9 ways you can get more time in your day

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9 Ways You Can Get More Time In Your Day digitalbloggers.com /home-and-family/get-more-time-in-your-day Sep 25, 2016 9 views Written by Kathryn Marker

Author Kathryn Marker

Articles written: 1 Joined: 24 September 2016 Niche: Health and Fitness Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

It never feels like there are enough hours in the day. As a mother I can run around like a headless chicken nutter. Trying to get all of my chores done, work, be super mum and all that stuff modern life seems to demand. I have learnt some things about time management to make my life less hectic, and some of them seem obvious, and yet we don’t seem to actually do it. Life is evolving and we need to evolve with it.


Before I Start… One thing you need to consider is “How much is my time worth”? Are you better off getting someone else to do something? This is how entrepreneurs think actually, but it can be used in life in general. Let me give you an example and I’ll use business outsourcing to try to make the picture clear (though this applies to your whole life). So you have learnt how to master all sorts of skills and you own a business. It would make your business more money if you spend your time doing the more complicated tasks, and then pay someone else to do the easier things (such as basic design, daily upkeep etc). A parenting example would be picking up toys after your kids when you could be spending time cooking dinner maybe? Get them to do it (outsource). That’s basic, but I wanted you to have that concept before we started, because it’s a life altering perception change that is important in our modern world. What are your time and skills worth? So here we go, let’s get some more time in your day!

1. Get the kids to do it Yeah I told you some of these seem obvious. How many parents do you know are running around needlessly for their precious angels? A lot, including me. They can do more than you think from an early age, and teaching responsibility is good parenting. Prepare your children for the real world, and give yourself some sanity in the meantime. Yes this will make things worse before they get better, but it’s a battle of wills, and if you conquer it, you won’t know your life! Share the workload and then you will have more quality time with your children.

2. Set Up Direct Debits You should definitely check these regularly, money is important. But how much can you automate? It’s about shaving things here and there and setting up an auto pilot so you can spend less time doing mundane jobs and more time doing the things you value. Having some bills paid in advance will give you less to stress about too, which can be nasty surprises. That being said, keep a regular check of your finances to make sure you are always on track.

3. Get Your Groceries Delivered It comes down to time vs money. Would the time you spend shopping be better spent being productive somewhere else? And it doesn’t cost as much as you think, the alternative is you can get the store to have your order ready for you to pick up when you get there.

4. Get A Cleaner/Lawn Mowing Service This comes from the above perception; here we are trading time for money. If you don’t have money unfortunately you have to invest time, or get creative. The point isn’t to get someone to do tasks for you so you can do nothing, it’s so that you can spend that time doing more important things. Sometimes it’s worth the money if you can do it just for your sanity’s sake.


5. Air Tasker I haven’t used it yet but Air Tasker is growing momentum. We have it here in Australia but I don’t about the rest of the world yet. The concept is like Uber and AirBNB, you pay someone to do little jobs for you like a handyman or get someone to walk your dog etc. I think it’s a great idea!

6. Fiverr or a Virtual Assistant Fiverr is on the same lines as Air Tasker, but it’s for little digital products. I own an online business and I have paid people on there $5USD for simple things like banners. I couldn’t for the life of me work out what Facebook Groups to join so I paid someone and they found me 22 for $5 (I only asked for 10 haha). Virtual Assistants are growing as well. You can pay someone from anywhere in the world to do your book keeping or anything. They all have their specialties. If you are a business owner this will save you big dollars.

7. Prepare Your Meals In Bulk Another obvious one but not only does this save money, it just makes your life easier as a whole, especially if you are trying to be healthy. It takes trial and error, different recipes keep better in the freezer, but it’s just a thing about life. I use to spend a lot of time cutting up vegetables every night, now I buy those frozen stir fry mixes, nuke them in the microwave a little and make a stir fry with some garlic and coconut oil. It brings out the flavour better, I’m not spending ages cutting and I don’t have the same wastage as I was getting before with fresh veggies.

8. Automate Your Home The future really is here now. Companies that specialize in home automation are working to make this an affordable reality for the average person. I’ll refer to Life Hacker here, but some things they say can be automated include: ·

Automate your lights to turn on and off on a schedule, remotely, or when certain conditions are triggered.


Set your air conditioner to keep the house temperate when you're home and save energy while you're away.


Open your blinds during the day and shut them at night (or when it's particularly hot).


Feed your pets on a schedule and with pre-determined amounts of food.


Open your garage door with voice commands.


Set your coffee maker to have a fresh pot ready as soon as you wake up.

9. Learn New Skills To Create A Passive Income This is what I’m doing right now with my online business. You can spend more time with your family, doing the things you love in life rather than trading time for money. It’s because the internet makes it possible to sell to anyone in the world. It takes a bit to set up, but once you are up and running and know what you are doing, you will have a lot more time. Because of the internet and automation, you only need to invest a few hours a day as opposed to your day job, and it’s nearly a passive income. You can learn more by clicking here . It’s a means to an end either way.


Sooo… Yes I know a lot of those involved paying someone else to do things. It also involved things getting worse before they get better, but that’s kinda life. If you want something good you have to invest in it, or get creative and make some swap deals with other experts. And don’t forget, investing in yourself is important too. If you are on the point of burn out, then you need to start allocating tasks to other people, outsourcing, cutting back and looking at things. Investing in yourself may be more down time. This makes you more productive and happier anyways. So have a think about if you need a shift in perception. Take Care. Kathryn.


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