Maui Vision Magazine, Summer, 2019 Edition

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Hints To Raise Your Vibration For Peace By Matteo Musso Much can be said on the topic of inner peace, but I’ll describe the basics from my perspective. When our vibration matches that of our surroundings, we have inner peace. So that’s the goal. It sounds simple, but it’s not easy. There is so much going on around us at all times, both seen and unseen, and these things affect people’s vibrations. As a person who is autistic, I wish everyone would get in balance because we are beings who are so sensitive to the imbalances. We vibrate at such a high level of desired love – in contrast to our ego-driven, power-hungry and wealth-seeking society and world – that we do not have inner peace very much unless those close to us ‘get it.’ You may say, “Hey, but I don’t know or hang out with any autists, so I’m off the hook!” But alas my dear reader, you are not. As each individual finds inner peace, the vibration of the planet will increase and this will attract more and more people seeking this inner peace. Then love will reign again. How do you find it for yourself? Well, you take an awareness inventory – an emotional survey of sorts. Any time you’re unhappy, frustrated, sad, tired or lethargic, notice your internal

and external environments. What, specifically, is slowing your vibration? It could be any number of things – the people you’re interacting with, conversations that dwell on negativity, something that ignites fear in you, or an event going on around you. Know that you can change your vibration by removing yourself from the thing or the environment that is causing you discomfort or pulling you further away from enjoying inner peace. Deep breaths, visualizations, yoga, meditations and uplifting activities, can all help to raise your vibration. Do you know how much

the collective vibration rises with volunteerism? It’s huge and gives so much peace to both the volunteers and the recipients of the work. So, go out and grab it! Inner peace is there for the taking! Matteo is a joyous 15-year-old author, inspirational speaker, and mostly non-verbal autistic young man who recently found his voice by spelling his thoughts one letter at a time on a stenciled letter board. His inspired thoughts and wisdom are now being shared with the world. Visit; search ‘Mondays with Matteo’ on YouTube.

Finding Freedom From Pressure By Dr. Ayin Adams Part of spiritual growth is the experience of joy, which we certainly sacrifice if we grimly press on under the pressures to be perfect. Do your best and leave the rest. The latter is an important key – leave the rest, let it go. Do what you can, and then let it go and relax. This can free you from all kinds of pressure. When you know that you are plugged into a Divine rhythm, you can do things without pressure. One of the subtle problems with having clearly set goals and well-defined master plans, is that these can produce great pressure; one must be careful. Certainly, have a plan; but keep it in the back of your mind. Don’t worry about it and don’t let it become an obsession. This moment is all you have to work with. The past is behind you, and the future is yet to come. A goal should not be a preoccupation for tomorrow, but a direction for the day. If you want to protect yourself from the sense of pressure that comes from anxiety or the fear of failure, be sure to keep yourself ‘now-minded’ – that is, stay in the now. May the light dawn in your consciousness.

Dr. Ayin Adams teaches Science of Mind principles at the Holistically Alive Center in Wailea. Call 808.276.6864 to get in touch and find out about fall classes.

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Fall Edition Deadlines: Articles, Aug. 1 • Ads & Listings, Aug. 16 Summer, 2019

Maui Vision Magazine

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