An unexpected warm fuzzy bonus from starting to learn business marketing

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An Unexpected Warm Fuzzy Bonus From Starting To Learn Business Marketing

Kathryn Marker

An Unexpected Warm Fuzzy Bonus From Starting To Learn Business Marketing - My Passion When I first came into The Six Figure Mentors I was coming in because I wanted to have a back up income in case something ever happened to my job and what I have found has impacted me so much deeper and given me a way to really make a difference in other people’s lives. The way I have changed because of this process – what I realised this morning after I had dropped my daughter off at school – was a result of having goals and not giving up on them. Over the past year and a half I’ve been reading books, learning, persevering, connecting, being a part of conversations with people who are focused on the good. People who believe in me. It’s caused and incredible shift in my being that people outside of my close friends and family are now starting to see. It’s been amazing and I never expected it.

An Empowered Mindset Today I look at problems very differently. I mean, this didn’t just happen – I made this change over a long time. It’s an empowered mindset of “Okay, we have a problem. What am I going to do to resolve it?” and then being proactive about it. Actually it was harder to learn to be proactive than problem solving for me. I didn’t realise I was such a procrastinator!

I Came To Learn Business Marketing But I Learned I Could Help Change The World

An Unexpected Warm Fuzzy Bonus From Starting To Learn Business Marketing - My Passion

An Unexpected Warm Fuzzy Bonus From Starting To Learn Business Marketing - My Passion I hadn’t even heard of people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Simon Sinek o r even Eckhart Tolle, but now these people are major influences on my life. (Oh and I totally learned not to listen to Eckhart’s audiobook while driving – he is way too soothing haha). Below in my video I talk about how I started using Instagram to have more conversations with people and I started coming across some teenage girls who I knew I could make an impact with. I guess because my primary website is called “Women Seeking Wisdom” I can get away with it without seeming too creepy (haha) but it’s a small thing that can make a massive impact on a stranger’s life. And all of us have that power!

Using Goals To Create Growth I didn’t realise how lost I was until I experienced being found and fulfilled. I didn’t realise how alone I was until I was a part of a supportive community that gives with no expectation in return (I’m not joking about this – some very high earning members have taken time out to just help little ol’ me which is insane!). You can read all the personal development posts and books in the world but until you make a goal that you are hell bent on achieving – you probably will stay in your comfort zone and make no change. I want to encourage you, if you want to make a real change in your life – both on the inside and out – I have had the best experience with The Six Figure Mentors in ways I never expected. An Unexpected Warm Fuzzy Bonus From Starting To Learn Business Marketing - My Passion

An Unexpected Warm Fuzzy Bonus From Starting To Learn Business Marketing - My Passion You can meet their founders Stuart and Jay in their 7 Day Training Series that is sent to your email. To learn heaps more – check out this Mini Site by Clicking Here.

You only have one life precious, live it fully. Take Care, Kathryn. I’m a Blogger, Introvert, Old Soul, Chocolate Lover and a Mum from Australia. I passionately believe that ordinary people can and will change the world! I have spent my life having conversations about Personal Growth, Abundance and Altruism which has developed my love for helping others live their lives to the fullest passionately!

An Unexpected Warm Fuzzy Bonus From Starting To Learn Business Marketing - My Passion

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