Why The Underdog Can Win And You Can Too

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Why The Underdog Can Win And You Can Too!

Kathryn Marker

Why The Underdog Can Win And You Can Too! Throughout history there are stories of the underdog achieving great success and even changing the world. I’m actually part of a community that includes some very successful business people who started out in normal jobs and completely change their lives. Quite often they will attribute their incredible success and life changes to their Mindset more than the actual business systems they used (though those do help a lot). But what the hell does that mean? I know what they are talking about – but I realised a lot of people probably don’t. How is it that people who have the same time, resources and money have success while others don’t? Or even people who come from nothing and create incredible underdog stories? Let me fill in the blanks for you.

Here We Go The Wright Brothers are a great example – with all odds stacked against them, they were the first people to fly in an aeroplane in 1903 (Read about them here) . Simon Sinek in his book “Start With Why” talks about The Wright Brother’s achievement as a result of their passion and purpose to change the world. Down the road was another man named Samuel Pierpont Langley who had more money, experts, support and was trying to achieve the same goal but didn’t achieve it first despite his resources. The difference – the reason why they were trying to achieve it. According to Sinek – Langley was motivated by his desire for money and fame. We hear story after story of people who fail and get back up. Learn and create change. Succeed against all odds where others don’t. And the secret sauce is all upstairs in your brain.

Women Seeking Wisdom

Why The Underdog Can Win And You Can Too! A great book to start with if you haven’t read it is “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” By Dr Carol Dweck who talks about shifting your mind to help you allow change in your life. Fantastic stuff! Thomas Edison took 1000 attempts before he created the light bulb – imagine the world today if he gave up? Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Yes being smart, having money and being gifted are great, but it all comes falling down if you don’t have your mind in the right place.

Our Subconscious Controls The Hell Out Of Us We all are on auto drive most of the time. Even sitting here right now writing this, I’m not really thinking about what I’m putting consciously, I’m just letting the words flow out of me here and then I go back and edit later. I could write this very post many different ways, but this is how my subconscious is dictating to me to write it. These very words and opinions are coming from wherever I am at in my own path right now. When our subconscious is freaking out or if we are doing things for the wrong reasons, it comes out in our actions and the words we choose. If you are stressed for example, it will show in some way, even if you try to hide it. From an online business perspective, it comes out in our content – video, ads, blogs, pictures etc. This is because we are even drawn to certain subjects and biases subconsciously.

Women Seeking Wisdom

Why The Underdog Can Win And You Can Too! How Breakthroughs Change Everything When you have some form of breakthrough – one of those “Aha!” moments where something clicks – your words, attitude, perspective…. Everything… changes. Your message changes, your productivity changes, the people who are drawn to you change. It can be a subtle shift – but that can be all you need to start creating really big changes in your life. It could be one thing holding you back, or many things maybe. There is a team in my business community who just made multiple six figures… in a month (they’ve been mastering their skills for a while) and they showed us a graph of their income and you could see the monetary increase whenever they did work in their personal development – because they were able to let go of something or create a shift in their thinking. This then flowed into their actions which then created a shift in their business which then in turn could be seen in their profits. I’m telling you this because it is a really powerful and extreme example of how work being done inside of the minds of this team is being manifested physically in their business (You can learn more about them through our 7 Day Email Short Course which will show you how they and many others are Creating Freedom in their lives by owning an Online Business by clicking here). For some of us though it can be finally losing weight or starting a new but lasting relationship.

Women Seeking Wisdom

Why The Underdog Can Win And You Can Too! Bringing It Into Everyday Life People who have fantastic bodies don’t think like people who struggle to lose weight – that’s obvious. Okay so we all have our struggles, but in order to be successful in an area, you have to create a shift. Nothing changes if nothing changes! One of the best ways to create change is through self-reflection and reading. I personally find it hard to put a lot of things into words – especially the deeper feelings. Reading can really help you create that shift in perspective that you need in order to have that breakthrough. You really want to try to put what you read into action though too – that’s key. The trick is you have to keep trying new things and be open. The answer probably won’t present itself straight away, and honestly, personal development is a road not a destination. You will never be perfect – and so accepting and loving yourself right now exactly as you are is probably even more important than trying to change (yes I know this is a paradox, you’re just going to have to let it click).

Women Seeking Wisdom

Why The Underdog Can Win And You Can Too! Sooo…. I hope this bridges the gap for you why it is that even though many people can be given exactly the same opportunity – some succeed and some don’t. And if you haven’t had success yet that’s completely okay! So many billionaires out there have been bankrupt multiple times! They just don’t give up and learn from their mistakes. I want to encourage you to not give up, reflect on your own goals and really be honest with yourself about what might be stopping you. Start conversations with the people who know you best and ask their opinion. If you want to achieve success then resourcefulness is a must. And again, if you want more information about my Business Community and how people there are creating freedom in their lives with Online Businesses they love, then click here and start with our Free Email Short Course. As Always, Take Care. Kathryn. I’m a Blogger, Introvert, Old Soul, Chocolate Lover and a Mum from Australia. My day job is in Remedial Massage (I have dangerous elbows!) and I have spent my life having conversations about Personal Growth, Abundance and Altruism which has developed my love for helping others and living life to the fullest passionately! Women Seeking Wisdom

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