Women Seeking Wisdom Know who you are so you can start living a fulfilling life

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Know who you are so you can start living a fulfilling life kathryns-blog.com /know-who-you-are/ Kathryn

Know who you are so you can start living a fulfilling life I think we all want a fulfilling life but not all of us are willing to take the steps to actively seek it. What we as individuals define as fulfilling changes between each of us. You don’t have to be like Mother Theresa and go work in missionaries (unless that’s your thing), a fulfilling life might be for you raising a happy family, being good at your job and some form of community involvement. But the fact is, you won’t find fulfilment unless you start with looking at yourself and what you truly want.

You are going to grow and change I say this a lot because it’s true and sometimes we just need to be reminded of that. What you want now may change in the future and that’s okay. Once you achieve one goal you will naturally look for the next. This is why it’s important to enjoy the process and be happy now, because you will always have new goals. If you have a major life mission that’s fantastic! Not everyone does though and that’s okay. Remember to split your goals up into smaller chunks so they don’t freak you out. I want to help women use their uniqueness to create a business for themselves and so I’ve started step one as learning new skills and getting out there. I’m not sure where it’s going to lead me but I know I’m on the right path. Finding that first point that will start you off is perfect – because as I said, once you achieve that first goal you build on it and make a new one.

Don’t let other’s perceptions of you define you Other people will always see you through the lenses of their own eyes. You have the ability to surprise people – including yourself – so if someone says “oh you’re just not gifted in that way” don’t let that stop you, because how do they know really if you’ve never tried. If you are passionate about something you will be driven to learn more and develop skills, which is awesome because it’s a hell of a lot easier then trudging through something you are not so thrilled about. Take some time to have different experiences so that you can learn what you enjoy. You won’t know until you give it a go! Don’t let other people push their own fears and insecurities onto you! The modern world belongs to the bold. As Oscar While said, “Be yourself; everyone else is taken”

Write stuff down I’m sure you hear this a lot but it’s because it works. It’s important to be clear about who you are and what you want.


A diary is the best way but don’t just record about what happened today. Look back on your life and see what themes pop up a lot. It’s important to know what your values are particularly as they are more unchanging than your skills and even personality. What you value can be part of defining your desires in life and what you fell your purpose may be. Take time to write these down and keep changing your list as you think of things. Different environments will bring out different parts of you too so when you are discovering who you are don’t forget to take that into account. Maybe you are only shy in certain situations? Maybe it’s not shyness but a lack of confidence?

Self-Actualization Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs which you can see here. Credit: http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html At the top is self-actualization and the idea is that all of the lower needs must be met before you can achieve this. He also says that these needs won’t be met 100% of the time too. My first thought was “well okay then only rich people can achieve selfactualization” which isn’t true. It’s simply that the individual feels a peace and is confident that those needs are met. Some examples of people who have reached self-actualization include Mother Theresa, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela (even while he was in prison apparently he didn’t lose his peace). I’m certainly trying to move in that direction but I guess I wanted to point out that this can be different for everyone. I would even add Oprah possibly to a list of people who have reached self-actualization.

Sooo… Understanding who you are, what your needs are and your goals are important to finding fulfilment in life. Spend some time meditating on things and writing them down over time. Remember that who you are will change as you grow and learn. Be clear of your values and honest with yourself in what you truly want. I thought I wanted a simple life, something easy and all about me, but I know that I would look back with regret. Loving my family and friends are so important to me but I want to leave a stamp on this world too. I want to look back on life and know that I lived in my way with no regrets. I’m not a traveller or an adrenaline junky, which is great because then I can decide what I define as adventure.


I want abundance in my life in time and money so that I have the power to give back to the world. And I truly mean that from the depth of my soul. I know that if I don’t take care of myself I am useless to other people and I want to encourage you to remember the same. Let me show you my first step in finding fulfilment in creating a business that I love. Click here and you can receive the same 7 day video series that I got started with, because to me, it’s about having the resources to be able to participate in this world, rather than just wasting every day running around like a headless chicken doing the same mundane things and wasting my life away. Check it out. Take Care. Digital Marketer and Entrepreneur You can find me on Facebook Email me at: Kathryn@WomenSeekWisdom.com Learn about The Six Figure Mentors Check out my Home Page

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