In Unification's Wake, Part 03: Communications

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Elegant Reasonism In Unification’s Wake, Part 3 Communications Patent Pending 16405134 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and any documents, files, or previous e-mail messages attached to it, constitute an electronic communication within the scope of the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, 18 USCA 2510. This communication may contain nonpublic, confidential, or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use or disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited pursuant to 18 USCA 2511 and any applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, if you received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately. Life Space Matters is a registered trademark of SolREI, Inc. H2Orbit is a trademark of SolREI, Inc.

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Abstract Civilization constantly commits Langer Epistemology Errors. Anytime abstractions of reality are mistaken as reality such an error is involved. When we believe we are working with reality rather than an abstraction of it, we are in essence ensnared inside a logic trap of epic proportions. Trapped so, means we can not see past the shackles ensnaring our ability to think, much less communicate. Because all humans share the same physiology, we also share the same mechanisms responsible for the delusion. The quest for unification was liberating for more than just one discipline of science. It liberates the mind to contemplate other modes of thought which are also simultaneously logically correct with what it was we all thought we knew, but it does so in a structured standardized manner. It is neither chaotic nor random. The status quo position is based on a highly successful and logically correct foundation, but it will never close to unification exactly because its core constructs preclude that precipice. What that means regarding communications is that there are aspects of reality which status quo thinking can not, nor will it ever fathom, much less communicate. Elegant Reasonism is a framework supporting an epistemology seeking truth as a function of the unified Universe, and that approach grounds contemplative reflection like nothing else in history. Elegant Reasonism is not welded to any given model, including M5 or M6. Elegant Reasonism is welded to the unified Universe as a philosophical predicate priority of contemplative thought and engagement. Earlier presentations describe what Elegant Reasonism is, and here we discuss the art of articulating unified Treatise so that it becomes simple to the point of elegance. Be warned that doing so requires initiation of the innocent. They must move beyond familial modes and gain a vista provided only by the precipice of unification and you must take them there…..

New Terms and Usage NOTE: As with most things new, there are new terms to learn and new applications of existing terms. Make sure to review the other video presentations and the website for these details.

Essential Skills In The Wake of Unification, the essential skills of communications remain, however, the activities associated with them have enhanced meaning and impact. Communications goals and objectives in context of Elegant Reasonism are to maintain situational awareness in a dynamic manner always. 

Which encapsulated interpretive model provides relative and respective basis for:


Individuals Involved

Domain of Discourse(s)

Situationally Aware? Non-Verbal Communication

Posture Open / Defensive Employ the Realm of the C’s

Close to Unification? Be Personable Be Confident Empathy Always Have An Open Mind Convey Respect Give and Receive Feedback Consider Articulation Options

Objectives and Goals guiding discussion/investigation Are Langer Epistemology Errors being committed 

      

Do participants mistake abstractions for reality? 

And are they aware?

Can participants dynamically converse about logically correct aspects of physically different systems

Simultaneous Logically Correct Scenarios Which areas of Philosophy are involved: 

Epistemology – philosophy of knowledge

Nature (e.g. Science)

Ontology – philosophy of being

Axiology – philosophy of value derivation

Langer Epistemology Errors (LEEs) LEEs occur when we mistake abstractions for actual reality. Such errors can be fatal flaws in epistemological thinking exactly because they preclude elimination of logic artifacts, and concept compression issues. These types of mistakes ensnare human psyche inside logic traps insulating and isolating us from perceiving real scenarios and solutions. 

Named for Susanne K Langer 

Distinguish logically correct systems from physical reality demanding that the unified Universe always and without exception be held litmus 

Encapsulated interpretative model definitions must be quantified, codified, and documented

Paradigms of nature must be juxtaposed against a plurality of such models, 1 must close

Characterize philosophical symbology 

Sourced from her book: Philosophy in a New Key, 1948

Unification must be a philosophical predicate priority consideration entering science

Often help discern clues into the logical nature of interpretation 

Logic artifacts are clues we might be inside a logic trap

Concept compression issues

Declaratory statements

Incessantly elaborate rationalizations for inabilities or incongruence

Realm of C’s The phrase “realm of c’s” is borrowed from the world of enterprise business planning and generally refers to terms like those listed below, but is not limited to just these few listed. 

Terms are isotropic to communications in all forms

ISO standards employed Investigations 

               

Capability Cells Class Close (to unification) Cogent Coherent Cohesive Communicative Complete Concise Conformance Congruent Consistent Context Correctness (e.g. truth) Criteria (& metrics)

Objective & Goal Determination / Articulation

Investigative Team Discussions

Treatise Development Are especially important in Elegant Reasonism tools 

ISO 9001 Unification Tool

Translation Matrices

Insight Development

Treatise Development

Subsequent Presentations

Systems Engineering principles, practices, and profession 

Requirements definitions & gathering

Systems definitions

Systems of Systems (composite constituent relationships)

Communications Issues 

Discussing insights the status quo deems radical is not a new situation. Plato discussed the same essential challenges in Book 7 of The Republic using his allegory of The Cave.

The quest for unification is over. Now the real work must begin in earnest, but why is it so difficult to communicate the epic accomplishment that is unification? 

The short answer is two fold: 

Foundational context, necessary for effective communications, changes encapsulated interpretive model to encapsulated interpretive model.  Elegant Reasonism brings a new framework and epistemology engaging a plurality of such models where one must close to unification as a philosophical predicate priority consideration, and that introduces a requirement for situational awareness.  That situational awareness is necessary to perceive and engage the unified Universe, and it requires a multidisciplinary framework supporting a new epistemology which seeks truth as a function of the unified Universe. Elegant Reasonism has the capability to spindle status quo thinking in favor of the unified Universe.

Commission of Langer Epistemology Errors ensnares humans into believing they are working directly with nature when in fact they are dealing with abstractions of it.  That human physiology intrinsically and inherently provides our brains abstractions in order to relate to the realm in which we exist only exacerbates commission of LEEs.  Knowledge Management must be recalibrated for detail sets within encapsulations

Knowledge Management (KM) KM is a relatively recent field of study born of the information sciences discipline in the IT industry. It is often instituted as a software application helping an enterprise manage and deploy skills across complex business projects. 

Because multiple encapsulated interpretive models (of the Universe) may be simultaneously logically correct we must recalibrate KM for detail sets within such encapsulations and reconciling them relative to final Treatise in context of truth as a function of the unified Universe .

Distinctions between data, information, and knowledge require and demand IT user interface (UI) considerations in order to instantiate knowledge for individuals across any enterprise. Data is a simple fact. Information is that fact in context. Knowledge requires information to be inculcated within sentience capable of taking independent action exploiting it in net new scenarios. 

NOTE: This definition includes both natural humans as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI systems employing Elegant Reasonism effectively are situationally aware must be responsible and accountable for all other entities not so aware

Ethics must be isotropic

Information science based KM in context of human resource management needs are usually a function of business economic dynamics.

Human Action, A Treatise on Economics by Ludwig von Mises

McGowen’s Law: Knowledge will never penetrate population faster than a Kelvin Wake. If rapid knowledge dissemination is required the answer is more ducks on the pond not bigger ships carrying it.

Applied KM Knowledge Management, as applied by Elegant Reasonism, is present at every step and stage of the framework, epistemology, and is expected to be intrinsic to any fully compliant Treatise said to be aligned with the unified Universe. 

Data and Information may be communicated but knowledge transfer requires teaching / learning

As you look down any list of facets of Elegant Reasonism, applied KM should be evident from the most granular object to the most holistic paragraph. While these are attributes of The Emergence Model, it is generally construed to be true as a function of unification.

Relationships are generally systemic in context of unification (more so than anyone expected)

Real objects are almost always complex composite constructs (e.g. systems of systems)

There may be more than one way accomplish something, so be wary of simultaneous truths

Knowledge Management (today) generally implies human presence even if only indirectly. 

Technically Artificial Intelligence (AI) may participate but must conform to the same rules and criteria, and is generally construed to be limited in capability. Be aware this may not always be the case going forward.

Logic Traps Pick any modern paper or article and look at the declarative statements made about nature. Is it possible to close any of those assertions to unification with the rest of the Universe? Probably not, but encapsulated what does that tell you about the claims of the article? What is the core messaging there? Is it justifying assertions within a detail set or is it connecting something to the holistic whole that is the unified Universe? A logic trap remains within the confines encapsulating it despite all efforts to escape. It is like trying to exit a Mӧbius Loop. Logic traps require specific types of questions in order to discern and suggest subsequent contemplation and action. 

Can the core constructs fully comply with the realm of c’s? (Y/N) 

Elegant Reasonism employs industry/international standards (e.g. ISO) to quantify and codify core constructs and abstractions forming the basis of encapsulated interpretative models exactly for the purpose of eliminating / minimizing the potential for commission of Langer Epistemology Errors. 

The spacetime-mass interface precludes transit by any real object thereby preventing the use of a common geometric basis point, and as a consequence will prevent any model employing it from full compliance. M1, M2, and M3 are therefore considered ‘logic traps’.

Metrics can be employed across the tool set of the framework to document the degree to which logic traps influence assertions, claims, conclusions, and insights.

The unified Universe always remains litmus 

Elegant Reasonism provides a framework and epistemology to reflect what it is we think we know about the unified Universe. It never declares that we are directly describing it. Crossing that line potentially constitutes commission of a Langer Epistemology Error.

Knowledge Barriers Knowledge Barriers are analogous to barriers to entry in business. They both serve to inhibit entry of participation. Logic traps are herein considered knowledge barriers. A knowledge barrier to entry manifest when a receiver of new information encounters paradigms which do not fit into their world view (e.g. ‘belief system’) and at that point they cease listening and begin to formulate rationalized objections. Such objections may not be voiced, nor may they be communicated necessarily by body language, though both are probably good indicators of the existence of some barrier to entry for the new idea. Examples of ‘barriers to entry’ exist in abundance in society. Schisms between religions offers an abundance of examples in that one area alone. Some barriers are easy to spot and are actually recognized across civilization. In context of Elegant Reasonism we are interested in: 

Logic Traps 

Most often manifest from logically correct encapsulated interpretive models whose core constructs preclude closure to unification (e.g. full compliance with the realm of c’s).

Many logic traps are so aggressive that it is difficult to even be aware one is ensnared within its grasp. M1, M2, and M3 are such traps.

Logically correct knowledge barriers are often so successful that their success blinds people to the correct path forward. Such dead ends may hold sway for centuries until they are recognized for what they are. Examples are a flat Earth, the heliocentric theory, and the Luminiferous Aether.

Elegant Reasonism Epistemology Holistically, Elegant Reasonism is a framework supporting an Epistemology which requires as a philosophical predicate priority consideration truth as a function of the unified Universe. The implications are as profound as the accomplishment. 

Because fundamental context is dynamic across employed model set communications changes involve not just what must be conveyed but how it must be conveyed. 

Elegant Reasonism illuminates not just what closes to unification but what does not and why it does not (e.g. what does work and what does not work) respective to and relative of each paradigm of interest/nature via Translation Matrices which enable mode shifting. 

Relationship patterns are not necessarily the same model to model despite each manifesting the same paradigm of interest/nature

Communicating mode shifted paradigms are reflected in holistic Treatise and hold the unified Universe as litmus

As an Epistemology Elegant Reasonism influences Neural Networks by Reconfiguration Programming (NNRP) because they are aligned with the unified Universe. 

Brodmann Areas (of the central nervous system’s brain)

Bayesian Analytics (analytical integration of belief systems)

Statistical Analysis (relative & respective metric potentials)

Logic Calculus (both model intrinsic and unified affinity)

Cognitive road maps for education produced as a function of compliant investigations

Blinded by Success How is it human civilization survived prior to relativistic science? The answer is we employed logically correct constructs that worked for what we were attempting to accomplish. Civilization became more capable because of increased comprehension and greater situational awareness of problems, challenges, alternatives, rationalizations and the next steps required to go forward and how we went about doing that. The Michelson-Morley experiment taught us that failure can often be as great a teacher as any success. Today is no different. We must now consider: unification. 

Success should never be used to justify denigration of new ideas

Both success and failure must be subjected to Elegant Reasonism

Elegant Reasonism inherently incorporates Systems Engineering

 

Information Sciences provide guidance Elegant Reasonism provides the framework and Epistemology seeking truth as a function of the unified Universe. This is a guiding principle for all communications (see Realm of C’s). 

Unification is a philosophical predicate priority consideration

Science is a specialized branch of Philosophy

Elegant Reasonism is a super-set Epistemology (e.g. integrates Empiricism, Rationalism, Constructivism, etc., et al).

Unification must unify everything, not just one discipline of science…..

Communications Difficulties The challenge in communicating Elegant Reasonism based materials lay in the preconceived notions of your audience. Communicators are encouraged to find innovative ways to bring insights alight in their audience’s imagination and cognitive thoughts. Help them to see beyond logically imposed limitations. 

Many if not most have personally been committing Langer Epistemology Errors their whole lives without ever realizing what they were doing. We all did. 

The logical correctness of status quo thinking is what has yielded positive empirical results for over a century. While powerful, it is also the Achilles heel inhibiting perception of the path forward.

Something can be logically correct yet remain physically different. Logically correct experiments, conducted in logically correct manners, immersed in logically correct encapsulated interpretive models, will almost certainly deliver logically correct results AND that has absolutely nothing necessarily to do with anything other than the logical correctness with which every aspect was considered. The physical underlying reality may remain different. A different model also simultaneously logically correct may deliver just as valid results. The salient question then is which model closes to unification the best?

Mode Shifting is the phrase used when switching from one interpretive mode of thinking from the point of view of one encapsulated interpretive model to another. It is more than definition changes. It requires different pattern recognition. It requires deep understanding across a plurality of such models. It is neither simple nor straight forward to accomplish being able to dynamically mode shift conversationally. Remember different such models often employ differing detail sets and potentially different epistemologies. That’s another reason that Elegant Reasonism also represents a new superset epistemology. 

Remember mode shifting changes the fundamental foundational context on which interpretations are based. When context changes, interpretation changes, and it does so systemically and dynamically.

Illuminated Illustrations 01 Any discourse on the evolution of communications inevitably comes to The Rosetta Stone, carved in 196 BC. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian using hieroglyphic and Demotic scripts respectively, while the bottom is in Ancient Greek. The decree has only minor differences between the three versions, making the Rosetta Stone key to deciphering the Egyptian scripts.

The Rosetta Stone is analogous to Translation Matrices 2D Articulation Layer (e.g. top layer) 

Translation Matrices juxtapose encapsulated interpretative models (e.g. manifestations of) relative to paradigms of interest/nature (e.g. subjects/topics)

Rather than languages what is being translated are interpretations of reality under ISO 9001 QMS standards and then subjected to analytical rigor with unification as a philosophical predicate priority consideration in order to seek truth as a function of the unified Universe

The same paradigm of interest / nature is reflected by a plurality of encapsulated interpretive models. In this analogy Ptolemy’s Decree would be that paradigm.

Illuminated Illustrations 02 A speaker must give a talk to a university’s board of trustees about the implications of Elegant Reasonism to the academic programs they offer. It will be important to convey distinctions and insights without getting into any great detail. Subjects and topics must be kept as simple as possible. Discussion topics might be: 

Elegant Reasonism seeks truth as a function of the unified Universe. The implication here is that students must be capable of wielding this framework and epistemology in order to distinguish and position such not only in their thinking but in their actions as they engage reality.

Which students must be capable of wielding critical thinking required to detect and eliminate Langer Epistemology Errors, Logic Traps, and other issues that impair their ability to gain the precipice of unification?

Business students must understand insight development and value derivation in context of Elegant Reasonism in order to understand the impact the new framework and epistemology have regarding specific business plans and economic impact.

Economic students need to understand Human Action across the global economy. Discussion regarding Ludwig von Mises.

Information Science students need to leverage Elegant Reasonism and Systems Engineering regarding systems and systems of systems, distinguishing requirements specification distinctions between anthropogenic and natural systems. What are the implications of logically correct systems which do not close to unification? Should management invest in such systems?

Science and engineering students must be able to effectively wield Elegant Reasonism across the spectrum and permutations of materials, structures, and phenomena in order to understand interactions and manifestation of properties by the various abstractions. They must do so model to model and be able to mode shift discussions dynamically in real time. How to conduct experiments that close to unification vs traditional approaches.

Philosophy students must be able to discern truth from the unified Universe applying those insights relative to traditional epistemologies, the taxonomy of philosophical disciplines, and statistically weight traditional approaches relative to the unified Universe. This is especially true across traditional epistmologies, ontology, and axiology. They should also be aware of Susanne K Langer’s contributions to philosophy.

Students of the Arts should be aware of Susanne K Langer’s impact and teachings regarding symbology, human interaction and art appreciation including music appreciation.

Illuminated Illustrations 03 A speaker must give a talk to an investor group about red herrings in the business or R&D environment resulting from new insights gained through application of Elegant Reasonism. 

Are there any projects which businesses are investing large sums of capital and that are yielding less than stellar results? 

Are the rationalizations as to why those results are not achieving the promised integrity becoming increasingly elaborate and more involved?

Are there significant R&D efforts underway that consume incredible sums of both human resources and capital funding which are based on science that can not close to unification? What exactly does that tell management and leadership? 

What would you change and why?

How would experiments be crafted differently in order to better align with unified insights?

Are there projects which should be scrapped outright?

If your business can readily discern potential red herrings, what potentials exist that might impact value derivation in the rest of the business plan? How does that influence customers of the enterprise?

What are the holistic impacts across the business value chain?

Illuminated Illustrations 04 A speaker must give a talk to a post graduate audience at a University and has been asked to discuss how Elegant Reasonism affects cosmology and astronomical sciences. A few topics for discussion might be: Mode Shifting:

Understanding: 

How mode shifting M1 and M5 dismantles limitations imposed by M1 

Clues from synchrotron radiation

Mode shifting z-factors of spacetime expansion show galactic acceleration is Rapidity vindicating Hubble The Emergence Model’s (M5) ability to describe the unified Universe Bang to Bang 

The Fundamental Entanglement Function, limited by Severance 

 

The Fundamental Entanglement Function – MBPs as a fractal initiator Severance – clues from Einstein’s coefficients for emission

Frangibility of mass

z-factors of spacetime expansion to show galactic acceleration is Rapidity vindicating Hubble

The Standard Model and The Emergence Model

Most Basic Particles (MBPs) 

the Michelson-Morley experiment

LIGO and its results to date

Galactic acceleration

The Big Bang

The GPS constellation

Hubble Ultra Deep Field images 

Understanding the age of the unified Universe 

Clues from beyond the particle horizon

Mode Shifting WMAP

The Universe grows immensely old and unfathomably large

Structure = Properties & Properties infer intrinsic structure (e.g. manifestation of properties)

The implications of BX442

The age of the unified Universe 

Clues from beyond the particle horizon

Mode Shifting WMAP

The Universe becomes ancient in the extreme and unfathomably large

Illuminated Illustrations 05 A speaker must give a talk to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about the impact dynamics to listed enterprises, volatility, competition, and ethics going forward. A few topics germane to that audience: 

Implications for potential changes in SEC reporting forms due to Elegant Reasonism

Mode Shifted intellectual properties constitute net new assets because the insights are only apparent because of Elegant Reasonism illuminating implications as a function of unification 

The implication here is the threat represented by competitors wielding Elegant Reasonism prior to the assigned owner takes that same action

Adding metrics to business assessments and analytics on the degree to which Elegant Reasonism impacts that enterprise and in what manner

Impacts and implications to value chains across the economy and by industry

Anticipated implications to SEC auditors and business reviews

Competitive dynamics as a function of Elegant Reasonism and implications for market impact/volatility

Elegant Reasonism In Unification’s Wake, Part 3 Communications Patent Pending 16405134 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and any documents, files, or previous e-mail messages attached to it, constitute an electronic communication within the scope of the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, 18 USCA 2510. This communication may contain nonpublic, confidential, or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use or disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited pursuant to 18 USCA 2511 and any applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, if you received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately. Life Space Matters is a registered trademark of SolREI, Inc. H2Orbit is a trademark of SolREI, Inc.

SolREI Publishing West Palm Beach © Copyright SolREI Publishing All Rights Reserved

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