September 2021 Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor Magazine

Page 47

Olive R&D - health

Study shows EVOO improves endothelial function and heart health In a promising finding for heart disease prevention, new research conducted by the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center has found that the consumption of extra virgin olive oil improves endothelial function, a marker of heart health. Endothelial function is a measure of overall blood vessel elasticity, and how well blood vessels expand as blood flows through, and is considered an independent predictor for risk of future cardiovascular events. Significantly, no such benefit was found for refined olive oil.

The research

In the study, recently published in The International Journal of Cardiology, the researchers compared the effects of consuming high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil and refined olive oil respectively on measures of cardiovascular health in adults with prediabetes.

The problem

According to Diabetes Australia, an estimated 1.2 million Australians have a diagnosis of diabetes, and another two million have pre-diabetes. People with diabetes or at risk of diabetes are more likely to develop other chronic health problems such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and hypertension, and have a higher risk of dying prematurely. Issue 121 • September 2021 • Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor • 47

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