Tampa Bay Wellness Sept11

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Volume XXVi • Issue 9 SEPTEMBER, 2011

Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate

Also In This Issue:

Middle-Age Belly Bulge www.tampabaywellness.com

Addictions & Compulsions

Feng Shui For the Mind

Meditation & Strength Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 1

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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 3

4 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness


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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 5

Tampa Bay Wellness |September 2 011

ingredients add a pinch


12 deep wisdom - By gregg braden FEATURES

From Mike Dooley's

Notes from the Universe



P u b l is h e d

S i n c e

1 9 8 6


avoid middle-age belly bulge

By Paula owens


addictions, compulsions & obsessions

By sharon kistler, cjlc


feng shui for the mind

By marty stanley



By Natabara rollosson


27551 Cashford Circle, #102, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 (813) 991-0323 • www.tampabaywellness.com

Pick up a FREE copy every month at one of these fine locations.

Publisher Keith Matter/Brainmatter, LLC keith@tampabaywellness.com Graphic Artist Phil Ransdell phil@tampabaywellness.com Account Manager Richard Olmstead richard@tampabaywellness.com

Find us throughout the bay area, from St. Pete Beach to North Tampa 20,000+ Strong! Cover Photo By: Kapera Photography

For advertising information Send email to: info@tampabaywellness.com

or call 813-991-0323 6 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness



Departments 7 Wellness news

21 yoga pose

18 Naturally Speaking

26 calendar

with Heather Van Nest 10 News Anchor

30 the well

© 2011 by Tampa Bay Wellness. All rights reserved. Tampa Bay Wellness is published monthly by Brainmatter, LLC. It is distributed free thoughout Pinellas, Hillsborough and southern Pasco counties, as well as select Publix stores and 100’s of other locations. The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The publisher does not advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to matters relating to their health other than to suggest that readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.


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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 7


ana forrest

FIERCE MEDICINE Weekend Benefit for the Exalted Warrior Foundation ASSISTED BY CHERYL DEER NOVEMBER 5-6 | 9:30AM-12PM | $40 EACH | $75 BOTH


n her new book, “Fierce Medicine,” Ana distills and shares wisdom from her own life experiences, making complex ideas practical and easily applied. From “stalking fear” to “walking free of pain” and learning the art of “truth speaking,” Ana offers simple practices and poses to “bring aliveness to every cell of the body and foster a connection to Spirit.” Both workshops will be followed by a reading from Ana’s new book “Fierce Medicine” and a book signing. Celebrate Your Practice - Saturday | 9:30am-12pm. Rekindle the fires of passion and pleasure with Forrest Yoga. Learn to reconnect to your energy, while you delight in your strength. Bring healing and inspiration into your personal practice. This Forrest Yoga workshop helps you cultivate and embrace a sense of compassion. You will also learn to make your practice exhilarating and delicious. Please bring an extra mat or large towel. Revitalize Your Health and Well-Bring Sunday | 9:30am-12pm. Experience the

8 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness

re-birth of our bodies that will lead to the rejuvenation of spirit. The sedentary and frenetic pace of modern living exacerbates our stress levels and transforms our bodies into stiff, inflexible, often over-weight and generally un-healthy vessels. The body can harbor the lasting effects of negative emotions like pain, sorrow, anger, fear and loss all within its cell tissue. In this workshop we will focus on cleansing our selves with asana and breath. Learning to walk with grace into a life of greater flexibility, fitness and joy! Washing away tension and clearing internal blockages! Revitalize and rejoice! Please bring an extra mat or large towel. Ana Forrest is an internationally renowned pioneer in yoga and healing. She challenges her students to access their whole being and to use Forrest Yoga as a path to finding and then clearing the emotional and mental blocks that dictate and limit their lives. With Ana’s meticulous guidance, students cultivate an acute awareness of their own practice and life process, creating a unique and powerful opportunity for the student to make practical life decisions based on their own experiences. ●


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Oatmeal is not just for eating Natural ingredients, untouched by processing or chemical aDditives, can create excellent beauty treatments

What's good for your insides also can benefit the wrapper - that is, your skin. Natural ingredients, untouched by processing or chemical additives, can create excellent beauty treatments as well as save you money. For instance, the creamy oatmeal that gives your tummy a soothing start on the day can give your skin some much-needed tender loving care. Whether your skin is normal, oily or acne-prone, try an oatmeal-based facial mask customized for your skin type. These masks help absorb excess oil and dirt from the skin's surface. As the mask tightens, circulation is stimulated. The result? A smooth, even surface that reflects light more fully for fresher-looking skin. For the mask base, you'll need a special form of the grain called colloidal oatmeal. The finely-ground, powdery product is www.tampabaywellness.com

available in the bath section of major drugstores. Or, you can make your own by putting a cup or so of uncooked oats into your food processor or blender. Start with a base of one tablespoon of ground oatmeal. For normal skin, add two tablespoons of distilled water and one tablespoon of powdered milk. For oily skin, mix in two tablespoons of skim milk. Acne-prone skin could benefit from adding one tablespoon of distilled water and a half tablespoon of calamine lotion. Mix all ingredients into a paste and spread gently on your cleansed face with fingers or a soft cosmetic brush. Take care to avoid stretching your skin. Leave the mask on your face for approximately 20 minutes. Remove by splashing your face with room temperature water. Pat, do not rub, your face dry. â—?

Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 9

What's Best? Soy milk, Cow's Milk, Raw Milk or Fermented Milk (kefir) Health Ranger Mike's Milk Matrix

Here's the low down on milk products and milk alternatives as I see it: Soy milk: Not recommended. Too many GMO soybeans, bad environmental impact and some possible undesirable estrogen effects. The isoflavones are good for preventing cancer, however.

Processed cow's milk: It's just gross. Homogenized, pasteurized, milked from unhealthy cows and containing alarmingly high levels of pus, this liquid is nothing less than frightening. Flee it.

Raw cow's milk (organic): This is an acceptable dairy beverage. If it's from healthy cows treated with kindness and good nutrition, this raw beverage is far better than processed cow's milk.

RAw goat's milk (organic): Even

better than raw cow's milk, since the goat's milk is easier to digest and more compatible with human nutritional needs.

Fermented milk from cows or goats (organic Kefir): A great choice! It's alive, nutritious and great for digestive health. Make it yourself for best results. If you buy it, avoid the sugared-up kefir products in the store. Raw almond milk: A top choice for vegans, one of my favorite beverages. Make it yourself with raw almonds, water a nut milk bag and a blender. ● Learn more: http://www.naturalnews. com/021986_dairy_products_cows_milk. html#ixzz1VD2ogsKm

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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 11

Deep Wisdom


The Marriage of Science and Spirituality


Extreme Poverty ge est r n U l Water Shortages Politica Energy Deman s e g a t r d o h S Food New Diseases

e Chan

An Interview by Lisa Wilson


uring the last years of the Cold War, I had a front row seat as a senior systems designer in the defense industry to one of the most frightening times in the history of the world, and the thinking that led to it. During the 44 years of the most potentially lethal, yet undeclared, war in human history, the super powers of the United States and the former Soviet Union did something that seems unthinkable to any rationally minded person today. They spent the time, energy, and human resources to develop and stockpile somewhere in the neighborhood of 65,000 nuclear weapons— a combined arsenal with the power to microwave the Earth, and everything on it, many times over. There is a common thread that links the rationale that led to the cold war and many of the crises that face us today. They all stem from a way of thinking that has dominated much of the modern world since the beginning of the scientific era about 300 years ago. They’re based in the false scientific assumptions that suggest we’re somehow separate from the Earth, separate from one another, and that the nature that gives us life is based upon violent competition and survival of the strongest. Fortunately, new discoveries have revealed that each of these assumptions is absolutely false. Unfortunately, however, there is a reluctance to reflect such new discoveries in mainstream science, mainstream media, traditional classrooms and conventional textbooks. In other

12 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness


Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate words, we’re still teaching our young people the false assumptions of an obsolete way of thinking based in struggle, competition, and war. So while we no longer face the nuclear threat that we did in the 1980s, the thinking that made the wars and suffering of the 20th Century and the crises of the 21st Century possible is still in place. This fact is vital to us all right now for one simple reason: The best minds of today tell us clearly that we’re facing the greatest number and magnitude of crises in recorded history, and that if left unresolved, each crisis threatens our very existence! OUR CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER The journal Scientific American released a special edition (vol. 293, no. 3, September 2005) to inform the world of the critical situation we find ourselves in today. The title, Crossroads for Planet Earth, says it all. The way we solve the simultaneous crises that include: • Our response to climate change • The unsustainable and growing levels of extreme poverty • The emergence of new diseases • The growing shortages of food and fresh drinking water • The growing chasm between extreme wealth and extreme poverty www.tampabaywellness.com

• The unsustainable demand for energy will chart the greatest destiny, or seal the darkest fate, of our global family that is estimated to reach a staggering 8 billion people by 2025. For the first time in human history the future of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation—us—and the choices are being made within a small window of time—now.

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The key is that the way we address the crises of our time is based in the way we think of ourselves and the world. Maybe it’s no coincidence that today, after three centuries of using the scientific method to answer the most basic questions about ourselves, the world has found itself facing the greatest crises of war, suffering, and disease in recorded history! Our old ways of thinking— which include believing in the need for competition, our separation from nature, and the Darwinian tenet “let the strongest live and the weakest die” have brought us to the brink of disaster. Clearly, the thinking that led to the war and suffering of the 20th century, including the Cold War, is not the thinking that we want the delicate choices of our survival based upon! THE QUESTION… Continued on next page Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 13

D E E P W I S D O M How can we possibly know what to choose— what policies to create, what laws to pass, or how to build sustainable economies and bridge the issues that are tearing at the fabric of our relationships and society—until we’ve answered the single question that lies at the very core of our existence. The question is simply this:

Who are we? As individuals, as families, as nations, and as a combined human civilization, our answer to this deceptively simple question creates the lens through which we see ourselves, our world, and make the choices of our lives, our future, and our survival. When we embrace the discoveries of modern science—the truths of our past on Earth, our planet’s cycles of change, and the role these play in our lives—then we’ll understand what we’re really up against, what our options are, and what choices are available.

THE HOPE In recent years, an explosion of new discoveries throughout the sciences has left little doubt that many long-standing views about life, our world, and our bodies have to change. The reason is simple: The ideas are wrong. In light of the new evidence regarding near–ice age civilizations, the false assumptions of human evolution, the origin and role of war in our past, and the undue emphasis on competition in our lives today, we must rethink the most basic scientific beliefs that lie at the core of the decisions we make and the way we live. This is where the new deep truths of science come in.

DEEP TRUTHS During a conversation with Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize–winning physicist Niels Bohr once shared his insight into our deep and mysterious relationship regarding what we think of as “truth.” In clear and eloquent terms he stated “It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth.”18 In other words it’s what

Bohr called the “negation” of old scientific assumptions (meaning discoveries that it no longer make sense in the presence of new evidence) that makes the opposite of those assumptions a deep truth. And this is where the news of recent scientific discoveries becomes a proverbial doubleedged sword. The good news is that the new information gives us an updated and presumably more correct way of thinking about things. The downside is that entire paradigms have already been built upon the false assumptions. Everything from the curricula approved by school boards and taught in our classrooms; to the careers of teachers, authors, and academics whose lives have been devoted to teaching the paradigm—along with the political decisions and policies that have been made into law in the highest courts of the land—is based upon what is accepted as “true” in our culture. We may well discover that our beliefs about global warming, the role of competition in global economies, when we choose to save a life, when we choose to take a life and the reasons for war,



813-991-0323 14 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness


D E E P TRUTHS for example, fall precisely into this category of deep truth.

through an evolutionary process over a long period of time.

As we face the greatest number and magnitude of crises in recorded history, the facts revealed by six areas of discovery radically change the way we’ve been led to think about our world and ourselves in the past. They include:

Deep Truth 5:

Deep Truth 1: Our ability to defuse the crises threatening our lives and our world hinges upon our willingness to accept what science is revealing about our origins and history.

Deep Truth 2: The reluctance of mainstream educational systems to reflect new discoveries, and explore new theories, keeps us stuck in obsolete beliefs that fail to address the greatest crises of human history.

Deep Truth 3: New discoveries of advanced civilizations dating to near the end of the last ice age provide insights into solving the crises in our time, that our ancestors also faced in theirs.

Deep Truth 4: A growing body of scientific data from multiple disciplines, gathered using new technology, provides evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that humankind reflects a design put into place at once, rather than a life-form emerging randomly

More than 400 peer-reviewed studies have concluded that violent competition and war directly contradict our deepest instincts of cooperation and nurturing. In other words, at the core of our truest nature we simply are not “wired” for war!

Deep Truth 6: The key to addressing the crises threatening our survival lies in building partnerships based upon mutual aid and cooperation to adapt to the changes, rather than in pointing fingers and assigning blame, which makes such vital alliances difficult. The best science of our time, when it is married to the wisdom of our past, confirms that we still have the ways and means to shift our time of crises into a time of emergence. We can create a new world based upon actionable and sustainable principles based in the core understanding of our deepest truths. The key is simply this: the better we know ourselves, the clearer the choices in our lives become. No one knows for certain what the future holds. But no matter which challenges await us or which choices we’ll be faced with, one thing is absolutely certain: Knowing who we are and understanding our relationship to one another, as well as to the world beyond, gives us the evolutionary edge to tip the scales of life and balance in our favor. And it all begins with our awareness of the deepest truths of our existence, and how we rely on those truths each day for every choice in our lives. ●

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Gregg Braden is a New York Times best-selling author, a former Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Aerospace, former Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum, and the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems. His book, Deep Truth, releases October 2011. For over 25 years he has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to bridge their life-giving secrets with the best science of today. His work has led to the cutting edge books such as The Divine Matrix, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Fractal Time, and Deep Truth. Gregg’s work is now published in 17 languages and 33 countries and shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past. Website: www.greggbraden.com

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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 15

Avoid the Middle-Age

By Paula Owens


re you someone that counts and monitors every calorie in an attempt to lose weight? Do you avoid fat for fear of getting fatter? I’m here to enlighten you….that thought process is archaic and does not work especially if your goal is weight loss. In reality, who can live like that, and enjoy life. Are you someone that blames ‘getting older’ as the cause of your increased belly fat? Although hormones shift as we age and encourage weight gain, you can boost your metabolism and balance your hormones naturally through diet, the right type of exercise and lifestyle modifications. A new study published in the June 23, 2011 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that certain foods and lifestyle behaviors are what lead to the middle-age belly bulge. This 4 year study involved 120,877 well-educated men and women who were healthy and not obese at the start of the study. On average, the participants gained one lb. every year, however some gained much more, ~4 pounds in one year, while a few managed to stay the same or even lose weight. According to the study, the factors that influenced weight gain or weight loss include: • Increase physical activity. People who increased their physical activity gained less weight than non-exercisers. However, if you are fairly active and fail to pay attention to your diet, you will still gain weight! Bottom line, even if you exercise, you cannot ignore your diet and continue to eat or drink whatever you want and expect to lose weight! Finally in the research, what I’ve been teaching for the last 20+ years: for the best fat loss results interval and resistance training are the winners for fat loss versus endless hours of aerobic exercise. • Highly processed foods do not satisfy hunger. Eating refined, processed crap actually increases your appetite which equals added pounds, elevated blood sugars and a nice spare tire or muffin top. If health is your priority and you want to lose weight, eat more of these foods. • Get your sleep! People who slept <6 hours a night or >8 hours gain the most weight. • Limit television time. Increased TV-watching led to an average weight gain of one-third of a pound for every hour of TV watching per day. 16 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness


• Monitor your food choices. It’s no surprise that these foods were linked to the most weight gain: French fries (>3 lb) processed meats (0.93 lb) potato chips (1.7 lb) sweets and desserts (0.41 lb) potatoes (1.28 lb) refined grains (0.39 lb) sugar-sweetened beverages (1lb) other fried foods (0.32 lb) unprocessed red meat (0.95 lb) 100-percent fruit juice (0.31 lb) • Include more vegetables, leafy greens, fruits and nuts. The participants who lost the most weight consumed at least 3 servings of dark leafy greens or vegetables every day. • Contrary to conventional advice and what most people believe, eating fat does not make you fat. Weight loss was greatest among people who ate more healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocado, wild salmon and olive oil). • Limit alcohol intake. Just one drink a day caused .41 lb. increase in weight. No significant effect was found among those who had one glass of wine a day, but increases in other forms of alcohol packed on the pounds.

that it’s O.K. to eat everything in moderation is just an excuse to eat whatever you want.” I love how this study shows that small changes applied for diet and nutrition, healthy lifestyle modifications and exercise will result in profound changes in body weight. It’s the same concept I wrote about in my book, The Power of 4; implement two healthy changes each week, and every week thereafter you add two more healthy habits. This is something anyone can do if they really want to avoid or reverse disease, lose weight, and look and feel their best ever! The time is now to take control and responsibility for your choices. Resolve to Make Health a Priority in your Life. ●

Paula Owens is the author of THE POWER OF 4. She is a nutritionist, fitness expert and weight loss coach with over 20 years of experience known for helping people attain results faster. She holds a Masters degree in Holistic Nutrition, a Bachelors degree in Kinesiology and numerous professional health and fitness certifications. She is the creator of “21 Days to a Leaner, Healthier You,” an online weight loss and exercise program. Visit Paula at www. PaulaOwens.com

Sources: Mozaffarian D., Hao T., Rimm E.B., Willett W.C., Hu F.B. N Engl J Med 2011; 364:2392 - 2404

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Researchers found that the kinds of foods people ate had a larger effect overall than changes in physical activity. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health and lead author of the study, said in an interview, “This study shows that conventional wisdom –- to eat everything in moderation, eat fewer calories and avoid fatty foods --- IS NOT the best approach. And, what you eat makes quite a difference. Just counting calories won’t matter much unless you look at the kinds of calories you’re eating. The notion

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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 17

In all honesty, I didn't put any pressure on myself. If I could find a fast and easy system that would work, we would make our baby food from scratch, otherwise, I would buy jars of organic baby food--guilt free!
Moms have enough to worry about! I am happy to say making baby food from scratch is much easier than I expected!

Heather's Fresh and Fast Baby Food From Scratch!

What surprised me the most is how easily she eats swiss chard with sweet potato and millet, lentil beans with millet, peas and a pinch of banana even oatmeal with egg yolk and blueberries! 
We started with one food at a time... first millet (soaked overnight to soften it) next, she tried steamed sweet potato and then mashed butternut squash. I crossed my fingers every time she ate a new vegetable, hoping it would go down the hatch so she would develop a taste for real food.

Here are the 5 things that helped me make this happen:

 1.) The book, Super Baby Food is my saving grace!
A friend of mine (with 3 vegetable eating boys) gave me this book: Super Baby Food--the Bible of natural health baby food books was written by a true saint! A working mother of twins!

 Naturally Healthy First Foods for Baby is a smaller book for someone who wants to try a few recipes. 
2.) Stainless steel immersion blender
It takes 30 seconds to puree just about anything. I don't have to worry about any plastic parts coming into contact with hot food.


can admit, I may have waited a little TOO LONG before feeding my daughter real food.
You know that moment, right after your baby takes a first bite, when you expect her to spit it out and scrunch her nose? That never happened!
Not only did Kingsley gobble it up, but, at almost 8 months old, she looked at me as if to say, "It's about time!" I know, I know... everyone told me we should have started feeding her rice cereal around 6 months. Yes, there were a lot of jokes made at my expense... "She's going to be 15 years old and still drinking milk" on and on and on... I heard them all.

18 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness

I waited almost two months longer, mainly because nursing was convenient and to be honest, I needed more time to figure out if I really had extra time to make my own baby food!
I wanted to make my own food because jarred food tastes too sweet to me, plus I have to believe if she likes steamed vegetables early on, I'll have a good shot of getting her to eat them later in life.

I added an extra challenge for good measure--I didn't want to use plastic steamers or the microwave to prep her food. I've replaced all of my plastic storage containers with glass and I rarely use the microwave. I find a pot on the stove only takes a matter of minutes to heat leftovers.

*Some plastics are coming under fire for being endocrine disruptors because they mimic estrogen.
While other countries have banned controversial plastics in baby products, lobbyists in this country maintain these controversial plastics are safe and there is no need to ban them here.
Several manufacturers have decided to remove these controversial chemicals and create Bisphenol A or BPA-free options, but there is something to be said for using old school methods that have stood the test of time, including stainless steel and glass.

 3.) Stainless steel steamer pot
Make sure it's not tin or aluminum. 4.) Glass storage containers (Costco Wholesale Club has a great variety pack!) 5.) Infant fish oil and multi-vitamin drops you can sneak into food
Make sure you buy pharmaceutical grade fish oil that is tested by a third party. I like Dr.


Sears multi-vitamin because it's not loaded with sugar or artificial ingredients. I make separate containers of grains (millet) vegetables (steamed sweet potato) plant protein (lentil beans) and hard boiled eggs (yolk only) every 3 days. I mix and match dozens of combinations to make baby food in 10 minutes or less. -------------------RECIPE: Millet, Sweet Potato and Swiss Chard 1 cup of cooked millet (rinse and soak overnight to soften) 1 cup of cooked sweet potato 1/4 cup of steamed swiss chard Combine ingredients and puree with 1 tablespoon of breast milk or formula until smooth. I add cooked egg yolk (no whites) or a spoonful of cooked beans if I have them.

RECIPE: Oatmeal, Sweet Potato and Apple 1 cup of cooked oats (I use whole grain steel cut oats) 1 cup cooked apple 1/2 cup cooked sweet potato Combine all ingredients and puree *Make only for breakfast or lunch. Apples are acidic and can contribute to diaper rash.

Heather Van Nest is a community leader, Co-Anchor on 10-News and an avid health enthusiast Heather brings a wealth of knowledge and resources to our magazine, and to you. According to Heather, "Working in a newsroom gives me the opportunity to research the latest studies, see if there's any truth to the next health trend and connect you with some of

Now if only I could find a way to dress up these recipes and pass them off to my husband as "dinner." Crackers anyone? ●

the Bay area's top holistic medical doctors to answer your questions." We look forward to a long-term, healthy relationship with Heather. In addition to seeing her in Tampa Bay Wellness you may also visit her natural health blog at:

Til next month! -Heather & Kingsley


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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 19

Addictions - Compulsions - Obsessions

OH my!

By Sharon Kistler, CJLC


nderstanding the world of personal habits is a complex thing, addictions come in all shapes and sizes, they can begin as casual habits or sneak up on us like the lions, and tigers and bears that seem to consume and direct our life. To even begin to understand how to recognize an addictive, compulsive or an obsessive habit, seems difficult but with a few self-coaching tools, making powerful change may be easier than we think. 20 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness

Self Mastery Key of Awareness The first and most important step on any new Journey is to use the self-mastery key of awareness. Awareness means to be “aware” of being “aware”, paying close attention to what is going on in and around us. How we think and feel about our inner world and how we react to the outer world, at any given moment. When we are totally present we feel more in control of what thoughts, words and actions we choose, when we are not aware, we can fall into living in what seems to be an “Un-conscious” living. Our daily lives can start to feel like we are on “auto pilot”. When daily routines, habits or circumstances run us, we can feel like a robot, lose focus, or become detached from our inner power. I remember years ago feeling like that when I had a corporate job that consumed my life, I was out of balance, so much energy went to the job and it’s responsibilities I felt out of touch with my personal life. It is common to feel like the victim losing confidence, personal or emotional control. With addictions most people become aware

only when their life becomes unmanageable, whether drugs, alcohol, or any other personal or physical destructive habit, many people often don’t see clearly what is happening in their life before it’s a crisis. When health is compromised, personal relationships suffer or professional careers are affected, this is usually the time when a person puts into motion new desires for change Learning Self-empowerment Coaching techniques can be an asset for people who decide they want to take charge of their life. Most people who suffer with addictive personalities, compulsions or obsessions feel stuck in their life and have a hard time moving forward. A great start in handling any situation where we feel out of control is to learn how to recognize it. I call these the boulders in the road. Imagine you are happily going through your day on the road of life and then it happens… a boulder rolls out in front of you...this boulder can represent anything that stops you in your progress, interrupts the flow…it can be the addiction, smoking, anger, excessive shopping, unconscious eating, gambling, self worth issues etc. or any behaviors or thoughts, emotions that hold you back and no longer serve a good purpose. When we can start to identify these boulders in the road, we are taking a huge step in being the aware observer and not just being reactive. When we see clearly what we need to avoid we can take a step back and think more clearly to make better choices, keeping the pathway clear. The Power of Positive Thinking Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book first written back in 1952, The Power of Positive Thinking… (Considered pop culture) started a message that changing your negative thoughts to positive can have a profound positive effect on the mind body connection, and your life! Using his philosophy, a simple technique is to “Flip Thought”…if you seem to notice your thoughts turning negative or compulsive thinking is causing you stress and anxiety, just say to yourself: Flip that Thought and change to a more positive and productive thought or behavior...I sometimes suggest wearing a rubber band on the wrist and snap it to re-train the brain when those thoughts or actions take over. Simple but powerful, try it…it works! www.tampabaywellness.com

I have always admired and been fascinated with the work of Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr. Amen is a physician, psychiatrist and a world leader in applying brain imaging science to clinical practice. His work in neuroscience and brain imaging shows dramatic before and after brain images of many different types of brain addictions, substance abuse, depression, and behaviors etc. The best treatment for serious addiction illness of course, is handled in a controlled medical facility program or rehab unit to help with the detox and recovery process. The intriguing part of Dr. Amen’s work is his study of negative thinkers. The brain images show clearly the effects of negative THINKING Addictions in what he calls the ANT’s, Automatic Negative Thoughts. Like Norman Vincent Peale before him, Amen shows in these brain images that many unhealthy brains have a potential to heal at various degrees. His books are an interesting proven science in how we have the power to change and heal, with discipline and new action! Re-Claim Personal Power For those who really want to reclaim personal power and achieve a new direction for success in many areas of their life, the secret is to learn selfmotivation and self-discipline. Suggestions are to use the power of affirmations daily to create a new mindset, be creative, and put your empowering statement in a frame. Create a nurturing environment, play music, have inspirational books around, see uplifting movies and surround yourself with those people who support and encourage you to success. Creating new pathways is like an exercise in effective goal setting. As with any plan you must take the action to find success. Writing ideas and plans are necessary to stay focused and organized. Use a calendar, even post-it notes as reminders of new commitment. Forgiving your self and others is part of the renewal process for change and healing. It’s all about the power of allowing oneself to try learning new ways of thinking and doing. ● Sharon Kistler, CJLC is a Certified Journey Life Coach and Master Coach Trainer, Coach accredited, CCA and ICF, and also is a practitioner of NLP and EFT. She is a popular motivational speaker and presenter at addiction treatment centers and participates as a Life Coach volunteer at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater Florida. You may contact Sharon at 727-687-5764 www.journeylifecoachinstitute.com


Yoga This Month's


By Ashley Thesier

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana King Pigeon


ing Pigeon is a graceful posture which offers several modifications and a variety of approaches which assist the practitioner in finding their fullest expression within the asana. King Pigeon is indeed an advanced pose and intended for intense practitioners, according to Yoga the Iyengar Way. However, the process of opening up to the various layers of this posture, offer a great lesson about life and yoga. It’s all about the journey. While attempting this posture remember to enjoy the process, allowing the body to open in its own time. Now fasten your seat belts (at least grab your bolster & strap), keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle (stay with the breath) and enjoy your journey! From High Lunge make your way into a Basic Pigeon pose by inching your right foot past the left wrist. Slowly lower the shin and pelvis to the floor placing the right knee down behind the right wrist. As you lower your hips extend the left leg all the way back. Maneuver the right foot in front of the left groin. Keep the hips level, stretch through your trunk, reach your sternum upwards while extending out through the crown of your head. Ground the left thigh down and become very light in your hands. If you are having difficulty finding stability or comfort in the groin or hips, a bolster can be placed under the pelvis for support. Bend the left leg up and reach the left arm back, palm facing away from the body. Gently work the

toes into the crook of the elbow. This is a great opportunity to take the OM mudra with the left hand and hold the posture for several breaths here. If you cannot get the foot into the crook of the elbow, simply hold the foot with the arm extended and allow the thighs and groin to relax fully. This may be where the work is for you presently within the posture so remember to be mindful of your edge. Once your body is open enough to move forward, you may reach the right arm overhead bending the elbow behind the back, allowing the fingers to clasp and taking a bind. The sole of the foot pulls in toward the head, keeping the heart lifted, the hips square and the elbow pointing towards the ceiling. From this point forward you may utilize the assistance of a strap in the left hand and around the neck of the foot to pull it in towards the head. The advanced practitioner may then choose to take the right arm up and back taking hold of the strap or foot. Breathe evenly and hold the posture for up to 20 seconds before changing the legs and repeating the asana on the opposite side. Ashley Thesier is the owner of The Yoga Loft in Tampa (813) 248-YOGA (9642) She began her study of yoga at Inside Out Yoga in Norfolk, Virginia and earned her 200 hour level yoga teacher training certificate in 2002. Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 21

Feng Shui for the Mind: Keys To Uncluttered Communication By Marty Stanley

Express Yourself. Once you have "Feng Shui'd your thoughts and words" to be sure they are aligned and in harmony with what you want, it's time to take action. The next step is to express yourself with clarity, conviction and compassion - or at least, without blame, judgment, drama or exaggeration. Cut the Drama. It's important to note that whenever there is "drama" around a situation, you can be assured that clear communication is going to be compromised. In these situations, it is even more critical to step back and be objective about the end result you really want to achieve. Look at all sides, all possibilities and all parties involved. Again, like Feng Shui, it's about creating a space of harmony and balance. Drama creates barriers to accomplishing what you want.

Three Approaches to Clear Communication


re you tired of not getting what you want? Do you feel like your staff or colleagues aren't listening to you or following through on their commitments? Prepare yourself for a little Feng Shui for your mind. Creating Harmony and Flow Not Clutter and Disappointment For those of you who are unfamiliar with this ancient Chinese practice, it is about placement and design to create spaces of harmony and balance. Proponents say good Feng Shui and "Chi," or flow, have a positive effect on health, prosperity, reaching goals and good relationships. Craft Your Words Carefully. Just like Feng Shui, we need to know how to use words to remove clutter and barriers in order to have clear communication. Careful use and placement of words can achieve balance, flow and harmony. Sometimes we spend more time crafting our words to order coffee than we do to communicate goals, expectations, preferences, or disappointments. I used to order "a double mocha frappacino with a shot of expresso, "skinny," Grande in 22 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness

a Venti cup with shake of nutmeg and vanilla bean." and hope for the best. Now, I just order a small coffee. It's a lot easier. And I get what I want: A cup of coffee. It's not very glamorous without all the filler, fluff, and calories, but how often does one really need all that? Even if you want it, a steady diet of it is not good for your waistline or your wallet. And that's what Feng Shui and uncluttered communication have in common: Clarity and Simplicity. What are you really saying? If you're not getting what you want, I invite you to step back and listen to your choice of words. Are you clear about what you really want before you start talking? In this era of things being "ondemand," instant messaging and texting, we feel compelled to speak or write, before thinking. STOP! Take a few minutes to remove the clutter, to balance your thoughts. What do you really want? What is the intended outcome that you want from this interaction? Not sure? Write it down. Look at it. Is that what you want? If you got that, would that make you happy or deliver the results you want? If not, continue writing until you've found the clarity and simplicity of your thoughts.

1. Make a Request. One way to reduce the clutter in your communication and get what you want is to "make a request." A "request" is similar to an invitation. When you receive an invitation, you can accept it or decline. In addition, a "request" can provide an opportunity for a counter-offer. When you start a sentence with the words: "I have a request," it forces you to be clear about what you want. It also alerts the listener to pay attention, without the fear, manipulation or apprehension that can occur when someone barks "I need this now!" or candy-coats "Can you do me a favor?" For example, instead of blurting out: "You're late again!" or being passive-aggressive about it by sighing, rolling your eyes and looking at your watch as the offender strolls past your office 30 minutes late, try this: 2. Think through what you really want and how you want to come across as a leader and manager. Align your thoughts words and actions to that image. Now you're ready make your request. "Bill, I have a request. When I hired you, you said could work from 8 - 4. The past couple weeks, you're not here until 8:15, sometime later. I request that you honor your commitment to work from 8 to 4." In this example, that the manager is holding Bill accountable for keeping his commitment. There is no drama, blame or opportunity for excuses. It does provide, however, an opening for Bill to make another request or counter offer, such as: "I'm taking the kids to school now. Would it be possible to start at 9 and leave at 5?" Remember: when making a request, you need to be prepared for it to be declined or engage in www.tampabaywellness.com

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thing you can do is acknowledge it to the person to whom you made the commitment. Do it as soon as you're aware that you can't keep the promise. (Now we know you're smarter than a fifth grader, but don't act like one by saying "but I didn't say: 'I promise.'") All you have is your word. Don't diminish your integrity by not keeping your word to someone. One of the best ways to have others keep their "promises" to you is to model this behavior. However there are times when we need to hold people accountable for not following through their commitments to us.


For example, "Jim, you said you'd have the analysis completed by today. I was counting on including that information for my presentation next week. What happened and when will it be completed?" So there you have it. Follow the formula for Feng Shui for the mind and clear communication and you will reap the benefits of clarity of thinking, aligning your words to your thoughts, and taking action that is consistent with your thoughts and words. These are the keys to uncluttered communication. ●

About the Author: Marty Stanley, President of Dynamic Dialog, Inc. (www.alteringoutcomes. com) is an author, national speaker and facilitator who helps organizations create their New Normal. Contact Marty at 816-822-4047 or martystanley@alteringoutcomes.com.

Keep your promises. If you say you'll do something, do it. If you find that you are over committed or can't follow through, the best www.tampabaywellness.com

Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 23

t e r c e S How Meditation Can Provide Both e h T Inner Peace and Outer Strength By Natabara Rollosson

Only when we dive deep Very deep, Can we experience Stillness-beauty And stillness-power. – Sri Chinmoy


n ever increasing numbers, people are finding more than just peace and clarity from meditation – they are also experiencing a heightened sense of energy and physical capacity. In many ways meditation charges the inner batteries both on the inner spiritual and outer physical levels. But just how does one meditate? How can someone new to meditation experience both peace and power? Those who run after happiness Will never be happy. Happiness is something

That has to come to the fore From within. – Sri Chinmoy The first step is to realize that the peace and power actually reside within oneself, and it is a matter of uncovering these capacities that already lie deep within. These capacities are not something foreign to us that we bring into our system from outside – we actually reveal and access them within ourselves. Just as doctors describe how we have unseen vital organs inside us, throughout the ages spiritual masters have described the esoteric yet tangible qualities and presence of the soul within us. Many talk of how the soul permeates the entire body, but it is most concentrated in the “spiritual heart” in the center of the chest, often referred to as the “seat of the soul.” Our purest and most illumining essence resides in the center of our being, in our own heart.


A heart of silence Is the perfect answer To my mind’s volley of questions. – Sri Chinmoy The way to get there is to clear the mind by

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24 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness

Just as well, rather than ruminating on the clouds of thoughts within our heads, if we focus on the positive or luminous part of ourselves – our spiritual heart – we begin to tap into and embody its unlimited qualities of peace, poise, compassion and even power.

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placing awareness on the heart rather than the head. When we focus our attention on our swirling thoughts, we give them energy. But when we focus past the clouds of mental noise and feel the poise and luminosity inside our heart, we begin to unveil the treasure within ourselves. What is meditation? The beauty and fragrance Of heart-education. – Sri Chinmoy Meditation has often been associated with the image of the contemplative sage, sealed away in a remote cave, isolated from society. The imagery of the sage was often one of a weak physical temperament. But modern spiritual Masters have begun to shatter that stereotype by living in society and leading a dynamic and active lifestyle. When the activity of life Is supported by The serenity of the mind, Man can accomplish Whatever he wants to. – Sri Chinmoy

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One such modern spiritual Master was Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007), who excelled in numerous fields of endeavor by personally demonstrating the unlimited potential of the human spirit. He taught how meditation enabled one to go past the barriers and limitations of the mind and tap into the vast capacities of the heart: “When we pray and meditate, we go far beyond the domain of the mind, the physical mind that doubts our capacities. When we pray and meditate, we identify ourselves with something vast and infinite. So there is no age limit, but we have to go far beyond the domain of the physical mind which binds us and at every moment discourages us. It says, "You cannot do this, you cannot do that, it is not possible for you." But when we pray and meditate, when we live in the heart, there is no such thing as impossibility.” Sri Chinmoy taught many methods to silence the mind and meditate on the heart, telling people to not get discouraged in the beginning. Learning how to redirect one’s attention from the noise of the mind to the silence of the heart takes time, and each attempt is a forward step of progress. With patience, one will begin to actually feel the spiritual heart as a living presence which helps one go beyond the mind and experience tangible peace and power. The Sri Chinmoy Centre in Tampa Bay will be offering a free, three-day meditation workshop – for details see the advertisement on page 11. The Clearwater Film Festival will be screening a documentary on Sri Chinmoy’s feats of strength titled “Challenging Impossibility.” See page 11 for information. To know more about Sri Chinmoy visit www.srichinmoy.org ● www.tampabaywellness.com

Fresh, Organic Produce!

Photo by Ranjana Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 25

WELLNESS Calendar week of SEPTEMBER 1-7 Labor Day Hot Flow Yoga with Eric Wheeler -- Monday, September 5 | 10:00am-12:00 | $15 or Regular class packages apply. Join Eric for a special Hot Flow class to celebrate the working yogi! All other regularly scheduled classes are canceled. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com.

week of SEPTEMBER 8-14 willPower & Grace ™ with Lisa Jamison -- Thursdays beginning September 8 |7:00-8:00am | $15 or Regular class packages apply. For yogis who are ready to fly from their mats and athletes who want to move the way nature intended. This barefoot class will get you back in touch with your feet. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com. FREE Life Coaching SEMINAR, Thursday September 8th 7-9pm Crystal Beach Community Hall, Palm Harbor area, Sharon Kistler Certified Life Coach presents tips on Self-Motivation, Relationships, Healing and BECOMING A LIFE COACH! CALL: 727687-5764 or visit www.journeylifercoachinstitute.com Balancing Hormones Naturally – Chris Dziubinski, AP, DOM of Mind Body Spirit Care will discuss what you can do to identify, understand & restore your natural hormone balance, turn back the clock &

26 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness

feel the way you use to feel. Please join us Thursday, September 8th @ 6:30 pm. Nature’s Food Patch, 1225 Cleveland St, Clearwater, FL 33755 more info @ www. naturesfoodpatch.com Raw Fusion – LindaJoy Rose, Ph.D. will bring us a fusion of raw foods with your favorite comfort foods! Menu: Asianinspired Lettuce Wraps (Vegan & Seafood Versions) & Berry Crème Parfait. Please join us Saturday September 10th @ 3pm. Nature’s Food Patch, 1225 Cleveland St, Clearwater, FL 33755 more info @ www. naturesfoodpatch.com Bikram Posture Intensive Part I with Thom Taylor -- Saturday, September 10 | 3:00-5:00pm | $35 | $60 for part I & II -- A workshop to break down the second group of 12 postures in the Bikram Yoga series. adjusting and intensifying postures. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com. AcroYoga FUNdamentals with Lila Donnolo -- Sunday, September 11 | 12:003:00pm | $40. This AcroYoga class is a blend of partner yoga, balancing and Thai massage. Partner flying allows the flyer to receive aerial asana massage as the base creates a stable platform. NO PARTNER NECESSARY (But you can bring one if you wish!) Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com.

iRest ™ Yoga Nidra with Annie Okerlin -- Sunday, September 11 | 4:30-5:30pm |$10 Suggested Donation to the Exalted Warrior Foundation. Come experience authentic, deep relaxation through "yogic sleep with awareness." This practice is suitable for ALL levels of practitioners as it is a guided meditation. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani. com.

week of SEPTEMBER 15-21 Rock the Shakti Master Class with Micheline Berry and Red Musette -Friday, September 16 | 7:30-9:30pm | $30 | $50 for 2. Join Micheline Berry and Red Musette for a special, transformational, live music yoga journey that will ignite the catalytic creative energy of “shaktiprana” within you. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com. Prana Flow Master Class with Micheline Berry -- Saturday, September 17 | 7:00-9:00am | $30 | $50 for 2. Deepen your personal practice as a laboratory for exploring the creative healing potential of vinyasa flow yoga. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com. “YOUR UNLIMITED MIND” SELFHYPNOSIS TRAINING - Patricia V. Scott, Certified Hypnosis Trainer, teaches how to discover untapped potentials, talents & abilities using the power of your Unlimited Mind. $35 prepaid or $45 (CD/materials


The hidden danger of toxicity Saturday, Sept. 24th from 2pm – 4pm Heat Yoga & Fitness Studio 25022 US Hwy 19 North, Clearwater, FL 33761

September 24, 2011

4 billion prescription drugs are ingested in the U.S. each year 70,000 chemicals are used commercially 3,000+ chemicals are added to our food supply 10,000+ chemicals are used in food processing, preserving, and storage. Stop poisoning your family! Come learn how to minimize toxins and prevent cancers and diseases. Speakers: Dr. Michael Risoldi and Dr. Johnathan Bromboz Cost $20 includes a book “Cruise Ship or Nursing Home”, a New York Times BestSelling Author, Dr. Ben Lerner. Pre-registration required. Call today 727-797-9900. Space is limited!

included) SEP. 17, 1-4 pm @ UP Hypnosis Institute, 800 Tarpon Woods Blvd., Palm Harbor. 727-943-5003, 866-537-7746, Info@UPHypnosis.com. Map @ www. UPHypnosis.com GROOVE! Yoga Dance Party with Micheline Berry and Red Musette -- Saturday, September 17 | 7:00-9:00pm | $25 – includes refreshments and wine. Come celebrate life and the end of the summer rockin’ and groovin’ with your friends to the funky, high energy, elevating music of Red Musette. Oh yes, this too is yoga! Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com. Become a Reiki Master with Ellen Schulman, RN, MA, and Usui and Karuna Reiki Master. September 17th and 18th; Learn to Use Reiki for Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing . Sept 17th 9-5 and Sept 18th 8-4; $350 by Sept 10; $400 afterwards. Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete, FL 33713. Register at www.livingroomyoga.biz under workshops or call (727) 826-4754. Rock the Shakti ‘Live at the Dali’ with Micheline Berry and Red Musette -- Sunday, September 18 | 9:00-11:00am | $25. Surrounded by the liquid Muse of Salwww.tampabaywellness.com

vador Dali, join Tampa Bay yogis for an unforgettable live music yoga journey ending in our signature Sound Garden Savasana that will transport you beyond. REGISTER at: http://thedali.obsres.com | Salvador Dali Museum | 1 Dali Blvd. | 727.823.3767. HuDost Performance -Tampa- Sun 9/18 7:30pm at the Lotus Pond (6201 Lynn Rd). HuDost brings forth a rich, eclectic blending of traditional Sufi music, Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian and Balkan folk music. Cost $15, advance registration recommended! For more info or to register visit www.yogalotuspond.com or call (813)961.3160 Yin Yoga for Athletes with Lisa Jamison -- Sunday, September 18 | 4:306:30pm | $25 | Connecting athletes to their recovery one pose at a time. Stretches go beyond the muscles so that joints and fascia range of motion can improve. Poses focus on countering the stress of the sport and include work on rest and recovery. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com SOCIAL & FUNDRAISER FOR PATRICIA SCOTT’S (UP HYPNOSIS INST.) HONORARY MAYOR CAMPAIGN – Everyone join us for appetizers, happy hour drinks &

prizes. Tips/Donations benefit Hospice & PH Chamber Foundation. SEPTEMBER 19, 5:30-7:30 pm @ Beef ‘O’ Brady’s, 1100 Tarpon Woods Blvd. @ Brooker Creek Golf Course. More info: Info@UPHypnosis.com or www.UPHypnosis.com Learn to Meditate Series with Don Glassey, Certified Meditation Teacher. September 19 - Nov 7th; 6-7:15pm. Reduce stress, increase focus and mental calm, balance your immune system. Each class includes a lesson, discussion, and practice. $80 by 9/12; $90 afterwards. Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete, FL 33713. Register at www. livingroomyoga.biz under workshops or call (727) 826-4754. Medicine-making for Heart Health - Monday, Sept 19th, 6-9pm. HerbalWise. A hands-on learning experience in making herbal remedies for a healthy heart. Learn how to make and use herbal infusions, decoctions, oils, tinctures, and salves. Receive a step-bystep workbook and samples to take home. Cost $60. Advance Registration Required. www.HerbalWise.net or call 727-384-HERB (4372).

Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 27

WELLNESS Calendar Free 3-part Meditation Workshop

Sept. 24, 25, 26

Would you like to discover deep, pure joy and unleash your unlimited potential to achieve your goals. It’s all within you! This 3-part series is presented by the directors of the film Challenging Impossibility, chosen to be part of the Clearwater Film Festival. The simple, age-long meditation exercises taught in this workshop are sure to inspire you and help you attain your goals. As this workshop is a series, it is requested please that the 1st class is attended. Saturday, Sept. 24, 3-5 pm @ St. Pete College, Drew Campus, LA 151 2465 Drew St, Clearwater, Sunday, Sept.25, 3-5 pm @ Moccasin Lake Nature Park, 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater and Monday, Sept. 26, 7:00-8:30 pm @ Moccasin Lake Nature Park. Reservations: 727-725-0013.

week of SEPTEMBER 22-30 HYPNOSIS-NLP MASTER CLASS (Public welcome) - Int’l. Assoc. Counselors & Therapists/Hypnosis Edu. Assoc. Master Class (3 ceu’s). Expand skills with new techniques, scripts & practice with attendees. $25 (UPHI Associates); $30 (Members); $35 (others-be a practice client). SEPTEMBER 22, 6-9 pm @ UP Hypnosis Institute, 800 Tarpon Woods Blvd., Palm Harbor. 727-9435003, Info@UPHypnosis.com. Map: www. UPHypnosis.com Check out “Challenging Impossibility”, a film chosen to be part of the Clearwater Film Festival, which follows spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy’s incredible weight-lifting feats of strength. Sept. 23 - Get inspired to reach beyond your limitations! No goal is unreachable Sri Chinmoy says, “if we only dare to try and have faith.” Visit: www.clearwaterfilmmusicfest.com . 108 Asanas: The Evolution of Your Bikram Practice with Missy White -- Saturday, September 24 | 2:00-5:00pm | $40 (before September 10) | $45. From the

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lineage of Bikram Choudhury, this energetic practice is for the intermediate student who is ready to dive into the depths of their mind, body and spirit! Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com Back into Balance, Right into Bliss with Yoga Nidra. A restorative yoga workshop at the Lotus Pond (6201 Lynn Rd) Sat., September 24 from 2:00p,-5:00pm presented by Heather Mitchell, RYT500 and Nancy MacDonald E-RYT200 RYT500, certified restorative yoga teachers. Early Bird Special $30 by 9/9, after 9/9 $35.Visit Lotus Pond workshops & special events at www. yogalotuspond.com or call (813)961.3160 Gourmet Cooking - LindaJoy Rose, Ph.D. is delivering an amazing menu: Teriyaki Maple Salmon & Soba dish. Foodies should not miss this one! Please join us Saturday September 24th @ 3pm. Nature’s Food Patch, 1225 Cleveland St, Clearwater, FL 33755 more info @ www.naturesfoodpatch.com The Hidden Danger of Toxicity - Sat. Sept 24th 2pm-4pm at Heat Yoga 25022 US Hwy 19 North Dr. Risoldi and Dr. Bromboz Stop poisoning your family. Learn how to minimize toxins and prevent cancers and diseases. Call to register 727-797-9900 Healing Harmonic Sounds -TampaSun 9/25 6pm at the Lotus Pond (6201 Lynn Rd) Join us for this unique meditation using harmonic sounds. Relax and de-stress as sound healer Richard Spears creates healing harmonic sounds that help you let go and experience peace. The harmonic sounds help facilitate healing on many levels- spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. Cost $15. For more information or to register visit www.yogalotuspond.com or call (813)961.3160 Vinyasa Fusion with Eric Wheeler -Sundays beginning September 25 | 12:001:30pm | $15 or Regular class packages apply. Set to music each class is a moving meditation that combines challenging postures, fun vinyasas and adjustments. Although the class is a fusion of different styles, it draws from the roots of Ashtanga to explore the kramas and endless variations of the postures. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com Sound Healing Journey with ELUV -- Sunday, September 25 | 4:30-6:00pm | $25. Eluv, host of 88.5 “Ultrasounds”, will take you on a journey of sound using crystal

28 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness


singin bowls that will leave you rejuvenated, clear minded and relaxed. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani. com

ONGOING events mondays

MINDFULNESS MEDITATION - for those seeking crystal clear practical instruction perfect to relieve stress. Guided meditation in the Buddhist tradition led by Michael Gregory. Every Monday. Please bring notepad. Suggested donation $15. Quaker Meeting House, 130 19th Avenue SE, St. Petersburg. Visit our website at www. meditation-tampa.com


MINDFULNESS MEDITATION - for those seeking crystal clear practical instruction perfect to relieve stress. Guided meditation in the Buddhist tradition led by Michael Gregory. Please bring notepad. Every Wednesday. Suggested donation $15. 6:00pm-8:00pm, Lotus Room, 1101 Kennedy Blvd., Tampa. Visit our website at www. meditation-tampa.com Full Health 101: Abundant Vitality, Joy & Longevity Class Series. Dr. Oz-esque and beyond. Using most recent scientific studies & ancient wisdom, you will gain tips and lifestyle tools on how to live a live of thriving about: supplements, nutrition, meditation, chi gong, yoga and more. Taught by a Holistic Life Coach, PhD, India trained Yoga & Meditation teacher & ACE Personal Trainer who spent 10 years in Asia. Every Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm FMI call: The Wellness Retreat (727) 481-5291 or Alison J. Kay 727-239-1724.

early october dates The Rasas of India Workshop Series with Ashley Halley -- Sunday, October 2, 2:30-4:30pm | $20. Exploring the attraction of divine love as well as the creative power of the shadow, this practice will unravel layers of our being arriving to a still and nurtured sense of center. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com

Deepak Chopra: Healing, Transformation and Higher Consciousness, Friday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. – Carol Morsani Hall - Author of more than 64 books translated into more than 35 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers in both the fiction and nonfiction categories, is heralded by Time magazine as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as “the poetprophet of alternative medicine.” http://www. strazcenter.org/Events/1112_Art_of_Living_ Speaker_Series/Deepak_Chopra.aspx


To place your



in our next calendar

Livin’ the Moment with David Romanelli – Oct. 7 & 8 | $45 | $130 for all 3, Yoga &

New Beginner & Intermediate sacred Hatha Yoga & Meditation classes starting in downtown Palm Harbor at a brand new location under the tall old Oaks. Every Thursday, 6-7:30pm. Taught by an India trained and certified Yoga Alliance Yoga & Meditation Teacher w/9 years experience teaching, just returned from 10 years in Asia. FMI call: The Wellness Retreat (727) 481-5291 or Alison J. Kay, Holistic Life Coach, PhD 727-2391724.

MINDFULNESS MEDITATION - for those seeking crystal clear practical instruction, perfect to relieve stress. Guided meditation in the Buddhist tradition led by Phillip Hendrick. Bring notepad. Suggested donation $15. Every Sunday. 9:30am-11:30am, Lotus Room, 1101 Kennedy Blvd., Tampa. Visit our website at www.meditation-tampa.com

5 Day Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training w/Stephanie Keach -- Wed., Oct. 12–Sun., Oct. 16 | 8:30am-5:30pm | $600 | Deposit of $150. Come join a special group of both aspiring and experienced yoga teachers who are ready to deepen their peace, expand their power and transform themselves into more effective flow yoga teachers. Certification to teach Vinyasa-flow yoga upon completion. Yogani Studios|1112 W. Platt St.|813.251.9668| yogani.com

Toxicity, Dentistry and CancerSeminar by Dr. Bromboz, holistic dentist. Thurs Oct 6th 6:30 at Nature's Food Patch - Call to register 727-712-3837



Chocolate --Friday, October 7 | 6:00-8:00pm Chocolate Chakra Tour (Deep Stretch/Yin) -- Saturday, October 8 | 10:00am-12:00 Yoga & Wine -- Saturday, October 8 | 4:006:00pm. Join David as he takes you on an adventure for the senses. Explore how presence and intimacy can be accessed via everyday passions~ yoga, chocolate, wine, and music. Yogani Studios | 1112 W. Platt St. | 813.251.9668 | yogani.com.



Info Sessions at Lotus Pond: 200hr Program Wed., 9/7, 6pm Wed., 9/21, 6pm

Info Sessions at Lotus Room: 200hr Program Thurs., 9/8, 6pm Thurs., 9/22, 6pm

Call for appt. for info on 500hr Program

Professional teacher training in Tampa, Florida


www.lotuspondyoga.com 

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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 29

Tampa Bay Wellness Resource Directory Acupuncture & More

CranioSomatic Therapy

Move Comfortably Again!

Dawn Balusik, AP, DOM, LMT

Enjoy long-term relief from neck & shoulder problems, headaches, back or leg pain, TMJ disorders & more. Unique FPI therapy improves muscle function from head to toe.

Acupuncture, Herbs, Massage, Nutrition (MA36601) Natural relief from Allergies, Infections, Headaches, Fatigue, Neck/ Back/Knee Pain, Endometriosis, Infertility, Menopause and more.

www.HancockClinic.com Flo Barber • 813-933-9540

2431 Estancia Blvd., Ste A-2 Clearwater, FL 33761.

(727) 475-4710

LMT, Ph.D.(c) MA-25843




Dentistry - Holistic

Jonathan Bromboz, D.D.S.

HerbalWise - Herbal Workshops & Remedies

Be pampered with a holistic approach to dentistry. Herbal teas, coffee, juice, muffins, hot neck wraps, lemon-scented hot towels.

Learn herbal medicine-making, herbal pet care, herbal skincare, herbal products for massage therapy. Hand-blended Medicinal Teas, Custom Herb Formulas, Herbal Consultation and more.



727-384-HERB (4372) info@herbalwise.us.com

Call 727-483-5618

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Natural Dental Treatment

Looking for more personal, professional or business success? results. Complimentary sessions always available. Ask about Awesome Retreats! Coach Dianne M. Kipp, BSN Certified Life & Business Coach, Follow Your Heart Journeys 727-322-1561 or 727481-1646 coach@diannekipp.com www.followyourheartjourneys.com

Colon Hydrotherapy

Inner Healings & Associates, Inc. Billie V. Odor, LMT, CT MM10840 MA12768 18 yrs as a Colon Hydro Therapist & Health Navigator

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Dr. Ray Behm, Natural Dentistry

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Essential Life Solutions, LLC Medicinal-Grade Essential Oils Alina Piccone & Robert Ridpath Internationally Certified Aromatherapists Young Living Consultants & Trainers ID#1100150


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Tampa Bay Wellness • September 2011 31

Call Now! For Your



We pamper you with complimentary herbal teas, coffee, juice, muffins, hot neck wraps, hot parrafin hand wax and lemon-scented hot towels. Call for an appointment now. The first 5 to schedule an appointment this month receive a

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Dr. Jonathan Bromboz is Member of International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), Holistic Dental Association, Mercury Free Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Bromboz is Accredited by International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology for the proper replacement of mercury fillings.

Jonathan J. Bromboz, D.D.S., P.A.

The patient and any othr persons responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the fee, discounted fee, reduced service, examination or treatment. Minimum fee only. Codes 1001, 0210

32 September 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness


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