Women Seeking Wisdom: No wonder people want to live in a cabin in the woods

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No Wonder People Want to Live in a Cabin in The Woods! kathryns-blog.com /cabin-in-the-woods/ Kathryn I follow David Wolfe on Facebook and he has a lot of very serene pictures of people escaping the rat race to go live in isolation with nature. I must admit, with the crazy life I live and I know many other people do, it looks pretty darn good! So why isn’t my life good enough? Why am I so exhausted all of the time and unsatisfied? What is it about our lives that makes minimalist living in isolation look so enticing?

We feel Guilty Having high standards has changed the world for the better. Think about society 300 years ago. The dark ages sucked and child labor was not good. We have come a long way but there seems to be this weird thing that we always tell ourselves we aren’t good enough, we don’t have enough and we don’t work hard enough. If you are a parent it feels like it’s multiplied by ten! We feel guilty taking holidays or giving ourselves things or taking care of ourselves. It’s bizarre but I work as a Remedial Massage Therapist so I see clients struggle every day. What I do is medical so it’s a little different, but even having a facial or dying your hair just has such great mental benefits which flows into the rest of your life. Don’t feel guilty, you are good enough and you deserve to rest and treat yourself well.

We feel Overloaded and Burnt Out Credit: www.popsugar.com I know this isn’t just me. There is so much to do and I feel like I run around like a headless chicken from dusk to dawn some days. That’s another parent thing I’m sure, but I sat back and realised a few months ago how much unnecessary pressure I was putting onto myself to do meaningless things. Delegate what you can, train you children as best as you can do pitch in. Again don’t feel guilty, there is nothing more faithful than housework. If you don’t get it done today it will be waiting for you tomorrow. Delegate to technology what you can too. There are some awesome apps out there so google away! Ask yourself what you can cut out or scale down so your day is more manageable.

We feel Anxious Anxiety is on the rise and it’s an awful thing. Anxiety is really over worrying about the future. It’s good to be prepared but if it’s affecting your sleep, work or relationships it’s getting out of hand. Throwing in the towel and scaling down to


a tiny house in the middle of no where seems a good way to escape life’s problems but sadly I find problems always follow you. Spend some time mediating or doing mindfulness activities. If think you have Anxiety and it’s getting really bad, talk to your GP and maybe consult a Psychologist or Counsellor for some ideas about how you can manage it.

We are sick of Other’s People’s Attitudes and Our Own I don’t care for gossip or whining sorry. I mean there is complaining and doing something about it, there is having a vent, and there is just whining and not fixing things. I hate the later. What I realized it the more I was around whiny people the more I started doing it too. Negative attitudes suck us dry and are very unhealthy and unhelpful. It’s a hard thing to change because it can be deeply rooted in our subconscious, but try to be grateful with what you do have. Instagram and photo-a-day challenges are good for gratitude and a bit fun. It all starts there and it grows. There is always something to be grateful for, even if it feels half hearted.

Credit: addconsults.com

Soooo…. Modern life is a bit ridiculous, there is this fine line of being grateful for what you have and wanting more. It’s okay to want to do well at things and want more, but not at the expense of your own health. I hope these tips have helped, really at the end of it all it’s up to you to sit down and really reflect on your own life and see what changes you can make to make it easier for yourself. Life is meant to be lived not endured.

Another Solution That May Be For You I am definitely one of those people who wants the most out of life and to not look back and feel regret. At the beginning of the year I started my own journey to change my life and take back control. There are so many opportunities in our world, we just have to learn how to find the tools and use them. For me this starts with having the resources to be there for my family and enjoy life. I started an online business so that I can have that flexibility and ability to grow in a way that’s not going to burn me out. I do love learning and being around wonderful people so this has just worked so well for me and I really want to share that with you. It’s about being in charge of your life and running it not letting it run you. No one deserves this stressed out, full on, exhausting life that seems to be the norm these days.

Credit: www.criticalcactus.com

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Take Care. Digital Marketer and Entrepreneur You can find me on Facebook Email me at: Kathryn@WomenSeekWisdom.com Check out my Home Page


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