Town of Surfside Gazette - February 2018

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Holiday Wishes Come True at 9th Annual Toy Drive Give-away Hundreds of children of all ages along with their families greeted Mr. & Mrs. Claus as they arrived at Town Hall on a shrieking fire rescue truck to kick off the 9th Annual Surfside Police Department’s Holiday Toy event. With seasonal music playing, Santa and his team of elves (all were Town personnel in costume) danced on the sidewalk and led the children into the Commission Chambers where a mountain of donated toys awaited. While parents were entertained in a different room, the children selected age-appropriate toys that brightened their holiday season. All of the families in need of Holiday cheer were invited and registered to attend the event. Thanks goes out to all the many donors who supported the event, the Police Department and Town staff.

SHUL CEREMONY FOR DONATED AMBULANCE Surfside Mayor Daniel Dietch attended a ceremony at the Shul as an ambulance was donated to the Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s national emergency response, EMS and blood services. The mobile intensive care unit was donated by Judy Milstein. Mayor Dietch with American Friends of Magen David Adom Southeast Region Director Tammy Karu.


TEEN SCENE CREATES BANNER FOR HOLIDAYS Surfside’s Teen Scene group used their creativity to make a banner that greeted the children who came to Town Hall for the Holiday Toy event (above). Teen Scene meets on Tuesdays at 5:30 at the Community Center. Join in the fun and receive community service hours. SURFSIDE GAZETTE FEBRUARY 2018

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