Ny Mission 40

Page 51

Migration, community and belonging By Clement Dachet Clement Dachet, der er nigeriansk migrant i Danmark, beskriver i denne artikel ud fra sine personlige erfaringer de vanskeligheder, der er forbundet med at forlade sin egen kultur og søge efter at høre til i en anden, fremmed kultur. Kulturmødet udfordrer både identitet, selvopfattelse og værdighed hos den tilkommende, men også den modtagende part må vælge at være villig til at lide et tab, for at skabe plads for den “anden” – uanset om det drejer sig om samfund, ægteskab eller kirke. Dachet ser ikke i alle tilfælde multikulturelle menigheder som et ideal, men opfordrer til med empati og gæstfrihed at skabe rum for migranter.

A migrating

ly cautious of the varying experiences

Migration is as old as man himself and

conditioned on the class of migration.

people migrate for all sorts of rea-

For example, one who migrates for ed-

sons, either forced or by free will. For

ucational purpose, the reality is that

example, in Denmark, immigrants are

it is often within a specified period

represented in different categories

which invariably determine the extent

that highlight their purposes of being

of self-investment into the host socie-

in Denmark. The categories are migra-

ty. On the other hand, the person who

tion by asylum status, migration for

was forced to migrate as a refugee or

education, economic migration, migra-

in inter-nation marriage cases often

tion due to reunification with family

knows that it might be for a lifetime.

and lastly but not least, migration for

Without doubt, it places some form of

tourism. Each of these categories often

a lifetime commitment, to invest them-

underlines, to a great extent, the very

selves in their newfound life in another

condition migrants find themselves in

country. The conditions for migrants,

within their host countries.

by class or type of migration, are not

Therefore, it is possible to talk broadly about the shared elements within migration experiences that relate to all migrating people but to be equal-


to assume that those who migrate for a limited duration of time do not experience the challenges of moving into a new culture such as culture shocks, stress and the need to adjust to culture


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