1 minute read

Year 5 and 6: Science

Forensic Science

Key details

• Date:Weds 12th March

Date: Monday 6th March

• Venue: St Luke’s Campus • Tutor: Lacey Evans

Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm

Venue: St Luke’s Campus

Cost: £35

Tutor: Sue Godfrey

Associate Lecturer in English at Plymouth University and a University Mentor supporting trainee teachers.

What to bring

• Packed lunch and morning snack

• Water bottle

• Everyday pencil case

• School uniform not required (weather-appropriate clothing and sensible shoes)

Course description

Sue is an associate lecturer at the University of Exeter, and former Secondary Science teacher

Someone has broken into Mrs. Bond’s house and has stolen her precious diamond brooch. The police arrive and evidence is passed on to the Forensic Scientists – this is you today! Have fun learning some forensic techniques and help solve the crime!

This is essentially a problem solving activity and involves practical investigations for the children with some demonstrations also.There will be opportunities for discussion on the validity of evidence.

Children will learn what it is to work in a modern laboratory and there will be full supervision at all times.They will be encouraged to follow scientific methods and use critical thinking.

• A laboratory coat will be supplied. Please ensure long hair is tied back.

Who is this course suitable for?

This course is designed for children with a keen interest in science and problem solving. An average reading age ofYear 5 or above is recommended.

Course Ref: PEP/spr09