ESWET Activity Report 2013

Page 20

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What happens with combusted waste that does not burn?

Metals As the example above shows, most non-packaging waste is not easily recyclable. A used construction boot, for instance, is very difficult and energy-consuming to tear apart or grind. When it goes through a Waste-toEnergy plant, energy from the combustible part is recovered and all metallic parts, e.g. here the steel sole, can be recovered from the bottom ash and sent for material recycling. Minerals Most mineral fractions of bottom ash are readily useable after an ageing process for chemical stabilisation. In many countries, it is used in road construction, dykes filling material or as ballast, avoiding the need for further extraction of virgin minerals.

Examples of bottom ash usages. Courtesy of the French Environment Ministry


Activity Report 2013  |  ESWET

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