Create affiliate banners monetise your blog and passion

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Create Affiliate Banners Monetise Your Blog and Passion

Kathryn Marker

Create Affiliate Banners - Monetise Your Blog and Passion I get a lot of questions about starting your own blog and website so I wanted to answer them here. People like Gary Vaynerchuk are huge on hustling to create an online business based on your passions. Today I wanted to share with you one way you can massively monetise your blog and passion – Create Affiliate Banners.

Life Is Way To Shorty-Short! I’m always looking at the world and what’s going on and thinking “what can I do to help create change?” and I can see it begins really firstly by helping ourselves, and secondly Solving Problems. It’s why I’m hugely into Entrepreneurship especially as a means to use what you have been learning in personal development to become braver, more confident and productive (read about How Entrepreneurship Can Help You Find Fulfilment Here). And if you are going to start something you may as well do something you find irresistible! I didn’t know I was passionate about anything until I started applying myself honestly. And I wouldn’t be able to do it without the education and support from my coaches (learn about them here).

Create Affiliate Banners - Monetise Your Blog and Passion

Create Affiliate Banners - Monetise Your Blog and Passion How Do I Monetise My Passion? There are many different ways, but my favourite is Affiliate Marketing. Essentially you get a commission for other people’s digital products (or physical sometimes too). There are a lot of programs out there, but the key is to sell really high quality products to people who need them and have the money to spend. I love courses because firstly I know how much I have spent on them (and love them!) as well as you can get some that are quite high commissioned (learn more about high commission products here). The best way of course is to create your own courses, but when you are starting out that can be very tricky and a lot can go wrong. I do highly recommend you do it after you get the hang of affiliate marketing though. Just one bite at a time – because learning how to make a website and then drive traffic to it can take a bit – but once you have that down pat you can take it up a notch. And don’t worry if this sounds scary, I know heaps of people (in my community) who are either retired, techno-phobes or whatever and they are crushing it in this area!

Create Affiliate Banners - Monetise Your Blog and Passion

Create Affiliate Banners - Monetise Your Blog and Passion So How Do I Create Affiliate Banners? I’ve made a video for you here to watch. It’s really quite easy. I use Canva to make my banners and social media images (it’s free).

Sooo…. If you are interested in learning more about turning your passion into an online business, my coaches have a free training series you can access by clicking here. Take Care, Kathryn. I’m a Blogger, Introvert, Old Soul, Chocolate Lover and a Mum from Australia. My day job is in Remedial Massage (I have dangerous elbows!) and I have spent my life having conversations about Personal Growth, Abundance and Altruism which has developed my love for helping others and living life to the fullest passionately!

Create Affiliate Banners - Monetise Your Blog and Passion

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