Women Seeking Wisdom: the 5 most devastating lessons i learnt how they made me powerful

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The 5 Most Devastating Lessons I Learnt & How They Made Me Powerful kathryns-blog.com /lessons-made-me-powerful/ Kathryn Don’t you dare thank someone for putting you through hell. I learnt some very hard lessons, and it wasn’t the people who unleashed these things on me that I thank for who I turned into. No. I thank my friends, family for their support, and myself for having the willpower to rise above it all. A lot of these lessons came about because I believed some silly myths. It’s so important to be a good person, but you have to be real about the world. We don’t live in Utopia. I want to break some of these myths for you, and they were based on some really crappy myths I believed as a child. Hopefully get some insight into your own life. Let me share with you: The 5 Most Devastating Lessons I Learnt & How They Made Me Powerful . Keep your eye’s peeled, your heart guarded, and your mind strong.

Lesson 1. When You Give – Expect Nothing Back. And you shouldn’t expect anything back anyway, otherwise it’s not a true gift. But not everyone appreciates what you do. It could be because they are too busy to notice or they just genuinely don’t care about your effort. Either way, if you want some peace in your life, let a gift be a gift and expect nothing back. What I learnt is that if you let go of this idea of getting something back, it actually can be very liberating. When you let go, and give freely, it can create a happiness inside of you that doesn’t need the affirmations of others. It sort of “brings you to the next level” if you know what I mean.

Lesson 2. Don’t Just Look At The Good In People It sounds nice, but it’s not practical and you will get hurt and/or used eventually. Even Adolf Hitler had his good points, when he wasn’t slaughtering millions of innocent people. I hear he was excellent with animals. I have learnt that trying to pretend someone is good when they are not is just futile. You won’t help them in the long run. You can’t change them, not permanently anyway. True love (in a non-romantic sense) is accepting a person exactly as they are, with their flaws and all. If you are pretending someone is really a “Dark Knight”, but they are actually a “Joker” (Batman jokes) then you are going to end up with a lot of carnage.


Lesson 3. Trust Your Intuition They say that usually your first gut instinct or choice is usually the right one. As an avid over-thinker, I think they may be onto something. Think back to some of your biggest mistakes (you’re human so there are some I’m sure) and think about what your gut was telling you at the time. What I learnt is that the intuition is something that has to be developed. Poor self-esteem and over-analysing are just two things that can hold you back. We have an Intuition for a reason, so we should use it! Learning to tell the difference between your intuition vs your ego takes time and is a skill.

Lesson 4. Take Care Of Yourself This is MAJOR! If you are a healer, or a mother, or whatever, chances are you probably put other people before yourself too much, to the point you may be close to burn out. STOP IT. Yes some of it will be natural to you, and a part of your identity and you love caring for the ones you love, but there is nothing wrong with taking a timeout. If your body and mind fail while you are supporting all these people, then where will they be? I learnt that when the whole world comes crashing down, when the people you love are fighting their own battles, you have to be self-reliant and take care of you. This links back to Lesson 1, because if you spend your life giving to others, and no one gives back, then you are left with nothing. Give only what you have to give freely, then recharge. You are so important!

Lesson 5 – Invest In The Right People And this links back to Lesson 2. Having the RIGHT people in your life is a treasure you can’t buy with money. THE MOST POWERFUL LESSON I HAVE LEARNT was the compassion and love I got from those people who were around me during my greatest struggles. I was touched in a way by them that can’t be undone. The love and support I received when I was going through the most crushing time of my life was beyond anything I ever expected. You don’t have to have a large quantity of friends, but you should have a quality few. Love them and feed into them, because they are your tribe, and when s*** hits the fan, you need your people, and they need you.

Sooo… The thing that made these lessons so pivotal wasn’t the fact that they happened to me, it was HOW I CHOSE TO PERCEIVE THEM. My Mindset was the deciding factor, which in these situations, ultimately made me powerful and a better person.


Because I had these experiences, I am so driven now to be the best me possible and to have the very best life for myself, my partner and my daughter. I choose to strengthen my mind, surround myself with the right people and bring abundance into my life. I have been able to do this by creating an online business I love based around my passions, so that I can create a lifestyle I am in control of. Do what I want to do, live where I want, work when I want and most importantly, have the time to spend with the people I love. It’s your turn to start taking action. Start taking care of yourself, your desires, your needs and your passions. Unleash yourself! Click here to get your free 7 day video series explaining how you can start your own “Lifestyle By Design” with the people who are educating me. Take Care. You can find me on Facebook Email me at: Kathryn@WomenSeekWisdom.com Check out my Home Page


Digital Marketer and Entrepreneur


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