Gorny & Mosch Auktionskatalog 256

Page 188

3KDOOXV $PXOHWWDQK”QJHU DXV Bergkristall. +HOOHQLVWLVFK -K Y &KU 0LW %RKUXQJ / FP 1DWXUDOLVWLVFK JHDUEHLWHW 5HVWH YRQ 6LQWHU LQWDNW u Provenienz: Ex collection Nancy Mallen, /RQGRQ Amulet pendant in shape of a phallus made of rock crystal with drilled hole. +HOOHQLVWLF UG VW FHQWXU\ % & 7UDFHV of sinter, intact.

3KDOOXV $PXOHWWDQK”QJHU DXV Bergkristall. +HOOHQLVWLVFK -K Y &KU 0LW %RKUXQJ / FP 1DWXUDOLVWLVFK JHDUEHLWHW 5HVWH YRQ 6LQWHU LQWDNW u Provenienz: Ex collection Nancy Mallen, /RQGRQ Amulet pendant in shape of a phallus made of rock crystal with drilled hole. +HOOHQLVWLF UG VW FHQWXU\ % & 7UDFHV of sinter, intact.

3KDOOXV $PXOHWWDQK”QJHU DXV Bergkristall. +HOOHQLVWLVFK -K Y &KU 0LW %RKUXQJ XQG *ROGGUDKW / FP .UDW ]HU DXI GHP 3HQLV VRQVW LQWDNW u Provenienz: Ex collection Nancy Mallen, /RQGRQ Amulet pendant in shape of a phallus made of rock crystal with drilled hole and JROG ZLUH +HOOHQLVWLF UG VW FHQWXU\ % & 6FUDWFK RQ WKH SHQLV RWKHUZLVH intact.

=ZHL 3KDOOXV $QK”QJHU RÜmisch, -K Q &KU / FP $XV %HLQ XQG &KU\VRSUDV (LQ $QK”QJHU PLW %URQ]H �VH 2 Stßck! ,QWDNW u 3URYHQLHQ] ([ * + FROOHFWLRQ /RQGRQ YRU Two phallus pendants made of bone and FKU\VRSUDV 5RPDQ VW QG FHQWXU\ A.D. Intact. 2 pieces!


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