April—June 2020

Page 24


Is There Ever a Right Time for Training? by Andy Ghillyer NMEDA DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION & TRAINING


n a speech in Cape Town, South

levels, temporary layoffs, or even

user in mind. The emphasis will be

Africa in June 1966, Robert

longer-term furloughs as you struggle

on maximum knowledge transfer

Kennedy said:

to cope with a major economic

in the most concise and interactive

upheaval, training is probably the

format possible, so that your people

least of your concerns. Even then, our

can maximize every minute they are

members have approached training

away from the store. The second half

as an opportunity to be grasped

of 2020 will be bringing significant

while business is slow. Rather than

changes to how we engage with

The authenticity of the “curse”

seeing it as a cost to be avoided when

our members. A new website, a new

remains unknown, but given the

belts needed to be tightened, I was

Association Management System

havoc caused by the COVID-19

thrilled to see how many members

(AMS), a new Learning Management

pandemic, the irony of how attractive

have reached-out to get their people

System (LMS) that will greatly

uninteresting times would be for most

trained while some workers were

improve your learning experience,

of us shouldn’t be understated.


that and do our best to provide

and the first phase of updated

training solutions that minimize

That decision alone says so much

learning materials to provide a more

downtime for your people. That being

about the commitment our members

interactive learning environment.

said, I continue to be impressed

make to their customers as well as

every day at the commitment of our

to their own people. Investing in

members to carving out time for their

training supports the QAP brand that

people to take our training—whether

we all work so hard to maintain, but

it’s onboarding people who are brand

it also sends a clear message to your

new to the industry, or investing in

people—that they are valued as an

time and travel expenses for refresher

integral part of that commitment.

and certification training opportunities

In recognition of the high value that

on the other side of the country that

our members place on training,

can keep them out of the store for

we are continuing on our journey

days at a time.

towards flexible, high-quality,

At the worst of times, when you’re

interactive training content that is

facing tough decisions about staffing

specifically designed with the end-

“There is a Chinese curse which says: ‘May he live in interesting times.’” Like it or not, we live in interesting times.

At the best of times, seeing a training reminder email from NMEDA—either from the QAP team or an NCT expiration notice from me—can be a nuisance. Your technicians work on billable hours, and your salespeople have targets to meet. We understand


NMEDA Circuit Breaker

...but it also sends a clear message to your people—that they are valued as an integral part of that commitment.”

In the meantime, please let us know how we can improve your education and training experience with NMEDA. If you have an idea for a module that would help you develop your people or help you reach your customer base, we would love to hear from you. ---

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