Valley Christian Magazine Issue #88

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Magazine Issue #88

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Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by Texas Christian Publications a 501c3 non-profit ministry located in the Rio Grande Valley.

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It is the purpose of Valley Christian Magazine to be a magazine that points people to Jesus Christ. How to trust Him. How to do life with Him. Supported by local businesses, ministries & faithful believers. Valley Christian is a free resource for us all.


Issue #88

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index 6

Brian Houston


Lysa K. Finley-Morrow


St. John’s Episcopal School


What’s The More God Wants Of You? Favorite Hymns of My Life 43rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner

10 Greg Laurie

Easter Brings Hope

13 Luis Palau

Estudia La Biblia

14 James MacDonald The Way God Wins

15 Steve Marr

Business Proverbs

16 Time with Our Creator


The Influence of God’s Word In My Life

18 Dave Ramsey - Dave Says -Keep It In Your Own Pocket -Don’t Let It Hang Around

19 Kids Talk About God

How Does Remaining In God’s Word Make You Free?

20 Valley Christian New Movie Spotlight -I Can Only Imagine -Paul, Apostle of Christ

22 Valley Christian Events! -Got Faith Concert with Skillet & For King & Country -STCA 5K Run -Stryper in Concert -Classical Conversations Workshop

24 Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez The Easter Story

20 “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


What’s the “More” God Wants for You? By Brian Houston “God can do anything, you know — far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Ephesians 3:20-21 (MSG) Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

What are the deepest longings of your heart — the “more” you want in your life that you’re afraid to voice out loud? Over the years, I’ve learned to trust God with the secret desires of my soul. And I can testify to God’s faithfulness when it comes to giving me more of His vision, His presence and His calling, all for a purpose bigger than mine. Have you ever stopped to wonder what God’s response would be to your heart’s cry for more? I believe the Savior of the universe would bend down in the most caring of manners and say, “More what? And how much more? My supply is unending. My mercy is limitless. My grace is more than you need.” The more God wants for your life is beyond comprehension. Our key verse today, Ephesians 3:20‑21, tells us, “God can do anything, you know — far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by

pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” It changed my thinking and my life when I realized the power of this truth: God can do anything. And not just a little bit more than we dream of. Far more. So what are your craziest ideas, deepest longings and grandest plans — the things you’ve barely allowed your soul to imagine? Because even those grand plans aren’t enough. All of heaven is looking down upon you, shaking their heads and saying, “Is that all? Is that all she wants? Is that all he can dream up?” Allow me to stretch your thinking, because we serve the ultimate Big Thinker. No plans of yours even compare to God’s. The amazing truth is, God can take every limitation that’s been put on your life — by you or by others — and expand your heart and purpose in a way that’s way bigger, way higher, way more effective than anything you could imagine. You can never out-dream God. Dear God, thank You for creating me to want more. Help me see how You want me to

change my thinking so that I live differently, with great expectation for what You’re doing in my life! All for Your glory! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

TRUTH FOR TODAY: 1 Corinthians 2:9, “But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’” (NKJV) Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (NKJV)

REFLECT AND RESPOND: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? In what ways have you lost or kept pieces of that dream? As you read this devotion, what “craziest idea” came to your mind as something you’ve recently considered doing? What’s holding you back from pursuing that idea?

Brian Houston is the Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church, a global family of congregations comprising more than 100,000 weekly attendees. Considered by many as a leading voice in the shaping of contemporary leadership values and church culture; Brian is highly regarded for his bold innovation and passion for the local church. Used by Permission.

© 2018 by Proverbs 31 Ministries. All rights reserved.

© 2018 by Brian Houston. All rights reserved. Valley Christian Magazine and Proverbs 31 Ministries thanks WaterBrook & Multnomah for their sponsorship of today’s devotion.


Issue #88

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Favorite Hymns of My Life by: Lisa K. Finley-Morrow

Treasured are memories of my train ride from London, England to Glasgow, Scotland. The verdant green of Scotland’s Highlands seemed never ending! As I gazed out my train window, I spied tiny rainbows in farmland that I fancied were a size grazing sheep could pass under. Others appeared a size I could capture in my hands. Rainbows in Scotland are everywhere! Then, suddenly, I saw one that started outside my left cabin window, reached high into the sky, and then appeared to descend on the right side of the train as we traveled under it. The light refracting droplets of Scotland’s mist produced a Texas-sized rainbow surprising this Texas lass!

listener! Surely this fair-skinned soprano has ancestral roots in Scotland, a land known for its red-headed beauties and the pastel surprises of God’s promised rainbows after a storm.

My emotions soared as my eyes swept upward following that perfectly arched rainbow. Sliding across my seat and then onto an empty seat on the right side of the cabin I looked upward to confirm what I thought I was seeing as I traced that same rainbow down into a crofter’s pasture. Afterwards, my ride settled into an experience of delightful rainbow spotting before arriving in Glasgow. The predictable clickity-clack of the train rolling along became a mesmerizing rhythm as I contemplated the terrain’s beauty on that gentle day. Punctuating the solitary hillsides were yet more surprising, shimmering arches of pastel light unexpectedly appearing as we sped down the tracks, rounded sparkling lakes, and crossed rushing mountain rivers.

Christ’s light can bring healing to our lives and praise to our lips when we least suspect. To refuse the word of God and His blessing of light to the sometimes dark pathways in life, we do to our own misfortune. God reminds us in the Bible of old in Isaiah 55:6-7 that we should seek Him while He may be found. In the Gospel of Matthew 6:33, we are reminded to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness and He will give us everything we need. When we contemplate the darkness and evil that prevails not only in the dark of nighttime but in a lonely soul’s daytime, we can pray that the Lord would use us as instruments of light. We can model the light of Christ and our faith in the Lord just as David did in Psalms 27 when he said, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”

William Cowper, one of the world’s great hymn writers, suffered all his life with bouts of great depression and yet his hymn, Sometimes a Light Surprises, written in the darkest of his days became one of the most beloved of hymns. He knew first hand the surprise healing of spirit when confessing sorrows to God. Those lyrics remind us that singing unto God brings its own sweet surprising comfort even when the promise of a change in circumstances appears distant. Renditions of this hymn abound on the internet including mass choirs, vocal ensemble versions as sung by Songs of Grace with delightful flute and piano accompaniment, and yet one of my favorite versions is sung by female soloist Cynthia Clawson. That rendition features her distinctively rich, melodic voice in an arrangement that delights and surprises the


Issue #88

Cowper and John Newton of Amazing Grace fame, worked for years as a team endeavoring to craft a poem or hymn for each worship service producing a vast collection of modern hymns (of the late 1700s) entitled Olney Hymns. Amazing Grace, one of the world’s most famous of those hymns, of course, is a song re-popularized in recent years as played on a solitary bagpipe.

ABOUT LISA... Lisa and her musical husband, Jim, have served in music ministry across the state of Texas for nearly 40 years. They reside in McAllen, Texas and continue to share their love of hymns with a large number of his music students and with congregations when invited. They can be reached at

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


Easter Brings Hope by Greg Laurie

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” —John 11:25


Easter is not about brightly colored eggs, wearing pastels, or enjoying a big meal, although it could include these. Easter is about the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. For some, Easter will be a great day, spent surrounded by family and friends. But for others, it will be a sad day, because Easter is a reminder of a loved one who has died and is now desperately missed. Death seems so cruel, so harsh, and so final. That is what the disciples were feeling when they saw their Lord, whom they had left everything to follow, hanging on the cross. They were devastated. Death had crushed them. But if they would have gone back in their memories, they would have recalled an important event and statement Jesus had made. They would have remembered Jesus standing at the tomb of His close friend Lazarus. They would have remembered that Jesus did something completely unexpected: He wept (see John 11:35). Jesus wept, because He knew that death was not part of God’s original plan. Humanity was not meant to grow old, to suffer with disease, or to die. But because of the sin of Adam and Eve, sin entered the human race, and death followed with it. And death spread to all of us. Jesus wept, because it broke His heart. But standing there at Lazarus’ tomb, Jesus also delivered these hopefilled words: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25). Death is not the end. And the Resurrection of Jesus Christ proves it. If you have put your faith in Christ, then Easter means that you will live forever in the presence of God. Easter brings hope to the person who has been devastated by death.


Issue #88

Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. for more, visit used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514 Copyright © 2018 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6



Issue #88

Estudiando la Biblia -Luis Palau

¿Disfruta usted de su estudio personal de la Biblia? ¿Está satisfecho con su habilidad para poner en práctica las verdades bíblicas en su vida diaria? Los cristianos a veces descuidan el estudio de la Biblia porque no tienen un método simple y práctico que convierta el estudio bíblico en algo vivo y dinámico. Pero no podemos crecer y madurar espiritualmente a menos que comamos del Pan de Vida en forma regular. Un líder cristiano declaró: “Nunca habré enfatizado en demasía la importancia y el valor del estudio de la Biblia... sobre todo en estos días de incertidumbre, cuando hombres y mujeres prefieren decidir cuestiones desde el punto de vista de la conveniencia en vez de hacerlo basados en los principios eternos dejados por Dios.” El estudio bíblico comienza con observación. Nuestras observaciones de cualquier objeto--incluso de la Biblia--se realizan de acuerdo a la naturaleza del objeto a estudiar. Observamos las estrellas mirándolas a través de un telescopio noche tras noche. Observamos el comportamiento de los animales observándolos durante un largo período en su hábitat natural. Observamos la Biblia como observaríamos cualquier otro libro--leyéndola cuidadosamente en forma frecuente.

El Dr. Jaime Gray, maestro de Biblia, declaró: “Hay sólo una ley para el estudio de la Biblia, y tal ley es leer el Libro. Y una vez que lo haya leído, leerlo otra vez, y luego sentarse y leerlo nuevamente, y otra vez más, y de esa manera pronto usted empezará a conocer el Libro.” En una sesión lea por completo el libro de la Biblia que está estudiando o va a estudiar. Filipenses o Santiago son libros muy adecuados para comenzar un estudio. Léalos de una vez para obtener una clara impresión del libro como un todo. No preste atención a los capítulos y versículos. Léalo vez tras vez, y ocasionalmente use varias traducciones para comprender mejor el mensaje. Pregúntese: ¿Quién? ¿Qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? Después de observar el texto, sigue la interpretación. Debemos evitar que nuestras presuposiciones influyan sobre nuestra interpretación. Ore para que el Espíritu Santo lo ilumine. Si no tenemos Su luz, no contaremos con el entendimiento adecuado (1 Juan 2:20-27). Examine el contexto del pasaje que está interpretando. Además compare el pasaje con relatos paralelos y otras referencias bíblicas. Carlos Spurgeon dijo: “En nuestros días oímos que los hombres sacan un versículo de la Biblia de su contexto y exclaman: ´¡Eureka, Eureka!´, como si hubieran encontrado una nueva verdad; cuando en realidad no han hallado un diamante genuino sino un pedazo de vidrio roto.” El mejor comentario bíblico es la Biblia misma. Pero los manuales, diccionarios bíblicos y un buen atlas nos ayudan a comprender mejor las tierras, costumbres e historia bíblica. Consúltelos cuando los necesite, pero tenga cuidado de no pasar demasiado tiempo leyendo acerca de la Biblia sin ir a investigar en la Biblia misma. Por último, trate de aplicar la Palabra de Dios a su vida. Si la Biblia no cambia su comportamiento, no la ha aplicado. Encuentre relaciones entre la Biblia y las distintas áreas de su vida--sus puntos fuertes y debilidades, sus actitudes y acciones. ¿Qué le dice la Biblia a usted como hijo o hija, como padre o madre, como empleado o empleador?

Luis Palau ya entró en la historia moderna como uno de los contados hombres que le hablaron a más personas en el mundo. Su mensaje fue, y es escuchado por más de 800 millones de personas en 112 países a través de la radio y la televisión, y tiene el privilegio de haberle hablado a más de 22 millones de personas cara a cara en 80 países del mundo, organizando, junto a un selecto grupos de colaboradores internacionales y con el apoyo de invitaciones locales, congresos, seminarios, charlas informales, conferencias y recitales-conferencia llamados “Festivales”.

El apóstol Santiago advierte: “Sin embargo no nos engañemos; éste es un mensaje que no sólo debemos oír sino poner en práctica” (Santiago 1:22 BD). Obedezca la Palabra meditando en ella en oración, buscando una mayor comprensión y una aplicación más práctica. Observación. Interpretación. Aplicación. Estos tres pasos sencillos son la llave que abrirá la puerta a un estudio bíblico dinámico y emocionante.

Copyright 2018 Used by Permission.

¿Por qué no empieza ya a disfrutar de su estudio bíblico personal? Luis Palau

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


The Way God Wins by james macdonald And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him. -Colossians 2:13–15, ESV When God wins, He wins big time! We’re not talking an overtime, squeak-it-out victory. And we’re not talking about a soccer game where there’s a shootout win because one ball dribbles in, but otherwise it would have been a tie. God doesn’t operate like that. When He wins a battle, His victory is decisive. As God was pouring out His wrath on His Son, we were there in His mind. From each painful step to Calvary, to His last breath on the cross, Jesus was taking on the ultimate battle—“the rulers and authorities” who were waving “the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands.”

“Neither death nor the grave nor satan’s plans stood a chance against the Risen Savior!!”

Satan had an open-and-shut case against us; left to ourselves, we were toast. But Colossians 2:15 declares that when Jesus won the victory on the cross, “He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (NKJV). When it came to settling our eternal destiny, God wasn’t offering an obligatory “good game.” He was triumphing over the principalities and powers, including the enemy himself: “You lost! Just like I told you!” That’s the way God wins. Long before the cross, the Israelites who escaped the bondage of slavery


witnessed one such victory. Imagine their joyful shouts when they looked back and saw the miraculously-parted Red Sea close over the Egyptian army in hot pursuit. “Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously . . . ” (Exodus 15:1, ESV). Game over! Some two-thousand years later, after what looked like a devastating defeat by the enemy, came the ultimate triumph: “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay” (Matthew 28:6). Neither death nor the grave nor Satan’s plans stood a chance against the risen Savior! Today, Jesus lives to further His victory through the lives of His followers. In fact, “we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). In Christ, we aren’t just conquerors, we’re super conquerors— because God doesn’t just win, He crushes the enemy (Romans 16:20). That’s why you don’t want to take on this battle yourself. It is the reason the transaction at the cross was entirely out of our hands. Jesus took on your debt, your sin, your condition, and defeated the condemning, eternal hold those things had on you. Because of His death and resurrection, all who trust in Christ for salvation are granted a place in the conquering band that will rejoice in His victory forever! Consider your battles in light of this truth. Express your heart to the Lord and pour out your adoration. Every day we have the ultimate reason to celebrate.

Issue #88

j ou r na l

How does the concept of victory fit the way you think about your relationship with Christ? Where does the truth that “we are more than conquerors through him” need to intersect your life today?

P r ay

Heavenly Father, I praise You afresh today for the resurrection of Jesus Christ! I praise You for triumphing over sin and death and hell. I praise You for the unfathomable sacrifice You made to make possible my reconciliation with You. I praise You that You are a mighty warrior and the eternal victor. I confess that I don’t always feel much like a “super conqueror.” But the more I focus on what You have done, rather than worrying about what I have done or need to do, the more I sense the freedom of victory in Jesus. Thank You for being the decisive factor in every battle. I place the battles I’m facing today in Your mighty hands. Help me to keep trusting You, my Savior and King. I pray these things in the awesome name of Jesus Christ, amen. James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Our Journey devotionals are brought to you by Change Partners of Walk in the Word. Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

When correcting staff, do you ensure your comments are helpful? Written by Steve Marr Sarcasm, when used to discipline staff, will backfire and be ineffective. When employees mess up, point out what went wrong, and what action needs to be taken. Explain how the problem can be avoided in the future. Using a sharp tongue will only fracture workplace relationships and weaken our own credibility while generating little long-term improvement. Stay positive, avoid the sarcastic remarks, and build up your staff more effectively.

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


The Influence of God’s Word in My Life Author: Elton Streyle, Contributor: Noah, Photography and Editing: Ali, Bible Journaling: Sylvia S.

I come to You in Jesus’ Name, Heavenly Father, to thank You for the light that You give as I walk through dark areas of life. “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” Psalm 119:105. “The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes” Psalm 19:8. Father, empower me to comprehend the awesomeness of the fact that all Scripture is You speaking to me in written form. “All scripture is God-breathed” 2 Timothy 3:16. Direct me to live my spiritual life in the same way as my physical life. Just as I can’t live without physical food each day, I need to have You give me a daily intake of Your Word and a time of quietness to hear from You. “Be still and know that I am your God” Psalm 46:10. Show me how to mold my opinions and values around You and Your ways, not around the society that I live in. Thank you for putting in Your Word all the direction I need to be able to live a life of peace and joy. “Teach me your way O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.” Psalm 86:11. Father, thank you for allowing me to bring these praises and requests in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Issue #88

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“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


Keep it in your own pocket! Dear Dave, I just filed taxes, and it looks like I’ll get a pretty big refund this year. A friend of mine told me I should adjust my withholding, so I don’t get a refund. This seems pretty dumb to me. Why would I change my withholdings when I’m getting money back? James Dear James, The only reason you’re getting a refund is because you had too much taken out of your paychecks in 2017. Let’s say your refund is $3,500. Basically, you loaned the government $3,500 of your own money, interest-free. A refund isn’t a gift or reward, James. It’s your own cash that you get back because you paid in too much during the previous year. In your case, that adds up to almost $300 a month!

Instead of loaning the government money that you worked hard to earn, wouldn’t it be a better idea to keep it in your own pocket?

Dave Says


Don’t let it hang around! Dear Dave, I have $100,000 in student loan debt. Since the amount is so large, is there a special place in your Baby Steps plan for it? Julie Dear Julie, The fact that it’s a large amount of student loan debt doesn’t change anything. Baby Step 2 is where you pay off all debt except for your home. I hope you have a nice, large income with which to fight that big, nasty pile of student loan debt. Believe it or not, I’ve seen even worse situations. I’ve talked to people who went $200,000 into debt for a four-year degree in a field where they’ll make $50,000. That kind of thinking and behavior is ridiculous, but it’s out there. Whatever you do, don’t let this student loan debt hang around for years and years. You’ve got to get focused and intense about getting control of your money. That means living on a strict, basics-only monthly budget. After that, start throwing every nickel and dime you can scrape together and save toward those student loans as fast as possible.

* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Dave’s latest project, EveryDollar, provides a free online budget tool. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at


Your income is your largest wealth-building tool, Julie. You can’t save, and plan for the future, when all your money is flying out the door to pay back debt! —Dave

Issue #88

How does remaining in God’s Word make you free?

“In order to be free, we need to believe in the Lord,” says Emily, 12. Yes, that is where freedom begins. Freedom from spiritual death comes from believing in Christ alone as one’s savior. That is why Jesus called this a new birth. Like a physical birth, it happens in an instant. But learning how to walk and live in spiritual freedom requires a lifetime of learning and concentration. Jesus’ promised abundant life requires learning about him through his Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. True freedom is not doing our own thing. Rather, it’s communing with a holy God who knows more about us than we know about ourselves. Learning how to live in spiritual freedom reminds me of something written by David Foster Wallace: “The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you.” In our rebellion against God, we are suckers for all the things that promise life but can’t deliver. Slavery can be physical status, but it’s more common as a spiritual status. To illustrate this point, my wife made the following statement about the behavior of college students during spring break at South Padre Island, Texas: “I don’t see how extreme self impairment is fun.”

Artwork by Sophia Villarreal, 9 (Finalist is 2017 RGV Children’s Arts Festival) everything is going to go smoothly. Walking with God sometimes means losing. The irony is that even losing is winning when following the Lord. It you don’t believe this, take a look at the Jesus crucifixion.

Many people think of freedom negatively as freedom from something such as alcohol or drug addiction. However, freedom is also positive in that it’s freedom toward something.

Think about this: Jesus took abuse that we can’t even image. During his trials on the way to crucifixion, he was mocked, spit upon and whipped. As he hung on a Roman cross, it looked like total defeat. Yet, it was his moment of greatest triumph. On the third day, he rose from the dead forever victorious over death, shame and embarrassment.

“Knowing the truth, you can pray and worship him,” says Matthew, 9. “Knowing the truth will make you choose important decisions in your life.”

Memorize this truth: John 15:7 quoted previously.

Christians are free to worship and pray to God. Amazingly, the New Testament says every believer is a priest unto God (I Peter 2:9). Guess who sits in heaven as our high priest?

Ask this question: As a Christian, are you meditating in the Bible so that God’s Spirit can enable you to experience the abundant, overcoming life that is your inheritance in Christ?

Jesus said, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you,” (John 15:7).

Kids Talk About God is a syndicated column by journalist Carey Kinsolving. To access more columns and other free, Bible-based books, videos and artwork, please visit

If you’re a Christian who is drawing your life from Jesus by concentrating on what he said and did during his ministry, why wouldn’t your great high priest grant to you whatever you ask him?

To learn more about the RGV Children’s Arts Festival, please visit

As a functioning priest in God’s kingdom, your focus will be upon advancing his kingdom, not furthering your own agenda. Although Jesus’ kingdom remains hidden to most people, nevertheless, he is reigning and ruling from his throne in heaven right now. Someday, Jesus will descend upon this earth where he will establish his righteous, visible rule. “No one can stop me,” says Hadie, 11. “If you know the truth, you will be set free.” There is a sense of invincibility that comes from walking with God by remaining in his Word. After all, who can stop God? This doesn’t mean that

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


Valley Christian Magazine New Movie Spotlight:


It’s the song that brings ultimate hope to so many … often in the midst of life’s most challenging moments. Amazingly, the song was written in mere minutes by MercyMe lead singer Bart Millard. In reality, those lyrics took a lifetime to craft. Although he found faith at a young age, life wasn’t easy for Bart. He leaned into an active imagination and his love of music as escapes from a troubled home life. As he grew older, Bart turned to football in hopes of somehow connecting with his abusive father. But a career-ending injury—combined with the vision of a teacher who saw unlimited potential—set Bart on a musical pathway. Chasing a dream while running from broken relationships with his father and Shannon, his childhood sweetheart, Bart hits the road in an old, decrepit tour bus with his new band MercyMe—named for his grandmother’s favorite expression. With the guidance of a grizzled music-industry insider, the band begins a journey none of them could ever have imagined. Directed by the Erwin Brothers (October Baby, Moms’ Night Out, and Woodlawn), I CAN ONLY IMAGINE stars J. Michael Finley, Madeline Carroll, Trace Adkins, Priscilla Shirer, with Cloris Leachman and Dennis Quaid. A gripping reminder of the power of forgiveness, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE beautifully illustrates that no one is ever too far from God’s love—or from an eternal home in Heaven. 20

Issue #88


PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST is the story of two men. Luke, as a friend and physician, risks his life when he ventures into the city of Rome to visit Paul, who is held captive in Nero’s darkest, bleakest prison cell. But Nero is determined to rid Rome of Christians, and does not flinch from executing them in the grisliest ways possible. Before Paul’s death sentence can be enacted, Luke resolves to write another book, one that details the beginnings of “The Way” and the birth of what will come to be known as the church. Bound in chains, Paul’s struggle is internal. He has survived so much—floggings, shipwreck, starvation, stoning, hunger and thirst, cold and exposure—yet as he waits for his appointment with death, he is haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds. Alone in the dark, he wonders if he has been forgotten . . . and if he has the strength to finish well. Two men struggle against a determined emperor and the frailties of the human spirit in order to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spread their message to the world.


Jim Caviezel (THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST) James Faulkner (“Downton Abbey”) Olivier Martinez (S.W.A.T.) Joanne Whalley (“A.D. The Bible Continues”) John Lynch (THE SECRET GARDEN)

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6



Tom Weaver is the Senior Pastor at Logos Community Church [McAllen & Harlingen Locations]. Married to Selena and has 3 wonderful daughters. Follow Tom on Twitter: @ PastorTomWeaver Logos Community Church begun as a bible study led by Pastor Tom Weaver who desired to plant a church that would be faithful to preach the Gospel unashamedly and boldly; seeing the fringe of society come to a saving knowledge of Jesus; hearing, believing, and being discipled into faithful followers of Jesus.


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Issue #88



“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matt. 28:6


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