1 minute read

Year 5 and 6: Art - Pottery

Throw and air-dry bowl and make a name plaque

Key details

• Date:Weds 12th March

Date: Friday 25th November

• Venue: St Luke’s Campus • Tutor: Lacey Evans

Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm

Venue: St Luke’s Campus

Cost: £40 (additional cost due to materials)

Course description

Tutor: Jilly Russell

Associate Lecturer in English at Plymouth University and a University Mentor supporting trainee teachers.

What to bring

• Packed lunch, morning snack and water bottle

• Pencil case

• School uniform not required (weatherappropriate clothing and sensible shoes)

• Separate apron / old shirt & waterproof bag to take them home in

In this workshop we’ll be focusing on basic throwing skills on the wheel. There will be a group demonstration and then an opportunity during the day to make a bowl with one-toone guidance. These are ancient skills and we’ll be inspired by both traditional and modern vessels. Whilst the wheel is being used by other students, air-dry clay will be available for making your own name or Easter-themed plaque.

Specialist Medical Needs, Primary and Secondary Science Teacher at Torlands Academy. Owner of Vessel Ceramics Studio Moretonhampstead: VESSEL Ceramics (vessel-ceramics.co.uk)

Children will be able to experiment with making impressions in the clay using foliage, Lego bricks, buttons, stampers etc. Children are welcome to bring in unusual, textured objects from home should they wish to incorporate these patterns into their work.

We’ll practise using a variety of tools and clayjoining techniques for hand- building.

Creations from the day can be taken home to dry, paint & be sealed with PVA glue. N.B.They will not be watertight or food-safe and should not be used with a naked flame.

• Container or box (25 x 25 x 25cm minimum) to transport damp/delicate work home in.

• Objects for making impressions the clay (optional)

Who is this course suitable for?

Course Ref: PEP/spr07

Budding potters, who don’t mind getting their hands dirty, are very welcome to attend this quiet, group workshop.