The Dish - Volume 10 - English Version

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Tortillas It’s been said that a Mexican table without tortillas is an empty table. Fill yours with our updated, authentic takes on traditional Oaxacan and Yucatan cuisine.

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Tlayuda is a popular snack food made of a large, thin, tortilla that is seared or grilled, then covered with a base of refried beans, lard and vegetables, and topped with a variety of meats (chorizo, shredded chicken or beef, or thin strips of chili-powder encrusted pork) or fish. We’ve lightened it up a bit with a healthier black bean paste and a shrimp topping. Wake up the breakfast menu with huevos motuleños, which originated in the Yucatan, but has extended its tasty reach to Oaxaca, Quintana Roo as well as Cuba and Costa Rica. A truly delectable dish, the base is a fried tortilla topped with black beans, a sunny-side-up egg, and a spicy tomato sauce; peas, crumbled fresh cheese and slices of golden fried plantains are strewn on the sides. We’ve spiced it up even more with some judiciously placed chorizo, for a breakfast dish that satisfies throughout the day.


Find the recipe for our Gorgonzola Guacamole with fried sage online!

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