclaimed. — We´ll see. But, it won´t be today! So, cover your eyes and I´ll give you a bit more of its lovely perfume. Ed´s curiosity was becoming unbearable, but deep inside he knew that his new friend´s kindness would soon allow him to set eyes on the delicate petals. Ed inhaled from the so called flower that with dirty tricks the Villain had faked with his hands, and felt the same disgust he had felt the day he smoked one of his grandfather´s cigars. Then, he held his stomach tight and everything went spinning around him. His sight


lost a bit more of its light. — It seems as if it´s getting darker – Thought Ed. But, the joy that the faked flower brought him made him lose interest in anything else. — Well, off you go now. Go help your mom and come back tomorrow. Ed went home in a state of slight euphoria and he noticed that the rest of his family showed nothing but sorrow. “ They weren´t happy as he was! ” He tried to share the chores and his mom sent him to repair the roof as a storm was coming up and there was a leak. Once on top of the roof, he got lost in the sight of the approaching clouds. After a long time, a few raindrops splashed on his face. Ed came out of his state of ecstasy and realized that he was supposed to be fixing the hole on the roof, but it was too late. He was soaking wet and he had to 32

come down as quick as he could. — How long has it taken you! Ed could not say a word. Soon after, rain was dripping into the bedroom from the leak in the roof. His mother left her chores and ran to place a bucket below the leak while she yelled and blamed him for such a bad job, but her bed was already wet. — What kind of repairs have you done! I will have to sleep in your brother´s bed and tomorrow wash and dry all these soaking sheets. Ed locked himself up in his room feeling a bit sorry as the effect of his wonderful flower began to wear off.


Chapter IV

WHEN DARKNESS BLOCKS OUR SIGHT Once again a sunny afternoon and its everlasting warmth keep company to Ed´s steps into the woods. — Hello Ed, my friend! Tell me how you´ve been doing. — Well, a bit sad you know. I can´t get along with my family. Everything seems to be wrong and I don´t know what to do. — Don´t worry! You just need to get a whiff of my flower´s perfume and you´ll feel alright once more. Ed has no friends to talk about the things 34

that trouble him. The state of hallucination rendered by the flower plus the lack of communication with his family and his need of honest friends that could help him go through that critical moment of his life leaves him no other way but that of the Villain´s, the despicable opportunist whom he now relies on. Days go by fenced in by the Villain while Ed´s sight grows gloomer and gloomer. One afternoon Ed shows up in great anxiety and eagerly demanding the comfort rendered by the mysterious flower. — You´re late – says the Villain who is now showing his other face – What´s happened? I can´t wait forever, you know! — Sorry, Sir. But it seems as if I´m slower each day. The Villain moves some steps back and in an authoritarian and violent tone of voice puts 35

up an unexpected dramatic act. — I´m very angry. You never ask me if I need anything, or how I feel or anything else that might concern me. I´m always giving you comfort! A deep anguish lodges in Ed´s stomach. He feels guilty and selfish. The Villain sits on the grass and wails: — I want you to know that I´m having financial problems. I have more expenses than I can handle so I need you to get me some money. In surprise, Ed asks: — Where can I get you this money from? I don´t work and my mother barely makes enough to support us all. — I don´t care! – Says the Villain in furyYou won´t get the right to smell the flower today and certainly you won´t see it! First, you´ll have to get me money. 36

Gloomily, Ed goes back home. It is not going to be easy. Once there, he feels great excitement followed by a sudden void that fills his body. His brother tries to talk to him, but they end up arguing and fist-fighting. Their mom, very upset, tries to clear up things. Ed cannot understand his mother´s suggestions and leaves the house. He admits to himself that what he needs is peace and happiness but nothing can fulfill these yearnings. He has an only idea in his mind, to smell the perfume of the unknown flower. Urged by the need of money, he thinks of selling some valuable objects among which there is a gold medal of the Virgin of Guadalupe that was given to him by his godfather. But the real problem would be how to negotiate the


sale as he is under age. He decides to find out who could be a possible buyer in the town flea market. He talks with a few stall keepers and sees that his task is not an easy one. No one wants to buy his things as they think they are stolen. A man, after the young boy has left, says: — Poor boy! What could his problems be? — Have you noticed how nervous he seemed? - replied a second man. — Yes, I have. I´m sure he´s up to something! A young man - the kind of those who live in the streets- has been watching him. He stops Ed and says: — What are you selling, my friend? — A few objects and a gold medal. — Where have you stolen them?


— I haven´t. They are mine. It´s only that I´ve decided to get rid of them.

The young man, who has seen these type of situations many times before and has made a profit out of them too, gives a look to the objects and says: — How much do you want for all this junk? — This isn´t junk! They´re things I no longer need. — I only care for the golden medal… — It isn´t golden, it´s made of solid gold! — What do you know! How much for it? — …. Twenty-five. — Ha! Ha! … It isn´t worth it. I´ll give you five.


— No, that´s not a fair price! – Ed tries to be cunning – If you give me ten, I´ll sell you the other medals I have. — Deal! Here´s your ten…- and pretending to be kind, but with very mean intentions, the young man adds, - I´ll buy anything you´ve got to sell and I´ll pay a good price for it too! Remember! Ed and the young man walk together to Ed´s house. The man says goodbye and leaves. Ed gets into his humble home, he quickly changes his clothes and goes to the forest to meet the Villain. When he arrives… — Ed, my friend! How are you? Have you brought the money? — Yes, I have! Ten pesos!


A deep silence. — That´s all? It´s not enough to solve my problems. Ed is tormented. — I couldn´t get more! But, I promise I´ll do! — O.K. I´m sorry. But you don´t know about the urgent problems that I have to solve! The Villain puts back on his friendly face. — Come, my friend. I´ll let you take a whiff of my wonderful flower. — Shall I see it today? — No, maybe some other day when you get more money. Ed closes his eyes and inhales the perfume of the faked flower. He switches from the nasty feeling to the wonderful one.


— I´ve other things to do – Says the Villain and he leaves the place. Ed, whose sight is growing poorer by the minute, stumbles back home through the woods feeling the exhilarating sensation that the flower provides.

When he gets home he finds his mother crying in despair. The whole family has been struck by misfortune once more. — What´s wrong, mom? — Oh, my darling! I´m glad you weren´t here. You could have got beaten. — But… What’s going on? — Some street bumps have broken in and we´ve been robbed. They´ve taken all my savings, those I kept in case of an


emergency. — But, how did it happen? — They broke a window. They said they were looking for some gold medals or jewels… But, you know, all I had were our wedding rings – my dearest memory of your father´s! – And now, I will never get them back! Her tears caused great affliction to Ed´s brothers and sisters who were shivering from the shock. She could find no comfort and kept crying while she pressed a moist handkerchief against her bruised eyebrow. It did not take long for Ed to realize who was responsible for the breaking in. However, the faked happiness he was feeling minimized the facts and he went to his room and lay on his bed so as to enjoy the only feeling that could make him happy.


It was only on the following day, that he got fully aware of what had happened the day before. But, this time as the effects of the mysterious flower had worn off, the facts seemed worse than what they were. Ed´s mother was worried about him and could not understand his detachment. Ed´s sight was growing dimmer and dimmer. He spent all day thinking of his problems: the only one that tormented him was how to get money. As time went by, his body began to shake and his eyes received the blurred images of his sorrow. Not knowing what else to do he went to the flea market, where honest people make their living, and pretending to be looking around he took advantage of an unaware stall keeper and


snatched his money without being caught by the persecutors that would not forget his face. The stolen money provided several weeks of faked happiness. The Villain was becoming richer and was already thinking of asking Ed to get another friend so as to expand his business.

But, as all evil deeds have no good ending, this will not be the exception.


Chapter V

WHEN NIGHT IS ALL YOU CAN SEE Once again the beautiful sunny summer afternoon, which seems gray in Ed´s eyes, will witness the horror that is about to end. Once again Ed inhales the flower´s perfume. — How do you feel? – Says the Villain. Ed, deliriously lying on the grass whispers: — I feel great! Extremely happy! But, I don´t know what´s wrong with my eyes. The Villain comes closer and moves his hands in front of Ed´s eyes just to check that Ed


is blind. — Ed, you´ve proved to be a good boy. Come and see the flower now. The Villain improvises some hand moves. — So, what do you think? Ed makes an effort to focus. He rubs his eyes, but he cannot see a thing. The Villain moves backwards and, without caring for Ed´s terrible state, says: — Ha! Ha! If you can´t see the flower you´re no longer useful. I´ll look for someone else! Ed was still lying deliriously while the bitter effects of the Ed-Drugs-Nay flower wore off. Next, a chill hit his bones and when he tried to stand up, his legs bent down weakly. He dragged himself along the grass, feeling with his fingers every inch of it for he had now gone


completely blind.

— Sir, please! Help me! – He pleaded. But, the mean Villain was no longer there. And Ed realized that he had been left alone and lost in the middle of the dark and thick forest.


Chapter VI

A SECOND CHANCE Without notice, the sun left. But, Ed was not alone. The night was already with him. In his creeping, his clothes got entangled in the bushes and branches. He felt as if the nails of greedy zombies escaped from their graves were trying to tear up his flesh. Each noise seemed to be a roar, the sound of the crickets were heart-breaking screams that joined his. When a small animal or a squirrel brushed him, he felt as if fierce rats were nibbling at his face and thousands of insects were crawling up his nose. Every feeling was a deadly vehicle that drove him to his doom.


His journey was a living hell, and he could not find his way back home. His heart was beating so wildly that he felt it as a lump in his throat which choked him. But a sweet perfumed fragrance brought him closer to his mother. It was the wild jasmine of the forest! He fondled it and after a long needed weeping, he knew where he was and which was the way back home. — I want to be home! – Said Ed with his body covered in sweat and tears. He travelled for long, difficult hours until he reached the door to his home. There he yelled for help, and his family rescued him. — What´s wrong, love? Ed could only weep and hold his mother tight. — Forgive me, mom. I´ve been sniffing


a strange substance that a stranger had been giving me. I thought that it could solve my problems but it´s only caused you problems. The breaking in was my fault. I´ve even robbed! Ed goes on and on. — Oh, mom! It´s so painful! My body is torn and I´m blind! The afflicted mother was relieved to see her son back for she has been awake all night fearing the worst. His brothers and sisters held him tight, they kissed him and took him to his room while waiting for the doctor to come. The mother twists her handkerchief in her hands. — Don´t you worry, my love. You will be alright. After the doctor´s examination, Ed is sent to a hospital where he is given hope and told


that, with patience and sacrifice, he will get better. The doctor tells the mother: — The following months are going to be quite difficult, especially because his body has lost many of its functions and the drug has caused great damage in his nervous system. He might even suffer permanently from some of the effects. The slow recovery treatment begins: tubes, catheters, serum and special medication that causes nauseous effects. One afternoon, while waiting in the hall to visit their brother … — Mum, how much longer do we have to wait? — Don´t be impatient. We´ll be able to see him in five minutes.


A boy, Ed´s aged approaches. — Hello. Is this Ed´s room? — Yes, it is. Who are you? — I´m Anthony. Ed´s classmate. I would like to see Ed. I know what he´s going through. They enter the room. Ed has been waiting anxiously to see his family. They tell him about the unexpected visitor. — Hello, Anthony. You´ve come to see me! — Yes. I wanted to know how you were doing and I brought a book to help you think about what´s happened to you. Ed covers his eyes and cries. Anthony apologizes for he did not know about Ed’s blindness. After a short and wet interval, they calm him down and they continue talking for a long time. Finally they all leave after loving hugs and


farewell kisses. Anthony, a very sensible and reflective boy keeps visiting Ed. — I´ve never imagined that you could come to visit me, Anthony. I´ve always criticized you behind your back. I thought that as you were quiet and friendly you were weak and afraid of everything. But, I was wrong. As I was about almost everything. — Don´t feel bad, Ed. Think about the future. Real friends are those who stay with you when times are bad. Besides, I´ve always admired you. You´re so quick and skillful with your hands! And you draw so well! — How do you know? — Martina has shown me some drawings you threw away some time ago when you went


camping. She picked them up and kept them. Once more, Ed discovers that there is someone else who cares about him. How many more of them are out there? Sometimes, lost in our own misty thoughts, we are not able to see what reality is and that it always has a positive side. In time, Ed partially recovered from his addiction and was moved to a rehabilitation center. When he arrived, some boys who suffered from the same illness greeted him. — Hello, Ed. We are your welcome reception. — How do you know my name? — There is nothing that we don´t know here. They meet in a room and after telling him


their names and nicknames, they start taking it in turns to tell about the experiences they have had and they all reflect upon them. When Ed´s turn comes, he feels quite embarrassed, but he speaks about the flower and everything related to it. The psychologist that coordinates the session, thoughtfully reminds them of this usual trick drug dealers use to introduce drugs to young boys: they try to find out what the boys´needs are and use them in their own profit. He next says: — Young boys, don’t you think you have been too innocent. To satisfy your needs, to achieve your goals and to solve up problems, that are most of the time difficult and many, requires time and effort. The passage from child to adult is so quick! So brief! That you mistakenly think


so is the way you must go through in order to achieve your goals. Drugs give us illness and take away the love, the happiness and the energy. They take our lives in exchange as well as the lives of those that we love. What we must do when we feel a great affliction is to seek for someone in our family, for a friend, a religious guide, a teacher… We should not seek for strangers! — That´s alright. But, what if we don´t get along with our parents and with no one else? — Not getting along with our parents doesn´t mean that we cannot tell them about our problems. We should leave our pride behind and speak! You are good and powerful people! There must be someone to whom you could tell your problems.


— What if we are grieving a loved one? – Ed joined in timidly. — If we have loved that person very much it is because that person had great moral standards in our eyes. And, if we were lucky enough to have had someone like that by our side, it’s because we’re privileged. So, we must learn to accept their death by finding comfort in the beautiful things they’ve left behind. Let´s be the first ones to love someone. If we all expect someone else to be first… who would love whom? Let´s give our love. And, in return, we´ll receive the magical action of love itself. While in rehabilitation treatment, Ed met many other young boys who had his same problem. It was from the sharing of their experiences that he was able to learn about his


own limitations. He was very lucky, because his family and his friends backed him up with all their love and support. His great will and strength also helped him out. Time went by, and thanks to his family, to the doctors and to the rehabilitation center, Ed was able to overcome the crisis. Even though he has only recovered part of his sight and he sometimes shakes for no reason, we can say: Ed- Hurray!



This afternoon, while I was walking my dog Foxi, I ran into Ed and we gave each other an immense hug! He told me that he works, has a girlfriend, and continues with the physical rehabilitation with some very good results, as he was able to get his sight back and his right leg no longer trembles like before‌ As a writer I can tell you that this story about Ed had a happy ending and honestly, it is so because I was the one who wrote it. When stories are written by drugs, the end is always the worst possible. Therefore, my dear readers, write your own stories and don’t allow drugs


make their ending. Then, you will be able to say that Ed won!

Jorge Parada


EDUCATIONAL WORK This educational work was done by the interdisciplinary cabinet headed by Ms. Liliana InĂŠs Pettinati and coordinated by the author Jorge Parada.


LETTER TO THE EDUCATOR It is of fundamental interest the issues afflicting children and adolescents in these times where the banality, speculation and the absence of real life paradigms increase daily, leaving them facing an unhealthy exposure and terminating in disease. The topic “Drugs and its effects” has already been introduced to students from various schools. This material is used to enhance the task of awareness. We should not forget that in Latin “a-dictiun” means “no right”. For this reason,


the adolescent drug addict is seen as someone who cannot express what they feel or think, through emotional, family or social blocks. To perform an organized and methodical work, there are some guidelines that need to be established and taken into consideration: • See the drug as en evil of the society. And to eradicate it, proper tools must be used in full compliance with those who are to be treated. • One should think of the drug addict or the one who can potentially start using drugs as someone who is integrated in the society without the possibility to grow, be nourished and live in the reality by the cause of disease. We should try to instill in them the concept of no marginalization, in order not to produce a greater damage that can be irreparable. School life appears to reflect the society in all its nuances,


specific indicators and codes of conduct. • It cannot be forgotten that there is a movement in the world (a job) on pro peace and defense of the child rights, which becomes a commitment of responsibility for the adults and institutions. Apart from this, the drug dependent students should be accompanied to institutions, foundations and establishments which are dedicated to their help. It is also important to involve relevant security agencies to help mitigate the dependencies. • While it is an activity that concerns all people to build a more just world for the common good. • The best way to start making teens and parents aware comes in various ways. The book at your disposal and comments on what was read, open the mind and allow a space for a


serious reflection. • Part of the story that makes the reader to allegorically enter the world of “light dark” in order to clarify in its whole to teens, parents and educators. • The opinion of the readers on the book allows parents and teachers to respond in a simple and practical way to a serious demand in this current society.



Allegorical questions to each chapter of “Ed-Drugs-Nay” ▫▫ Explain the concept of allegory and why it is used in this case. ▫▫ Guide students to develop a synthesis of reading ▫▫ Explain the difference between summary and synthesis 1) What does the forest mean/represent? 2) What does the flower represent? What does it refer to in reality? Explain the 67

term “reference”. 2) Why doesn’t Ed ask for help? 4) When did Ed’s situation begin to change? Who pressed him? 5) What is the moral of the story?

Questions for incorporating preventative references ▫▫ What do we understand about drugs in relation to medicine? a) What is the doctor’s role in the society? b) Why is it established that medicine can be only prescribed by a doctor? ▫▫ 2)

Is there a flower or a magic thing that can

solve our problems? a) Why do you think Ed chose this reality?


b) Do you know of anyone like Ed? ▫▫ 3)

Are there people like the villain in this

book? (Justify the answer) a) What should you do if you knew someone like Ed? b) What should you do if your friend tells you that he/she knows someone like Ed? ▫▫ 4)

What is dependency? a) Is it easy to become dependent? Why? b) Is it easy to get out of dependency?

▫▫ 5)

Does the use of drugs affect our health? a) What are the illnesses that you know, which result from the drug use? b) Do you know of anyone who suffers from this illness?

▫▫ 6)

What should you do if this was happening


to you? a) What should you do if this was happening to your friend? b) Who would you talk to about your friend? c) Drugs give you short moments of artificial




and strength. In exchange for what? Write a draft expressing your answer. â–Ťâ–Ť 7)


Did you like the book? Why?

EDUCATIONAL SUGGESTIONS Work method and techniques to implement The theme of this book relates to the disciplines that address the ethics and morals of citizens, outlining the versatility that embraces institutions as a whole. To achieve this objective, it parts from the “construction theory�, thus integrating all the school sectors. It is known that the programs required by the Government are extensive. However, teachers can ethically choose to: make a specific time to regularly work the book throughout


the year. Also, coordinating with the time slots already specified for the drug dependency subjects, focusing on its preventative measures.


PROPOSALS FOR COMMUNITY WORK ▫▫ Dramatize to draw and solve human conflicts. ▫▫ Puppet Theater and involving older students to work with younger ones. ▫▫ Imaginary conversations with the characters from the book. ▫▫ Develop flyers/signs for drug prevention and promotion of health. ▫▫ Interdisciplinary




literature, etc.


FINAL SUGGESTIONS This book is a useful tool to eradicate drugs, while making the readers aware through emotional processes about an evil that plagues constantly. Educating with emotions through healthy feelings from both personal and social point of views. To remember that one enters drugs for pleasure, but it is fleeting and brings immeasurable pain afterwards; marginality, illness and even death (insist on this part). Formulating allegorical questions on each chapter helps to establish a contact on the drug subject different to what they (the students) are used to. This provides the readers with mental 74

as well as psychic clarification. In this way, thought and feelings are taking place over the neurosis that is provoked by the evil of these times.


CURRICULUM VITAE Jorge Parada (Argentina), MD through the University of Rio de Janeiro (Frasce) specializing in physiotherapy. Formed in psychology and pedagogy. Author of books with educational theme. His book “One Winged Angel� has earned him international recognition for its integration to work on the issue of disability. Lecturer in the field of disability, drug dependency, ethics and values. He has worked for government and private institutions, as well as NGOs in America and Europe. To learn more about the author: www.jorgeparada.org


CURRICULUM VITAE Liliana InĂŠs Pettinati. Argentinian, (1951). PhD in Education and Ethics from the Salvador University substantial

(Argentina). projects






families and drug addiction acting in the field with dependent and marginalized minors. She has worked as an international counselor on this subject and as well as ethics and semiotics.


http: / /www.jorgeparada.com/ E-mail: autor@jorgeparada.com


The objective of the book “Ed-Drugs-Nay” is to incorporate the issue of drug addiction in the child-youth education. Its main feature is using sensitivity and emotion as a reflective tool, marking a point of focus on the experience as it unfolds. The play tells the story of a very imaginative and sensitive boy who escapes his problems by breathing the magical perfume flower “Ed-Drugs-Nay”. Its author, Jorge Parada (author of “One Winged Angel”, a play for children to learn about disabilities) argues that the formative and reflective capacity of the emotions makes the most efficient tool for education, because it evokes in the reader a virtuous form of awareness on deeper issues.

ISBN 978-84-941954-2-6

9 788494 195426

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