Women Seeking Wisdom: The deepest desire of the modern advocate - self actualization

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The Deepest Desire Of The Modern Advocate – SelfActualization kathryns-blog.com /self-actualization/ Kathryn There are so many reasons people want to be great. There is so much greatness to be had in the modern world. How you define greatness is entirely up to you, but for some of us, whose passions of the heart are to truly change the wold, we have a yearning to make an impact on the lives of others. This isn’t because we want to achieve greatness and power in itself, to be famous or to make lots of money; it is solely for the reasons of conviction and purpose. For those of us who feel life’s purpose is to serve others, it can be confusing in our modern culture.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow originally suggested Self-Actualization as the ultimate achievement in human development. His ideas were that we were to satisfy the needs at the bottom before we are able to move onto the next level. Though that sounds simplified, people like Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa were considered self-actualized, though went through horrible times of poverty or imprisonment.

Starting With Knowing Yourself Trying to know yourself and who you are can be very tricky. Growing up, I had family, teachers, friends and influencers telling me what I should want and who I should be. It’s not until now, here, near my thirtieth birthday am I finally understanding who I am. That’s actually young for some people. Knowing who you are is a drawn out process, especially because you change as you grow, but it is worth it.

Credit: http://www.primermagazine.com/

This is a deeper knowledge than ‘who you want to be when you grow up’. It is an understanding – and acceptance – of your strengths, weaknesses, desires, values and so forth. You will see patterns in your life: emotional and physical. Chances are, that if this is you, then you have been drawn to personal growth and helping others in some way already. You might see this in your job, the books you read or your relationships.

Letting Go Of Modern Life As An Excuse I’ve been using this as an excuse for a long time, and it’s time we all let it go. Every generation has it’s challenges. Ours are very different to previous generations because of technology.


No longer do we have to fear immediate starvation, threat of being eaten by a bear or a lion, disease or having our village conquered by an invading army. I’m not saying that our hardships and problems are not valid, I’m simply stating that these are our challenges today. This change in perception – our problems are actually challenges – is more empowering than giving up or getting frustrated. Focus on challenging yourself to improve some things such as your: Busyness Feeling Of Lack Poor Self-Esteem Perfectionism Unhealthy Relationships I’m not saying it’s easy, Self-Actualization is a path not a destination, but it’s worth it. (click here for some more ideas)

Change The World By First Changing Yourself Be. Do. Have. This is an Eastern Philosophy that can be used in so many ways, but it starts with being the ideal person you want to be and then doing what your ideal self would do. Ultimately, after time, persistence and corrections, you would ultimately have what that person would have. Understand that being that new ideal you will come with new challenges and might not be what you expect. Tweak things, make changes, grow, learn, and get up and try again. Primer Magazine suggests that to find Self-Actualization you need to focus on: Finding Self-Love and Self-Acceptance Becoming Self Reliant Behaving With Integrity Keeping An Open Mind Always Finding Conviction In A Cause

Did You Know…? You aren’t meant to be perfect or have all of the answers. The more you learn, the more you realize how flawed you are and how you will never know everything… and that’s okay. Let go of trying to be everything, and focus on who you truly are.


Sooo… It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can still find meaning and fulfilment in your life. The key to happiness lies in relationships and living without regret. Know yourself, your values and what you want to achieve and be fearless in seeking that out. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted until I was given the time, resources and surrounded by like-minded community which opened my eyes to creating a life I truly feel fulfilled in. You can start tapping into your creativity, purpose and find abundance and fulfilment in your own life by creating an online business you love, with the help of people who have been there, done that, learnt and are now passionate about helping others. Click here and get a free 7 day video series sent to you from my mentors and learn how you can unleash your own creativity and create a business and lifestyle that allows you to escape a lot of the modern excuses (such as lack of time and money). Take Care, Kathryn. You can find me on Facebook Email me at: Kathryn@WomenSeekWisdom.com Check out my Home Page

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