Valley Christian Magazine

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Magazine Issue #85

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Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by Texas Christian Publications a 501c3 non-profit ministry located in the Rio Grande Valley. For advertising information call 956-314-0161. Questions, story ideas, events, or comments call 956-314-0161 or email Social Media Facebook: @valleychristianmagazine & @valleychristian Instagram: @valleychristianmag Twitter: @vcmagazine Copyright 2018

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1 Corinthians 13:4-6 Photo by Leighann Renee on Unsplash

It is the purpose of Valley Christian Magazine to be a magazine that points people to Jesus Christ. How to trust Him. How to do life with Him. Supported by local businesses, ministries & faithful believers. Valley Christian is a free resource for us all.


Issue #85

Valley Christian Magazine 3827 N 10th Street Suite 301 McAllen, TX 78501 956-314-0161

index 6

Sean Teis


Lysa Terkeurst

A Fresh Start


When Anger Is Not The Answer

10 Greg Laurie

The Grip of Fear

12 James MacDonald Hope Lives On

14 Mark Driscoll

Serving Is The Path To Maturing

15 Steve Marr

Business Proverbs

16 Arlene Pellicane

Stopping the Cycle of Insults

18 Time with Our Creator Prayer on Hope & Trust

19 Valley Christian New Reads Spotlight

-Liking Jesus by Craig Groeschel -Putting It Together Again When It’s All Fallen Apart By Tom Holladay


20 Luis Palau

Reafirmando la Autoridad de la Biblia

21 Kids Talk About God

How Do We Know Jesus Came From Heavan On A Mission From His Father?

22 Music Spotlight

Michael W. Smith - “Surrounded”

23 Dave Ramsey - Dave Says -Well Meaning But Misguided -Quit Job For School?

24 Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez The Restoration Story

22 Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


A Fresh Start by Sean Teis

Photo by Jake Ingle on Unsplash

You may be wondering what a grown man may have to say to you as a single mom. What possible advice could I give? Is it that I am a pastor? Yes, I am, but that is not the place where I am going to be coming from in these articles. My articles to you are going to be written from the perspective of a fatherless son because I am one. When I was 10 months old my dad left our home in Pennsylvania and went back to his hometown of Las Vegas, NV. He never returned. This was devastating to my mom and our family. I know first-hand what your children are going through because I have been there. I also got to watch my mom and the struggles she went through. I am going to write from the point of view of your children if they were talking to you twenty or thirty years from now. We have started a new year which means most of us are off to a fresh start. One of my favorite passages of Scripture talking about this is Philippians 3:13-14: “Brothers, I do not count myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” MEV. There are several different ways we could look at this passage, but I want to look at it with you in mind. As a single mom, there are four different ingredients for you to experience a fresh start. 1.) Forgive Yourself – It says in verse 13 “forgetting those things which are behind.” As a single mom, you have to let go of your past mistakes. My mom and I were talking recently about some of the bad decisions she made when raising us, and I told her that it is all in the past. You have to let those past mistakes go. You have to give them to God, turn from them, and not think of them again. We all make mistakes. Stop beating yourself up. Move forward. Make things right with others and God and forgive yourself and cast those past mistakes into the depths of the sea and don’t let them return to your life again. It is time for a fresh start in the way you look at yourself. You are not perfect. No one is, but through a personal relationship with Christ, He gives us the perfection that we need. 2.) Forgive Others – Part of forgetting the things in your past

about sean

is forgiving those who have hurt you in your past. This could be one person or a whole slew of people, but if you want a fresh start, you have to forgive anyone that you have bitterness towards. Being bitter at those individuals will only hurt you. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4:31-32 to “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, outbursts, and blasphemies, with all malice, be taken away from you. And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.” MEV. This is very important to a fresh start and something that we need to do quickly! Don’t let bitterness, wrath, anger, outbursts, blasphemies and malice linger in your life! Forgive others and move on! I know this is easier said than done. It took me many years to forgive my dad for how he used to beat up my mom, for how he threw me across the room to the police in a drunken rampage when I was 9 months old, for how he never paid child support, and for some other things, but I had to forgive him. I don’t tell you this to brag on myself but to give you an example of forgiveness regardless of what the person has done to you. Who do you need to forgive? Don’t wait! Forgive today! 3.) Focus on the Future – In Phil. 3:14 it says “I press toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” MEV After you forget the past, you have to focus on the future! To get a fresh start we have to set Christ centered goals! Our goals for this year and going forward should all be centered on living for God and laying up treasures in Heaven! What goals could you set for this year that have Jesus at the center of them? 4.) Follow Jesus – This might sound simple but has there ever been a time where you prayed to God and put your faith in Jesus Christ? Before you can truly forgive yourself, before you can forgive others, and before you can focus on your future, you have to follow Jesus with your life through realizing you are a sinner, realizing your sin leads to Hell, realizing that Jesus died and paid the penalty for the sins of humanity, realizing that He is he only way to Heaven, and finally realizing that you have to put your faith and trust in Jesus by praying and asking Him to save you from your sins. You can find out more about Salvation here on our website: Begin your fresh start today! Don’t wait! Start with #4 if you have never been saved and then work on 1-3. These 4 things in themselves will transform your life and your family!

Sean and Jackie Teis started Life Factors Ministries in 2008 to spread hope to fatherless homes. Through Life Factors Ministries they are leading fatherless families to the Heavenly Father through spreading awareness, creating unique resources, speaking, and partnering with other ministries. Sean has spoken around the country at various events. Some of the unique resources they have published include: The Fatherless Journey for Girls (For Teen Girls) The Fatherless Journey for Guys (For Teen Guys), and The Single Mom Journey. The Life of a Single Mom Ministries is a global nonprofit committed to seeing no single mom walk alone. Having served more than 46,000 single mothers and 1,500 churches, the goal of the organization is establish support groups for single mothers in cities around the world, while also empowering single moms to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and parentally. For more information, visitwww. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission. Copyright 2018


Issue #85

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


When Anger is Not The Answer By Lysa Terkeurst

The other side of the doors. There’s always another side to consider especially with people. It’s not that we will always agree. But maybe we can be mature enough to not jump in swinging and slinging more hurt. Maybe we should challenge ourselves to pray more words over issues than we speak about issues. And when we need to take a stand calling for change, may we consider men like Martin Luther King Jr. He modeled the very thing he was calling for in others. Let’s not take a stand against the harsh words of others using harsh words ourselves. We are better than that. Let’s listen, learn, love, forgive, and walk out the message of the Gospel. Let’s live Truth. Let’s make sure our hearts stay pure enough to shine the light of hope. God never said that the world will be changed by our angry words… but only by His love working in us and through us.

Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times bestselling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has led thousands to make their walk with God an invigorating journey. In the midst of her busy schedule, Lysa simply seeks to glorify God through her life and family. She resides near Charlotte, N.C., with her five priority blessings named Jackson, Mark, Hope, Ashley and Brooke. Used by Permission.


Issue #85

© 2018 by Proverbs 31 Ministries. All rights reserved.

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


The Grip of Fear by Greg Laurie

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? —Psalm 27:1


We all know what it’s like to be gripped by fear. And fear works with its close buddy, worry. The two often work together. You can get caught up playing that what-if game, tying your stomach in knots. In fact, modern medical research has proved that worry can actually break down your resistance to disease. More than that, it actually diseases the nervous system, specifically that of the digestive organs and the heart. Excessive worry can even shorten your life. We all know what it is like to be afraid of something, but far too often we are afraid of the wrong things in life. At the same time, we are not afraid of the right things in life—or maybe I should say the right One in life. We don’t fear God. Yet the Bible tells us the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. To fear God doesn’t mean cowering in terror before Him. Rather, the fear of God has been properly defined as a wholesome dread of displeasing Him. If I have sinned, it is not the fear of what God will do to me. Rather, it’s the fear of what I have done to Him. That is what it is to fear the Lord. The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else. On the other hand, if you don’t fear God, you fear everything else. David said, “The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1 NKJV). Only the person who can say, “The Lord is the strength of my life” can then say, “of whom shall I be afraid?” Are you gripped by fear and worry right now? Then let the Lord be the strength of your life.

Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. for more, visit used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514 Copyright © 2018 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.


Issue #85

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


Hope Lives On by james macdonald

We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 1 Thessalonians 4:13, ESV

What happens when life doesn’t go the way you want? Your answer will tell you where your hope lies— where it’s truly anchored. There are all kinds of smaller things we can try to put our hope in, but the greatest hope available to every Christian is the return of Jesus Christ. One day “the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17).

“The Great Unshakeable Hope of Every Christian is the Return of Jesus Christ” Every question will be answered. Every wrong will be righted. And we who’ve been redeemed by grace through faith will reign with Him for all eternity. There’s a lifetime’s worth of hope in that. Not because it’s nice to think about in a sweetly spiritual way or because it makes for a good pep talk from the pulpit on Sunday morning, but because Jesus is actually, literally coming back again. This is really going to happen! Our hope is founded in a sure and settled place if this is where we’ve anchored it. Sadly, however, each of us also deals with a lifetime of hardships and disappointments that can


cause us to lose all hope if we’re not thinking like a believer. These ordeals run the gamut from family crises to financial worries, health scares, and everything in between—including perhaps the most earth-shattering of all: the death of a close loved one. But while any of these adversities can cause anguish and pain of soul—and probably none so intensely as the separation and loss of death—each of them represents in its own way an example of life not going the way we wanted. We’re not happy with this new jolt or change of direction. We expected something better. This is not how we’d planned for things to go. But our reactions to these kinds of occurrences do more than just test our mettle; they reveal where we’ve placed our hope. They tell us if our hope depends on a list of conditions that simply must be met or else we can’t go on any longer, or if we’re truly looking forward to the second coming of Christ more than to anything else in our lives. Our response to seeing things taken away from us will tell the truth about our own heart condition. To experience waves of grief following the bluntforce traumas of life is normal, understandable, and even healthy. But ongoing despair denies the hope of Christ’s return. Even if you’re dealing with concern over a spouse, child, or parent whose faith in Christ is in question, your hope stays the same. Yes, work and pray for their salvation. Love and lead your family well. But remember whose you are, and do not put your hope at risk for anyone. The God who rules and owns the universe has given you good reason to endure any challenge of life, no matter how upsetting, demanding, painful, or impossible to understand. The great, unshakable hope of every Christian is the ever-nearer return of Jesus Christ. Anchor your hope there, believer. He is coming soon!

Issue #85

j ou r na l

What have you consistently noticed about believers who won’t let anything steal their hope? Is there anything that could happen in your life that would leave you feeling utterly hopeless? Something that would just be too hard to let go of? List five ways that the prospect of Christ’s imminent return makes a challenging situation in your life radically hopeful.

P r ay

Lord God, thank You for enabling me to trust You with every occurrence in life, even those that feel beyond my ability to endure. Thank You that You don’t merely soften the blow with platitudes, but You infuse my hurting heart with the rock-solid assurances of Your truth, mercy, and control over every event that touches me. Help me place my hope where Your Word tells me to place it—in You and Your promise of an abundant future with You forever. In Jesus’ name, amen. James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Our Journey devotionals are brought to you by Change Partners of Walk in the Word. Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


What is the worst chore or job you have ever had? For me, I hated mowing the lawn as a kid. I had terrible allergies, and before I was done mowing, I looked like Rocky after a beating – I could barely see out of my swollen eyes and sounded like Darth Vader.

John learned to serve from his godly parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth. They were a humble and godly ministry couple. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they devoted their entire life to faithfully serving God. Their son, John, followed in their example.

In the days of Jesus, the worst job of all was removing someone’s shoes. People walked around on dirt roads covered in animal feces and urine, garbage, and other kinds of nastiness. After miles and miles of walking, your shoes smelled like Satan’s breath. To show humility, a student would do everything for his teacher with one exception – remove their shoes. That job was so nasty that it was left solely for the slaves, those at the bottom of the social order.

There is a vital lesson here. The key to maturing is serving. Pastors, preachers, counselors, mentors, worship leaders, and others can serve you. But, if you really want to mature, you need to stop being served and start serving. For parents, this starts when our kids are little. John the Baptizer did not go to a big church with an amazing kids and student ministry. Instead, he had godly parents with whom he studied, prayed, worshiped, and served. Even little kids can learn to pray for their class at church, come with an attitude of service to help the teacher, and open their heart for hospitality to welcome the new kids, shy kids, and scared kids. As kids get older, help them find practical ways to help at church. The word worship is often translated service, and this explains why we have church “services.” But, unless people are serving, they are not really worshiping. John learned this lesson early on, and it carried him throughout his life.

With John’s new ministry taking off like a rocket, the religious leaders came to ask John the Baptizer who he was. Rather than talking about himself, John instead talked about Jesus, saying in John 1:27, “the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” John, the anointed prophet of God that people had been waiting 400 years for, did not consider himself worthy to do the lowest job for Jesus. While people are treating John like a star, he is acting like a servant. In our culture, we like to pay people to serve us, and we do not want to serve others. This in part explains the rudeness in the world as people cut in line at the grocery store, on the airplane, and on the freeway. It seems like everyone thinks that they are more important and worthy of service than everyone else. Unlike culture’s message, a servant of God is a high calling in the Kingdom. In Matthew 20:28, Jesus said that He “did not come to be served, but to serve.”


Issue #85

Are you serving in ministry somehow? If not, how and when can you start? In Him, Mark Driscoll

Copyright 2018. Used with Permission.

In your business, would you want your staff to follow your example? Written by Steve Marr

Effective leaders know that the most powerful management tool we have is to set a good example for our staff. Look for opportunities to demonstrate effective customer service and show that you truly care that customers are served well. When training, start by having new recruits watch you serve and then watch them duplicate that service to customers. Your sterling example will be the best teacher, so ensure that your example is the best possible work.

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


Stopping the Cycle of InsultsBy Arlene Pellicane

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

After our third baby was born, my husband James wanted to help me in my determination to lose the baby weight. Can you see the fight coming? He talked me into becoming his early morning exercise buddy. But I’m not a morning person … I hug my pillow until the last possible second. About a month into this, James concluded my lagging meant I wasn’t interested anymore. Nothing was further from the truth. I knew I needed someone to kick me out of bed, or else I would never exercise. We were at a birthday party when, to my shock, I overheard him ask a friend, “Do you want to work out with me in the morning?” He was ditching me — his wife — for a friend! I was so upset. I had an appointment after the party, so I drove off alone, angry at my husband for breaking our exercise commitment without even talking to me. I wish I’d thought of today’s key verse in that moment, “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9). This verse is similar to Matthew 5:44 which says, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (NIV). Now if we’re to bless our enemies when insulted, how much


Issue #85

more should we bless our family members and friends who love us? Yet it can be so easy to return fire with fire, rude comment for rude comment … especially with the people we see the most. When we stop the cycle of insults by our silence or with a kind response, we are putting these verses into action. It’s natural to fight back with my words when I’m hurt or disappointed. It’s supernatural to bless and pray instead, letting God do the fighting for me. Before confronting my workout buddy, I prayed in the car. “Lord, help me calm down. Help me see things from James’ perspective.” Maybe he was being nice to his friend because his friend was going through a hard time? My feelings of anger began to lessen, and when I got home, we talked about it right away. James realized he made a mistake by asking his friend to replace me in the morning workout routine without consulting me. He thought I wasn’t interested in exercise anymore. His friend never accepted the offer, and I tried to be more awake in the morning. Our key verse directly follows the instructions the Apostle Peter gives wives and husbands. If you’re married, you probably know it’s tempting to deliver the knock-out punch instead of extending a handshake of peace. When I’m tempted to be mean instead of compassionate, I’m learning to try these steps:

Seek God. Pray before losing control. I find a sincere, quick prayer for wisdom does wonders. You may only have time to think, Help, God! Other times, you can pray longer about what’s bothering you. See the other point of view. Play the scene from his perspective. Instead of focusing only on what your spouse did to offend you, be mindful of the ways you might have offended him. Remind yourself that sometimes silence is the best response. Have you ever yelled at your husband or someone close to you in the heat of the moment, only to regret it later? It’s the ugly words spoken in anger that resurface years later in front of a marriage counselor. If you can’t say anything constructive, walk away until you can. These steps don’t just apply to husbands and wives, but relationships with co-workers, parents and friends. What are the results of following God’s Word and not repaying evil with evil? The Bible says you inherit a blessing — both in this life and also the life to come. How wonderful to reserve blessings in heaven by acting humbly and kindly on earth. That’s even more exciting than resting after a morning workout! Lord, I don’t want to repay evil for evil. I especially ask for Your grace to act kindly to my immediate family and closest friends. Help us be like-minded, sympathetic and loving toward one another today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

TRUTH FOR TODAY: 1 Peter 3:10-12, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (NIV) Proverbs 15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (NIV)


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When you feel hurt or insulted, how do you usually respond? The next time you experience conflict with your spouse, friend or a family member, practice the steps in this devotion: Pray, think of the other person’s perspective and remain silent if you cannot think of anything fruitful to say.

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ABOUT:ARLENE Arlene Pellicane is an author of 6 books, a wife, a speaker and provide expert advice on national shows. She earned her BA from Biola University and a MA from Regent University. Before becoming a speaker and author, She served as a features reporter for The 700 Club and associate director for Turning Point Television with David Jeremiah. She lives in San Diego with her husband James and her kids Ethan, Noelle and Lucy.

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


Prayer on Hope and Trust Author: Grandfather El, Contributors Grandchildren: Noah, Photography and Editing: Ali

All-knowing Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ Name to thank You for the encouragement You give me when I read in Your Word about how You have my present and my future under Your control. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11. My hope rests in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and with You there are no hopeless situations. In my weakness, it is a blessing to hear You say, “…My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness...” 2 Corinthians 12:9. Lord, direct me away from the danger of the misplaced hopes of the world that keep me from anchoring myself in You. Instead, continually show me how my hope is based on my relationship with You. Give me confidence in Your promise that You are working for my good in all things, even the things I do not understand. “And we know that all things [illness, problems, failure, betrayal, etc.] work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 Strengthen my confidence in You as I immerse myself in Your Word, believing who You say You are and worshipping together with fellow believers. Give me the privilege of experiencing the truth of the prophet Isaiah, who said “…those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 Thank you that I can bring these praises and requests to You in Jesus’ Name, Amen. 18

Issue #85

Liking Jesus

Intimacy And Contentment In A Selfie-Centered World By Craig Groeschel Zondervan Publishing In Liking Jesus, a timely and life-changing book, New York Times bestselling author and pastor of Life.Church Craig Groeschel helps put Christ first again in today’s maxed out, selfie-centered world. The more you compare, the less satisfied you are. The more we interact online, the more we crave intimacy. The more filtered our lives become, the harder it is to be real. It’s time to refresh and rediscover what it means to be “like Jesus” and find true authenticity, a healthy self-image, and compassion for others in an age when we relate to each other so differently than ever before. Groeschel taps into some of the most leading-edge studies on the effects of social media on our emotions and friendships. He offers real-life examples of how we struggle with screens and likes, how these things mask our struggles with who we really are, and how we can reclaim a Christ-centered life. Packed with helpful topics like the “10 Commandments of Using Social Media to Strengthen Your Faith” and “Creating Safeguards for Your Digital Devices,” readers from ages sixteen to sixty will find Liking Jesus to be just the guide to bring balance and real-world engagement to everyday life.

Putting It Together Again When It’s All Fallen Apart 7 Principles For Rebuilding Your Life by Tom Holladay Zondervan Publishing

Life crises can throw you into a tail-spin—a lost job, a failed relationship, a struggling business, a financial mess. Where do you start? How do you pull it together? How do you begin again? Tom Holladay experienced a catastrophe first-hand when a sudden flood in California destroyed his home, his church, and the homes of many church members. Tom and his congregation had to rebuild, and they used the principles in the book of Nehemiah to get back on their feet. Now a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church, Tom will help you discover seven principles for putting it together again that will give you the direction you need to get rolling on that fresh start. Holladay will walk you through seeing every problem as an opportunity, facing the obstacles head on and taking your first step, knowing how to expect and reject opposition, build on your success, and dedicating yourself to the One who rebuilds our souls. The task of starting again can seem impossible. And sometimes you just need to rebuild your confidence and regain a sense of purpose. If you’re trying to find the emotional energy, but you just don’t have it in you, let Holladay encourage you. He understands how difficult and rewarding the business of rebuilding is. This book is your encouraging how-to guide to starting again and stepping into a better future. Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


Reafirmando la autoridad de la Biblia -Luis Palau

Muchos en nuestro tiempo ponen en duda la autoridad de la Palabra de Dios. Dejan de lado ciertos pasajes y cuestionan muchos otros. ¿Cómo debemos responder a tales ataques? Al decir de Carlos Spurgeon, “Tratar de defender la Palabra de Dios es como tratar de defender un león... no necesita defensa alguna.” Confiadamente podemos seguir el ejemplo de hombres de Dios a través de la historia y reconocer con ellos la autoridad de la Biblia. Cristo mismo reconoció las Escrituras como Palabra de Dios. Cuando Jesús citaba pasajes del Antiguo Testamento, muchas veces optaba por aquellos supuestamente controversiales o difíciles de creer. Y lo hacía con el objeto de reafirmar su exactitud histórica. Jesús hizo referencia a la historia de la creación (Mateo 19:4-6; Marcos 10:2-9; 13:19), a Noé y el diluvio (Mateo 24:36-39; Lucas 17:26-27), y a Lot y la historia de Sodoma y Gomorra (Mateo 10:15; Lucas 10:2; 17:2830). Jesús incluso mencionó la historia de Jonás (Mateo 12:40-41; 16:4) según la relata el Antiguo Testamento. Hay quienes se burlan de esta historia diciendo que es un “cuento de hadas” o un relato para niños. ¿Por qué? Porque de acuerdo al conocimiento que ellos tienen de la ciencia, aseguran que es imposible que una ballena se trague a un hombre para luego vomitarlo a los tres días. Pues bien, ante todo la Biblia no dice que Jonás fue tragado por una ballena sino por un gran pez (Jonás 1:17). Pero lo que es aun más importante, el hecho histórico está registrado en la Biblia y Jesús dijo que en verdad sucedió. Si El lo creyó, ¿acaso no debiéramos creerlo nosotros también? Me agrada el comentario que una vez hizo Billy Graham cuando alguien usó la historia de Jonás para “probar” que la Biblia era ficticia. Billy dijo que si Dios era Dios, entonces no sólo era posible que un pez se haya tragado a Jonás, sino que además, si Dios lo hubiera querido, Jonás se habría podido tragar al pez. La Biblia declara sin dobleces: “Toda la Escritura es inspirada por Dios” (2 Timoteo 3:16). Lo maravilloso de esta afirmación es que lo que fue escrito por escritores sagrados, fue inspirado por Dios. Dios habló a través de esos hombres. Ellos eran Su vocero. Las mismas palabras de la Escritura son inspiradas por Dios. Alguien dijo: “Es tan fácil tener música sin notas o matemáticas sin números como pensamientos sin palabras”. La inspiración corresponde a todas y cada una de las partes de la Biblia y a la Biblia como un todo--no sólo a los “pensamientos” que las palabras comunican al lector. Jesús declaró: “Porque de cierto os digo que hasta que pasen el cielo y la tierra, ni una jota ni una tilde pasará de la ley, hasta que todo se haya cumplido” (Mateo 5:18). El garantiza hasta las más pequeñísimas partes de la Biblia. Los padres de la iglesia también afirmaron la autoridad de la Biblia. Agustín declaró: “De modo que rindámonos e inclinémonos a la autoridad de las Sagradas Escrituras, que no pueden errar ni engañar.” ¿Por qué acobardarse ante los ataques de ciertos críticos de la Biblia? Como creyentes debemos sujetarnos a Dios y a su Palabra de autoridad. La Escritura es el estándar por el cual debemos medir todo lo demás. Agradézcale a Dios por su Palabra. Léala. Estúdiela. Gócese en la seguridad de que la Escritura tiene autoridad divina.

Su mensaje fue, y es escuchado por más de 800 millones de personas en 112 países a través de la radio y la televisión, y tiene el privilegio de haberle hablado a más de 22 millones de personas cara a cara en 80 países del mundo, organizando, junto a un selecto grupos de colaboradores internacionales y con el apoyo de invitaciones locales, congresos, seminarios, charlas informales, conferencias y recitales-conferencia llamados “Festivales”. Copyright 2018 Used by Permission.

Luis Palau


Luis Palau ya entró en la historia moderna como uno de los contados hombres que le hablaron a más personas en el mundo.

Issue #85

How do we know Jesus came from heaven on a mission from his father (John 8:12-20)?

When it comes to where we will spend eternity, God doesn’t want us to gamble. Therefore, Jesus banished all doubt by fulfilling a mission predicted by Hebrew prophets hundreds of years before his miraculous birth in Bethlehem. “Gambling is the surest way of getting nothing for something,” wrote Wilson Mizner. By bringing us into this world, God gives us something. If we’re not careful to consider Jesus’ mission, we can leave this world like a foolish gambler with nothing. “We know Jesus came from Heaven because of all the prophecies,” says Iva, 11. “People said in the Old Testament that God would send his Son who would rise from the dead, and Jesus matched all the prophecies. Jesus completed his mission by dying for us and saving us from our sins.” There are more than 60 distinct prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the messiah. Professor Peter Stoner of Westmont College calculated the odds at 1017 to 1 of one man fulfilling only eight messianic prophecies. That’s one chance in 100 quadrillion! It would be like giving a blind-folded person one try to find one marked silver dollar in a two-foot sea of silver dollars covering the entire State of Texas. “Only Jesus has prophecies made hundreds of years in advance made literally true,” said Dr. Norman Geisler, Bible scholar and author of more than 50 books. “The Bible records the most important events in the universe, including Jesus dying on the cross,” says Sophia, 9. “That was his mission.” I’m constantly amazed at the blank faces I see when I ask people what Jesus meant when he said, “It is finished,” as he died on the cross. When I encounter that blank stare, I ask, “What was his mission?” Sometimes, but too rarely, I hear, “He died for our sins.” At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he attended a wedding feast with his disciples. When his mother told him they had run out of wine, Jesus said, “My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). Jesus knew that if he turned the water into wine publicly, it would accelerate his mission, which was his death to pay for our sins. Therefore, he performed the miracle privately.

Artwork by Sophia Villarreal, age 9 (Finalist in 2017 RGV Children’s Arts Festival) We pride ourselves on living independently. Jesus lived dependently. To live by his Father’s plan, he listened to his voice. Often before a major decision, Jesus withdrew from his disciples to pray. Before choosing his 12 disciples, Jesus slipped away to a mountain for an all-nighter in prayer (Luke 6:12). Think about this: Jesus lived dependently by hearing the voice of his Father. Memorize this truth: “But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). Ask this question: Are you living by God’s mission for your life or by what seems good to you? Kids Talk About God is a syndicated column by journalist Carey Kinsolving. To access more columns and other free, Bible-based books, videos and artwork, please visit To learn more about the RGV Children’s Arts Festival, please visit

Years later, after Jesus rode triumphantly on a donkey into Jerusalem, he said, “The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified,” (John 12:23). Now, Jesus performed miracles publicly. A few days before riding into Jerusalem, he raised Lazarus from the dead. There was nothing private about this miracle. Jesus looked to heaven and then shouted in front of a crowd, “Lazarus, come forth!” (John 11:43). Once again, Jesus will call forth the dead when he returns for all who have accepted the gift of eternal life by believing in him (I Thessalonians 4:16).

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


Music Spotlight:



Multi-Platinum artist, best-selling author and acclaimed actor Michael W. Smith releases for the first time in his career two, all new albums in one month, both his studio album A Million Lights (Feb. 16) and the live worship album Surrounded (Feb. 23) from Rocketown Records and The Fuel Music. In many ways, Michael is a statesman, at the fulcrum of Christian music in pivotal moments. It is said that the heart of a lion never goes away, and Michael isn’t content staying with the equilibrium. At a loss for what his voice should be toward the end of 2016, this prolific artist comes roaring back with two full-length albums in a countercultural response to the divisive national sentiment of 2017 and the mean-spirited banter on social media. With Surrounded, Michael’s desire is to unify the Church’s diverse expressions into one passionate, joyful cry of worship. Gathering worshippers around him and his band Nov. 2 for an intimate, set in the round recording of Surrounded at The Factory / Jamison Hall in Franklin, TN, Michael shares: “I feel God moving through His Church and He is calling us together to be one voice and one heart. One bride. Every nation, every tribe and every tongue. Every social class, every denomination. “What if we bring Him the thing that pleases Him most– our unity,” implores Michael. “We may each have different stories, and skin, and songs, but we all share His same Spirit.” Surrounded, his first live worship album since 2014’s Sovereign that became a top 10 Billboard 200, No. 1-selling Christian album, Michael’s 13-song A Million Lights has already been receiving significant acclaim. USA Today raves in its first-ever “Life” section cover story on Michael that he “is shining brighter than ever” and noticing that the recording “marks a sonic departure for the Grammy winner.” “Until the world ends, music is the most powerful language there is,” says Michael. “It can transform your life on every level, not just the spiritual. It can help people reconnect with why they’re here.”


Issue #85

Well meaning, but misguided Dear Dave, My sister has bad credit due to a lot of late payments. She has finally started to change her ways and get control of her finances, because she and her fiancé want to make an offer on a house. The bank won’t approve it if she is on the loan, and his income alone isn’t enough to get the amount they need. His parents are well-off, and they have offered to co-sign on the loan. Is this a bad idea? Rhonda Dear Rhonda, It’s a really bad idea. Those two have no business thinking about a house right now, and his parents are about to make things even worse with their loving, misguided help. If you need a co-signer, you’re nowhere near ready to buy a home. They need to slow down. I mean, they’re just engaged. They don’t even need a house at this point. They should get married, live in a cheap apartment for a while, and work on paying off their debts. After that, they need to save up an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses, then start setting cash aside for a huge down payment on their first, modest home.

Dave Says

These two have a bad case of house fever. And mom and dad need to step back, look at things objectively, and realize they would not be blessing these kids by helping get them into a home they obviously can’t afford! —Dave

Quit job for school? Dear Dave, My wife and I have $72,000 in debt from student loans and a car loan. We’re trying to pay off our debt using the debt snowball system, and we each make about $45,000 a year. She’s a teacher, and she’s planning on going back to school for her master’s degree, but she’s thinking about quitting her job to do this. She’ll be able to make more money with the additional education, and she would only be unemployed for two years. The degree program will cost us $2,000 out of pocket per semester for two years. Does this sound like a good idea? Chris Dear Chris, There’s no reason for your wife to quit her job to make this happen. Lots of people — especially teachers — hold down their jobs and go back to school to further their education. I’m not sure trying to make it on one income when you’re that deep in debt is a good idea. Whatever you do, don’t borrow more money to make this happen. Cash flow it, or don’t do it. We’re talking about $8,000 total, and you’ve got $72,000 in debt hanging over your heads already. My advice would be to wait until you’ve got the other debt knocked out, then save up and pay cash for school. You could slow down your debt snowball, and use some of that to pay for school, but I’d hate to see you lose the momentum you have when it comes to getting out of debt.

* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Dave’s latest project, EveryDollar, provides a free online budget tool. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at

The choice is yours, but don’t tack on anymore student loan debt. I know her income will go up with a master’s degree, so from that standpoint it’s a good thing to do. But if you do a good thing a dumb way, it ends up being dumb! —Dave

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You. -1 Pet 5:7


Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez attorney at law

Some historians may argue that among the greatest restoration stories of mankind are the European Renaissance or perhaps the post-World War II era. The cultural movement known as the European Renaissance roughly took place during the 14th through 17th centuries. This moment in history saw the face of Europe evolve with respect to its arts, architecture and long held science tenets. It also saw a rediscovery of the Greco-Roman classical knowledge and a rebirth of the study of Latin and vernacular languages. It served as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Closer to home, America saw its restoration take place in the years that followed World War II. During this era, couples who could not afford families during the Great Depression made up for lost time. The mood in America suddenly became optimistic. At that time, the unemployment rate of the Great Depression dropped dramatically and the economy improved substantially. The G.I. Bill empowered many honorable service members to finish high school and attend college. As their skills were improved, so was the financial well-being of their families. But, without a doubt the greatest restoration that can take place is when a person does as Romans 10:9 instructs us to do. Romans 10:9 says: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” The message is simple: invite Christ into your heart and make him your personal Lord and Savior. At that time, your restoration will be complete. Next He will do as Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” As you seek and strive to honor God with your life, He will reward you by allowing you to take on His characteristics. Hosea 14:4 says, “I will bring my people back to me. I will love them with all my heart; No longer am I angry with them.” I pray that you will invite Christ into your heart and allow Him to restore you! At my office, I also want to be part of your restoration plan, albeit in a different way. I pray that God will use me for His honor and glory in helping me address your needs. If you have been involved in an auto accident and/or other serious injury or if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s negligence, I will do my best to restore some sense of normality to your life. I will also help you in matters involving family law, criminal law and real estate and will issues. As always, I bear in mind that in honoring God with the way I handle my business relationships I will be honoring you my esteemed client.

Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: 877.480.1421 Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455

511 W. University / Edinburg, TX 78539 e-mail:

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