Albuquerque Museum Magazine Summer 2019

Page 13



Albuquerque Museum Foundation in their estate plans. Ed and Virginia’s generous gift will ensure access for future generations to the community enrichment, quality programming, and world-class art featured at the Museum. Since Ed and

Flutist Jesse Tatum in last summer’s Chatter program, where she went by the alias FluTeBot.


Virginia became members

The aM Society honors

featured prominently in

those who have chosen to

their lives, and has provided

generously commit to the

meaningful and continued

future of the Albuquerque


in 2005, the Museum has

Museum by including the

“No matter the season, a trip

Albuquerque Museum

to the Albuquerque Museum

Foundation in their

is for us like a mini-vacation,”

estate plans. Giving from

say the Fultzes. “A leisurely

generation to generation is

stroll through the galleries and

one of the most meaningful

changing exhibits is always

tempered by Bach’s human qualities which stir the

and significant ways

a special outing followed by

passions and feed the soul.

philanthropic-minded people

discussion during lunch or a

can leave a lasting legacy.

snack in the Museum café. The

The third concert explores Arnold Schoenberg’s adaptation of Mahler’s “Das Lied von der Erde.” It’s

It is important to specifically

been adapted for chamber orchestra and features

list the Albuquerque Museum

vocal soloists singing texts based on ancient

Foundation in your will so

Chinese poetry. It explores the themes of youth,

that your gift may be properly

the seasons, loss, and change.

managed and acknowledged,

The final concert brings a world premiere from

and your wishes honored. If

Portland-based composer Ryan Francis. In the

you are interested in joining

piece Chatter commissioned, “Voynich Transcripts:

the aM Society or want

The Search for Lost Knowledge,” Francis draws

information about estate

inspiration from a fifteenth century codex, the

giving, please call or email

Voynich Manuscript, which features detailed

Emily Blaugrund Fox at

drawings of botany, astronomy, and biology. “Things

505.338.8738 or ebfox@

can be lost, and are being lost,” Francis says. “How

much knowledge will be lost due to climate change? How many species of plants are going to be lost,


and what diseases would they have cured?” Francis’s

This spring, Ed and Virginia

compositional style looks forward, even as he asks

Fultz reached out to aM

listeners to reflect on the wisdom of the past, much

Foundation staff with an

of which is waiting to be rediscovered.

intention to include the

Museum is a treasure, rather like a valued friend.”

Per current IRS policy, distributions made from Donor-Advised Funds or Family Foundations may not be used to fulfill a pledge or Patrons’ Circle Membership that would result in a personal benefit to a donor or a member of donor’s family (e.g. tickets to events, dinners, tables for events etc.) Please call if you have additional questions or need clarification.


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