October–December 2020

Page 29



hen I interviewed

Much like a home renovation, this type

with some other areas needing a

with Danny Langfield,

of project may seem intimidating,

pretty significant remodel. Let’s start

NMEDA’s CEO, for the

it will be frustrating at times, but

with the website, nmeda.org.

Communications Director position

the end result will totally be worth

a little more than two years ago, I

it. Follow me on this renovation

asked what type of projects I could

analogy…if our web presence is a

NMEDA.org – Simpler & More Intuitive

be working on in this role. The annual

house, the first step in a renovation

I would venture to guess that

conference was on that list, the Circuit

project is to determine the scope of

everyone reading this article has

Breaker magazine, and then the “big

the renovation. Is it a complete tear

visited the NMEDA website. No one

ticket item” would be an overhaul of

down? Must we raze the property and

can deny that it holds lots of great

our web presence. Danny explained

start from scratch? Are the bones

information. From the most basic info

that this overhaul encompassed three

good? Do we just gut it to the studs

about auto mobility for the consumer

areas: 1) Our public facing website,

and rebuild from there? Maybe there

just entering this world, to more

NMEDA.org, 2) Our member portal,

are certain rooms that function just

detailed information on conversions,

or association management system

fine and need some new appliances,

and then of course QAP guidelines

(AMS), and 3) Our training portal, or

and it’s only the bathroom that needs

and specific information only of

learning management system (LMS).

a deeper remodel.

interest to our members. A struggle

He assured me the web overhaul was not an immediate project we’d be tackling, but it was in the not too distant future. Well, the future is now, and it sure is exciting.

It was determined that our NMEDA web presence home fell into the third category. Most of it was working fine, and could benefit from some organization, maybe a few upgrades,

one may have though is navigating through all of this information to find exactly what it is you need. Much like a cluttered pantry, it badly needed some better organization and some

Oct–Dec 2020


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