1 minute read

Year 5 and 6: Art

Amazing Animals in Art

Key details

• Date:Weds 12th March

Date: Thursday 9th March

What to bring

• Packed lunch and morning snack

• Water bottle

Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm

Venue: St Luke’s Campus

• Venue: St Luke’s Campus • Tutor: Lacey Evans Associate Lecturer in English at Plymouth University and a University Mentor supporting trainee teachers.

Cost: £35

Tutor: Jenny Perry

Course description

Jenny is a specialist teacher of Primary Art and History. She is a Creative Education Researcher and University of Exeter PGCE Tutor. Her areas of interest are Art, History, Book making, Archaeology and Palaeontology.

• Everyday pencil case

• School uniform not required (weather-appropriate clothing and sensible shoes)

From cave paintings to the present time, artists have been inspired to draw, paint and make sculptures of animals. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to make a sketchbook to build on your animal drawing skills through working from 3D models and photographs. You will look at examples of work by renowned animal artists such as George Stubbs, Albrecht Durer, Henri Rousseau and Franz Mark and use these as inspiration to make your own animal picture using your own choice of

At the end of the day, in addition to this picture, you will be able to take your sketchbook home and continue using it in your own time to get even better at drawing animals!

• If you would enjoy sharing your own animal artwork, you are welcome to bring these with you.We would love to see them!You are also welcome to bring any animal books or photographs of pets, by way of inspiration.

Who is this course suitable for?

This course is designed for children who enjoy art and would like to develop their skills and knowledge in creating pictures of animals though drawing and painting.

Course Ref: PEP/spr13